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Istota kary kryminalnej
The nature of criminal punishment
Miłek, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prawo karne
istota kary kryminalnej
criminal law
the nature of criminal punishment
The article is devoted to the issue of criminal penalty. This problem has been the subject of investigation of a antique representatives of various sciences, in particular, Philosophy and Law. During the development of philosophical and legal thinking on the nature of criminal punishment, there are two opposite views that exist today under the name of the absolute theory of punishment and the relative theory of punishment. The concepts of absolute theory proceed from the assumption that punishment is primarily an act of retribution by the state for offenders to be made by the offense. The relative theories recognize that punishment is an instrument that is designed to meet specific goals: improving the criminals, crime prevention, education of the public. In the face of these extreme concepts it seems the most appropriate to combine the elements of both theories of punishment (concepts mixed), with a focus on the issue of retribution for the offender's conduct detrimental to the applicable standards of law. This approach combines the philosophical considerations with practice. The attainment of apenalty, in particular by improving the offender, is difficult to reach, and in many cases even impossible, and the best proof to that is the phenomenon of recidivism.
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2008, 4, 1; 251-268
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Criminalization of Certain Types of Actions under Martial Law
Prysiazhniuk, Ivan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
criminal punishment
information activities
disclosure of information
military actions
Martial law is always accompanied by an increased level of tension and threats to national security. In such circumstances, there is a need to respond to specific types of acts that may threaten public safety and national interests. The criminalization of these acts becomes an important tool for preventing and counteracting threats, as well as for establishing responsibility for their commission. In this article, the author analyzed the legal provisions that were adopted as a supplement to the Criminal Code of Ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion. The author notes that most of the articles in one way or another relate to criminal punishment for acts that occur in the information sphere and are related to the disclosure and dissemination of information, disinformation, unauthorized data transfer, etc. Based on this, the author emphasizes the need to criminalize acts during martial law relating to the digital, information and cyberspace spheres. The criminalization of certain categories of violations during the war is a topical issue, as it is aimed at ensuring the security of the state and preserving its integrity. The legislation should be comprehensively aimed at countering the aggressor and protecting civilians. It is important to note that a large number of innovations in criminalization relate to the information sphere and data transmission. The involvement of information and electronic communication systems in important aspects of modern life, such as healthcare, finance, energy and national security, creates new threats that can have serious consequences for society and the country as a whole. Therefore, in order to ensure stability and protect the rights and interests of citizens and businesses, the need to strengthen criminal liability for violations of information and cybersecurity is justified, among other things. The purpose of the article is to analyze certain types of punishments which were categorized as criminal offenses under martial law. In addition, the purpose of the article is to highlight the special role of criminal acts in the digital and information sphere and to justify the need for their criminalization.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2023, 4(40); 177-187
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Lipcowa” nowelizacja Kodeksu karnego. Nowa filozofia prawa i wątpliwości konstytucyjne
“July” Amendment of the Criminal Code. New Philosophy of Law and Constitutional Concerns
Daśko, Natalia
Bojarski, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
kodeks karny
polityka kryminalna
kara kryminalna
populizm penalny
criminal code
criminal policy
criminal punishment
penal populism
The Act of July 7, 2022 introduced a thorough reform of criminal law. The effect of these changes is a significant tightening of criminal repression, e.g. in the form of extending the possible sentence of imprisonment from one month to 15 years to a period from one month to 30 years, lowering the age of criminal responsibility in special cases to 14 years or the possibility of imposing a penalty life imprisonment without the possibility of conditional early release. The changes that appeared in the Penal Code can be considered the next stage in the political struggle through activities known as penal populism. However, these changes can be viewed as the result of adopting a philosophy of criminal law different from the previous one and adopting the assumptions of neoclassicism in criminal law. However, some of these changes raise serious constitutional questions.
Ustawą z 7 lipca 2022 r. dokonano gruntownej reformy prawa karnego. Efektem tych zmian jest znaczne zaostrzenie represji karnej, np. w postaci wydłużenia możliwej do orzekania kary pozbawienia wolności z okresu od miesiąca do 15 lat, na okres od miesiąca do 30 lat, obniżenia wieku odpowiedzialności karnej w szczególnych przypadkach do 14 lat czy możliwości orzeczenia kary dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności bez możliwości warunkowego przedterminowego zwolnienia. Zmiany, które pojawiły się w Kodeksie karnym, można uznać za kolejny etap w walce politycznej poprzez działania określane mianem populizmu penalnego. Jednakże można na te zmiany spojrzeć jako na efekt przyjęcia odmiennej od dotychczasowej filozofii prawa karnego i przyjęcie założeń neoklasycyzmu w prawie karnym. Niektóre z tych zmian budzą jednak poważne wątpliwości konstytucyjne.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2023, 6(76); 287-302
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aspekty moralne odpowiedzialności w prawie karnym
The moral foundations of criminal responsibility
Peno, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
criminal law
public law
justification of criminal punishment
moral responsibility
prawo karne
prawo publiczne
uzasadnienie karania
odpowiedzialność moralna
Celem pracy jest charakterystyka prawa karnego jako gałęzi prawa o szczególnym natężeniu pierwiastka moralnego, przesądzającego o jego specyfice. Wyróżniono dwa aspekty rozważań. Pierwszy dotyczy oceny moralnej zachowań uznanych za przestępstwo i założenia, że potępienie moralne czynu ma odróżniać prawo karne od innych gałęzi prawa publicznego. Drugi aspekt dotyczy założenia, że wyróżnikiem kary kryminalnej ma być komunikowana przez nią dezaprobata dla sprawcy, co z kolei wiąże się z pytaniem o winę i jej związek z odpowiedzialnością moralną. Tradycyjna nowożytna filozofia poszukiwała moralnych podstaw prawa karnego w różnie rozumianej idei dobra wspólnego realizowanego przez wolę „suwerennego ludu”, lecz współcześnie ten punkt odniesienia traci na ostrości. Nowoczesna filozofia prawa nie sformułowała alternatywnego i dostosowanego do wymogów współczesności moralnego uzasadnienia prawa karnego.
The subject matter of this paper are moral problems of criminal liability, with a particular focus on an attempt to find such features in the area of morality whose accumulation in criminal law determines its specificity. We may distinguish two aspects of deliberations on moral problems of criminal liability. The first of the aspects concerns the issue whether all behaviours regarded as criminal offences are morally wrong. It is particularly important as such condemnation of the act is supposed to distinguish criminal law from other branches of public law. The second aspect concerns the issue of criminal penalty and it is related to the issue of guilt and its relationship with moral responsibility. The main argument of this paper is the fact that the contemporary philosophy of law has not created any coherent concept making it possible to distinguish criminal law from other branches of public law on grounds of morality.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica; 2015, 75
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymiar miłosierdzia w stanowieniu i stosowaniu prawa
The Dimention of Mercy in the Appointment and Aplication of Law
Krzewicki, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
kara kryminalna
criminal punishment
Miłosierdzie jako kategoria życia społecznego niejako automatycznie wchodzi w stosunki społeczne podlegające prawnej regulacji. Obok wymiaru przedmiotowego, jest związane z pewną postawą, która polega na afirmacji człowieka, okazaniu mu współczucia i otwarciu drogi do naprawy zburzonych relacji. Dziś konieczne jest odważniejsze oznaczenie podstaw aksjologicznych, na których zbudowany jest system praw w chrześcijańskim kontekście kulturowym. Dotyczy to głównie Konstytucji. Na tej podstawie możliwe byłoby odkrycie elementów treściowo i funkcjonalnie dopełniających zasadę sprawiedliwości w prawie, które odpowiadają zasadzie miłosierdzia. Choć miłosierdzie nie przynależy do słownika pojęć prawnych, to jego zadomowienie się w nim wydaje się możliwe i pożądane. Bogate w treść pojęcie miłosierdzia progresywnie zakorzenia się w świadomości społecznej. Pożytkiem wprowadzenia go do systemu prawa może być większa elastyczność prawa, jego bardziej konkretny i indywidualny charakter oraz większa bliższość życiu.
The mercy as a category of social life automatically enters into the social relations subject to legal regulation. In addition to the objective dimension, it is associated with a certain attitude, which is based on the affirmation of a man, showing him compassion and opening the way to repair the broken relations. Today, it is necessary to bolderly determine the axiological foundations on which the system of rights is built in the Christian cultural context. This mainly applies to the Constitution. On this basis, it would be possible to discover elements that content and functionally complement the principle of justice in law, which correspond to the principle of mercy. Although mercy does not belong to the dictionary of legal concepts, its establishment in it seems possible and desirable. The content-rich concept of mercy is progressively rooted in the social consciousness. The introduction of it into the legal system may be greater flexibility of the law, its more specific and individual character and greater closeness to life.
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego; 2018, 13, 15 (2); 159-176
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Represyjność czy łagodność w polskim prawie karnym
Repressiveness or Leniency in Polish Criminal Law
Jaroch, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Penal policy
criminal punishment
restitutionary remission
restorative justice
incarceration rate
Polityka karna
kara kryminalna
umorzenie restytucyjne
sprawiedliwość naprawcza
współczynnik prizonizacji
Polityka karna jest jednym z elementów polityki kryminalnej, stąd pozostaje w obszarze szczególnego zainteresowania społecznego, zwłaszcza że nie ma jednolitego przekonania i stanowiska, co do kierunku zmian dotyczących realizacji celów, jakie ma spełniać kara. W artykule zawarta została analiza określonych zmian legislacyjnych prawa karnego pod względem jego skuteczności w sferze przeciwdziałania przestępczości, w szczególności dotyczy kwestii, czy zwiększona represyjność prawa karnego ma przełożenie na ograniczenie przestępczości w praktyce. Autor podejmuje próbę oceny zmian legislacyjnych w obszarze prawa karnego, stąd też swoje zainteresowania koncentruje na modyfikacjach założeń polityki karnej. Stosowanie sankcji prawnokarnych (tj. poszczególnych jej rodzajów, częstotliwości, stopnia nasilenia) – czyli polityka karania – zależy od poglądów i założeń dotyczących stosowania reakcji karnych, przy czym wiele zależy od akcentu położonego na wybrane cele stosowania sankcji prawnokarnych. Preferencyjny wybór prowadzi do osiągania i realizacji określonych celów. Z badań wynika bowiem, iż konsekwencją przyjętych założeń jest zaostrzenie sankcji wielu przestępstw, prymat kar izolacyjnych, odejście od kar alternatywnych dla pozbawienia wolności, co z kolei pozostaje w sprzeczności z zaleceniami polityki karnej Unii Europejskiej, gdzie w większości państw obserwuje się wzrost liczby kar alternatywnych, przy jednoczesnym spadku liczby kar izolacyjnych. W Polsce analiza danych nie wskazuje na zmniejszenie się liczby osób pozbawionych wolności czy liczby przestępstw (od 2014 r. utrzymuje się na poziomie 700–800 tys. przestępstw). Zauważalne są natomiast – utrzymujące się na wysokim poziomie w porównaniu z innymi krajami – tendencje wzrostu orzeczeń bezwzględnego pozbawienia wolności i spadku liczby orzeczeń warunkowego zawieszenia kary pozbawienia wolności. Autor poprzez analizę danych, które przedstawia w formie tabel oraz wykresów, dochodzi do wniosków, iż surowość kary ani jej zaostrzanie nie prowadzi do ograniczenia przestępczości, ale kara pozostaje środkiem realizacji jej celów (sprawiedliwościowy, ogólno- i szczególnoprewencyjny czy kompensacyjny).
Penal policy is one of the elements of criminal policy, and, as such, it continues to be of particular interest to society, especially since there is no uniform conviction and standpoint as to the direction of changes regarding achieving the objectives of punishment. The aim of the article is to analyse and verify legislative changes in criminal law in terms of its effectiveness in preventing crime, in particular to show whether increased repressiveness of criminal law has an impact on crime reduction. The author attempts to assess legislative changes in the area of criminal law, hence he focuses his interest on modifications to the assumptions of penal policy. The research shows that the consequence of the adopted premises is the toughening of sanctions for many crimes, the dominance of custodial punishments, the departure from other forms of punishments as alternative to imprisonment, which stands in contrast to the policy of the European Union, where, in most countries, an increase in the number of alternative punishments is observed, accompanied by a decrease in the number of custodial sentences. Analysis of the relevant data indicates neither a decrease in the number of persons deprived of their liberty nor a decrease in the number of crimes committed. There is a noticeable trend of an increase in absolute prison sentences and a decrease in the number of conditionally suspended imprisonment sentences. Incarceration rates remain high, compared to other countries. The author analyses the data and presenting them in the form of tables and graphs. Research findings are clear: the severity of punishment and its aggravation do not lead to a reduction in crime, but punishment remains a means to achieve its goals of justice, general and special-prevention or compensation.
Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny; 2023, 2; 29-62
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy kar jest za dużo? Wokół Douglasa Husaka koncepcji kryminalizacji
Are there too many punishments? Around Douglas Husak’s concept of criminalization
Peno, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
minimalism in criminal law
philosophy of criminal law
criminal responsibility
The author endeavours to make a critical reflection on the concept of criminalization as formulated by Douglas Husak. D. Husak’s views on criminal policy are presented in a wider philosophical context and juxtaposed with assumptions of basic critical trends in criminal law science. Also, some suggestions are formulated to supplement Husak’s concept, who points out, above all, when punishment should not be applied. A supplement to Husak’s idea is a somewhat perverse attempt to collect model situations, in which recognition of an act as a crime can be justified (which the author himself tried to avoid). In addition, the article attempts to combine the philosophy of law with criminal policy and indicates the need to take into consideration philosophical foundations of criminal law policy.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2018, 16, 2; 177-201
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evasion from Payment of a Fine: Problem Aspects of the Issues of Criminal Enforcement and Criminal Procedure
Osadchuk Mykhailivna, Kateryna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
probation body
criminal executive inspection
punishment enforcement
voluntary payment of a fine
General short summary of the main content of the article. The problem of evasion from a fine payment as a type of punishment under the laws of Ukraine has been studied in the article. In Section 1 “Fines payment controlling authorities” the criminal laws in the field of punishment enforcement, namely their authorities, have been analyzed. A large number of gaps in the laws and regulatory legal acts have been identified and solutions have been proposed to address them. In Section 2 “Evasion from payment of a fine”, the legal aspects of a fine payment evasion as a criminal offence have been considered; an analysis of various laws and constitutional rights of a sentenced person have been made; and it has been determined that if a sentenced to a fine person has not voluntarily paid the fine during two years, such a person cannot be criminally prosecuted in compliance with Article 389 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Practical significance of the article. The results of the article can be used in determining the policy of Ukraine on the issue of activities of the probation bodies and the possibility of returning the enforcement service of the Ministry of Justice, or consideration of the issue of granting appropriate powers to the probation bodies; - rethinking the possibility of returning the enforcement of punishment, which in turn will lead to a higher percentage in payment of fines, and replenishment of the state treasury; - establishment of uniform practice of application of the criminal law norms.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2020, 1(25); 37-46
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reforma systemu kar po nowelizacji kodeksu karnego z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r.
Michał, Królikowski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
criminal responsibility
suspended inprisonment
judicial independency
The article describes a reform of material criminal law based on perspective of legal doctrine, practice of jurisdiction and prosecution, as well as management of the system of criminal law. It is based on the experiences from legislation procedure that has led to a new law enacted. The author indicates the differences between concepts of Criminal Law Codification Committee and possibilities of the legislation project.
Studia Iuridica; 2016, 65; 71-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryteria rozgraniczania przestępstw i wykroczeń
The differences between crimes and misdemeanours
Kowalski, Karol
Data publikacji:
Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland
social harm
criminal and administrative law
The aim of this article is to defi ne boundaries between crime and misdemeanours. The reference point for discussion are provisions of the Codes as well as out of them. First discussed part presents three main European models of responsibility for the misdemeanours (French, Austrian and German) and stages of development of the law on misdemeanours in Poland. The second part concerns strict criteria for delimiting areas of crime and delinquency. Particular attention is given to the following issues: decision-making body, breach or threat different to the penalty, the adjudicating authority, violating the legal interests, criminal threats and the degree of social harm. One of the conclusions of the thesis is the absence of the present possible solutions to the dispute over the qualitative or quantitative difference between the offenses
Przegląd Prawniczy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland; 2014, 2; 11-22
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawniczy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Argument ze strachu – Roberta Nozicka uzasadnienie odpowiedzialności karnej
The Argument of Fear – Robert Nozick’s Libertarian Concept of the Justification of Criminal Responsibility. the Pure Retributive Concept of Punishment
Peno, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
the retributive justification of punishment
criminal law
criminal responsibility
koncepcje uzasadnienia karania
prawo karne
odpowiedzialność karna
Przedmiotem artykułu jest koncepcja uzasadnienia karania Roberta Nozicka. Podejście Nozicka wpisuje się w ogólne ramy jego libertariańskiej filozofii politycznej. Libertarianizm może wydawać się zbyt radykalny, jednak w przypadku uzasadnienia karania propozycje wysuwane przez przedstawicieli tego nurty wydają się być niezwykle interesujące. Przede wszystkim, libertariańskie uzasadnienie karania opiera się na czystym retrybutywizmie i przekonaniu, że praktyka karania jest konieczna ze względu na naturę człowieka. Należy karać wyłącznie czyny stanowiące zło samo w sobie i powodujące cierpienie, zaś jedynym usprawiedliwieniem kary jest odpłata – „szachowanie ryzykiem kary” tych, którzy generują strach przed ryzykiem stania się ofiarą przestępstwa.
In the article I wish to present an interpretation of the Nozick’s concept of punishment. It can be easily known, that Nozick’s approach is strongly connected with the libertarian philosophy of the state and its function. Prima facie, libertarianism as the political philosophy can be seen as too radical, particularly from the lawyers point of view. In fact, the libertarian concept of punishment is clearly retributive. However It is worth to remember, that libertarianism in the criminal law can be treated as the smart way of justification of punishment. Libertarianism seeks to find a harmony between the social necessity of the practice of punishment and an individual freedom. The harmony can be achieved by virtue of proper principles of criminal policy. Only the so called malum per se should be punished and the only way of justification of the punishment in such cases is our fear of pain (as the result of crime). Translated by Michał Peno
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2015, 10, 2; 61-78
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odstraszające oddziaływanie kary na sprawcę przestępstwa w świetle badań empirycznych
Deterrent Effect of Punishment on the Offender (a Review of Empirical Research)
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawca przestępstwa
badania empiryczne
criminal offender
empirical research
The number of studies on specific deterrence is not large. Some data on this subject can be found in other studies aimed e.g. at evalution of effectiveness of diffrent penal measures, or analysis of criminal careers. One of the reasons of this lack of interest in specific deterrence is a belief,  rather common today and particularly marked in the 1960s, that punishment not only fails to deter the convicted person from futher offenses but – quite the contrary - increases the probability of his futher criminal carrer.  Another reason is probably the great difficulty in distinguishing for research purposes of the impact of specific deterrence from the other effects of punishment. Unfortunately, a statement made by J. Gibbs over twenty years ago still remains valid: there is no theory of specific deterrence, and the hypotheses concerning specific deterrence are vague and difficult to verify empirically. During the last twenty  years, there was a progress in the methodology of research into specific deterrence. New success criteria were introduced into the assessment of deterrent effect of punishment, and the method of random field experiment was used. Researchers started to compare the effect of punishment with the effects of escaning punishment, instead of limiting themselves to comparisons of relative effectiveness of some penalties as opposed to some other ones. The progress was less marked in the formation of the theory of specific  deterrence. It consists in attempts, on the one hand, at a new conceptualization of the problem of deterrence, and on the other hand, at integrating the deterrence hypothesis with other theoretical approaches. The paper consists of seven parts. The Introduction (I) contains analysis of the notion of specific deterrence, the criteria to distinguish between specific and general deterrence, tvpes of deterrence. Also discussed have the recent attempts at a new conceptualization of tne problem of deterrence through inclusion into that notion of not only the “direct costs of legal sanctions” but also “indirect costs”, or through the use of another criterion to distinguish between specific and general deterrence. Chapter II contains a brief discussion of early studies on specific deterrence; the findings have been discussed and numerous methodological flaws pointed out. The conclusion from those studies (that severe penalties involve a higher recidivism rate than lenient penalties) was generally seen as a prove that punishment has no specific deterrent effect on the futher behaviour of convicted persons. This conclusion was unjustified, though. And that for several reasons. The discussed studies often failed to distinguish between the mechanism of deterrence and the other effects of punishment. They also failed to solve the problem of selection bias in sentencing where specific types of penalties are imposed on specific categories of offenders; the difference between such groups of convicted persons is that even before the imposition of penalty, the probability of their relapse into crime was different. The studies examined but a marginal effectiveness of some  penalties as compared to some other ones. What they overlooked, instead, was that the growth in recidivism rate cannot be estimated which would have taken place were no criminal penalties at all imposed on offenders. Chapter III discusses the findings of studies which tested two opposing hypotheses; i.e. that punishment either deters offenders (deterrence hypothesis) or amplifies offendling (amplification hypothesis). Both the conception of deterrence and that of labeling involve too one-sided and simplified an approach to the impact of punishment on the further conduct of offenders as they ignore the possibility of effects  other than the anticipated ones. This was reflected in these studies in which the researches posed instead of posing questions in the categories of “whether” (does punishment deter? does pinishment amplify affending?), instead of trying to define the conditions of emergence of each of those two effects. Analyzed in few studies only were mediating psycho-social processes between punisment and the punished pefsons’ further conduct. The findings of different studies are often inconsistent. Some seem to confirm the amplification hypothesis although researchers sometimes stress that this effect is not stable Other findings point  to the effect of deterrence. Still other studies showed that: punishment seems do not influence a pefson’s further criminal career. Finally, some of the latest findings also indicate the possibility of amplifijing offending under some conditions and of deterring effect on offending - under some other circumstances. Chapter IV discusses the implications of the criminal careers approach for methodology of studies on specific deterrence. What is particularly worthy of attention here is: 1) departure from the use of a sole success criterion in the evaluation of deterrent effect of punishment, and an attempt at grasping the impact of punishment on different dimensions of criminality such as the length of criminal career or fraquency of offenses; 2) investigation of the impact of punishment at different stages of a person’s criminal career. The success criterion  where success means a person’s abstention from further offenses is replaced with the before and after comparison criterion where the intensity of a person’s criminal career before and after punishment is compared; this replacement is of a great importance in studies of effectiveness of penal  measures imposed on chronic offnders. As suggested by the findings, certain penalties may in cessation of delinquency at the initial stage of the criminal career (on the occasion of the first and possibly also the second contact with the police). At further stages of that career, a decrease in the intensity of delinquency of the persons convicted is possible. Chapter V discusses attempts at including the hypothesis of  specific deterrence into the economic model of delinquent behawior, and studies carried out by economists. According to some economists, specific deterrence can be included into the theory of rational choice provided it is treated as a special case of general deterrence. In tlis approach, the experience of a sanction becomes a factor influencing the anticipated sanctions. Chapter VI is devoted to discussion of the results of a series of rondom field experiments conducted in selected cities of the United States. The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of arrest as compared to other reactions to violence against a spouse (nearly all victims in the study were women). The obtained results were not uniform: in some experiments, deterrent effect of arrest was found out, while the rest showed an amplifying effect of arrest on the arrested person’s  further violence against his spouse. The authors explain this divergence of results with a different impact of arrest on different types of persons. Thus the results suggest that arrest has  a deterrent effect on permanently employed suspects; instead, suspects without a regular job tended to use violence more often after the  arrest incident. The last Chapter (VII) recapitulates the findings. They show that it was a premature decision to reject the hyphothesis of specific deterrence. Punishment has a different impact on different persons: in some situations it results in amplication of offending; in some other ones, it deters a person from further offenses; and  in still other situations it seems not to have any effect at all on furter offending. The findings point to a great importance in this respect of the first contacts with the law enforcement agencies. Moreover, the differentiated effect of punishment seems to depend on the offender’s age, sex, and attitude towards risk, and also on his permanent employment. It should be stressed that many studies use a broader definition of punishment, not limited to the penalties  imposed by court. Some researchers treat even a person’s contact with the police as punishment; others believe that this function is performed by arrest. These different working definitions of punishment make it difficult to interpret the findings that relate to absolute deterrence, that is assessment of the effects of imposing punishment as compared to those of escaping punishment. Nearly all studies dealt with recidivism and, first and foremost, the effectiveness of punishment in reducing a person’s further delinquency. To a slight extent only did they try to define the meaning of punishment for those punished, their subjective estimations of probability and severity of punishment. For this reason, interpretation of the findings in the categories of stating whether punishment has a deterrent effect is not always justified.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1995, XXI; 7-39
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosowanie tymczasowego aresztowania względem członka zorganizowanej grupy przestępczej w kontekście prawa jednostki do wolności
Pretrial Detention of Members of Organised Criminal Groups in the Context of the Right to Individual Freedom
Skoczylas-Wardzyńska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
criminal process
organised criminal group
pretrial detention
presumption of obstructing criminal justice
threat of severe punishment
right to freedom
The article analyses grounds for application of pretrial detention in respect of individuals who have been charged with the criminal offence of participation in an organised criminal group or with participation in an organised criminal association aiming at committing a criminal offence. The paper addresses two presumptions: 1) the presumption of fear that a suspect or the accused shall obstruct criminal proceedings because of their participation in an organised criminal group; 2) the presumption that the suspect or accused shall attempt to obstruct the proper conduct of the proceedings because of the threat that they will be severely punished. The author tries to answer the question whether the presumptions underlying application of pretrial detention at the early stages of criminal proceedings are sufficient for extension of pretrial detention. This is particularly important given the fact that these presumptions operate in schemes which might raise fears that orders of pretrial detention are used as an element of criminal policy against criminal groups. It must be noted that application of pretrial detention enters the sensitive realm of human rights and civil liberties. On the other hand, a failure to apply pretrial detention makes it difficult or even impossible for law enforcement authorities to effectively break up criminal networks and prevent them resurfacing. The fight of law enforcement authorities against organised crime requires application of adequate custodial and non-custodial measures by criminal justice system but is connected with a need to respect personal freedom guaranteed by the Polish Constitution and international treaties.
Problemy Prawa Karnego; 2020, 30, 4; 181-196
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Karnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System kar i represji karnej w starożytności
Ancient system of penalties and criminal sanctions
Ślęzak, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
criminal law
ancient times
prawo karne
In ancient Egypt the punishment had public character. Capital punishments and corporal punishments were also used. Code of Hammurabi was based on lex talionis. The most severe punishment was capital punishment. Liability of builders, physicians, veterinarians was based on objective principle. Hebrew law was based on the principle of fued. In ancient Greece were functioning the expanded catalogue of punishments. In Roman law was functioning the division of crimes on crimina publica and delicta privata
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość; 2014, 11; 73-84
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odpowiedzialność karna a determinizm antropologiczny
The Theory of Punishment and the Problem of Determinism
Peno, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
polityka kryminalna
teoria kary
theory of punishment
criminal responsibility
Much has been written recently about the problem of justifying punishment in the context of anthropological determinism and incompatibilism. However, the problem of the relationship between determinism, on the one hand, and the theory of punishment, on the other, is multi-dimensional. This article focuses on criminal responsibility in a world of determinism. It is mostly an attempt to review the basic concepts and issues in the philosophy of responsibility and compare them with the concepts and issues of the criminal law as broadly defined. The starting point is the observation that if the thesis of determinism is true and it is not possible to reconcile determinism with human freedom, then it will be particularly difficult to justify punishment. Prima facie, this applies to retributionism, although a more thorough analysis leads to the conclusion that various utilitarian approaches will also have to be significantly modified to allow for determinism. Punishment can obviously implement certain goals and be useful in some way without necessarily being just (it can even be cruel and/or immoral). Punishment may be formally fair (like revenge) and constitute “an eye for an eye.” However, if people do not have free will, then they are not responsible for their misdeeds. This is problematic as they do not deserve revenge and their behaviour does not merit condemnation. However, it is possible to apply different measures which are closer to the sui generis of preventive measures. This paper attempts to demonstrate that there is a link between criminal punishment and moral responsibility. This follows from the fact that punishment is marked by moral condemnation and only a morally responsible person can be condemned. Excluding moral responsibility therefore makes it impossible to condemn a perpetrator. The distinguishing feature of, and (indirectly) the moral justification for, criminal punishment are thereby eliminated. In particular, from a retributionist viewpoint, punishment can only be justified if the wrongdoer is morally responsible for his/her actions (in the sense that he/she can be accused of having upset the moral order). If the perpetrator is not morally responsible, it is difficult to morally justify the legitimacy and practice of punishment. Furthermore, the premise about moral responsibility is a prerequisite for justifying punishment in any case involving the notion of guilt. A lack of moral responsibility in a world ruled by determinism does not necessarily mean that people should not be punished for wrongdoing. Nor does it mean that there are no arguments in favour of maintaining the practice of punishment. The basic question is what views – empirical or emotional – should be given priority in the science of criminal law. The answer lies in the demand for minimalism in the criminal law and for a reflective analysis of the foundations of criminal responsibility.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2014, XXXVI; 109-132
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola ustawowych wskazań sądowego wymiaru kary w kontekście praw jednostki karanej
The role of statutory indications of judicial sentencing in the context of the rights of a convicted individual
Kania, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
judicial sentencing
protection of the individual in criminal proceedings
just punishment
The aim of the article is to determine whether statutory indications of sentencing enable the court – and if they do, to what extent – to make the correct choice with regard to the type of sentence. The analysis leads to the conclusion that although the normative presence of the said regulations prevents the courts from exceeding their discretion, their practical usefulness is highly doubtful. An attempt to translate the meaning of the said provisions to the specific type of sentence turns out to be an extremely complex process. Additionally, there are controversies regarding empirically confirmed cases when during sentencing judges make reference to an informal penalty classification in the form of their personal knowledge or life and work experience.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2019, 17, 1; 99-105
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy teoria ewolucji może pomóc w uzasadnieniu kary kryminalnej? Od filozofii politycznej do nauk ewolucyjnych
Evolutionary Justification of Criminal Responsibility. A Theory of Evolution as a Theory of Punishment
Peno, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
criminal law
theory of punishment
theory of evolution
evolutionary approach to punishment
kara kryminalna
odpowiedzialność karna
prawo karne
teoria ewolucji
uzasadnienie karania
Starania filozofów o usprawiedliwienie lub wyjaśnienie praktyki karania sięgają korzeniami początków historii prawa karnego. Współcześnie renesans przeżywa teoria ewolucji, której zasięg wydaje się na tyle szeroki, by w oparciu o nią próbować wyjaśniać podstawowe instytucje społeczne. Kara kryminalna należy do podstawowych instytucji funkcjonujących w niemal wszystkich społeczeństwach. Wydaje się, że można wyjaśnić i pośrednio uzasadnić karę kryminalną poprzez odwołanie się do teorii ewolucji, a przy tym próbować bronić poglądu, że kara kryminalna jest ewolucyjną odpowiedzią na znane wszystkim grupom ludzkim zjawisko psychopatii – przy założeniu, że psychopatia ma podłoże ewolucyjne. Co więcej, istnieje ogromna różnica między karą a zemstą, którą łatwo zauważyć właśnie na gruncie teorii ewolucji. Kara nie jest atawizmem, nie stanowi prymitywnej zemsty i nie można powiedzieć, że jest zła moralnie, bo praktyka karania jest nie tylko zdeterminowana, ale i najlepsza z możliwych.
Punishment is an important communal matter. As far back in history we can go, philosophers have tried to explain and justify the practice of punishment. It is obvious, that humans always live in social groups and cooperative activities play a crucial role. In fact, every society creates institutions which can be used to protect the rules of cooperation. I show that punishment can be seen as a gift of evolution. It can be said, that according to evolutionary approach, punishment is a form of social reaction against those members of society who have natural (psychological or biological) predisposition to commit a crime. Because of the fact that ca 5 percent members of every society should be classified as psychopaths, we need some kind of the preventive mechanism. It is assumed that the phenomenon of psychopathy is the alternative strategy of evolution. It is said that on the ground of evolutionary approach punishment is treated as revenge. Last but not least, in the article will be shown that there are important differences between the practice of punishment and pure revenge.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2015, 12, 4; 133-152
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwo i kara w filozoficznym ujęciu Johna Finnisa
Crime and punishment in the light of John Finnis’s natural-law philosophy
Peno, Michał
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
John Finnis
criminal responsibility
odpowiedzialność karna
The main aim of this article is to outline the concept of criminal responsibility emerging from John Finnis’s natural law philosophy. Finnis accepts the retrospective point of view of punishment (retribution), rejecting the idea of social reintegration (re-socialization, rehabilitation). Only aim of the punishment is to restore the so called social balance, violated by crime. The key to Finnis’s approach is that crime, responsibility, justice and punishment are understood in terms of the natural law tradition. Finnis’s concept of the criminal responsibility is treated as the starting point for reinterpretation of classical (or traditional) retributivism in the spirit of natural law. Moreover, the reinterpretation takes into account the critical comments formulated by scholars from the so called radical criminology, abolitionism, and penal minimalism.
Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie koncepcji odpowiedzialności karnej wyłaniającej się z prawnonaturalnej filozofii Johna Finnisa. Finnis przyjmuje retrybutywny punkt widzenia kary, odrzucając wszelkie idee resocjalizacji czy rehabilitacji społecznej. Kara ma przywracać równowagę społeczną zachwianą wskutek przestępstwa. Kluczowe dla ujęcia Finnisa jest jednak to, że zarówno przestępstwo, odpowiedzialność, jak i sprawiedliwość kary pojmuje on w kategoriach tradycji prawa natury. Koncepcja Finnisa stanowi punkt wyjścia do reinterpretacji retrybutywizmu w duchu prawnonaturalnym, uwzględniającej krytykę kierowaną przeciw klasycznym teoriom karania przez te wszystkie nurty w nauce prawa karnego, które dążą do radykalnych reform czy rewolucji tej gałęzi prawa (czy systemu prawa karnego).
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały; 2018, 1(22); 63-80
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nadzwyczajne złagodzenie kary sprawcy przestępstwa zagrożonego sankcją kumulatywną
Extraordinary Mitigation of the Perpetrator’s Punishment Crime Carrying a Cumulative Sanction
Raglewski, Janusz
Raglewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
statuatory penalty
cumulative criminal sanction
sentence of penalty
extraordinary mitigation of punishment
The paper refers to the position expressed in the resolution of the Supreme Court of 20 March 2019. The resolution resolves one of the most difficult issues in the field of extraordinary mitigation of the punishment. It is a problem of applying this institution to perpetrators of crimes when a statutory threat includes cumulative imprisonment and a fine. The main reason for the interpretative controversies is the lack of explicit regulation of this issue in the provisions of the current Penal Code. The authors critically evaluate the legal view expressed by the Supreme Court.
Forum Prawnicze; 2020, 5 (61); 79-86
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W kierunku konsensualizmu: kształt instytucji skazania bez rozprawy oraz dobrowolnego poddania się karze w świetle nowelizacji Kodeksu Postępowania Karnego z 2013 r
Towards the consensus: sentencing without a trial and a voluntary submission to a punishment before and after the amendments of the Criminal Procedure Code in 2013.
Pisarski, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland
criminal procedure
There are many ways to reach an agreement in Polish law in criminal proceedings,. These agreements are a way of consensual conclusion of proceeding . The most conventional forms of consensual conclusion of proceedings in Polish law system are “sentencing without trial” and “voluntary submission to punishment”. These institutions were introduced to the Polish legal system with the new Criminal Procedure Code in 1997 and amended in 2003. By implementing the demands of representatives of the Practice of law, Polish legislator by the amendment from 27 September 2013, expanded the possibility of application the consensual conclusion of proceedings. The purpose of this article is to show the shape and comparison of “voluntary submission to punishment” and “sentencing without trial” in form before and after amendment from 2013. This work also includes some opinions of Polish legal doctrine on this amendment and some comments on functioning of these institutions in practice. The last point of this thesis, besides the benefi ts arising from the use of such institutions, contains also a reference to certain risks associated with misuse or mismanagement of these institutions.
Przegląd Prawniczy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland; 2014, 2; 81-92
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawniczy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social and Legal Issues of Corporal Punishment of Children
Grinevičiūtė, Kristina
Vitkutė - Zvezdinienė, Iveta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
kary cielesne
prawa dziecka
odpowiedzialność karna
corporal punishment
children’s rights
criminal responsibility
Research problem. A democratic state is guided by the rule of law and the principles of the human rights and freedoms. Ratifying the European Convention on Human Rights and The European Social Charter or Revised European Social Charter, Member States undertake to respect all people of their jurisdiction rights, including all children. The child is not the family or the state property. Child is a citizen from birth, so it is necessary to look seriously into each such member public offense. When we talk about the criminal cruelty, especially in serious case of child rights violation (murder, sexual assault, and so on), everyone unanimity agree, that no one member of the society cannot tolerate such child abuse. But society begins to split into different camps – from the positive approach into the sentence, to the punishment classification into violence-category - when the discussion is tilting about the child's upbringing without violence. This tendency is due to several reasons. First is that a deliberate arm lift against a child is the belief that slapping "educated" child will become better. Second, parenting is the natural values, or in other words, the right of parents to educate their children in their own training methods. The aim of this article is to provide legal assessment of corporal punishment of children for educational purposes. In order to achieve this aim will be analyse the position of legislator of corporal punishment of children for educational purposes; by analyse proposals and ideas regarding delimitation of corporal punishment, to single out the theories of corporal punishment of children for educational purposes in criminal law jurisprudence.
W artykule przedstawiono obowiązujące akty prawa międzynarodowego oraz wewnętrznego wybranych krajów dotyczące stosowania kar fizycznych wobec dzieci. Ukazano, że dziecko jest obywatelem od urodzenia i ma wszystkie prawa, które muszą być chronione. Kiedy mówimy o okrucieństwie kryminalnym, szczególnie w poważnym przypadku naruszenia praw dziecka (morderstwo, napaść na tle seksualnym itd.), wszyscy jednomyślnie zgadzają się, że nikt z członków społeczeństwa nie może tolerować takiego wykorzystywania dzieci. Ale społeczeństwo zaczyna się dzielić na różne obozy – od pozytywnego podejścia do zdania po klasyfikację kar w kategorię przemocy – kiedy dyskusja toczy się wokół wychowania dziecka bez przemocy. Ta  tendencja wynika z kilku powodów. Po pierwsze, to wiara ze celowe podniesienie ręki przeciwko dziecku lepiej „wykształci” dziecko. Po drugie, rodzicielstwo jest wartościami naturalnymi i to jest prawo rodziców do wychowywania dzieci w ich własnych metodach. Celem tego artykułu jest ocena prawna kary cielesnej wobec dzieci w celach wychowanie. Aby osiągnąć ten cel będzie analizowana stanowisko ustawodawcy oraz orzecznictwo prawa karnego.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2018, 4; 93-104
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Oath of Death” in Practice of Municipal Court of Krzemieniec in the 18th Century
Mikołajczyk, Marian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
municipal law
criminal trial
capital punishment
prawo miejskie
proces karny
kara śmierci
Before Poland was partitioned, there had been different laws for each group of society. Gentry, townspeople and peasants had their own laws. In the gentry law (land law) there was a rule that the accused could not be sentenced to death if the private accuser with several other people did not swear that the accused deserves death penalty. The practice of such a swearing existed until 1768. Current researches indicated the lack of such a rule in a municipal law. However, in the city of Krzemieniec in Wołyń the practice was different. Local municipal court required the oath of a claimant in most criminal cases. It is possible to suppose that it was an example of imitating the land law by the municipal law. We do not know if it was an only example of such a practice or whether there were similar situations in other cities of eastern Republic of Poland. This problem requires further researches.
W Polsce do czasów rozbiorów panowała stanowość prawa. Odrębnym prawem posługiwała się między innymi szlachta, mieszczanie, chłopi. W prawie szlacheckim (ziemskim) istniał zwyczaj, zgodnie z którym oskarżony nie mógł zostać skazany na karę śmierci, o ile wcześniej prywatny oskarżyciel wraz z kilkoma innymi osobami nie złożył przysięgi, iż podsądny na taką karę zasłużył. Składanie takiej przysięgi przetrwało aż do 1768 r. Dotychczasowe badania wskazywały na brak takiego zwyczaju w prawie miejskim. Okazuje się jednak, że w leżącym na Wołyniu Krzemieńcu w połowie XVIII w. tamtejszy sąd miejski w większości spraw karnych uzależniał skazanie oskarżonego na śmierć albo wykonanie skazującego na tę karę wyroku od przysięgi strony powodowej. Należy przypuszczać, że naśladowano w tym wypadku rozwiązania przyjęte w prawie ziemskim (szlacheckim). Nie wiadomo jednak, czy mamy do czynienia z wyjątkowym przypadkiem czy też podobnie postępowano w innych miastach na Kresach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Zagadnienie to wymaga dalszych badań.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2016, 25, 3
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Summum supplicium in the Legislation of Christian Roman Emperors
Chmiel, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
summum supplicium
kara śmierci
rzymskie ustawodawstwo karne
capital punishment
Roman criminal legislation
This publication is an attempt to answer the question: what was the role of the criminal penalty, especially in its strictest form (summum supplicium) in the Roman legislation of Christian emperors? Finally, whether is it noticeable, based on the example of summum supplicium, that Christianity influenced the Roman criminal law in any way? As it has been demonstrated, the new state religion did not radically change the Roman criminal legislation. The legislation of the Christian emperors confirmed both, the division of society into servi and liberii that had existed for centuries in the Roman state and the diversity of the legal situation of individual social groups. Punishment in the legislation of Christian emperors continued to fulfil the role it had played in the previous centuries and became, even more than ever before, an essential tool for the political struggle of the present state authority. The finest example of this was the legislation of Constantine the Great, followed by all the severity of criminal repression which resulted in the issuing of this legal act. A great desire to bring about a new order, maintain power and even the fear of losing it can be detected in the strictness of the Constantine’s legislation. Finally, the once persecuted Christians began to behave like their previous persecutors.
Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona próbie udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie – jaką rolę pełniła kara kryminalna, a zwłaszcza jej najsurowszy wymiar (summum supplicium), w ustawodawstwie rzymskich cesarzy chrześcijańskich? W końcu, czy na przykładzie summum supplicium można zauważyć, że chrześcijaństwo wpłynęło w jakiś sposób na rzymskie prawo karne. Jak wykazano, nowa religia państwowa nie zmieniła w radykalny sposób rzymskiego ustawodawstwa karnego. Prawodawstwo cesarzy chrześcijańskich utwierdziło istniejący od wieków w państwie rzymskim podział społeczeństwa na servi i liberii oraz zróżnicowanie sytuacji prawnej poszczególnych grup społecznych. Kara w ustawodawstwie cesarzy chrześcijańskich nadal spełniała te funkcje, które pełniła w poprzednich wiekach, ale stała się w jeszcze większym stopniu niż do tej pory, zasadniczym narzędziem walki politycznej obecnej władzy państwowej. Najlepszym tego przykładem było ustawodawstwo Konstantyna Wielkiego, ale także cała surowość represji karnej, której efektem było wydanie tego aktu prawnego. W surowości ustawodawstwa Konstantyna widać wielką chęć zaprowadzenia nowego porządku, utrzymania władzy, ale jeszcze bardziej strach przed jej utratą. W końcu prześladowani wcześniej chrześcijanie zaczęli postępować tak, jak ich poprzedni prześladowcy.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2019, 4; 39-56
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Money Laundering, Cybercrime and Criminal Responsibility of Legal Persons
Souto, Miguel Abel
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
money laundering
expansion of the punishment
virtual currencies and criminal liability of legal persons
Directives 2015/849 and 2018/843 on money laundering require continuous adaptations of the legal framework to respond to threats of the use of new technologies in money laundering. Directive 2018/843 extends the scope of Directive 2015/849 to ‘providers engaged in exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies, as well as custodian wallet providers’. Undoubtedly, the new payment systems facilitate money launderers’ criminal activity. These systems are better than cash for moving large sums of money, non-face to face business relationships favour the use of straw buyers and false identities, the absence of credit risk, as there is usually a prepaid option, discourages service providers from obtaining complete and accurate customer information, and the nature of the trade and the speed of transactions make it difficult to control property or freezing. However, the development of technologies, including the Internet, has unquestionable advantages involved and even provides, through online resources, verification of identity or other duty of surveillance for the prevention of money laundering. In addition, the reform of June 22, 2010 introduced in Spain the criminal liability of legal persons and incorporated money laundering, together with other crimes, to this innovative model of criminal responsibility. Soon after, Organic Law 1/2015, of March 30, modified the hitherto barely applied regulation. In conclusion, the use of dummy corporations for money laundering is frequent, as is evidenced by the judgements of the Supreme Court of June 26, 2012 and February 4, 2015, but until recently the accessory consequences and the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil were sufficient.
Internal Security; 2020, 12(1); 125-150
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New measures for the acceleration of criminal proceedings in Czech criminal law
Nowe środki zmierzające do przyspieszenia postępowań karnych w prawie karnym Republiki Czeskiej
Ščerba, Filip
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
acceleration of criminal proceedings diversions in criminal proceedings agreement upon guilt and punishment
plea bargaining
amendments to the Czech Criminal Procedure Code
criminal proceedings
przyspieszenie procedur karnych zróżnicowanie procedur karnych umowa o winie i karze
ugoda obrończa
poprawki do czeskiego KPK postępowanie karne
Artykuł zajmuje się ważnym problemem czeskiego sądownictwa w sprawach karnych, polegającym na przewlekłości postępowania. Występowanie tego problemu stało się podstawą działań legislacyjnych zmierzających do wprowadzenia nowych form skróconych procedur. Poprawki do Kodeksu Postępowania Karnego Republiki Czeskiej (Akt Nr 141/1961 Coll.) zostały wprowadzone zarówno z powodu nowych rodzajów postępowań karnych przewidzianych w czeskim prawie karnym (np. warunkowe umorzenie postępowania związane z zakazem działalności), jak też z powodu środka nazwanego porozumieniem co do winy i kary w formie tzw. ugody obrończej (plea bargaining). Artykuł analizuje zalety i wady nowych rozwiązań (np. zgodność z podstawowymi zasadami czeskiego postępowania karnego), jak również problemy z ich regulacjami prawnymi i perspektywami zastosowania w praktyce. Czeskie doświadczenia z nowymi formami skrócenia procedur karnych mogą być użyteczne jako inspiracja oraz porównanie dla specjalistów zagranicznych
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2014, XCII (92); 169-183
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka słów o karze – ujęcie ogólne
A few words about punishment – general view
Krzeczek, Monika
Molis, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Criminal Code
General Prevention
Special Prevention
Kodeks karny
prewencja ogólna
prewencja szczególna
Punishment, its purpose and essence is a research issue around which many controversies have arisen. Previous studies indicate that almost everything has been said about the punishment. However, it is important to point out that the future of punishment and penalization, and issues that continue to raise topics for discussion, are important areas. Penalty plays an important role in the social sphere and highlights important issues such as substance, prevention and punishment.
Kara, jej cel i istota to zagadnienie badawcze, wokół którego narosło wiele kontrowersji. Dotychczasowe badania wskazują, że o karze powiedziano już prawie wszystko. Jednak należy zaznaczyć, że ważnym obszarem jest przyszłość kary i karania oraz zagadnienia, które nadal stają się tematem do dyskusji. Kara odgrywa ważną rolę w obszarach społecznych i należy podkreślać ważne zagadnienia, jakimi są istota, profilaktyka oraz celowość kary.
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały; 2017, 1(20); 133-140
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia rozwoju kary śmierci na przestrzeni wieków w wybranych koncepcjach filozoficznych
Jurczyk, Marcin Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
capital punishment
criminal law
kara śmierci
prawo karne
The paper presents the attitude of society towards capital punishment during different historical periods and describes the development of philosophical and moral thought regarding the death penalty. Presented terse overview of views on the death penalty in the history of Christian thought. Furthermore, the paper details the most important arguments of the abolitionists and discusses the traditional movement in the philosophy of capital punishment called retentionism (rigorism). It presents basic arguments of the rigorists (supporters of the death penalty) which are in opposition to the arguments of the abolitionists.
Praca przedstawia stosunek społeczeństwa do kary śmierci na przełomie poszczególnych epok oraz rozwój myśli filozoficzno-moralnej dotyczącej wymierzania tej kary. Zaprezentowano lakoniczny przegląd poglądów na temat kary śmierci w historii rozwoju myśli chrześcijańskiej. Opisano najważniejsze argumenty abolicjonistów i tradycyjny kierunek w filozofii kary śmierci nazwany retencjonizmem (rygoryzmem). Omówiono również podstawowe argumenty wysuwane przez rygorystów (zwolenników kary śmierci), które stoją w opozycji do argumentów abolicjonistów.
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe; 2016, 19, 28
Pojawia się w:
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozytywna prewencja ogólna w nauce niemieckiej (wybrane koncepcje)
Positive General Prevention (Chosen Theories)
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
pozytywna prewencja
prawo karne
polityka karna
positive general prevention
criminal law
penal policy
 The idea of socio-educating function of punishment is not recent. It appeared in XVIIIth century. Its renewal of XXth century is explained by the disappointment of the deterrent and re-socialising effectiveness of criminal punishment. It is also a reaction towards the abolitionary postulates’ questioning the sense of existence of the criminal punishment. There are many versions of this theory. It is widely popular in Germany where it is calted ‘positive general prevention’ or the ‘integrating prevention’.         The term ‘positive general prevention’ was constructed in Germany in opposition to the traditional term ‘general prevention’ understood solely as a general deterrence. It is meant to stress the turn away from the so understood ‘general prevention’ and a promoting of the positive function of criminal punishment. This ‘positive’ or ‘integrating’ function of punishment is, in most simple terms, based on strengthening the morality, supporting the desired attitudes and ways of behaving, strengthening the trust in law, in shaping the law awareness, and also encouraging norms recognition. The purpose of the punishment is preserving and strengthening the normative integration of society. It is realised not by creating fear but by using persuasion, by teaching about necessity and usefulness of the criminal law norms and by obeying them for the social order. It is also important to bring about a custom of law obedience.         The popularity of the positive general prevention is explained differently in the German studies. Most often, it is pointed out that, on the one hand, a return towards the absolutist theories is commonly rejected there, and on the other hand, that there is a popular disappointment with the efficiency of prevention and re-socialisation. The positive general prevention an opportunity for keeping a preventive character of theory of punishment with a simultaneous introduction of a retributive element in form of guilt rule. It thus creates a combination of rationality of prevention theories with a guaranteed character of the absolutist theories. It also has an advantage over the mixed theories of punishment as it is directed at a single goal.         Despite of a significant differentiation of the positive general prevention theories, it is relatively easy to define some of its characteristics: the addressee of an execution of the criminal law and punishment is society and not an individual person, where it is mostly about the influence on those members of society who do obey the law. the positive general prevention aims at long term, indirect activity and not at an immediate, short term effect on society. the persuasive nature of the criminal law is stressed, its ability to persuade, as well as the symbolic, expressive meaning of punishment as means of communicating. The content of that message in German conception is, in general, that criminal law norm is still valid. It exceptionally evokes to the moral condemnation of a deed as a subject of that message. the representatives of the theory of positive general prevention educe the purpose of the punishment from the entire penal law system. Penal law and the penalty itself come in those ideas on the very same grounds. Therefore it is not a theory of punishment but a theory of the penal law. these theories agree that the positive, integrating effect can be brought about only by a just punishment. a very typical feature of the German ideas is using the term of guilt in reference to functionality. It makes them vulnerable to a reproach that, in fact, they are veiled absolutist theories.        I analyse five ideas of the positive general prevention in this article. It was my aim to select those ideas which could indicate its diversity. Mayer's theory contributed to the rebirth of the socio-educational theory of punishment function in German studies. It belongs to the movement of the expressive punishment theories. According to Mayer penalty has an educational aspect for the society by strengthening or creating morality of the community.        Integrating prevention, as understood by H. Muller-Dietz, is an activity of punishment which is based on creating and strengthening the ways that law is perceived by the citizens. The integrating function is realised by the regulatory and court systems of justice.       The most popular in Germany is the theory of G. Jakobs. It clearly refers to the theory of systems by Niklas Luhmann. Jakobs stresses that punishment expresses a protest against breaking a norm paid by the offender. It shows that the norm broken with a deed is still valid and that it is determinant as an orientation example for social interactions.       A very strong feature of W. Hasserman’s idea is the emphasis of how the penal law system influences the entirety of social control processes. Streng refers to the psychoanalysis and psychology of the punishing society, in order to explain the general preventative activity of punishment. He mentions three unconscious, emotional sources of punishment.       In the conclusion I discuss the significance of the presented theories for the studies of criminal law and the practices of administration of criminal justice.  
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2004, XXVII; 43-66
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosowanie środków niepenalnych jako sposób reagowania na wykroczenia
The use of non-penal measures as a way of responding to offenses
Tunia, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
bezpieczeństwo i porządek publiczny
środek pozakarny (niepenalny)
security and public order
criminal measure
non-criminal measure (non-penal)
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są: problem dotyczący możliwości stosowania środków pozakarnych jako sposobu reagowania na wykroczenia oraz ocena skuteczności takich reakcji z punktu widzenia wdrożenia sprawców wykroczeń do przestrzegania ustalonego porządku prawnego i przyjętych zasad współżycia społecznego. W związku z zastosowaniem wobec sprawcy środka pozakarnego pojawia się jednak problem dotyczący zakończenia kwestii odpowiedzialności sprawcy wykroczenia. Stąd w artykule podjęte zostały rozważania dotyczące tego, czy zastosowanie takiego środka wobec sprawcy wykroczenia kończy sprawę, czy też nadal możliwe jest wszczęcie przeciw danej osobie postępowania sądowego i wymierzenie jej określonej kary, w tym nałożenie grzywny w formie mandatu karnego.
The subject of this article is the problem regarding the use of non-criminal measures as a response to offenses, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of such responses from the point of view of the possibility of implementing offenders to comply with the established legal order and principles of social coexistence. In connection with the non-criminal measure being applied to the perpetrator, however, there is a problem regarding the final termination of the offender's liability. Hence, the article discusses whether the application of such a measure against the perpetrator of the offense gives the case - of its kind - "status of res judicata" or whether it is still possible to institute legal proceedings against a given person and impose a specific penalty, including imposing a fine in the form of a criminal mandate.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2020, 3; 335-354
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykonywanie wyroków kary śmierci w polskich więzieniach grudzień 1954 – kwiecień 1956
Zwolski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
criminal justice system
capital punishment
death penalty
death sentence
Polish prisons
Polish jails
December 1945 - April 1956
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2003, 1(3); 263-274
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kara ograniczenia wolności z zastosowaniem dozoru elektronicznego – utracona szansa naprawy tej kary w polskim prawie karnym
A restriction of liberty order monitored electronically – a lost chance in Polish criminal law
Grudecki, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
criminal law
system of punishment
restriction of liability
electronic surveillance
prawo karne
system kar
kara ograniczenia wolności
dozór elektroniczny
The Act on the Amendments to the Penal Code and some other Acts of 20 February 2015 modified many regulations concerning the structure and the way of executing penalties, including the restriction of liberty. In this paper, the reasons for the implementation of an order requiring a person to remain within their home or stay at the restriction place, being electronically monitored, are presented and assessed. This is followed by the assessment of the provisions of the Executive Penal Code governing this form of punishment, which was briefly available under Polish criminal law. The author presents the reasons why a restriction of liberty order had been introduced in the first place and then abolished by the Act Amending the Executive Penal Code of 11 March 2016 and offers his own explanation of this. He also examines whether the amendment of February 2015 was a right decision and presents his own views, concluding with some de lege ferenda points regarding the possibility of re-introducing the order of the restriction of liability, but with certain amendments pertaining to the detailed execution of this order.
Ustawa z 20 lutego 2015 r. o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks karny i niektórych innych ustaw (Dz. U. poz. 396) wprowadziła liczne zmiany w przepisach dotyczących struktury oraz wykonywania kar, reformując sposób wykonywania kary ograniczenia wolności. W publikacji autor przedstawił powody wprowadzenia obowiązku pozostawania w miejscu stałego pobytu lub w innym wyznaczonym miejscu z zastosowaniem systemu dozoru elektronicznego jako jednej z form kary ograniczenia wolności, dokonał oceny tej, niestety krótko obowiązującej, zmiany w polskim prawie karnym. Autor omówił również pokrótce przepisy Kodeksu karnego wykonawczego, które regulowały dokładnie sposób wykonywania kary ograniczenia wolności w formie stanowiącej przedmiot publikacji, a także zaprezentował przyczyny cofnięcia tej części reformy ustawą z 11 marca 2016 r. o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks karny i ustawy – Kodeks karny wykonawczy (Dz. U. poz. 428). Podjął też próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy przywrócenie dozoru elektronicznego jako systemu wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolności było słuszne. Autor zaproponował też uwagi de lege ferenda odnośnie do przywrócenia usuniętej ustawą z 11 marca 2016 r. omawianej formy kary ograniczenia wolności z pewnymi zmianami co do szczegółów dotyczących sposobu jej wykonywania, które powinny znaleźć się w Kodeksie karnym wykonawczym.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2017, 79, 4; 121-133
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasada legalności w kontekście normy ogólnej z kan. 1399 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku
The Principle of Legality in the Context of the General Norm in can. 1399 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983
Le principe de légalité dans le contexte de la norme générale de can. 1399 du Code de droit canonique de 1983
Saternus, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
uznaniowość karania
ogólna sankcja karna
dyskrecjonalna władza sędziego
discretionary punishment
general criminal sanction
discretionary power of the judge
The principle of legality is one of the basic guarantees for the protection of human rights. The secular legislation is always put at absolutely. In canon law judge, in accordance with canon 1399, may punish by a just penalty the external violation of a divine or canonical law. Criminal sanction may be used only when the special gravity of the violation demands punishment and there is an urgent need to prevent or repair scandals. The principle of legality is difficult to justify only the natural law. The application of the general rule of canon 1399 bears the marks of discretion – whenever supervisor deems it appropriate. Supervisors, however, should not use it often. The principle of legality on the one hand can protect against abuses judge, on the other hand allows to punish crimes that remain unpunished. Superior has the ability to impose a just punishment, individualized in a particular case, adapted to the size of the crime and the offender guilty.
Kościół i Prawo; 2014, 3 (16) nr 1; 179-189
Pojawia się w:
Kościół i Prawo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość i polityka karna w krajach postkomunistycznych: spojrzenie laika
Crime and Penal Policy in Post-Communist States: a Layman’s Perspective
Siemaszko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
polityka karna
państwa postkomunistyczne
polityka kryminalna
badania wiktymizacyjne
penal policy
post-communist states
criminal policy
victim study
Can we seriously analyse penal policy trends in the post-communist states if we have no idea on the penal legislation in these countries, on trends in crime combat and prevention or the current shape of the penal policy, including in particular penal code reforms that are being developed or implemented? We would naturally say no. The author, however, attempts to prove that such an analysis is possible provided one has access to relevant statistical data. The data are contained mainly in three publications: European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics, Penological Information Bulletin and Atlas przestępczości w Polsce [Overview of Crime in Poland]. For the purposes of this paper, the data were significantly modified not to include some of the post-communist states. For various reasons, mainly due to the data credibility and completeness, the author focussed only on ten such states, i.e. Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary. Some comparisons also include Bulgaria. Firstly, an analysis of the data shows that the common characteristics of the post-communist states under discussion are their high crime levels, both in terms of dynamics and prevalence. An exceptionally high level of crime risk is also displayed in the victimological research results. Secondly, a comparison of crime reporting levels clearly shows that the crime level in our region is actually much higher than police statistics might suggest. This is also confirmed by the results of nationwide Polish research held every four years within the International Crime Survey. We usually are one of the last countries in terms of crime reporting levels. It seems that people in our region are generally quite reluctant to report crime (due to our mistrust in police effectiveness), which makes our official crime statistics extremely unreliable. Therefore, while victimological research in the Western European countries may be treated as an interesting alternative to police statistics (and we actually could do without the latter), in our region, such research is a must. Thirdly, due to the extremely unreliable police statistics, it is essential to initiate victimological research in the countries of our region, and ideally to include them in the International Crime Survey. Without reliable victimological studies, we will have to rely on the police data that sometimes seem to be a tactless joke.  The author's analysis, although not aimed at establishing any general rules, but rather at clearly describing the facts, naturally brings some obvious conclusions. The first conclusion is that all the former Soviet bloc countries were characterised by high crime levels at the turn of the 21st century. And the times are not conducive to softening penal repressions, which makes it obvious that most states under discussion continued their rather harsh penal policy compared to the Western countries. Poland was an interesting exception with its new and extremely liberal penal legislation having been introduced in the period of an extremely sharp crime growth. However, the author underlines that these developments had fortunately little influence on the judicial practice, all the more so since the main legislative and judicial changes to ease penal repressions had been introduced earlier. In other words, already before 1997 when the new penal codification was adopted, we had reached a dead end in crime policy liberalisation and there was no space left for more such changes for fear of mass protests and riots. The fact that the new and much more liberal penal code did not bring significant changes in the judicial practice proves the advantage of the judicial opinion over penal code solutions. This means and is clearly confirmed in the Polish experience that the form of penal legislation is much less important (though not unimportant) than specific judicial practice. All the states under analysis still show a disastrous structure of the length of unsuspended prison sentences. On the one hand, the shortest terms (up to one year, or even six months) are used too rarely, and on the other, too seldom are also the relatively long terms of ten and more years of prison. That makes sentence diversification seem insufficient. In all the states under discussion, the dominating group of imprisonment sentences are those from one to three years, which is inefficient from the criminology perspective, quite costly, and leads to the overpopulation of prisons. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that all these countries have such high imprisonment rates per 100,000 inhabitants.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2006, XXVIII; 67-94
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cumulative legal classification and the statute of limitations
Kumulatywna kwalifikacja prawna a przedawnienie karalności w prawie karnym
Lachowski, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
prawo karne
kumulatywna kwalifikacja prawna
przedawnienie karalności
criminal law
cumulative legal classification
barring punishment by the statute of limitations
The issue of the relation between the cumulative legal classification and barring punishment by the statute of limitations in criminal law is seldom a subject of broader considerations in literature. It concerns a situation in which provisions laying down different sanctions concur, and for one of the offences specified in them the limitation period has lapsed. This raises a question whether the provision specifying that act should be referred to in the grounds for sentencing or whether it should be eliminated. Two extreme opinions on the issue were developed in the practice of law enforcement, which inspired the First President of the Supreme Court to file a motion to the Supreme Court to adopt a resolution that shall make case law uniform. The Supreme Court adopted a resolution concerning the case I KZP 7/18 on 20 September 2018. The article aims to solve the problem in a different way from the one the Supreme Court proposed in its resolution.
Zagadnienie relacji pomiędzy kumulatywną kwalifikacją prawną a przedawnieniem karalności w prawie karnym jest rzadko przedmiotem szerszych rozważań w literaturze. Chodzi o sytuację, w której zbiegają się ze sobą przepisy operujące różnymi sankcjami, a w stosunku do przestępstwa opisanego w jednym z nich upłynął już termin przedawnienia karalności. Rodzi się pytanie, czy przepis typizujący ten czyn należy powoływać w podstawie skazania, czy też trzeba go pominąć. W praktyce wymiaru sprawiedliwości wykształciły się dwa skrajne stanowiska w tym zakresie, co skłoniło Pierwszego Prezesa Sądu Najwyższego do złożenia wniosku do SN o podjęcie uchwały w tym przedmiocie, która ujednolici orzecznictwo. Uchwała zapadła przed SN w dniu 20 września 2018 r. w sprawie I KZP 7/18. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest próba rozwiązania zasygnalizowanego problemu w sposób odmienny od tego, który zaproponował SN w swojej uchwale.
Ius Novum; 2019, 13, 2; 106-123
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hryniewicz, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
punishment of restricted freedom
criminal sanction
work for community
compulsory work
forced labour
kara ograniczenia wolności
kara kryminalna
praca na cele społeczne
praca przymusowa
The object of the analysis is a duty of unpaid controlled work for the community as an element of punishment of restricted freedom in Polish criminal law. The paper presents the function of compulsory work in Polish criminal codes of 1932, 1969 and 1997. It also shows, on the example of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, that it is possible to differentiate between a punishment of restricted liberty and a punishment of compulsory work. Next, the authoress attempts to answer the question whether the duty of work for the community can be seen as an inconvenience characteristic of criminal punishment. Finally, the compulsory character of work is being examined to establish whether that kind of penalty is in conformity with the provisions of international treaties that prohibit forced and obligatory labour, to which the Republic of Poland is a signatory.
Przedmiotem analizy jest obowiązek wykonywania nieodpłatnej kontrolowanej pracy na cele społeczne jako element kary ograniczenia wolności w polskim prawie karnym. Artykuł obrazuje, jaką funkcję miał i ma obowiązek pracy na gruncie polskich kodeksów karnych z 1932 r., 1969 r. i z 1997 r. Wskazywany jest przykład Kodeksu karnego Federacji Rosyjskiej, w której obowiązek pracy i ograniczenie wolności stanowią osobne rodzaje sankcji. W dalszej części artykułu autorka stara się ustalić, czy obowiązek wykonywania pracy na cele społeczne może być traktowany jako dolegliwość cechująca karę kryminalną. W końcowej części artykułu bada niedobrowolny charakter takiej pracy z punktu widzenia zgodności tej regulacji z umowami międzynarodowymi, których sygnatariuszem jest Rzeczpospolita Polska, a które zabraniają pracy przymusowej lub obowiązkowej.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2013, 75, 1; 105-117
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Purposes and Functions of Public Punishment in Roman Law in the Perspective of Justinians Codification
Amielańczyk, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
funkcje kary
rzymskie prawo karne publiczne
kodyfikacja justyniańska
cesarska polityka karna
functions of the punishment
the Roman penal public law
Justinian’s Codification
imperial criminal policy
The objectives and functions of the punishment for a public offence (crimen) had already been discussed by M. Tullius Cicero, Seneca the Younger, or Aulus Gellius many centuries before Emperor Justinian. According to their statements, the Romans distinguished in principle all the types of punitive functions known today: deterrence (special and general prevention), reprisal (retaliation), elimination (protection of society against the perpetrator), and even the rehabilitation (educative) function. The emergence of the imperial judiciary extra ordinem in criminal matters could have been conducive to performance of various functions assigned to various penalties, along with the possibilities offered by the discretionary power of judicial decisions. However, when reading Emperor Justinian’s Constitutio Tanta and the numerous accounts from the Roman jurists included in his codification, contained in Book 48 of the Digest, one may be convinced that the function of paramount importance for the emperor was to deter potential perpetrators by means of severe penalties, including notably the death penalty. The educational function was rather marginal. The primary objective of the imperial criminal policy was the ruthlessly severe punishing for criminal offences (severitas, atrocitas) and the implementation of the postulate of inevitability of criminal responsibility.
O celach i funkcjach kary za przestępstwo publiczne (crimen) rozprawiali już na wiele wieków przed cesarzem Justynianem: M. Tulliusz Cyceron, Seneka Młodszy, Aulus Gellius. Z ich wypowiedzi wynika, że Rzymianie rozróżniali w zasadzie wszystkie rodzaje znanych dzisiaj funkcji karania: funkcję odstraszającą (prewencję szczególną i ogólną), odpłacającą (odwetową), eliminacyjną (ochrona społeczeństwa przed sprawcą), a nawet resocjalizacyjną (wychowawczą). Pojawienie się cesarskiego sądownictwa extra ordinem w sprawach karnych mogło sprzyjać realizacji różnych funkcji przypisanych do różnych kar, wraz z możliwością, jaką dawała dyskrecjonalność orzeczeń sądowych. Lektura Konstytucji Tanta cesarza Justyniana oraz licznych przekazów jurystów rzymskich włączonych do jego kodyfikacji, zawartych w Księdze 48 Digestów przekonuje jednak, że funkcją mającą dla cesarza pierwszorzędne znaczenie było odstraszanie potencjalnych sprawców przestępstw surowymi karami, w tym szczególnie karą śmierci. Funkcja wychowawcza miała raczej marginalne znaczenie. Podstawowym celem cesarskiej polityki karnej jawiło się bezwzględnie surowe karanie za przestępstwa (severitas, atrocitas) oraz realizacja postulatu nieuchronności odpowiedzialności karnej.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2019, 4; 21-37
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sędziowski wymiar kary w badaniu prawno-socjologicznym 2012–2014
Judiciary Sentencing in Legal and Sociological Research in 2012-2014
Królikowska, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
badania prawno-socjologiczne
criminal law
law and sociological research
violence towards people
violence towards animals
perpetrator of violence
This article presents selected results of a legal and sociological research project entitled“Penal cultures. Cultural context of criminal policy and criminal law reforms. Legal,penological, historical, sociological, and cultural (anthropological) analysis of criminallaw reforms in Poland against the background of European and world trends”, conductedin 2012-2014 on a sample of 160 Polish judges. The research was carried out usingthe questionnaire method supplemented with in-depth interviews with 12 judges.The questionnaire was sent by email to all the presidents of district, regional, andappellate courts in Poland with a request to pass it to their judges. The questionnaire wasaccompanied by a recommendation letter from the Vice-Rector for Scientific Researchat the University of Warsaw with the information about the research unit, that is aboutthe Professor G. Rejman Division of Culturally Integrated Legal and Social Studiesand the European Centre for Penological Studies at the University of Warsaw. Thequestionnaire was either sent back in bulk from individual courts, or the respondentssent it back individually by post or email to the university address provided.The punishment phenomenon was examined in a processual approach. Theresearchers adopted the hypothesis that criminal judges were the first link in thisprocess and knew more about punishment and punishing as social and legal phenomena than the general public. The presented research refers thematically to the studiescarried out by Bronisław Wróblewski and Witold Świda before World War II, reportedin their book Sędziowski wymiar kary w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Ankieta [The judiciarysentencing of punishment in the Republic of Poland. A Questionnaire], publishedin Vilnius in 1939. Similarly to those studies, the present research asks questions aboutthe determinants of the judiciary dimension of punishment, but it emphasises morestrongly the cultural, philosophical and moral dimensions of punishment attitudesdisplayed in sentencing.The statements of the respondents show a varied l evel of the judges’ knowledge aboutmatters concerning the socio-cultural and psychological aspects of punishment. Theyalso reveal a strong legal orientation of views and remain within the set of notions andtheories focused on law. Similarly to the Vilnius pre-war studies, the judges’ statementsshow a strong formative influence of lawyers’ education curricula implemented at alllevels of education.The results of the research carried out in 2012-2014 illuminate the judges’ viewson the goals and functions of punishment and punishing. They show the declaredhierarchy of the most important variables defining professional decisions regardingthe sentences imposed by the judges. They show the influence of systemic and culturalvariables on the professional attitudes and motives of the judges’ decisions in this matter.The judges’ statements on the effectiveness of penalties in individual and generalprevention are generally subdued. Although these factors are taken into account inthe process of sentencing, there is no deep conviction about their high impact. It issignificant that the research shows a clear distancing of the judges from the assumptionthat they may be subservient to influences from their superiors, scholarly authorities,public opinion or the decisions of colleagues in similar matters. Independence isdeclared by judges to be an important feature of their professional ethos and appliesto all sources of influence. On the other hand, what the judges indicate as variablesrelevant to their decisions on sentencing are the personal and family conditions ofthe perpetrator and their potential for rehabilitation, which may occur as a resultof criminal sentencing and end the state of impunity. The respondents also indicatethat the fairness of a sentence and the doing of justice to the offender is a significantaspect of the court’s action.Although the research procedure in this case was strongly grounded in empiricism,this was not its main distinguishing feature – it was the conducting of research inthe culture of methodological and theoretical integration of the empirical material.It makes it possible to deduce a complex structure of the researched process andto undertake an analysis explaining many more variables than would appear in thedisciplinary mono analysis.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2018, XL; 371-400
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odpowiedzialność osób nieletnich za czyny karalne – uregulowanie dwutorowe
Klimek-Łakomy, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
odpowiedzialność karna
ustawa o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnich
art. 10 §2 kodeksu karnego
zakład poprawczy
criminal liability
the act on proceedings in juvenile cases
art. 10 §2 of the Criminal Code
correctional facility
Opracowanie niniejsze dotyczy odpowiedzialności nieletnich za dokonane przestępstwa. Precyzyjniej rzecz ujmując problemy odnoszą się do ustawy z 1982 r. o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnich oraz do art. 10§2 kodeksu karnego. Podstawą do orzekania w sprawach nieletnich jest wspomniana powyżej ustawa z 1982 r. Sąd orzekając karę wobec nieletniego nie „skazuje go” na pobyt w zakładzie poprawczym lecz orzeka jego umieszczenie. Środek poprawczy jest, co prawda, środkiem izolacyjnym, stanowiącym wyjątkową formę pozbawiania wolności, lecz nie pełni funkcji kary. Natomiast z kodeksu karnego nieletni może odpowiadać tylko w ściśle wymienionych sytuacjach w art. 10§2 kodeksu karnego. Na podstawie kodeksu karnego nieletni odpowiada wyjątkowo.
This paper aims to analyze the responsibility of minors for their crimes in context of the 1982 act on proceedings with minors, as well as with article 10§2 of the Penal Code. It argues that the fundament in judicial adjudication on minors is the 1982 act. Court does not „sentence” them on serving in correctional institution, but he „decides” on their placement there. Correctional measure, is obviously a unique mean of restricting freedom, but it is not perceived as a penalty. Penal Code on the other hand, can be used only in strictly specified circumstances, listed in article 10§2 of the Penal Code. Based on the Penal Code, the responsibilty of minor is unique.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2017, 24; 125-136
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymiar kar kościelnych w kontekście salus animarum
Dimension of ecclesiastical penalties in the context of salus animarum
Wroceński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
sankcje karne
wymiar sankcji
kara kościelna
władza karania
środki karne
criminal sanctions
dimension of penalties
ecclesiastical penalty
power of punishment
punitive measures
In his paper, the author considers the question of the dimension of ecclesiastical penalties in the context of the salvation of souls. He reaches the conclusion that the law of the Church and the power of punishment are closely associated with the same nature and mission of the Church which was established by Christ, not only as a spiritual community linked by supernatural bonds but also as a visible community, which, for the realization of its salvific mission (salus animarum), has at its disposal various means, including the power to inflict penalties. Ecclesiastical penalty always entails some diminution or even deprivation of rights that belonged to a person because of the state of life in the Church. The Church and, more precisely, those who stand at the head of communities apply penalties under the authority of Christ. The infliction of ecclesiastical penalties is effectuated within the triple function of the power of governance, i.e. legislative, executive, and judicial. However, criminal sanctions are inflicted on condition of external violation and it must be a violation of some penal statute, general or particular, or penal regulation. In addition, there must be significant sanity as a result of intentional or unintentional guilt. If it lacks any of the above-mentioned elements, it is not possible to impose of a criminal sanction in the Church in a particular case. Although this principle is absolute, still it permits an exception. Namely, the legislator allows punishment also for exceeding the legal provision that is not backed by a criminal sanction under two conditions: if the special gravity of the offense demands punishing and if, at the same time, the need to avoid scandal or to repair it is urgent. This is always done in the context of the salus animarum.
Sympozjum; 2016, 2(31); 9-40
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Merytoryczne przesłanki orzekania kar i innych środków wobec wielokrotnych recydywistów
Penalties and other measures applied towards multiple recidivists
Janiszewski, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
wielokrotny recydywista
kodeks karny
środki karne
polityka karna
wymiar kary
kara pozbawienia wolności
badania empiryczne
statystyki sądowe
multiple recidivists
penal code
penal measures
criminal policy
case law
empirical research
court statistics
The aims of the present study have been: 1) to ascertain the actual conditions of the courts' decisions applying penalties and other measures towards multiple recidivists; 2) to determine the present penal policy towards this category of convicted persons; 3) to compare this policy with the assumptions included in the Penal Code in force. Punishment imposed upon multiple recidivists is regulated by the provisions of Art. 60, para. 2 and 3 Art. 61 of the Penal Code. Their formulation is as follows: on a perpetrator sentenced twice in the conditions specified in para. 1 (special basic recidivism), who has served altogether at leat one year of deprivation of liberty and in the period of 5 years after the serving of the last penalty commits again an intentional offence with the purpose of obtaining a material benefit or of a hooligan character, similar to at least one of the previously committed offencęs, the court shall impose a penalty within the limits of from three times the lowest sanction, but not less than 2 years, up to the highest statutory sanction increased by one half, and if the highest statutory sanction is not higher than 3 years: up to 5 years deprivation of liberty. The increase of the lowest statutory sanction provided in para. 1 or 2 shall not apply, when the offence is a serious offence; in this case the court shall consider the commission of the offence in the conditions specified in para 1 or 2 as a circumstance increasing the penalty. In particularly justified cases when even the lowest penalty imposed on the basis of Art. 60. paras 1 or 2 would be incommeasurably Severe by reason of the motives for the action of the perpetrator, his traits and personal conditions as well as his way of life before the commission and his behaviour after the perpetration of the offence, the court when imposing the penalty may refrain from applying the rules specified in Art. 60. paras 1 or 2; in these cases the court shall take into consideration the commission of the offence in the conditions specified in Art. 60, para 1or 2 as circumstances influencing increasing the penalty. With regard to a perpetrator sentenced in the conditions specified in Art. 60, para. 2 he court shall adjudge protective supervision; if adjudging this supervision is not sufficient to prevent recidivism, the court shall adjudge .the commitment of the sentenced person to a social readaptation centre. (Art. 62, para. 2). The present work has been based on the author's own research and to a minimum extent only on the analysis of the national statistical data. The point of departure for the study of the actual conditions of the courts decisions were the conditions specified in the Penal Code now in force. The conditions specified in Art. 61 of the Penal Code and related to the offender only have been assumed to form the ratio legis of special recidivism in the Polish penal legislation. If, however, when aplying this provision, the courts prefer the conditions related to the most recent act of the offender, this mignt be an indication of their different attitude towards the aim of punishment in the case of the discussed category of offenders. The existence of such divergences between the conditions of application of Art 61 of the Penal Code as included in the law on the one hand, and those applied by the courts on the other hand  has been one of the hypotheses verified in the present study.  The study has been based on the examination of court records. All the accessible records of criminal cases (230) have been included in it, in which Sentences were passed with regard to multiple recidivists (under Art 60. para. 2  and Art. 61 in connection with Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code) in the District Court of the city of Poznań in the years 1975-1981. The question arised whether this could be treated as an equivalent to a random sample of the national population of convicted multiple recidivists. As shown by a comparison of distributions in question are highly convergent. A questionnaire to investigate the ourt records consisted of 41 questions concerning the convicted recidivist, his previous offences and criminal record, his last offence and the content of the last sentence. The impact of a number of variables on the application of Art. 61 of the Penal Code, on the length  of the prison sentence and on the decision of commitment to a social readaptation centre has been analysed in succession. Conclusions from the study are as follows: 1. In the application of Art.61 of the Penal Code ,the predominating part is played by the conditions connected with the degree of socil danger of the act and with its legal label. The conditions connected with the person of the perpetrator seem to have a much smaller effect. The reason of this state of affairs may be seeked in the fact that the court is obligated by Art. 60, para.2 of the Penal Code to impose long-term penalties of deprivation or liberty regardless of the degree of social danger (seriousness) of the offence which may be trivial in particular cases. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at that in these cases the courts apply Art. 61 of the Penal Code so as to impose a lower or more lenient penalty in order to make it commeasurable with the offence. The following conditions have been found to exert the greatest influence on the length of sentences to deprivation of liberty under Art. 60, para. 2: firstly, the legal appraisal of the offence and the related content of the instructions for meting out punishment specified in Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code, and secondly, the degree of social danger of the offence. The character of the offence and the appraisal of its social danger influence the sentence too, including the type of penalty, when Art. 61 of the Penal Code is applied by the court. This is probably a further result of following the same conditions already when deciding on the application of Art. 61 of the Penal Code. When adjudging the commitment of convicted persons to a social readaptation centre, the courst were guided by the conditions connected with intense symptoms of demoralization of these persons and with a previous application of various penal measures towards them; thus the conditions were formally the same as those to be found in the Penal Code. At the same time, conditions connected with the recently committed offence were left out of account here. One should be particularly careful when interpreting the findings in this case aS the decisions in question may be conditioned by the courts' various attitudes towards the practical functioning of the centers, and by different purposes of their adjudgement in definite cases. The length of the perod for which commitment to a social readaptation centre was adjudged has appeared to increase with the length of the sentence to deprivation of libety. Admittedly, outright conclusions as to the need for amendments of the provisions of the Penal Code in its part concerning recidivists do not follow immediately from the findings of the present study. These findings have. however, demonstrated the degree to which the instructions for meting out, punishment specified in Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code sever the relation between the offence and punishment, as  well as the fact that the corrective function of punishment imposed upon multiple recidivists - officially assumed by the legislator-has a fictious character in practice. In consequence, Art. 61 of the Penal Code is used in discord with its purpose; it is applied to adjust the adjudicated punishment to the seriousness of the offence committed.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1986, XIII; 109-139
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Need to Repeal or Change Art. 87 of the Criminal Code
Nowosad, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
restriction of liberty
sequence of the penalties
aggregate penalty
concurrent sentence
amendments to the Criminal Code
concurrent offences, mixed punishment
kara ograniczenia wolności
kara pozbawienia wolności
sekwencja kar
kara łączna
wyrok łączny
reforma prawa karnego
zbieg przestępstw
łączenie kar różnorodzajowych
kara mieszana
The author postulates that as a consequence of introducing in the Act of 20 February 2015 the institution of simultaneous adjudication of imprisonment and restriction of liberty, the legislator should repeal Art. 87 of the Criminal Code. According to Art. 87 § 1 of the C.C., in the case of conviction for concurrent offences for penalties of deprivation of liberty and restriction of liberty, the court shall impose an aggregate penalty, assuming that one month of restriction of liberty is equal to 15 days of deprivation of liberty. The sequence of penalties introduced in Art. 37b of the C.C. undermines the purpose of Art. 87 § 1 of the C.C. Since the legislator introduced a new concept of sequential execution of penalties, he should not preserve the obligation to convert restriction of liberty into imprisonment.
Wprowadzając reformą z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. możliwość jednoczesnego orzeczenia kar ograniczenia wolności i pozbawienia wolności, ustawodawca powinien konsekwentnie uchylić art. 87 Kodeksu karnego nakazujący w razie skazania za zbiegające się przestępstwa na kary pozbawienia wolności i ograniczenia wolności wymierzenie obligatoryjnie kary łącznej pozbawienia wolności. Przewidziane w art. 37b k.k. sekwencyjne wykonanie kar dezaktualizuje ratio legis unormowania art. 87 § 1 k.k. Skoro bowiem ustawodawca uznał za słuszną ideę kolejnego wykonania obu kar, nie powinien utrzymywać obowiązku zamiany kary ograniczenia wolności na karę pozbawienia wolności przy karze łącznej.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2017, 26, 2
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nałożenie mandatu przez organ państwa obcego na polską osobę fizyczną za wykroczenie polegające na przekroczeniu dozwolonej prędkości. Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z dnia 7 kwietnia 2022 r., C-150/21
Piotrowska, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
pojęcie orzeczenia
sąd właściwy także w sprawach karnych
kara o charakterze pieniężnym
mandat za wykroczenie popełnione za granicą
decyzja ramowa w sprawie stosowania zasady wzajemnego uznawania do kar o charakterze pieniężnym
the concept of adjudication
court also having jurisdiction in criminal cases
punishment of a pecuniary
nature mandate for an offense committed abroad
framework decision on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to financial penalties
Glosa dotyczy wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej C-150/21, w którym Trybunał zajął się rozwiązaniem problemu dogmatyczno-prawnego opartego na analizie wykładni pojęcia „orzeczenia” w rozumieniu art. 1 lit. a) ppkt (ii) decyzji ramowej Rady 2005/214/WSiSW oraz pojęcia „sądu właściwego także w sprawach karnych”. Autorka podzieliła stanowisko Trybunału, który rozstrzygnął wątpliwości interpretacyjne Sądu Rejonowego dla Łodzi-Śródmieścia w Łodzi stwierdzając, że prawomocne orzeczenie nakładające karę pieniężną wydane przez organ innego państwa członkowskiego w stosunku do osoby fizycznej, która popełniła wykroczenie polegające na przekroczeniu dozwolonej prędkości w innym państwie członkowskim – należy uznać za orzeczenie od którego przysługuje odwołanie do „sądu właściwego także w sprawach karnych”.
The gloss deals with the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union C-150/21, in which the Court addressed the solution of a dogmatic-legal problem based on an analysis of the interpretation of the concept of „judgment” within the meaning of Article 1(a)(ii) of Council Framework Decision 2005/214/JHA and the concept of „court having jurisdiction also in criminal matters”. The author shared the position of the Court, which resolved the interpretative doubts of the District Court for Lodz-Centre in Lodz, stating that a final decision imposing a fine issued by an authority of another Member State against an individual who committed a speeding offence in another Member State – should be considered a decision against which an appeal to a „court having jurisdiction also in criminal matters” is possible.
Veritas Iuris; 2023, 6, 2; 113-121
Pojawia się w:
Veritas Iuris
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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