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Komizm obsceniczny w trzech odsłonach. Relacje między przekładami Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi na języki polski, włoski i angielski
The obscene comic in three contexts. Relations between Polish, Italian and English translation of Dialogus Salominis et Marcolfi
Bąkowska, Nadzieja
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Obscene comic
Comparative study
Medieval literature
The article is an attempt to characterize linguistic and cultural relations between three translations of Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi from Latin into vernacular languages: Polish, Italian and English. Comparative analysis of the three translations confirms that in the cultural contexts examined, despite some discrepancies concerning the explicitness of language and images, there is the same model of comedy, based on obscene elements. The analysis aims to determine the nature and substrate of differences occurring between texts in terms of the obscene comic, as well as the extent to which various local colours were adopted in the translation process.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2015, 6; 57-71
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Beyond the Convention? Representation of Female Characters in Middle English Romances
Kiełkowicz, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Middle English romance
medieval studies
medieval literature
The paper presents literary images of medieval women in four Middle English romances, viz. King Horn, Sir Isumbras, Havelok the Dane and Sir Gawain and the Green Night. Its aim is to identify some conventional patterns of representation of female characters in the literary works classified as different subtypes of the genre of romance, namely ancestral romance (King Horn, Havelok the Dane), homiletic romance (Sir Isumbras) and Arthurian romance (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). After Sharon Farmer and other feminist critics, the concept of gender is interpreted as one of the major categories of difference in medieval English society. This argument is supported by the analysis of the construction of female characters in the romances in question. However, while it is important to remember that the society of medieval England was to a large extent male-governed and male-dominated, which is the reason for the apparent centrality of male protagonists in medieval English literature, the function of female characters in literary works of that period is not necessarily secondary. The paper focuses on the importance of women in presenting the protagonist’s genealogy and on selected strategies of representation, such as reversal of gender roles or marginalization of female characters. The essay attempts to demonstrate that the category of gender, as it is seen in the medieval texts, cannot be reduced to a simplified model of binary oppositions, since the romances also introduce the complexity of power relations and tensions between the sexes. 
New Horizons in English Studies; 2017, 2
Pojawia się w:
New Horizons in English Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pilate as the Legal ‘Other’ in the N-Town Cycle Passion Plays
Tomasz, Wiącek,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
medieval literature
medieval theatre
legal procedures
the Other/Otherness
In the late medieval N-Town Cycle Passion Plays, the trial of Jesus is presented in the context of a medieval courtroom, where Jesus is brought by Annas and Cayphas to be judged by Pontius Pilate. However, while the priests through abuses of the legal procedures attempt to ensure Jesus’s demise, Pilate opposes their intent by remaining true to his judicial duties, which presents him as a lonely Other in the presented world of legal misconduct. This paper explores the concept of otherness in a legal context of the plays, as well as the legal and social significance of Pilate’s actions.
Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies; 2020, 29/1; 29-40
Pojawia się w:
Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Concept of Order and Its Realization in the Genre Tradition of Old Russia
Шунков, Александр
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Russian medieval literature, ceremonial and artistic texts
The article considers the problem of the creation and evolution of aspecific genre of medieval Russian literature – order (a description of court ceremonial). The article identifies the origins of the genre form, its artistic and aesthetic basis, analyzes the evolution of the Russian publishing tradition of book of the 12–17th centuries. Particular attention is drawn to the existence of the called genre forms in the Russian court culture of the 1650s, the era of the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
Acta Neophilologica; 2012, XIV/1; 193-201
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Павловићево читање народне и старе српске поезије
Pavlović’s Reading of Folk and Old Serbian Poetry
Despić, Đorđe M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Miodrag Pavlović
folk lirics
Serbian medieval literature
У раду се аналитичким методом указује на домете и импликације Павловићевог проучавања српске усмене и средњовековне књижевности. Притом, текст настоји да овај сегмент његове есејистике представи и у контексту ширег Павловићевог есејистичког, али и песничког опуса, истичући њихово плодно и разноврсно кореспондирање. Његови есеји у функцији су смисаоног и вредносног осветљавања наших најстаријих књижевних слојева, чиме се до краја уобличава представа о књижевно-историјском распону српске поезије и искуство јединственог духовног континуитета. Павловићеви Огледи о народној и старој српској поезији представљају пример како ширина интересовања, импресиван интелект, ерудитна компетенција, отворен и откривалачки дух, али и незаобилазан уметнички сензибилитет и неретко поетска експресија, постају замајац нових читања и тумачења, сасвим сигурно драгоцених за будуће генерације читалаца и изучавалаца.
Using the analytical method, the paper points to the extents and implications of Pavlović’s research of Serbian verbal folk and medieval literature. Along with this, the paper tries to present this segment of his essayistic work in the context of the wider Pavlović’s essayistic and poetic opus as well, emphasizing their prolific and versatile corresponding. His essays are in a function of thoughtful and evaluating reflections of our oldest literature strata, which eventually shapes up the image about literature and historical span of Serbian poetry and the experience of a unique spiritual continuity. Pavlović’s Essays on Folk and Old Serbian Poetry (orig. Ogledi o narodnoj i staroj srpskoj poeziji) represent an example of how broadness of interests, an impressive intelect, erudite competency, an open and explorative spirit, but also inevitable artistic sensibility and frequent poetic expression become a trigger for new readings and interpretations surely valuable for new generations of readers and researchers.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2021, 21; 265-278
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Judas, a Medieval Other? Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Thirteenth-Century Middle English Judas
Czarnowus, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
otherness of medieval literature
medieval texts
poem Judas
representing Jews
Middle English literature
The Siege of Jerusalem
The article commences with a discussion of the otherness of medieval literature in comparison with the texts from other epochs. The topic of otherness also appears in medieval texts. The religious, ethnic, and gender difference of Judas is complemented by that of his “sister”, who similarly to him illustrates the anti-Judaic stereotypes of the epoch. In the thirteenth-century poem Judas, however, remains a universal figure, since he is one of many traitors and sinners, while his “sister” univocally embodies the type known as la juive fatale. Judas’ eeminacy, both psychological and physical, seems to be only one of many diverse aspects of that complex literary construct. The equivocal nature of representing Jews in Middle English literature is best exemplified by the fourteenth-century romance The Siege of Jerusalem, but even this text features the topic of weakness, if not effeminacy, of that ethnic group in their confrontation with the Romans. Judas, a text more complex in that respect from e Siege of Jerusalem, emphasizes religious, ethnic, and gender difference, but also presents the main character as an everyman, allowing its modern readers to explore the sphere of medieval imagination to a greater extent.
Artykuł rozpoczyna się tezę o odmienności (otherness) literatury średniowiecznej na tle innych epok, która to inność jest również tematem niektórych utworów średnioangielskich. Judasz, odmienny pod względem religijnym, etnicznym i płciowym, ma w tym utworze także „siostrę”, która tak jak on ilustruje antyżydowskie stereotypy epoki. Judasz jest jednak w tym utworze także postacią uniwersalną, jednym z licznych zdrajców i grzeszników otaczających Jezusa, podczas gdy jego „siostra” jednoznacznie uosabia typ postaci znany jako la juive fatale. Zniewieścienie Judasza (psychiczne, ale może również fizyczne) wydaje się tylko jedną stroną tej złożonej konstrukcji literackiej. Typowy dla innych utworów średnioangielskich brak jednoznaczności w przedstawianiu Żydów dobrze ilustruje czternastowieczny romans Oblężenie Jeruzalem (The Siege of Jerusalem), ale nawet tam pojawia się motyw nie tyle zniewieścienia, co słabości tej grupy społecznej w konfrontacji z Rzymianami. Judasz, tekst bardziej skomplikowany od Oblężenia, uwypukla różnice religijne, etniczne i te dotyczące płci kulturowej, ale też pokazuje główna postać jako rodzaj everymana, pozwalając współczesnym czytelnikom głębiej wniknąć w sferę średniowiecznej wyobraźni.
Terminus; 2011, 13, 24; 15-30
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The topos of the ages of the world and man in the first sermon on Dominica Septuagesimae of Mikołaj of Błonie
Grzybowska, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
medieval preaching
Polish medieval literature
the ages of the world
medieval conception of time
medieval sermon
This article aims to investigate how Mikołaj of Błonie, a Polish preacher from the first half of the fifteenth century, employs the motif of the ages of the world and man in the first sermon on Dominica Septuagesimae from his collection de tempore. In order to determine its function in respect to the medieval text and its role in religious instruction, this study identifies the sources of this theme and how it was adapted by the preacher according to the requirements of the sermon genre. A comprehensive analysis of Mikołaj of Błonie’s sermon demonstrates that the preacher employs the topos of the ages of the world and man as a persuasive literary device carrying a powerful, charismatic exhortation, in line with the didactic and moralizing nature of the sermon as a rhetorical genre. I will argue that the preacher exerted meticulous care in selecting and adapting source materials to make it relevant and appealing to his audience.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2023, 14; 83-102
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Живото знание за средновековното ръкописно наследство
Tsibranska-Kostova, Mariyana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
old Bulgarian literature, medieval literature, paleoslavistics, Klimentina Ivanova
literatura starobułgarska, średniowiecze, paleoslawistyka, Klimentina Ivanova
A review of: Ivanova, Klimentina. Manuscripts. Authors. Texts. Krakowsko-Wileńskie Studia Slawistyczne. Tom 14. Krakow: Scriptum Tomasz Sekunda, 2018, 563 pp. ISBN 978-83-66084-15-5. [In Bulgarian: Иванова, Климентина. Ръкописи. Автори. Творби. Krakowsko-Wileńskie Studia Slawistyczne. Tom 14. Kraków: Scriptum Tomasz Sekunda, 2018, 563 стр.]
Recenzja książki: Ivanova, Klimentina. Manuscripts. Authors. Texts. Krakowsko-Wilenskie Studia Slawistyczne. Tom 14. Krakow: Scriptum Tomasz Sekunda, 2018, 563 pp. ISBN 978-83-66084-15-5 [In Bulgarian: Иванова, Климентина. Ръкописи. Автори. Творби. Krakowsko-Wileńskie Studia Slawistyczne. Tom 14. Kraków: Scriptum Tomasz Sekunda, 2018, 563 стр.]
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie; 2018, 7
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hagiografie v 10. a 11. století
Hagiography in the tenth and eleventh century
Bláhová, Marie
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
medieval literature
history of hagiography
10th century
11th century
In her paper Hagiografie v 10. a 11. Století, Marie Bláhová of Charles University in Prague examines the early history of the development of this genre. First, she discusses what hagiography is and when and under what circumstances this branch of the Latin literature was born. The author points out to the ancient roots of hagiography (the second century). Next to the history and the causes of the emergence of hagiography, the paper presents the development of its forms and changes in the choice of types of holiness, which could be included in such works since the late antiquity until the eleventh century. Marie Bláhová has presented readers with a wide panorama of centers and individuals distinguished in creating and rewriting hagiographic literature, noting their role at the time of birth of a given work and its subsequent dissemination. This panorama is made up of activities of both various centers and literary circles in older Europe, i.e., Empire, England, France, Italy, and in Central Europe, namely Hungary, Czech and Poland.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2014, 1(6); 74-91
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tolkien w oczach mediewisty
Tolkien Through the Eyes of a Mediaevalist
Honegger, Thomas
Data publikacji:
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
English literature
Medieval literature
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
fantasy fiction
Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings, ever since its publication, has been something of a nuisance to traditional literary critics and has been maligned often and with zest. The main reason for these strong—and often irrational—reactions are primarily due to the fact that The Lord of the Rings does not fit into the literary mainstream and challenges standard critical assumptions about what a work of twentieth-century fiction should be like. The standard tool-kit of the literary critic seems utterly inadequate. Mediaevalists, in contrast, have often taken a more sympathetic view of Tolkien’s work. Honegger’s article Tolkien Through the Eyes of a Mediaevalist will therefore present several ‘mediaeval’ approaches towards Tolkien, evaluate their critical value and discuss their contribution towards a more adequate understanding of Tolkien’s literary work.
Creatio Fantastica; 2017, 2(57); 7-23
Pojawia się w:
Creatio Fantastica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Joi jako źródło niepokoju we wspólnotach emocjonalnych trubadurów i trobairitz
Joi as the Origin of Disquiet in Troubadours’ and Trobairitz’ Emotional Communities
Joi aux origines de l’intranquillité dans les communautés émotionnelles des troubadours et trobairitz
Sawczuk-Szadkowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
communautés émotionnelles
amour courtois
littérature médiévale
littérature occitane
emotional communities
courtly love
medieval literature
Occitan literature
Cet article vise à analyser l’amour courtois des troubadours en mettant l’accent sur la relation entre le joi et la peur ou l’intranquillité. Sur la base des concepts précédents, le modèle de la fin’amor en tant que communauté émotionnelle avec ses caractéristiques de base est présenté. Sur l’exemple de textes choisis de la littérature courtoise, une « carte des émotions » du monde des troubadours, dans laquelle le joi joue un rôle central, est construite. Joi est défini comme « la joie agissante » ou « un état d’harmonie, d’extase et de perfection intérieure ». L’étymologie de ce concept est considérée comme une combinaison des mots gaudium (joie) et joculum (jeu). L’analyse indique que la poursuite du joi est à la fois la raison de la construction de la communauté émotionnelle de la fin’amor et l’objectif des acteurs impliquées. L’obtention du joi repose sur un système élaboré de jeux littéraires. Dans la communauté émotionnelle, le joi déclenche d’autres émotions, notamment la peur et l’intranquillité. En ce sens, le joi n’est pas un état d’harmonie intérieure mais une entité ambivalente, qui affecte aussi bien le bien-être des acteurs de la fin’amor que son absence.
This paper aims to analyse the courtly love of the troubadours with a particular focus on the relationship between joi and fear or disquiet. With the background of previous concepts, the model of fin’amor as an emotional community with its basic characteristics is presented. On the example of selected texts from the courtly literature, a “map of emotions” of the troubadour world, in which joi plays a central role, is constructed. Joi is defined as “joy acting” or “a state of harmony, ecstasy and inner perfection”. As the etymology of this concept, it is taken as a combination of the words gaudium (joy) and joculum (play). The analysis indicates that the pursuit of joi is both the reason for building the emotional community of fin’amor and the goal of its actors involved. The achievement of joi is based on an elaborate system of literary games. In the emotional community, joi triggers other emotions, including fear and disquiet. Thus, joi is not a state of inner harmony but an ambivalent entity, affecting both the well-being of the individual fin’amor actors and the lack thereof.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2022, 17, 2; 23-35
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Owidiusz u Dantego na tle średniowiecznej tradycji literackiej
Maślanka-Soro, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Dante, Ovid, Ovidian literary tradition, medieval Romanic literature, intertextuality
The aim of this paper is to present the position and role of the poetry of Ovid, primarily the Metamorphoses, the product of a great poetic talent (ingenium) and an equally great poetic art (ars), in the work of Dante. The author’s point of departure in an analytical and interpretative approach is a synthetic overview of the Ovidian literary tradition in the medieval Romanic culture. The original and creative allusions Dante makes to Ovid in The Divine Comedy, which is the main focus of this paper’s intertextual analysis, stand out more clearly against this background. A distinct evolution may be observed in the way Dante assimilated the work of Ovid. In his early work, the Rime and Vita Nuova, Dante treated Ovid as an authority and referred to him to corroborate his own ideas, or tended to imitate the Ovidian style in his erotic lyrics. In the spirit of his times Dante resorted to the allegorical potential of the Metamorphoses in his prose treatises such as the Convivio. But it was not until the Divina Commedia that he embarked on an intertextual dialogue with his mentor, occasionally adopting a polemical stance and endeavouring to stress the superiority of his own ideas. The paper employs the motif of metamorphosis to illustrate the aspect of aemulatio which superseded Dante’s earlier imitatio approach to Ovid.
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis; 2011, 6, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Das Eposfragment Dukus Horant: ein mittelalterliches Zeugnis deutsch-jüdischer Interkulturalität?
Piszczatowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Dukus Horant
medieval epic
inter-cultural transfer
Jews in medieval German literature
The paper concerns a manuscript discovered in 1896 in the genizah of the Old Synagogue in Cairo. It contains Middle High German and early Yiddish literary texts written in Hebrew alphabet. Among them one may find fragments of the epic Dukus Horant, which, ever since its publication in 1957, has attracted a great deal of academic interest and generated much controversy as regards its place in the medieval tradition of the heroic epic, as well as its linguistic and cultural identity. The present paper discusses the main tendencies in the text’s reception and it also seeks to address the issue of the extent to which Dukus Horant may be treated as an example of inter-cultural transfer between the Jews and the Germans during the Middle Ages.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2016, 3; 293-303
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gegenwart und Zukunft der älteren deutschen Literatur in der polnischen Germanistik
Górecka, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Germanistów Polskich
Medieval German literature, Poland, presence and future of early German literature, academic curricula
The German literary heritage from the period between Middle Ages and Modern Times (8th-17th cc.) has an unquestionably high status in German Studies in the German-speaking countries. Hence, German Medieval Studies are widely acknowledged as an indisputably vital research domain. Austrian, German and Swiss academic institutions recognize German Medieval Studies as one of the three main autonomous components in German Studies – the other two being modern German Literature and Linguistics. This division is also mirrored in the academic curricula and the regulations concerning the scope of academic examinations. German Medieval Studies have a completely different status in countries other than the above, including Poland. In Poland, there can be no mention of institutional equality between the three components listed above. As can be inferred from the changes affecting the majority of programmes offered by the Institutes of German all around Poland, academic curricula seem to increasingly marginalize the early German literary legacy. The knowledge about the Medieval, Modern or Baroque texts is presented mostly, and sometimes exclusively, through curricular lectures. In some academic programmes, literature starts with the 18th century texts onward. This marginalized status of German Medieval Studies in the Polish Academia manifests itself correspondingly in the two branches of research: specializations and publications. Drawing upon the relevant German and English-language literature, the author of this paper would like to convince the Polish milieus of the specialists in German Studies of how important Old German literature is. The author also puts forward a postulate that in both the scientific and the didactic discourse within German Studies, the early German literary legacy should be given the position it rightly deserves.
Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten; 2015, 4, 4
Pojawia się w:
Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Si Griseldis m’était conté: entre attendrissement et enseignement
The Griselda Story: between Tenderness and Teaching
Loba, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Philippe de Mézières
medieval conduct literature for women
emotions in literature
My intention is to show in this article the role of emotions in the reception and dissemination of the Griselda story. Petrarch’s affective reactions to Boccaccio’s tale opened the path that many authors would pursue. I propose to trace the transition from the strange and confusing story to didactic and exemplary and explain the place of Griselda in courtesy literature addressed to women in the late Middle Ages.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2018, 45, 1; 45-55
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’entrée à Jérusalem : un exercice de style (de la liturgie au jeu)
The Entry to Jerusalem: an Exercise of Style (from Liturgy to Play)
Mélou-Le Ferrand, Catherine
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
Medieval literature
Christ’s Passion
Didot manuscript
theatre in Langue d’Oc
entry to Jerusalem
The first representations of the Passion of Christ in vernacular language mark an upheaval in liturgical codes. The entry to Jerusalem symbolises this change, as it is one of the most important episodes in the liturgy. It is a popular as well as a royal scene, and a scene of jubilation. It takes place outside the church where a procession has been organised. Through the text of one of the first Passions represented in the Langue d’Oc, namely the Didot manuscript of the Passion, we can see how the staging of the event takes place naturally, even—or especially—in the absence of precise stage directions. Amplification is a part of the game in which no rules are set; it merges with worship and offers devotees the opportunity to get involved in the story. The existing iconography, developed by artists since the 4th century, establishes the symbolic base on which the theatre can rely—costumes, sets and accessories. The very particular liturgy of this scene, celebrated during the Palm Sunday service, reinforces its theatricality and the acting (outside the church), as well as favouring a reversible character of the show. Hence, the spectator becomes an actor and the actor contemplates Christ. The stage directions, along with the absence of precise instructions, outline the codes, constraints and inventions of a nascent Passionist theatre.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2021, 11; 127-134
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le Spill de Jaume Roig ou l’impossibilité du bon mariage
Jaume Roig’s Espill, or the impossibility of a good marriage
Gregori, Alfons
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Jaume Roig
Medieval Catalan literature
marriage studies
gender studies
exegetical reading
Jaume Roig’s Espill constitutes one of the masterpieces in the history of Catalan literature. On the pages of the present article the attention will be put on one of its main thematic subjects, that is marriage, treated on the basis of a large perspective, whose goal will be to integrate the results of interdisciplinary analyses from the fields of anthropology, theology or cultural studies, in order to project an all-embracing view that will allow to configure the Spill’s signifiers polyhedron, which relies on its precious and singular textual ambiguity. In this frame and around the marriage’s core, the textual presence of sexuality marks, family relations and amor hereos will be analyzed in detail, for finally presenting a reading proposal of the main character’s matrimonial episodes from an exegetical sight.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2015, 42, 3; 39-57
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kto, kiedy i gdzie w Żywocie św. Konstantyna-Cyryla – klucz do lektury
Vita Constantini: Who, When, Where
Długosz, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Vita Constantini
medieval hagiographic literature
Slavic studies
reference book
didactic aspect
This review is a short presentation and an analysis of the book Кой, кога, къде в простарнното житие на св. Константин-Кирил (Vita Constantini: who, when, where) by Maya Ivanova and Tsvetomira Danova, published in 2021 in Sofia. The book consists of two main parts. The first and most extensive part is a kind of lexicon with 177 entries: personal name and by-names of actual historical figures; biblical and mythological characters; names of ethnonyms, tribes and languages; geographic names (including names of sacred objects), difficult and archaic words. Part II contains the text of the Vita. The book is a handbook intended for a wide groupof lay audiences, including Bulgarian Studies scholars abroad. This handbook is a coherent and well-thought-out entity. The study combines the condition of scientific credibility with the feature of accessibility. There is a need for similar teaching aids in the didactic process of students of Slavic studies.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2022, 23; 331-340
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Śladami węgierskiego mnicha po Krakowie. O jednym mało znanym segmencie stosunków polsko-węgierskich
In the footsteps of a Hungarian monk in Cracow. About one little known segment of Polish – Hungarian relations
Pátrovics, Péter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Filologiczny
Pelbartus de Themeswar
Hungarian Franciscans
religious writers
medieval Cracow
medieval literature
Pelbárt z Temeszwaru
węgierscy franciszkanie
średniowieczny Kraków
średniowieczna literatura
pisarze kościelni
The present paper discusses the Cracow stay of Pelbartus de Themeswar, an outstanding preacher and religious writer of medieval Hungarian literature in Latin. On the one hand, the author seeks an answer to the question of what role Cracow played in Pelbartus’ life, on the other, he attempts to reconstruct the view of medieval Cracow by taking a detailed look at all the buildings and places that Pelbartus could see and visit during his stay.
Niniejszy artykuł omawia krakowski pobyt Pelbárta z Temeszwaru (Temesvári Pelbárt), wybitnego kaznodziei i pisarza kościelnego średniowiecznej literatury węgierskiej. Z jednej strony autor próbuje znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, jaką rolę odegrał Kraków w życiu Pelbárta, z drugiej stara się zrekonstruować widok średniowiecznego Krakowa, poprzez szczegółowe przyjrzenie się wszystkim budynkom i miejscom, które Pelbárt mógł zobaczyć i odwiedzić podczas swego pobytu.
Język - Szkoła - Religia; 2022, 17; 180-188
Pojawia się w:
Język - Szkoła - Religia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wilhelm Marshal – „najlepszy rycerz jaki kiedykolwiek żył”
Niewiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Wilhelm Marshal
etos rycerski
turnieje rycerskie
literatura średniowieczna
William Marshal
Middle Ages
chivarlic ethos
knights’ tournaments
Medieval literature
Artykuł ukazuje idealnego rycerza swoich czasów Wilhelma Marshala (druga połowa XII – początek XIII stulecia), traktującego własne życie jako powołanie i służbę, na pierwszym miejscu stawiającego honor, dzielność i odwagę. Wszystkie czyny rycerza podporządkowane są nadrzędnej zasadzie honorowego postępowania. Największą chwałę przynoszą mu czyny zbrojne, zwycięstwa turniejowe, bohaterstwo na polu walki oraz lojalność. Z biegiem czasu Wilhelm Marshal dał się poznać jako wytrawny dyplomata, administrator, ale również strateg i dowódca.
The article shows the ideal of a knight at the times of William Marshal (the 2nd half of the 12th century – the beginning of the 13th century) treating one’s life as a calling and service and putting honour, bravery and courage at the first place. All the deeds of a knight are subordinate to the overriding principle of honourable behaviour. The greatest glory comes from the military deed, tournament victories, heroism at the battlefield and loyalty. With the course of time, William Marshal became known as an expert diplomat, administrator but also an able strategist and commander.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 2019, 104; 21-45
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rex Gulring nomine (Chronicon Thietmari 7.38)
Malinowski, Gościwit
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Ring Dagsson Gabarin
Old Norse
Erp von Verden
Verden (Aller)
textual criticism
medieval literature
medieval historiography
Ottonian dynasty
When in the seventh book of his Chronicle Thietmar presents the events of year 1016, in his description of events in England he reverts to the year 1014, when Æthelred the Unready II decided to destroy the earthly remains of Sweyn Forkbeard, buried in Gainsborough in Lincolnshire. However, the corpse of Sweyn was sent back to Denmark by his fiends and Thietmar constructs this expedition as a journey towards the far north. He presents the constellations of the northern sky and then turns to a description of the Scythians who inhabit northern land. After this description Thietmar unexpectedly turns to a brief account about one of the rulers of that country, named Gutring. However, we do not know of any Scandinavian king of that name in any kingdom. The reading Gutring, which is followed by all later editors and translators was proposed by Lappenberg in his 1839 critical edition of Thietmar’s works. But the analysis of the Dresden codex clearly indicates that the name was originally written as Gulring, which is an Old Norse name or sobriquet gullhringr, ‘gold ring’, ‘gold hoop’. The Gulring mentioned by Thietmar is in all likelihood Ring Dagsson Gabarin (964-post 1018), the King of Hedmark. The identity of the King Gulring described by Thietmar was already established in the 18th century, but because of the fact that in 1839 Lappenberg spoiled Thietmar’s text by changing the correct spelling of the Norse leader Gulring to Gutring, this identification was neglected and then forgotten by modern scholars.
Orbis Linguarum; 2019, 53; 177-189
Pojawia się w:
Orbis Linguarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diabeł straszniejszy niż go malują. Lęk przed diabłem w XIII-wiecznym zbiorze Vie des peres
Fear of Devil in 13th Century’s Collection of Vie des peres
La peur du diable dans Vie des peres (XIIIe siècle)
Gorecka-Kalita, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
littérature médiévale
contes pieux
Vie des peres
medieval literature
pious tales
L’article analyse la vision du diable dans les contes choisis de la Vie des peres, recueil de contes pieux du XIIIe siècle, librement inspiré de la littérature patristique et des exempla médiévaux. La période de la rédaction du recueil, le treizième siècle, marque la transition entre le haut et le bas Moyen Âge : c’est une époque où la perception du diable évolue et où celui-ci devient de plus en plus redouté. L’analyse se focalise surtout sur quatre récits dans lesquels le diable est au centre de l’histoire, et où son image même est source de peur et élément clé du récit : « Gueule du diable », « Vision de diables » et deux versions d’« Image du diable ». La vision du diable dans ces histoires coïncide avec la vision tératologique qui domine dans l’iconographie, à laquelle les histoires citées font d’ailleurs directement allusion. Le message de ces histoires est généralement positif : les protagonistes parviennent presque toujours à surmonter leurs peurs et à se libérer du pouvoir du diable. Les auteurs évitent ainsi le piège du manichéisme : le diable, malgré sa ruse et sa sophistication, n’est finalement qu’une caricature d’ange, incapable de s’opposer efficacement à Dieu. La peur du diable apparaît à plusieurs reprises sur les pages de la Vie des peres, mais c’est le message d’espoir qui domine.
The article analyses the vision of the devil in the selected tales of the Vie des peres, a collection of pious tales from the thirteenth century, freely inspired by patristic literature and medieval exempla. The period in which the collection was written, the thirteenth century, bridges the gap between the early and late Middle Ages: it is a time when the perception of the devil is changing, and he is becoming increasingly feared. The analysis focuses mainly on four stories in which the devil is at the centre of the story, and in which his very image is a source of fear and a key element of the story: ‘Devil’s Mouth’, ‘Devils Vision’ and two versions of ‘Devil’s Image’. The vision of the devil in these stories coincides with the teratological vision that is dominant in the iconography, to which the stories directly allude. The message of these stories is generally positive: the protagonists almost always manage to overcome their fears and free themselves from the power of the devil. In this way, the authors avoid the trap of Manichaeism: the devil, despite his cunning and sophistication, is in the end only a caricature of an angel, unable to oppose God effectively. The fear of the devil appears several times on the pages of Vie des peres, but it is the message of hope that dominates.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2022, 17, 2; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Loba, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Geoffroi de la Tour Landry
medieval literature
children’s literature
girl’s education
Godfryd de la Tour Landry
literatura średniowieczna
literatura dla dzieci
edukacja dziewcząt
Księga ku pouczeniu córek (Livre du Chevalier de la Tour Landry pour l’enseignement de ses filles, 1371–1372) Godfryda de la Tour Landry’ego jest dziełem napisanym przez ojca, któremu leży na sercu szczęście i pomyślne małżeństwo jego córek. Trudno pogodzić dydaktyczny zamysł Księgi z jej zawartością, która wydaje się nieprzystosowana dla dziecięcego odbiorcy. Celem mojego artykułu jest zastanowienie się, czy dzieło to można potraktować jako przykład średniowiecznej literatury dla dzieci.
“The Book of the Knight of the Tower” (1371–1372) is a pedagogical treatise compiled by a father concerned about the welfare and prospective good marriages of his daughters. It is difficult to match the educational and moral aims of the book to its content, which sometimes does not seem suitable for a child audience. However, the stories, which the narrator presents to young girls, invite us to reconsider whether “The Book” can be seen as an example of medieval literature for children.
Porównania; 2017, 20, 1; 189-198
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literary Representation of the Self in Medieval Arabic Autobiographies and the Cultural Barriers to Self‑Cognition. The Literacy Theory Perspective. Part 2
Literacka reprezentacja „ja” w średniowiecznych autobiografiach arabskich a kulturowe bariery samopoznania w perspektywie teorii piśmienności. Część 2
Prochwicz-Studnicka, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
literary representation
of the self
literacy theory
Arabic medieval literature
medieval Arab-Islamic culture
literacka reprezentacja „ja”
średniowieczna kultura arabsko-muzułmańska
średniowieczna literatura arabska
teoria piśmienności
This article addresses the problems associated with the relationship between the influence of writing on cognitive processes and the features of the culture within which writing appears. Classical literacy theory, with the modifications that were introduced over the course of time, was embraced as the research perspective. According to these modifications, the change in the cognitive processes and content which occurs under the influence of writing is not automatic. Every culture has at its disposal a specific array of factors which influence writing and literacy and which determine the extent to which the potential of writing will be used. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the most important cultural norms and values which, by being practiced socially, could have limited the influence of writing on self-cognitive processes—the consequences of such processes can be found in the literary representation of the self in medieval Arabic autobiographies of the 12th–15th centuries. These features were referred to as traditionalism, the domination of collective awareness over individual awareness, the acceptance of social hierarchical structure, and a Quranic vision of the limits to man’s freedom.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę związku pomiędzy wpływem pisma na procesy poznawcze a cechami kultury, w obrębie której przyjęcie pisma następuje. Jako perspektywę badawczą przyjęto klasyczną teorię piśmienności, sprofilowaną wprowadzonymi do niej z czasem modyfikacjami. Zgodnie z nimi zmiana procesów i treści poznawczych następująca pod wpływem pisma nie ma charakteru automatycznego. Każda kultura dysponuje określonym zasobem czynników oddziałujących na pismo oraz piśmienność i decydujących, w jakim stopniu potencjał pisma zostanie wykorzystany. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie najistotniejszych kulturowych norm i wartości, które – będąc obecne w praktyce społecznej – mogły ograniczyć możliwości oddziaływania pisma na procesy samopoznawcze, a których konsekwencje obecne są w literackim obrazie „ja” w średniowiecznych arabskich autobiografiach XII–XV wieku. Cechy te określono jako: tradycjonalizm, przewagę świadomości zbiorowej nad indywidualną, akceptację dla hierarchiczności oraz koraniczną wizję granic wolności człowieka.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2020, 31, 4; 109-124
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literary Representation of the Self in Medieval Arabic Autobiographies and the Cultural Barriers to Self‑Cognition: The Literacy Theory Perspective.
Literacka reprezentacja „ja” w średniowiecznych autobiografiach arabskich a kulturowe bariery samopoznania w perspektywie teorii piśmienności.
Prochwicz-Studnicka, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
literacka reprezentacja „ja”
średniowieczna kultura arabsko-muzułmańska
średniowieczna literatura arabska
teoria piśmienności
Arabic medieval literature
literary representation of the self
medieval Arab-Islamic culture
literacy theory
This article addresses the problems associated with the relationship between the influence of writing on cognitive processes and the features of the culture within which writing appears. Classical literacy theory, with the modifications that were introduced over the course of time, was embraced as the research perspective. According to these modifications, the change in the cognitive processes and content which occurs under the influence of writing is not automatic. Every culture has at its disposal a specific array of factors which influence writing and literacy and which determine the extent to which the potential of writing will be used. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the most important cultural norms and values which, by being practiced socially, could have limited the influence of writing on self-cognitive processes—the consequences of such processes can be found in the literary representation of the self in medieval Arabic autobiographies of the 12th–15th centuries. These features were referred to as traditionalism, the domination of collective awareness over individual awareness, the acceptance of social hierarchical structure, and a Quranic vision of the limits to man’s freedom.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę związku pomiędzy wpływem pisma na procesy poznawcze a cechami kultury, w obrębie której przyjęcie pisma następuje. Jako perspektywę badawczą przyjęto klasyczną teorię piśmienności, sprofilowaną wprowadzonymi do niej z czasem modyfikacjami. Zgodnie z nimi zmiana procesów i treści poznawczych następująca pod wpływem pisma nie ma charakteru automatycznego. Każda kultura dysponuje określonym zasobem czynników oddziałujących na pismo oraz piśmienność i decydujących, w jakim stopniu potencjał pisma zostanie wykorzystany. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie najistotniejszych kulturowych norm i wartości, które – będąc obecne w praktyce społecznej – mogły ograniczyć możliwości oddziaływania pisma na procesy samopoznawcze, a których konsekwencje obecne są w literackim obrazie „ja” w średniowiecznych arabskich autobiografiach XII– XV wieku. Cechy te określono jako: tradycjonalizm, przewagę świadomości zbiorowej nad indywidualną, akceptację dla hierarchiczności oraz koraniczną wizję granic wolności człowieka.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2020, 30, 3; 135-150
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Pochwycili ji między sie, jako wilcy owieczkę”. Żydzi w późnośredniowiecznych polskich apokryfach (Rozmyślania dominikańskie, Rozmyślanie przemyskie, Sprawa Chędoga o Męce Pana Chrystusowej)
“They surrounded and captured him like wolves that capture a sheep”. Jews in the late medieval polish apocrypha: Rozmyślania Dominikańskie, Rozmyślanie Przemyskie, and Sprawa Chędoga o Męce Pana Chrystusowej
Vincůrková, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
late medieval Polish literature
the Passion of Christ
polska literatura średniowieczna
Pasja Chrystusa
The article analyses the construction of Jewish characters in the following late medieval Polish apocrypha: Rozmyślania dominikańskie, Rozmyślanie przemyskie, and Sprawa chędoga o męce Pana Chrystusowej. The characters are built on a contrast between the figure of Christ and his tormentors. The article studies the following aspects of the contrast: hyperbolized aggression, beastial imagery, and the impurity of the perpetrators (which is conspicuous in images originating from the humoral theories). The literary representation of Jews (rather than Roman soldiers) as the ‘physical’ culprits of the Crucifixion of the Saviour also plays an important role in the texts under discussion
Prace Polonistyczne; 2021, 76; 97-119
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aurora – wierszowana Biblia autorstwa Piotra Rigi (ok. 1145–1209): stan badań i perspektywy
Aurora – a verse Bible by Petrus Riga (ca. 1145–1209): State and perspectives of research
Pludra-Żuk, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
Piotr Riga
Idzi z Paryża
literatura średniowieczna
egzegeza biblijna
wierszowane parafrazy biblijne
Peter Riga; Aegidius of Paris
medieval literature
Biblical exegesis
verse paraphrases of the Bible
Artykuł przedstawia stan badań nad Aurorą, wierszowaną parafrazą Biblii spisaną pod koniec XII wieku przez Piotra Rigę (zm. 1209), kanonika katedry w Reims i kanonika mieszczącego się w tym mieście klasztoru augustianów, która jeszcze za życia autora przeredagowana została przez Idziego z Paryża (ca 1160–1224). Opisywany tekst cieszył się w średniowieczu szczególną popularnością, na co dowodem jest blisko pięćset zachowanych do dziś kopii, liczne cytaty u autorów średniowiecznych i opierające się na nim kolejne przekłady. Jednakże pomimo szerokiego wpływu, jaki Aurora wywarła na średniowieczną umysłowość, editio princeps doczekała się dopiero w 1965 r., a choć dzieło stanowi doskonały materiał do badań nad wieloma aspektami odnoszącymi się do historii intelektualnej średniowiecza, dotychczas wiele związanych z nim zagadnień pozostaje nierozstrzygniętych. Artykuł przytacza główne ustalenia dotyczące postaci autora oraz redaktora Aurory, kompozycji tekstu i specyfiki jego recepcji z zaznaczeniem trudności, wynikających z istnienia kilku wersji odautorskich oraz niemal jednocześnie sporządzonych redakcji. Ma na celu wprowadzenie do polskiej literatury przedmiotu zagadnienia do tej pory niemalże całkiem nieobecnego, a dającego nadzieję na nowe istotne ustalenia w zakresie transmisji tekstu i treści zarówno w odniesieniu do tego konkretnego przypadku, jak i w szerszej perspektywie panoramy intelektualnej średniowiecznej Polski.
The article presents the state of research on Aurora, the verse paraphrase of the Bible composed prior to the end of the 12th century by Peter Riga (died 1209), a canon of the Reims cathedral and a regular canon of the Augustinian monastery located in the same city. As early as during the lifetime of Riga, it was reworked by Aegidius of Paris (ca. 1160–1224). During the Middle Ages, Aurora was exceedingly popular. This popularity is attested by nearly 500 extant manuscript copies, numerous citations in works by other authors, and by translations into the vernacular. In spite of its importance to the Middle Ages, this remarkable text received its editio princeps only in 1965, and even if this edition provides ample material for research on various themes relative to medieval intellectual culture, many issues connected with this text remain to be solved. P. Pludra-Żuk recounts the major fi ndings concerning Peter Riga and Aegidius of Paris, the composition of Aurora, and the specifi city of its reception, emphasising the diffi culties, which arise from the existence of several authorial versions of the text, and nearly contemporary redactions. Pludra-Żuk’s article aims at introducing into Polish historiography issues related to Aurora, which hitherto have practically been absent, while the research fi eld seems quite promising. In particular, one can hope for interesting results from inquiries into the textual transmission and the reception of the contents of Aurora, as well as the scrutiny of its place in the wider intellectual context of medieval Poland.
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi; 2015, 9; 149-170
Pojawia się w:
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ichaussage und Autobiographie im englischen Mittelalter: Zwischen Konvention und Individualität
Self-Description and Autobiography in Medieval England
Sauer, Hans
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
mentioning one’s name
Old English
Middle English and medieval Latin literature
Margery Kempe
This article deals with autobiographical remarks and autobiographies written in medieval England, either by English authors or by authors who came to England (mainly from France), as well as by authors that were born in England but moved (or had to move) abroad (mainly to France). The survey is broad in that it takes not only Old and Middle English texts into account, but also relevant Latin texts. A wide range of material exists, from passages where authors simply mention their name to fully-fledged autobiographies, such as the Book of Margery Kempe, which is often regarded as the first genuine English autobiography. In another respect, my scope is narrower than that of some previous critics (especially Brandl and Misch): autobiographies by clearly fictitious characters such as Beowulf or the speakers in many of the Old English elegies are excluded. However, the borderline between the genuine and the fictitious is not always easy to draw. Therefore, I also briefly discuss the Old English elegy “Deor”, where the speaker mentions his name (Deor), but is nevertheless probably a fictitious character. It is also not always easy to decide where the autobiography describes real events and where the speaker uses or at least seems to use topoi, conventionalized images; but even a conventionalized image can express real events. There are several cases where the speaker describes himself as an old man, who repents the luxurious and sinful life which he led in his youth. Due to these and similar problems, scholars have not been able to identify some authors or characters, even if their names are mentioned. This applies to the Old English poet Cynewulf or to Nicholas of Guildford, who is referred to as a wise man at the end of the Early Middle English poem “Owl and Nightingale.” Chaucer is the only author who describes himself with a bit of clear self-irony – this confirms Chaucer’s exceptional status among the medieval English poets.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2020, 10; 207-222
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interpretacje po końcu świata
Interpretations after the end of the world
Śnieżko, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
medieval and early modern literature
methodology of literary studies
poetology of insight
The topic of the article is an analysis of the positions of today’s interpretations of the old Polish literature. Firstly, the position of the interpreter was examinated in the context of the methodological map of medieval, Renaisssance and Baroque studies in Poland. Secondly, it is about the chronological location of the interpreter, generally beyond the horizon of medieval and early modern authors’ expectations toward future readers, that was limited by the eschatological perspective (near the end of the world). The issues of empathic references and affective reactions have also been raised, which are considered here as a stimulating experience of “recognizing continuity” between the ancient and present epochs. At last, the article presents the justification for the interpretative practice that could be called “the poetology of insight” – in reference to the remarks by Roland Barthes and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2017, 30; 169-183
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludwik, Otton, Henryk i „Dziecko śniegu”. Literatura dworska i kultura duchowieństwa w literaturze wczesnego średniowiecza
Ludwig, Otto, Henry and “The Snow Child”. Courtly literature and clergy culture in early medieval literature
Schiewer, Hans-Jochen
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
wczesnośredniowieczna literatura niemiecka
X–XIII wiek
król niemiecki Henryk III
literatura dworska
early medieval German literature
10th to 13th centuries
German King Henry III
courtly literature
In this article, the author presents literary considerations on the 11th-century poem “Snow Child” from the “Cambridge Songs” (Carmina Cantabrigiensia) collection as an important element of courtly literature and clergy culture in the early Middle Ages.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2022, 4(35); 11-32
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ideł etosu rycerza w Libro del orden de caballería Ramona Llulla
The Ideal of the Chivalric Ethos in Libro del orden de caballería of Ramon Llull
Niewiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Ramon Llull; średniowiecze; etos rycerski; twórczość i literatura średniowieczna
Ramon Llull; middle ages; chivarlic ethos; medieval creativity and literature
Artykuł jest przybliżeniem postaci Ramona Llulla (1232-1316), katalońskiego tercjarza franciszkańskiego. Autor poddaje analizie jego dzieło Libro del orden de caballería (powstałe między rokiem 1274 a 1276). Ukazuje proces tworzenia i stopniowego rozwoju ideałów życia rycerza, zwany etosem rycerskim. Głównym powodem kształtowania ideałów rycerskich było zaangażowanie się rycerstwa Europy Zachodniej w walkę z niewiernymi w Ziemi Świętej i rekonkwista. Llull, podobnie jak inni średniowieczni autorzy piszący o rycerstwie, uwypukla bardziej aspekt moralny niż militarny. Troska o kondycję duchową rycerza, zdaniem hiszpańskiego teologa, wysuwa się na pierwszy plan, ponieważ rzutuje ona na funkcjonowanie całego stanu rycerskiego.
The article presents the figure of Ramon Llull (1232-1316), a Catalonian theologian, philosopher and a Secular Franciscan. It also aims at the analysis of his work Libro del orden de caballería (created between 1274 and 1276). The article describes the process of creation and gradual development of the knight ideals, which are also called the chivalric ethos. The main reason behind the creation of the knight ideals was the involvement of the chivalry from Western Europe in the fight with the infidels in the Holy Land and the Reconquista. Llull, similarly to other medieval authors who write about the chivalry, underlines the moral aspect rather than the military one. According to the Spanish theologian, the concern about the spiritual condition of a knight comes to the fore, because it has an effect on the functioning of the entire knighthood.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 2; 5-24
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Сведения о дуалистических ересях и языческих верованиях в "Шестодневе" Иоанна Экзарха
Information on dualist heresies and pagan beliefs in John Exarch’s "Hexameron" ("Šestodnev")
Минчев, Георги
Сковронек, Малгожата
Петров, Иван Н.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Medieval dualist heresies
Old Slavonic Literature
Bulgarian medieval heretics
The article aims to present and analyze those passages of the Hexameron (Šestodnev) in which ‘heretics’, ‘Manichaeans’, ‘pagans’ or ‘pagan Slavs’ are mentioned. The fragments are compared with their Greek counterparts (as long as these exist); the Old Bulgarian texts (especially those that can be considered original additions or loose compilations) are utilized for interpreting certain elements of heterodox doctrines common to Manichaeism, Paulicianism, Massalianism and Bogomilism. The Old Bulgarian translation/compilation by John Exarch supplies important information on the cosmology, theological doctrine and liturgical life of the Neo-Manichaeans within the Byzantine- Slavic world. The original additions and passages that can be seen as loose translations or compilations testify to the relevance of anti-dualist polemics even in the later periods of the Byzantine-Slavic religious community. The old Gnostic and Manichaean concepts, adapted by later dualist heresies (as e.g. Massalianism and Paulicianism), coupled with Trinitarian and Christological deviations from the official dogma, infiltrate the 1st Bulgarian Empire and provide a hospitable environment for the appearance of Bogomilism. In this sense, the Old Bulgarian Hexameron turns out to be an important source of information on the predecessors of the ‘Bulgarian heresy’. The original additions and loose translations/compilations of certain passages uncover some ‘common areas’ characteristic of all medieval Neo-Manichaean doctrines: the dualist creation myth, the belief in Satan as God’s ‘first-born son’ and the related Trinitarian and Christological departures from the prescribed dogma. Especially noteworthy is the passage referring to the Trisagion (Trisvetoe). The rejection of particular elements of the Liturgy of the Faithful attests to the dualists’ more diversified attitude towards the official ritual – not an indiscriminate renunciation, but the exclusion of those elements that were considered to praise the Old Testament God and to be irreconcilable with the Neo-Manichaean beliefs concerning creation and forgiveness. The mentioning of a Slavic pagan sun cult should be analyzed not only in connection with the charges against Manichaeans and Slavs concerning idolatry, but also in a wider context of the refutation of antique astrological beliefs and soothsaying practices. The comparison of particular lexemes, phrases and larger textual units in John Exarch’s Hexameron on the one hand and the Sermon Against the Heretics on the other makes it possible to conjecture that Cosmas the Priest was familiar with his predecessor’s work and made use of it when composing his own anti-heretic text.
Studia Ceranea; 2014, 4; 95-123
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Translatio studii i kontakty międzykulturowe w średniowieczu. Słowo o V Kongresie Mediewistów Polskich w Rzeszowie
Translatio studii and Intercultural Contacts in the Middle Ages. A Word about the Fifth Congress of Polish Medievalists
Trościński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The Fifth Congress of Polish Medievalists
the Middle Ages
University of Rzeszów
translatio studii
intellectual and literary culture of the Middle Ages
medieval philosophy
medieval literature
the Polish Middle Ages
V Kongres Mediewistów Polskich
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
kultura intelektualna i literacka średniowiecza
filozofia średniowieczna
literatura średniowieczna
polskie średniowiecze
Between September 20th and 24th, 2015 Rzeszów hosted the Fifth Congress of Polish Medievalists, which was attended by about 250 scholars of the Middle Ages from all academic centres in Poland and from abroad. The congress theme was “Reception and Rejection. Intercultural Contacts in the Middle Ages”. A large number of papers were presented in 20 thematic sections. One section, no. 17, entitled “Translatio studii in the intellectual and literary culture of the Middle Ages”, was organized by Professor Andrzej Dąbrówka from the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Grzegorz Trościński, Ph.D. from the Old Polish and Enlightenment Literature Department of the University of Rzeszów. The speakers included philosophers, historians of Polish literature and linguists from several academic centres in Poland. The papers focused on the main intellectual current of the Middle Ages, depicted from various perspectives and shown at different angles. Translatio studii turned out to be multifaceted and long-lasting.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2016, 6(11); 503-509
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rycerskie ideały codziennego życia według "Księgi o rycerstwie" Godfryda de Charny
The knightly ideals of everyday life according to The Book of Chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny
Niewiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Godfryd de Charny
etos rycerski
twórczość i literatura średniowieczna
XIV wiek
Geoffroi de Charny
Middle Ages
chivalric ethos
medieval creativity and literature
14th centuries
„The Book of Chivalry” written by Geoffroi de Charny, who was considered the quintessential knight of his age, gives a valuable insight into chivalric culture of knighthood. Unlike many medieval writers on chivalry, de Charny actively participated in tournaments and fought with distinction in numerous engagements during the Hundred Years War, including the battle of Poitiers (1356) where he was killed defending the Oriflamme. His „Book”, primarily intended as a manual for the members of the royal Order of the Star, was implicated in the broader reform programme of King John the Good. De Charny describes the knightly way of life and its requisite virtues as opposed to numerous shortcomings of real life men-at-arms, the chief knightly quality being the „prowess”. Knight is also a men of honour, worth and notable piety who undergoes perilous journeys constantly seeking the opportunity to fight and undertakes incessant hardships in order to bring glory to his name and to secure salvation.
"Księga o rycerstwie", napisana przez Godfryda de Charny, uważana za syntetyczny opis sztuki rycerskiej w XIV w., daje cenny wgląd w kulturę rycerskości. Podobnie jak wielu średniowiecznych pisarzy podejmujących temat rycerstwa, de Charny aktywnie uczestniczył w turniejach, walczył z powodzeniem w licznych kampaniach podczas wojny stuletniej, a także w bitwie pod Poitiers (1356), gdzie zginął w obronie Oriflamme. Jego "Księga", pierwotnie przeznaczona jako podręcznik dla członków Królewskiego Zakonu Gwiazdy, została włączona do szerszego programu reform króla Jana Dobrego. De Charny opisuje rycerski styl życia i niezbędne rycerskie cnoty, przeciwstawiające się licznym wyzwaniom prawdziwego życia zbrojnego. Główną rycerską cechą jest męstwo, rycerz jest również człowiekiem honoru, pełnym pobożności, który poddaje się nieustannym podróżom, szukając okazji do walki i podejmując trudy, wysiłek, by przynieść chwałę swojemu imieniu i zapewnić sobie zbawienie.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 2018, 101; 11-28
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mowa Kosmy Prezbitera w Szmaragdzie – nowe dane
Treaty of Kozma Presbyter in Izmaragd – new information
Die Rede von Kosma Presbyter im Izmaragd – neue Angaben
Беседа Козьмы Пресвитера в Измарагде: новые данные
Cistiakova, Marina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
Medieval polemic literature
Treaty of Kozma Presbyter
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Cyrillic manuscripts cheti collections
Средневековая полемическая литература
Беседа Козьмы Пресвитера
Великое княжество Литовское и Королевство Польское
кириллические рукописные четьи сборники
Izmaragd is a noncalendar collection of instructions, composed in times of Old Rus' on the basis of existing corpus of, translated or written originally in Slavonic, homilies. Three redactions of Izmaragd are known: Old, Basic and Lithuanian. Izmaragd consists of excerpts from “Treatise against the Bogomils”, written in II half of the X century by Bulgarian writer Presbyter Kozma. Research proved that texts from Treatise against the Bogomils in three redactions of Izmaragd are not the result of direct use of Presbyter Kozma’s work. Compilers of the Old redaction of Izmaragd used chetis sbornik with excerpts from Treatise, from where they borrowed two homilies (chapter 28-29). Compilers of the Basic redaction of Izmaragd removed one text of the Old redaction, and the another changed reworded. Compilers of the Lithuanian redaction saved one homily of the Basic redaction of Izmaragd (chapter 3.VI) and added five texts from Prologue (chapter 72.I, 73.I, 74.I, 30.VII, 318.VII). The article is accompanied by three unpublished texts of homilies, form the Lithuanian redaction of Izmaragd (chapters 72.I, 73.I, 74.I), that originated form the Treatise against the Bogomils.
Измарагд, некалендарный сборник поучений, составленный в Древней Руси на основе уже бытовавшего корпуса переводных и оригинальных учительных гомилий и известный в трех редакциях (древнейшей, основной и литовской), содержит выдержки из „Беседы против богомилов“, написанной во второй половине X в. болгарским писателем Козьмой Пресвитером. Исследование показало, что тексты Беседы против богомилов в трех редакциях Измарагда не являются результатом непосредственного обращения к сочинению Козьмы Пресвитера. Составители древнейшей редакции Измарагда воспользовались четьими сборниками с извлечениями из Беседы, откуда заимствовали две гомилии (гл. 28–29); редакторы основной редакции Измарагда устранили один текст древнейшей редакции, а второй сильно переработали (гл. 21); авторы литовской редакции сохранили одно поучение основной редакции Измарагда (гл. 3.VI) и привлекли 5 текстов из Пролога (гл. 72.I, 73.I, 74.I, 30.VII, 318.VII). В конце статьи приведены тексты 3 восходящих к Беседе Козьмы Пресвитера гомилий в составе литовской редакции Измарагда (гл. 72.I, 73.I, 74.I), которые ранее не опубликовались.
Rocznik Teologiczny; 2013, 55, 1-2; 91-100
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Grettis Saga through Time and Space: An Exploration of Topics in Old Norse Sagas.
Lasota, Kornelia
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
Old Norse saga
Grettis Saga
medieval studies
sagas of the Icelanders
The paper provides a brief summary of the Old Norse Grettis Saga and examines it in terms of research aspects outside of the field of literary studies. It highlights the historical, cultural, social, and religious contexts of the work, giving explanation as to where indications of them can be found in the saga. At the same time it tries to explain some of the more obscure aspects, such as the supernatural elements, in order to give clarity to the method of interpretation. Vital information on the grouping of Old Norse sagas, as well as the importance of ancestry in the texts, are provided and elaborated. Definitions of key terms essential to understand the source material are provided and kept on a level clear to a reader not fluent in the topic. Categorizations of the mentioned saga genre are also provided, with the hope to spark interest in the vast variety of motifs and key aspects of the Old Norse sagas. Further suggestions for research outside of the field are presented; however, they are not taken up completely. The paper shows the Old Norse sagas as potent, yet often overlooked, literary works worthy of attention as possible research material in the field of humanities.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2020, 10; 157-162
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Topos skrivene milostinje u staroj srpskoj književnosti
The Topos of Clandestine Charity in Medieval Serbian Literature
Петровић, Соња
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
clandestine charity
old Serbian literature
Serbian medieval rulers
the poor
Charity and almsgiving, as the religious and social act of philanthropy and concern for the salvation of the soul, were one of the obligatory and permanent duties of rulers in the Middle Ages. Serbian medieval rulers were known for their numerous charitable donations to the poor, sick, old, widows, pilgrims, needy, as well as builders of churches, monasteries, hospitals. Many of these charitable deeds of the Serbian rulers became the subject of Serbian medieval literature. The topos of clandestine charity was particularly popular, since it well represented the beneficence and clemency of Serbian rulers, their piety and their respect for the poor. Disguised as beggars, several Serbian rulers (particularly Milutin, Stefan Dečanski, and Stefan Lazarević) were helping the poor by night, by giving them alms. These topoi are observed in hagiographies and church poetry, as well as in folklore and mythology. The hero in the beggar’s clothing is related to the international story model of deities or demons that travel the world and test the people.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2013, 5
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pochwała wielkiej księżnej włodzimierskiej Marii. Edycja i przekład nieznanego zabytku literatury staroruskiej.
Brzozowska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Maria Shvarnovna
Vsevolod III the Big Nest
medieval Russia
Old Church Slavonic literature
This paper is devoted to one particular historical source: the praise of the Grand Princess of Vladimir, Maria Shvarnovna, the first wife of Vsevolod III the Big Nest. The text can be found in the Chronicle of Trinity Monastery, compiled in Moscow around 1408. The monument has not survived to our days and we have only a reconstruction of the text by Priselkov. The publication is divided into three parts. The introduction gives background information on Maria Shvarnovna and the text. Secondly, the Old-Church-Slavonic/Old Russian original edition is included. The last and the longest part of the article contains the complete Polish translation. Bible citations and all additional historical information and references can be found in the footnotes.
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim; 2013, 54; 307-320
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska poezja modlitewna średniowiecza
Polish prayer poetry in the Middle Ages
Nowaczyński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
Polish literature
Medieval prayer poetry
genre studies
literatura polska
średniowieczna poezja religijna
Jako granicę dla średniowiecznej poezji religijnej przyjęto umownie – istnieją tu rozbieżności wśród badaczy – pierwsze dziesięciolecia XVI w. Autora interesuje wyłącznie obraz gatunku, jego poetyka wyznaczona koncepcją podmiotu, adresata i tematyką wiersza. Praca ta sytuuje się więc na terenie genologicznie zorientowanej historii literatury, chodzi w niej wyłącznie o wydobycie podstawowych cech polskiej modlitwy poetyckiej średniowiecza. Analiza pozwala wskazać kilka istotnych cech tej poezji. 1. Wszystkie utwory grupują się wokół świąt kościelnych, stąd przyjęty w pracy, abstrahujący od ewolucji poezji średniowiecza, podział na utwory maryjne, bożonarodzeniowe, pasyjne, o Zmartwychwstaniu, Duchu Świętym i Bożym Ciele. 2. Modlitwy średniowieczne kierowane są najczęściej do Maryi jako pośredniczki w wyjednywaniu łask, Jezusa – nowonarodzonego lub umęczonego – i po części Ducha Świętego. Niezwykle rzadkie są natomiast utwory adresowane bezpośrednio do Boga Ojca. 3. Modlitwy średniowieczne, jak wiedzieliśmy, rozpięte są między rozumem a uczuciem. Niezależnie jednak od dominacji określonej władzy ich myśl krąży stale wokół określonych prawd wiary, np. niepokalanego poczęcia, dziewiczego narodzenia, bosko-ludzkiej natury Chrystusa, zbawczej Męki, Zmartwychwstania, darów Ducha Świętego itp. 4. Wydaje się, że właśnie brak w modlitwach średniowiecznych indywidualizacji, nasycenia ich pierwiastkiem osobistym jest jednym ze źródłem słabości tej poezji jako sztuki. 5. Ta ogólność, niedookreślenie podmiotu odbija się też w wyjątkowej anemii próśb. Wszystkie one, niezależnie czy maryjne, czy bożonarodzeniowe, czy pasyjne kończą się z reguły tym samym pragnieniem dobrej śmierci. Jak więc widzimy modlitwa średniowieczna zorientowana jest wyraźnie na potrzeby roku kościelnego, kierowana głównie do Maryi i Jezusa, podporządkowana propagowaniu prawd wiary, monotematyczna w zakresie próśb, nastawiona przede wszystkim na adresata i jednostronna w koncepcji człowieka.
Although researchers differ about the matter, it can generally be stated that the Medieval prayer poetry date back to the fi rst decade of the 16th century. The author of the paper is exclusively interested in the general features of the genre and its poetics, manifesting itself in the way it utilizes the lyrical subject, the addressee and it organizes the content of the poem. Hence, the paper qualifi es within the realm of history of literature, in its aspect of genre studies. The analysis undertaken in the paper help defi ne certain defi ning features of the prayer poem: 1. All the poems focus around the Ecclesiastical feasts, which leads the author to adopt a division of the poems into those that refer to Mother Mary, Christmas, Passion and Easter, the Holy Spirit and Corpus Christi. This division ignores the main evolutionary trends in Medieval Polish poetry. 2. Medieval prayers are mostly addressed to Mother Mary, as the Mediatrix of Grace; to Jesus – the newly born and the crucifi ed; and partly also to the Holy Spirit. Poems directly addressing God the Father are extremely rare. 3. Medieval prayers stretch between the mind and the heart. Nonetheless, irrespective of which extreme they actually take, they constantly refer to the Articles of Faith, such as the Immaculate Conception, the Virgin Birth, the human-divine nature of Christ, His redemptive death, resurrection, gifts of the Holy Spirit, etc. 4. Medieval prayers are visibly devoid of individuality and this lack of a personal aspect diminishes the artistic value of these poems. 5. The generality and the indeterminacy of the lyrical subject is also refl ected in the feebleness of the intercessions expressed in the poems. They all seem to end with a request of a good death. All in all, one can notice that Medieval prayer is closely related to the course of the Ecclesial calendar, mostly directed towards Mother Mary and Jesus Christ, subservient to the purpose of promoting the Articles of Faith, monothematic as regards the requests made by the authors, mostly addressee-oriented and representing a onesided conception of a human being.
Facta Simonidis; 2009, 2, 1; 255-281
Pojawia się w:
Facta Simonidis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Unknown Knight as a Catalyst of Psychological Growth in Karel ende Elegast and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Polkowski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Karel ende Elegast
medieval chivalric epic
comparative literature
The article presents a comparative analysis of two chivalric epics, the Middle Dutch Karel ende Elegast and the Middle English Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, concentrating on the similarities and differences in the presentation of the figure of a mysterious knight (the Green Knight and the Black Knight – Elegast) who appears in the plot primarily as a challenger, but who also acts as an unexpected facilitator, provoking through his actions the psychological change of the main protagonist.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2016, 3; 341-354
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Textually Invisible? Emporia on the Southern Shore of the Baltic in Scandinavian Medieval Sources
Damm, Carina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
early medieval trade
Viking Age
Old Norse literature
handel wczesnośredniowieczny
epoka wikingów
literatura staronordycka
Niniejszy artykuł jest poświęcony wczesnośredniowiecznym rynkom, tak zwanym emporiom, położonym na południowym brzegu Bałtyku na obecnych terytoriach Szlezwiku, Meklemburgii i Pomorza, oraz ich obecności w źródłach skandynawskich. Jest intrygujące, że spośród szesnastu zidentyfikowanych archeologicznie emporiów tylko dwa są poświadczone w średniowiecznych tekstach z Islandii: Hedeby (st. nord. Heiðabýr/Heiðabœr) i Wolin (st. nord. Jómsborg). Analiza tych tekstów pokazuje, że Hedeby było ważnym przystankiem na Austrvegr (“wschodniej drodze”) dla kupców, wojowników czy pielgrzymów – nawet jeżeli jego znaczenie nie było wyjątkowe w skali świata skandynawskiego. Źródła pisane również wskazują, że literacka pamięć o Bałtyku była ograniczona do X–XII w. Możemy zatem podejrzewać, że pamięć i tradycje pisane o Bałtyku są związane z formującym się królestwem Danii, jak na to wskazują liczne przekazy o Haraldzie Gormssonie i jego synu Swenie Widłobrodym, i o ich obecności w obu wspomnianych emporiach. Końcowa część artykułu poświęcona jest funkcjom także tych emporiów, które są poświadczone archeologicznie, ale są nieobecne w źródłach pisanych.
The present study focuses on early medieval trading places, so-called emporia, along the south- ern Baltic coast in today’s territories of Schleswig, Mecklenburg, and Pomorze, and their prominence in Old Norse literature. Intriguingly, from the archaeologically identified sixteen places, only two are attested in the high-medieval textual sources from Iceland, namely Hedeby (ON Heiðabýr/Heiðabœr) and Wolin (ON Jómsborg). A close text-based analysis on the former highlights Hedeby as a crucial station for commercially, militarily and religiously motivated expeditions along the Austrvegr (“the Eastern way”) – albeit not unique in its importance for mobile Scandinavians among numerous other places in the Viking world. The textual sources also suggest that the literary memory of the Baltic is restricted to the tenth to twelfth centuries. Hence, we can assume that writing and memory was attached to the emerging Danish royal power as is evidenced in the numerous narratives on Haraldr Gormsson and his son Sveinn tjúguskegg and their presence in the two trading places. Eventually, the article serves as a case study for the functions of the numerous emporia that are archaeologically, but not textually visible.
Studia Maritima; 2023, 36; 49-67
Pojawia się w:
Studia Maritima
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parables of Un-freedom: Novels about the Spanish Inquisition in post-1956 People’s Poland
Bates, John
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
the Thaw
independent publishing
historical novel
Polish literature
The article examines three post-1956 novels ostensibly about the Spanish Inquisition’s activities in Spain at the end of the fifteenth century: Jerzy Andrzejewski’s Ciemności kryją ziemię (The Inquisitors, 1957), Julian Stryjkowski’s Przybysz z Narbony (1978), and Jozef Cepik’s Torquemada (1986). These works are placed in a number of broader contexts: the uses of the historical novel in Poland; post-war Polish censorship discourse about the use of historical analogy to address current social and political problems, a practice which the political authorities sought to restrict; the contemporary critical reception where reviews of each novel are seen as articulating the novels’ fundamental concerns albeit subject to the same censorship restrictions; and ultimately the longestablished tradition of Aesopian writing within Polish literature. The analysis demonstrates the expansion of the space for critical public expression particularly in the Thaw years of 1956-57, and its contraction over time up to the mid-1970s. The rise of an independent publishing network at that point paradoxically both facilitates a more open discussion of the potential meanings of literary texts but equally has to observe censorship proprieties to avoid exposing officially published authors to political sanctions. With the growth of underground publishing, the Spanish Inquisition theme gradually declines in relevance, reflected by the critical marginalisation of Cepik’s novel. Ultimately, the article positions the trend within Macherey’s theory of significant silences within literary works, which permits a refinement of the historically contingent screen and marker that have typically defined Aesopian works. The article presents, with their English translations, hitherto unpublished documents from the Polish Party and Censorship archives, including examples of work confiscated by the censors.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2017, 45, 7
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Węgrzy jako pars aliqua gentis Massagetum. Ślady późnoantycznej i wczesnośredniowiecznej uczoności w dziele Tomasza archidiakona Splitu. Część 2. Postrzeganie Massagetów. 1) Kontekst „scytyjski”
Hungarians as pars aliqua gentis Massagetum. Sources of the late antic and early medieval era scholarship in the work of Thomas of Split. Part 2. The Perception of the Massageteans. 1) The “Scythian” context
Spychała, Lesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Historyczny
Thomas of Split
origo gentis
medieval era
literature from antiquity and the medieval era
Tomasz archidiakon Splitu
piśmiennictwo antyku i średniowiecza
This article is a continuation of the previously published Hungarians as pars aliqua gentis Massagetum. Sources of the late antic and early medieval era scholarship in the work of Thomas of Split (SAMAI 5, 2020, 155-195), which showed, based on Thomas of Split’s linking of the Massagetae ethnonym and the similarities between 9th century Hungarians and the Scythian peoples, the so called Scythian context, i.e. the identification in ancient and medieval writings (after ca. 1266) of the Massageteans with the land lying versus orientem. From the review of the source materials presented in this article, it is clearly visible that since the times of Herodotus the Massageteans have been linked with the Scythians, or the land known as Scythia, the borders of which differ depending on the source. While in ancient literature the location of the Massagetian lands was integrated into the "geographical realities" abounding in various ethnic and geographical names, after the 6th century that view changed and Massageteans were associated with the biblical Magog, son of Japheth and, above all, with the "Scythians", who in the background were identified with the Goths and Gets.
Studia Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi Incohantis; 2021, 6; 174-238
Pojawia się w:
Studia Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi Incohantis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie fragmentów Modlitwy Pańskiej w tekstach poetyckich późnego średniowiecza
Masłej, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father
oral literature
Medieval religious song
quotation in the Middle Ages
The goal of the article is to provide a description of grammar and vocabulary-related differences in the fragments of Our Father in Polish medieval songs (until the 16th century). The fragments introduced into the texts are processed to varying degrees, from being quoted, to modified or involving a free reference to the Pater Noster. Modification was the most frequently employed form. There were four major types of modifications: lexical exchange, change in word order, adding an element and removing an element. This also indicated the reasons for introducing the changes: some of them stem from the way in which the excerpts were introduced into the text (formal changes), some are intentional (application of specific forms) and affected the form of the artistic song (rhyme, rhythm, phonaesthetics). The lack of stability of the adopted fragments is also related to the way song operated as an oral form, making it vulnerable to a variety of transpositions. At the same time, however, with all these modifications, one element remained unchanged: the expression from evil which became one of the “theological and poetic formulas” used in Polish religious poetry of the Middle Ages.
Slavia Occidentalis; 2017, 74/1; 87-101
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Occidentalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Étienne Gilson in The Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Sochoń, Jan
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
Étienne Gilson
Thomas Aquinas
medieval philosophy
existential Thomism
Christian philosophy
Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The article aims at presenting the life and work of Étienne Gilson (1884–1978)—a historian of philosophy, medievalist, renewer of the scholastic tradition, proponent of a return to the original doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, and philosopher. It is focused on selected areas of Gilson’s philosophical interest, such as: medieval philosophy, the history of philosophy, existential Thomism, atheism, literature and art. In the final analysis, Gilson appears as a firm advocate of philosophical realism which makes it possible to find a way out of contradictory explanations of the world, and allows man to live in openness to the voice of God’s revelation that constantly flows from reality.
Studia Gilsoniana; 2018, 7, 4; 689-708
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedunijne nadzieje i obawy kryjące się za obrazem średniowiecznych władców zawartym w Rozmowie Polaka z Litwinem (1564)
Gacka, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Renaissance literature
Stanislaus Orichovius
Augustine Mieleski Rotundus
political dialogue
medieval history
union between Poland and Lithuania
kings of Poland
German emperors
literatura renesansowa
Stanisław Orzechowski
Augustyn Mieleski Rotundus
dialog polityczny
historia średniowiecza
unia polsko-litewska
królowie Polski
cesarze niemieccy
Conversation of a Pole with a Lithuanian, written by Augustine Mieleski Rotundus in July or August 1564, was an answer to the political dialogue titled Quincunx. The dialogue was authored by Stanislaus Orzechowski. In his work he ordered Lithuanians to enter the union with Poland, but in the same work he named them slaves and people deprived of freedom. He also expressed the view that only citizens of kingdoms are free and Lithuanians as inhabitants of a duchy have no liberty. Augustine Rotundus replied to him that not all kingdoms enjoy freedom: citizens are free if they have a good ruler.The present paper consists of two parts. In the first part, I present participants of polemics of 1564 and their dialogues, which are written according to ancient rules. In the second part, I quote the medieval threads from Conversation, in which Rotundus talks about rulers of Poland and emperors of Germany. He proves that Polish kings were not always good rulers. Sometimes dukes were better than kings. Therefore the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is not worse than the Kingdom of Poland. Medieval threads also exhibit preunion hopes and fears of the Lithuanians. We find here the picture of the state and the portrait of the ruler which wanted by them. The state should have a Christian character and law which is well constructed. Furtherly, the ruler should be wise, willing to cooperate with the Church, independent of his wife and free of excessive ambition.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 116-143
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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