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Climate Change Games as an Effective Tool for ESD Practices
Khalaim, Oleksandra
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu
climate change education
ecological games
role playing games
Climate change is one of the most acute problems humanity is facing nowadays. At the same time, the school curriculum in Ukraine in most cases does not include up-to-date, practically oriented knowledge about climate change threats. For this reason this study describes examples of well-known climate change games, translated and adaptated for use in Ukrainian schools and aims to analyze role playing games about climate change as a tool that can be used in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The article describes 12 games selected from 5 open-access sources (like WWF, Red Cross Climate Centre), which were used in pilot studies conducted in 5 Ukrainian schools in order to estimate their applicability in the school educational program for biological disciplines. The results indicate a significant effect of raising the level of understanding of climate change threats and solutions; the proposed games can efficiently cover the educational gap in this field.
Studia Periegetica; 2017, 17(1); 111-122
Pojawia się w:
Studia Periegetica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O życiu roślin w Patykach i badylach Urszuli Zajączkowskiej
About the life of plants in Patyki i badyle by Urszula Zajączkowska
Stelingowska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
edukacja klimatyczna
język roślin
poetyzacja natury
climate education
the language of plants
the poetization of nature
Edukacja humanistyczna dla klimatu wnosi wiele zmian w podejściu do przyrody, do myślenia o naturze oraz człowieku. Urszula Zajączkowska – współczesna polska poetka, biolożka, naukowczyni – w swoich pracach prezentuje nowatorskie podejście do relacji między naturą a człowiekiem, a także ukazuje nowy sposób mówienia o naturze. Analizowany tom esejów Patyki i badyle jest literackim zapisem obserwacji życia i obumierania roślin, pędów i drzew. Zajączkowska stosuje refleksyjną metodę studiowania przyrody, z czułością i emocjonalnie opowiada o życiu zielonych roślin, nazywając je „stworzeniami” posiadającymi „ciała”. Antropomorfizacja w traktowaniu roślin, będąca rodzajem eksperymentu językowego, charakteryzuje całą twórczość poetki. Rośliny dla Zajączkowskiej są wyjątkowe, cechują się prostotą, odczuwają samotność, a człowiek wpisany w naturę powinien uczyć się od nich pokory.
In the era of climate humanistic education, one can notice many changes in the approach to nature, to thinking about nature and man. Urszula Zajączkowska – a contemporary Polish poet, biologist, and scientist – in her works, presents an innovative approach to the relationship between nature and man, as well as developing a new description of language. The analyzed volume of essays, Patyki i badyle [Sticks and stalks], is a literary description of observations of the life and death of plants, shoots and trees. Zajączkowska represents a reflective method of studying nature; she talks about the life of green plants with tenderness and emotion, calling them “creatures” with “bodies”. Anthropomorphization in the treatment of plants is characteristic of the poet’s entire work, thus constituting a kind of linguistic experiment. For Zajączkowska, plants are unique; they are characterized by simplicity and loneliness, and man is inscribed in their nature and should learn the humility of life from them.
Z Teorii i Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego; 2022, 31; 1-12
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Z Teorii i Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Co humaniści mogą zrobić dla klimatu? Sprawozdanie z konferencji pt. Edukacja klimatyczna – kształcenie uniwersyteckie i szkolne
What can humanities scholars do for the climate? Report on the conference entitled: ‘Climate education – university and school education’
Wacławek, Maria
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
edukacja dla klimatu
humanistyka środowiskowa
edukacja humanistyczna V4
education for the climate
environmental humanities
the V4 humanities education
Tekst jest sprawozdaniem z konferencji, która odbyła się 11 marca 2021 roku (platforma Microsoft Teams) i była jednym z wydarzeń organizowanych w ramach projektu The V4 Humanities Education for the Climate. Diagnoses – Best Practices – Recommendations (HEC). Relacja zawiera informacje na temat przebiegu konferencji i skrótowe przybliżenie zakresu tematycznego poszczególnych wystąpień. Prelegenci analizowali dokumenty oświatowe stanowiące podstawę nauczania wybranych przedmiotów oraz serii podręczników, a także przybliżyli niektóre zagadnienia (glotto)dydaktyki polonistycznej. Wagę poruszanej problematyki potwierdziło duże zainteresowanie ze strony słuchaczy. Ochrona przyrody jest ochroną wartości.
The text is a report on a conference that took place on 11 March 2021 (on the MS Teams platform), and was one of the events organized as part of The V4 Humanities Education for the Climate. Diagnoses – Best Practices – Recommendations (HEC) project. The account contains information on the course of the conference and briefly introduces the thematic scope of the individual presentations. The speakers analyzed educational material constituting the basis for teaching selected subjects, and a series of textbooks, and then introduced selected aspects of Polish (glotto)didactics. The importance of the issues discussed was confirmed by the large interest of the audience. This is summed up as: ‘The protection of nature is theprotection of values’.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2021, 28, 2
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Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Museums in the world without the future
Szeląg, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
sustainable museum
museums’ future
the Anthropocene
climate responsibility
climate change
The paper is dedicated to museum’s commitment to struggling for climate and against climate change. Facing the key imperative conditioning museums’ operation whose sense is defined e.g., by the assumption that there will be ‘some’ future for whose sake it is worth while taking care of museum exhibits and other testimonies to the past and contemporary culture, the climate change we are witnessing makes museums face very special challenges. As institutions of social trust they continue to be regarded a credible source of knowledge, they engage increasingly more in activities aimed at preserving the environment. This can be clearly seen, for example in the exhibitions dedicated to the Anthropocene mounted in museums worldwide over the last decade. The engagement of museums in this respect and this engagement’s object are the topic of the paper. Furthermore, a critical view is presented not only of the people and the institutions they create, or more broadly cultures and civilisations, all of key importance for our planet’s future, but also of the fact that certain topics, as praxis has shown, have remained untouched by museums (e.g., responsibility of global corporations or the ideology of capitalist growth). In this very context questions are also asked to what degree and how much museums can change their practices affecting the climate, if only by renouncing or at least limiting their participation in global tourism and competition for public’s leisure time in the market game for attracting consumers’ attention.
Muzealnictwo; 2022, 63; 158-163
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Preparing Youth to Manage a Sustainability-Oriented Future Workplace
Betour El Zoghbi, Mona
Lambrechts, Wim
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu
Youth education
Climate change
Aim: This paper aims to highlight the different forms, levels and pathways of engagement with climate change and sustainability of young people living in different contexts of vulnerability and adaptability. It explores different perspectives and viewpoints of youth regarding complex and uncertain issues related to climate change and sustainability as well as their future role on the workplace. Research Methods: The critical interpretivist study was conducted in the Netherlands and South Africa, and participants were undergraduate and postgraduate university students from diverse socio-demographic and academic backgrounds in the two countries. The study applied various methods of data collection including focus groups, interviews, policy document reviews as well as participant-observation at several youth and environmental events and forums. Conclusions/Findings: Key findings highlight the importance of building resilience and empowering academic and civic platforms that enhance young people's competences to manage sustainability-oriented lifestyles and workplaces through critical, creative, and collaborative processes.
Central European Review of Economics and Management; 2019, 3, 3; 107-128
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Central European Review of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klimat – konflikty – migracje. Scenariusze przyszłości
Climate – conflicts – migrations. Scenarios for the future
Ochwat, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
climate refugees
climate change
engaged humanities
Polish language and culture education
The paper addresses the issue of refugees in the broad sense of the term, i.e. people forced to leave their homes and seek conditions for a normal life due to climate change and to the excessive environment footprint left by humans. The numerous reasons for this type of displacement include drought, the grow-ing scarcity of natural resources in seas and oceans, and the unfair distribution of water. These three climate plagues are analysed on the basis of non¬ fiction literature – Wykluczeni [The Excluded], which is a book of reportage by Artur Domosławski, Ben Rawlence’s City of Thorns. Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refu-gee Camp, and Stefano Liberti’s South of Lampedusa. In the public consciousness, migrations motivated by climate change and human interference in the ecosys-tem have been functioning since recently, but they will actually become the greatest challenge of our day and age. This is why the important role played by humanities is to speak about them, to comment on their performative power, to debate on potential solutions, and to trigger warning discourses leading to the development of a habit of imagining “scenarios for the future”. Acts of imagi-nation provide the possibility to shape the world in an unlimited way and to play out in a virtual manner some key social, cultural and political situations, in order to live well on an overcrowded planet, where water, land and food may be lacking a few decades from now.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2019, 2 (24); 51-71
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja ekologiczna/klimatyczna w podstawie programowej i w seriach podręczników szkolnych do nauczania języka polskiego (jako ojczystego)
Ecological/climate education in the core curriculum and in series of school textbooks for teaching Polish (as a native language)
Niesporek-Szamburska, Bernadeta
Przybyla, Olga
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
edukacja dla klimatu
podstawa programowa
podręcznik do języka polskiego
edukacja ekologiczna
zadania proklimatyczne
profilowany odbiór tekstu
education for the climate
core curriculum
Polish language textbook
environmental education
pro-climate tasks
profiled perception of text
Badacze kryzysu ekologicznego podkreślają konieczność pracy nad zmianą świadomości ekologicznej ludzi. Koniecznością staje się wychowanie proklimatyczne młodych pokoleń. Zamiarem autorek jest określenie poziomu zaangażowania kształcenia polonistycznego w edukację dla klimatu. Dla tego celu autorki dokonują analizy jakościowej planu ramowego z języka polskiego, a także dwóch serii podręczników do języka polskiego (jako ojczystego) dla uczniów szkoły podstawowej (Wydawnictw Szkolnych i Pedagogicznych, a także Nowej Ery). Wnioski wskazują, że treści sprzyjających edukacji proklimatycznej wyrażonych eksplicytnie, a także działań proekologicznych w zadaniach i ćwiczeniach dla uczniów, jest w obu seriach podręczników niewiele. Analiza pokazała także, że dokument oświatowy i podręczniki niosą znacznie więcej potencjalnych możliwości w tym zakresie: podstawa zawiera treści zwracające uwagę na relacje pomiędzy słowem a światem, w książkach wiele utworów nie zostało obudowanych profilującymi zadaniami enwiromentalnymi. By zatem edukacja dla klimatu była obecna w treściach i działaniach uczniów, istotne jest zaangażowanie i przygotowanie nauczyciela do roli osoby wydobywającej z programu i tekstów potencjalne proekologiczne możliwości.
Ecological crisis researchers emphasize the need to work on changing people’s environmental awareness. Pro-climate education of young generations becomes a necessity. The paper intends to define the level of involvement of Polish language education in education for the climate. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis was performed of the framework curriculum and of two series of textbooks for Polish as a native language for primary school students (published by Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne and Nowa Era). The findings show that the amount of content conducive to pro-climate education expressed explicitly, including pro-ecological activities in tasks and exercises for students, is scarce in both series of textbooks. The analysis also shows that the educational document and the textbooks offer much more potential: the curriculum contains items that draw attention to the relationship between the word and the world. Profiling environmental tasks have not been provided in the case of many works present in the textbooks. Therefore, to make sure education for the climate is present in the content and in students’ activities, it is essential to involve and prepare the teacher for the role that involves extracting potential pro-ecological opportunities from the curriculum and from the texts.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2021, 28, 2
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Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Community Extension Framework for Philippine Higher Education Institutions: A Model Developed from Small-Scale Climate Change Adaptation Projects of Central Mindanao University
Medina, Michael Arieh P.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Climate change adaptation
University extension
community partnership
environmental education
Higher education institutions in the Philippines today are pushed to intensify university-community engagement through extension activities. This is not just for accreditation purposes but more specifically to facilitate sustainable development in poor communities. However, among the fourfold functions of universities in the country (instruction, research, extension, and production), extension is the least acted upon by faculty members probably due to any or all of the following factors: a) lack of the necessary skills in community development, b) lack of time for such endeavors, or c) lack of understanding on what extension really is. In this paper, a model for designing college extension activities is proposed based on previous community engagement projects of the College of Forestry and Environmental Science of Central Mindanao University (CFES-CMU). Based on documentary evidence, interview data, and personal observations supplemented by literature review, essential features/characteristics of prior successful projects were analyzed and developed into an operational framework for designing future university facilitated community development projects for ensuring a higher probability of success. The above analysis also provided a workable definition of community extension which can assist interested faculty members in understanding the objectives of extension work.
World Scientific News; 2018, 105; 204-211
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contribution of Hampangen Education Forest Central in Kalimantan to Climate Change Mitigation – An Above Ground Biomass Assessment
Indrayanti, Lies
Pidjath, Chartina
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
climate change
aboveground biomass
Hampangen education forest
Central Kalimantan
Hampangen Education Forest (HEF) has great potential in terms of carbon stock, biodiversity, and contribution to the local community’s livelihood. In the future, it is planned to develop its role in climate change mitigation; thus, valid and updated information regarding climate regulation services are required. The purpose of this study was to assess the above ground biomass (AGB) at different canopy densities of swamp secondary forest in (HEF) and estimated the total AGB stored in this area. The research was carried out from April 2022 until July 2022. The data collected included tree diameter at breast height (DBH), tree total height, the weight of litter, and understorey vegetation. All the information was collected using two types of observation plots (400 m2 and 0.25 m2) and AGB was calculated using allometric equations. This research found that the average AGB at sparse, medium, and dense canopy cover was 70.46 Mg.ha-1, 80.94 Mg.ha-1, and 145.03 Mg.ha-1, respectively. The total AGB stored in HEF was 367,180.08 Mg (tonnes) and equivalent to above-ground carbon stock of 172,574.64 Mg carbon. The finding of this research suggests that HEF needs conservation strategies to improve its carbon stock and conserve biodiversity.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 1; 97--106
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The urgency to improve the quality of private higher education in Poland
Równy, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
private higher education in Poland
education in sustainable development and climate change
educational standards
commercialization of higher education
The author, who has been involved in higher education teaching for about 60 years (including about a decade abroad and another decade in the Polish private higher education schools), calls for an urgent reform of the majority of the existing private tertiary education establishments in Poland. Generally the quality of private higher education in Poland (re-established in 1991) is very low. This realisation seems to challenge the post-1991 domestic private higher education foundation premise which assumed that this sphere of human activity can be treated as a commercial good. Presently one third of the total number of the Polish students who have not been granted admission by foreign or Polish state universities are studying in numerous private higher learning institutions. It means that the preparation and predispositions of those students for higher level education are generally beneath the entry examination requirements of the above mentioned state universities. In consequence those students should require higher quality individual care (especially tutoring) than that at the disposal of the domestic private schools. However, in practice those schools are short of high quality academic personnel and the teaching is usually done by rather inexperienced people. In addition, those schools do not provide tutorials in small student groups (except for languages). A teacher of a core subject may have as many as 350-600 students at lectures. A closer look at the founders of the private higher learning schools makes one notice that they do not follow the noble rule of bringing up young people but are rather preoccupied with getting as much money out of this activity as possible. Some of them could possibly be good enough as managers in some other businesses, but generally not in such delicate activity dealing with the minds of the young people. In conclusion, the author suggests discontinuing at least half of the existing more than 300 of such private higher schools and taking under strict quality control the other half.
Nauka; 2008, 4
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Biblioteka Nauki
The climate change crisis?
Kryzys klimatyczny?
Kroto, H. W.
Zielińska, M.
Rajfur, M.
Wacławek, M.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
natural philosophy
nauki ścisłe
filozofia naturalna
A necessary (though probably not sufficient) condition for creativity in the sciences and the arts to flourish is a liberal/democratic socio-political environment. In Europe this was manifested in the Enlightenment as Galileo, Copernicus and others laid the foundations for the evidence-based natural philosophy which signaled the birth of “The Enlightenment”. The importance of intellectual and personal freedom for humanitarian advance is clearly manifested in the exponential success of the sciences in conquering many humanitarian problems from starvation and disease to the more obvious technologies that make modern life relatively pleasant for many - especially in the developed world. On the down side however has been the reckless thirst of a plethora of governments to exploit the vast powers of the sciences to construct ever more powerful destructive weapons. Since then, the great thinkers from Kant to Russell, scientists from Einstein to Feynman and writers from Whitman to Shaw have repeatedly pointed to the importance of the doubt-based philosophy that is the crucial antidote to the stultifying effect of dogmas of all kinds. Indeed it is only doubt that leaves the road open for all advances in human endeavour. In the 21st Century we have reached a watershed in that the human race now confronts a set of crises significantly more serious than any previously. These threats can only be overcome by an open minded liberal education of the next generation of young people. Before the name “Science” was coined it had another name, “Natural Philosophy” which more adequately describes its primary place in the spectrum of human culture. More important than any other aspect is the fact that Natural Philosophy is the only philosophical construct we have devised to determine Truth with any degree of reliability. As such it should be a primary ethical focus for the education of every child, student and citizen so at the very least they can decide whether what they are being told is actually true. This is also a strong intellectual basis for fostering creativity. For a truly humanitarian global society to evolve, equality of opportunity and personal freedom will be a necessary for all young people whatever their race, colour, nationality and most importantly sex. All technologies have the capacity to benefit society or to be detrimental and so as powerful new technical advances arise there is an onus on everyone to understand some important SET factors. As our modern world is so completely - and precariously - balanced on SET, an understanding of these disciplines by all in positions of responsibility is vital. Although wise decision-making may not be guaranteed by knowledge, common sense suggests that wisdom is an unlikely consequence of ignorance. Education is certainly a key factor and the Internet must be harnessed to improve matters. With the Vega Science Trust ( an exciting new Global Educational Outreach for Science Engineering and Technology initiative GeoSet ( and ( we are now working with other Universities to make outstanding educational material available on the Internet in any part of the world.
Niezbędnym (choć prawdopodobnie niewystarczającym) warunkiem zapewnienia kreatywności w zakresie nauki i sztuki jest rozwój liberalno-demokratycznego środowiska społeczno-politycznego. W Europie zależność ta widoczna była między końcem VII a początkiem XIX wieku, kiedy to Galileusz, Kopernik i inni tworzyli podstawy filozofii naturalnej, opartej na dowodach, co oznaczało początek „oświecenia”. Znaczenie wolności intelektualnej i osobistej dla rozwoju idei humanistycznych widać wyraźnie w sukcesach nauki w zwalczaniu wielu problemów ludzkości, począwszy od głodu i chorób, skończywszy na technologiach, które znacznie ułatwiają życie ludziom, szczególnie w krajach rozwiniętych. Zjawiskiem negatywnym jest dążenie wielu rządów do wykorzystywania mocy nauki w celu budowy coraz potężniejszych środków destrukcji. Od czasów oświecenia wielu wielkich myślicieli: od Kanta do Russela, naukowców: od Einsteina do Feynmana, i pisarzy: od Whitmana do Shawa, podkreślało wielokrotnie znaczenie filozofii opartej na wątpliwości, która stanowi istotne antidotum na porażające działanie wszelkiego rodzaju dogmatów. I rzeczywiście - jedynie wątpliwość otwiera drogę dla wszelkiego postępu w działalności człowieka. W XXI wieku osiągnęliśmy pewien próg rozwoju, a ludzkość stoi przed wieloma problemami, znacznie poważniejszymi niż te w przeszłości. Te problemy i zagrożenia można pokonać poprzez wdrażanie liberalnej, otwartej edukacji wśród kolejnej generacji młodych ludzi. Zanim powstał termin „nauka”, stosowano określenie „filozofia naturalna”, które bardziej adekwatnie określa jej miejsce w spektrum kultury człowieka. Najważniejsze jest to, że filozofia naturalna jest jedyną koncepcją filozoficzną, która w jakimś stopniu może pomóc w dotarciu do prawdy. Jako taka, filozofia ta powinna stanowić podstawę etyczną edukacji każdego dziecka, studenta i obywatela, aby byli oni w stanie ocenić, czy treści im przekazywane są zgodne z prawdą. Stanowi to także mocną podstawę intelektualną dla wspierania kreatywności. Aby stworzyć rzeczywiście humanistyczne społeczeństwo globalne, konieczne jest zapewnienie możliwości i wolności osobistej wszystkim młodym ludziom bez względu na ich rasę, kolor, narodowość i, co najważniejsze, płeć. Każda technologia może być pożyteczna lub szkodliwa dla społeczeństwa; w związku z jej szybkim rozwojem wszyscy musimy rozumieć pewne najważniejsze kwestie dotyczące SET (nauka, inżynieria, technologia). Ponieważ nasz świat tak bardzo zależny jest od nauki, inżynierii i technologii, niezwykle istotne jest zrozumienie tych dyscyplin przez wszystkich, którzy zajmują istotne pozycje w społeczeństwie. Chociaż wiedza nie gwarantuje podejmowania mądrych decyzji, wydaje się jednak, że mądrość nie wynika z ignorancji. Edukacja jest elementem najważniejszym, a Internet należy wykorzystać do jej poprawy. Wraz z Vega Science Trust ( nową, globalną inicjatywą edukacyjną w zakresie nauk ścisłych i technologii GeoSet ( i współpracujemy aktualnie z innymi uniwersytetami, aby udostępnić w Internecie wartościowe materiały edukacyjne dla wszystkich zainteresowanych na całym świecie.
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology; 2016, 21, 1-2; 11-27
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Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge alone is not everything... On values and responsibility of university
Banyś, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
climate crisis
responsibility of university
The article discusses the issues of values and social responsibility of universities. On the one hand, the foundations of functioning of universities, which are created by research and education and the role of universities in formation, are recalled.  On the other hand, it was reminded that the heart of universities, their DNA, are academic values, defined primarily in the Magna Charta Universitatum, but also in many other documents, such as the Code of Values of the Jagiellonian University. Hence, universities are increasingly often referred to not only as universities of knowledge, but also as universities of wisdom. Together, they are the basis for the social responsibility of universities.  However, they alone are not enough for this social responsibility to materialise.  Appropriate behaviour and actions are essential.  Because knowledge alone is not everything.  Such actions are always necessary, but especially when we find ourselves, as a country, humanity and a planet, in a crisis situation related to the climate disaster, which we are already partially experiencing. After the presentation of the most important current facts related to the climate and environmental crisis, the tasks to be undertaken urgently in this context by universities were presented, from broadly understood education, through convincing politicians to ambitious and quick actions, to intensive work on innovative solutions that can contribute to reducing threats brought by the climate and environmental crisis, pointing out, among others, the initiatives proposed by the newly created network of universities U7.
Nauka; 2019, 4
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Biblioteka Nauki
How to effectively face global challenges, or University worth its weight in gold
Jak stawić czoła globalnym wyzwaniom, czyli Uniwersytet na wagę złota
Kleiber, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
global challenges
science communication
inclusive development
climate changes
knowledge society
The paper identifies key global challenges threatening the world and indicates the role of higher research and education institutions in effectively facing them. The analysis suggests that the key factor in securing our save future requires constantly increasing efforts in creating new and widely communicating available knowledge in favor of wisely understood common good.
Nauka; 2022, 1; 37-50
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Związki architektury i natury w kontekście kryzysu klimatycznego. Obecność problematyki w procesie dydaktycznym na przykładzie prac studenckich Wydziału Architektury i Sztuk Pięknych Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Relationships Between Architecture and Nature in the Context of the Climate Crisis.The Presence of the Subject Matter in Teaching on the Example of Student Projects Prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Wróbel, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
climate crisis
green architecture
architectural education
kryzys klimatyczny
zielona architektura
edukacja architektoniczna
There are many arguments in favour of the statement that it is not only the concept of sustainable development but also – and perhaps most importantly – the alleviation of anthropogenic impact on climate change, along with the simultaneous adaptation and an increase in resilience to the effects of this change, will become the fundamental notions that will shape the relationships between architecture and nature in the near future. This leads to the necessity of including this subject matter in teaching in a broader manner. The article employs a qualitative method based on confronting the current discourse on climate change and design and construction practice with the attitudes of students observed during teaching. The theoretical scope of the study was outlined on the basis of a study of the literature, whilst the research material consisted of selected end-term and thesis projects. The article also includes a postulative section, which points to the subject matter that should, in the opinion of the author, be more broadly represented in the curriculum.
Wiele argumentów przemawia za tym, że nie tyle koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju, co przede wszystkim łagodzenie antropogenicznego wpływu na zmiany klimatyczne, przy jednoczesnej adaptacji i zwiększaniu odporności na skutki tych zmian, będą podstawowymi pojęciami kształtującymi w najbliższej przyszłości związki architektury z naturą. Pociąga to za sobą konieczność szerszego włączenia omawianej problematyki do procesu dydaktycznego. W artykule zastosowano metodę jakościową polegającą na konfrontowaniu aktualnego dyskursu na temat zmian klimatycznych i praktyki projektowo-realizacyjnej z postawami studentów obserwowanymi w trakcie pracy dydaktycznej. Teoretyczne pole badań zakreślono na podstawie studiów literaturowych, natomiast źródłowym materiałem badawczym były wybrane projekty semestralne i dyplomowe. W artykule zawarto także część postulatywną wskazującą na problematykę, która zdaniem autora powinna znaleźć szersze odzwierciedelnie w programach nauczania.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2019, 3; 133-145
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obstacles and misgivings of future teachers about developing critical thinking in primary-school children
Petrasová, Alica
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
critical thinking
pregradual education
development of an inclusive education environment and a positive social climate
education planning and design
asking questions
A high professional level is one of the fundamental quality parameters in the process of education. Therefore, the pregradual education of future teachers should be transformed in terms of both the changing requirements on education and the changing role of the teacher. The paper discusses basic principles of critical thinking required from future primary school teachers as a key for the introduction and implementation of progressive changes in the school system. Furthermore, the paper comments on the results of a questionnaire-based survey in the academic year 2020/2021. Its main purpose was to identify the misgivings of the 1st year MA students concerning the development of critical thinking in primary school pupils in three areas: the development of an inclusive education environment and a positive social climate in a classroom; education planning and design; and asking questions.
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy; 2021, 1; 83-103
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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