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Success in a Career from the Perspective of Academic Youth
Cybal-Michalska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
career success
academic students
subjective sense of career
successful career
The contemporary study of careers requires taking into consideration multicontextual changes in the world of work, which make individuals face new challenges. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the numerous transformations taking place in the contemporary reality, including in the world of work, which influence people’s professional career, the significance attributed to it and the success achieved through it. This article presents the results of own research concerning career success as perceived from the perspective of academic students from Poland. Particular attention was paid to two aspects of this issue: its objective and subjective nature, as well as the assessment of own chances for achieving it within one’s career path. The results of the studies prove, that the surveyed youth perceives success in a career in a subjective manner, but that its objective dimension is also important for the academic students, and that the vast majority take a positive attitude towards their own professional future. The resulting empirical material may carry important implications for the educational practice.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2019, 2(124); 175-184
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Somatic diversity among university students in the republic of Belarus
Zróżnicowanie cech somatycznych studentów republiki Białorusi
Gierasiewicz, Anatolij
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
młodzież akademicka
rozwój fizyczny
charakterystyka porównawcza
academic students
physical development
comparative characteristics
Celem prezentowanej pracy jest ocena poziomu wykształcenia cech somatycznych młodzieży kształcącej się na kierunkach o zróżnicowanej w programach studiów aktywności ruchowej. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w latach 2011-2012 wśród 788 studentów i studentek III i IV roku wychowania fizycznego oraz kierunków humanistycznych i technicznych Państwowego Uniwersytetu w Brześciu. Techniką martinowską wykonano pomiary odcinków długościowych, szerokościowych, obwodów, fałdów skórno-tłuszczowych oraz masy ciała. Materiał opracowano statystycznie. Dymorfizm płciowy określono wskaźnikiem Mollisona. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy statystycznej stwierdzono wyraźne zróżnicowanie młodzieży porównywalnych kierunków studiów. Studenci wychowania fizycznego w porównaniu z rówieśnikami kierunków humanistycznych i technicznych charakteryzują się istotnie większą masą ciała (studentki) oraz większymi obwodami, natomiast mniejszą podściółką tłuszczową. Wyróżnia ich także tęższa budowa ciała. Większy dymorfizm cech somatycznych odnotowano wśród młodzieży kształcącej się na kierunku wychowanie fizyczne.
The paper attempts to assess the development of somatic features in students whose study programs include diversified physical activity. The research was carried out in 2011-2012 among 788 male and female students of the years three and four of physical education, humanities, and engineering at the State University of Brest. Martin's technique was used to measure body lengths, widths, circumferences, skinfolds, and body mass. The material was analyzed statistically. Sexual dimorphism was determined with Mollison's index. On the basis of the statistical analysis, a clear diversity among the students was found. In comparison to their peers studying humanities and engineering, the students of physical education are characterized by a significantly greater body mass (women students), smaller thickness of subcutaneous fat, and greater circumferences. They are also distinguished by a stouter body build. A greater dimorphism of somatic features was found among the students of physical education.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2018, 44, 2a; 31-42
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opanowani syndromem konsumpcyjnym? Testowanie koncepcji Zygmunta Baumana – komunikat z badań
Dominated by the Consumerist Syndrome? Testing Zygmunt Bauman’s Concept – Research Results
Marciniak, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
consumerist syndrome
Zygmunt Bauman's concept
academic students
syndrom konsumpcyjny
koncepcja Zygmunta Baumana
The objective of the paper is to attempt to answer the question about the extent to which Bauman’s diagnosis (according to which modern humans – members of a consumer society – are dominated by the consumerist syndrome) suits the realities of Polish society. The article is divided into two parts. The first includes an overview of the process and reconstruction result of Bauman’s concept as well as a chosen strategy of its empirical validation. Generally speaking, the consumerist syndrome is a set of properties belonging to a model member of a consumer society in the era of liquid modernity. According to the syndrome, they treat all reality elements (time, space, objects, other people, themselves, values and the society) as items of consumption. The latter part of the paper is the attempt to determine to what extent Bauman’s diagnosis is confirmed by the results of the author’s research on consumer orientation of university students (450 students from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) carried out as part of a defended doctoral dissertation. In the conclusion, the author presents the forecasts regarding the development of the phenomenon.
Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o stopień w jakim Baumanowska diagnoza, zgodnie z którą współcześni ludzie – członkowie społeczeństwa konsumpcji są opanowani syndromem konsumpcyjnym przystaje do realiów społeczeństwa polskiego. Wywód został podzielony na dwie części. Pierwsza zawiera omówienie procesu i rezultatu rekonstruowania Baumanowskiej koncepcji oraz obranej strategii jej empirycznego sprawdzania. Najogólniej rzecz ujmując, syndrom konsumpcyjny to zespół właściwości wzorcowego członka społeczeństwa konsumpcji ery płynnej nowoczesności. Zgodnie z syndromem wszystkie elementy rzeczywistości (czas, przestrzeń, przedmioty, innych ludzi, siebie, wartości i społeczeństwo) traktuje on tak, jak przedmioty konsumpcji. Druga część artykułu to próba ustalenia, jak dalece diagnoza Baumana, znajduje potwierdzenie w wynikach badań własnych nad orientacjami konsumpcyjnymi młodzieży akademickiej (450 studentów UAM w Poznaniu), prowadzonych w ramach obronionej rozprawy doktorskiej. W zakończeniu postawiono prognozy dotyczące rozwoju zjawiska.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2013, 39, 1; 101-114
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodzież akademicka wobec mobilności w czasach płynnej nowoczesności
University students toward mobility in the liquid modernity era
Marciniak, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
mobilność studencka
płynna nowoczesność
Zygmunt Bauman
młodzież akademicka
student mobility
liquid modernity
academic students
W artykule, w nawiązaniu do myśli Zygmunta Baumana, zostały omówione warunki w społeczeństwie płynnej nowoczesności, które sprawiły, że mobilność stała się dla jego członków jedną z podstawowych wartości (wyznacznikiem sukcesu). Celem tekstu jest próba ustalenia, w jakim stopniu płynnonowoczesny stosunek do mobilności (najogólniej mówiąc: brak przywiązania do określonej przestrzeni fizycznej i społecznej) jest obecny wśród młodych Polaków, wychowanychw Polsce po 2004 roku (po akcesji do Unii Europejskiej). Kwestia jest analizowanana podstawie wyników badań pilotażowych (N=92) nad mobilnością młodzieży akademickiej (studentów Wydziału Studiów Edukacyjnych UAM w Poznaniu). Rozważania kończy próba wyjaśnienia uzyskanych rezultatów badań.
The article discusses conditions in the society of liquid modernity in lightof Zygmunt Bauman’s diagnosis. Because of those conditions, mobility (generallyspeaking, the lack of strong bonds with physical and social space) became very important.The article aims to discuss the point to which Bauman’s diagnosis coincideswith the characteristics of Poles who grew up after accession to the European Unionin 2004. The issue is analyzed on the basis of author’s pilot research into the mobilityof university students (N=92) of the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam MickiewiczUniversity in Poznań. It concludes with an attempt to explain the researchfindings.
Forum Oświatowe; 2017, 29, 1(57); 65-76
Pojawia się w:
Forum Oświatowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Educational interest in relation to academic achievement of the secondary school students in Meghalaya, India
Lyngdoh Tron, Caroline
Kharbirymbai, Brinda Bazeley
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
educational interest, academic achievement, secondary school students
Aim. The aim of this study is to present the relationship between educational interest and academic achievement of the secondary school students in East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya, India. The standardised tool used for the study is the Educational Interest Record by Kulshrestha (2016). In order to assess the academic achievement, the final year examination results of students were collected. Methods. The sample of the study comprised of 300 secondary school students drawn from fifteen secondary schools under Meghalaya Board of School Education. Stratified random sampling was used with equal representation to gender and locale. Analysis was done by using Pearson ‘r’ (Product Moment Correlation) and t-test. Results. The findings of the study revealed a negative relationship between educational and academic achievement. There is a significant difference in the educational interest in terms of gender, but no significant difference was found between locales of the secondary school students. Conclusions. The assessment of the educational interest may be considered one of the crucial methods used in the education system, as teaching of subjects alone cannot help the students in the educational development. On the other hand, academic achievement is one of the areas in which relatively accurate information can be obtained with relation to individual’s ability or capacity. The study has provided information which indicate that students do not have a clear understanding about their own interests and abilities. Hence, guidance and counselling need to be integrated into the secondary school curriculum in the state in order to help the students better understand their interests and abilities. Educational guidance and counselling will also enable the students to plan both their higher education and career in thefuture.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2021, 12, 1; 555-562
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Perfection of Learning Environments Among High, Average and Low Academic Achieving Students
Suamuangi, Wuttiporn
Suksakulchai, Surachai
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
academic achieving students
autonomy support
learning environment
task orientation
Academic achievement varies according to the perception of learning environments (LE). The current study aimed to investigate how the perception of LE differs according to level of academic achievement. 1,106 Thai undergraduate students replied to a survey. Analyzing the data with One-way analysis of variance differences were found in perception of the LE in terms of task orientation and instructor feedback. Average-achieving students perceived task orientation higher than high and low-achieving students. High-achieving students perceived instructor feedback the most. This study provides insights into each type of LE applied in the classroom and suggests how individual academic achievers can be suitably enhanced.
The New Educational Review; 2020, 61; 76-86
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Text-based Student Questioning in EFL Settings: Long-term Strategy Implementation in Reciprocal Reading Tasks and Its Perception
Kiszczak, Anna
Chodkiewicz, Halina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
academic reading, reciprocal reading, students’ generated questions, strategy training
It is common knowledge for contemporary teachers at all educational levels that reading literacy and learning attainment require adopting a strategic approach. This article reports the results of the classroom-based study in which a group of English Studies students were guided over a span of time in implementing text-based questions as a component of reciprocal reading tasks. The primary goal of the study was to trace changes appearing in the quality in the use of student-generated questioning in one-term reciprocal reading training and in delayed sessions, nine months later. Some changes were identified in the students’ actual performance by assessing the quality of the questions the students asked throughout the training and delayed sessions. Also, the students’ perceptions regarding the instruction routines they participated in, were elicited by means of two interviews. The article puts forward some important insights from the study for organizing efficient classroom instruction in support of EFL students’ reading and learning achievement.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2019, 5, 2; 39-57
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kuczyńska-Kwapisz, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Wydział Nauk Pedagogicznych, kadra, studenci, infrastruktura
Faculty of Pedagogical Studies, academic staff, students, infrastructure
Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Pedagogicznych Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie dr hab. Jadwiga Kuczyńska- Kwapisz, prof. UKSW, przedstawia skrótowy zarys powstania uczelni, po czym charakteryzuje kierunek studiów pedagogika i kierowany przez nią Wydział, który jako odrębna jednostka uniwersytecka powstał w 2008 roku. Prezentacja obejmuje strukturę organizacyjną (katedry, ilość studentów, specjalizacje), kadrę dydaktyczną, działalność naukową (serie wydawnicze: Educatio i Labor, publikacje pracowników wydziału, przynależność do krajowych i zagranicznych stowarzyszeń naukowych), uzyskane nagrody i wyróżnienia oraz działalność w zakresie współpracy międzynarodowej. Na zakończenie autorka odtwarza, jak doszło do zatrudnienia Profesora Bennera, i dziękuje mu za wkład wnoszony w kształtowanie życia naukowego Wydziału.
The second volume of „Pedagogy Forum” is dedicated to Professor Dietrich Benner. In connection with this, the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Studies at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw first draws a historical sketch of the institution’s founding, and then characterises pedagogy as a field of study and the department itself, which has only existed as a separate entity since 2008. The presentation includes the organisational structure (departments, number of students, specialisations), the academic staff, academic activities (publication series: Educatio and Labor, books by faculty employees, membership of national and foreign academic societies), awards and prizes received, and international cooperation. In conclusion, the Dean recalls how Professor Benner came be employed, and thanks him for the contribution he has made and continues to make in shaping the academic life of the Faculty.
Forum Pedagogiczne; 2011, 2; 15-27
Pojawia się w:
Forum Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Entrepreneurship Determinants among the Students of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin in the Light of the Conducted Research
Twarowski, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
academic entrepreneurship, starting a business, students, entrepreneurship determinants
Purpose – The goal of this article is to present results of the research conducted among the students of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin with regard to factors stimulating their entrepreneurship or constituting a barrier in that area. The research covered one of the dimensions of entrepreneurship, i.e. the conducting of one’s own business.Design/Methodology/Approach – The following questions were asked as a part of the research procedure: 1) What is the entrepreneurial activity level of the MCSU students? 2) What factors motivate them to start their businesses?3) What factors discourage them from managing their firms? The sample-based study method was applied; because of that, it was necessary to get the empirical material from individuals belonging to a representative research sample. Students from all MCSU departments participated in the research. Data were collected in 2014–2016 with the use of a categorized interview questionnaire on 1,219 respondents selected at random. Thanks to the information contained in the metrics, it was possible to divide participants in the research on the basis of the following criteria: sex, study degree, field of studies, degree of financial dependency on third parties, business experience of parents or caretakers. The statistical materiality of differences in participants’ declarations was determined with the use of the chi-square test and derivative measures such as V-Cramer, T-Czuprow or Yule coefficients. An analysis of the structural similarity index had a supporting significance in that area. Findings – Levels of entrepreneurial activity among the MCSU students were analysed. Factors stimulating and discouraging them from being entrepreneurs were identified. Materiality of these factors was also determined for the entire research sample and for distinguished groups of respondents. The dependence of the entrepreneurship levels among students on their participation in individual groups was analysed. Practical implications – Results obtained in this manner and conclusions drawn from this research will allow one to work out an end-to-end program of academic entrepreneurship development aimed at the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours among students and graduates as well as the promotion of entrepreneurial culture in academic circles.  Original value – The originality of the analysis results from the specific nature of the research conducted. It was the first time when the entrepreneurship research covered students of all MCSU faculties. The exploration took place in groups distinguished from the research sample, which allowed for a greater integrity of analyses. The obtained results constitute a stimulus to continue the research with the use of focus groups. The final goal of the research will consist of an original training curriculum relating to academic entrepreneurship. Article type – Research paper.
International Journal of Synergy and Research; 2016, 5
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Synergy and Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metaphors We Academicize the World with?
Palka, Adam
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
metaphor(ization), academic environment, metaphor perception by students, metaphor awareness among students
Since the advent of Cognitive Linguistics in the 20th century (cf. Lakoff & Johnson, 1980/2003), the role and perception of metaphor(isation) started to change, not only among theoretical linguists and researchers, but also in the context of Applied Linguistics. Thus, no longer treated as a mere ornament or anomaly, metaphor has been more and more appreciated by educationalists, course book writers, and teachers, but also by psychologists, clinicians, and other professionals. In short, it has become an educational and a diagnostic tool in many ‘applied’ areas of human development. In line with this rekindled interest in metaphoricity, in my study I attempt to learn more about awareness and perception of metaphoric conceptualisations among English philology university students (both freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors) in the environment of academia, an environment they naturally function in and belong to. My preliminary assumption is that despite the already widely acknowledged importance of metaphors in sciences and humanities (cf. Cameron and Maslen 2010, Haase 2009, 2010; Hermann 2013), the perception and awareness of metaphorical construals in the ‘academic habitat’ among prospective English philologists may be variegated, ranging between more traditional and more modern perspectives. My intention is, then, to obtain feedback from them as it concerns their views on (the role of) metaphor(ization) in the academic habitat and beyond it, in their life and in the world in general. The results reveal that the students are closer to traditional rather than modern stances on metaphor, though the situation is more complex.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2020, 6, 1; 143-181
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Management courses’ students towards distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic period – their academic engagement and satisfaction (survey report)
Studenci kierunków menedżerskich wobec kształcenia na odległość w trakcie pandemii covid-19 – ich zaangażowanie akademickie oraz satysfakcja (raport z badań)
Seiler, Bartosz
Bortnowska, Hanna
Noskowska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
kształcenie na odległość
pandemia Covid-19
akademickie zaangażowanie studentów
satysfakcja studentów
distance learning
Covid-19 pandemic
students’ academic engagement
students’ satisfaction
The development of the Covid-19 pandemic forced rapid and widespread use of distance learning. This mass educational ‚experiment’ has given rise to a consideration of students’ academic engagement in distance learning, as well as their satisfaction with this form of education. The following research questions were formulated in this paper: To what extent did students of these courses engage in remote education in the analysed period? How did distance learning change their engagement with studying? What meaning did remote education have on their satisfaction with studying? What advantages and disadvantaged of distance learning did the students notice? Did the mode of study (full-time/external) differentiate the students’ opinions? The subject of the study was comprised of 172 randomly selected students of management courses, i.e. Management, Economics and Logistics. The research used an online survey technique, using a categorized and standardized questionnaire (including the UWES-S tool). The results showed that according to more than half of the management courses students who were surveyed, remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic did not reduce their engagement in their studies. There was a decrease in engagement for 42.44% of those who were surveyed and an increase for one in four respondents (25.59%). According to more than half of the students, remote learning also did not decrease their satisfaction with studying. A decrease of satisfaction with studying was reported by less than half of the respondents (39.53%) and an increase ‒ by 33.72%.
Rozwój pandemii Covid-19 wymusił szybkie i powszechne zastosowanie nauczania na odległość. Ten masowy ‘eksperyment’ edukacyjny stał się przyczynkiem do rozważań dotyczących zaangażowania studentów w nauczanie na odległość, a także satysfakcji z tej formy edukacji. W artykule sformułowano następujące pytania badawcze: W jakim stopniu studenci tych kierunków angażowali się w analizowanym okresie w edukację zdalną? Jak nauka zdalna zmieniła ich zaangażowanie w studiowanie? Jakie znaczenie miała edukacja zdalna dla ich satysfakcji ze studiowania? Jakie zalety i wady kształcenia na odległość dostrzegli studenci? Czy tryb studiów (dzienny/zaoczny) różnicował opinie studentów? Podmiotem badań było 172 losowo dobranych studentów kierunków menedżerskich, tj. zarządzania, ekonomii i logistyki. W badaniach posłużono się techniką ankiety internetowej, stosując skategoryzowany i wystandaryzowany kwestionariusz (w tym narzędzie UWES-S). Uzyskane wyniki pokazały, że zdaniem ponad połowy badanych studentów kierunków menedżerskich nauka zdalna w trakcie pandemii Covid-19 nie zmniejszyła ich zaangażowania w studiowanie. Spadek zaangażowania dotyczył 42,44% ankietowanych osób, a wzrost – co czwartego respondenta (25,59%). Zdaniem ponad połowy badanych studentów nauka zdalna nie zmniejszyła również ich satysfakcji ze studiowania. O spadku zadowolenia ze studiowania poinformowała mniej niż połowa respondentów (39,53%), a o wzroście – 33,72%.
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca; 2021, 21; 140-161
Pojawia się w:
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sytuacja uniwersytetów amerykańskich w erze neoliberalizmu
Eugenia, Potulicka,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
academic capitalism
academic staff
The paper discusses the current situation in university education in the United States of America. It begins with presenting the idea and the main mechanism of academic capitalism. The neoliberal model of governing tertiary institutions is taken under scrutiny. The analysis includes the condition of academic staff as well as circumstances that students face when being at university. It concludes with a reflection on the reasons and consequences of reforms in higher education institutions.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2016, 61(3 (241)); 9-34
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Capa e batina, czyli o tradycjach akademickich Portugalii
Capa e batina. On academic traditions in Portugal
Romaniszyn-Ziomek, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
academic traditions
students’ life
The article describes academic traditions in Portugal. They are treated as a social phenomenon, which cannot be compared with Polish academic culture. Praxe académica, that is a variety of rules and habits connected with Portuguese academic life belongs to the life of Portuguese society and is a recognizable element of the Portuguese culture.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2018, 1 (21) Pomiędzy Polską, Portugalią i Brazylią. Literatura – kultura – język – edukacja; 57-68
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Features of behavior, diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, and psychological state and their relationships with the academic performance of junior medicine students
Cechy zachowania, dieta, spożycie alkoholu, palenie papierosów oraz stan psychologiczny i ich związek z osiągnięciami naukowymi studentów niższych lat medycyny
Korovina, L.
Zaporozhets, T.
Boyechko, F.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
alcohol consumption
academic success
Background. Peculiarities of behavior and nutrition, living conditions, consumption of alcohol, smoking, and psychological state are factors that can influence students’ academic performance. Material and methods. 327 healthy 1-2-year students aged 18.8±0.1 years were interviewed about lifestyle, consumption of various types of foods and alcohol, intensity and duration of smoking, fasting experience, satisfaction with their degree of wealth and family relationships, sleep duration and sleep disorders, and the number of physical and psychological traumas. Anxiety, self-esteem, academic ability, and academic performance were determined. Results. Students’ nighttime sleep duration was 7.1±0.1 hours; sleep disorders were observed in 40.1% of students. Vegetables were consumed daily by 31.4% students. 70.8% of males and 57.8% of females were satisfied with wealth. The females’ academic performance was higher. Alcohol consumption was higher among females from wealthy families, but lower than among males. Conclusions. Academic performance was negatively related to the weekly dose of alcohol consumed. The academic ability level of abstainers was higher than that of alcohol users. Alcohol users showed an inverse relationship between alcohol consumption and anxiety. Differences were found in factors contributing to alcohol use by young men and women. Academic performance was lower in individuals who fasted for more than one day.
Wprowadzenie. Osobliwości zachowania i odżywania, warunków życia, spożycia alkoholu, palenie papierosów, a także stan psychologiczny są czynnikami wpływającymi na osiągnięcia studentów. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 327 zdrowych studentów I i II roku medycyny w wieku 18,8±0,1 lat. Zostali zapytani o styl życia, spożycie różnych pokarmów i alkoholu, intensywność i długość palenia papierosów, poszczenie, stopień zadowolenia ze zdrowia i relacji rodzinnych, długość i zaburzenia snu oraz doświadczenie traum fizycznych i psychologicznych. Określono na tej podstawie stopień niepokoju, poczucia własnej wartości, zdolności i osiągnięć akademickich. Wyniki. Czas snu studentów wynosił 7,1±0,1 godziny, a zaburzenia snu zaobserwowano u 40,1% studentów. 31,4% studentów spożywało codziennie warzywa. 70,8% mężczyzn i 57,8% kobiet było zadowolonych z własnego statusu materialnego. Osiągnięcia akademickie kobiet były wyższe. Większe spożycia alkoholu zanotowano u kobiet z zamożnych rodzin, niższe jednak niż wśród mężczyzn. Wnioski. Osiągnięcia były negatywnie skorelowane z tygodniową dawką spożywanego alkoholu. Poziom zdolności akademickich był wyższy u abstynentów niż u osób spożywających alkohol. U osób spożywających alkohol wystąpiło sprzężenie zwrotne pomiędzy spożyciem alkoholu a stopniem niepokoju. Zaobserwowano różnice w czynnikach przyczyniających się do spożywania alkoholu przez młodych mężczyzn i kobiety. Mniejsze osiągnięcia wykazały osoby poszczące dłużej niż jeden dzień.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2021, 15, 1; 4-11
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Students’ perceptions of themselves as readers and the concept of reading
Renuga, M.
Kanchana Mala, B.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
students’ perceptions
academic success
The study was conducted on 122 first-year engineering students at the tertiary level to explore the students’ perceptions of themselves as readers and the concept of reading. Data collected by open-ended brainstorming interviews with the students were classified according to the themes and presented in tables. The result of the study demonstrates that most of the students at this level wish to be good readers since they feel that reading improves their personality, word power and employability skills. The presented study aimed at finding the opinions of young adults because in the present age, more emphasis is put on the role of the learner in the language learning process. As language learning is primarily a learner-oriented activity, learners’ preferences influence their learning. Interest on the part of the reader plays a vital role in developing the habit of reading. Hence, learners’ needs and interests should be taken into consideration for effective learning and teaching to take place. Thus, the study shows that it is appropriate to understand students’ conception of reading for promoting their interest in reading and enhancing their reading skills.
The New Educational Review; 2015, 41; 86-97
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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