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Kościół prawosławny w dziejach Rzyczypospolitej
Mironowicz, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
Kościół prawosławny
Historia chrześcijaństwa na ziemiach Rzeczypospolitej ukazuje nam, że na jej terenie doszło do spotkania dwóch wielkich tradycji religijno-kulturowych: wschodniej (bizantyjsko-ruskiej) i zachodniej (łacińskiej). Prawosławie było stałym elementem struktury wyznaniowej kraju, w niektórych jego regionach religią dominującą. W historii wielu narodów dawnej Rzeczypospolitej prawosławie stanowiło ich podstawową religię, fundamentalny element ich świadomości, kształtujący rodzimą kulturę i tożsamość. Prawosławie określiło krąg cywilizacyjno-kulturowy Białorusinów i Ukraińców. Późniejsze oddziaływanie na te narody innych wyznań i Kościołów miało drugorzędne znaczenie. Uniwersalistyczny aspekt chrześcijaństwa, tak istotny w średniowieczu, w dziejach Rzeczypospolitej doprowadził do wypracowania specyficznej tradycji kulturowo-religijnej, zwłaszcza na ziemiach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Ta wielowyznaniowa tradycja, gdzie prawosławie było naturalnym jej elementem, stanowiła specyfikę Rzeczypospolitej.
Sympozjum; 2000, 1(6); 39-60
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jedność chrześcijan w oficjalnych wypowiedziach Kościoła prawosławnego
Leśniewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
Kościół prawosławny
W swoim wystąpieniu postaram się bardzo skrótowo przedstawić, jak na przestrzeni dwudziestego wieku Kościół prawosławny odnosił się do ekumenizmu. Ze względu na rozległość tego zagadnienia, ograniczę się tylko do kilku najważniejszych encyklik i oficjalnych stanowisk prawosławia wyrażonych w odniesieniu do Światowej Rady Kościołów. Nie będę się odwoływał do wypracowanych w ramach dialogów uzgodnień przedstawicieli Kościoła prawosławnego z innymi Kościołami. W formie syntezy ukażę istotne rysy świadectwa prawosławia w ruchu ekumenicznym. Rozpocznę od postawienia fundamentalnego pytania, czym dla prawosławnych jest ekumenizm.
Sympozjum; 2000, 1(6); 31-37
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Biblioteka Nauki
Pojęcie laikatu i kleru w Kościele prawosławnym
The Concept of Laity and Clergy in the Orthodox Church
Kostiuczuk, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Kościół prawosławny
The article describes the terminological issues referring to the concept of laity and clergy on the basis of the Holy Scripture and their use in the early Christian Church. In the further part of the article, we refer to the formation of the clergy, its degrees and the requirements and privileges basing on the canons. The question of various translations of canons into modern languages is also discussed, with reference to concepts related to clergy and laity. The last part of the article is devoted to the Orthodox understanding of the role and service of the laity in the Orthodox Church.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2018, Rola laikatu w życiu Cerkwi, 9; 8-17
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cele edukacyjne i wychowawcze nauczania religii prawosławnej w szkołach w latach 1918–1932
Educational and Upbringing Purposes of Teaching the Orthodox Religion in Schools in 1918–1932
Borkowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
nauka religii
Kościół prawosławny
The general goal of teaching the Orthodox religion in schools after Poland gained independence in 1918 was to consolidate religious truths and deepen moral principles among children, so that in their later life they could work on deepening the truths of faith and take an active part in the life of the Church. A catechist should be not only a lecturer, but above all an example of the principles of Christian morality, be able to teach students at least the elementary basics of contemporary threats, point out differences with other faiths, and at the same time become a lecturer, apologist and missionary. In the process of teaching and upbringing, attention was paid to knowledge and attitudes that influenced the observance of the principles of faith. When teaching the Orthodox religion, the teacher always remembered the three most important goals: mind education, emotional education, and moralpractical education. The above hierarchy of values made it possible to further deepen the children’s religious knowledge, faith and lively and conscious participation in the services. The formulated goals of teaching the Orthodox religion in schools until 1932 reflected the spirit of the times and changes taking place in the Orthodox Church and the State.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2020, Dzieci w kulturze duchowej Prawosławia, 11; 89-104
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nierozerwalność małżeństwa w Kościele prawosławnym
Indissolubility of Marriage in the Orthodox Church
Kałużny, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
nierozerwalność małżeństwa
Kościół prawosławny
The Orthodox Church lays a big emphasis on indissolubility of marriage as the Roman Catholic Church does. However, the Orthodox Church does not treat the indissolubility as an absolute requirement of the law, but as a moral ideal which should be defended by the Church. When the indissolubility turns out to be inaccessible - the spouses having not become mature enough for receiving the mystery which the Church entrusts them with – then the Orthodox Church allows for a divorce and another marriage of the divorced. Attempts at justifying the practice of divorce in the Orthodox tradition focus on three basic arguments: 1/ a literal interpretation of Matthew’s clause (5:32); 2/ a specific concept of marriage in which the emphasis is put on its personalistic and synergic dimension; 3/ reference to the “principle of oikonomia”. So far, the issue of marriage indissolubility has not been subject of a broader debate in the ecumenical dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. The documents of the dialogue were confined to stating the differences between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox positions on this issue. These differences have their pastoral implications, especially in the context of determining the singleness of persons who were ever married in the Orthodox Church.
Sympozjum; 2010, 1(19); 41-60
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udział przedstawicieli Kościoła prawosławnego w pracy systemu parlamentarnego Rzeczypospolitej w końcu XVI wieku
Participation of Orthodox Church in parliamentary system of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the end of 16th century
Padalinski, Uładzimir
Wojciechowski, Leszek
Ryba, Mieczysław
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Kościół prawosławny
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie udziału Kościoła prawosławnego jako odrębnej instytucji społecznej, w pracy sejmików powiatowych Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego i sejmu walnego Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1569–1596. Badanie opiera się na analizie instrukcji na synod kościelny, złożoną na zjeździe (nieformalnym sejmiku) szlachty prawosławnej Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w Wilnie w 1594 r. Do połowy XVI w. najwyższa hierarchia Kościoła brała udział w zjazdach regionalnych i sejmie walnym Wielkiego Księstwa i miała bezpośredni wpływ na podejmowanie decyzji w sprawach kościelnych. Jednak po reformach systemu państwowego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w połowie lat 60. XVI w. i po zawarciu unii lubelskiej w 1569 r. hierarchowie Kościoła prawosławnego faktycznie pozostali poza strukturami władzy przedstawicielskiej. Niemniej jednak, autor dochodzi do wniosku, że w końcu XVI w. Kościół prawosławny miał realną możliwość uczestniczenia w pracy systemu parlamentarnego Rzeczypospolitej. W tym celu metropolita i biskupi mogli wysyłać na sejmiki powiatowe Wielkiego Księstwa oficjalne pisma, w których zgłaszali istotne dla Kościoła zagadnienia. Z kolei szlachta mogła włączać te kwestie do instrukcji wydawanych swoim posłom na sejm, a zatem przedstawić je do rozpatrzenia sejmowi walnemu Rzeczypospolitej. Należy podkreślić, że zarówno szlachta, jak i hierarchowie Kościoła uznawali taki sposób odwołania się do instytucji przedstawicielskich Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego i Rzeczypospolitej jako całkowicie możliwy i zgodny z prawem. Zbadane źródła pokazują, że szlachta prawosławna Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w końcu XVI w. była aktywną grupą polityczną, która broniła przestrzegania swoich praw i interesów religijnych. W artykule jest również wyjaśniona wyznaniowa przynależność niektórych przedstawicieli regionalnych elit politycznych Wielkiego Księstwa. Tak więc, marszałek hospodarski, kniaź Michał Drucki Sokoliński i Jan Tryzna byli wyznawcami prawosławia, a nie protestantami, jak to niekiedy jest przedstawiane w historiografii.
The objective of the article is to research the participation of Orthodox Church, as separate social institution, in work of district parliaments (sejmik powiatowy) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and General Sejm of the Commonwealth in 1569–1596. The work is based on analysis of instructions for the Church synod, submitted on rally (informal sejmik) of Orthodox nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Vilnius in 1594. Until mid-16th century, highest echelons of Church hierarchy have participated in regional rallies and General Sejm of the Grand Duchy, thus having direct influence on decision making with respect to matters of the church. However, after the reforms of state system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1560s, and the Union of Lublin of 1569, leaders of the Orthodox Church have remained de facto outside of the structures of representative power. Nonetheless, the author draws a conclusion that at the end of 16th century the Orthodox Church had a real possibility of participating in the work of Commonwealth’s parliamentary system. With that purpose, the Metropolitan Bishop and other bishops were able to send official letters to district parliaments of the Grand Duchy, raising issues important for the Church. In turn, the nobles could include those in instructions issued to their deputies to Sejm, thus presenting them to the General Sejm of the Commonwealth for consideration. It should be emphasized, that both the nobility and Church leaders considered such a procedure for appealing to representative institutions of the Grand Duchy and the Commonwealth to be completely valid and legal. Investigated sources indicate, that Orthodox nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the end of 16th century was an active political group, which defended its rights and religious interests. The article also clarifies religious affiliation of some of the representatives of regional political elites of the Grand Duchy. Thus, Hospodar Marshal, Duke Michał Drucki Sokoliński and Jan Tryzna were Orthodox, not Protestant, as they are sometimes presented in historiography.
Rola Kościoła w dziejach Polski. Kościoły w Rzeczypospolitej; 367-378
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawosławne koncepcje rozwiązania współczesnych problemów nacjonalistycznych
Ławreszuk, Marek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Kościół prawosławny
Orthodox Church
The aim of the paper is to show how to solve contemporary nationalistic issues, known also as „ethnophiletism”, in Orthodox way. Although nationalism is not the ecclesiological problem, its ideas affect the Church, too. The aim of this study is to identify problems, which arising from these nationalistic ideas touch the Church, and to present some ways of solving them. This paper indicates the difference between Orthodox and secular understanding of the term „nation”. The Church attitude to nationality and related issues is not based on a secularism, but it takes as a foundation Christ’s teachings . The paper indicates the problematical questions, in which the clash between the Church teaching and the nationalistic ideas takes place. Church problems based on the ethnic and nationalistic ideas are especially emphasized in this article. Ethnic problems in the Church are presented as an ecclesiological distortion and redefinition of Christian ideals, from which the issue of ethnophiletism was discussed more detailed. The paper shows the problems and also indicates possible solutions in the spirit of the Orthodox Church teaching. Discussing questions of the universal councils decisions and returning to the original ecclesial standards, this paper points out the necessity of eliminating dangerous ideas inside the Church.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2011, Kościół prawosławny na Bałkanach i w Polsce – wzajemne relacje oraz wspólna tradycja, 2; 205-215
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wysłannicy patriarchy konstantynopolitańskiego na soborach w Rzeczypospolitej w XVI wieku
Representatives of the Patriarch of Constantinople in the Orthodoxies Synods in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 16th Century
Borkowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Kościół prawosławny
patriarcha Konstantynopola
The offer of the deputies of the patriarch of Constantinople in the orthodoxies synods in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is very important. The ecumenical patriarchs sent or appoint to the Kingdom of Poland in the 16th century yours messengers: Abrahamios, hieromonk Philipos, archbishop of Galata, bishop of Litea and Rendina Damascen, archimandrite Dionisios Rallis Palaiologos, archdeacon Nikiforos Parashis, patriarch’s translator Theodor, patriarch of Antioch Joachim V, archbishop of Domenik and Elasson Arsenios, metropolitan of Dyrrachium Paisios, bishop of Moglen Theofanes, bishop of Luck Cyril Terlecki, metropolitan of Kiev Michal, archbishop of Cyprus Laurentios, archimandrite Cyrillos Lucaris, prince Constantine Ostrogsky, bishop of Lvov Gedeon, archdeacon Cyprian, hieromonk Sofronios, hierodeacon Isaac, monk Ivan Vishensky. The patriarch of Constantinople Jeremiah II appointed a new metropolitan, took care function of the local Synod. The metropolitan Elassonos Arsenios worked as teacher in Lvov and published Grammar of the Greek language. The Church Union was officially declared at the Synod of Brest (1596) and the Polish authorities resorted to violent means in order to apply it hit against the Orthodoxy was the pass of all the bishops of the Orthodox Church in Poland excluding both of them into the union. Protagonist in the faith against the union was the patriarch of Alexandria Meletios Pigas and of course locally through a bitter correspondence. Nikiforos Parashis and Cyrillos Lucaris achieved to organize the antyunion Synod of Brest (1596) which condemned the bishops in union. After the Synod of Brest (1596) in different ways the patriarch’s exarches together with the Orthodox brotherhoods took over the role in saving the Orthodoxy. Through their participations in the Polish fight the patriarch’s exarches couldn’t erase the image of the union, but without doubt created and supported the strength for fight against the union keeping unquenched the flame of the Orthodoxy especially in the metropolis of Kiev.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2014, Synody Cerkwi Prawosławnej w I Rzeczypospolitej, 5; 103-120
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Попытки реформ в Латвийской Православной Церкви во второй половине 30-х годов ХХ века
The attempts od the reforms in the Latvian Orthodox Church in the second half in the years of the 30-ies of the 20th century
Гаврилин, Александр
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
reforma kalendarzowa
Łotewski Kościół Prawosławny
The article is devoted to reforms, which metropolitan Augustine (Petersons) tried to carry out in the Latvian Orthodox Church during the period of authoritative board of president Karlis Ulmanis. In 1936-1940 the metropolitan tried to transfer Church to a new calendar. He ordered to carry out church services only in Latvian and to form the Latvian communities in all orthodox communities. The reforms of metropolitan Augustine, which haven’t been supported by believers, failed.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2013, Kalendarz w życiu Cerkwi i wspólnoty, 4; 175-185
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawosławna diecezja litewska w 1914 roku
Rusnak, Denis
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
diecezja litewska
Kościół prawosławny
gubernia wileńska
The Orthodox Lithuanian diocese came into existence as a result of the reform of the Greek-Catholic Church which bishop Joseph Siemaszko (Syemashko) took. Connecting it was a natural consequence of the reform of the Uniate rite last with an Orthodox Church and creating of the Orthodox Lithuanian diocese in 1840. The Lithuanian diocese spread through provinces of Vilnius and Hrodna, and from 1842 new founded province of Kowno. In 1900 a Hrodna diocese was singled out from the Lithuanian diocese, of which border became covered from border of Hrodna province. For the entire period from 1840 the Orthodox Lithuanian diocese aspired to 1914 for enhancing one’s position in the society mixt up religiously and partly dominated by the Latin Church. The Orthodox Lithuanian diocese put the reinstatement for itself behind the target former, from times before EU, of position of the Orthodox Church in the society. Creating culture role of an Orthodox Church, she had to a considerable degree, to shape the face of the society of the country of the north-western Russian Empire. Simultaneously the Lithuanian diocese struggled from rooted amongst faithful with Uniate piety. Moreover complex situation of the society mixt up religiously and ethnically in the country, which the majority of faithful members of the Orthodox Church was peasants, dependent on Catholic peasants, in required the unceasing pastoral and missionary care. In the Orthodox Lithuanian diocese in 1840-1914 years it is possible to describe the situation the fight for the Orthodox faith in the country and fight for the Orthodox face of the country. Simultaneously an Orthodox Church didn’t aspire for the proselytism, only to keeping its assets and restoring the social-cultural former item for oneself. It is possible to assess 1914 Orthodox bishops, clergy, brotherhoods as recapitulating activity and faithful in aspiring at this target. The outbreak of the First World War disrupted the development and further functioning of the Orthodox Lithuanian diocese. The revolution of 1917, the outbreak of the civil war and the collapse of the Russian Empire caused the subdivision of the Orthodox Lithuanian diocese, of structure for which they were not only in various countries, but also in different territories of jurisdiction of Sextons. Assessing the situation of the Orthodox Lithuanian diocese in 1914 it is possible to come to the conclusion to what extent a development of the Orthodox faith was effective on Lithuania, western Belarus and Podlasie after uniting the Uniate Church with the member of the Orthodox Church, what step the Orthodox faith shaped the cultural and religious face of the country in and what legacy the Orthodox Lithuanian diocese left by an ordeals and experience of the 20th century
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2014, Synody Cerkwi Prawosławnej w I Rzeczypospolitej, 5; 221-234
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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