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Water quality status of the Baltic Sea coastal zone - body of sea between Darlowo and Leba Ports
Stan jakościowy wody bałtyckiej w strefie przybrzeżnej pomiędzy Darłowem i Łebą
Trojanowski, J.
Trojanowska, C.
Moczulska, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
water quality
quality status
Baltic Sea
coastal zone
marine body
Darlowo village
Leba village
coastal sea water
sea water
pollution indicator
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 2001, 05
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Shaping changes in the ecological status of watercourses within barrages with hydropower schemes : literature review
Tomczyk, Paweł
Wiatkowski, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
hydropower plants
ecological status
water quality
environmental impact
aquatic organisms
Hydropower use of watercourses has tangible consequences for the environment, society and economy. Based on a literature review and their own research, the authors present current data on changes in the ecological status of waters within run-of-river and reservoir hydropower plants, i.e. changes in biological elements (benthic macroinvertebrates, plankton, ichthyofauna, macrophytes), as well as hydromorphological and physicochemical changes. Previous researchers have noted that the impact of hydropower use of rivers on ecological status of those rivers is extensive, consisting of, among others, changes in species structure and populations of macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates, plankton and ichthyofauna (positive as well as negative changes), algal blooms due to increased turbidity, constrained migration of water organisms, changes in temperature within hydroelectric power plants, the phenomenon of supersaturation, eutrophication, changes in hydrological conditions (e.g., increased amplitudes of diurnal water levels and their consequent annual reduction), and increased erosion below the damming and deposition of bottom sediments on the damming barriers. In addition to such changes in ecological status, hydropower use also has a visible impact on socio-economic conditions (e.g., living standards of the population) and the environment (e.g., quality of bottom sediments and biodiversity). The article offers an assessment of the impact of hydropower use of rivers on ecological status (biological, hydromorphological, physicochemical elements and hydrological conditions of such rivers), society, economy and environment; it also proposes a research scheme to assess the impact of hydropower structures.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2020, 46, 4; 78-94
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Shallow Groundwater Pollution Index Around the Location of Griyo Mulyo Landfill (Jabon Landfill) in Jabon District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Tangahu, Bieby Voijant
Kartika, Anak Agung Gde
Sambodho, Kriyo
Marendra, Sheilla Megagupita Putri
Arliyani, Isni
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
pollution index
Jabon Landfill
water quality status
The leachate coming from the landfill is a serious problem. This is because the leachate water can contaminate the wells of the residents around the landfill. This research was conducted at Jabon Landfill located in Jabon District of Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. Jabon Landfill has been operating since 2003 with a controlled landfill system that has triggered environmental risks due to the leachate output. The purpose of this study was to determine the classification of the shallow groundwater quality status based on the pollution index (PI) around Jabon Landfill at a distance of around 250 meters, 500 meters and 1,000 meters from the landfill. The pollution index was determined by analyzing the pollutant concentration consisting of these following parameters: pH, BOD, COD and Fe. The results of the analysis show that the pH parameter had a higher value than the pH at Jabon Landfill of 7.2–7.5. The pH at Jabon Landfill was 6.35. The Fe parameter shows that the value of 1.694 in the groundwater well closest to Jabon Landfill and the wells further away indicates that the Fe concentration was lower for the latter, namely 0.081 at a distance of up to 200 meters. On the basis of the Pollution Index, the highest value was 5.45 at Well 7 is located 196 m from Jabon Landfill. Meanwhile, the well furthest from Jabon Landfill at a distance of 1,000 m showed a lightly polluted status with a Pollution Index of 1.91. The further the location of the well away from Jabon Landfill, the Pollution Index value tended to decrease. This means that the pollution status generally improves. Overall, the pollution status of the 18 wells shows that 2 wells are moderately polluted, 15 wells are lightly polluted and 1 well is in good condition.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2021, 22, 3; 199-210
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monitoring obszarów chronionych Dolnej Wisły
Monitoring of protected areas of the Lower Vistula River
Szatten, D. A.
Czerebiej, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
monitoring wód powierzchniowych płynących
jednolita część wód
jakość wód
potencjał ekologiczny
stan chemiczny
Dolna Wisła
obszary chronione
monitoring of surface waters–inland waters
surface water bodies
quality of waters
ecological status
chemical status
Lower Vistula River
protected areas
anthropogenic pressure
Celem badań było określenie ilościowej i jakościowej oceny stanu wód na obszarach chronionych dolnego odcinka Wisły. Badania obejmowały analizę sieci monitoringu wód powierzchniowych płynących w zlewni Dolnej Wisły w cyklu wodnym 2010-2015. Podmiot badań stanowiła Dolna Wisła na odcinku od Zbiornika Włocławskiego (km 675) do ujścia rzeki do Zatoki Gdańskiej (km 941). Do najważniejszych rezultatów przeprowadzonych badań zaliczyć można: analizę kompletności sieci monitoringu wód Dolnej Wisły w świetle obowiązujących aktów prawa krajowego i europejskiego oraz dokonanie kwantyfikacji osiągniętych ocen stanu / potencjału ekologicznego oraz stanu chemicznego. Wyniki mają służyć racjonalnemu gospodarowaniu wodami w dorzeczu, rozpoznaniu presji ze strony gospodarki komunalnej, przemysłu, rolnictwa oraz presji hydromorfologicznej. Zakres (ilościowy i jakościowy) sieci monitoringowej wód powierzchniowych Dolnej Wisły jest wystarczający do określenia ich stanu, zgodnie z aktualnymi wymaganiami prawa.
The main aim of the research was to determine the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the condition of surface waters in the protected areas of the Lower Vistula River. The research included the analysis of the surface water monitoring network in the Lower Vistula catchment area in the water management cycle 2010-2015. The research subject was Lower Vistula on the section from the Wloclawek Reservoir (km 675) to the estuary of the river to the Gdańsk Bay (km 941). The most important results of the conducted research include: the analysis of the completeness of the Lower Vistula water monitoring network in the light of the existing Polish and European laws and the quantification of achieved assessments of ecological status / potential and chemical status. The results can be used for the rational management of basin’s water, recognizing the pressure from the municipal utilities, industry, agriculture and the hydromorphological pressure. The range (quantitative and qualitative) of the surface water monitoring network of the Lower Vistula is sufficient to determine their state, in accordance with the current requirements of the law.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2018, 19, 1; 19-24
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktywnosc alkalicznej fosfatazy na tle chemicznych i biologicznych wskaznikow eutrofizacji wybranych jezior Pomorza Zachodniego
Siwek, H
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
aktywnosc enzymatyczna
fosfataza zasadowa
wskazniki jakosci
wskazniki biologiczne
stan troficzny
jakosc wody
wskazniki chemiczne
Pomorze Zachodnie
enzyme activity
alkaline phosphatase
quality index
biological index
trophic status
water quality
chemical index
West Pomeranian region
W wodach czterech jezior Pomorza Zachodniego badano kinetyczne parametry określające aktywność alkalicznej fosfatazy (APA). We wszystkich badanych jeziorach APA była wyższa w warstwie naddennej w porównaniu z warstwa powierzchniową, szybkość maksymalna reakcji hydrolizy związków organicznych fosforu katalizowanej przez fosfatazy była ponad dwa razy wyższa w warstwie naddennej. Największą szybkość maksymalną (vmax) i najniższe wartości stałej Michaelisa-Mentcn (KM) odnotowano w wodach jezior Dołgie Myśliborskie i Zaborsko, w których występowały największe letnie braki fosforu, które fitoplankton mógł kompensować przez wzrost produkcji enzymów.
Kinetic parameters of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) were studied in waters of the four lakes in Western Pomerania. APA was higher in near-bottom waters in all the lakes, maximum rate of the hydrolysis of organic phosphate compounds was over twice higher than in the surface waters. The highest maximum rate (vmax) and the lowest Michaelis-Menten constant (KM) values were observed in surface waters of Dołgie Myśliborskic and Zaborsko Lakes, where the strongest summer phosphorus depletion occurred. Phytoplancton could compensate their phosphorus deficiency by increasing enzyme production.
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 2006, 515; 357-363
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Actual Status Assessment and Prediction of the Musi River Water Quality, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Rahutami, Syntia
Said, Muhammad
Ibrahim, Eddy
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
heavy metals
pollution index
quality status
water pollution
Water pollution in rivers is still a crucial problem for the countries that use river water as the primary water source. This study aimed to determine the water quality of the Musi river and the content of heavy metals in water, sediment and mussels as well as to predict the water quality of the Musi river in the next five years. The water samples were taken from 18 stations (sampling points) from upstream to downstream to be checked physically, chemically and biologically. Prediction of the river water quality was made using the QUAL2Kw software. The research results show that the Musi River water is categorized as lightly polluted with concentrations of TSS and DO that have passed the threshold. The heavy metals in river water, such as Pb and Cr have also passed the quality standard. The Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations are pretty high in the sediment. In turn, in mussels, the metals measured were Fe, Cu, and Zn. The prediction results reveal that several values of the river quality parameters will pass the threshold value with the same pattern tendency from each station.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 10; 68--79
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Materia organiczna jako ważny element stopnia zanieczyszczenia małych cieków na przykładzie potoku Osówka
The organic matter as an important factor of the contamination level in the small watercourse based on Osówka stream
Raczyńska, M
Machula, S
Raczyński, M
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
materia organiczna
jakość wód
zlewnia zalesiona
stan ekologiczny
organic matter
water quality
forested catchment
ecological status
Materia organiczna stanowi ważne źródło energii w ekosystemach wód płynących. Do jej rozkładu zużywane są duże ilości tlenu rozpuszczonego, co w przypadku małych cieków może prowadzić do zbyt dużego zużycia tlenu, a w konsekwencji nawet do ich degradacji. Przykładem takiego małego cieku jest Osówka, który z uwagi na swoje położenie (w północnej części Szczecina) i otoczenie (lasy bukowe) przyjmuje duże ilości materii organicznej. Jest to silnie zmodyfikowany antropogenicznie ciek na Pomorzu Zachodnim, płynący na terenie zespołu przyrodniczo krajobrazowego "Dolina Siedmiu Młynów i źródła strumienia Osówka" znajdującego się w granicach administracyjnych miasta Szczecina (województwo zachodniopomorskie). Badania mające na celu określenie obciążenia wód Osówki materią organiczną prowadzono w roku 2009. Stwierdzono, że zawartość materii organicznej w wodach cieku Osówka zmieniała się sezonowo, a jej ilości nie pogarszały jakości wody, wpływając na możliwości produkcyjne cieku i podnosiły bioróżnorodność organizmów tam występujących. Dało się również zauważyć wpływ temperatury na szybkość rozkładu materii organicznej.
The inanimate organic matter is an important source of energy in the flowing water ecosystems. For its decomposition a large amounts of dissolved oxygen is consumed, which in the case of small watercourses can lead to too high oxygen consumption and consequently even to their degradation. As an example of such small watercourse is Osówka stream, which due to its location (in the northern part of Szczecin) and surroundings (beech forest) absorbs a large amount of organic matter. It is a considerably anthropogenically modified watercourse in Western Pomerania, flowing in the area of the landscape and nature protected complex “Valley of the Seven Mills and the source of the Osówka stream” located within the administrative boundaries of Szczecin (Western Pomeranian Province). Scientific studies that determined the weight-load of organic matter in the water of Osówka stream were carried out in 2009. It was found that the content of organic matter in waters of Osówka stream had changed seasonally, and the amount of organic matter did not worsened the quality of water, but it actually affected the production capacity of the watercourse as well as it raised up the biological variety of organisms that occur there. The influence of temperature on the rate of decomposition process of the organic matter was also noted.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2012, 31; 91-100
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klasyfikacja stanu przybrzeżnych wód morskich na Ukrainie na przykładzie Morza Azowskiego w rejonie Mariupola
Classification of the State of narine coastal waters in Ukraine in the example of the Sea of Azov in the Mariupol Region
Neverova-Dziopak, E.
Dan, O.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
Morze Azowskie
ścieki chłodnicze
ścieki technologiczne
ocena stanu wód
ocena oddziaływania na środowisko
wskaźnik jakości wody
wskaźnik zanieczyszczenia wody
Sea of Azov
cooling wastewater
technological waste water
water status assessment
environmental impact assessment
Water Quality Index
Water Pollution Index
Integrated Ecological State Index
Morze Azowskie jest najmniejszym i najpłytszym morzem na świecie o małym zasoleniu. Takie właściwości powodują jego podatność na degradację pod wpływem działalności antropogenicznej. Jednym z głównych źródeł zanieczyszczeń Morza Azowskiego jest huta „Azovstal” w Mariupolu (Ukraina). Negatywny wpływ huty jest związany przede wszystkim z dużą ilością odprowadzanych do morza ścieków chłodniczych i technologicznych. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki oceny oddziaływania ścieków z huty na jakość wody morskiej i sytuację ekologiczną w strefie ich odprowadzania, dokonanej na podstawie metod stosowanych w Ukrainie oraz obowiązujących standardów jakości wód powierzchniowych. Kompleksową ocenę dokonano na podstawie wartości trzech wskaźników jakości wody morskiej – wskaźnika jakości wody (WJW), wskaźnika zanieczyszczenia wody (WZW) oraz zintegrowanego wskaźnika stanu ekologicznego (ZWSE), a także z uwzględnieniem tak zwanej zasady sumowania. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonej oceny wykazano, że odprowadzanie ścieków z huty „Azovstal” prowadzi do znacznego wzrostu stopnia zanieczyszczenia wód w strefie przybrzeżnej Morza Azowskiego, co stanowi zagrożenie ekosystemu morskiego i ogranicza wszystkie rodzaje użytkowania wody.
The Sea of Azov is the smallest and shallowest sea in the world with low salinity. Such properties determine its susceptibility to degradation due to anthropogenic activities. The Azovstal Iron & Steel Works in Mariupol (Ukraine) is one of the main sources of pollution of the Azov Sea. Adverse impact of the steelworks is associated primarily with the large amount of technological and cooling wastewater discharged into the sea. The paper presents the impact assessment results of wastewater discharge on the sea water quality and the ecological conditions in the discharge zone. The assessment was performed using local Ukrainian methodologies as well as applicable surface water quality standards. The comprehensive assessment was based on the three numerical integrated indicators of sea water quality: the Water Quality Index (WJW), the Water Pollution Index (WZW), the Integrated Ecological State Index (ZWSE), and the so called principle of aggregation. Based on the assessment results it was demonstrated that the wastewater discharge from the Azovstal Iron & Steel Works leads to significant increase in water pollution in the coastal zone which brings threat to the marine ecosystem and limits all types of water consumption.
Ochrona Środowiska; 2018, 40, 3; 29-34
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Phytoplankton and the physicochemical background in an assessment of the ecological and trophic conditions in vendace-type lakes
Napiorkowska-Krzebietke, A.
Stawecki, K.
Pyka, J.P.
Zdanowski, B.
Zebek, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
water quality
ecological status
phytoplankton biomass
ecological condition
trophic condition
coregonid fish
This study focused on the phytoplankton and environment relationships as well as on the ecological and trophic conditions of lakes inhabited by coregonid fish. Studies were carried out in deep and stratified vendace-type lakes called Lake Pluszne and Lake Łańskie (the Olsztyn Lake District, north-eastern Poland) in 2007-2008. Ecological and trophic conditions were determined on the basis of the phytoplankton multi-metric PMPL and Trophic State Index. Both lakes were characterized by a similar thermal and mictic regime, with the occurrence of hypolimnetic oxygen deficits. They were classified as hydrocarbonate-calcium type and medium-sized eutrophicated water bodies. According to the integrated trophy assessment, proposed in this research, the final Trophic State Index TSIAV indicated meso-eutrophy of both lakes, although the phytoplankton-based PMPL indicated that the ecological potential in Lake Łańskie was good and less than good - due to large cyanobacteria biomasses - in Lake Pluszne. The actual loads of phosphorus and nitrogen significantly exceeded permissible levels, especially in Lake Łańskie (5-fold at the most of the P content), at similar morphometric and sedimentation conditions in both lakes. However, more intensive water-exchange rate and more favorable conditions for phosphorus runoff in Lake Łańskie could limit the phytoplankton growth, especially cyanobacteria. Summing up, better oxygen conditions and less abundant phytoplankton suggested that Lake Łańskie had more suitable conditions for coregonids during the surveyed period than Lake Pluszne, where the vendace biomass has recently decreased drastically.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 1; 159-172
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Phytoplankton and the physicochemical background in an assessment of the ecological and trophic conditions in vendace-type lakes
Napiorkowska-Krzebietke, A.
Stawecki, K.
Pyka, J.P.
Zdanowski, B.
Zebek, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
water quality
ecological status
phytoplankton biomass
ecological condition
trophic condition
coregonid fish
This study focused on the phytoplankton and environment relationships as well as on the ecological and trophic conditions of lakes inhabited by coregonid fish. Studies were carried out in deep and stratified vendace-type lakes called Lake Pluszne and Lake Łańskie (the Olsztyn Lake District, north-eastern Poland) in 2007-2008. Ecological and trophic conditions were determined on the basis of the phytoplankton multi-metric PMPL and Trophic State Index. Both lakes were characterized by a similar thermal and mictic regime, with the occurrence of hypolimnetic oxygen deficits. They were classified as hydrocarbonate-calcium type and medium-sized eutrophicated water bodies. According to the integrated trophy assessment, proposed in this research, the final Trophic State Index TSIAV indicated meso-eutrophy of both lakes, although the phytoplankton-based PMPL indicated that the ecological potential in Lake Łańskie was good and less than good - due to large cyanobacteria biomasses - in Lake Pluszne. The actual loads of phosphorus and nitrogen significantly exceeded permissible levels, especially in Lake Łańskie (5-fold at the most of the P content), at similar morphometric and sedimentation conditions in both lakes. However, more intensive water-exchange rate and more favorable conditions for phosphorus runoff in Lake Łańskie could limit the phytoplankton growth, especially cyanobacteria. Summing up, better oxygen conditions and less abundant phytoplankton suggested that Lake Łańskie had more suitable conditions for coregonids during the surveyed period than Lake Pluszne, where the vendace biomass has recently decreased drastically.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Macroalgae fouling community as quality element for the evaluation of the ecological status in Vela Luka Bay, Croatia
Mrcelic, G.J.
Sliskovic, M.
Antolic, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
fouling community
quality element
ecological status
coastal water
fouling organism
artificial habitat
Vela Luka Bay
One year qualitative and quantitative study of communities of three major taxonomic groups has been carried out at test panles placed in the upper infarlittoral zone of coastal area of Vela Luka Bay, Croatia. A list of 44 taxa was recorded. Chaetomorpha sp., Ulva sp., Fosliella farinosa, Sphacelaria cirrosa, Polysiphonia scopulorum were the most frequent dominant taxa. Among 27 algal taxa with noticeable presence only three were classified as ESG (Ecological State Groups) I. Low diversity and species richness together with massive presence of the green algae (as Ulva sp.) and negligible presence of ESG I taxa, may lead to erroneous conclusion that Vela Luka Bay is eutrophicated area. Low values of biomass and R/P (Rhodophyceae by Phaeophyceae ratio) Index together with dominance of Phaeophyta also support conclusion that there is no negative impact of nutrient enrichment on macrophyta fouling community in Vela Luka Bay.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2012, 81, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Preliminary assessment of the eutrophication status of selected areas in the Polish sector of the Baltic Sea according to the EU Water Framework Directive
Lysiak-Pastuszak, E.
Osowiecki, A.
Filipiak, M.
Olszewska, A.
Sapota, G.
Woron, J.
Krzyminski, W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
ecological quality status
European Union
Water Framework Directive
Baltic Sea
The implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive required a number of tasks to be fulfilled: classifying the various water bodies into different types, defining reference conditions for each of the types and assessing their ecological quality status – this last is based on biological, hydromorphological and physicochemical quality elements of the ecosystem. The paper presents an attempt to estimate reference values in selected areas of Polish coastal and transitional waters as well as in an open sea area following WFD principles. The preliminary eutrophication assessment showed all the assessed areas to be eutrophication problem areas.
Oceanologia; 2006, 48, 2
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena stanu wód podziemnych w kontekście wymogów raportowania do Komisji Europejskiej
Groundwater status assessment in context of reporting requirements to the European Commission
Kuczyńska, A.
Palak-Mazur, D.
Kostka, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
ocena stanu jednolitych części wód podziemnych
stan wód
jakość wód podziemnych
ramowa dyrektywa wodna
groundwater body assessment
water status
groundwater quality
Water Framework Directive
Przystąpienie Polski do UE i implementacja Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej (2000/60/WE) do krajowego systemu prawnego znacząco zmieniło tryb i zakres planowania działań w gospodarce wodnej oraz oceny ich realizacji. Akcentowany w RDW zintegrowany i dynamiczny sposób łącznego traktowania zasobów wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych, ich użytkowania oraz środowiska ich występowania utrwalił i rozwinął dotychczas stosowane procedury monitorowania i oceny stanu wód. Procedury te mają prowadzić do osiągnięcia racjonalnie uzasadnionej równowagi między celami środowiskowymi wyznaczonymi do osiągnięcia w jednolitych częściach wód podziemnych (JCWPd) a zaspokojeniem potrzeb wodnych użytkowników. Wymagało to opracowania rozszerzonej metodyki oceny stanu wód podziemnych, wykorzystującej własne doświadczenia oraz wytyczne i poradniki Komisji Europejskiej, co zostało wykonane i wdrożone przez Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w 2013 r. na zamówienie Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska i sfinansowane ze środków NFOŚiGW. Metodyka analizuje potrzeby wodne priorytetowych użytkowników wód podziemnych przez testy klasyfikacyjne, rozpatrujące główne elementy charakterystyki wód podziemnych i potrzeb ich użytkowników, w tym ekosystemów lądowych zależnych od wód podziemnych. Każdy z dziewięciu testów oceny stanu JCWPd kończy się cząstkową oceną stanu dobrego lub słabego wód podziemnych. Końcowa ocena stanu JCWPd uwzględnia wynik wszystkich testów, co oznacza, że wystarczy jeden test zakończony wynikiem negatywnym, aby stan badanej JCWPd uznać za słaby.
The accession of Poland to the European Union and implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/WE) into the Polish legal system has significantly changed the course and scope of national water management and assessment of water resources. The concept of integrated and dynamic way of treating groundwater and surface waters and their position in the environment, emphasized in the WFD, has strengthened and enhanced the already applied procedures for groundwater monitoring and status assessment. These procedures aim at achieving sensibly justified and well-founded balance between environmental objectives defined for groundwater bodies and water needs required by all types of water users. This required establishment of a new, holistic methods for assessing groundwater body status based on previous national experiences and new EU guidelines and requirements. The new methods for assessing groundwater body status in terms of its quality and quantity were developed and implemented by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute in 2013. The project was commissioned by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The methods accounts groundwater needs of priority water users through nine classification tests which investigate groundwater characteristics and dependencies between groundwater and its receptors, including surface waters and groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems. Each of nine classification tests can result in either good or poor status and the final groundwater body status assessment is a product of all tests, which means that a negative result of at least one test can decide of poor status of a given groundwater body.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2016, 466; 179--192
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of the City of Przemyśl on the Quality of Water in the San River
Kaleta, Jadwiga
Puszkarewicz, Alicja
Papciak, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
ecological status
region of Przemyśl
quality indications
The purpose of this paper was to assess the influence of the city of Przemyśl on the quality of water in the San River. The water analysis carried out by the Voivodeship Environmental Protection Inspector in Rzeszów as part of the operational monitoring in 2014 and in 2017 was used in the study. The concentrations of selected physicochemical indicators determined in two measurement and control points located above and below the city of Przemyśl were taken into account. For each water quality indicator, the minimum and maximum values were determined and the arithmetic averages from the research period were calculated. In addition, the regularly performed indicators were subjected to a detailed statistical analysis. Box plot graphs show the extreme values, the median and the interquartile range. Water quality has been assigned to the appropriate class and category of surface waters. Selected specific pollutants and priority substances in the river water were also analysed. Only the concentration of benzo(a) pyrene at the measuring points did not comply with the environmental quality standards. It was found that the city of Przemyśl has a small influence on the quality of water in the San River. Although there was a deterioration of water quality at the measurement and control point below the city, its class and category did not change.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 1; 76-83
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of ecological status of surface waters in the Bystrzyca river Lublin
Grzywna, A.
Jóźwiakowski, K.
Gizińska-Górna, M.
Marzec, M.
Mazur, A.
Obroślak, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
ecological status
Bystrzyca river
quality indicators
The quality of surface water in watercourses in the region of Lublin agglomeration was studied in 2012–2014. Biological and chemical indicators of the study for various sampling sites were detected and the resulting values of the indicators were processed statistically. Rivers characterized by small size and the flow and modification of the riverbed. The resulting low values of macrophyte river index and infusorial index pointed to a poor quality of surface waters. Chemical indicators of the quality of surface waters reached low values, only BOD and phosphates reached high values. The river is located outside the city and it is characterized by moderate potential ecological (III quality class), and the river within Lublin is insufficiently potential ecological (IV quality class). Statistical analysis showed high variability index values between the studied positions.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2016, 17, 5; 203-207
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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