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Not so good hybrid work model? Resource losses and gains since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and job burnout among non-remote, hybrid, and remote employees
Stasiła-Sieradzka, Marta
Sanecka, Elżbieta
Turska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
job burnout
hybrid work model
remote work
conservation of resources
Objectives The COVID-19 pandemic contributing to the dissemination of alternative work models such as fully remote or hybrid work models. The present study focused on these 2 types of unplanned changes in the working environment. The conservation of resources theory, the first aim of this study was to examine the predictive role of resource losses and gains since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in job burnout. Moreover, the authors investigated how non-remote, remote, and hybrid employees differ in resource losses and gains and job burnout. Material and Methods A cross-sectional online comparative study was conducted a year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents provided sociodemographic data, reported their current work model, and completed validated measures of resource losses and gains and job burnout: the Conservation of Resources Evaluation and the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. Based on the data collected from 1000 working adults from the Polish population, the authors tested the differences in losses and gains of different categories of resources and job burnout components between the 3 groups of employees representing distinct working models, i.e., non-remote, hybrid, and remote. Results In general, the associations of losses and gains with job burnout subscales have been confirmed, regardless of the level of analysis of losses and gains. The authors’ findings indicated that hybrid workers experienced significantly higher resource losses and gains (both in general and in different domains) in comparison to non-remote and remote workers. In turn, non-remote employees scored significantly higher on disengagement, which is one of the job burnout components. Conclusions Hybrid workers experienced the highest levels of both resource losses and gains during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to non-remote and remote workers, suggesting that this form of working arrangement involves the greatest changes in different life domains, bringing both positive and negative consequences for the employee.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2023, 36, 2; 229-249
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Network of trust relationships in the remote work model
Wawrzynek, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
social network analysis
trust networks
work model
analiza sieci społecznościowych
sieci zaufania
model pracy
Purpose: The article aimed to identify differences in the density of the trust network of team members in different work models (on-site, hybrid, and remote) and to identify opportunities for building knowledge and innovation in such work models based on the trust there. The method of experiment and a social networks analysis (SNA) was used to achieve the goal. Design/methodology/approach: The research is based on an experiment as part of a strategic business simulation game. The participants of the investigation are MBA students. The variable in the experiment is the work model. In these three different situations, relationships developed in teams are identified. Based on the identified relationships, visualizations of the trust network were built. Findings: The research confirmed that the hybrid and remote work models minimize the number of trust ties between team members. The network of trust based on the identified relationships is less dense. The decline in confidence leads to the conclusion that a company's innovation and ability to generate new knowledge are now under threat based only on group resources. Research limitations/implications: Research is based on an experiment. The group subjected to the investigation is MBA students. The limited duration of the experiment may limit the formation of networks of trust (based on long-term, deep relationships). See also a summary. Practical implications: The results indicate apparent differences in the density of trust relations between the organization's participants in the three analyzed work models. This points directly to the need to adjust tools supporting the development of innovation and knowledge creation for remote work models, different from those known from traditional (on-site) work models. Originality/value: The study shows that trust relationships, e are more challenging to achieve in remote working conditions than in traditional work models. It gives managers guidelines on what tools (such as SNA) they can use to identify relationships between people in new work models.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2023, 169; 691--705
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Matematyczny model pracy powietrznego stołu koncentracyjnego typu FGX
Mathematical Model of the Fgx Type Compound Air Concentrating Table
Baic, I.
Szafarczyk, J.
Blaschke, W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
powietrzny stół koncentracyjny
ruch ziarn mineralnych
matematyczny model pracy kotwi
air concentrating tables
movement of mineral grains
mathematical work model
Nowe konstrukcyjne rozwiązania powietrznych stołów koncentracyjnych znajdują powszechne zastosowanie w Chinach oraz są badane i wykorzystywane w kilkunastu innych krajach w USA, RPA, Turcji, Mongolii, Brazylii, Indonezji i Rosji. W Polsce badania prowadzone są w Centrum Gospodarki Odpadami i Zarządzania Środowiskowego Instytutu Mechanizacji Budownictwa i Górnictwa Skalnego. Prace te pokazały możliwość efektywnego odkamieniania węgli kamiennych pochodzących z krajowych kopalń. Proces rozdziału ziarn wg gęstości na powietrznych stołach koncentracyjnych jest złożony technologicznie. Różni się od procesu wzbogacania na tradycyjnych stołach. Teoretyczne podstawy procesu nie byty dotychczas wystarczająco opracowane. Analizowano jedynie rozdział ziarn analogicznie do procesu klasyfikacji we wznoszącym sie strumieniu powietrza. Pierwszą próbę dokładniejszego opisu ruchu ziarn w nowych rozwiązaniach stołów koncentracyjnych podjął prof. He Jianing z Instytutu w Kunming (Yunan - Chiny). W artykule przytoczono rozważania nad siłami działającymi na ziarno mineralne spoczywające na płycie roboczej oraz na ziarno zawieszone w warstwie fluidalnej dotykające tylną płytę roboczą separatora. Wyprowadzono równania ruchu tych ziarn w płaszczyźnie pionowej prostopadłej do osi podłużnej płyty roboczej.
New construction solutions air concentrating tables are widely used in China and have been tested and used in several other countries. In Poland, the study has been conducted at the Institute of Mechanised Construction & Rock Mining - Center of Waste & Environmental Management. This work demonstrated the ability for the effective deshaling of hard coal from Polish coal mines. The process of particles' separation by air concentrating tables density is technologically complicated. In differs from the enrichment process on conventional tables. The theoretical basis of the process has not yet been sufficiently developed. We analysed only the grain distribution analogous to the classification process of the rising air stream. The first attempt to accurately describe the motion of particles in new construction solutions air concentrating tables were made by Professor He Jianing from the Institute in Kunming (Yunan - China). The article quoted reflections on the forces acting on the mineral grain resting on the table deck and grain suspended in a fluidized bed touching the back plate of a table deck. Moreover, there were derived equations of motion of particles in a vertical plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the table deck.
Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN; 2015, 90; 57-66
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba ujęcia modelu pracy pedagoga w kontekście środowiska szkolnego
An attempt to present the counselors work model in the context of the school environment
Bobik, Bogumiła
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
pedagog szkolny
pomoc psychologiczno-pedagogiczna
model pracy
propozycja klasyfikacji modeli pracy
school counselor
psychological and pedagogical support
work model
proposal for classification
of work models
Artykuł stanowi próbę prezentacji modelu pracy pedagoga szkolnego. Dokonano w nim przeglądu dotychczas opisanych w literaturze ujęć stylów i koncepcji pracy pedagoga szkolnego. Przyjęto teoretyczne założenie, że model jest pewnym obrazem rzeczywistości, możliwym jej kształtem. W przypadku pedagoga, w modelu chodzi o proces oddziaływań wychowawczych. Wynika on zawsze z istniejącej sytuacji szkolnej, zadań przypisanych pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej, potrzeb uczniów, rodziców i nauczycieli oraz środowiska wychowawczego. Wyodrębniono i opisano sześć modeli pracy pedagoga: opiekuna i społecznika, terapeuty, pedagoga kreatywnego, mentora dzieci i młodzieży, pragmatyka i koordynatora pracy edukacyjnej w szkole, pedagoga podejmującego działania interwencyjne. Przedstawione modele pracy mogą stanowić propozycję do efektywnego planowania działań podejmowanych w ramach pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej.
The article is an attempt to present the model of work of a school counselor. It reviews the approaches to the styles and concepts of school counselors work described so far in the literature. It was assumed that the model is a certain image of reality, its possible shape. In the case of the school counselors, the model refers to the process of educational interactions. It always results from the existing school situation, tasks assigned to the educational psychologist and school counselor, the needs of students, parents and teachers, and the educational environment. Six models of the pedagogue's work were distinguished and described: a tutor and social activist, therapist, creative educator, mentor of children and youth, a pragmatist and coordinator of educational work at school, and an interventionist pedagogue. The presented models of work may constitute a proposal for effective planning of activities undertaken as part of sychological and pedagogical support.
Kultura – Przemiany – Edukacja; 2020, 8; 65-75
Pojawia się w:
Kultura – Przemiany – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca socjalna z osadzonymi w więzieniach – realne założenie czy mglisty postulat?
Social work with prisoners – a real assumption or a postulate?
Jamroży, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
model pracy socjalnej z więźniami
zakład karny
społeczność lokalna
środowisko zamknięte
Social Work Model with prisoners
local community
closed environment
W obecnym polskim systemie pomocy społecznej i polityki penitencjarnej nie stworzono skutecznych i kompleksowych form wspierania więźniów odbywających wyroki pozbawienia wolności. Staje się to szczególnie zauważalne w kontekście licznych problemów, z jakimi zmagają się osadzeni. Można wśród nich wymienić śmierć bliskich osób (np. rodziców), rozpad rodziny, niechęć członków rodziny i przyjaciół do utrzymywania kontaktu z więźniem, złą kondycję psychiczną, poczucie bezradności, bierność, a także syndrom wyuczonej bezradności. Poważnym problemem w momencie opuszczenia zakładu karnego jest również zagrożenie bezdomnością, bezrobociem oraz ubóstwem. Obecnie te trudne sytuacje próbują rozwiązywać zawodowi kuratorzy sądowi. Ta instytucja jest jednakże niewydolna oraz nieefektywna. Pojawia się zatem potrzeba opracowania nowych, kompleksowych rozwiązań, które może zaoferować pomoc społeczna. Dzięki umiejscowieniu pracownika socjalnego w środowisku wychowawczym zakładu karnego i zastosowanii tzw. modelu pracy socjalnej z więźniami zaistniałaby możliwość wspierania osadzonych jeszcze w momencie odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności (w postaci działań bezpośrednich) oraz ich rodzin, przyjaciół, a także społeczności lokalnej, do której więzień po odbyciu kary powraca (działania pośrednie). Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wybranych problemów osadzonych, aktualnej specyfiki oddziaływania zawodowych kuratorów sądowych oraz teoretycznego modelu pracy socjalnej z więźniami w środowisku zamkniętym i ich rodzinami, przyjaciółmi, znajomymi, a także społecznością lokalną w środowisku otwartym.
In the current Polish system of social welfare and penitentiary policy, effective and comprehensive solutions that could support prisoners have yet to be created. This is particularly noticeable in relation to the numerous problems that the prisoners are forced to deal with. These include deaths of close relatives (eg. parents), family breakdown, reluctance to keep in contact with a prisoner, as previously declared by family members and friends, bad mental condition, feelings of helplessness, passivity, as well as helplessness syndrome. A serious problem at the time of being released from prison is also the threat of homelessness, unemployment and poverty. Currently,professional court probation officers are trying to solve these problematic situations. However, this institution is inefficient and ineffective. There is therefore a need for new, comprehensive solutions that can be offered by social assistance. By placing a social worker in a prison and applying the so-called The Social Work Model with prisoners better levels for support would be provided to prisoners even during the time of imprisonment (in the form of direct actions) and also to their families, friends, as well as the local community to which the discussed group would return (indirect actions). The aim of the article is to present selected problems of prisoners, current specifics of the impact of professional probation officers and the theoretical Social Work Model with prisoners in a closed environment and their families, friends, acquaintances and the local community in an open environment.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2018, 6, 1; 58-74
Pojawia się w:
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzenie coworkingowe w środowisku mieszkaniowym – studium przypadku
Coworking spaces in a housing environment – case study
Kuropka, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Wydział Architektury. Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego
przestrzenie coworkingowe
innowacyjne przestrzenie pracy
dzielnica Letnica w Gdańsku
pandemia Covid-19
zdalny model pracy
coworking spaces
innovative workspaces
Letnica district in Gdansk
Covid-19 pandemic
remote work model
W obliczu kolejnych fal pandemii wywołanych przez wirus Sars-CoV-2, zacierają się granice między pracą a domem. Innowacyjne przestrzenie pracy wydają się nowym kierunkiem, zarówno w architekturze biurowej, jak i w architekturze mieszkaniowej. W artykule omówiono zagadnienia przestrzeni coworkingowych w środowisku mieszkaniowym na nowo wybudowanych osiedlach: Nowa Letnica w Gdańsku oraz 33 Bond St. przy 300 Livingston Street w Brooklynie. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano metodę komparatywną z wykorzystaniem narzędzi ankietowych w postaci schematów oraz wykresów słupkowych i kołowych. Wyniki badań stanowią odpowiedź na potrzeby pracowników mających zdalny tryb pracy oraz są podpowiedzią dla współczesnego budownictwa przy projektowaniu stref coworkingowych na osiedlach mieszkaniowych w okresie postpandemicznym. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zapełnienie luki badawczej w zakresie aranżacji przestrzeni coworkingowych, które nie odpowiadają potrzebom użytkowników.
In the face of successive waves of the pandemic caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus, the boundaries between work and home are blurred. Innovative workspaces seem to be a new direction, both in office architecture and in residential architecture. The article concerns the issue of coworking spaces in the residential environment of newly built housing estates. Nowa Letnica in Gdansk and 33 Bond St. at 300 Livingston Street in Brooklyn. As a research method, a comparative method was used using survey tools in the form of diagrams and bar and pie charts. The research results are a response to the needs of employees who work remotely and are a hint for modern construction when designing co-working zones in housing estates in the post-pandemic period. The aim of this article is to fill the research gap in the field of arranging coworking spaces that do not meet the needs of users.
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe; 2022, 41; 39--49
Pojawia się w:
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic
Kacprowska, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
COVID-19 pandemic
model of remote work
employment number
The start of the COVID-19 virus epidemic is having an impact on radical changes in the labor market. The difficult economic situation is a challenge for employers, candidates and recruiters. In recent months, the recruitment market has seen a decline in the work forces, redundancy, and a reduction in salaries. As a result of this situation, some workplaces have used the remote work model. The possibility of remote work can be a good solution for many employees, but in some cases, it can be a significant inconvenience, especially for employees who have underage children and perform their work duties at home. Aim of the article is present positive and negative aspects of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research presented in the article was aimed at assessing changes in working conditions and starting remote work. The positive effects of changes in workplaces include saving time, adjusting work to personal needs, and work-life balance. The disadvantages of taking up remote work include lack of direct contact with co-workers, blurring the boundaries between private and professional life, maintaining a constant presence at work, lack of social ties and isolation were identified as the most significant obstacles to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the negative aspects of working remotely, the respondents more often declared their willingness to work remotely also after the end of the pandemic.
Civitas et Lex; 2021, 32, 4; 83-94
Pojawia się w:
Civitas et Lex
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Work at Home, Home at Work: Difficulties in Achieving Work–Life Balance in Selected European Countries
Polkowska, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
work-life balance
general family support model
dual earner support model
market-oriented model
work-to-home conflict
paternalistic-market model
The work-family balance is a state of globally assessed equilibrium in which labour resources enable employees to meet the requirements and expectations of the family, while family resources enable family members to meet the requirements and expectations of the work, making it possible to act effectively in both areas. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the problem of reconciling work and family life is of global reach (and particularly acute in Western societies). Also, to present differences between selected countries in this aspect. Our hypothesis assumes that, taking work-life balance into consideration, Poland is in the worst situation among these countries. Following Korpi’s classification, the countries we have selected for the analysis are: Germany, Belgium (examples of the general family support model), Sweden, Finland (the dual earner support model) and the United Kingdom (the market-oriented model). Although Poland is not present in Korpi’s classification, we include it in our analysis as an example of a different model, not mentioned by Korpi, namely, the paternalistic-market model.
Polish Sociological Review; 2016, 194, 2; 191-208
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Management of motivation of managers’ work at the enterprises of Ukraine: innovative aspects
Popadinets, Iryna
Andrusiv, Uliana
Galtsova, Olga
Bahorka, Mariia
Yurchenko, Natalia
Data publikacji:
management model
managers work
The purpose of the paper is to develop a model for managing the motivation of managers and ensure its effectiveness. The principles of formation of management model of managers’ work motivation which correspond to the universal system approach to management model of managers’ work motivation and define its basic functions are outlined: a) goal setting, b) assessment and forecasting of the state and efficiency, c) development and decision making, d) planning, e) organizational, f) communication and subordination, g) regulation of the management model of motivation of managers, h) control. The management model of managers’ work motivation of (MMMWM) is formalized in the form of a structural-logical scheme based on a systematic approach and decomposition, which reflects the interaction of subject and object in the process of forming and implementing a system of motivation of managers at the enterprise. The factors for achieving the set goals have been formed, which are divided into internal and external motivators for managing managers’ work motivation. The management model of managers’ work motivation which is presented by the following subsystems is offered: "X" – target subsystem (the management process of managers’ work motivation), "Y" – providing subsystem (factors of rational achievement of the goals), "XY" – providing subsystem (regulatory legal acts, resources), "Z" – management subsystem (reflects the implementation of the general functions of management work motivation on the basis of experience), which are characterized by parameters, indicators, criteria for managing the motivation of managers. According to the method of linear multiple regression, a system of equations was constructed to describe the economic-mathematical model of management motivation at oil and gas enterprises, which after the repeated experiments provided diagnostics of indicators before, during and after the implementation of management motivation model.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2021, 2 (29); 120-231
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Innowacyjny model „Nauka – Sztuka – Edukacja” w praktyce wczesnoszkolnego kształcenia plastycznego
Innovative model “Science – Art – Education” in the practice of early school art education
Gabzdyl, Jolanta
Aksman, Joanna
Kasáčová, Lenka
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
early childhood education
plastically gifted children
model and methodics of work in early school age
In the article the authors discuss the practical implementation of the model work with a plastically gifted child “Science – Art – Education”, founded at the end of 2013. As a result of implementation of the international research project. The resulting model, from the theoretical point of view, has been described in the scientific monograph edited by J. Aksman: Science – Art – Education. Innovative model of diagnosis, methods and forms of work and care for plastically gifted children. This model shows the importance of science in early school education through art, based on the innovative combination of art education and health education of children in grades 1–3 of primary school. The consequence of this combination is the intention of the authors of the project to shape life skills of the mentioned children. Theoretically reasoned innovative model Science – Art – Education (SAE) was extremely important but the initial stage of the work. Another one, which has now been adopted and which is described in the article – is associated with a wider than before application of this innovative model – with an attempt of its implementation in everyday practice of art lessons with pupils in early school age. This task involves a further, currently implemented on a research project The effectiveness of the model of work with a plastically gifted child “Science – Art – Education” in the three-year cycle of lessons (WPiNH/DS/5/2015) directed by J. Aksman. The attempts to further applications of the Innovative Model into daily teaching practice and forms of its popularization are very important and they are described in this article: – the creation by J. Aksman and J. Gabzdyl and publishing by Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM (Publishing House AFM) methodological studies in early school age and materials for students as well as teachers who have been currently participating in the model SAE under the guidance of J. Aksman in Województwo małopolskie (Lesser Poland Voivodeship); – the introduction of newer and newer appropriate contents to the educational programs of students majoring in Pedagogy at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Academy in Cracow; – training of professionally active teachers of Województwo małopolskie (Lesser Poland Voivodeship); – as well as training of scientific staff and students Educational faculty at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, implemented within the framework of international cooperation, including participation of J. Aksman and J. Gabzdyl in a research project Strategy in the education of art – the creation of new models and study materials for courses (KEGA č. 036UMB-4/2015) under the guidance of L. Kasáčová.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2016, 2; 185-206
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca oczami etyka. Perspektywa personalistyczna
Szostek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
work ethics
Biblical model of work
John Paul II’s personalistic view of work
error of economism with regard to work
kinds of work with regard to their results
etyka pracy
biblijny model pracy
personalistyczna koncepcja pracy Jana Pawła II
błąd ekonomizmu w traktowaniu pracy
rodzaje pracy ze względu na jej efekty
After a preliminary definition of work as employment for profit, a more profound sense of work is investigated, one that is personalistic, i.e. broader than Christian. The following questions are asked: Can work strengthen a person and uphold them in their personalistic humanness, and if so, how? Or, how can it belittle a person, blocking their personal development? Answers are sought in the Bible and in John Paul II’s anthropology of work. The ideal personalistic model of human work is recalled, one found in the Book of Genesis, with its four truth-postulates: (i) the permission to “subdue” the earth, i.e. to continue the act of creation, must not lead to the earth’s degradation; (ii) the cultivation of Eden must involve a harmonious coexistence of technology and nature; (iii) the mission of ruling the world must contribute to the development of humans; (iv) work must strengthen human relations.The second part of the article is devoted to selected contemporary problems and challenges connected with the ethos of work: a tendency to reduce the value of work to its mere economic effects (the error of capitalist economism, perservering now in globalization); unemployment, caused by technological development and a greater use of automata, which may lead to unacceptable exclusion of the unemployed from human communities.
Autor, wychodząc od definicji pracy jako działalności zarobkowej, sięga do korzeni pojęcia głębszych niż jej zarobkowy wymiar, przyjmuje za punkt wyjścia perspektywę personalistyczną, szerszą niż chrześcijańska, i stawia pytanie: „Czy i czym praca umacnia i buduje człowieka w jego osobowym człowieczeństwie, czym zaś go może pomniejszać, blokując jego osobowy rozwój?” Odpowiedzi szuka w przekazie biblijnym i antropologii pracy proponowanej przez Jana Pawła II. Przypomina personalistyczny (idealny) model ludzkiej pracy przedstawiony w Księdze Rodzaju i cztery zawarte w nim prawdy-postulaty: by zobowiązanie do „czynienia sobie ziemi poddaną”, czyli kontynuowania „dzieła tworzenia”, nie prowadziło do degradacji środowiska; by uprawiając „ogród Eden”, harmonijnie łączyć technikę z naturą; by misja panowania nad światem służyła rozwojowi samego człowieka i po czwarte, by praca budowała więzi międzyludzkie.W drugiej części artykułu autor omawia niektóre współczesne realne trudności i wyzwania związane z etosem pracy: skłonność do sprowadzania wartości pracy wyłącznie do jej ekonomicznych efektów (błąd kapitalistycznego ekonomizmu kontynuowany dziś w ramach procesu globalizacji); bezrobocie wynikające z postępu naukowo-technicznego i zastępowania człowieka przez roboty, grożące niedającym się zaakceptować wykluczaniem bezrobotnych ze wspólnoty ludzkiej.
Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury; 2015, 27
Pojawia się w:
Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Accident at work as an indicator supporting the decision making process
Strzelecka, Agnieszka
Pytel-Kopczyńska, Marzena
Droppa, Milan
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
accident at work
cost of benefits due to accidents at work
space-time model
wypadek przy pracy
model czasowo przestrzenny
Identification of trends of the examined phenomenon plays a major role in taking decisions and allows conducting a deeper analysis of phenomena connected with the shaping of proper working conditions. One of the result indicators in the OSH system is the accident rate, whose existence is the result of a combination of various events. Seeking tangible economic benefits, decision makers in business entities who wish to improve activities protecting health and life of employees, pay great attention to using quantitative methods and drawing conclusions from them. This is conditioned by the fact that the analysis of the economic aspects of accidents is connected to a large extent with the cost of benefits the employer incurs for the benefit of accident victims. Therefore, the main goal of the article is to examine what impact on the cost of benefits due to accidents at work is exerted by such factors as: the number of related benefits, persons injured in accidents at work depending on the consequences and the number of days of inability to work caused by these accidents. Furthermore, this paper shows changes in costs of accident benefits of persons receiving those benefits due to inability to work caused by accident in business. In order to achieve this, it is proposed to present an econometric analysis based on the cross-section-time data with the dynamics of considered variables in voivodeships in Poland being examined. The study uses the annual data for the years 2010-2017. The data come from the CSO publications.
System Safety : Human - Technical Facility - Environment; 2019, 1, 1; 85-95
Pojawia się w:
System Safety : Human - Technical Facility - Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mathematical model of choice of the switcher’s optimal operating mode which work on the system of two units on the basis of fuel rate diminishing criterion
Мodel' vybora optimal'nykh rezhimov raboty manevrovykh teplovozov, kotorye rabotajut po sisteme dvukh edinic na osnove kriterija snizhenija raskhoda topliva
Falendish, A.
Gatchenko, V.
Beletsky, Y.
Data publikacji:
Komisja Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
mathematical model
energy expense
work optimization
diesel engine
diesel locomotive
operating mode
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa; 2012, 12, 4
Pojawia się w:
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dinamicheskaja matematicheskaja modeli gidroimpul'snogo vibroudarnogo ustrojjstva dlja radial'nogo vibrotochenija s vstroennym sharovym generatorom impul'sov davlenija parametricheskogo tipa
Dynamic and mathematic models of hydroimpulsive vibroshock device for radial vibroturning with built-in ball-shaped generator of pulses of pressure of selfreactance type
Obertykh, R.
Slabkiy, A.
Data publikacji:
Komisja Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
integrated pulse generator pressure
block diagram
work flow
mathematical model
dynamic model
model fluid
Considered structural design chart of hydropulse device for radial vibroturning with integrated pulse generator pressure (GIT) based on the block diagram and sequence diagram workflow device developed his dynamic and mathematical models in which hydraulic link provided visco-elastic fluid model (energy), composed of the instantaneous elastic and dissipative elements (body Kelvin-Vogt).
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa; 2013, 15, 4
Pojawia się w:
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Człowiek jako obiekt badań humanistycznej pedagogiki pracy
The Man as an Object of the Study of Humanistic Pedagogy of Labour
Furmanek, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Spraw Społecznych
labour education
humanistic model of the cognition
This study refers to the interpretation of the basic categories of educational sciences, i.e. Pedagogy of Labour. From the perspective of the theory and the research in the field of education it is important to describe both the object of study and the content, processes, methods, criteria that determine boundaries of human knowledge of that subject, and the source of knowledge about the subject of the research. The subject of this paper shall be considered as important in both theoretical, practical and existential way.
Labor et Educatio; 2014, 2; 9-30
Pojawia się w:
Labor et Educatio
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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