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Wyszukujesz frazę "court of law" wg kryterium: Temat

Action in a case ended with an administrative decision
Góra, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
administrative decision
common court of law
public administration body
The article deals with the issue of administrative procedural law and civil court proceedings. The author describes a special right of the parties to administrative proceedings, which is the right to bring an action against an administrative decision, and attempts to analyse the action in relation to the administrative decision against the control of common courts against individual acts of public administration. This analysis is carried out in the light of the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, as well as on the legal grounds for bringing actions against administrative decisions. The article was enriched with a number of judgments of common and administrative courts. At the end of the article, the author formulates de lege ferenda conclusions.
Studia Administracyjne; 2020, 12; 17-33
Pojawia się w:
Studia Administracyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zawieszenie jurysdykcji w grodzie krakowskim ze względu na sejmik lub sejm w świetle praktyki przełomu XVI i XVII w.
Suspension of Jurisdiction of Castrensial Courts of Law in Kraków Due to Sejmik or Sejm in the Light of Their Praxis at the Turn of 17th Century
Górski, Kacper
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Kingdom of Poland
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
land law
castrensial court of law
land court of law
Królestwo Polskie
Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów
prawo ziemskie
sejm walny
sąd grodzki
sąd ziemski
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest wpływ obrad sejmikowych i sejmowych na funkcjonowanie ziemskiego wymiaru sprawiedliwości (tj. przede wszystkim sądów ziemskich, grodzkich i urzędów grodzkich). Praktyka zawieszania sądownictwa w związku z sejmem i sejmikami znana była już w późnym średniowieczu, ale uregulowano ją dopiero w XVI stuleciu. Zgodnie z konstytucją z 1538 r. sądy powinny milknąć po sejmiku przedsejmowym. Jurysdykcję reasumowano po zakończeniu sejmu. Zasady te obowiązywały do końca lat 80. XVI w. Wtedy to uchwalono nowe prawo, zgodnie z którym ziemski wymiar sprawiedliwości (roki sądu ziemskiego, grodzkiego oraz urzędu grodzkiego) należało zawiesić tydzień przed sejmikiem (1590) i przywrócić dwa tygodnie po zakończeniu sejmu (1589). Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie wyników badań nad stosowaniem opisanych wyżej zasad. Próbę badawczą stanowiła praktyka sądu i urzędu grodzkiego krakowskiego w latach 1585–1620, którą przeanalizowano na podstawie ksiąg grodzkich z tego okresu, przechowywanych w Archiwum Narodowym w Krakowie. Dzięki tak ujętemu zakresowi chronologicznemu udało się ustalić, w jaki sposób interpretowano obowiązek limitowania jurysdykcji w sądzie i urzędzie grodzkim przed i po zmianie prawa z lat 1589–1590.
This paper discusses the impact of sejmiks and Sejms on land law judiciary. Although suspending courts’ activities due to public convention was practised in Poland in the late Middle Ages, it was not prescribed in written land law until 1538. According to the constitution of 1538, the land courts of law should cease after sejmik that precedes Sejm was held. The administration of justice resumed when the Sejm finished. These rules were in force up to the late 80s, when new laws were passed. Land law judiciary (i.e. land, castrensial judicial, and castrensial official courts of law) should be suspended a week before sejmik (1590) and should resume two weeks after the Sejm ended (1589) thereunder. The aim of this paper is to present results of research on practical compliance with these principles. The object of study was the praxis of both castrensial judicial and castrensial official courts of law in Krakow in the years 1585–1620. The fundamental primary sources were books of records, which are preserved in the National Archives in Krakow. Within such chronological scope it was possible to establish how above-stated principles were followed in courts of law before and after revision of 1589–1590.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2022, 21, 1; 201-230
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wspomnienia o Profesorze Michale
Memories of Professor Michał
Grodziski, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Michał Patkaniowski
Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University
library collection
common court of law
Professor Dr. Michał Patkaniowski (1907–1972), a distinguished professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, had deserved his right to fame as an outstanding scholar and efficient organizer of academic life. His silhouette has been presented in numerous biographical notes, including the Polish Biographical Dictionary. Yet what seems particularly worthy of recalling here are his efforts to expand the library collection of the historical and legal chairs. Thanks to his efforts, the collection became enlarged by over 3000 books which had been withdrawn from the libraries of Krakow courts as well as from the libraries of other courts in Krakow’s surroundings
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2014, 7, 2; 365-368
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Apolityczność czy sprawiedliwość proceduralna? Zaufanie do sądowego wymiaru sprawiedliwości na tle innych instytucji publicznych w Polsce
Skąpska, Grażyna
Bryda, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The courts are crucial for political power legitimization, conflict resolution as well as harmonization of law and legal cultures of the EU Member States. Important factor in all these processes presents the public trust in the judiciary and in the law application by courts. This problem is of particular importance in the former communist countries, including Poland. In the first part of this paper, in the context of several socio-legal studies, the various historical and institutional (historical experiences, social and economic reforms) and subjective (personal contacts with the system of justice) factors are debated. These factors influence the level of trust to courts and judiciary. In the next two parts, the paper analyzes the results of surveys on the opinions about courts and judiciary conducted in Poland after 1989, and the results of our in-depth survey commissioned by the Polish, National Judiciary Council, conducted in 2009. In the conlusion of the paper we are debating the trust in courts against the background of other public institutions, in the context of political independence of courts and the procedural justice implementation. Both of them – political independence courts and fulfillment of procedural justice principle – are factors crucial for modernization and liberal democratic consolidation in the contemporary Poland.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2013, 1(208); 77-94
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sentencing Jews to work on Ottoman Naval Ships and in Forced Labor at the Imperial Arsenal from the Early 16th Century to 1839
Bornstein-Makovetsky, Leah
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Ottoman Empire
forced labour
Tersâne-i Amire
the galleas
Kapudan Paşa
Jewish leaders
Jewish court of law
The purpose of the article is to discuss punishments of kürek, i.e., penal servitude on the galleys, and forced labor at the Imperial Arsenal (Tersâne-i Amire), imposed on Jewish men by kadis and Ottoman governors during the 16th-19th centuries in the Ottoman Empire. The kürek (lit. “oar”) punishment was inflicted for serious crimes, e.g., adultery, heresy, prostitution, and coin-clipping, as well as other grave offenses for which the Shari'ah/Kanon prescribed the death penalty. At times it was also administered for lesser crimes. We learn that this punishment was administered particularly when the Ottoman navy needed more working hands, mainly after the Battle of Lepanto in October 1571 and during the campaign for the conquest of Crete in the 1660s. This punishment was meted out mainly to Jewish offenders from Istanbul and Izmir. The article discusses the execution of these punishments in light of many sources and draws conclusions in the light of extensive research literature. It devotes extensive discussion to the attitude of Jewish leaders, Jewish courts of law and individual Jews to these penalties both in theory and in practice.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 1; 421-442
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Franciszka Ksawerego Bohusza uwagi o prawie sądowym w podróżach po Europie poczynione
Franciszek Ksawery Bohusz’s Remarks on Court Law Made during His Travels around Europe
Mikołajczyk, Marian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
travels, civil law, criminal law, court proceedings, administration of punishments,
history of law
Franciszek Ksawery Bohusz (1746—1820), Jesuit and diocese priest after the dissolution of the monastery, was a man educated in philosophy, theology, and law. Between 1777—1778 and 1781—1782, he made long journeys abroad, during which he got to know Czechia, Germany, France, England, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland. These were the journeys of an intellectual, typical of the period of Enlightenment. Not only did he admire edifices worthy of interest, visit museums and libraries, but he also tried to gain knowledge of the political regimes, social and economic relations in the visited countries. His observations were diligently noted down in travel journals and finally edited upon his return to the country. A lot of comments concern court law: civil and criminal, particularly procedural law. The traveler was also interested in the administration of punishments. The references to law vary from extensive, comprehensive discussions of whole branches of law to prevailing brief mentions of particularly interesting legal institutions. The author attempts to offer a possible objective view of legal solutions he became familiar with, yet, does not always fully succeed. It is worth noting his commentaries on English law, which are not only exceptionally extensive, but also filled with not always well-justified praise. On the other hand, his evaluations of other legal systems, for instance Swiss, seem to be rather harsh and stereotypical. Nevertheless, Fr. Bohusz’s observations on court law in the visited countries deserve a thorough analysis since they let us assess their accuracy and the degree to which some foreign legal solutions found appreciation in his eyes.
Z Dziejów Prawa; 2018, 11, 2; 61-101
Pojawia się w:
Z Dziejów Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka słów o niezawisłości sądowej wedle art. 77-78 Konstytucji polskiej
A few words about judicial independence according to Articles 77-78 of the Polish Constitution of 1921
Starzyński, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Fundacja im. Aliny i Leszka Allerhandów
niezawisłość sędziowska w konstytucjach europejskich
niezawisłość sędziowska w Konstytucji marcowej z 1921 r.
court of law
judicial independence in European constitutions
judicial independence in the March Constitution of 1921
Artykuł ukazał się na łamach „Czasopisma Sędziowskiego” w 1931 r. Jest głosem jednego z najwybitniejszych konstytucjonalistów polskich, powszechnie szanowanego i uważanego za nestora wśród konstytucjonalistów, prof. Stanisława Starzyńskiego (1853-1935). Pozycję tego uczonego z Uniwersytetu Lwowskiego potwierdzają liczne opinie z epoki, w tym także to, że był on stałym konsultantem projektów konstytucji oraz wszelkich zmian w niej. Starzyński był mistrzem Ludwika Ehrlicha, którego artykuł przedrukowujemy niżej. W artykule prof. Starzyński koncentruje się na fundamencie trzeciej władzy czyli gwarancji niezawisłości i powiązanej z nią gwarancji nieusuwalności. Pomija kwestię powoływania sędziów, bo ta nie interesowała ustrojodawców XIX-wiecznych i XX-wiecznych – była drugorzędna w stosunku do fundamentalnej zasady niezawisłości i wynikającej z niej nieusuwalności. Gwarantowały je wszystkie konstytucje państw demokratycznych i praworządnych. W artykule dokonano jedynie drobnych korekt, wynikających z różnic w pisowni w 1931 i 2019 r., które służą większej czytelności tekstu.
The article was published in the „Czasopismo Sędziowskie” (“Magazine of the Judges”) in 1931. This is an intervention of Professor Stanisław Starzyński – one of the greatest Polish constitutionalists of the era who is widely respected and considered a nestor among constitutionalists. The position of this scholar from the University of Lwów is confirmed by numerous opinions from the era, including the fact that he was a permanent consultant with regard to drafts of the constitution and any modifications therein. Starzyński was a teacher of Ludwik Ehrlich whose article we reprint above. In the reprinted article, the scholar focuses on the foundation of the third power, i.e. the guarantee of independence and the associated guarantee of irremovability. He omits an issue of the appointment of the judges because this did not interest the nineteenth-century and the twentieth-century constitution-makers – it was secondary to the fundamental principle of independence and the irremovability resulting therefrom. All constitutions of democratic and law-abiding states guaranteed them.
Głos Prawa. Przegląd Prawniczy Allerhanda; 2019, 2, 2(4); 381-386
Pojawia się w:
Głos Prawa. Przegląd Prawniczy Allerhanda
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawda materialna czy prawda sądowa gwarancją praworządności?
Material truth or judicial truth as a guarantee of the rule of law
Boczek, Michał
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu
rule of law
Regardless of the times in which we live, the notion of truth blends with the notion of untruth, wisdom with stupidity, faith with unbelief, justice with injustice, and lawlessness with unrighteousness. Human attitudes appear to be permanent, although there are a number of instruments with which to change them. Because of mass media, law has entered every person's life. Good law can be corrupted and bad law can be repaired; the point is to be properly prepared for it and to take on such a challenge when required by a justified situation. Principles of the law, the less comprehensive and more understandable for the citizen, the better accepted by the society. The fewer ridiculous, stupid and nondescript verdicts, the closer the law to the judge and judge. Regulations, orders and prohibitions cannot be divorced from reality, they must keep up with the flow of time. Otherwise, law becomes lawlessness, justice becomes injustice, and the rule of law disappears. The quality of values will be whatever the demand is.
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development; 2020, 2(99); 21-31
Pojawia się w:
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
European Court of Human Rights Case Law on Genetic Information in the Scope of International Biomedical Law
Kwiatkowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
genetic data protection
the right to respect for private life
international biomedical law
European Court of Human Rights case law
The aim of the study is to analyze the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on genetic information in the scope of international biomedical law, as expressed in the International Declaration on Human Genetic Data and the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Human Dignity in the Field of Application of Biology and Medicine. The Court held that the genetic information is protected under the law of the Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The model of the right to respect for private life is reflected in its shape, as the Court noted in the Van der Velden v. The Netherlands and S. and Marper v. The United Kingdom cases. It leads to the conclusion that the provision of Article 8 of the Convention provides the protection of genetic information, subject to certain restrictions that are “in accordance with law” and “necessary in a democratic society”. Such conclusion is in compliance with art. 12, art. 17 (b) art. 21 (c) of the International Declaration on Human Genetic Data, and art. 11 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2020, 11; 119-137
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Submission of the point of law which raises serious doubts in civil proceedings for the resolution by the Supreme Court
Sekuła-Leleno, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
points of law
Supreme Court
uniformity of the case-law
The institution of questions of law, as a result of which the court ruling in the case is bound by the view of the Supreme Court expressed in its resolution, is an exception to the constitutional principle of subordination of judges solely to the Constitution and statues (Article 178(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland). The point of law which raises serious doubts because divergent interpretation of the same provision exist in the case-law could be submitted when in the opinion of the appellate court each of these interpretations can be adopted in view of its significant legal arguments, and neither the position of the jurisprudence nor the doctrine of law explains which interpretation should be chosen. The point of law submitted to the Supreme Court for resolution under Article 390(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure must meet three basic requirements. Firstly, the point of law must be of an abstract nature and concern the interpretation of legal provisions, as it is unacceptable to present to the Supreme Court a question of law simply to get an answer on how to settle the case. Secondly, the point of law needs to concern a legal doubt which needs to be clarified in order to examine the legal remedy; in other words, in order to use the right set forth in Article 390(1) of the CCP, a link must exist between the presented point of law and a decision to be made on the merits of the case, and such link needs to be demonstrated through the juridical consistency of the point of law formulated at the outset and the reasons thereto, and through the proper reference to the facts of the case in such generally defined question of law. Thirdly, the point of law to be resolved needs to concern a legal issue which raises serious doubts; if ordinary doubts arise, the court of second instance needs to settle them on its own. The significance of the issue or the discrepancies in the jurisprudence and literature regarding the ways of its resolutions are not per se independent premises for raising a question of law.
Ius Novum; 2023, 17, 2 ENG; 135-151
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Declaratio sententiae” w orzeczeniach Sądu Najwyższego Prawa Niemieckiego na zamku krakowskim. Część II
Rymaszewski, Zygfryd
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Sąd Najwyższy Prawa Niemieckiego na zamku krakowskim (Ius supremum Magdeburgense castri Cracoviensis)
pouczenie przez sąd wyższy
prawo niemieckie w Polsce
declaratio sententiae
The Supreme Court of Magdeburg Law at the castle of Kraków (Ius supremum Magdeburgense castri Cracoviensis)
instruction of the high court
Magdeburg law in Poland
Declaratio sententiae to wypowiedź sądu wydającego decyzję, wyjaśniająca sądowi a quo jego wątpliwości z tą decyzją związane. W drugiej połowie XV w. w praktyce Sądu Najwyższego Prawa Niemieckiego na zamku krakowskim pouczenia tego rodzaju występują bardzo często. Z pytaniami występują najczęściej sądy niższe, ale zdarzają się przypadki wystąpienia z zapytaniem przez stronę. Pytania dotyczą zarówno kwestii procesowych, jak i materialnych. Sąd Najwyższy, udzielając pouczenia, wytyka popełnione przez sąd a quo błędy, żąda dodatkowych wyjaśnień, wskazuje konieczne do wykonania czynności i ustala ich konsekwencje.
Declaratio sententiae is a statement of the court issuing the decision, explaining to the court a quo its doubts related to this decision. In the second half of the fifteenth century, in the practice of The Supreme Court of Magdeburg Law at the castle of Kraków, such instructions were very common. Frequently the lower courts issued questions, but there appeared some cases where a party made an inquiry as well. The questions related both to procedural and material matters. The Supreme Court, while giving instructions, pointed out the errors made by the court a quo, asked for further explanations, and indicated the actions necessary to be performed, determining their consequences.
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego; 2020, 23; 221-228
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postępowanie zabezpieczające na majątku przedsiębiorcy na podstawie regulacji prawa upadłościowego i naprawczego
Proceedings to Secure an Entrepreneur’s Property as Regulated by Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation Law
Szumlakowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
law of bankruptcy
Forced Manager
Court Manager
The entrepreneur is a legal entity which performs trade activities on his/her behalf in a consistent and organized way. A company goes into liquidation when it becomes an insolvent debtor and when it is heavily in debt. The Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation Law regulates proceedings of securing a debtor`s property before it is disposed of. Legal security of a debtor embraces actions of legal authorities , such as temporary Court Supervisor, Forced Management, Court Manager and Meeting of Creditors.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2012, 2
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Few aspects regarding the supremacy of the Romanian Constitution
Puran, Andra
Andreescu, Marius
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
principle of law
Constitutional Court of Romania
The scientific basis of the supremacy of the Constitution is an important issue of the practice and theory of constitutionality. This preoccupation is related to the role of the Constitution in the normative system, in the hierarchization of the norms, as well as to the place of the constitutional law in the legal system. The supremacy of Constitution has as main consequence the compliance of entire law with the constitutional norms. Guaranteeing of the observance of this principle is essential for the rule of law, is primarily an attribute of the Constitutional Court of Romania, but also an obligation of the legislator to receive by texts adopted, within its content and form, the constitutional norms.
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały; 2020, 1(26); 79-87
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Europejskie wyzwania wobec prawa zobowiązań
Marek, Safjan,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
specificity of European private law mechanisms
autonomy of concepts
impact of the European law on national obligation law: instruments
sources of tensions
role of the EU Court of Justice case-law
adopting legal framework proper for the coexistence of the national private law systems and the European private law
At the current stage of the European integration, the problems occurring as a result of the coexistence of the European private law, including contract law, and the national legal systems, find their origins in the differences in legal concepts underlying these legal orders, defined by different goals and hierarchies of values. In European private law, the tendency to protect the weaker party of the contractual relationship is stronger than in national legal systems, or at least some of them. This results from the fact that the European legislator confers particular importance to the consumer protection, employment, public health and access to the public utility services (transport, telecommunications and Internet services, energy). In these very fields, European law limits the parties’ formal autonomy in order to guarantee their actual autonomy. The regulatory functions of the European law determine the content of legal relationships in order to compensate the “deficiency of equality” by strengthening the weaker party and limiting the professional’s rights. By these means a perspective based on the distributive axiology rather than on the commutative function typical for the civilistic relationships is being introduced into private law. This trend is reflected in the EU Court of Justice case-law. The abovementioned tendencies clearly correspond with the ongoing evolution of the national systems of private law under the influence of European law. In other words, the impact of the European law is getting stronger, and this not only by way of introducing new regulations, but also due to the alteration of the methods of legal interpretation and applying the law, by putting emphasis on the wider context of legal mechanisms. This process leads more and more often to consequences, which legal scholars use to characterize as a “publicization” or “constitutionalisation” of the private law.
Studia Iuridica; 2016, 64; 43-60
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O roli orzecznictwa TSUE w procesie harmonizacji prawa Unii Europejskiej z prawem krajowym
The role of the ECJ case-law in the process of harmonization of EU law with national law
Będźmirowska, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
agricultural law
European Union law
the Court of Justice of the European Union
Upon entry into force of the accession treaty, Poland – as a member state of the European Union – became bound by the body of EU law (the acquis communautaire), including its primary and secondary law as well as the interpretation of EU law contained in the Court of Justice of the European Union case-law. Due to a very close approximation of Polish legislation to EU law – resulting from the obligation to consider, employ, and apply in the process of implementing the former a number of EU legal acts, i.e. regulations, directives, as well as acts of soft law such as guidelines and recommendations that are not acts of common law – the problem of the scope of application of EU law within the Polish legal system has occurred; this problem, or a gap in the legal sense, has been addressed and resolved, to a large extent, by case-law of the CJEU.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2016, 14; 329-340
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Correlation of Normative Resolutions with Normative Legal Acts
Zhaksylykuly, Karatayev Turdaly
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
normative resolutions
criminal law
In the given article the issues concerning normative resolutions which are given by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to criminal cases are pointed out. The structure and mechanism of normative resolutions are discussed. Correlation of normative legal acts are investigated. Normative legal acts consist of legal norms, they regulate and manage social relations. It means that, as the normative legal acts play an important role on the judicial sphere, they create, change the norms and even can stop their activity. Here we may include constitutional laws, codes, laws, all charters of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan which have legal power. Normative resolutions are equal for all, according to definite cases it is used not for one person, but for several people. Also, normative resolutions are used in accordance with legal acts, and until the used norm loses its power it can have definite power.
Reality of Politics; 2013, 4; 126-137
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Insolvency Forum Shopping – What Can Be Learned from the ECJ and US Supreme Court Case Law on International Company Law and Insolvency Procedures?
MyszkeNowakowska, Mirosława
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Centre of Main Interest
company law
European Court of Justice
forum shopping
US Supreme Court
The recast of the European Insolvency Regulation, which has been applicable from 26 June 2017, implements a philosophy of Euro universalism, according to which insolvency proceedings opened in a Member State where the debtor has its centre of main interests (COMI) should have a universal scope and encompass all the debtor’s assets situated throughout the EU. The wording of the Recast Regulation is intended to comply with the ECJ case law concerning COMI, such as Interedil, Eurofood, Bank Handlowy or Mediasucre judgments. Nevertheless, it is now questioned whether the Recast Regulation strengthens or rather weakens the COMI/registered office rebuttable presumption and opens the gate for insolvency forum shopping. As far as international company law is concerned, the issue of transfer of seat as well as forum shopping has been widely discussed. So far the ECJ has issued a series of judgments in which it has explained the European freedom of establishment and the crossborder activities of companies in the internal market. Similarly, the US Supreme Court has issued several significant decisions, such as CTP Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America, Edgar v. MITE Corp., and International Shoe Co. v. State of Washington, in which the limits of acceptable forum shopping are better delineated. Based on the aforementioned, it may be concluded that European harmonization measures facilitating crossborder mobility should additionally assist in achieving predictability and efficiency, as well as the economic viability and security of the operations under consideration. This contribution analyses and expounds on the lessons that can be learned from both the ECJ case law as well as US Supreme Court’s decisions on international company law, including an examination of their effect on insolvency forum shopping. There is no doubt that, if successful, harmonized legislation on these matters would be a great asset for the internal market.
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2017, 37; 203-222
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
De facto power grab in context: upgrading Rule of Law in Europe in populist times
Kochenov, Dimitry Vladimirovich
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Court of Justice
judicial independence
Rule of Law
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2020, 40; 197-208
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Następstwa derogacji przepisu przez Trybunał Konstytucyjny po uprawomocnieniu się wyroku sądu administracyjnego oraz w trakcie postępowania przed sądem administracyjnym
Consequences of the Constitutional Tribunal’s derogation of a law after a judgment of the administrative court becomes fi nal and during the proceedings before the administrative court
Jamiołkowski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland
Constitutional Court
judgment of the administrative court
proceedings before the administrative court
Supreme Court
dispute in the case law
This article aims to analyze and assess the impact of the repeal provision by the Constitutional Tribunal after a fi nal judgment of the administrative court and during proceedings before the administrative court. This problem is very complex and raises many controversies and disputes both in jurisprudence and in doctrine. The article analyzes in detail the judgments of administrative courts and the Supreme Court, showing their inconsistency.
Przegląd Prawniczy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland; 2014, 2; 127-134
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawniczy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Studentów Prawa ELSA Poland
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Protection of information rights and freedoms. International legal aspects
Sopilnyk, Rostyslav
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
civil rights
international law aspect
the judiciary
the Court of Appeal European Court
This article examines the protection of information rights and freedoms, international legal aspects, to improve justice for the protection of individual rights Information Appeal Court represent appropriate training, including - the practice of the European Court, they need to be supported seminars on judicial practice in this category cases.
Security Dimensions; 2014, 12(12); 125-130
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedstawienie do rozstrzygnięcia Sądowi Najwyższemu zagadnienia prawnego budzącego poważne wątpliwości w postępowaniu cywilnym
Submission of the point of law which raises serious doubts in civil proceedings for the resolution by the Supreme Court
Sekuła-Leleno, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
zagadnienie prawne
Sąd Najwyższy
jednolitość orzecznictwa
points of law
Supreme Court
uniformity of the case-law
Instytucja pytań prawnych, prowadząca do związania sądu orzekającego w danej sprawie poglądem Sądu Najwyższego, zawartym w podjętej uchwale, jest wyjątkiem od konstytucyjnej zasady podległości sędziów tylko Konstytucji oraz ustawom (art. 178 ust. 1 Konstytucji RP). Przedstawienie zagadnienia prawnego budzącego poważne wątpliwości w sytuacji występujących w orzecznictwie różnych wykładni tego samego przepisu będzie uzasadnione wtedy, gdy w ocenie sądu odwoławczego za przyjęciem każdej z tych wykładni przemawiają doniosłe, przedstawione przez ten sąd argumenty prawne, a wyboru właściwej wykładni nie wyjaśnia ani dotychczasowe stanowisko judykatury, ani doktryna prawa. Zagadnienie przedstawione do rozstrzygnięcia Sądowi Najwyższemu w trybie art. 390 § 1 k.p.c. musi odpowiadać trzem podstawowym wymaganiom. Po pierwsze, zagadnienie to musi mieć charakter abstrakcyjny i dotyczyć wykładni przepisów prawa, niedopuszczalne jest bowiem przedstawienie Sądowi Najwyższemu zagadnienia prawnego sprowadzającego się jedynie do pytania o sposób rozstrzygnięcia sprawy. Po drugie, zagadnienie to musi obejmować wątpliwość prawną, której wyjaśnienie jest niezbędne do rozpoznania środka odwoławczego, co oznacza, że dla skorzystania z uprawnienia przewidzianego w art. 390 § 1 k.p.c. konieczny jest związek między przedstawionym zagadnieniem prawnym a podjęciem decyzji co do istoty sprawy, na istnienie którego musi wskazywać jurydyczna spójność sformułowanego zagadnienia i jego uzasadnienia, a także nawiązanie w ogólnie postawionym pytaniu do stanu faktycznego sprawy. Po trzecie wreszcie, przedmiotem zagadnienia przedstawionego do rozstrzygnięcia musi być kwestia prawna budząca rzeczywiście poważne wątpliwości; w razie powstania zwykłych wątpliwości sąd drugiej instancji obowiązany jest rozwiązywać je we własnym zakresie. Samoistnej przesłanki wystąpienia z pytaniem prawnym nie stanowią natomiast ani waga zawierającego się w nim problemu, ani też rozbieżności w orzecznictwie i piśmiennictwie co do sposobu jego rozwiązania.
The institution of questions of law, as a result of which the court ruling in the case is bound by the view of the Supreme Court expressed in its resolution, is an exception to the constitutional principle of subordination of judges solely to the Constitution and statues (Article 178, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland). The point of law which raises serious doubts because divergent interpretation of the same provision exist in the case-law could be submitted when in the opinion of the appellate court each of these interpretations can be adopted in view of its significant legal arguments, and neither the position of the jurisprudence nor the doctrine of law explains which interpretation should be chosen. The point of law submitted to the Supreme Court for resolution under Article 390(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure must meet three basic requirements. Firstly, the point of law must be of an abstract nature and concern the interpretation of legal provisions, as it is unacceptable to present to the Supreme Court a question of law simply to get an answer on how to settle the case. Secondly, the point of law needs to concern a legal doubt which needs to be clarified in order to examine the legal remedy; in other words, in order to use the right set forth in Article 390(1) of the CCP, a link must exist between the presented point of law and a decision to be made on the merits of the case, and such link needs to be demonstrated through the juridical consistency of the point of law formulated at the outset and the reasons thereto, and through the proper reference to the facts of the case in such generally defined question of law. Thirdly, the point of law to be resolved needs to concern a legal issue which raises serious doubts; if ordinary doubts arise, the court of second instance needs to settle them on its own. The significance of the issue or the discrepancies in the jurisprudence and literature regarding the ways of its resolutions are not per se independent premises for raising a question of law.
Ius Novum; 2023, 17, 2; 140-157
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Criteri di ragionamento giuridico presso sistemi legali contemporanei
The criteria of legal reasoning in the contemporary legal systems
Kryteria rozumowania prawnego na przykładzie orzecznictwa sądowego we współczesnych systemach prawnych
Michowicz, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
comparative law
civil law
common law
canon law
court sentence
reasoning of
the judgment
orzeczenie sdowe
Zamierzeniem niniejszego artykułu jest nakreślenie procesu kształtowania się ostatecznego wyroku sądowego na przykładzie współczesnych systemów prawnych jak civil law, common law wraz z uwzględnieniem prawa kanonicznego. Celem lepszego zrozumienia rozumowego procesu dochodzenia do wyroku sądowego, konieczna była synteza cech charakterystycznych dla każdej z wyżej wymienionych ordynacji prawnych wraz z lekturą wybranych wyroków sądowych, zwłaszcza Najwyższych Trybunałów określonego państwa. Pod uwagę czytelnika został poddany również proces logicznego rozumowania i argumentacji orzeczenia sądowego z uwzględnieniem ram systemowych (sensu largo) każdej ordynacji. Idea rozważań stawia sobie za cel poszukiwania możliwego wspólnego mianownika dla wybranych ordynacji prawnych w kwestii ostatecznego wyroku sądowego, wskazując istotność argumentacji (jak również jej konieczność) i użyteczność technik logicznych w dochodzeniu do odkrycia prawdy materialnej procesu i określenia praw i obowiązków stron po procesie.
This paper focuses on the process of arriving at final judgments in different legal systems of today, such as civil law, common law, and also canon law. In order to better understand this process, the Author presents the historical development of each legal order, highlighting its characteristics, providing selected court judgments, especially the highest courts of a given state. The emphasis is placed on the motivation process so as to satisfy the claims of the parties involved in a judicial dispute. Furthermore, the Author discusses the techniques of logic, represented in every system of positive rules, which favour the discovery of the objective truth. The main purpose of the paper is to find a common denominator for the selected legal systems in terms of judicial proceedings, emphasizing the weight of argumentation and usefulness of logical techniques used towards the discovery of the substantive truth in judicial process and the determination of rights and obligations of parties to a case.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2014, 24, 1; 93-108
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
International and Municipal Law before the World Court: One or Two Legal Orders?
Tomka, Peter
Howley, Jessica
Proulx, Vincent-Joël
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
International Court of Justice
Permanent Court of International Justice
international courts
international tribunals
international law
domestic law
judicial interpretation
This article provides an overview of the approach taken by the International Court of Justice and its predecessor, the Permanent Court of International Justice, to questions of municipal law. Beginning with an outline of the theoretical framework, it discusses the conventional position that domestic law is a factual issue for the Court, before considering the ways in which the two Courts have utilised municipal law. It also considers to what extent the Court employs domestic law in ascertaining international legal rules.
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2015, 35; 11-46
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Book review: Robert Kolb, The International Court of Justice, Hart Publishing, Oxford: 2013
Krzan, Bartlomiej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
book review
International Court of Justice
international law
Review of a book: Robert Kolb, The International Court of Justice, Hart Publishing, Oxford: 2013
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2014, 34; 313-317
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Use of Comparative Law by Judges in Private and Commercial Law Cases
Witold, Kowalczyk,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
comparative law
judge made law
private law comparison
uses of comparative law by judges
US Supreme Court
Autor w artykule analizuje zagadnienie problemu wykorzystywania prawa porównawczego przez sędziów orzekających w sprawach cywilnych i handlowych. Założeniem wyjściowym dla analizy jest fakt, że odwołania do prawa obcego przez sędziów krajowych występują bardzo rzadko. Zdarzają się one czasem w prawie publicznym, ale nie istnieją niemalże w ogóle w prawie prywatnym. Autor stawia tezę zakładającą, że stosowanie przez sędziów prawa porównawczego przy orzekaniu w sprawach cywilnych i handlowych powinno stać się regułą. Tezę tę uzasadniono, używając dwóch argumentów. Po pierwsze, autor przedstawia zalety, jakie niesie ze sobą wykorzystywanie prawa porównawczego w orzecznictwie cywilnym oraz możliwości jakie przedstawia w kontekście coraz dalej idącego ujednolicania systemów prawnych. Po drugie, autor daje uzasadnienie prawne powoływania się przez sądy krajowe na prawo zagraniczne i wyjaśnia, dlaczego taka praktyka jest dopuszczalna de lege lata oraz jak można by ją rozpowszechnić de lege ferenda.
Studia Iuridica; 2016, 62; 169-179
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Book review: Lukasz Gruszczynski, Wouter Werner (eds.), Deference in International Courts and Tribunals: Standard of Review and Margin of Appreciation, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2014
Mik, Cezary
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
book review
international law
international court
margin of appreciation
standard of review
Review of a book: Lukasz Gruszczynski, Wouter Werner (eds.), Deference in International Courts and Tribunals: Standard of Review and Margin of Appreciation, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2014
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2014, 34; 305-308
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podejmowanie i wykonywanie działalności prowadzonej na własny rachunek w świetle prawa Unii Europejskiej
Right to take up and pursue activities by self-employed persons in the light of the European Union law
Jaroszyński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
European Union law
freedom of establishment
Court of Justice of the European Union
The paper is focused on discussing grounds for restricting the freedom of establishment as settled by the CJEU in C-55/94, Gebhard. The analysis shows that the possibility of imposing restrictions on economic activity should be carefully examined at the stage of adoption of national law, as it falls to the Member State to prove that national provisions meet conditions laid down in the EU legislation and the CJEU case law.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2020, 3(67); 9-34
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Appending the enforcement clause of the redress of damage stated in the Article 72 § 2 of the Code of Criminal law
Pilarczyk, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Criminal law
Supreme Court
redress of damage
enforcement clause
penal measure
The study aims on selected problems associated with appending the enforcement clause on the redress of damage in Polish Criminal law. The difference between the redress of damage as a penal measure and as a probationary measure outlined by The Polish Supreme Court is significant for the analysed perspective. The author indicates that the Supreme Court claims, that a probationary measure enforcement clause could be put on the redress of damage only after the expiration of a period of time appointed by the court to the perpetrator to compensate for the harm caused by a crime. Due to the outlined interpretation by the Polish Supreme Court the author finds the presented statement as not rightful due to the wrong interpretation of the law and flagrant infringement of rights of the victims of the crimes.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2013, 2; 131-141
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tekst pozwu sądowego w polskiej kodyfikacji prawa magdeburskiego z XVI wieku
The Text of a Court Summons in Polish Codification of Magdeburg Law from the 16th Century
Kość, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
court summons
model of a text
text structure
Magdeburg Law
In Porządek sądów i spraw miejskich prawa majdeburskiego w Koronie Polskiej published in Cracow in 1559 Bartłomiej Groicki had codified with respect to law regulations the text of a court summons. This codification also comprised the linguistic layer of the summons. The model of a summons text had been its oral and written text realizations in the court practice both in Polish and in Latin, which were previously known from mediaeval Polish, and also legal regulations included in professional legal literature written in Latin.Numerous reprints of Porządek sądów…, used through centuries in the court practice in Poland, contributed to the popularization and preservation of a summons in linguistic awareness of court officials and participants of court trials as a standard official utterance
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2015, 22, 1; 91-106
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The interpretation of the notion of public interest in Polish public competition law according to the judgement of the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection of February 4, 2015 (XVII AmA 163/11)
RADUŁA, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu
public competition law
public interest
Court of Competition and Consumer Protection
The notion of a public interest in administrative law science and in the administration science occupies the central position in the notion chart. Consequently, it is also the main notion of public protection of competition. The legislator has not decided to present a definition of “the public interest” in the Competition and Consumer Protection Law Act. As a result, interpretation of the concept is largely dependent on the judicature. The aim of the paper is to analyse the notion of a public interest and its interpretation both in science and in practice of law application.
Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics (CEEJME); 2017, No. 2; 131-145
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics (CEEJME)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Chilling Effect” in the Judicial Decisions of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal as an Example of a Legal Transplant
Chybalski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Constitutional law
comparative law
legal transplant
Polish Constitutional Tribunal
European Court of Human Rights
The paper is dedicated to describing the way of reception by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal of the “chilling effect”, i.e. an institution related to such activities of public authorities that form an indirect act of deterrence regarding the execution of constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms, esp. the freedom of expression. The discussed concept has originated in judicial decisions of the US Supreme Court and has spread into many contemporary legal systems, including jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Although it is evident that the Tribunal “took over” that concept from the ECHR, it in fact developed its own, unfortunately internally inconsistent, understanding of the chilling effect. Four different ways of application of chilling effect may be noticed in judicial decisions of the Polish CT, while only two of them reflect the perception of this institution by the US Supreme Court and the ECHR.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2022, 48, 1; 209-234
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące transgranicznej zmiany miejsca zwykłego pobytu dziecka, którego rodzice żyją w rozłączeniu
Selected Issues Regarding a Cross-Border Change of Habitual Residence of a Child Whose Parents Live Apart
Wojewoda, Michał
Kostwiński, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
parental responsibility
applicable law
recognition of court settlements
enforcement of foreign judgments
The article attempts to capture and analyse selected issues regarding parental responsibility in the event of a trans-border change of habitual residence of a child whose parents live apart in different countries when parents need to change the existing arrangements concerning their parental responsibilities and, in particular, the existing right of access with regard to the child. For clarification purposes, various problems which are covered by the article have been discussed using a case-study method with Polish-Italian family relations in the background. The main issues raised by the authors relate to the law applicable to parental responsibility as well as jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments (including court settlements) in matters of parental responsibility. Some attention is devoted also to the possibility of securing the implementation of court judgments made with regard to the parents’ right of access.
Forum Prawnicze; 2020, 2 (58); 22-39
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of Article 316 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedurę in the appeals against decisions of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications
Dąbrowski, Łukasz Dawid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Office of Electronic Communications
civil procedure
Telecommunications Law
court’s cognition
In cases specified in Article 206 par. 2 of the Act on the Telecommunications Law, telecom- munications entrepreneurs have the right to appeal to the Court of Competition and Con- sumer Protection in Warszawa. All provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, including Ar¬ticle 316 of the CCP, apply to the CCCP procedure. Article 316 of the CCP concerns one of the basic issues of civil procedure, i.e. basis for judgement. However, the application thereof in telecommunications cases provokes certain reflections which lead to the conclusion in compliance with which Article 316 of the CCP is applicable in telecommunications cases when the specificity of these cases is taken into account, especially the fact that the CCCP procedure is supervisory in nature and checks the regulatory activities of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications. The paper analyses judicial decisions of ordinary courts and the Supreme Court in telecommunications cases, as well as social security and energy regulation cases, which due to the major similarities of appeals against decisions is- sued by ZUS and the President of ERO, and appeals against decisions issued by the President of the OEC, may be per analogiam applied to telecommunication cases.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2020, 31, 3; 5-21
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dnia 3 grudnia 2015 r. (sygn. akt K 34/15)
Commentary on the Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 3 December 2015 (Ref. No. K 34/15)
Rulka, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
sąd konstytucyjny
rządy prawa
constitutional court
rule of law
Glosowane orzeczenie dotyczy głośnego problemu wyboru sędziów Trybunału Konstytucyjnego na stanowiska opróżniane w okresie przypadającym na zakończenie dotychczasowej kadencji parlamentu i rozpoczęcia nowej jego kadencji. Autor dokonuje krytycznej oceny wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego.
The ruling relates to the problem of selection judges of the Constitutional Court on the positions vacated between end of the current parliamentary term and start of new tenure. The author criticizes the judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem; 2017, 9, 1; 119-136
Pojawia się w:
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Finansowe aspekty prowadzenia działalności w zakresie zakładów wzajemnych
Skowronek, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
mutual bets
case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
zakłady wzajemne
orzecznictwo Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej
This study was devoted to the analysis of the conditions for the organization of mutual bets, regulations on the basis of which the activity in this area is carried out and the rules of their taxation with gambling tax. Undoubtedly mutual betting, being a type of gambling must be subject to strict regulations and in some cases restrictions. The reason for these restrictions is the fact that gambling brings threats, in particular, addiction to games. The answer to the danger of addiction is the introduction of a number of barriers and financial restrictions for the activities related to the organization of mutual bets. At the same time, one should be aware that the introduction of regulation of any sphere of economic activity must be in accordance with European Union regulations regarding freedoms, e.g. in the area of the flow of services. Therefore, it is important to analyze the financial aspects related to mutual betting and to assess it from the point of view of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Niniejsze opracowanie zostało poświęcone analizie warunków urządzania zakładów wzajemnych – regulacji, na podstawie których prowadzona jest działalność w tym zakresie oraz zasad ich opodatkowania podatkiem od gier hazardowych. Niewątpliwie zakłady wzajemne, stanowiąc rodzaj hazardu, muszą podlegać ścisłym regulacjom oraz – w niektórych przypadkach – ograniczeniom. Powodem tych ograniczeń jest fakt, że hazard niesie za sobą zagrożenia, w tym w szczególności uzależnienie od gier. Odpowiedzią na niebezpieczeństwo uzależnienia jest wprowadzanie szeregu barier i restrykcji finansowych dla działalności związanej z organizowaniem zakładów wzajemnych. Jednocześnie należy mieć świadomość, że wprowadzenie reglamentacji jakiejkolwiek sfery działalności gospodarczej musi pozostawać w zgodzie z regulacjami Unii Europejskiej dotyczącymi swobód np. w zakresie przepływu usług. Istotna jest zatem analiza finansowych aspektów związanych z zakładami wzajemnymi oraz poddanie jej ocenie z punktu widzenia orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio G (Ius); 2020, 67, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio G (Ius)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Significance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration judgment of 12 July 2016 in the South China Sea Case no 2013–19 to selected issues of international law of the sea
Karski, Karol
Mielniczek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
the international law of the Sea
the Permanent Court of Arbitration
‘military activities’
South China Sea Arbitration case No 2013–19 was an arbitration case brought by the Philippines against China at the Permanent Court of Arbitration. As China did not accept the arbitration initiated by the Philippines, what significance can bear this PCA ’s judgment? The 501 pages-long award on such an important matter as adjudicated thereof contains a lot of new insights on international law of the Sea and related fields. In this case note, we highlight some of the most interesting legal issues addressed by the Court. First, we outline international legal norms applicable to each question. Then, we present how the Court interpreted them and applied to given circumstances of the case. After presenting final holdings on each of selected issues, we refer to opinions of legal scholars and jurists to indicate, how reasoning adopted by the Court may affect application of international law in similar cases.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2017, 20, 4; 107-123
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie prawa unijnego do naruszeń praworządności przez państwo członkowskie
Application of EU law to violations of the rule of law by a Member State
Woźniak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie
prawo unijne
naruszenia praworządności
Trybunał Sprawiedliwości UE
EU law
violations of the rule of law
Court of Justice of the EU
Aby zrozumieć, czy i dlaczego prawo Unii Europejskiej powinno znajdować zastosowanie do naruszeń praworządności przez państwo członkowskie, należy sięgnąć przede wszystkim do aktów prawnych UE. Jednakże ze względu na fakt, że prawo unijne odzwierciedla aksjologię i cele wspólnoty europejskiej, znajomość tych czynników będzie pomocna przy wykładni traktatów i innych dokumentów. Idea praworządności zaczerpnięta z konstytucyjnej tradycji państw członkowskich ma fundamentalne znaczenie dla Unii Europejskiej. z tego względu wielokrotnie odwołują do niej traktaty, orzeczenia Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE, rezolucje, komunikaty etc. Racjonalnym następstwem zrozumienia istotności przestrzegania prawa i szacunku państw do wspólnej aksjologii, jest przyznanie organom unijnym kompetencji, aby ingerować w sytuacje, gdzie to prawo nie jest respektowane. Tak też zbudowany jest system prawny UE, na mocy którego szczególnie Komisja, lecz także Parlament i Rada otrzymały kompetencje do interweniowania w razie naruszania praworządności przez państwo członkowskie.
In order to understand whether and why European Union law should apply to violations of the rule of law by a Member State, we should first of all refer to EU legal acts. However, due to the fact that EU law reflects the axiology and goals of the European community, knowledge of these factors will be helpful in interpreting treaties and other documents. The idea of the rule of law, drawn from the constitutional tradition of the Member States, is of fundamental importance for the European Union. for this reason, it is repeatedly referred to in treaties, judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU, resolutions, communications, etc. The rational consequence of understanding the importance of compliance with the law and the respect of states to a common axiology is granting EU bodies the competence to interfere in situations where this right is not respected. This is also how the EU legal system is built, under which notably the Commission, but also Parliament and the Council, have been given powers to intervene in cases of violations of the rule of law by a Member State.
Zeszyt Naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie; 2018, 48; 53-63
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyt Naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyrok Federalnego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego RFN w sprawach dotyczących decyzji Europejskiego Banku Centralnego
Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in matters related to decisions of the European Central Bank
Jaśkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
principle of proportionality
judicial review of legality of EU law
Federal Constitutional Court
European Central Bank
European Union
Court of Justice of the EU
The FCC took the position that it was bound by the judgments of the CJEU as long as the latter applied certain methods of interpretation and its judgments are not objectively arbitrary. In the case at hand, the FCC found that the CJEU manifestly failed to take into account the meaning and scope of the proportionality principle. Ultimately, the FCC independently assessed the ECB’s decisions in the light of primary EU law, while adjudicating on the consequences of finding them to be defective for the German authorities.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2020, 3(67); 107-111
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
International judicial precedent: features, types, significance
Boyko, Inna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
international courts
court decision
judicial practice
established jurisprudence
source of international law
The author’s concept of the essence of international judicial precedent is offered, claiming that international courts perform a law-making function. The author is convinced that 1) “jurisprudence constante” (established jurisprudence) is synonymous with judicial precedent; 2) precedent decisions are created by international courts as a consequence of the settlement of similar disputes, the issues of which are either vaguely regulated or not regulated at all by the norms of international law; 3) judicial precedent, as part of an international court decision, should be considered a formal source of international law; 4) judicial precedents should be included in the list of formal sources of international law, which are subsidiary sources. Given the numerous views on the nature, content, legal force of precedent decisions of international courts, it is proposed the definition of judicial precedent, which takes into account the characteristics of modern international relations. An international judicial precedent is a decision that contains legal positions that either clarify the content of the current rule or formulate a new rule. Such decisions shall be considered by the court which made them or by another court (or arbitral tribunal) in considering such a similar case; they are imperatively binding on the dispute parties, as well as politically binding on third actors of international law. The establishment by the court of a rule in the form of a legal position should be considered as a natural process in international law-making. A legal position can exist as a formula, which is initially a mandatory requirement of the motivating part of a court decision, but if such a legal position is repeated in subsequent decisions, it becomes an international custom, in particular, it becomes legally binding for an indefinite number of similar relations, or such a legal position is included in text of an international treaty. As the law-making function of international courts raises questions, there are offered the author’s definitions of “international judicial law-making”, “soft law”, “international judicial precedent”, “precedent of interpretation”, “vertical international judicial precedent”, “horizontal international judicial precedent”.
Reality of Politics; 2022, 21; 26-42
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enforceability of Regulatory Decisions and Protection of Rights of Telecommunications Undertakings
Dudzik, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
telecommunication law
national regulatory authorities
enforceability of regulatory decisions
provisional court protection
The article discusses problems of enforceability of regulatory decisions issued by the Polish regulatory authority – the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) in the context of the protection of the rights of electronic undertakings. The author refers to the standards for implementing decisions and provisional protection developed in the law of the Council of Europe and Community legislation, including Framework Directive 2002/21/EC. He also analyses Polish legal regulations which introduce European solutions, including regulations implementing Community framework for electronic communications, into the national legal order. Special attention is devoted to the competence of Polish administrative courts and the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection in suspending the enforcement of contested regulatory decisions. The author also points to significant gaps in existing national regulations and postulates the introduction of necessary legislative changes to better protect the rights of telecommunications undertakings.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2008, 1(1); 81-108
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
European Standard for the Protection of Patients’ Lives
Kwiatkowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
human rights law
case-law of the European Court of Human Rights
European standard for the protection of patients’ lives
The aim of the study it to reconstruct the European standard for the protection of patients’ lives in its substantive and procedural aspects. In the case-law of the bodies of the system of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the scope of the state authorities’ substantive and procedural obligation to protect the right to life in the health care system was defined for the first time by the European Commission of Human Rights in the decision of 22 May 1995 in Mehmet Işıltan v. Turkey, and then repeated in the case-law of the reformed Court in the decision on the admissibility in Powell v. United Kingdom. The study of the European standard for the protection of patients’ lives traces its history, from Mehmet Işıltan v. Turkey and Powell v. United Kingdom; through developments of the meaning of its substantive limb, as illustrated by Mehmet and Bekir Senturk v. Turkey, Asiye Genc v. Turkey, Aydogdu v. Turkey, and Elena Cojocaru v. Romania; to developments of the meaning of its procedural limb, as exemplified by Calvelli and Ciglio v. Italy, Wojciech Byrzykowski v. Poland, Šilih v. Slovenia, and Gray v. Germany; and finally covers the Court’s attempt to sum up its previous approach to the European standard for the protection of patients’ lives, as expressed in the case of Lopes de Sousa Fernandes v. Portugal.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2022, 14; 119-137
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The execution of European Arrest Warrants issued by Polish courts in the context of the CJEU Rule of Law case law
Saganek, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Court of Justice of the European Union
European Arrest Warrant
rule of law
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2020, 40; 275-295
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Łuczak, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Supreme Administrative Court
cassation complaint
grounds for complaint
bounds to a cassation complaint
EU law
principle of effectiveness
a court’s application of EU law of its own motion.
Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny
skarga kasacyjna
podstawy kasacyjne
granice skargi kasacyjnej
prawo UE
zasada skuteczności
stosowanie przez sąd prawa UE z urzędu.
SummaryThe aim of this article was to determine whether in certain cassation cases heard by the Polish Supreme Administrative Count (SAC) there may be an obligation resting on this court to take EU law into consideration of its own motion, on the grounds of the EU principle of effectiveness. The article is divided into three parts. The first part describes the grounds for cassation and the bounds to the SAC’s adjudication. The second part presents the principle of effectiveness and the way in which it is applied with respect to Poland’s domestic procedural regulations. Te last part examines three conditions for the construction of grounds for complaint from the point of view of the principle of effectiveness. The following conclusions may be drawn from my study. On the one hand, there is no obligation for the SAC to apply EU law of its own motion if no grounds for cassation have been drawn up on the basis of EU law at all, or if they have been formulated incorrectly, without a specification which provision of EU law has been breached. But on the other hand the SAC is obliged to take EU law into consideration in the event of a renewed complaint should it turn out that its original verdict was incompatible with the preliminary ruling issued by the EU Court of Justice.
StreszczenieCelem artykułu było ustalenie, czy dla NSA rozpoznającego sprawę w granicach skargi kasacyjnej, może w określonych przypadkach powstać obowiązek uwzględnienia z urzędu prawa UE, na podstawie zasady skuteczności, która wynika z prawa UE. Artykuł obejmuje trzy części. W pierwszej scharakteryzowano podstawy kasacyjne i zasadę związania NSA granicami skargi kasacyjnej. Druga dotyczy treści zasady skuteczności i sposobu korzystania z niej w odniesieniu do krajowych reguł procesowych. W ostatniej części zbadano trzy warunki konstrukcji podstawy kasacyjnej pod kątem zasady skuteczności. Wnioski są następujące. Z jednej strony, obowiązek uwzględnienia przez NSA z urzędu prawa UE nie powstaje wtedy, gdy w skardze kasacyjnej w ogóle nie sformułowano podstawy kasacyjnej dotyczącej naruszenia prawa UE, jak również gdy sformułowano ją nieprawidłowo, bez wskazania konkretnego przepisu prawa UE. Z drugiej strony, obowiązek ten wchodzi w grę przy ponownej skardze kasacyjnej wniesionej w tej samej sprawie gdy okaże się, że wykładnia prawa UE ustalona we wcześniejszym orzeczeniu NSA, jest niezgodna z wyrokiem prejudycjalnym TSUE.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2017, 17, 3
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Discrepancies Between the Application of the Right of Defence and the Culture of the Criminal Process
Kowalczyk-Ludzia, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
the right of defence
the culture of proceedings
effectiveness of proceedings
court mistakes
the rule of law
The importance of ethical boundaries in the exercise of the right of defence has been written about for a long time. The defendants’ use of the entitlement granted to them by the legislator (Article 6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) should harmonise with respecting the culture of criminal proceedings. Meanwhile, as practice has demonstrated, the culture of ongoing proceedings often remains outside the required standards of the process. The use of so-called “evasive defence”, assessment of participants to the proceedings through the prism of stereotypes, demonstrating offensive behaviour towards representatives of procedural bodies, or a superficial analysis of the evidence collected reinforce the negative perception of the course of proceedings, thus promoting inappropriate procedural patterns. Furthermore, these situations form the basis for the emergence of judicial mistakes, which usually leave a lasting mark on the further fate of the plaintiff in court. In accordance with theoretical assumptions, effectiveness in the exercise of rights of defence (Article 6 of the CCP) should correlate not only with the fundamental objectives of criminal proceedings (Article 2 of the CCP) but also with well-established assumptions that comply with the standards of diligence as broadly understood, along with the fulfilment of the procedural guarantees of the parties to the proceedings. This paper focuses on crucial issues related to the ethical boundaries of the exercise of the rights of defence. The issues discussed herein are supported by conclusions drawn from the analysis of the outcomes of case studies.
Internal Security; 2018, 10(1); 45-56
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między ideą a praktyką ustrojową: o drodze Austrii do sądu konstytucyjnego
Between the Idea and the Systemic Practice. On the Way of Austria to the Constitutional Court
Dziadzio, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
constitutional court
abstract and concrete control of the constitutionality of law
Georg Jellinek
Hans Kelsen
The aim of the article is to show that the concentrated system of constitutional protection in the republic of Austria – commonly referred to as the Kelsen sys- tem – was a legacy of the systemic practice and legal thought from the times of the Habsburg monarchy. The model of constitutional protection adopted in 1920 was based principally on the legal structures of old Austria, adapted to the new federal state system. The analysis of legal grounds of the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Tribunal suggests that there occurred a transfer of legal solutions to the republican constitutional order rather than the emergence of a new type of constitutional judiciary that would protect the objective constitutional order by means of abstract control of the constitutionality of law. The control of the constitutionality of law in Austria at the time was, in principle, concrete. The article also provides justification for the idea that it is Georg Jellinek to whom we owe the idea of abstract control of the constitutionality of law. Even though it was revitalized by H. Kelsen, it did not become part of the constitutional protection model in the First Austrian Republic.
Forum Prawnicze; 2018, 3 (47); 3-16
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of the Judiciary in Effective Enforcement of Competition Law in New Jurisdictions: the Case of Kosovo
Mucaj, Avdylkader
Zejna, Isuf
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
competition law enforcement
role of judiciary
commercial court
private enforcement
stand-alone actions
This paper aims to discuss the role of the judiciary in the effective, or ineffective, enforcement of competition law. It analyses those jurisdictions that can still be considered ‘new’ in the field of competition law, in particular the case of Kosovo, and by using qualitative research methods. The paper addresses the main findings characterizing the weak enforcement of competition law by the judiciary in Kosovo over a period of a decade, that is, from when the courts have started hearing competition cases since 2010. On the other hand, the paper places special attention to the establishment of the Commercial Court in Kosovo in 2022, which now has jurisdiction over the judicial review of competition decisions. The last part of the paper considers recent legal changes in the field of private enforcement of competition law. Kosovo’s new competition legislation, approved in 2022, expressly provides for the right to compensation for damage.
Cet article vise à examiner le rôle du pouvoir judiciaire dans l’application du droit de la concurrence, qu’elle soit efficace ou inefficace. Il analyse les juridictions qui peuvent encore être considérées comme « nouvelles » dans le domaine du droit de la concurrence, en particulier le cas du Kosovo, en utilisant des méthodes de recherche qualitatives. Cet article aborde les principales conclusions caractérisant la faible application du droit de la concurrence par le système judiciaire au Kosovo sur une période de dix ans, c’est-à-dire à partir du moment où les tribunaux ont commencé à entendre des affaires de concurrence en 2010. D’autre part, l’article accorde une attention particulière à la création du Tribunal de commerce du Kosovo en 2022, qui est désormais compétent pour le contrôle judiciaire des décisions en matière de concurrence. La dernière partie du présent article examine les changements juridiques récents dans le domaine de l’application privée du droit de la concurrence. La nouvelle législation kosovare sur la concurrence, approuvée en 2022, prévoit expressément le droit à la réparation des dommages.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2023, 16, 27; 133-152
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the European Union
Lipiec, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
Professional Qualifications
Ski Instructor
European Union
Internal Market
Court of Justice
The case of the English ski instructor Simon Butler working in France is the best example of the malfunctioning of the professional-qualifications recognition system in Europe. The practice of European and national administration as well as the jurisprudence of the CJEU and French courts shows how important and complex the subject of qualification recognition is. A review of administrative practices and an analysis of case law show the positive and negative sides of the EU's qualification recognition system. The European Commission is carrying out numerous activities aimed at improving said system. The latest solutions make the idea of qualification without borders a reality. The most important task is to examine the changes and legislative proposals of the European Union, analyse the case of Simon Butler and present proposals for changes against the background of activities undertaken throughout the Union. They should be realised through legal research methods and non-reactive social methods.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2021, 25, 2; 93-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 31 maja 2022 r., III CZP 28/22. Gdy dziecko pozywa rodzica o ochronę dóbr osobistych w postaci więzi rodzinnych
Comment on the Order of the Supreme Court of May 31, 2022, III CZP 28/22. When a Child brings an Action against a Parent for the Protection of Personal Goods in the Form of Family Ties
Strus-Wołos, Monika
Data publikacji:
Fundacja im. Aliny i Leszka Allerhandów
case law of the Supreme Court
family relations
personal goods
the family tie
This is a detailed comment featuring a historical analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision mentioned in the title. The author adopts an unequivocal position in relation to the issue of family ties as a personal good.
Głos Prawa. Przegląd Prawniczy Allerhanda; 2022, 5, 1 (9); 93-101
Pojawia się w:
Głos Prawa. Przegląd Prawniczy Allerhanda
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rights of parties to an impartial court in the light of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights
Prawa stron do bezstronnego sądu w świetle orzecznictwa Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka
Kubas, Sabina
Hurova, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
prawa człowieka
Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka
human rights
case law
European Court of Human Rights
Prawa człowieka to wolności, środki ochrony oraz świadczenia, których respektowania właśnie jako praw, zgodnie ze współcześnie akceptowanymi wolnościami, wszyscy ludzie powinni móc domagać się od społeczeństwa, w którym żyją (Encyclopedia… 1985: p. 502). Zaufanie społeczne do władzy sądowniczej zależy od wielu czynników. Jednym z nich jest bezstronność sędziów, rozumiana najogólniej jako niekierowanie się uprzedzeniami wobec stron i uczestników postępowania oraz brak zainteresowania w sprawie. Fundamentalne znaczenie tej wartości w sprawowaniu wymiaru sprawiedliwości sprawia, że prawo określa jej szczegółowe gwarancje, takie jak zasady wyznaczania składów orzekających, jawność postępowania, obowiązek uzasadnienia rozstrzygnięcia, a także możliwość wyłączenia sędziego od udziału w postępowaniu ze względu na wątpliwości co do jego bezstronności. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie, że zdolność dochodzenia praw jest najważniejszym aspektem praw człowieka. Prawa te to nie tylko szczytne ideały czy aspiracje, lecz także usprawnienia stanowiące podstawę roszczeń. Przeprowadzone w artykule analizy potwierdzają to założenie.
Human rights are freedoms, means of protection and benefits, which, when recognized as rights, in accordance with contemporary freedoms, all people should be able to demand from the society in which they live (Encyclopedia… 1985: p. 502). Public confidence in the judiciary depends on many factors. One of them is judicial impartiality, generally understood as not being guided by prejudices against parties and participants in the proceedings and lack of interest in the case. The fundamental importance of this value in the administration of justice means that the law defines its specific guarantees, such as rules for determining adjudication panels, open proceedings, obligation to justify a decision, as well as the possibility of excluding a judge from participating in proceedings due to doubts as to his impartiality. The aim of the article is to indicate that the ability to assert rights is the most important aspect of human rights. These rights are not only lofty ideals or aspirations, but also the improvements underlying the claims. This is proved by outcomes of the analysis presented in this article.
Przegląd Europejski; 2020, 4; 51-60
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Europejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La Pologne: la Constitution, la cour constitutionnelle et les inquiétudes de l’opinion internationale. Polska: Konstytucja, Trybunał Konstytucyjny i obawy opinii miedzynarodowej
Poland: The constitution, the Constitiutional Tribunal and the anxiety of the international opinion
Kruk, Maria
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
polskie sądownictwo konstytucyjne
kryzys konstytucyjny w Polsce 2015–2016
Trybunał Konstytucyjny
opinia międzynarodowa o polskim Trybunale Konstytucyjnym
ustawy o Trybunale Konstytucyjnym RP
sędzia TK
orzecznictwo TK
Constitution of the Republic of Poland
Constitutional Court
Polish constitutional law
constitutional crisis in Poland 2015–2016
Act on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Poland
Judge of the Constitutional Court
case law of Constitutional Court
Inspiracją i tłem dla podjętych w artykule rozważań były wydarzenia, jakie miały miejsce w Polsce w latach 2015/2016 r., związane z wielokrotnym podejmowaniem przez nową większość parlamentarną zmian w zakresie składu, trybu postępowania i podstaw prawnych sądownictwa konstytucyjnego (ustawy o Trybunale Konstytucyjnym). Artykuł omawia trzy główne wątki funkcjonowania w Polsce Trybunału Konstytucyjnego (TK). Pierwszy ukazuje jego genezę, jeszcze w okresie realnego socjalizmu (1982), co jest o tyle istotne, że jego ówczesna koncepcja, mimo konstytucyjnej deklaracji o niezawisłości sędziów, zakładała pewien stopień jego pozostawania pod „nadzorem” parlamentu (czyli hegemonicznej partii politycznej), co tym bardziej uwrażliwia na wszelkie analogiczne przejawy politycznej interwencji już w państwie demokratycznym. Pokazuje też, jak mimo to TK umiał w tamtym czasie zdobyć niezależność i utrwalić swój autorytet, a także jak ukształtowała ten organ – już zaliczony do władzy sądowniczej – Konstytucja RP z 1997 r. Drugi wątek przedstawia w skrócie „kronikę wydarzeń”, w tym pięć kolejnych ustaw (nowelizacji lub nowych ustaw o TK) i sposób, w jaki usiłują one, nawet niekiedy fortelem prawniczym, zmienić na politycznie „korzystniejszy” skład tego sądu, zablokować jego swobodę orzekania lub unieważnić wyrok, z ostatecznym uchwaleniem trzech nowych ustaw: o organizacji i trybie postępowania przed TK oraz statusie sędziów TK (a także ustawę zawierającą przepisy wprowadzające), których negatywne konsekwencje pojawiają się na bieżąco. Równolegle ukazano opinie instytucji międzynarodowych (Komisji Weneckiej, Parlamentu Europejskiego i Komisji Europejskiej) zaniepokojonych sytuacją w Polsce z punktu widzenia europejskich standardów rule of law. Trzeci wątek dotyczy kwestii może najważniejszej, a mianowicie konsekwencji doktrynalnych i konstytucyjnych oraz problemów, jakich polskiej nauce prawa konstytucyjnego oraz praktyce konstytucyjnej i politycznej wydarzenia te przysporzą.
The events that took place in Poland 2015 and 2016, concerning the actions taken by the new parliamentary majority, including changes in the composition, procedure and legal basis of the Constitutional Court (Constitutional Court Act) were an inspiration to the reflections presented in this paper. Discussed in the paper are three main points of the functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal (CT) in Poland. The first outlines the genesis of CT, starting with the period of real socialism (1982). This is quite important as the original concept of CT, despite the constitutional declaration of independence of the judges, assumed some degree of parliamentary supervision (i.e. a hegemonic political party). The text also describes how CT at the time able was to achieve independence and consolidate its authority, illustrating how this body – already included in the judiciary – was constituted in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in 1997. The second point consists of a short chronicle of events, including the adoption of the five successive legal acts (amendments or new Constitutional Court Acts), and the way in which attempts were made, sometimes even by legal tricks, to change the composition of this court to a politically more favourable and to block its freedom or to revoke the court’s ruling. With the final passing of three new laws on the organisation and the procedure of the Constitutional Tribunal and the status of its judges, whose negative consequences continue to appear. At the same time, international institutions (the Venice Commission, the European Parliament and the European Commission) announced their opinions, expressing concern about the situation in Poland from the point of view of European standards of Rule of Law. The third point touches probably the most important issue – the doctrinal and constitutional consequences, as well as the problems brought by these events to the Polish constitutional law science and the constitutional and political practice.
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem; 2017, 9, 1; 32-62
Pojawia się w:
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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