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Depositional evolution of the Soma coalfield, western Turkey: a preliminary report
Inci, U.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Soma coalfield
Miocene alluvial/fluvial-lacustrine deposits composed of three lignite successions (Lower, Middle, and Upper) are exposed in Soma coalfield located near the northern Aegean Sea coastline of the Western Anatolia. The total thickness of the coal successions is about 900 m, and they rest unconformably on the Mesozoic carbonate/siliciclastic basement rocks. Recognised lithofacies of coal successions have been arranged to fourteen facies assemblages and interpreted as environments.Lower Coal succession was deposited in an alluvial fan to plain and perennial forest mire system resulting in a subbituminous lignitic coal, in average 20 m thick. Freshwater carbonate-dominated Middle Coal succession, having lignite beds ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 m, was formed in floodplain environment, including shallow freshwater carbonate lakes and/or ponds, and frequently drying poor forest mires of an anastomosed river system. Volcanism-induced Upper Coal succession was deposited in fluvial channel, floodplain, and probably in allochthonous peat mires of a braided river system that rapidly got buried and/or eroded by volcaniclastic apron deposits, and culminated by large carbonate-dominated perennial shallow lakes.The Miocene coal successions were probably deposited in the fault-controlled karst-based palaeovalleys and lowlands of the intramountain palaeomorphology that were patterned by the Early Tertiary collision of the Eurasia and Anatolian plates. The coal successions was faulted by the extensionally tectonic regime and covered with Plio-Quaternary deposits.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2002, 7; 109-118
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Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Paleoecology of Productacea (Brachiopoda) from the Permian Kapp Starostin Formation, Spitsbergen
Małkowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
paleontology (Brachiopoda)
Polish Polar Research; 1988, 9, 1; 3-60
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Proterozoic to Early Palaeozoic platform deposits of Southern Moravia (Czech Republic)
Mikuláš, R.
Gilíková, H.
Vavrdová M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
facies analysis
Integrated sedimentological and palaeontological study of borehole cores through plat orm siliciclastic deposits of the southernmost part of Brunovistulicum (S Moravia) shows convincing evidence for the Cambrian age of a considerable portion organic-walled microfossils of Late Proterozoic (Ediacaran) age have been found in a sample from the Menín-1 borehole. Thirty genera characteristic of the Ediacaran have been recognized. Part, though, of the siliciclastic succession of S Brunovistulicum is Devonian in age. The platform deposits studied are consid red to have the same source area but the degree of maturity of the Devonian clastics rocks is generally higher than that of the older strata. Facies analysis indicates a predominance of deltaic settings (braided and fan del tas); similar sedimentary environments are suggested for both the Ediacaran/Cambrian and Devonian successions.
Geological Quarterly; 2008, 52, 4; 335-335
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Facies development of the Badenian (Middle Miocene) gypsum deposits in the Racławice area (Miechów Upland, southern Poland)
Rozwój facjalny gipsów Badenu (środkowy miocen) w okolicy Racławic (Wyżyna Miechowska, południowa Polska)
Becker, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
gypsum facies
Miechów Upland
The Middle Miocene (Badenian) gypsum sequence was investigated by means of facies analysis on the Miechów Upland in the environs of Racławice, about 40 km northeast of Cracow. The region lies at the northwestern margin of the Carpathian Foredeep and has been omitted in detailed investigations until now. Five gypsum facies were distinguished: giant gypsum intergrowths, grass-like gypsum, palisade gypsum, sabre gypsum and microcrystalline gypsum. Except for the palisade gypsum, the other facies were described from the adjacent Nida area. The vertical arrangement of the facies is generally the same along entire northern margin of the Carpathian Foredeep. The studied sequence is reduced in thickness (up to 30 m) in comparison to the Nida area (up to 50 m). The lower part of the section, composed of the giant gypsum intergrowths and grass-like gypsum, is distinctively reduced. It is often replaced by a thin layer of palisade gypsum. The microcrystalline gypsum and the sabre gypsum are the most common facies. The giant gypsum intergrowths and the grass-like gypsum occur in the northern part of the Racławice area, while the palisade gypsum dominates in the southern part. The gypsum basin of the Miechów Upland developed in a similar way as the basin of the Nida area, but was shallower and its brines underwent more often dilution. The basin-floor morphology probably showed a variety of in the deeper waters of the northwestern Proto-Caribbean basin.
Badeńskie osady ewaporatowe zapadliska przedkarpackiego wzbudzają coraz większe zainteresowanie dzięki rozwojowi analizy facjalnej. Utwory gipsowe Wyżyny Miechowskiej w południowej Polsce były omijane w dotychczasowych szczegółowych analizach ze względu na brak dużych odsłonięć w tym rejonie. W niniejszej pracy przedstawione są pierwsze wyniki analizy facjalnej gipsów okolic Racławic w południowej częoeci Wyżyny Miechowskiej, 40 km na północny-wschód od Krakowa (Fig. 1). W pracy porównano profil gipsowy badanego obszaru z dobrze rozpoznanym profilem gipsów nadnidziańskich. Osady ewaporatowe Wyżyny Miechowskiej są podoecielone przez utwory dolnego lub środkowego badenu, do których należą piaski heterosteginowe oraz warstwy baranowskie (Fig. 2; Krach, 1947; Radwański, 1968). Gipsy mogą również leżeć bezpośrednio na górnokredowym podłożu (Radwański, 1968). Osady ewaporatowe są przykryte przez utwory górnego badenu lub sarmatu lub przez utwory czwartorzędowe (Osmólski, 1972; Woiński, 1991). Badaniami objęto 10 następujących odsłonięć: Kowary, Małoszów, Pałecznica, Podgaje, Głupczów, Racławice-źródło, Racławice-góra Widnica, Kooeciejów, Kowalówka i Działoszyce (Fig. 3). Wyróżnionych zostało pięć facji gipsowych: gipsy szklicowe, gipsy trawiaste, gipsy palisadowe, gipsy szablaste i gipsy mikrokrystaliczne (sensu Bąbel, 1999a, oprócz gipsów palisadowych). Gipsy szklicowe i trawiaste występują na badanym obszarze jedynie w postaci niewielkich bloków i rumoszy (Głupczów, Kooeciejów, Kowalówka, Działoszyce) dlatego nie zostały one dokładnie scharakteryzowane. Gipsy palisadowe, gipsy szablaste i gipsy mikrokrystaliczne są odsłonięte stosunkowo dobrze (Fig. 4). Gipsy palisadowe, po raz pierwszy opisane szczegółowo w niniejszej pracy, a stwierdzone już przez Bąbla (1987, Pl. 7, Fig. 2; 1990, Phot. 3-5, 16) są zbudowane z kryształów gipsu osiągających do 0.7 m długości, podobnych do kryształów szklicowych (Fig. 5). Kryształy palisadowe mają kształt zbliżony do prostopadłościanów i nie tworzą zrostów. Częste są ślady rozpuszczania. Gipsy palisadowe tworzyły się w podobnych warunkach jak gipsy szklicowe (Bąbel, 1999a; Kasprzyk, 1999; Peryt, 1996). Narastały one na dnie płytkiego basenu ewaporatowego w postaci zwartych pokryw. Krystalizacja gipsu była często przerywana epizodami dopływu wysłodzonych wód, które częściowo rozpuszczały powsta ły gips. Gipsy szablaste zbudowane są z długich, zakrzywionych kryształów gipsu, przypominających szable (Fig. 6; Bąbel, 1999a; Kasprzyk, 1999; Peryt, 1996 etc.). Warstwa gipsów szablastych dzieli się na dwie części, dolną i górną, o różnym wykształceniu. W dolnej części przestrzenie pomiędzy kryształami szablastymi (do 0,5 m długości) wypełnione są przez chaotycznie ułożone, drobne kryształy o pałeczkowatym pokroju. Struktura ta przypomina gipsy szkieletowe sensu Kasprzyk (1993). W górnej części przestrzenie pomiędzy kryształami szablastymi (do 1,18 m długooeci) wypełnia gips mikrokrystaliczny. Sedymentacja gipsów szablastych przebiegała identycznie jak na Ponidziu (Bąbel, 1999a; Kasprzyk 1993, 1999). Kryształy narastały na dnie basenu w solance o rozwarstwieniu gęstościowym. Pod koniec sedymentacji zasolenie wzrosło na tyle, iż doszło do krystalizacji gipsu w toni wodnej. Gipsy mikrokrystaliczne są zbudowane z bardzo drobnych kryształów gipsu (do 0,05 mm, Kwiatkowski, 1972; Niemczyk, 1988; Kubica, 1992; Bąbel, 1999a). Najczęstszymi strukturami sedymentacyjnymi są: płaska laminacja, laminacja falista, powierzchnie rozmycia, brekcje, mikrouskoki i mikrofałdy (Fig. 7). Ślady po kryształach halitu występują rzadko. Gipsy mikrokrystaliczne powstały z osadzenia na dnie basenu kryształów wytrąconych w toni wodnej lub redeponowanych (Pawlikowski, 1982; Bąbel, 1999a; Kasprzyk, 1999). Do nasycenia solanki względem halitu dochodziło epizodycznie. Gipsy mikrokrystaliczne zostały częściowo diagenetycznie przekształcone w gipsy porfiroblastyczne (Bąbel, 1992). Gipsy szablaste i mikrokrystaliczne są najbardziej rozprzestrzenione i występują na całym badanym obszarze (Fig. 8). Gipsy palisadowe dominują na południu badanego terenu, pomiędzy Kowarami i Głupczowem, podczas gdy gipsy szklicowe i trawiaste występują głównie na północ od Głupczowa (Fig. 8). Pionowa sukcesja gipsów Wyżyny Miechowskiej jest stała, identyczna jak w całym północnym obrzeżeniu zapadliska przedkarpackiego (Fig. 9). Całkowita miąższooeć sekwencji gipsów rzadko osiąga 30 m, czyli jest o ok. 20 m mniejsza niż na Ponidziu (Fig. 10). Szczególnie zredukowana jest dolna część profilu obejmująca gipsy szklicowe i trawiaste, które często zastąpione są jedną cienką warstwą gipsów palisadowych (Fig. 10). Przebieg sedymentacji gipsów nie odbiegał znacząco od sedymentacji gipsów Ponidzia. Basen Wyżyny Miechowskiej był prawdopodobnie płytszy i miał bardzo urozmaiconą morfologię dna. Często dochodziło również do rozcieńczania wód basenu przez wody z lądu.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2005, 75, No 2; 111-120
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Facies architecture of the Cambrian succession at the western margin of Baltica in the Podlasie region (E Poland)
Wendorff, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
sedimentary facies
Sedimentary features of the Cambrian-age succession transected in seven borehole cores sited in the Podlasie region document vertical and lateral variations of shallow-marine sedimentary facies, deposited at the rifted western margin of the Baltica Palaeocontinent. The boreholes are distributed along two lines of cross-section (E–W and NE–SW) running roughly perpendicular to the margin of the palaeocontinent. The easternmost borehole represents a proximal setting located on a relatively stable, shallow basement in the east; the remaining boreholes document conditions of deposition in the subsiding shallow-marine basin, extending towards the SW. Fourteen sedimentary facies defined on the basis of their lithological and sedimentary features are interpreted in terms of the sedimentary environments they represent. Strata deposited upon the stable craton in the east document a stratigraphically condensed succession of proximal facies, 240 m thick, whereas a sequence three times thicker is positioned distally, 170 km to the west. Facies associations in the proximal section represent the lower to upper shoreface in the lower part of the section and evolve upwards to the intermediate shoreface. Facies complexes in the remaining, intermediate and distal areas form a symmetrical megasequence, composed of a positive (i.e., fining-upwards – FU) transgressive sequence, overlain by a negative (coarsening-upwards – CU) regressive sequence. The vertical arrangement of the sedimentary subenvironments during the transgression indicates a tidally influenced shoreline followed by oscillations between the swash zone, the upper, intermediate and lower shoreface, and the offshore. The symmetry of the megasequences and the rhythmic pattern of the component facies complexes indicate that the intensity of supply in the terrigenous material and the efficiency of its reworking and redistribution within the basin were similar during the transgression and the regression. The facies types and variations within the basal part of the succession reflect syndepositional movements of tectonic blocks parallel to the rifted basin margin. Differences in total thickness and facies associations between the two lines of cross-section approximately perpendicular to the basin margin indicate that sedimentation was also influenced by a synsedimentary hinge fault, extending in a WSW–ENE direction.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2019, 89, 4; 453-469
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Apparent contradiction between tectonics and deposition in overturned strata a case study from the "Moravian Culm" (Czech Republic)
Otava, J.
Havir, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Culm facies
Variscan folding
stratigraphical polarity
An apparent contradiction between structural and sedimentological indications commonly used for discrimination of the overturned and non-overturned beds during geological mapping was found at Parsovice, a site situated in the easternmost part of the European Variscides. An outcrop of folded Lower Carboniferous siliciclastic rocks of the "Culm fades" lies on the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif, in the SE part of the Malenik Block (Moravia, Czech Republic). Flute casts in the steep overturned limb of a tectonic fold demonstrate the normal stratigraphic polarity of the bed. At the same site, a slump-related isoclinal fold was found. The apparent contradiction between structural (relation of cleavage and bedding) and sedimentological (flute casts on bed soles) indications is explained by a combination of successive phases of slump- and tectonically-related folding.
Geological Quarterly; 2006, 50, 3; 391-396
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stratigraphy and facies development of the upper Tithonian-lower Berriasian Niżniów Formation along the Dnister River (Western Ukraine)
Gutowski, J.
Popadyuk, I. V.
Olszewska, B.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Tithonian-Berriasian Ukraine
facies development
The deposits of the Niżniów Formation, exposed around Niżniów, mainly on the banks of Dnister River, accumulated in the most proximal, marginal position of the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous epicontinental basin on the SW margin of the East European Platform. The Niżniów Formation directly onlaps a Palaeozoic substrate and consists of transgressive cliff-derived conglomerates, and sandstones and marls which pass laterally into shallow marine carbonates: mainly biomicrites, oncomicrites, and pelmicrites with an abundant benthic fauna dominated by nerineid gastropods. The thickness of the formation in the area studied ranges from 0 to more than 20 metres and was controlled bymorphology of the pre-transgression substrate (mainly built of Devonian clastic rocks), synsedimentary fault tectonics and pre-mid-Albian erosion. The age of the Niżniów Formation can be determined, on the evidence of benthic foraminifers encountered in thin sections, as most probably late Tithonian-early Berriasian.
Geological Quarterly; 2005, 49, 1; 45--52
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Taxonomy and palaeoecology of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Phymatellidae (lithistid demosponges) from the Miechów and Mogilno-Łódź synclinoria (southern and central Poland)
Świerczewska-Gładysz, Ewa
Jurkowska, Agata
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Fossil sponges
lithistid demosponges
Phymatellid demosponges are common fossils in the Campanian deposits of central Europe. In Poland, the Campanian phymatellids were known mostly from the opoka facies of the Miechów Synclinorium (southern Poland), where they occur mainly in the characteristic horizons of siliceous nodules in the lower Campanian opoka succession. Similarly preserved early Campanian phymatellids were identified in a redeposited lithistid assemblage in the Neogene gravels, exposed in the Bełchatów Lignite Mine (Mogilno-Łódź Synclinorium, central Poland). Rare phymatellids were noted for the first time in the upper Campanian gaize of the Miechów Synclinorium. The taxonomic descriptions of 16 phymatellid species presented here, including one new species, Kalpinella fragilis, completes existing knowledge of the taxonomic diversity of these sponges in the Late Cretaceous basins of central Europe. The present study also supplements the data on the stratigraphic ranges and spatial distribution of these species. The palaeoecology of Cretaceous phymatellids is discussed on the basis of their occurrence in the various facies.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2023, 93, 3; 269--304
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Wenlock-Ludlow carbon isotope trend in the Vidukle core, Lithuania, and its relations with oceanic events
Martma, T.
Brazauskas, A.
Kaljo, D.
Kaminskas, D.
Musteikis, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
carbon isotopes
oceanic events
sedimentary facies
A Wenlock to Ludlow terrigenous-carbonate succession in the Vidukle core in Central Lithuania represents a deep shelf environment with a general upwards-shallowing trend, interrupted by brief deepening episodes. The carbon isotope trend, based on 115 whole-rock analyses, shows three main excursions: (1) a major excursion (δ13 C values reach 3.2‰) in the lower Wenlock, (2) low shifts (1.3‰ and 1.6‰) at two levels in the upper most Wenlock Siesartis Formation corresponding to the Monograptus ludensis Biozone, (3) the most prominent excursion (δ13 C values reach 8.2‰) occurs in the upper Ludlow Mituva Fm. The upper Ludlow excursion is dated by the last occurrences of Polygnathoides siluricus below the main shift and the appearance of Ozarkodina wimani and O. crispa above the excursion. The excursion stratigraphically coincides with the Lau oceanic Event and is correlated with the mid-Ludfordian Neocucullograptus kozlowskii-Bohemograptus bohemicus tenuis Biozone. Changes in the carbon isotope trend are in general harmony with some aspects of the rock (CaO, terrigenous component) and fossil content of the section. The data presented are consistent with an arid climate model for the Ludfordian isotope event.
Geological Quarterly; 2005, 49, 2; 223--234
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedimentology of the “ore-bearing dolomite” of the Kraków-Silesia region (Middle Triassic, southern Poland)
Matysik, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
ore-bearing dolomite
epigenetic dolomitization
lead-zinc mineralization
facies pattern
peritidal and subtidal facies
Middle Triassic
Upper Silesia
The depositional history and facies heterogeneity of the epigenetically dolomitized Middle Triassic carbonates of southern Poland are poorly recognized, and existing concepts of fluid circulation entirely overlook the primary lithology as a factor controlling fluid flow. This study reconstructs the consecutive phases of Kraków-Silesia Sub-basin history in the Anisian and highlights their influence on the development of the so-called “ore-bearing dolomite”. Extensive fieldwork and microfacies analyses were carried out in order to decipher the original depositional fabric of the ore-bearing dolomites. As a rule, epigenetic dolomitization affected a horizon of porous strata, 35 m thick and resting directly on impermeable, wavy-nodular clay-rich calcilutites of the Gogolin Formation, which represent the interval of deepest and fully marine (offshore) sedimentation. The sedimentary succession of the porous strata is bipartite. The lower part (Olkusz Beds) is composed of Balanoglossites and Thalassinoides micritic firmgrounds and peloidal packstones-grainstones, representing shoreface-foreshore facies assemblages, whereas the upper part (Diplopora Beds) consists of dolocretes, rhizolites, cryptalgal laminites, peloidal packstones-grainstones and bioturbated fine-grained dolostones, formed in a system of tidal flats and lagoons. These two parts are separated by a subaerial disconformity, which marks a sequence boundary. During emersion, the underlying deposits were subjected to meteoric diagenesis, which led to the development of moldic porosity. This combination of depositional history and diagenetic alteration determined the routes of initial migration of dolomitizing solutions on the one hand, and the location of cavern formation on the other. Owing to progressive dissolution, small caverns were changed into large karstic forms, in which the ore minerals precipitated ultimately. These findings emphasize the importance of sedimentological analysis to the understanding of the evolution of the Kraków-Silesia ore province.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2014, 84, 2; 81-112
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedimentary characteristics of the Hüdaý Formation (Early Cambrian) within the Aydincik (ÝÇEL) area, S Turkey
Eren, M.
Öner, F.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Early Cambrian
Hüdai Formation
The study area is located in Aydýncýk (ÝÇEL) area where Early Cambrian rocks are represented by the Hüdai Formation. The formation represents three different parts in the vertical sequence which has a thickness of approximately 830 metres. The basal part of the formation consists of a rhytmic alternation of horizontal laminated sandstone, ripple trough cross-laminated sandstone, mixed sandstone-shale, and rarely metashales. The middle part comprises dominantly metashales. The upper part is made up by an alternation of horizontal laminated sandstone, mixed sandstone-shale and rarely metashales. Vertical variations in the formation is caused by marine transgressious and regressious, and by fluctuations in sediment supply. Lower to middle parts of the formation characterize a fining-upward sequence, and middle to upper parts display a coarsening-upward sequence. In the Hüdai Formation, four lithofacies are recognized based on lithology and sedimentary structures. These are (1) horizontal laminated sandstone (predominantly quartzarenite) indicating deposition from tidal currents during the high velocity phases of tidal cycles; (2) ripple cross-laminated sandstone (predominantly quartzwacke) deposited in lower part of intertidal (sand-flat) environment; (3) mixed sandstone-shale revealing deposition in mid-intertidal flat environment; and (4) shale (or metashale) deposited mainly in upper intertidal (mudflat) environment.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2000, 70, No. 3-4; 251-259
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Facies and sedimentary environments of the Upper Scythian-Carnian succession from the Belanské Tatry Mts., Slovakia
Rychliński, T.
Szulc, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
late Scythian-Carnian
Belanské Tatry Mts.
The Triassic Fatricum basin studied in the Belanské Tatry Mts. (Slovakia) was a relatively stable and restricted platform area influenced by eustatic and climatic fluctuations. During the early Triassic the platform was influenced by continental clastic sedimentation intermittent with shallow marine transgressions when carbonate sediments formed. Common occurrence of carbonized plat debris suggests relatively humid climatic conditions dominating during this interval (Werfenian facies). Significant climate aridisation was concurrent with the beginning of the Middle Triassic transgression as indicated by evaporitic fabrics common within the entire Middle Triassic carbonate succession. The Middle Triassic has been divided into several lithofacies complexes reflecting the interplays between the eustatic and climatic fluctuations. The lower Middle Triassic complex (lower-middle Anisian?) displays dominance of calcareous sediments indicating free communication with the open ocean. The subsequent intervals are rather uniform facies assemblage composed by dolomites and evaporites formed in a restricted and stagnant basin. The basin has been strongly influenced by subtropical storms, particularly common in the late Anisian. Transgression pulse in the early Ladinian involved growth of microbial colonies building thrombolitic biostromes. Final shallowing by the end of Ladinian led to replacement of carbonate sediments by continental clastics of the Carpathian Keuper. These sediments, mostly of alluvial nature, comprise plant debris what suggests climate pluvialisation in Carnian times.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2005, 75, No 2; 155-169
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation of lithofacies predictability using the Shannon (information) entropy theorem : the Upper Eocene “Górka Lubartowska” amber deposit of the Siemien Formation
Czuryłowicz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Shannon entropy
facies probability
Multiple-Point Statistics
A generalized workflow of scientific process requires data to be obtained, reprocessed, integrated, optionally transformed, modelled and finally interpreted in order to understand the underlying process. This procedure is affected by both objective and subjective uncertainties. In parallel with the development of geostatistics, the role of uncertainty has been widely investigated in geosciences. This has led to the introduction of new concepts, taken for example from thermodynamics, such as entropy. Predicting the subsurface is an especially thankless effort, as data are driven from spatially highly limited direct sources. The following paper provides an review of various applications of the Shannon entropy theorem in geoscience. Information entropy, initially proposed by Shannon (1948) provides an objective measure of overall system uncertainty. Significant concern has been focused on the application of Shannon entropy to provide an objective measure of joint system uncertainty and visualization of its spatial distribution. The area of extensively drilled Eocene amber-bearing deposits located in the Lubelskie voivodeship was selected as a case study to investigate the quality of prediction stochastic lithofacies models. The importance of adding secondary variables to a stochastic model is also reviewed here. Adding new data and rerunning the simulation allows assessment of its impact on the predictability of a stochastic model. The most important conclusion from the study is that the deposition of amber-bearing lithofacies occurred mostly in the northern part of the area investigated, as shown also by ongoing exploitation of the deposit.
Geological Quarterly; 2022, 66, 2; art. no. 16
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Facies transition and biostratigraphic correlation of the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian in West Bulgaria
Boncheva, I.
Sachanski, V.
Lakova, I.
Yaneva, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian
facies transition
Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian shelf deposits in West Bulgaria are exposed in three main Alpine tectonic units: the West Balkan Unit, the Lyubash Monocline and the Morava Unit. The West Balkan and Lyubash units consist of siliciclastic deposits: black graptolitic shales, banded pale shales and black siltstones. The Ludlow, Pridoli, Lochkovian, Pragian and Emsian were recognized on the basis of graptolite and tentaculite faunas. In the Morava Unit, the Ludlow black shales are progressively replaced by clayey limestones and nodular and micritic limestones in the Pridoli and Early Devonian. Newly obtained conodonts show the presence of the siluricus, eosteinhornensis, woschmidti, postwoschmidti, delta-pesavis, sulcatus, dehiscens and gronbergi zones. Petrographic study of the Morava Unit shows an increasing carbonate content and shallowing conditions upwards. The biostratigraphical correlation and facies interpretation reveal the coeval existence of two different depositional environments within the same shelf basin as well as a gradual shift in proximal direction.
Geological Quarterly; 2007, 51, 4; 407-418
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variability of the Rotliegend sandstones in the Polish part of the Southern Permian Basin - permeability and porosity relationships
Jarzyna, J.
Puskarczyk, E.
Bała, M.
Papiernik, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Rotliegend sandstones
Flow Zone Index
The Flow Zone Index, FZI, applied to order relations between the effective porosity and permeability of the Rotliegend sandstones in the Polish part of the Southern Permian Basin turns out to be a useful and effective factor to evaluate ability of media flow in a rock formation. A dataset of over 2000 samples from 78 wells was analysed. Based only on porosity and permeability, FZI includes all non-parameterized features of rocks as tortuosity and diameters of porous channels, volume of trapped parts of capillary roads, specific surface of pore space, and others. When FZI increases, the ability of fluid to move through the porous space increases. In most cases, the Rotliegend sandstones reveal FZI in the range of 0.5-2.0. The highest FZI, ca. 100, is related to fractured part of the studied formation. The combination of FZI and facies information from several wells in the study area (over 1200 samples) showed a good correlation. On the basis of FZI we can divide a set of samples of the Rotliegend sandstone into groups of defined fluid flow abilities and relate them to facies. Also, we show the way of estimation of the reliable values of permeability in full geological log of a borehole on the basis of FZI, and the total porosity determined from well logging interpretation.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 2; 13-26
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Temporal facies and diagenetic evolution of the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate Jajiya Member (Callovian–Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, West India
Bhat, G. M.
Ahmat, A. H. M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
temporal facies analysis
Jaisalmer Formation
West India
Jajiya Member
analiza czasowa facji
Formacja Jaisalmer
Indie Zachodnie
Three broad lithofacies – bioturbated packstone- to rudstone, calcareous sandstone and cross-bedded rudstone to packstone are recognized within the Jajiya Member. The facies architecture and stalking pattern suggests deposition related to TST, HST and TST events punctuated by MFZ events in sequence stratigraphic terms. The 11.4 m thick sequence represents two fining upward and three coarsening upward cycles representing bar-bank depositional settings. The framework constituents of these facies were mainly controlled by the depositional conditions through space and time and have greatly influenced their diagenetic evolution. The main diagenetic features observed within the facies include compaction, early cementation and porosity reduction, micritization and neomorphism representing early or syn-depositional and post-depositional changes. Two phases of early mechanical compaction have largely governed porosity development in these facies. However, cementation, micritization and neomorphism have also contributed significantly in this respect. Evidence suggests that marine phreatic and fresh water phreatic environments dominated the diagenetic evolution of these facies. Calcite cementation was first formed, followed by iron oxide, while silica cementation occurred probably at a late stage.
Volumina Jurassica; 2013, 11, 1; 147--162
Pojawia się w:
Volumina Jurassica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variability of the Rotliegend sandstones in the Polish part of the Southern Permian Basin - permeability and porosity relationships
Jarzyna, J.
Puskarczyk, E.
Bała, M.
Papiernik, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Rotliegend sandstones
Flow Zone Index
The Flow Zone Index, FZI, applied to order relations between the effective porosity and permeability of the Rotliegend sandstones in the Polish part of the Southern Permian Basin turns out to be a useful and effective factor to evaluate ability of media flow in a rock formation. A dataset of over 2000 samples from 78 wells was analysed. Based only on porosity and permeability, FZI includes all non-parameterized features of rocks as tortuosity and diameters of porous channels, volume of trapped parts of capillary roads, specific surface of pore space, and others. When FZI increases, the ability of fluid to move through the porous space increases. In most cases, the Rotliegend sandstones reveal FZI in the range of 0.5-2.0. The highest FZI, ca. 100, is related to fractured part of the studied formation. The combination of FZI and facies information from several wells in the study area (over 1200 samples) showed a good correlation. On the basis of FZI we can divide a set of samples of the Rotliegend sandstone into groups of defined fluid flow abilities and relate them to facies. Also, we show the way of estimation of the reliable values of permeability in full geological log of a borehole on the basis of FZI, and the total porosity determined from well logging interpretation.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 1; 13-26
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relationship between the abrasion of tektite clasts and their host sedimentary facies, Pleistocene, SW Poland
Brachaniec, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial redeposition
sedimentary facies
laboratory experiments
This study reports on the occurrence of tektite clasts with a markedly different degree of abrasion in two different fluvial facies of the Pleistocene deposits of the Nysa Kłodzka river near Paczków, SW Poland. The question addressed by the study is whether the redeposited and differently abraded tektite glass clasts derive from different distances/sources, or whether their differing degree of abrasion relates to their different host sediment as the medium of river bedload transport. Laboratory tumbling experiments are used to estimate the progress of tektite abrasion with the distance travelled within a bedload sediment of the corresponding grain-size composition. The study concludes that there is a direct relationship between the abrasion degree of tektites and their host sediment facies, but it is not simple and straight forward, as a range of specific factors comes potentially into play. Their role is discussed and is recommended to be taken into account in an abrasion experiment design and in the interpretation of experimental results. The study suggests that the tektite clasts found near Paczków were transported over a distance of about 2-4 km and were derived from denudation of the nearby Bardzkie Mts.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2019, 89, 1; 83-90
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Otu Field, onshore Niger Delta, using 3D seismic data and borehole logs
Sanuade, O. A.
Kaka, S. I.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
subsurface facies
stratigraphic trap
seismic geomorphology
sequence boundaries
3D seismic data and wireline logs from thirteen boreholes were used to establish a sequence stratigraphic analysis of Miocene depositional systems of the Otu Field in the onshore area of the Niger Delta. The subsurface facies of the field revealed three sequences that are bounded by four sequence boundaries (SBs) which are interpreted as erosional unconformities with three maximum flooding surfaces (MFSs). Sequences delineated are composed of lowstand systems tracts (LST), falling stage systems tracts (FSST), transgressive systems tracts (TST) and highstand systems tracts (HST) revealing depositional systems deposited during different phases of base level changes. Deposits identified within the LSTs are fluvial channel sands while TSTs capped the LST facies. HSTs are composed of coarsening and shallowing upwards intervals including deltaic fluvial sands. The sequences were deposited in transitional to shallow marine environments. A seismic geomorphological study carried out on all the SBs and MFS 3 shows a relationship between depositional environments, channel type and direction of palaeo-flow in relation to faults. The reservoirs of the LST and HST and seals from marine shale of the TST and HST could form stratigraphic traps for hydrocarbon accumulation in the Otu Field. This study has integrated 3D seismic and borehole log data to develop a sequence stratigraphic framework that would be a profitable means to guide hydrocarbon exploration and production strategies.
Geological Quarterly; 2017, 61, 1; 106--123
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ancient and modern anastomosing rivers: insights from sedimentological and geomorphological case studies of the Triassic, Neogene and Holocene of Poland
Kędzior, Artur
Widera, Marek
Zieliński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
fluvial environment
facies analysis
river type
We review the three regional anastomosing fluvial systems, both ancient and modern. The dinosaur-bearing upper Triassic succession in Krasiejów (S Poland) is composed of siltstones and claystones that are divided into three facies associations. One of the fluvial associations is characterized by features typical of a low-energy anastomosing river system in a tropical semiarid climate, interpreted as the result of accumulation in deep, wide and low-sinuosity palaeochannels with pronounced vertical accretion. Deposition from suspension predominated in flows of very low stream power. The upper Neogene muddy succession in a tectonically active area (Kleczew Graben, central Poland) includes a great number of fluvial palaeochannels filled with sand and/or mud. These ribbon-shaped fluvial bodies are deep and wide, and represent channels showing very lim ited lateral migration. They were filled mostly under low-energy condi tions, and their mapped course shows an “anabranching” pattern in plan view. The palaeochannels are transitional from sand- to mud-dominated. The Holocene upper Narew River (NE Poland) represents a modern anastomosing fluvial system. The interconnected channels form an anabranching pattern. The channels are straight to slightly sinuous, relatively deep and wide. Interchannel, low-lying “islands” are covered by peat-forming plants. Despite the low stream power, in-channel deposition is dominated by sand transported as bedload. The channel banks are stabilised by vegetation, which effectively prevents their lateral migration.
Geological Quarterly; 2021, 65, 4; 111--138
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From palaeosols to carbonate mounds: facies and environments of the middle Frasnian platform in Belgium
Silva da, A. C.
Boulvain, F.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
middle Frasnian
carbonate platform
carbonate mounds
This paper provides a synthetic sedimentological overview of themiddle Frasnian carbonate platform of Belgium and associated carbonate mounds. Carbonate mounds started usually in a relatively deep, quiet subphotic environment with a crinoid-coral-sponge assemblage, then reached the fair-weather wave base and the euphotic zone with an algal-microbial facies. The upper parts of themounds are characterised by lateral facies differentiation with the algal-microbial facies protecting a central sedimentation area with a dendroid stromatoporoids facies and fenestral limestone. The lateral facies reflect different kinds of input of reworked mound material in the proximal area, from transported fine-grained sediment to coarse-grained fossil debris. On the platform, environments range from the outer zone (crinoidal facies) to stromatoporoid-dominated biostromes and to the lagoonal area of the inner zones (subtidal facies with Amphipora floatstone, algal packstone, intertidal mudstone and laminated peloidal packstone and palaeosols). These facies are stacked in metre-scale shallowing-upward cycles. The larger scale sequential organisation corresponds to transgressions and regressions, whose cycles are responsible for differentiating a lower open-marine biostrome dominated unit from an upper lagoonal unit. The last regression- transgression cycle, responsible for the platform-scale development of lagoonal facies, can be correlated with an atoll-stage evolution of the carbonate mounds belonging to the Lion Member.
Geological Quarterly; 2004, 48, 3; 253--266
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A review of the Lower - lowermost Upper Jurassic facies and stratigraphy of the Jaisalmer Basin, western Rajasthan, India
Pandey, D.
Choudhary, S.
Bahadur, T.
Swami, N.
Poonia, D.
Sha, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Jaisalmer Basin
The Lower - lowermost Upper Jurassic (up to Oxfordian) sedimentary succession of the Jaisalmer Basin on the Rajasthan Shelf is characterized by gradual lateral and rapid temporal facies variations, the existence of condensed sequences in certain horizons, and rich and highly diverse faunal contents. Lithostratigraphically, these Jurassic rocks of the basin have been grouped into the Lathi and Jaisalmer formations and the lower part of the Baisakhi Formation. The facies consist of (i) cross-bedded medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, (ii) cross-bedded to thinly laminated silt to fine-grained sandstone, (iii) silty marl, (iv) calcareous mud- to grainstone and sandy rudstone, (v) thinly laminated carbonaceous shale and (vi) conglomerate. These represent fluvial, floodplain, lacustrine, protected marginal marine, and shoreface to shelf environments. There are several marker units, which allow the making of intrabasinal lithostratigraphic correlations; however, a lack of knowledge of the detailed stratigraphic successions within individual lithostratigraphic units makes difficult a precise intra-basinal stratigraphic correlation. The present review provides a summary of the lithostratigraphy established by previous workers on the Lower - lowermost Upper Jurassic (up to Oxfordian) rocks of the Jaisalmer Basin, incorporating additional data, with a detailed stratigraphic succession within each lithostratigraphic unit, and more faunal elements recently.
Volumina Jurassica; 2012, 10, 1; 61--82
Pojawia się w:
Volumina Jurassica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle Triassic syntectonic sedimentation and volcanic influence in the central part of the External Dinarides, Croatia (Velebit Mts.)
Smirčić, Duje
Aljinović, Dunja
Barudžija, Uroš
Kolar-Jurkovšek, Tea
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
External Dinarides
Velebit Mts.
syntectonic deposition
Middle Triassic
Middle Triassic deposits in the Velebit Mts. of the External Dinarides in Croatia show strong differentiation of sedimentary environments and facies. In the area of Donje Pazarište, a 90 metre thick section includes six different facies, each with its specific genetic characteristics (Flysch-like Facies; Carbonate Shale Facies; Pyroclastic Density Current Facies; Platy Limestone with Pyroclastics Facies; Limestone Breccia Facies and Slumped Limestones with Pyroclastics and Chert Facies). In the same area, in the nearby Top of Donje Pazarište section, a Pyroclastic Flow Facies was defined, and this was also recognized ~15 km to south-east, in the area of Brušane Village, in the foothills of Vinac. Throughout the area and section investigated, the effects of intense tectonic and volcanic activity can be traced. The pronounced differences in the facies determined facies are interpreted as consequences of syntectonic and volcanically influenced sedimentation in a graben/half-graben depositional system.
Geological Quarterly; 2020, 64, 1; 220--239
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle Miocene zeolite-bearing turbidites, Abrămuţ Basin (Pannonian Basin), NW Romania
Bojar, A. V.
Barbu, V.
Bojar, H. P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
early Badenian
zeolite facies
Abrămuţ Basin
Detailed lithostratigraphic data from a borehole in the Abrămuţ Basin, located in the northwestern part of Romania, has revealed the presence of turbiditic deposits containing several layers with tuff/tuffaceous materials in the lower Badenian. The age of these deposits is determined by the presence of the foraminifera Praeorbulina glomerosa and Orbulina suturalis. Detailed quantitative and qualitative X-ray diffraction data (XRD) on 10 different tuff layers situated at depths between 2450 and 2640 m show a mineralogical association comprising analcime, quartz, volcanic glass, smectite, mica, calcite, K-feldspar, glass and minor quantity of chlorite and albite. The presence of analcime suggests that the albite isograd for the interval studied has been never reached and the maximum temperatures have been lower than c. 125degrees C since the early Badenian.
Geological Quarterly; 2012, 56, 2; 261-268
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Young Baltic advance in the western Baltic depression
Stephan, H. J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Palaeo-ice stream
Baltic Depression
till facies
ice flow
The last Weichselian glacial advance into the western Baltic depression, the so-called "Young Baltic" glacier advance is described. In the southern Baltic depression, ice masses flowed westwards and fanned out in the western Baltic region where they terminated along the end moraines of the East Jutland advance (Denmark), Sehberg advance (Schleswig-Holstein) and Mecklenburg advance (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). The westward ice advance is likely due to the rapid melting of Norwegian and Swedish ice masses which had previously blocked the more easterly ice masses from draining to the west and north-west. The deposition of a purely eastern-sourced debris facies by a Baltic ice stream in the far west might be the result of ice/bed separation during flow.
Geological Quarterly; 2001, 45, 4; 359-364
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedymentacja ewaporatów badeńskich w zbiorniku przedkarpackim
Deposition of Middle Miocene Badenian evaporites in the Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Peryt, T.M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Carpathian Foredeep
Badenian evaporites of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin represent the lower part of the NN6 zone and are underlain and overlain by deep-water deposits. Halite and associated deposits in the central part of the Badenian evaporite basin show the same facies successions and marker beds can be traced across and between individual basins. Characteristic marker beds made it possible to correlate various facies zones of the marginal Ca-sulfate platform. These marker beds seem to reflect events that may be related to sudden and widespread changes in water chemistry, which in turn imply major changes in basin hydrology. The onset of the evaporitic deposition in the Carpathian Foredeep was clearly diachronous and the evaporites deposited in the basin centre preceded the beginning of evaporite sedimentation in the marginal basin, however, depositional history in the marginal basin and the basin center was the same. Sedimentological and geochemical data indicate recycling of evaporites throughout most of the evaporite deposition.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2006, 54, 5; 438-444
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Depositional history of the youngest strata of the Sassendalen Group (Bravaisberget Formation, Middle Triassic-Carnian) in southern Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Krajewski, K.
Weitschat, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Sassendalen Group
Bravaisberget Formation
The Bravaisberget Formation of southern Spitsbergen (the youngest formation of the Sassendalen Group; Middle Triassic–Carnian) comprises a succession of organic-rich and sandy phosphogenic deposits that developed in a marginal part of the Svalbard basin, in response to a high biological productivity event in the Barents Shelf. The basin margin was bounded on the southwest by the elevated structure of the Sørkapp-Hornsund High. North of the high, the subsiding shelf bottom stretched from southern to western Spitsbergen. The organic-rich, fine-grained sedimentation that gave rise to the formation of the Passhatten Member extended southward after the Anisian transgression; it reached the topmost part of the Sørkapp -Hornsund High during the maximum flooding of the basin in the early Ladinian. The sudden appearance of deltaic deposits of the Karentoppen Member directly after the maximum flooding was a consequence of short-lived tectonic activity of the Sørkapp -Hornsund High and the adjacent land area. Reworking and redistribution of the deltaic sediments during the Ladinian brought about the formation of shallow-marine clastic facies of the Somovbreen Member. Decreasing depositional rates close to the Middle-Late Triassic boundary led to a regional hiatus and the formation of a condensed phosphorite horizon at the top of the Somovbreen Member. The sedimentation of the Bravaisberget Formation ended in the early Carnian. The youngest siliciclastic and spiculitic sediments of the Van Keulenfjorden Member were deposited in southern and western Spitsbergen in shallow- to marginal-marine environments.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2015, 85, 1; 151-175
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment and Physicochemical Characterization of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation and Drinking Purposes in Bazer Sakhra (Eastern Area of Algeria)
Bounab, Samia
Khemmoudj, Kaddour
Sedrati, Nassima
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
drinking water
irrigation water
water quality index
hydrochemical facies
Twenty groundwater samples were collected and then examined for physical (pH, EC, TDS) and chemical (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3−, Cl−, SO42−, NO3) parameters, followed by multivariate statistics to determine the current state of groundwater quality and to assess the suitability of these resources for drinking and irrigation purposes in the Baser Sakhra area localized in Eastern of Algeria. The analysis carried out showed that the cations trend in most of the groundwater samples is on the order of Ca2+˃Na+˃Mg2+˃K+ and the anions trend is on the order of HCO3-˃SO42-˃Cl-. Stabler diagram demonstrated the predominance of Ca2+- HCO3- hydro-chemical facies (80%). Moreover, the parameters, such as sodium adsorption ratio, percentage sodium, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index, Kelly’s ratio, potential salinity, and magnesium hazard were evaluated for the suitability of groundwater for irrigation. The values obtained in this investigation concluded that most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation. From the other approach, the Water Quality Index (WQI) for drinking was also used in the current study. WQI ranged from 72.46 to 506.426, indicating that 40% of the samples were suitable for drinking however, 60% of them belong to the poor to unsuitable category of drinking water in terms of physicochemical properties, according to the World Health Organization norms.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 8; 119--132
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Type section of the Bravaisberget Formation (Middle Triassic) at Bravaisberget, western Nathorst Land , Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Krajewski, Krzysztof P.
Karcz, Przemysław
Woźny, Ewa
Mørk, Alte
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Middle Triassic
Bravaisberget Formation
Polish Polar Research; 2007, 2; 79-122
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies across the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Kule section (Uzbekistan)
Narkiewicz, Katarzyna
Corradini, Carlo
Abdiev, Nuriddin
Narkiewicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
carbonate facies
conodont biostratigraphy
biofacies analysis
deep marine environment
New conodont data provide further constraints on the occurrence of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Kule section through the carbonate Novchomok Formation (Kitab Reserve, Uzbekistan). The stratigraphically condensed section includes the interval from the uppermost Famennian Pseudopolygnathus granulosus–lowermost Protognathodus kockeli zones to the middle Tournaisian Siphonodella crenulata Zone. In addition to revision of earlier published taxonomic and biostratigraphic data, two previously unreported taxa are described: Polygnathus sp. n. A and a peculiar form probably representing a new genus (gen. et sp. indet.). The biofacies analysis documents a succession of polygnathid, siphonodellid-polygnathid, polygnathid-siphonodellid to polygnathid-bispathodid, and again polygnathid-siphonodellid biofacies. The generic composition of the samples and relative abundance of Polygnathus purus reflect deep marine environments of the continental slope and rise.
Geological Quarterly; 2021, 65, 1; 17
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Small shelly fossils from the argillaceous facies of the Lower Cambrian Forteau Formation of Western Newfoundland
Skovsted, C.B.
Peel, J.S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
Forteau Formation
geological setting
Lower Cambrian
argillaceous facies
helcionelloid mollusc
small shelly fossil
A diverse fauna of helcionelloid molluscs, hyoliths, and other small shelly fossils is described from limestone layers within the Forteau Formation of the Bonne Bay region in western Newfoundland. The fauna is dominated by internal moulds of various molluscs and tubular problematica, but also includes hyolith opercula, echinoderm ossicles, and other calcareous small shelly fossils preserved by phosphatisation. Originally organophosphatic shells are comparatively rare, but are represented by brachiopods, hyolithelminths, and tommotiids. The fauna is similar to other late Early Cambrian faunas from slope and outer shelf settings along the eastern margin of Laurentia and may be of middle Dyeran age. The similarity of these faunas indicates that at least by the late Early Cambrian, a distinctive and laterally continuous outer shelf fauna had evolved. The Forteau Formation also shares elements with faunas from other Early Cambrian provinces, strengthening ties between Laurentia and Australia, China, and Europe during the late Early Cambrian. Two new taxa of problematic fossil organisms are described, the conical Clavitella curvata gen. et sp. nov. and the wedge−shaped Sphenopteron boomerang gen. et sp. nov.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2007, 52, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle Miocene deposits in Carpathian Foredeep : facies analysis and implications for hydrocarbon reservoir prospecting
Lis, P.
Wysocka, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
facies analysis
neritic slope
Markov chain analysis
This sedimentological study was based on well cores from the Polish and Ukrainian parts of the Carpa- thian Foredeep. It revealed general heterogeneity of facies in the middle Miocene of the sedimentary succession in the basin. Fourteen sedimentary facies were distinguished and their origin was interpreted: massive, non-graded sandstones; normal-graded, massive sandstones, with and without a stratified uppermost part; hydroplastically deformed sandstones; planar-parallel-stratified sandstones; trough-cross-stratified sandstones; ripple-cross-lami- nated sandstones; heterolithic deposits, composed of thinly interlayered sandstone and mudstone; massive and laminated mudstones; and basal gypsum/anhydrite evaporites, often intercalated with mudstone. Four main modalities of vertical facies organization were recognized and attributed to the following environments: (1) the mid-late Badenian, shoal-water, evaporitic environment that preceded the latest Badenian–early Sarmatian, main phase of foredeep development; (2) a littoral, tidal environment of the inner parts of storm-influenced, coastal bays and tidal flats or possibly spit-sheltered lagoons; (3) a wave-dominated, littoral, sandy environment, considered to be shoreface, extended by waves, in front of advancing deltas; and (4) a neritic to subneritic, muddy, offshore slope, characterized by frequent incursions of tempestite and turbidite sand. The study contributed to a better understanding of the mid-Miocene depositional systems in the basin, with significant implications for ongoing hydrocarbon exploration. Interpretations of the origins of potential reservoir sandstones provided important information on their possible stratigraphic distribution in the basin fill. The potential, economic importance of stratigraphic hydrocarbon traps underscored the urgent need for a full-scale facies analysis and fully cored wells in strategic parts of the basin.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2012, 82, 3; 239--253
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Pliocene Paludina Lake of Pannonian Basin : new evidence from northern Serbia
Rundić, L.
Vasić, N.
Životić, D.
Bechtel, A.
Knežević, S.,
Cvetkov, V.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
freshwater fauna
lacustrine palaeoenvironment
lignite petrology
organic geochemistry
sedimentary facies
This study from the Sremski Karlovci clay pit in northern Serbia sheds new light on the physicochemical conditions, ecology and evolution of the Paludina Lake – the Pliocene successor of the late Miocene giant Lake Pannon hosted by the Pannonian Basin. The multidisciplinary study combines sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, palaeontology, palaeobotany, coal petrology, organic geochemistry and magnetic mineralogy. The sedimentary succession studied represents the lake margin at the foot of the Fruška Gora ridge. Sedimentary facies reveal minor and major lake-level changes, including a forced regression with fluvial valley incision in the succession middle part and the ultimate emergence and covering of the lake floor by Pleistocene loess. Mollusc and ostracod fauna indicates an oligohaline shallow cool-water environment, no deeper than 5–6 m, with an active inflow of spring water. The lake local depth during transgression maxima did not exceed 20 m. Palynological and geochemical analyses indicate a rich and diversified assemblage of gymnosperm plants with a contribution of angiosperms, weeds and microbial biomass in the peat-forming suboxic to oxic coastal swamp environment. Maceral analysis of organic matter shows a prevalence of huminite, accompanied richly by inertinite in lignite and by liptinite in clay. The Pleistocene shift to terrestrial semiarid environment resulted in oxidizing groundwater conditions, with the reddening of sediments around a fluctuating groundwater table and the diagenetic transformation of bacteria-derived greigite into magnetite. In regional stratigraphy, the occurrence of Viviparus neumayri Brusina in the lower half of the succession indicates the Lower Paludina Beds of Dacian Stage (early Zanclean age). Other gastropods and certain ostracodes indicate transition to the Middle Paludina Beds of lower Romanian Stage (late Zanclean–early Piacenzian). The upper half of the succession lacks age-diagnostic fossils and is considered to represent Middle Paludina Beds with a possible relic of Upper Paludina Beds at the top.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2016, 86, 2; 185-209
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A lost carbonate platform deciphered from clasts embedded in flysch: Štramberk-type limestones, Polish Outer Carpathians
Hoffmann, Mariusz
Kołodziej, Bogusław
Kowal-Kasprzyk, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Štramberk Limestone
Silesian Ridge
Carpathian Basin
Limestones designated the Štramberk-type are the most common carbonate exotic clasts (exotics) embedded in the uppermost Jurassic–Miocene flysch deposits of the Polish Outer Carpathians. About 80% of stratigraphically determinable carbonate exotics from the Silesian, Sub-Silesian and Skole units (nappes) are of Tithonian (mostly)–Berriasian (sporadically Valanginian) age. A study of these exotics revealed eight main facies types: coral-microbial boundstones (FT 1), microencruster-microbial-cement boundstones (FT 2), microbial and microbial-sponge boundstones (FT 3), detrital limestones (FT 4), foraminiferal-algal limestones (FT 5), peloidalbioclastic limestones (FT 6), ooid grainstones (FT 7), and mudstones-wackestones with calpionellids (FT 8). Štramberk-type limestones in Poland and the better known Štramberk Limestone in the Czech Republic are remnants of lost carbonate platforms, collectively designated the Štramberk Carbonate Platform. Narrow platforms were developed on intra-basinal, structural highs (some of them are generalized as the Silesian Ridge), with their morphology determined by Late Jurassic synsedimentary tectonics. An attempt was made to reconstruct the facies distribution on the Tithonian–earliest Cretaceous carbonate platform. In the inner platform, coral-microbial patch-reefs (FT 1) grew, while the upper slope of the platform was the depositional setting for the microencruster-microbial-cement boundstones (FT 2). Microbial and microbial-sponge boundstones (FT 3), analogous to the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian boundstones of the northern Tethyan shelf (also present among exotics), were developed in a deeper setting. In the inner, open part of the platform, foraminiferal-algal limestones (FT 5) and peloidal-bioclastic limestones (FT 6) were deposited. Poorly sorted, detrital limestones (FT 4), including clastsupported breccias, were formed mainly in a peri-reefal environment and on the margin of the platform, in a high-energy setting. Ooid grainstones (FT 7), rarely represented in the exotics, were formed on the platform margin. Mudstones-wackestones with calpionellids (FT 8) were deposited in a deeper part of the platform slope and/or in a basinal setting. In tectonic grabens, between ridges with attached carbonate platforms, sedimentation of the pelagic (analogous to FT 8) and allodapic (“pre-flysch”) Cieszyn Limestone Formation took place. The most common facies are FT 4 and FT 1. Sedimentation on the Štramberk Carbonate Platform terminated in the earliest Cretaceous, when the platform was destroyed and drowned. It is recorded in a few exotics as thin, neptunian dykes (and large dykes in the Štramberk Limestone), filled with dark, deep-water limestones. Reefal facies of the Štramberk Carbonate Platform share similarities in several respects (e.g., the presence of the microencrustermicrobial-cement boundstones) with reefs of other intra-Tethyan carbonate platforms, but clearly differ from palaeogeographically close reefs and coral-bearing facies of the epicontinental Tethyan shelf (e.g., coeval limestones from the subsurface of the Carpathian Foredeep and the Lublin Upland in Poland; the Ernstbrunn Limestone in Austria and Czech Republic). Corals in the Štramberk Limestone and Štramberk-type limestones are the world’s most diverse coral assemblages of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition. The intra-basinal ridge (ridges), traditionally called the Silesian Cordillera, which evolved through time from an emerged part of the Upper Silesian Massif to an accretionary prism, formed the most important provenance area for carbonate exotic clasts in the flysch of the Silesian Series. They are especially common in the Lower Cretaceous Hradiště Formation and the Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene Istebna Formation. The Baška-Inwałd 204 M. HOFFMANN Et Al. In the Polish Outer Carpathians, shallow-water carbonate sedimentation is recorded only by carbonate clasts, redeposited bioclasts, and very rare, small, unrooted, poorly exposed klippen. Clasts of limestones are exotic to the dominant siliciclastic, uppermost Jurassic–Miocene flysch deposits. They were derived from extrabasinal and intra-basinal source areas of the Carpathian rocks, which periodically emerged and were destroyed. Such rocks were described as “exotic” since the 19th century (“exotischen Graniten”, “exotische Blöcke”; Morlot, 1847; Hohenegger, 1861). In the general geological literature, the term “exotic clasts” is usually used (Flügel, 2010, p. 172), whereas in the Polish geological literature, the term “exotics” (Polish “egzotyki” including also carbonate exotics), is also commonly applied. On the basis of fossils, facies and microfacies, these clasts (pebbles, rarely blocks) are mostly described as Devonian–Carboniferous (Malik, 1978, 1979; Burtan et al., 1983; Tomaś et al., 2004) and Upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous (the present paper and references therein), more rarely Middle Jurassic (Książkiewicz, 1935, 1956a; Barczyk, 1998; Olszewska and Wieczorek, 2001), Early Cretaceous (Oszczypko et al., 1992, 2006, 2020; Krobicki et al., 2005), Late Cretaceous (Książkiewicz, 1956a; Gasiński, 1998) and Palaeogene in age (Leszczyński, 1978; Rajchel and Myszkowska, 1998; Leszczyński et al., 2012; Minor-Wróblewska, 2017). At the beginning of these studies, the focus was on small, unrooted klippen, namely the Andrychów Klippen (called also Klippes) near Wadowice (Zeuschner, 1849; Hohenegger, 1861; Uhlig, 1904; Książkiewicz, 1935, 1971b; Nowak, 1976; Gasiński, 1998; Olszewska and Wieczorek, 2001), and in Kruhel Wielki, near Przemyśl (Niedźwiedzki, 1876; Wójcik, 1907, 1913, 1914; Bukowy and Geroch, 1956; Morycowa, 1988; Olszewska et al., 2009), now poorly exposed. Subsequently, exotic pebbles, much more common and providing data on more facies, were studied more frequently. The first attempt to describe exotics, including crystalline rocks, was presented by Nowak (1927). Jurassic–Cretaceous carbonate exotics at Bachowice, containing facies unknown at other localities in the Polish Outer Carpathians, were described by Książkiewicz (1956a). The preliminary results of studies, which encompassed the entire spectrum of carbonate exotics from the western part of the Polish Outer Carpathians, were presented by Burtan et al. (1984). Malik (1978, 1979) described both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic carbonate clasts in the Hradiště Sandstone of the Silesian Unit, but other studies were mostly concerned with the Štramberk-type limestones from selected outcrops. The studies of these limestones, if concerned with exotics at many localities, were focused on their fossil content (e.g., Kołodziej, 2003a; Bucur et al., 2005; Ivanova and Kołodziej, 2010; Kowal-Kasprzyk, 2014, 2018) or presented only the preliminary results of facies studies (e.g., Hoffmann and Kołodziej, 2008; Hoffmann et al., 2008). Carbonate platforms, the existence of which was deciphered from detrital carbonate components, are called lost carbonate platforms (e.g., Belka et al., 1996; Flügel, 2010; Kukoč et al., 2012). Clasts and other shallowwater components are, metaphorically, witnesses to lost carbonate factories (the term is taken from Coletti et al., 2015). Analyses of the age and lithology of exotic clasts have been applied in the reconstruction of the provenance areas of the clasts and their palaeogeography and the development of the sedimentary sequences of the Polish Outer Carpathians (e.g., Książkiewicz, 1956b, 1962, 1965; Unrug, 1968; Oszczypko, 1975; Oszczypko et al., 1992, 2006; Hoffmann, 2001; Krobicki, 2004; Słomka et al., 2004; Malata et al., 2006; Poprawa and Malata, 2006; Poprawa et al., 2006a, b; Strzeboński et al., 2017; Kowal-Kasprzyk et al., 2020). Štramberk-type limestones are most common among the exotics. It is a field term that refers to limestones, mostly beige in colour, that are supposed to be the age and facies equivalents of the Tithonian–lower Berriasian Štramberk Limestone in Moravia (Czech Republic; Eliáš and Eliášová, 1984; Picha et al., 2006). The Štramberk Limestone and the Štramberk-type limestones of both countries were deposited on platforms, attached to the intrabasinal ridges and margins of the basin of the Outer Carpathians. These platforms are collectively termed the Štramberk Carbonate Platform. The terms “Štramberk Limestone” and “Štramberk-type limestones” have been widely used in the area of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire for the field description of shallow-water limestones of assumed Late Jurassic age, usually occurring within flysch deposits of the Outer Carpathians. Upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous shallow-water limestones in Romania (commonly forming mountains or ridges, e.g., Pleş et al., 2013, 2016), in Bulgaria and Serbia (Tchoumatchenco et al., 2006), and Ukraine (Krajewski and Schlagintweit, 2018), and in Turkey (Masse et al., 2015) sometimes are referred to as the Štramberk-type limestones as well. In the Austrian-German literature similar limestones in the Alps are known as the Plassen Limestone (e.g., Steiger and Wurm, 1980; Schlagintweit et al., 2005). Biostratigraphic studies revealed that some carbonate clasts, accounting for several percent of the exotics and commonly Ridge and the Sub-Silesian Ridge were the source areas for clasts from the Silesian and Sub-Silesian units (e.g., in the Hradiště Formation), while the Northern (Marginal) Ridge was the source for clasts from the Skole Unit (e.g., in the Maastrichtian–Paleocene Ropianka Formation).
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2021, 91, 3; 203-251
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of ground penetrating radar method combined with sedimentological analyses in studies of glaciogenic sediments in central Poland
Lejzerowicz, Anna
Wysocka, Anna
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ground penetrating radar
radar facies
glaciogenic deposits
sedimentological studies
central Poland
GPR method is perfectly suited for recognizing of sedimentary facies diversity in shallowly occurring sediments if there is a contrast of electrical properties between and/or within each layer. The article deals with the issue of the correlation between GPR surveys results and sedimentological analyses. As a result of this correlation a conceptual model of depositional systems of studied areas was developed. Studies were performed in two areas located in central Poland, where glacial deposits formed in the Middle Polish (Saalian) Glaciation are present. The study was based on 49 sediment samples and 21 GPR profiles. Analyses of lithofacies as well as granulometric and mineralogical composition of deposits of collected samples were carried out, showing the diversity of glacial deposits in both study sites. During GPR measurements shielded antenna with a frequency of 500 MHz was used which allowed high-resolution mapping of the internal structure of deposits and to identify four characteristic radar facies. Correlation of GPR profiles with point, one-dimensional sedimentological studies allowed the unambiguous interpretation of the GPR image and draw conclusions about the formation environment of individual units. Geophysical and sedimentological data obtained during study provide a new and detailed insight into selected glacial deposits in central Poland.
Studia Quaternaria; 2018, 35; 103-119
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Microfacies, foraminifers and carbon and oxygen isotopes in a basinal section of the Zechstein Limestone (Wuchiapingian): Bonikowo 2 borehole, western Poland
Peryt, D.
Peryt, T. M.
Hałas, S.
Raczyński, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
carbon and oxygen isotopes
basin facies
Zechstein Limestone
The Zechstein Limestone of the Bonikowo 2 borehole is composed of limestone with varied dolomite content and is slightly thicker (3.4 m) than other supposed condensed sections in SW Poland. The microfacies (mostly bioclastic wackestones-packstones) are characteristic of open marine limestone deposited in deep shelf environments. The common occurrence of echinoids in all parts of the section, except close to its top, indicates no essential change in sea water salinity. However, the palaeotemperature interpretation of the highest δ18O value of calcite recorded in the Bonikowo 2 borehole (+0.32‰) indicates a temperature of 22.9°C when a δ18O of water = 2‰ is assumed. The δ13C and δ18O curves for calcite and dolomite are similar in shape, and their mean values are similar: +1.8 ±1.5‰ for calcite, respectively, and +1.9 ±2.3‰ and –4.3 ±2.4‰, –3.8 ±4.3‰ for dolomite. There is a recrystallized interval in the lower part of the section with both δ13C and δ18O values reduced. This may be regarded as an aerobic equivalent of the Kupferschiefer. The diversity and abundance of foraminifers is significant throughout the section studied; lagenids prevail, and this is considered to be due to the dysaerobic conditions throughout the duration of deposition of the Zechstein Limestone.
Geological Quarterly; 2016, 60, 4; 827--839
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution of a sedimentary infill of a palaeovalley at a distal margin of the peripheral foreland basin
Nehyba, Slavomír
Gilíková, Helena
Tomanová-Petrová, Pavla
Otava, Jiří
Skácelová, Zuzana
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
peripheral foreland basin
confined valley
facies analysis
provenance study
The entrenched Odra palaeovalley, cut into the bedrock of the distal margin (forebulge basal unconformity) of the Moravian Carpathian Foredeep (peripheral foreland basin) is filled with an almost 300 m thick pile of Miocene deposits. The directon of the valley (NW-SE to NNW-SSE) has been controlled by faults subparallel with the system of “sudetic faults“. The sedimentary succession consists of 5 facies associations/depositional environments, which are interpreted (from bottom to top, i.e. from the oldest to the youngest) as: 1 - colluvial deposits to deposits of alluvial fan, 2 - deposits of alluvial fan, 3 - fan-delta deposits, 4 - shallow water delta to nearshore deposits and 5 - open marine deposits. This fining-up and deepening-up succession reveals the following: the formation of the new flexural shape of the basin; deep erosion connected with uplift and tilting of the forebulge and reactivation of the NW-SE trending basement faults; the Early/Middle Miocene sea level fall; alluvial deposition mostly driven by tectonics and morphology; forebulge flexural retreat; Middle-Miocene sea level rise; back-stepping of valley infill; marine invasion during the Early Badenian with shift of the coastline further landward of the pallaeovalley. Tectonics related to contemporary thrusting processes in the Western Carpathians are assumed to be the dominating factor of the studied deposition at the expense of eustatic sea level changes. Provenance studies have proven that the pre-Neogene basement (i.e. the Early Carboniferous clastic “Culmian facies” ofthe Moravian-Silesian Paleozoic) represents an important source for the conglomerates and sands, which volumetrically dominate in the palaeovalley infill. However, they also showed, that the deposits of the earlier Carpathian Foredeep Basin sedimentary stage (Karpatian in age?) covered the area under study and were eroded and resedimented into the palaeovalley infill.
Geological Quarterly; 2019, 63, 2; 319--344
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka mineralogiczno-petrograficzna hornfelsów z Kowar (Dolny Śląsk)
Mineralogical and petrographical characteristics of hornfels from Kowary (the Lower Silesia)
Heflik, W.
Natkaniec-Nowak, L.
Zagożdżon, P. P.
Zagożdżon, K. D.
Dumańska-Słowik, M.
Jarocka, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
facja piroksenowo hornfelsowa
Dolny Śląsk
pyroxene hornfels facies
Lower Silesia
Hornfelsy pochodzące z wyrobisk dawnej kopalni „Wolność” w Kowarach na Dolnym Śląsku są to skały wchodzące w skład formacji rudonośnej z Podgórza. Struktura ta znajduje się na styku granitoidowego masywu Karkonoszy oraz jego wschodniej osłony metamorficznej. Zmienność składu mineralnego badanych hornfelsów, a także ich cech strukturalno-teksturalnych były podstawą wydzielenia odmian barwnych tych skał, tj. czarnej, szarej i zielonej. Każda z nich występuje niezależnie, bądź też wzajemnie się przeławicają, dając odmiany mieszane o teksturach laminowanych lub smużystych. Na podstawie składu mineralnego stwierdzono, że hornfelsy z Kowar należą do facji piroksenowo-hornfelsowej metamorfizmu kontaktowego, dla której charakterystyczny jest następujący zespół mineralny: pirokseny, plagioklazy i kwarc; muskowit jest zastępowany ortoklazem, a biotyt pozostaje stabilny. Typowym minerałem tej facji jest andaluzyt, choć niekiedy może występować również sillimanit. W skałach tych wyróżniono przynajmniej trzy generacje faz mineralnych: I – allogeniczną, II – metamorficzną i III – hydrotermalną. [...]
Hornfels from the closed “Wolność” mine (Kowary, the Lower Silesia) are recognized as thermally metamorphosed rocks belonging to hornblende-hornfels facies or locally a facies of pyroxene hornfels. Their texture reveal the traces of some deformations such as folding or fractures. Their protholit is described as a pelitic deposit enriched with clay minerals. The sediment was altered into meta-pelities-aleurites after the diagenesis, and later the rock was intensely thermally metamorphosed at the contact with the intrusion of the Karkonosze granitoid. Three varieties are distinguished based on their colour: green, grey and black. Green and black colours result from the predominance of hornblende and biotite over other rock components, respectively. Whereas grey hornfels are composed of similar amounts of both mafic minerals: biotite and hornblende. Quartz, mica minerals (biotite and muscovite), amphibole, (hornblende), acid plagioclase and andalusite, epidote group (clinozoisite), orthoclase and pyroxene make up hornfels components. Locally, andalusite is accompanied by sillimianite, which indicates a higher degree of contact metamorphism alterations. Three generations of minerals are distinguished in the rocks: allogenic (I), metamorphic (II ) and hydrothermal (III ). The allogenic phases are represented by heavy minerals such as zircon, apatite and monazite, which are characteristic of the protholit. The main components of the rocks (e.g. quartz, hornblende, feldspars, andalusite, sillimanite, mica minerals) belong to metamorphic minerals. Chalcopyrite, pyrite and fluorite are surely hydrothermally originated phases. Granitoides found at the contact zone with hornfels indicate traces of metasomatic alteration as a result of endomorphism in this region.
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi; 2016, 32, 2; 45-61
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Jurassic facies succession of the Kleszczów Graben area (southern border of the Łódź Depression, peri-Tethyan shelf, central Poland)
Olchowy, Piotr
Krajewski, Marcin
Felisiak, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Late Jurassic
outer-inner ramp facies
North Tethys Shelf
Numerous fully cored boreholes completed in the last years in central Poland (Kleszczów Graben area, southern border of the Łódź Depression) enabled the researchers to obtain new sedimentological data on the Oxfordian-Tithonian continuous sedimentary record in the Polish part of the northern Tethys shelf. Twenty-two facies were distinguished in the sedimentological succession. The facies represent the outer-, mid- and inner-ramp environments, including evaporitic episodes and palaeosols. The facies document that the Oxfordian-Lower Kimmeridgian (up to Hypselocyclum) carbonate ramp has evolved to the Upper Kimmeridgian-Tithonian carbonate-siliciclastic ramp. Among the Kimmeridgian deposits, numerous hardgrounds, tidal channel deposits and gravity flow sediments were identified. The Kleszczów Graben sedimentary succession is discussed along with the lithostratigraphical units known from the adjacent regions of southern and central Poland.
Geological Quarterly; 2019, 63, 4; 657--682
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithofacies and terrestrial sedimentary environments in AMS measurements: case study from Neogene of Oravica River section, Čimhová, Slovakia.
Łoziński, M.
Ziółkowski, P.
Wysocka, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
magnetic susceptibility
facies analysis
terrestrial environments
Orava-Nowy Targ Basin
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of sedimentary rocks has been used for interpreting wide range of processes: early rock deformations, palaeotransport directions, as well as the evolution of mineral content. Various sedimentary factors which may determine magnetic susceptibility within lacustrine, river, floodplain and swamp deposits have been examined in the Oravica section of the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin. Multiple components of mineral content: illite, chlorite, smectite, kaolinite, quartz and unidentified high susceptibility phase make an AMS interpretation of this content ambiguous. However, this method may be useful for tracing early diagenetic geochemical/microbial processes where iron element is involved. Some sedimentary processes may be recognized from AMS when an assemblage of parameters is studied together: bulk susceptibility, the degree and the shape of anisotropy, principal directions, and the distribution of all these parameters within a set of specimens. Debris-flow processes, as well as lacustrine and floodplain sedimentation are especially well-defined in AMS results. Palaeotransport directions are ambiguous because studied rocks have undergone weak deformation what overprints this sedimentary feature. Most specimens represent an oblate shape of anisotropy and show a good correlation of minimum susceptibility axis and normal to bedding plane.
Geological Quarterly; 2016, 60, 2; 259--272
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dynamika rozwoju utworów koralowych środkowego oksfordu okolic Bałtowa
Middle Oxfordian coral facies of the Bałtów region, NE margin of the Holy Cross Mts, Poland
Gutowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
utwory koralowe
coral facies
syndepositional activity of extensional blocks
Coral facies developed on the Middle Oxfordian carbonate ramp were controlled in the region of Bałtów, NE margin of the Holy Cross Mts., Poland, by syndepositional activity of extensional fault blocks. Elevated parts of sea bottom were occupied since Early Oxfordian time by sponge bioherms successively colonized by coral reefs when grown up to the sea level. Micritic sedimentation prevailed in interbioherm denivelations. This micritic succession was replaced by soft-bottom coral buildups constructed by flat coral colonies, typical of a relatively quiet environment of the depths 20-70 m, and finally by coarse bioclastic grainstones and oncolites which are interpreted as talus of the coral reef constructed on tops of former sponge bioherms by branched and hemispherical coral colonies in very dynamic and extremely shallow water conditions.
Volumina Jurassica; 2004, 2, 1; 17-28
Pojawia się w:
Volumina Jurassica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sea-bottom relief versus differential compaction in ancient platform carbonates: a critical reassessment of an example from Upper Jurassic of the Cracow-Wielun
Relief dna morskiego a zróżnicowana kompakcja w kopalnych platformach węglanowych: krytyczne przeszacowanie przykładu z górnej jury Wyżyny Krakowsko-Wieluńskie
Matyszkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
sea bottom relief
carbonate buildup
bedded facies
Tethyan shelf
Late Jurassic
The growth of carbonate buildups in the northern, stable shelf of the Tethyan Ocean was the principal factor in the development of diversified sea-bottom relief in the Late Jurassic basin. Reconstruction of this relief has been a matter of numerous controversies. This paper provides an analysis of published data on elevation differences on sea bottom along the SW margin of the Holy Cross Mts. and in the Cracow-Wielun Upland. Moreover, methods of reconstruction of synsedimentary relief are presented. In the Late Oxfordian the elevations on basin floor in the Czestochowa area (Cracow-Wielun Upland) were about 100 meters at most, and were presumably even lower. The largest (over 200 meters) elevation differences of sea-bottom relief existing in the Czestochowa area at the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian have been postulated when the recently observed differences in thickness between the deposits of carbonate buildup and of equivalent basinal facies were identified as a relief. In fact, different thickness is, in considerable part, an effect of differential compaction.
Wzrost budowli węglanowych na północnym, stabilnym szelfie Tetydy był główną przyczyną powstania urozmaiconego reliefu dna w basenie późnojurajskim. Rekonstrukcja tego reliefu jest przedmiotem licznych kontrowersji. Praca analizuje dane literaturowe o wielkości deniwelacji dna z rejonu SW-obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich i Wyżyny Krakowsko-Wieluńskiej oraz omawia metodykę rekonstrukcji reliefu synsedymentacyjnego. Deniwelacje dna basenu u schyłku oksfordu w rejonie Częstochowy wynosiły co najwyżej około 100 m a przypuszczalnie były jeszcze mniejsze. Postulowane wcześniej, ponad dwustumetrowe deniwelacje w basenie w rejonie Częstochowy na przełomie oksfordu i kimerydu były oparte na utożsamianiu z deniwelacjami dna aktualnej różnicy miąższości między utworami budowli węglanowej a ekwiwalentnymi jej utworami facji basenowej. Różnica ta jest w znacznej części wynikiem zróżnicowanej podatności osadów na kompakcję.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 1999, 69, No. 1-2; 63-79
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reservoir properties and fades characterization from core data and well logging: autochthonous Miocene sediments in the Carpathian Foredeep case study
Shouket, A.
Jarzyna, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Flow Zone Indicator
regression and transgression sedimentary systems
Laboratory results of total porosity and physical permeability were the basis to calculate Flow Zone Indicator. GR log and porosity log PHI were used for facies identification. Calculations and loggings were performed in the Miocene sandy-shaly sediments in two wells in the Eastern Part of Polish Carpathian Foredeep. FZI increase with the total porosity from the comprehensive interpretation of logs in the regressive set of parasequences was observed. This increase was the result of better reservoir and hydraulic abilities of these parasequences in comparison to transgressive ones. Combining information of laboratory origin with well logging results on the basis of facies and FZI correlation worked also as a kind of data scaling.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2014, 40, 4; 331-342
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle to Late Jurassic carbonate-biosiliceous sedimentation and palaeoenvironment in the Tethyan Fatricum Domain, Krížna Nappe, Tatra Mts, Western Carpathians
Jach, Renata
Reháková, Daniela
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
nodular limestone
Fleckenmergel facies
carbonate production crisis
calcite compensation depth
The Jurassic of the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys was characterized by the formation of several interconnected basins, which underwent gradual deepening and oceanization. Sedimentation in each basin was influenced by a specific set of interrelated factors, such as tectonic activity, seawater circulation, climate, chemistry and trophic state of seawater as well as evolutionary changes of the marine biota. This paper deals with the Fatricum Domain (Central Carpathians, Poland and Slovakia), which in the Jurassic was a pull-apart basin on a thinned continental crust. The sedimentation history of this domain during the Bajocian-Tithonian and its governing factors have been revealed. Facies analysis of the Bajocian-Oxfordian deposits evidences considerable relief of the basin-floor topography. Deposits in the Western Tatra Mts represent sedimentation on a submarine intrabasinal high, whereas the coeval deposits of the eastern part of the Tatra Mts accumulated in a deeper basin. The basin succession began with Bajocian bioturbated “spotted” limestones and siliciclastic mudstones (Fleckenmergel facies). These were succeeded by uppermost Bajocian - middle Bathonian grey nodular limestones, affected by synsedimentary gravitational bulk creep. The coeval deposits of the intrabasinal high are represented by well-washed Bositra-crinoidal limestones with condensed horizons. Uniform radiolarite sedimentation commenced in the late Bathonian and persisted until the early late Kimmeridgian. The basal ribbon radiolarites (upper Bathonian - lower Oxfordian), which consist of alternating chert beds and shale partings, are a record of seawater eutrophication, a related crisis in carbonate production and the rise of the CCD, which collectively resulted in biosiliceous sedimentation. The overlying calcareous radiolarites (middle Oxfordian - lowermost upper Kimmeridgian) marked a gradual return to carbonate sedimentation. The return of conditions that were favourable for carbonate sedimentation took place in the late Kimmeridgian, when the red nodular limestones were deposited. They are partly replaced by basinal platy limestones (uppermost Kimmeridgian - Tithonian) in the Western Tatra Mts. This lateral variation in facies reflects a change in the sedimentary conditions governed by a bathymetric reversal of the seafloor configuration, attributed to a further stage in the pull-apart transcurrent tectonics of the Fatricum Domain.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2019, 89, 1; 1-46
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Facies of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous deposits from the southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep basement in the Kraków–Rzeszów area (southern Poland)
Krajewski, M.
Matyszkiewicz, J.
Król, K.
Olszewska, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Upper Jurassic
Lower Cretaceous
Carpathian Foredeep basement
southern Poland
A comparative sedimentological analysis of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous deposits carried out on drill-cores from the southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep allowed us to distinguish thirteen main microfacies types. The results of microfacies analyses and stratigraphical data made it possible to propose a lithological subdivision of the southern part of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Carpathian Foredeep basement between Kraków and Rzeszów. In the analysed wells, three main sedimentary complexes were distinguished, embracing the following intervals: (i) Callovian–Oxfordian, (ii) Kimmeridgian and (iii) Tithonian– Berriasian–Valanginian. The Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian and Tithonian deposits represent the outer – mid homoclinal ramp facies, whereas the Berriasian and Valanginian deposits belong to the inner homoclinal ramp facies. Complexes of microbial-sponge reefs, with a distinct relief, could be recognised in the Upper Oxfordian sediments only. The development of these buildups took place in a basin typified by diversified morphology, determined by the block-type structure of the Palaeozoic basement and synsedimentary tectonics, which brought about substantial variability in thickness of the Oxfordian sediments. At the end of the Oxfordian, large complexes of the reef facies were replaced mainly by microbial-sponge and microbial-coral biostromes developed during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian. In the principal part of the studied area (except the western part of the described fragment of the Carpathian Foredeep; Kraków area) during the Kimmeridgian, Tithonian, Berriasian and Valanginian, sedimentation occurred in a basin typified by homogeneous morphology, which resulted in a wide extent and comparable thicknesses of the distinguished facies types. In the studied sections, indications of partial or complete dolomitization were observed in a large part of the sediments. Four generations of dolomite document a complex diagenetic history with multiple episodes of dolomite formation: from early diagenetic environment to late burial conditions.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 3; 269-290
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jurajskie korale w Polsce
Jurassic corals in Poland
Roniewicz, E.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
facja korali
scleractinian corals
coral facies
In the epicontinental Jurassic of Poland, scleractinian corals appeared in the Bathonian, but only in the Middle Oxfordian-Lower Kimmeridgian became a significant element of the shallow-water fauna. Over the whole area, Upper Jurassic coral facies are situated above the Oxfordian sponge megafacies. Middle Oxfordian Jurassic corals are the best known from the NE margin of the Holy Cross Mts and represented chiefly by lamellate colonies. The Upper Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian coral facies extends from the Pomerania, through central Poland to the fore-Carpathian region. Taxonomical and morphotypical coral diversifications of the Upper Oxfordian and Kimmeridian were higher than that of the Middle Oxfordian. In the Tethyan region, corals are known from the exotic pebbles of the Stramberk-type Tithonian limestones in the Carpathian Flysh and Pieniny Klippen Belt. The arguments against the interpretation of epicontinental coral accumulations as reefs, are as follows: abundance of lamellate corals and epithecate phaceloid taxa (the latter incapable to repair skeletal damages), high taxonomical diversification and frequency of corals with menianes representing presumable adaptations to filtering mode of nutrition, comparable rate of growth of coral constructions and of accumulation of surrounding sediment, association of corals characterized above with soft bottom and turbid water.
Volumina Jurassica; 2004, 2, 1; 83-98
Pojawia się w:
Volumina Jurassica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crevasse splays within a lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine near Konin, central Poland: architecture, sedimentology and depositional model
Chomiak, Lilianna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
backswamp area
facies analysis
siliciclastic deposition
analiza facjalna
osady klastyczne
The present article focuses predominantly on sandy deposits that occur within the Middle Miocene lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine, owned by the Konin Lignite Mine. As a result of mining activity, these siliciclastics were available for direct observation in 2015–2016. They are situated between two lignite benches over a distance of ~500 m in the lower part and ~200 m in the higher part of the exploitation levels. The maximum thickness of these sandy sediments, of a lenticular structure in a S–N cross section, is up to 1.8 m. With the exception of a thin lignite intercalation, these siliciclastics comprise mainly by fine-grained and well-sorted sands, and only their basal and top layers are enriched with silt particles and organic matter. Based on a detailed analysis of the sediments studied (i.e., their architecture and textural-structural features), I present a discussion of their genesis and then propose a model of their formation. These siliciclastics most likely formed during at least two flood events in the overbank area of a Middle Miocene meandering or anastomosing river. Following breaching of the natural river levee, the sandy particles (derived mainly from the main river channel and levees) were deposited on the mire (backswamp) surface in the form of crevasse splays. After each flooding event, vegetation developed on the top of these siliciclastics; hence, two crevasse-splay bodies (here referred to as the older and younger) came into existence. As a result, the first Mid-Polish lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine is currently divided in two by relatively thick siliciclastics, which prevents a significant portion of this seam from being used for industrial purposes.
Geologos; 2020, 26, 1; 25-37
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Miocene fluvial distributary system in the northern Danube Basin (Pannonian Basin System): depositional processes, stratigraphic architecture and controlling factors of the Piešťany Member (Volkovce Formation)
Šujan, M.
Kováč, M.
Hók, J.
Braucher, R.
Rybár, S.
Leeuw, A. de
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
fluvial distributary system
facies analysis
sediment supply
Pannonian Basin System
late Miocene
Aim of the study was to investigate the detailed stratigraphic architecture of the alluvial Volkovce Formation, which was deposited in the northern Danube Basin during the interval between 10 and 6 Ma. Two type locality exposures were subject to facies analysis and interpretation of depositional processes and >500 boreholes served for correlation of spatial variability in the character of the formation. The study was focused on the northern Blatné and western Rišňovce depressions, which are partly separated by the Považský Inovec Mountains horst. It was revealed, that a mostly gravelly fluvial distributary system of the Piešťany Member was deposited in the northern Blatné depression, partly confined by the exposed horst and by incised palaeotopography. The sequence is composed of amalgamated braided river channel bodies with no overbank strata, in response to high sediment supply and low accommodation. The palaeo-stream then crossed the horst in its southern part towards the Rišňovce depression, where there was four times more accommodation. The submerged horst acted as a boundary, where the depositional processes changed to a meandering river and significant overbank deposits started to be preserved. Only small streams were present in the northern Rišňovce depression, which led to very low sediment supply compared to the high accommodation there. The depositional system was affected mainly by the incised palaeotopography, by the location of sediment input together with spatial differences in accommodation rate caused by the activity of the Ripňany Fault on the southeastern side of the Považský Inovec Mts.
Geological Quarterly; 2017, 61, 3; 521--548
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Cretaceous inversion and salt tectonics in the Koszalin-Chojnice and Drawno-Człopa-Szamotuły zones, Pomeranian sector of the Mid-Polish Trough
Leszczyński, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Mid-Polish Trough
Upper Cretaceous
salt structures
facies and thickness analysis
Late Cretaceous inversion processes and their relation to salt movements in the Pomeranian sector of the Mid-Polish Trough are described, based on deep boreholes. Two tectonic zones, inverted in the Late Cretaceous, located in the Mid-Polish Trough, were selected for study: the Koszalin-Chojnice Zone situated NE of the present-day Mid-Polish Swell in the Pomeranian Trough, within an area of non-salt anticlines, and the Drawno-Człopa-Szamotuły Zone located in the Szczecin Trough, SW of the Mid-Polish Swell, in an area of strong salt tectonics. The stratigraphic gaps present indicate that the first pulse of Late Cretaceous inversion might have occurred in the Coniacian-early Santonian in this area. Another pulse can be dated at late Campanian-early Maastrichtian. Intra-Cretaceous stratigraphic gaps reached their maximum areal extent in the Coniacian (Inoceramus involutus Zone) and Upper Campanian (Koszalin-Chojnice Zone). Over large areas, Santonian (mostly upper Santonian) deposits rest upon Turonian (including Inoceramus schloenbachi Zone), and locally on older rocks. The lithofacies maps show that thickness and lithofacies distribution in the Cenomanian was independent of the strike of the Koszalin-Chojnice Zone. Such a dependence began and was accentuated in the Coniacian. Santonian and Campanian clastic deposits, extending along the SW boundary of the Mid-Polish Swell and absent in the SW part of the Pomeranian Trough, suggest local tectonic inversion within the central part of the Mid-Polish Trough.
Geological Quarterly; 2002, 46, 3; 347-362
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedimentology of the Godula Formation in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. (Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic)
Maceček, Lukáš
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
facies analysis
turbidite systems
siliciclastic deposits
Outer Western Carpathians
Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.
The present account summarizes the results of lithological and facies analysis of representative sections of the Godula Formation, in order to contribute to the understanding of the lithofacies structure of this formation, the processes involved in its development and the character of the depositional environment. The sedimentology of different parts of the Godula Formation was investigated in six representative sections in the western and central parts of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. The Godula Formation is made up mainly of Upper Cretaceous siliciclastic turbidites and was formed during the most significant depositional phase of the filling of the deep-sea Silesian Basin. On the basis of sedimentological research, five facies classes (including four subclasses) were defined: 1) conglomeratic sandstones, 2) sandstones, 3) sandstones with mudstones, 4) mudstones with sandstones and siltstones, and 5) mudstones with siltstones. The methodology of facies analysis allowed the identification of several facies association, corresponding to the medial and distal parts of a turbidite fan and associated siliciclastic apron. The facies of depositional lobes, lobe transitions and the apron are described. The sandstone and mudstone facies (F3) occurs mostly in the depositional lobes. The sandstone facies (F2) and mudstone with sandstone and siltstone facies (F4) are present only to a lesser degree. The facies of the lobe transitions include lithologic associations of the lobe fringe and channel levee environments. They comprise mainly the mudstones with sandstones and siltstones (F4) and the mudstone with siltstone facies (F5). In the apron deposits, the sandstone facies (F2) and the conglomeratic sandstone facies (F1) predominate. Palaeocurrent analysis from measurements made in selected profiles showed that in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts., the dominant direction of sediment transport was from SW to NE. After applying correction of the known counterclockwise rotation of the nappes of the Outer Carpathians, this corresponds to a longitudinal direction along the original axis of the basin.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2021, 91, 3; 309-325
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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