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Ethical Orientations and Sex in Teachers with Varied Educational Strategies
Rubacha, Krzysztof
Chomczyńska-Rubacha, Mariola
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
educational strategies
ethical orientations: justice and care
The authors present the results of empirical research that tested a hypothesis concerning the relationship between ethical orientations and teachers’ educational strategies. The study was planned as a quantitative strategy as theoretical-verified, in a quasi-experimental scheme with random sampling. Data was gathered with the help of tests, and the hypotheses were verified using two-way ANOVA.
The New Educational Review; 2013, 33; 237-246
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kompetencje a zachowania edukacyjne dorosłych Polaków
Competences and Educational Behaviours of Adult Poles
Grześkowia, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
lifelong learning
educational strategies
statistical analysis
Increasing activity in the field of lifelong learning is an important educational goal of the European Union. The rapidly changing environment creating new demands makes it necessary to take action in the field of continuous education. Labour market requirements in the process of evolving towards a knowledge-based society are changing, which is particularly important in the era of population ageing and raising the retirement age. All forms of education: formal, non-formal and informal should gain importance in response to the growing requirements. The situation in Poland is vary unfavourable when comparing the participation in activities related to lifelong learning with other European Union countries. Research indicates various demographic, social and economic determinants of adult engagement in lifelong learning. This study attempts to assess the relationships between the level of competences in various areas and the educational behaviours of adult Poles. The analyses are based on individual data from a national survey on human capital. The crucial purpose, which is to identify interdependences among the considered factors, attitudes and behaviours, is accomplished by selected statistical and econometric methods supported by suitable data visualization techniques.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2016, 19, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
E-marketing of research and scientific institutions - psychological aspect
Wolski, K.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
interactive marketing
educational management strategies
Marketing activities taken up by research and scientific institutions is an increasingly popular subject of debates and scientific works from the area of management and education. What shows this trend very well is not only the growing number of scientific publications concerning these subjects, but also the appearance of scientific magazines, titles dedicated to this issue (eg. International Journal of Educational Management, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education). In many contemporary works concerning marketing of higher education institutions and research institutes, models functioning In the business environment are being adapted to serve the needs of educational units. Thus, in works concerning management strategies for educational organizations we can find references to such classic concepts as 4P, 7P or 4C. Adapting classic marketing models, applied in business, to the conditions in which higher education institutions and research units function, shows that the managers of these institutions see the need to compete on the market and determine the direction of marketing activities. It can be presumed that this need will be constantly growing, along with the growth of competition between higher education institutions. This competition will result from, among others, demographic factors, including the predicted drop in the number of people aged 19-24. According to the forecasts of the Central Statistical Office the numer of people in this age range in Poland will drop from 2,817,000 in 2015 to 2,135,000 in 2025. Dropping number of students and the resulting growth of competition between universities will force them to adopt a strategic approach to marketing activities and using the latest achievements of interactive marketing. Including intensification of online activities. As the examples mentioned in this work show, many theories or psychological phenomena can be successfully used for building and implementing the marketing strategy of scientific and research institutions. Such theories as the Technology Acceptance Model served well the purpose of explaining the behavior of users. They also have their practical implications for people designing marketing influence. The application of knowledge from the area of social psychology is similar. Many mechanisms, like the social evidence of Tightness, are good for interactive marketing. Good choice of these mechanisms and fitting them well into the entirety of activities aimed at promoting an organization, can contribute to raising the efficiency of influence.
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa; 2012, 2 (223); 101-116
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przypadkowość czy racjonalność – wybory edukacyjne studentów Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Randomness or rationality – the educational choices of the students at the University of Zielona Góra
Kołodziej, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
motywy podjęcia studiów
strategie edukacyjne
wybory edukacyjne
motives to study
educational strategies
educational choices
Prezentowany tekst jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie dotyczące racjonalności decyzji edukacyjnych podejmowanych przez studentów Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego. Opierając się na danych uzyskanych w badaniu Młodzież akademicka w czasach nieufności i zagrożeń cywilizacyjnych. Międzykrajowe badania porównawcze, autor wskazuje na występującą u studentów różnych kierunków spójność pomiędzy motywami podjęcia studiów oraz wyboru kierunku kształcenia, dostrzeganymi korzyściami wynikającymi z wykonywania pracy zgodnej z wykształceniem oraz oceną szans na zdobycie takiej pracy, a także gotowością do powtórzenia dokonanych wyborów edukacyjnych. Spójność pomiędzy tymi elementami może wskazywać na stosowanie przez studentów przemyślanych strategii edukacyjnych opartych na racjonalnej ocenie korzyści wynikających z dokonanych wyborów edukacyjnych.
The present text is an attempt to answer the question concerning the rationality of educational decisions taken by the students of the University of Zielona Gora. Based on the data obtained in the research Academic youth in times of distrust and civilizational threats. Cross-National comparative research, the author points to the consistency that appears between motives to study and choice of the field of study, the perceived benefits of work in line with education and assessment of the chances of getting such work, and readiness to repeat the educational choices. Consistency between these elements can indicate that students use well-thought-out educational strategies based on rational evaluation of the benefits of educational choices.
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów; 2017, 18; 47-58
Pojawia się w:
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model of cooperation of the system of staff education for industry – conceptual framework of educational cluster
Model współpracy systemu kształcenia kadr dla przemysłu - koncepcja klastra edukacyjnego
Pradela, A.
Data publikacji:
education of staff
educational management
educational strategies
kształcenie kadr
zarządzanie edukacją
strategie edukacyjne
Education of staff for industry in Poland is carried out in vocational education system in schools, responsible for education of qualified workers and in system of technical universities, responsible for engineering education. This article concentrates on aspects of education of qualified workers. There is presented model of cooperation institution responsible for vocational education for industry on the basis of concept of educational cluster. The first part of the article describes aims and determinants of cluster formulation. The second – model of structure of educational cluster, particularly: stakeholders of cluster (potential participants of cluster), scope of cooperation, information flows and stakeholders’ activities. The last part of article discusses possibilities of implementation the model: (a) by creation educational strategies and (b) by caring out projects concentrated on particular problem.
Kształcenie kadr dla przemysłu jest realizowane w Polsce w systemie edukacji zawodowej na szczeblu szkolnym, odpowiedzialnym za kształcenie pracowników wykwalifikowanych oraz w systemie uczelni technicznych, realizujących kształcenie inżynierów. W niniejszym artykule skoncentrowano się na aspektach przygotowania do pracy pracowników wykwalifikowanych. Opracowano model współpracy podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za przygotowanie młodzieży do pracy w przemyśle utworzonego w oparciu o koncepcję klastra edukacyjnego. W pierwszej części przedstawiono cele i założenia tworzenia klastra edukacyjnego. W drugiej części przedstawiono model struktury klastra edukacyjnego, interesariuszy klastra (potencjalnych uczestników klastra), zakres współpracy między nimi, przepływy informacji i zakres zadań. Następnie wskazano możliwości implementacji modelu poprzez: (a) tworzenie i wdrażanie strategii edukacji oraz (b) poprzez realizację projektów tematycznych.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2014, 1 (13); 20-26
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adaptive Learning: Context and Complexity
Dziuban, Charles
Howlin, Colm
Dr. Moskal, Patsy D.
Dr. Johnson, Connie
Eid, Mitchell
Kmetz, Brandon
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
online courses
academic achievement
adaptive learning
blended learning
digital learning
college students
educational strategies
Adaptive learning technologies impact higher education by modifying the traditional time constraints placed on the learning cycle, thus permitting students to compress or expand their learning spaces. Previous work by the authors has demonstrated dimensional stability in the adaptive process across universities with considerably different strategic initiatives. However, a prevailing question remains about the correspondence of student position on those components. Transformed component scores for the four stable dimensions (knowledge acquisition, engagement, growth and communication) have been contrasted for comparability in beginning Algebra, College Algebra and Nursing courses at the University of Central Florida and the Colorado Technical University on several metrics generated by the Realizeit adaptive learning platform. The results indicated considerable variability in student affinity for the underlying dimensions depending on a number of considerations such as course length, subject area, and the instructional design process. The authors have concluded that adaptive learning is a complex system in which the interaction of the elements becomes more important than individual measures for understanding the emergent property of this learning environment. Finally, they contend that the potential value added of adaptive learning must be carefully considered with respect to its opportunity cost.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2018, 5 (77); 13-23
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Educational strategies of teachers with differentiated self-realization styles
Strategie wychowawcze nauczycieli o zróżnicowanych stylach samorealizacji
Rubacha, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
development of teachers and students
styles of self-realization
educational strategies
rozwój nauczycieli i uczniów
style samorealizacji
strategie wychowawcze
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad relacjami pomiędzy stylami samorealizacji nauczycieli a stosowanymi przez nich strategiami wychowawczymi.  Zmierzono pięć stylów samorealizacji: akceptacji siebie, akceptacji innych, rozwiązywania konfliktów społecznych , rozwiązywania konfliktów wewnętrznych, braku samorealizacji oraz zmienną losową strategie wychowawcze: wzmocnień, rozwoju, przystosowania, ideologii. Wyniki badań  z próbki losowej pokazały, że istnieje generalna różnica pomiędzy grupą nauczycieli nie realizujących swoich potencjalności (brak samorealizacji) a pozostałymi nauczycielami prezentującymi różne style samorealizacji. Ci pierwsi identyfikują się ze strategiami heterogenicznymi podczas gdy Ci drudzy z autonomicznymi. Prawidłowość ta nie miała miejsca w przypadku strategii wzmocnień, kiedy wszystkie grupy stosowały strategię wzmocnień indywidualnych (autonomiczną), nie zaś kolektywnych (heteronomiczną).
The article presents the results of research on the relationship between the styles of teachers' self-realization and their educational strategies. Five styles of self-realization were measured: self-acceptance, acceptance of others, solving social conflicts, solving internal conflicts, lack of self-realization and random variable educational strategies: strengthening, development, adaptation, ideology. The results of the research from the random sample showed that there is a general difference between the group of teachers not realizing their potentials (lack of self-realization) and other teachers presenting different styles of self-realization. The former identify themselves with heterogeneous strategies, while the latter - with autonomous ones. This was not the case with reinforcement strategies, when all groups used individual (autonomous) rather than collective (heteronomous) reinforcement strategies.
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna; 2022, 11; 87-100
Pojawia się w:
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
E-marketing instytucji naukowych i badawczych - aspekt psychologiczny
E-marketing of research and scientific institutions - psychological aspect
Wolski, K.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
marketing interaktywny
strategie zarzadzania instytucjami edukacyjnymi
interactive marketing
management strategies for educational institutions
Podejmowanie działań marketingowych przez instytucje badawcze oraz naukowe jest coraz częściej pojawiającym się tematem debat i opracowań naukowych z zakresu zarządzania oraz edukacji. Świadczy o tym nie tylko wzrost liczby publikacji naukowych z tego zakresu, ale również, pojawienie się na rynku czasopism naukowych, tytułów dedykowanych temu zagadnieniu ( np. International Journal of Educational Management, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education). Wiele współczesnych opracowań z zakresu marketingu uczelni wyższych oraz instytucji badawczych adaptuje funkcjonujące w środowisku biznesowym modele na potrzeby jednostek edukacyjnych. I tak w pracach dotyczących strategii zarządzania instytucjami edukacyjnymi znajdziemy odniesienia do takich klasycznych koncepcji jak 4P, 7P czy 4C. Adaptowanie klasycznych modeli marketingowych, stosowanych w biznesie, do warunków, w jakich funkcjonują uczelnie wyższe oraz jednostki badawcze, wskazuje na dostrzeganą przez ich decydentów potrzebę konkurowania na rynku i wyznaczania kierunków działań marketingowych. Można przypuszczać, że potrzeba ta będzie się stale nasilać, wprost proporcjonalnie do wzrostu konkurencji pomiędzy uczelniami wyższymi. Konkurencja ta, wynikać będzie między innymi z czynników demograficznych, w tym z prognozowanego spadku liczby osób w wieku 19-24 lata. Jak pokazują prognozy Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego liczba osób w tym przedziale wiekowym w naszym kraju spadnie z 2817 tys. w 2015 roku do 2135 tys. w 2025 roku. Zmniejszenie się liczby studentów, a wraz z tym nasilenie konkurencji miedzy uczelniami, spowoduje konieczność strategicznego podejścia do działań marketingowych uczelni wyższych, oraz wykorzystania najnowszych osiągnięć z zakresu marketingu interaktywnego, w tym zintensyfikowania działań podejmowanych w Internecie.
Marketing activities taken up by research and scientific institutions is an increasingly popular subject of debates and scientific works from the area of management and education. What shows this trend very well is not only the growing number of scientific publications concerning these subjects , but also the appearance of scientific magazines, titles dedicated to this issue (eg. International Journal of Educational Management, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education). In many contemporary works concerning marketing of higher education institutions and research institutes, models functioning in the business environment are being adapted to serve the needs of educational units. Thus, in works concerning management strategies for educational organizations we canfind references to such classic concepts as 4P, 7P or 4C. Adapting classic marketing models, applied in business, to the conditions in which higher education institutions and research units function, shows that the managers of these institutions see the need to compete on the market and determine the direction of marketing activities. It can be presumed that this need will be constantly growing, along with the growth of competition between higher education institutions. This competition will result from, among others, demographic factors, including the predicted drop in the number of people aged 19-24. According to the forecasts of the Central Statistical Office the number of people in this age range in Poland will drop from 2,817,000 in 2015 to 2,135,000 in 2025. Dropping number of students and the resulting growth of competition between universities will force them to adopt a strategic approach to marketing activities and using the latest achievements of interactive marketing. Including intensification of online activities. As the examples mentioned in this work show, many theories or psychological phenomena can be successfully used for building and implementing the marketing strategy of scientific and research institutions. Such theories as the Technology Acceptance Model served well the purpose of explaining the behavior of users. They also have their practical implications for people designing marketing influence. The application of knowledge from the area of social psychology is similar. Many mechanisms, like the social evidence of rightness, are good for interactive marketing. Good choice of these mechanisms and fitting them well into the entirety of activities aimed at promoting an organization, can contribute to raising the efficiency of influence.
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa; 2012, 1 (222); 61-77
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems of conducting comparative studies in education
Śliwerski, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
comparative studies
educational systems
school reform strategies
educational policy
The author critically analyses the persistence in comparative pedagogy of such approach to conducting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, inadequate to the state of integration of the sciences worldwide, and perpetuating the atomisation of the humanities and social sciences characteristic of the 20th century. As such, the author explains the reasons for comparative education to become more open in exploring education in its broader political, cultural, religious, legal and economic context. The discipline necessarily needs to consider the comparative nature of ideas, paradigms, theories, concepts or philosophies of education, to refine its diagnostic tools with respect to differences in the aforementioned contexts, and to refine theory maps and methods of comparative research thus minimising errors in comparison of what is, nonetheless, incomparable.
Studia z Teorii Wychowania; 2023, XIV(3 (44)); 41-65
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Teorii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nadmiar jako problem diagnostyki edukacyjnej
Maria, Groenwald,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
surplus in educational diagnostics
strategies of diagnosticians
The article presents an analysis of the phenomenon of surplus in educational diagnostics and strategies of coping with it adopted by diagnosticians (and teachers). An application of analysis of interpretative practice allowed for a characterisation of surplus on several strata in terms of its: location, possession, type of understanding and valid prescriptivism. The analysis led to the recognition of strategies employed by diagnosticians with a view to combatting it, not perceiving it, using it as a new area of diagnostic search carried out within the educational reality.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(4 (238)); 24-38
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nadmiar jako problem diagnostyki edukacyjnej
Groenwald, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
surplus in educational diagnostics
strategies of diagnosticians
The article presents an analysis of the phenomenon of surplus in educational diagnostics and strategies of coping with it adopted by diagnosticians (and teachers). An application of analysis of interpretative practice allowed for a characterisation of surplus on several strata in terms of its: location, possession, type of understanding and valid prescriptivism. The analysis led to the recognition of strategies employed by diagnosticians with a view to combatting it, not perceiving it, using it as a new area of diagnostic search carried out within the educational reality.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(4 (238)); 24-38
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dispositional Mental States of Internally Displaced University Teachers Under Martial Law: Gender Differences
Popovych, Ihor
Hudimova, Alisar
Bokhonkova, Yulia
Savchuk, Oleksandr
Hoian, Ihor
Shevchenko, Nataliia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
educational process
educational and professional training
coping strategies
Aim. The empirical study of gender differences in the dispositional mental states of university teachers who were internally displaced during martial law. Methods. A combined research strategy was used, integrating the methods for comparing samples of female and male participants. The different types of dispositional mental states of the respondents were identified by the author’s methodology for the study of dominant mental states. Results. It was discovered that the respondents’ psychological content parameters showed statistically significant gender-based differences. Group 1 prevailed in terms of anxiety (U = 855.0; p = .000). Group 2 prevailed in terms of self-control (U = 975.0; p = .001); awareness of events (U = 707.5; p = .000); expected attitude (U = 1074.0; p = .006); expected result (U = 1067.0; p = .006) and psychological well-being (U = 1113.5; p = .014). The dispositional mental states of a female sample of internally displaced university teachers were represented by five components with a total variation of ∑d = 74.527%. The male sample had four factors with a total variation ∑d = 94.442%. It was stated that there were significant differences between the dispositional mental states of female and male teachers in terms of formal characteristics and content loading of components. Conclusions. The scientific value of empirical facts about the dispositional mental states of university teachers who were internally displaced as a result of wartime action is justified. The importance of incorporating the discovered results into scientific and educational processes is emphasised.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2023, 14, 2; 171-187
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Educational Support and the Choice of Metacognitive Reading Strategies Under Exam Stress Among Students With and Without Dyslexia
Dłużniewska, Agnieszka
Kuracki, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
exam stress
metacognitive reading strategies
educational support
The aim of the study was to identify the determinants of dyslexic and non-dyslexic students’ choice of reading strategies for exams, as well as the mediating factors – in this case, exam stress – in the relationship between perceived educational support and the use of specific reading strategies. The study groups consisted of students diagnosed with dyslexia (N=540) and students without dyslexia (N=540), aged 14 to 15 years. The tools used in the study were the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory, developed by Mokhtari and Reichard, the Students’ Perceived Sources of Test Anxiety, developed by Bonaccio and Reeve, and the Educational Support Questionnaire, developed by Gindrich. The study followed a correlational design. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s r correlations, and regression analysis were used to analyze the results using model templates for PROCESS for SPSS and SAS (Hayes, 2018). The study established relationships between perceived educational support and the declared use of particular reading strategies (global, support, and reading problem-solving strategies) and stressors in exam situations. The results of the study indicate that only among dyslexic students was there a moderating role of exam stress in the relationship between perceived educational support and the declared choice of global reading strategies.
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education; 2023, 12, 1 (23); 455-475
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cognition, Metacognition and Learning
Extremiana, Amparo Acereda
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Educational Process
Metacognitive Measurement
Learning Strategies
This article presents a theoretical review of the difficulty that exists in our days to understand and apprehend metacognition, given the problem that involves the construct itself. In addition, it is a complex concept to measure and to be able to apply it to the educational world and the teaching-learning process. This article discusses the importance of cognition and metacognition, as it establishes a clear difference between the two. A theoretical review of metacognitive research is presented, differentiating the existing research studies on control and the cognitive regulation from the research work that examines metacognition in the educational field. This article also reflects on the state of the metacognitive measurement and the difficulties to capture the metacognitive magnitude and scale as it relates to the capability to transfer these concepts to the educational world. It discusses viable ways to achieve a better development of the autonomy of the apprentices, being reflected in a "learning to learn" action that transcends the school environment and projects to all facets of meaningful learning.
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education; 2018, 13; 163-187
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potencjał edukacyjny szkoły a strategie adaptacji uczniów
Educational Potential in Schools and Students’ Adaptation Strategies
Murawska, Iwona
Przyborowska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
student strategies
R.K. Merton
educational potential
In the article below, We explore the level of strategies of modern youth, in the context of various ways of adapting to school and being a student in schools of diverse educational potential. For research purposes, We have used an original, five-stage scale to measure student strategies. We developed the scaled based on the Theory of Social Adaptation by R. K. Merton. Adaptation can be implemented through attitudes of conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion. The analysis presented is part of a larger project on youth adaptation strategies. The results obtained show the differences in the occurrence of strategies in different types of schools.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2020, 56; 27-38
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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