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Compliance and its contributions to safety at work
Ramirez Barbosa, Paula Andrea
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
safety and health at work
Labour compliance is essential to protect workers’ rights and promote sustainable, responsible and effective business development. It necessitates continuous preparation of preventive compliance reports on occupational risks, usually requiring studies and their timely updates, risk analysis, training oriented resource management, and training of workers and managers. Greater self-regulation, such as compliance, can help mitigate risk of penal sanctions for individuals who fail to comply with risk prevention regulations, seriously endangering health and safety at work. A robust and effective compliance programme in this area aims to ensure legal and contractual obligations are met, particularly with respect to protecting the life and health of workers. Compliance can also bolster company success, minimise reputational damage for corporations, avoid payment of hefty fines and suspension of permits and licenses that would halt operations, among others.
Ius Novum; 2023, 17, 3 ENG; 47-56
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca na wysokości - wymagania prawne i trudności z ich wdrożeniem w praktyce
Work at height - legal requirements and difficulties with their implementation in practice
Lipowicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa
praca na wysokości
przepis prawny
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
work at height
legal regulation
occupational health and safety
W pracy przedstawiono przegląd zapisów z wybranych aktów prawnych, z których interpretacją oraz wdrożeniem najczęściej pojawiają się problemy podczas pracy na wysokości na budowie. Tego typu trudności mogą powodować paraliż decyzyjny lub zastosowanie przepisu w sposób, który nie prowadzi do poprawy bezpieczeństwa, a wręcz przeciwnie - generuje chaos. Przeprowadzane w artykule analizy uzupełniono o przykłady, które pozwalają na lepsze dostrzeżenie problemu, a w rezultacie uzyskanie jego właściwego rozwiązania. Pracę wieńczą wnioski.
The paper presents an overview of provisions from selected legal acts, with the interpretation and implementation of which most often problems arise when working at height on a construction site. Such difficulties can cause paralysis in decisions or the application of a rule in a way that does not lead to an improvement in safety, on the contrary - generates chaos. The analyzes carried out in the article have been supplemented with examples that allow for better recognition of the problem and, as a result, for obtaining its proper solution. The work is crowned with conclusions.
Przegląd Budowlany; 2022, 93, 9-10; 113--116
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Budowlany
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of technical, organizational and human factors on accident rate of small-sized enterprises
Niciejewska, Marta
Idzikowski, Adam
Lestyánszka-Škurková, Katarína
Data publikacji:
occupational health and safety
occupational hazards
small-sized enterprises
technical and organizational factors
human factor
accidents at work
The paper focuses on the analysis of the impact of technical, organizational and human factors on accident rate in small-sized enterprises. The research was carried out using the authors’ questionnaire. The results were verified using the method of direct interview with elements of observation. The results were compared with the trends prevailing in enterprises of EU countries. The respondents, i.e. production company workers, indicate technical factors as those which most significantly affect the occurrence of accidents at work. However, the assessment of the factors changes with the age of the respondents. Older workers, more often than younger employees, indicate the ones related to man or work organization as the most important factors affecting accidents at work and, consequently, the level of occupational safety. The presented results are a part of a larger whole project the authors of this paper are working on.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2021, 2 (29); 139-144
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie środowiska pracy osób niepełnosprawnych aktywnych zawodowo przez pracodawców na otwartym rynku pracy
Shaping the work environment of economically active people with disabilities by employers on the open labor market
Walczak, Małgorzata
Niciejewska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
osoby niepełnosprawne aktywne zawodowo
otwarty rynek pracy
warunki pracy
health and safety at work
economically active people with disabilities
open labour market
working conditions
Osoby niepełnosprawne są grupą, która coraz częściej zatrudniana jest nie tylko w zakładach pracy chronionej ale również na otwartym rynku pracy. Kształtowanie bezpiecznych i ergonomicznych warunków pracy, które odpowiadałyby potrzebom, możliwościom i ograniczeniom psychofizycznych takich osób jest czasami nie lada wyzwaniem dla pracodawcy. Zróżnicowanie stopnia ale I rodzajów niepełnosprawności jest duże. Aby zapewnić pracownikom niepełnosprawnym odpowiednie warunki pracy należy bardzo rzetelnie i skrupulatnie zidentyfikować obszary, które wymagają odpowiedniego wsparcia. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą dokonania identyfikacji tych obszarów, z którymi pracodawcy nie radzą sobie w należyty sposób. Kształtowanie środowiska pracy osób niepełnosprawnych przez pracodawców na otwartym rynku pracy jest obowiązkiem, który leży po stronie przedsiębiorstwa, które z kolei z zatrudniania osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami na korzyści finansowe.
People with disabilities are a group that is increasingly employed not only in sheltered workshops but also in the open labour market. Shaping safe and ergonomic working conditions that correspond to the needs, abilities and psycho-physical limitations of such people is sometimes quite a challenge for employers. The degree and type of disability varies considerably. In order to provide employees with disabilities with suitable working conditions, it is necessary to identify the areas that require special support. This article attempts to identify those areas that employers do not deal with adequately. The shaping of the working environment for people with disabilities by employers in the open labour market is a responsibility that lies with the enterprise, which in turn benefits financially from employing people with special needs.
Archiwum Wiedzy Inżynierskiej; 2021, 6, 2; 38--42
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Wiedzy Inżynierskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo pracowników zdalnych do bycia offline – rozważania prawnoporównawcze
The right of remote workers to be offline – some comparative legal remarks
Naumowicz, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
prawo do bycia offline
praca zdalna
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne
right to disconnect
remote work
health and safety at work
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest określenie genezy oraz zakresu prawa do bycia offline z perspektywy europejskiej, zarówno mając na względzie regulacje prawne i specyficzne źródła prawa pracy w wybranych państwach europejskich, jak i przyjętą 21 stycznia 2021 r. rezolucję Parlamentu Europejskiego wzywającą Komisję Europejską do uregulowania prawa do odłączenia się pracowników w drodze dyrektywy. Rozważania te wzbogacone są analizą prowadzonych na poziomie europejskim badań ankietowych dotyczących warunków świadczenia pracy przy użyciu technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (ICT) zarówno przed pandemią, jak i w jej trakcie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wpływu narzędzi cyfrowych na życie i zdrowie pracowników świadczących pracę w formie zdalnej. Analiza wyników przedstawionych badań zarówno z perspektywy rozwoju technologicznego, jak i sytuacji wywołanej przez pandemię COVID-19, pozwala zidentyfikować istotne zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa pracowników zdalnych przede wszystkim w sferze psychospołecznej, co z kolei może prowadzić do wniosku, iż konieczne jest uregulowanie prawa do bycia offline na poziomie europejskim.
The aim of this study is to define the origins and scope of the right to be offline from a European perspective, both with regard to legal regulations and specific sources of labor law in selected European countries and the resolution of the European Parliament adopted on January 21, 2021, calling on the European Commission to regulate the right to disconnect in a separate directive. These considerations are enriched by the analysis of European-level surveys on working conditions of workers using information and communication technologies (ICT) both before and during the pandemic, with particular emphasis on the impact of digital tools on the life and health of remote workers. The analysis of the results of the presented research both from the perspective of technological development and the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, allows to identify significant threats to the safety of remote workers, primarily in the psychosocial sphere, which in turn may lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to regulate the right to be offline at European level.
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa; 2021, specjalny I, XXI; 535-544
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Promoting Safe and Hygienic Working Conditions
Osmólska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
health and safety at work
Accidents at work and occupational diseases have a negative impact not only on the psychophysical condition of employees and the image of the company, but also, above all, on productivity, and thus on social and economic development. Ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions is the responsibility of every employer but without additional forms of support it does not suffice to prevent and stop accidents at work. The employer should constantly implement measures to improve safety so as to prevent accidents at work. One of such activities may be to promote safe and healthy working conditions. It is a program that allows raising employees’ awareness and knowledge about occupational hazards and risks related to their work, as well as about methods of protection against effects of these hazards and risks. The purpose of the article is to present the concept of promotion and its tools in popularizing safe and hygienic working conditions. The article is also an attempt to answer, on the basis of the results of surveys conducted in the form of individual reviews, the question whether the promotion of safe and hygienic working conditions improves the safety of employees, reduces or eliminates accidents at work, and broadens employees’ knowledge.
Security Dimensions; 2021, 35(35); 124-139
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie używania środków ochrony indywidualnej w warunkach podwyższonego ryzyka
The importance of using personal protective equipment in a high-risk environment
Praski, Dominik
Knop, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
środki ochrony indywidualnej
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
ochrona zdrowia
warunki podwyższonego ryzyka
personal protective equipment
health and safety at work
health protection
high-risk conditions
Środki ochrony indywidualnej spełniają określoną rolę w poszczególnych zawodach i branżach. Istnieją takie zawody, które wymuszają stosowanie konkretnych środków ochrony indywidualnej w bardzo określony i restrykcyjny sposób, są i takie, które z reguły nie wymuszają na pracownikach używanie ich. Jednak są takie warunki – jak warunki podwyższonego ryzyka – które determinują określone i restrykcyjne postępowanie w kwestii używania środków ochrony indywidualnej. W obecnych czasach, w których warunki pracy są podyktowane przez pandemię związaną z Covid-19 – każdy pracownik ma obowiązek używać określonych środków ochrony indywidualnej. Są one zróżnicowane ze względu na branżę i zajmowane stanowisko pracy. W niniejszym artukule przedstawiono opinię pracowników dotyczącą znaczenia używania środków ochrony indywidualnej w pracy.
Personal protective equipment plays a specific role in various professions and industries. There are some professions that require the use of specific PPE in a very specific and restrictive way, and others that generally do not require the use of PPE. However, there are some conditions - such as conditions of increased risk - that determine a specific and restrictive conduct in the use of PPE. In this day and age, when working conditions are dictated by the Covid-19 pandemic - every employee is required to use specific PPE. These vary according to the industry and the position occupied. This paper outlines these variations and the views of workers on the importance of using PPE at work.
Archiwum Wiedzy Inżynierskiej; 2021, 6, 2; 20--23
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Wiedzy Inżynierskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bezpieczeństwo zintegrowane polskich rybaków morskich
Integrated Safety of Polish Sea Fishermen
Sommer, Hanna
Sommer, Hubert
Zakrzewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
zawód rybaka morskiego
bezpieczeństwo zintegrowane
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
integrated safety
sea fisherman profession
health and safety at work
W artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia zagrożeń, na które narażeni są ludzie pracujący jako rybacy morscy. Wykonywaniu każdego zawodu towarzyszą specyficzne zagrożenia. Bezpieczeństwo rybaków morskich jest kwestią interdyscyplinarną. Dotyczy nie tylko zagadnień zdrowia i życia, ale związane jest z rolą i zadaniami państwa na terytoriach międzynarodowych. Artykuł zawiera ocenę zintegrowanego bezpieczeństwa dokonaną przez rybaków morskich.
The article attempts to bring closer the dangers faced by people working as sea fishermen. Every profession has its own specific threats. The safety of sea fishermen is an interdisciplinary issue. It deals not only with health and safety issues, but also with the role and tasks of the State on international territories. This article also includes self-assessment of the integrated safety among sea fishermen.
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość; 2019, XVI; 215-234
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ alkoholu na ryzyko wypadku na stanowiskach pracy z wykorzystaniem rusztowań budowlanych
The effect of alcohol at the workplace with the use of scaffolding on individual’s occupational accident risk
Sawicki, Marek
Szóstak, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
rusztowanie budowlane
wypadek przy pracy
bezpieczeństwo pracy
accident at work
occupational health and safety
The consumption of alcohol in the workplace is strictly prohibited. Unfortunately, this interdict is often broken. Alcohol intoxication of an employee could lead to a threat, and in the worst case could also lead to permanent disability or even death. The aim of the research was to identify the main problems associated with heavy drinking of alcohol and consumption at work among construction workers. Data for the analysis were obtained from post-accident protocols (analyzed 219 people injured in accidents at work involving scaffolding) and surveys collected during the research project “Model of the assessment of risk of the occurrence of building catastrophes, accidents and dangerous events at workplaces with the use of scaffolding” (573 surveys of people working in the construction scaffolding of respondents).
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences; 2020, 29, 4; 504-516
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of accidents in the context of work safety culture
Kania, A.
Cesarz-Andraczke, K.
Więcek, K.
Babilas, R.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
safety and health management
accidents at work
TOH model
direct and indirect causes of accidents
zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy
wypadki przy pracy
model TOH
przyczyny wypadków
Purpose: The article presents an analysis of accidents in the selected enterprise from the automotive industry. The analysis includes two workplaces: machine operator and warehouseman. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of accidents at work in a selected production company includes the period from the beginning of 2016 to half of the 2018 year using the method based on the TOH model. This method determines three factors of accident causes: technical, organizational and human (TOH). Findings: In the paper, the workplaces analysis taking into account activities, type of work, working position and accidents at work is presented. The analysis of work accidents includes the age group, work experience etc. The TOH model determines causes related to accidental events. Research limitations/implications: The accidents at work are the result of a low or undesirable safety culture. Because of that, the safety culture should be constantly developed, maintained and continuously improved. Originality/value: Many methods and procedures can be used to investigate accidents at work. The TOH model is one of them. It determines the direct and indirect causes of accidents. Based on them, the corrective actions can be proposed and implemented.
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; 2019, 94, 1-2; 41-48
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contribution to pedagogical diagnostics in teaching focused on health and safety at work for teachers of naturalist and technical subjects
Wkład w diagnostykę pedagogiczną w nauczaniu dotyczącym bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy dla nauczycieli przedmiotów przyrodniczych i technicznych
Žáčok, Ľubomir
Bernát, Milan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Powszechnej w Szczecinie
Teaching science and technology subjects
Fundamentals of Health and Safety at Work and Safety of Technical Equipment
Nauczanie przedmiotów ścisłych i technicznych
Podstawy bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz bezpieczeństwa urządzeń technicznych
The paper describes a research topic dealing with the methodology of planning, design and application of a didactic test oriented on selected problems Health and Safety Issues for Teachers of Naturalist Subjects. Specific problems of the topic are the creation and use of the tests as a form of investigation of the knowledge and skills of the students as well as the objectivity and reliability of the tests.
W artykule opisano temat badawczy dotyczący metodologii planowania, projektowania i stosowania testu dydaktycznego zorientowanego na wybrane problemy bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy dla nauczycieli przedmiotów przyrodniczych i technicznych. Specyficznym problemem w tym zakresie jest tworzenie i stosowanie testów jako formy badania wiedzy i umiejętności uczniów, a także obiektywność i wiarygodność testów.
Edukacja Humanistyczna; 2019, 2; 169-186
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Humanistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of occupational health and safety regulations on the employees decision to take up employment
Bazan-Bulanda, Anna
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
Health and Safety at Work Regulations
przepisy BHP
Workers' safety in the workplace depends on the compliance of both employees and the employer with applicable regulations. The EU member states in internal law contain regulations in line with EU directives in this area. The author of this study decided to examine whether compliance by the employer with health and safety provisions is an element motivating employees to take up employment. The law applies to both employees and employers, but their content is not affected by any of the parties to the employment relationship. The purpose of the article was to answer the question whether compliance by the employer with health and safety at work rules is an element that influences the employee when making a decision about taking up employment. The method used was the diagnostic survey method and the survey tool. The research was conducted in 102 facilities-enterprises in the Silesian Voivodeship employing at least 20 employees. The respondents were employees within the meaning of the Labor Code who declared knowledge of basic regulations in the field of occupational health and safety. The unambiguous lack of impact of compliance with the health and safety at work regulations by the employer on the decision on employment was indicated by 29.3% of respondents, while 60.8% of all respondents declared such an impact. Among the surveyed employees there was a group of undecided people.
System Safety : Human - Technical Facility - Environment; 2019, 1, 1; 141-148
Pojawia się w:
System Safety : Human - Technical Facility - Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samoocena jakości edukacji ekologicznej w organizacjach i instytucjach w Polsce
Self-assessment of ecological education quality by organizations and institutions that carry on such activity in Poland
Piasecka, A.
Wierzbicka, A.
Naturski, W.
Paschalis-Jakubowicz, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
edukacja spoleczenstwa
edukacja ekologiczna
edukacja nieformalna
centra edukacji ekologicznej
jakosc edukacji
badania ankietowe
occupational safety and health
accidents at work
accident rate
The article presents the assessment of occupational safety in Polish forestry in the period of 2009−2016. The basic criteria for analysis of accident rate were based on the form of the statistical card of accident at work. The research analysed the data about accidents at work published by the Central Statistical Office in Poland. The aim of the research was: (i) to determine the variability of the number of people injured in total accidents, in serious accidents, and in fatal accidents, number of people employed, and number of days of incapacity to work caused by accidents; (ii) to check the relationships between the cause of the accident and the year of its occurrence, between the age of the injured and the number of accidents, between the work seniority of the injured and the number of accidents, and finally (iii) to determine the value and volatility of total accident rate per 1,000 employees, the rate of serious accidents per 100,000 employed, the rate of fatalities per 100,000 employed, accident severity rate per 1 injured as well as accident risk indicator per 1 employee. The most important cause of accidents at work in forestry was incorrect employee behavior (57.9%). The dominant events causing injury in forestry were impact by the object in motion and collision with/impact on a stationary object (26.7 and 22.6%, respectively). The most common accidents at work in forestry concern employees with work seniority in the field of over 16 years and less than a year (30.6 and 23.23%, respectively), people aged 30−39 and 40−49 (24.55 and 24.52%, respectively). The value of total accident rate in forestry shows a decreasing trend in 2011−2016 (–20.5%). The rate of serious and fatal accidents alternately increases and decreases. Similarly to the value of the severity of accidents, no trends were found. For the accident risk indicator a declining trend was observed in 2012−2016 (–19.3%).
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 06; 508-514
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Serious Violation of Workers’ Rights in a Situation when Employees Refrain from Work due to Employer’s Failure to Provide Safe and Hygienic Working Conditions
Jasion, Marek
Więckowska, Wioleta
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej
labour law
the Labour Code
workers’ rights
health and safety at work
The paper examines a situation in which an employee is entitled to terminate the contract of employment without prior notice. The case under examination occurs when the employer commits a serious violation of workers’ rights by failing to provide safe and hygienic working conditions. The paper also presents topic related controversies that have arisen in the doctrine and judicature and tries to establish at which point one may speak of a breach of fundamental labour rights and on the basis of which regulations the employer may be held liable. The authors also try to determine whether certain situations could constitute a basis for termination of the employment contract by the employee, at the same time giving rise to the right to claim damages from the employer. Other issues touched upon in the paper include the absence of a catalogue of infringements in the Polish Labour Code and the way of assessing the weight of various infringements.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej; 2019, 1; 47-52
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan bezpieczeństwa pracy w leśnictwie w latach 2009-2016
Occupational safety in forestry in 2009-2016
Gołąb, N.
Krause, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
prace lesne
bezpieczenstwo pracy
wypadki przy pracy
ryzyko wypadkow
przyczyny wypadkow
lata 2009-2016
occupational safety and health
accidents at work
accident rate
The article presents the assessment of occupational safety in Polish forestry in the period of 2009−2016. The basic criteria for analysis of accident rate were based on the form of the statistical card of accident at work. The research analysed the data about accidents at work published by the Central Statistical Office in Poland. The aim of the research was: (i) to determine the variability of the number of people injured in total accidents, in serious accidents, and in fatal accidents, number of people employed, and number of days of incapacity to work caused by accidents; (ii) to check the relationships between the cause of the accident and the year of its occurrence, between the age of the injured and the number of accidents, between the work seniority of the injured and the number of accidents, and finally (iii) to determine the value and volatility of total accident rate per 1,000 employees, the rate of serious accidents per 100,000 employed, the rate of fatalities per 100,000 employed, accident severity rate per 1 injured as well as accident risk indicator per 1 employee. The most important cause of accidents at work in forestry was incorrect employee behavior (57.9%). The dominant events causing injury in forestry were impact by the object in motion and collision with/impact on a stationary object (26.7 and 22.6%, respectively). The most common accidents at work in forestry concern employees with work seniority in the field of over 16 years and less than a year (30.6 and 23.23%, respectively), people aged 30−39 and 40−49 (24.55 and 24.52%, respectively). The value of total accident rate in forestry shows a decreasing trend in 2011−2016 (–20.5%). The rate of serious and fatal accidents alternately increases and decreases. Similarly to the value of the severity of accidents, no trends were found. For the accident risk indicator a declining trend was observed in 2012−2016 (–19.3%).
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 06; 508-514
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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