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Jan Orzelski (1551–1617), parlamentarzysta i kronikarz
Jan Orzelski (1551–1617) – a parliamentarian and a chronicler
Kaczorowski, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
republic of the nobles
Jan Orzelski was actively involved in the political life of the Republic of the Nobles as a member of a regional assembly, a deputy and next a senator. He recorded the history of his family in the work entitled Annales domus Orzelsciae. It was edited by Adam Tytus Działyński on the basis of a manuscript stored in the Kórnik Library together with a family diary Kopia pobożnej pamięci imci Elżbiety Orzelskiej. Annales… consists of two parts: a comprehensive introduction and a chronicle containing annual entries regarding the most important events in Jan Orzelski’s family in the years 1589–1611 (that period being extended to 1618 by adding the diary Kopia pobożnej pamięci…). Much focus in the first part of the Annales... was placed on Stefan Batory’s military campaigns to conquer Polotsk (1579), Velikiye Luki (1580) and Pskov (1581), in which Jan Orzelski took part as a cavalry captain. The author’s intention, however, was not to describe those military campaigns in detail but to present “only some memorable issues”. The Annales... depicts, first of all, the origins of the “family from Orle”, the history and the characteristics of the family members in the male line. The author included his biography as well.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2018, 16, 2; 99-114
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The cognitive and religious dimension of the writer and the Grand Marshall of Lithuania Ignacy Potocki’s stay in Rome and his educational voyage in the years 1765–1771
Poznawczy i religijny wymiar pobytu w Rzymie i podróży edukacyjnej po Europie pisarza i marszałka wielkiego litewskiego Ignacego Potockiego w latach 1765-1771
Kucharski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
polish nobles
Grand Tour
anthropology of journey
Among the representatives of the Polish magnates traveling around Europe there distinguishes the figure of the Grand Marshall of Lithuania Ignacy Potocki – one of the leaders of the Polish Enlightenment – famous for preparing a programme of political reforms of the state, which were later presented by him in the Constitution of 3 May. As a young man, he stayed abroad in the years 1765-1771 when he was preparing himself to take holy orders in Rome, which was to open the door for his further career. The general ambiance of uncertainty in the Church along with his family and personal tragedy after he had lost his parents changed the objective of his educational voyage. The study visit in Rome changed into a voyage of the Grand Tour type in the years 1770-1771. In total he visited several states – European leaders in politics, economy and culture (Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Italy, France, Spain). The accounts from the journey included in the diaries and letters reveal a noticeable cognitive element in his remarks; they prove that Ignacy Potocki was an acute observer of the political, social and economic situation in the countries he visited. It allowed him to draw far-reaching conclusions concerning the reasons for the power held by the countries which dominated in Europe, and to form drafts of possible reforms to improve the situation in Poland. Potocki was prone to aesthetic stimuli; he relished the beauty of architecture, art and landscape. In this way, he revealed a new type of sensitivity allowing the holistic perspective of the reality observed abroad.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2015, 80, 4; 21-47
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność gospodarcza i fundacyjna kasztelana krakowskiego Jana z Pilczy (ok. 1405-1476). Charakterystyka na tle dziejów aktywności przedstawicieli stronnictwa Iuniores
Cracow Castellaan – Jan from Pilcza economic and chantry activity. Profile against a background of chosen Juniores Faction members activity
Szyrwiński, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Jan from Pilcza
middle ages
The article presents the most important examples of castellan Jan from Pilcza economic and foundational activity in the context of other Iuniores faction members achievements. The text elaborates endowments and ways of managing the lands by Jan from Pilcza and members of the young nobles party. It contains also some observations about common points of Iuniores actions – groups known as the main part of the opposition against bishop Zbigniew Oleśnicki. Recognition of these activities profiles is helpful in better understanding the ideological and political attitude of medieval Crown of Polish Kingdom noble elite representatives, who were participants of Spytko from Melsztyn confederetion. The Jan from Pilcza biography is an example of political and social advancement in times of Władysław III and Kazimierz Jagiellończyk reigns. His economic activity had been mainly based on profits from his lands and developing, inter alias, trade markets. Privileges which he dedicated for Tyczyn and Łańcut confirm the observed trend. Also mining was an economy branch developed in described region by Jan from Pilcza. The mentioned activity had a positive impact on defensive capability of Crown of Polish Kingdom. Jan from Pilcza's economic activities, such as salt-mining organizing, could be viewed as similar to other iuniores. In that context it is necessary to highlight that iuniores chantry actions, endowments and a lot of connections between them and catholic Church are denying the thesis about Hussitism among this political faction representatives.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2015, 22; 78-87
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Territorium Ludemir”. Możnowładcy i cystersi na pograniczu polsko-węgierskim w pierwszej połowie XIII wieku
„Territorium Ludemir”. Magnates and Cistercians in the Polish-Slovak Borderland in the First Half of the 13th century
Rajman, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Omawiane terytorium stanowi fragment wielkiej pogranicznej puszczy porastającej Karpaty. Aż do drugiej ćwierci XIII w. nie ma śladów kolonizacyjnej działalności po stronie Polski. Prawdopodobnie książę Leszek Biały nadał ziemie nad górnym Dunajcem przed 1225 r. swojemu zasłużonemu rycerzowi Janowi z rodu Gryfitów. Zapewne dzięki Janowi Gryficie rozpoczęła się działalność kolonizacyjna. Podjął się jej niejaki Ludemer/Ludemir, zapewne pochodzący ze Śląska. Jego zasługą oraz innych osadników polskiego pochodzenia było rozpoznanie terenu, założenie pierwszej sady (Ludźmierz) oraz nadanie nazw rzekom. Całe terytorium zaczęto nazywać terenem Ludemera. Nazwa ta istniała przed 1234 r. Syn Jana, wojewoda krakowski Teodor ufundował w 1235 r. opactwo cystersów w miejscowości Ludźmierz, pośród lasów. Miało ono za zadanie przeprowadzenie kolonizacji. Teodor czynił także starania o sprowadzenie osadników ze Śląska. Działania te przerwała jego śmierć w 1238 r. Opactwo cystersów w Ludźmierzu także przestało istnieć, bowiem między 1241 a 1243 r. mnisi przenieśli się daleko na północ, do Szczyrzyca. Przyczyny ich odejścia z Ludźmierza nie są rozpoznane. Działalność cystersów ludźmierskich przyczyniła się do powstania pól uprawnych, a zapewne także kilku osad, nad górnym Dunajcem.
The territory discussed in this article constitutes a fragment of the great borderland forest that covers the Carpathian Mountains. Polish colonisation of this forest did not take place until the second quarter of the 13th century. It was probably Leszek the White who granted the lands on the upper Dunajec River to his well-deserving knight Jan of the Gryfi ta dynasty. In turn, it was also most likely thanks to Jan Gryfi ta that colonisation started, carried out by a certain Ludemer/Ludemir, probably hailing from Silesia. Ludemer/Ludemir and other colonists of Polish origin explored the land, established the fi rst settlement of Ludźmierz, and named local rivers. The entire territory was then called the area of Ludemer, which was a name that had existed before 1234. In 1235, the son of Jan Gryfi ta, the Kraków governor (wojewoda) Teodor, founded the Cistercian abbey in the Ludźmierz woods to coordinate the colonisation. Teodor also made attempts to bring in settlers from Silesia, but these ended with his death in 1238. The Cistercian abbey in Ludźmierz eased to exist, as between 1241 and 1243 the monks moved far to Szczyrzyc in the north. The reasons for their departure are not known. The activity of the Ludźmierz Cistercians contributed to the creation of cultivated fi elds and likely also to the building of a few settlements on the upper Dunajec River.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2020, 11; 22-43
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwór, wieś i plebania w zachodniej Małopolsce w końcu XVIII i na początku XIX wieku w świetle najnowszych badań
Ślusarek, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Lesser Poland
the nobles
In the article initial results of research conducted within the research project “Court, village and vicarage in the social space of the west Lesser Poland in years 1772-1815” have been presented. It appears that studies done on the basis of sources produces in the conditions of the legal and political system of the First Republic of Poland, of the Austrian and Prussian annexed territories as well as the Duchy of Warsaw are surprisingly good. Most of all it was a very good idea to compare and confront sources of various origin e.g. old-Polish area inventories with Austrian tax and urban records. Thanks to that the image of countryside relations at the era of the Fall of the Polish state may be presented in a new and at the same time more complete light. It should be added that this picture seems to be totally different from the one that was popularized in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century when the thesis about the class battle in the countryside was attempted to be promoted.
W artykule zaprezentowano wstępne rezultaty badań prowadzonych w ramach projektu badawczego „Dwór, wieś i plebania w przestrzeni społecznej zachodniej Małopolski w latach 1772–1815”. Okazuje się, że studia prowadzone w oparciu o źródła wytworzone w warunkach prawno-ustrojowych I Rzeczypospolitej, zaborów austriackiego i pruskiego, a także Księstwa Warszawskiego są nadspodziewanie dobre. Przede wszystkim udanym zabiegiem było zestawienie i konfrontacja źródeł różnej proweniencji, np. staropolskich inwentarzy gruntowych z austriackimi fasjami podatkowymi i opisaniami urbarialnymi. Dzięki temu obraz stosunków wiejskich w dobie upadku Rzeczypospolitej można przedstawić w nowym i zarazem pełniejszym świetle. Dodajmy, obraz ten wydaje się diametralnie inny od tego, jaki został upowszechniony w latach 50.–60. XX w., kiedy w historiografii starano się lansować tezę o trwającej na wsi walce klasowej.
Galicja. Studia i materiały; 2015, 1; 48-60
Pojawia się w:
Galicja. Studia i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Attitude of Ruthenian Magnates and Nobles toward the Union of Lublin (1569) and the Problem of the Autonomy of Ukrainian Lands within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Kempa, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Union of Lublin
For a long time, historiography was dominated by a dualistic view on what had happened at the Sejm of Lublin in 1569. Thus, when describing the conclusion of the Union of Lublin, scholars focused on the Polish-Lithuanian dispute and the decisive role of King Sigismund Augustus in signing the agreement in Lublin. Recently, however, there have appeared publications highlighting the important role in the conclusion of the Lublin Union played by the Ruthenian nobility and noble representatives of the lands incorporated into the Polish Crown in 1569, that is Volhynia, eastern Podolia (Bracław Land) and the region of Kiev. The article sums up the existing knowledge on this subject, stressing the fact of the separate interests of the Ruthenian magnates, especially from Volhynia – where many well-known princely families had their family nests – in comparison to the Lithuanian magnates on the eve of the conclusion of the Union of Lublin. It facilitated the decision of the Ruthenian nobles to support not only the union itself, but also the incorporation of the above-mentioned provinces into the Polish Crown. Also thanks to this attitude of the princes and noblemen of Volhynia, Bracław Land and the region of Kiev, these areas gained relatively broad autonomy allowing them to preserve their cultural identity. There is no doubt, however, that the Union of Lublin accelerated the process of Polonization of these lands to some extent, although the process had begun well before 1569. Another important event from the point of view of maintaining the cultural identity of these provinces was the conclusion of the Union of Brest (1595–1596), as a result of which – upon the decision of most Orthodox bishops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – the Kiev metropolitanate became subordinated to the Holy See. On the one hand, the majority of Ruthenian nobility from the aforementioned provinces reacted in defense of the Orthodox faith, and to some extent also of the Ruthenian region, which stimulated them to strengthen their identity. In this context, noble tribunes of Ruthenian origin, such as Adam Kisiel, and Orthodox polemic writers, such as Melecjusz Smotrycki (who later became a member of the Uniate Church), began to indicate the existence of a separate Ruthenian nation, also pointing to its different features and de facto forming the foundations of its historical tradition. Zaporizhian Cossacks, who consistently defended the Orthodox faith, also joined the process to some extent. On the other hand, in the long run, the Union of Brest led to the Catholicization of local noblemen. Most of Ruthenian nobles eventually converted to the Roman Catholic denomination. However, the fact that the Uniate Church existed might have led to the situation that at least some of the Ruthenian nobles remained in the Ruthenian cultural circle even in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meanwhile, in the 17th century the role of the Ruthenian language tended to decrease in the above-mentioned territories, as it was the case in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the second half of the 17th century the Ruthenian language ceased to be the official language for the benefit of the Polish language.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 4; 41-72
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zrzeczenie się sum zastawnych w piętnastowiecznej Polsce – gest filantropii czy wyrachowania?
Renunciation of pledged sums in fifteenth-century Poland – a gesture of philanthropy or calculation?
Czwojdrak, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
zastaw dóbr
royal demesne
W XV w., jeszcze przed egzekucją dóbr, państwo polskie było dosyć mocno zadłużone po działaniach Władysława Jagiełły, a szczególnie jego syna Władysława Jagiellończyka. Pięciu szlachciców z ówczesnej elity władzy postanowiło zrzec się sum zapisanych im przez władcę na królewszczyznach i oddać te ziemie na powrót w ręce monarchy. Jakie pobudki nimi kierowały? Czy był to gest filantropii, czy też wyrachowania?
In the fifteenth century, even before the Executionist movement, after the actions of King Jagiełło and especially his son Władysław of Varna, the Polish state was heavily in debt. Five noblemen from the ruling elite of the era decided to renounce the sums bequeathed to them by the king on royal estates and to return these lands to the monarch. What were their motives? Was it a gesture of philanthropy or calculation?
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych; 2022, 83, Spec.; 7-22
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symbolika i znaczenie konia w kulturze i sztuce na przestrzeni wieków
Symbolism and Significance of the Horse in Culture and Art over the Centuries
Символика и значение лошади в культуре и искусстве на протяжении веков
Witek, Arleta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
верховая езда
лошадь в искусстве
Первая Речь Посполита
лошади в Республике Польша
horses in the Republic of Nobles
equestrian sport
horse in the art
Republic of the Nobles
In the ancient times horse riding took over the heart of aristocracy. The horse was considered as a unique creation, which was a representation of noble origin. In ancient Greece, the rider was identified with a warrior. Around the horses appeared a lot of political and social meanings, especially important in the Middle Ages and the early modern period. An important role, that horses used to have in the society, was reflected in the art: painting and sculpture. The Republic of the Nobles was a country that loved horses more than others, gave them new symbols and meanings.
Еще в древние времена верховая езда завладела сердцем аристократии. Лошадь считалась уникальным существом, ставшим символом благородного происхождения. В Древней Греции всадник приравнивался к воину. С лошадями связан ряд политических и социальных значений, важных также в Средние века и раннее Новое время. Важную роль, которую лошади играли в обществе, нашла свое отражение в искусстве: живописи и скульптуре. Первая Речь Посполита была страной, которая особенно любила лошадей, придавая им новые символы и значения.
Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies; 2020, 6; 373-387
Pojawia się w:
Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamojski dwór Marii Kazimiery d’Arquien w latach 1658–1665. Uwagi wstępne nad jego organizacją, funkcją i znaczeniem
Pietrzak, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
the nobles, estate, Zamoyski family, womens’ court, clientelism
magnateria, ordynacja, Zamoyscy, dwór kobiecy, klientelizm
This study is concerned with preliminary presentation about the organization of the court of Marie Casimire d’Arquien, wife of voievod of Sandomierz – Jan Zamoyski, called „Sobiepan”between 1658–1665. The article touched on topics related to personal details and functions performed by officials and officers. Issues related to the clerical and administrative level, officials, who performed their functions in an ad hoc manner and the existence and organization of the women’s court, were discussed. The main emphasis was put on issues of remuneration and further careers of courtiers and their attitude towards their lord. Problems, connected to client and patron relations, were also examined. The research showed a weak relationship between the wife of the ordinate and officials who were fully subservient to Zamoyski’s will. Their full devotion and dependence on landings and salary payments meant, that Maria Kazimiera often fell into conflict with her subordinates. As a foreigner, she did not understand the relationship – specific to Polish political culture –between the patron and his clients.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2019, 8; 50-83
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Artykuł recenzyjny książki Jana Sowy Fantomowe ciało króla. Peryferyjne zmagania z nowoczesną formą, Universitas, Kraków 2012
Review of Jan Sowa’s book The Phantom Body of the King. Peripheral Struggles with Modern Form, Universitas, Cracow 2012
Lewandowska-Malec, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
monarchia absolutna
demokracja szlachecka
Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów
absolute monarchy
Nobles’ Democracy
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The main thesis of the book reviewed is an assumption that Poland and other countries of East-Central Europe suffer from a chronic underdevelopment, whose sources the Author is trying to find in the past. The review focuses on one of the two main themes of the book, i.e., leaving out the economic issues, it concentrates on the politics. The Author sets out to claim that only those countries develop correctly which have experienced absolute monarchy in their history. Referring to the idea of Ernst Kantorowicz, Jan Sowa assumes that such a political system is the only guarantee of stability and continuity of a country: on the death of the “physical body” of the king, his “political body” continues to last. In Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, because of the elective character of the monarchy and the claims of the nobility to play the role of the sovereign, the “political body” disappeared, and the country turned out to be a “phantom body.” For the Author, this means an atrophy of the country following the death of the last Jagiellonian king, Sigismund II Augustus. Between 1572 and 1795 there is no Polish statehood, since the Author regards the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as only an “illusion.” Both the theories presented above and the sources used to prove their correctness raise substantial doubts. The Author confuses basic notions, identifying sovereignty with absolutism, and he makes basic historical mistakes, regarding the Jagiellons’ throne in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland as hereditary, and also assuming the factual decay of statehood as early as in 16th century, with its symbolic confirmation in 18th century. He finds the grounds for his theories in political theology and psychoanalysis, using historical and legal historical sources to a very limited extent.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2013, 6, 3; 285-301
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Main currents in views on the reorganisation of the apparatus of executive power in the eighteenth-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Zasadnicze nurty w poglądach na reorganizację aparatu władzy wykonawczej w osiemnastowiecznej Rzeczypospolitej
Malec, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Republic of Nobles
executive power
reforms of administration
administrative Thought
Rzeczpospolita szlachecka
władza wykonawcza
reformy administracji
myśl administracyjna
In the eighteenth century, and particularly in its second half, concepts of rebuilding the state administration began to emerge in Poland, the basic structure of which dates back to the times of the estate monarchy and did not meet the needs of the modern state of the Age of Enlightenment, and at the same time differed substantially from the solutions functioning in the absolute monarchies neighbouring Poland, where it was based at that time on the principles of centralism and bureaucracy. Meanwhile, in the Republic of Nobles, all offices were filled for life, without any particular emphasis on the professionalism of the candidates. In the first half of the eighteenth century, along with penetration of the idea of the Enlightenment into Poland, the seeds of modern concepts emerged, postulating a complete reform of the system of the Commonwealth. The reform programme contained in the works of the precursors of the Polish Enlightenment covered a wide range of problems, postulating the reorganization and healing of the entire apparatus of state power, sometimes also touching upon social issues. The political writing of that time, when discussing the basics of the functioning of the administration, usually emphasized the primacy of the law passed by the Sejm over executive activity. The influence of Polish political writing on the reform of the administration seems indisputable. The structure of the central authorities clearly referred to the concepts of the political thought of the time, constantly evolving towards modern forms of internal administration of the state, at the same time drawing on the achievements of European cameralist and police thought.
W XVIII stuleciu, a szczególnie w jego drugiej połowie, poczęły się w Polsce rodzić koncepcje przebudowy administracji państwowej, której zasadnicza struktura wywodziła się jeszcze z czasów monarchii stanowej i nie przystawała do potrzeb nowoczesnego państwa epoki Oświecenia, a jednocześnie odbiegała zasadniczo od rozwiązań funkcjonujących w sąsiadujących z Polską monarchiach absolutnych, gdzie oparto ją w owym czasie na zasadach centralizmu i biurokratyzmu. Tymczasem w Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej wszystkie urzędy były obsadzane dożywotnio, bez przywiązywania wielkiej wagi do fachowości kandydatów. Wraz z przenikaniem do Polski idei Oświecenia, ujawniać się poczęły zalążki nowoczesnych koncepcji postulujących pełną reformę ustroju Rzeczypospolitej. Program reform zawarty w dziełach prekursorów polskiego Oświecenia obejmował szeroką gamę problemów. Postulowano reorganizację i uzdrowienie całego aparatu władzy państwowej, dotykając niekiedy także zagadnień społecznych. Ówczesna publicystyka, omawiając podstawy funkcjonowania administracji, podkreślała z reguły prymat uchwalonego na sejmie prawa nad działalnością wykonawczą. Wpływ polskiej publicystyki na reformę administracji zdaje się bezsporny. Struktura władz centralnych wyraźnie nawiązywała do koncepcji głoszonych przez ówczesną myśl polityczną, ulegając stałej ewolucji w kierunku nowożytnych form zarządu wewnętrznego państwa, jednocześnie czerpiąc z dorobku europejskiej myśli kameralistycznej i policystycznej.
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego; 2021, XXIV, 24; 153-164
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
조선 지배층의 국가론: 지배층과 국가와의 관계에 대한 논의를 중심으로
LEE, Min Jung
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
warstwa rządząca w Chosŏn
ruling elite in the Chosŏn Dynasty
the nation
This paper argues that it is necessary to analyze the identity of the ruling elite in the Chosŏn Dynasty through the nobles munbŏl 문벌(門閥) using the ideological methodology. The identity of the ruling elite in the Joseon Dynasty should be considered in relation to the state. In the first part of this paper, we review the existing studies on the relationship between the ruling elite and the state in Korea. The first group gives a view that the ruling class has autonomy from the state and has an identity outside the country. The second group of the studies shows that the ruling autonomous governments have encroached on the private sector. The third group are studies showing that the ruling class of the Chosŏn Dynasty structurally could not escape the domination of the state. Each of these studies pointed out important points in characterizing the ruling elites of the Chosŏn dynasty, yet they had some limitations because they lacked an ideological consideration of what their identity is fundamentally from. The second part of the paper presents how to overcome these limitations by insisting that the identity of the ruling class should be examined in relation to the state at that time through the issue of civilization.
Autorka zakłada, że próba analizy warstwy rządzącej za czasów panowania dynastii Chosŏn na przykładzie szlachetnie urodzonych munbŏl 문벌 (門閥) powinna być przeprowadzana przy pomocy analizy ideologicznej, zaś tożsamość warstwy rządzącej należy rozpatrywać w relacji do kraju. Artykuł stanowi analizę istniejących badań, które dzielą się na trzy główne grupy. Pierwsza z grup wysuwa tezę, że warstwa rządząca jest niezależna od kraju i rządu i w takim oderwaniu należy rozpatrywać jej tożsamość. Druga grupa wskazuje na to, że warstwa rządząca opanowała również tzw. sektor prywatny. Trzecia grupa pokazuje, że warstwa ta nie była w stanie odciąć się strukturalnie od rządów. Dalsza część artykułu skupia się na analizie pozostałych punktów charakterystycznych dla koreańskiej warstwy rządzącej.
본 논문은 조선시대 지배엘리트의 정체성을 파악하기 위해서는 문벌(門閥)이라는 소재를 통해 사상적인 방법론으로 분석하는 것이 필요함을 주장한 논문이다. 조선시대 지배엘리트의 정체성은 국가와의 관계 속에서 고찰되어야 한다. 이를 위해 우선 논문의 전반부에서 조선의 지배엘리트와 국가의 관계에 대해 다룬 기존의 연구들을 세 가지 경향으로 나누어 고찰하였다. 첫 번째 그룹은 지배층이 국가로부터 자율성을 가지며, 국가 밖의 영역에 정체성을 두고 있다고 여기는 연구들이다. 두 번째 그룹은 역시 국가로부터 자율성을 가지는 지배층이 사적 영역으로 국가를 잠식하였다고 보는 연구들이다. 세 번째 그룹은 조선시대 지배층은 구조적으로 국가의 지배를 벗어날 수 없었다고 여기는 연구들이다. 각각의 연구들은 조선시대 지배엘리트의 성격을 파악하는 데에 중요한 지점을 지적하였으나, 그들의 정체성이 근본적으로 무엇으로부터 오는가에 대한 사상적 고찰을 결여했기 때문에 한계를 가진다. 논문의 후반부에서는 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위한 제안으로, 문벌이라는 소재를 통해 당시 지배층의 정체성을 국가와의 관계 속에서 살펴보기를 주장하였다.
International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences; 2018, 4; 107-126
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Deputies of Vitebsk District to the Sejm of Lublin in 1569: The Social Biography of Piotr Kisiel and Tymofiej Hurko
Padalinski, Uladzimir A.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Union of Lublin
social activity
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Vitebsk district
The aim of the article is to examine the most important forms of social activity of the petty and middle nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the second half of the 16th century on the example of the unique life stories of two Vitebsk noblemen. The article discusses biographies of Piotr Kisiel and Tymofiej Hurka, who represented the Vitebsk district at the Sejm in 1569 and directly participated in the conclusion of the Union of Lublin. For a long time, the historiography discussed only the most influential participants of the sessions of this Sejm. However, ‘ordinary’ representatives of the wide group of nobles from the districts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania also played their part in negotiations regarding the conclusion of the union. The aims, ideas, worldview, and values along with the personal experiences of those people directly affected their social and political position, and thus, to some extent, shaped the entire state. The author shows the influence of military and political events of the 1560s on the political activities of Piotr Kisiel and Tymofiej Hurka. The experience gained from the Livonian War influenced their attitude towards the union between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Crown in 1569. The investigations presented by the author show that significant transformations of the 1560s (reforms of the political system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the creation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) gave the Kisiel and Hurka families the opportunity to actively participate in public life and allowed them to occupy a permanent place among the political elites of the Vitebsk district. The research results are based on various types of documentary sources, both published ones and manuscripts. The methodological basis of the analysis is the biographical method. The article emphasizes that detailed investigations of the biographies of ‘ordinary’ nobles opened new research perspectives in regard to the history of the noblemen of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the entire Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 4; 73-96
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miejsca obrad sejmików województw Wielkopolski właściwej od XVI do XVIII wieku
Zwierzykowski, Michał
Tacka, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
local parliaments, parliamentarism, territorial self-government, Republic of Nobles, history of Great Poland
sejmiki, parlamentaryzm, samorząd terytorialny, Rzeczpospolita szlachecka, historia Wielkopolski
Artykuł stanowi pierwszą w historiografii próbę syntetycznego ujęcia zagadnienia lokalizacji obrad zgromadzeń sejmikowych tzw. Wielkopolski właściwej w epoce wczesnonowożytnej, z uwzględnieniem jej genezy i przemian. Powstał w oparciu o dotychczasowe, nieliczne i rozproszone ustalenia zawarte w literaturze, a przede wszystkim na podstawie analizy obszernego, wydanego już drukiem, materiału źródłowego dotyczącego sejmików województw poznańskiego i kaliskiego. Autorzy starali się ukazać nie tylko podstawy zwyczajowe i prawne lokalizacji obrad, miejsca, w których na przestrzeni trzech stuleci obradowała szlachta wielkopolska, ale również przedstawić nieco szczegółów związanych ze zwyczajowym miejscem odbywania sejmików w Środzie. Podstawowy wniosek płynący z ustaleń zawartych w niniejszym tekście potwierdza fakt, że już od drugiej połowy XV w. właśnie Środa była niemal nieprzerwanie centrum politycznych obrad szlachty z rozległego terytorium obejmującego dwa, a od 1768 r. trzy województwa. Poza tym udowodniono, że sejmik wielkopolski w epoce nowożytnej nie miał stałej siedziby, a jedynie potwierdzone zwyczajem i prawem pisanym miejsce gromadzenia się.
Res Historica; 2016, 42
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miejsca obrad sejmików województw Wielkopolski właściwej od XVI do XVIII wieku
Zwierzykowski, Michał
Tacka, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
local parliaments, parliamentarism, territorial self-government, Republic of Nobles, history of Great Poland
sejmiki, parlamentaryzm, samorząd terytorialny, Rzeczpospolita szlachecka, historia Wielkopolski
Artykuł stanowi pierwszą w historiografii próbę syntetycznego ujęcia zagadnienia lokalizacji obrad zgromadzeń sejmikowych tzw. Wielkopolski właściwej w epoce wczesnonowożytnej, z uwzględnieniem jej genezy i przemian. Powstał w oparciu o dotychczasowe, nieliczne i rozproszone ustalenia zawarte w literaturze, a przede wszystkim na podstawie analizy obszernego, wydanego już drukiem, materiału źródłowego dotyczącego sejmików województw poznańskiego i kaliskiego. Autorzy starali się ukazać nie tylko podstawy zwyczajowe i prawne lokalizacji obrad, miejsca, w których na przestrzeni trzech stuleci obradowała szlachta wielkopolska, ale również przedstawić nieco szczegółów związanych ze zwyczajowym miejscem odbywania sejmików w Środzie. Podstawowy wniosek płynący z ustaleń zawartych w niniejszym tekście potwierdza fakt, że już od drugiej połowy XV w. właśnie Środa była niemal nieprzerwanie centrum politycznych obrad szlachty z rozległego terytorium obejmującego dwa, a od 1768 r. trzy województwa. Poza tym udowodniono, że sejmik wielkopolski w epoce nowożytnej nie miał stałej siedziby, a jedynie potwierdzone zwyczajem i prawem pisanym miejsce gromadzenia się.
The article is the first attempt in historiography to synthesise the issue of location of the local parliaments’ assemblies in Great Poland in the early modern era, taking into account its genesis and transformation. It is based on existing, not numerous and scattered findings in the literature, and, above all, on the basis of the analysis of extensive, issued already in print, source material for local parliaments of the Poznań and Kalisz Voivodeships. The authors tried to show not only the basics of customary and legal location of the assemblies, the places where over three centuries debated the nobility of Great Poland, but also provide some of the details related to the usual place of those assemblies in Środa. The basic conclusion from the findings in this text confirms that from the second half of the 15th century, Środa was just almost continuously the center of political meetings of the nobility of the vast territory covering two and, since 1768, three voivodeships. Besides, it has been proven that the local parliament of Great Poland in the early modern era did not have a permanent location, but only confirmed by custom and written law the place for assemblies.
Res Historica; 2016, 42
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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