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Los nobles nahuas: señores y vasallos. Un análisis filológico del término pillotl
Madajczak, Julia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Neofilologii
social structure
El artículo presente se centra en el análisis etnolingüístico del vocablo náhuatl pillotl. Por un lado, trata de aclarar una relación entre varios términos que incluyen el morfema pil, como pilli (noble), pillotl (nobleza o niñería), -pil (hijo de alguien), -pillo (sobrino de una mujer) o su homónimo que describe un estatus noble. Por otro lado, demuestra cómo la forma posesiva -pillo se utiliza en las fuentes escritas del siglo XVi. esta última parte del análisis permite concluir que un -pillo, “un noble de alguien”, se podía ver desde dos perspectivas que dependían de un punto de referencia. Los “nobles de gobernantes” eran sus cortesanos o dignitarios de un estatus alto, cercanos al tlatoani, mientras que los “nobles de los plebeyos” eran señores, probablemente vinculados con sus vasallos por medio de lazos económicos. sea su sentido “señor” o “vasallo noble”, el término -pillo a menudo formaba parte de los difrasismos, yuxtaponiéndose con otros vocablos de la esfera social, sobre todo -tecuiyo y -tlatocayo o -tlatocauh, los cuales en cada caso servían para precisar su conotación. Los textos en náhuatl que tratan de los temas religiosos cristianos demuestran que en el siglo XVi estos términos se adaptaron a los conceptos de cultura europea y se seguían utilizando como metáforas.
Itinerarios; 2014, 19; 9-24
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zhanaev, Ayur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social order
Group identities are often built on genealogies. Buryat culture appears to conform to this general rule. Elaborate Buryat historical genealogies have been written and preserved. Today, scholars regard them as a key source of insight into the structure and character of Buryat society. Most scholars treat Buryat genealogies exclusively as descriptions of kinship systems. In keeping with a rich anthropological literature, Buryat culture appears to fit into the paradigm of kinship as the “irreducible principle,” “atom” or an “elementary structure,” which, as the complexity of society grew, ceased to be the central organizational principle in favor of the state, politics, economy, etc. However, this interpretation occludes the meaning of Buryat genealogies as carriers of historical memory and understanding of the world. By insisting on treating it in ethnographic categories, the academic view of Buryat culture reduces the Buryat society to the level of a primordial one. In this article, I will use the findings of my fieldwork to briefly introduce the historical context of the Buryat genealogies in the broadly defined pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet periods. I am interested in the motives of those who created these genealogies, and the place these documents occupy in the contemporary Buryat society and culture. I will also note the coincidence of a revival of interest among Buryats in their genealogies in the 1970s and 1980s with the rise of Soviet modernization’s power to suppress local cultures.
Facing Challenges of Identification: Investigating Identities of Buryats and Their Neighbor Peoples; 79-98
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kinship metaphors in Swahili language and culture
Kraska-Szlenk, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Orientalistyczny. Katedra Języków i Kultur Afryki
cultural models, kinship terms, metaphor, polysemy, Swahili
Swahili kinship terms are highly polysemous and occur in many figurative meanings out of which some are fully conventionalized in language usage. The article focuses on a specific case of such extensions which metaphorically frames an unrelated person as one’s kin. The usage patterns of this “fictive” kinship will be analyzed in various pragmatic contexts demonstrating their illocutionary and perlocutionary effects. In addition, it will be shown that this particular extension, as well as other multiple figurative uses of kinship terms correlate with the Swahili cultural model and the high appreciation of one’s family in the community’s system of values.
Studies in African Languages and Cultures; 2018, 52; 49-71
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Studies in African Languages and Cultures
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Вокативни форми на роднинските названия в народнопесенния фолклор от Ксантийско (дн. Гърция)
Kanevska-Nikolova, Elena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
kinship names, vocatives, blood and non-blood kinship
nazwy stopni pokrewieństwa, formy wołacza, nazwy osób spokrewnionych i niespokrewnionych
The paper presents the kinship names as vocatives, appearing in folk songs from the Xanthi region excerpted from two collections (Pomaki. The Muslims of Rodopi (1995) by P. Theoharidis and Dry me, Burn me… (2012) by E. Ushev). Various ways of addressing the mother, the daughter, the son and other relatives are presented in the research comprising the kinship names of persons with blood and non-blood relations. The excerpted material is dominated by the female part, as the greatest variety and frequency of use is observed in vocatives to the mother, which confirms the thesis of the cult of the Great Mother and of the strong respect towards motherhood in the region’s past. The research covers the majority of traditional kinship names in the region, including diminutive nouns typical of the Rhodope dialects. Various vocatives with interesting meanings are detected in kinship names of persons with non-blood relations, which complete the picture of the common Bulgarian kinship names.
Formy wołacza nazw określających stopień pokrewieństwa w pieśniach ludowych z regionu KsantiPrzedmiotem artykułu są formy wołacza nazw wyrażających stopień pokrewieństwa w pieśniach ludowych regionu Ksanti opublikowanych w dwóch opracowaniach (Pomacy. Muzułmanie Rodopów (1995) P. Theoharidisa i Wysusz mnie, spal mnie... (2012) E. Usheva). Zaprezentowano w nim rozmaite sposoby zwracania się do matki, córki, syna i innych krewnych. Zbadano nazwy osób spokrewnionych oraz nazwy osób będących w relacji powinowactwa. Okazuje się, że wśród badanych nazw przewagę mają formacje żeńskie. Największą rozmaitością i frekwencją charakteryzują się zwroty do matki, co potwierdza tezę o kulcie Wielkiej Matki, a także świadczy o wielkim uznaniu i poszanowaniu dla macierzyństwa. Wśród zbadanej dużej części nazw stopni pokrewieństwa wyróżniają się typowe dla gwar rodopskich deminutywne formy rzeczownikowe. W grupie nazw osób będących w relacji powinowactwa znajdują się rozmaite formy wołacza o interesującej semantyce, które uzupełniają obraz bułgarskiej terminologii rodzinnej.
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie; 2018, 7
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Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grecka i rzymska terminologia na określenie stopnia pokrewieństwa
Turowski, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Roman and Greek kinship terminology, kinship terms, affinity, relatives, inheritance
grecka i rzymska terminologia pokrewieństwa, pokrewieństwo, krewni, dziedziczenie
The article presents the lexical variety of terms defining the degrees of kinship, as well as the syntactic methods of its expression in Latin and Ancient Greek. The three basic methods defining the degrees of kinship found in ancient texts are the syntax of genitive originis, genitive possesoris and the word-formation (lexical method). The first two are the simplest methods of describing kinship and are based on complement syntax. The third of these methods, the lexical method, is closely related to Athenian and Roman legislation, which required more precise determination of affinity in the context of the widely understood inheritance – the Greek anchisteía and the Roman hereditas. The article presents the differences between Latin and Greek vocabulary as well as their wealth of meanings. The author also draws attention to the etymology of selected words, which formed the core for the creation of new words.
Niniejszy artykuł ukazuje różnorodność leksykalną w kontekście terminologii określającej stopnie pokrewieństwa, a także metody składniowe jej wyrażania w języku łacińskim i starogreckim. Trzema podstawowymi sposobami określającymi stopnie pokrewieństwa, występującymi w antycznych tekstach są składnia genetivus originis, genetivus possesoris i metoda słowotwórcza (leksykalna). Dwa pierwsze opierają się na składni dopełniacza i są najprostszymi metodami wyrażania stopni pokrewieństwa. Trzeci z wymienionych sposobów, metoda leksykalna jest ściśle związana z prawodawstwem ateńskim i rzymskim, które wymagało bardziej precyzyjnego określania powinowactwa w kontekście szeroko pojmowanego dziedziczenia – greckiej anchisteía i rzymskiej hereditas. W artykule zostały zaprezentowane różnice między słownictwem łacińskim a greckim, a także ich bogactwo znaczeniowe. Autor zwrócił również uwagę na etymologię wybranych słów, które stanowiły rdzeń dla powstania nowych wyrazów.
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie; 2018, 7
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Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Назви cпopiбненостi як основа мiфотворення в мовi української поєзїї XX столiття
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
name of kinship
language of poetry
The arlicle deals with the problem of determination of the associative and figurative structures of the poetic language with the extralingual factors. Based on the materiał of the functions of the names of kinship in the language of the Ukrainian poetry of the 20th century, the author analyzes two key models of the metaphorical use of these wordspoetisms with which the phenomena of ideologization of the poetic context are connected in generál and the new mythopoetics in particular. The use of the names of kinship in the structure of the poetisms-ideologemes is represented in eonnection with the processes of the development of the poetic and generál linguistic semantics of the names of kinship which render the meanings of “patriot”, “native”, “friendship”. The poetic functions of the genitive and comparative metaphors with the names of kinship háve been analyzed.
Stylistyka; 2014, 23; 299-308
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Noh-yeh, to znaczy matka. Liga Irokezówjako archiwum dyskursu o pokrewieństwie
Noh-yeh, that means mother. League of the Iroquoisas an archive for discourse on kinship
Pisarek, Adam
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Lewis Henry Morgan
studia nad pokrewieństwem
wynalezienie pokrewieństwa
Liga Irokezów
Laboratorium Kultury
kinship studies
invention of kinship
League of the Iroquois
Artykuł dotyczy procesu kształtowania się podstawowych narzędzi studiów nad pokrewieństwem – dziedziny refleksji naukowej „wynalezionej” przez Lewisa Henry’ego Morgana. Autor bada ciągłość konceptualnego instrumentarium służącego systematyzacji wiedzy w badanym obszarze dyskursu antropologicznego. Poszukuje ukrytych instancji zapewniających porządek i trwałość owego dyskursu nawet wtedy, gdy część aksjomatów lub nawet cała teoria zostają odrzucone. Punkt wyjścia dla analizy stanowi tabela terminów pokrewieństwa umieszczona przez Morgana w jednym z przypisów Ligi Ho-de’-no-sau-nee, czyli Irokezów. Okazuje się, że jest w nią wpisana zarówno specyficzna logika listy leksykalnej, jak i diagramu drzewa ukorzenionego, a połączenie tych dwóch modeli prowadzi autora Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family do odkrycia „nowego narzędzia etnologii”.
This article refers to a process of development of basic research tools regarding kinship – a field of scientific reflection “discovered” by Lewis Henry Morgan. Author examines the continuity of conceptual instruments used to systematize knowledge in the area of studied anthropological discourse. He seeks out hidden instances which ensure order and consistency of said discourse even if some of provided axioms or the whole theory are refuted. The starting point of analysis is a table of kinship terminology listed by Morgan in one of footnotes to The League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee or Iroquois. It appears that, written in it, are both specific logic of lexical lists, as well as a diagram of rooted tree. Merging those two models led the author of Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family to discovery of a “new instrument in ethnology”.
Laboratorium Kultury; 2014, 3; 157-189
Pojawia się w:
Laboratorium Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Are we still a family?” The perspective from Romanian transnational families
Hossu, Iulia Elena
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze
transnational families
family practices
Romanian society
“diffuse” family
In 2015 the Romanian anthropologist Vintilă Mihăilescu wrote about the practice of migration in the case of the Romanian society, showing how it is ultimately deeply rooted, before 1989, in the communist period. Under the pressure of internal migration from villages to cities, the traditional Romanian family suffered a major structural transformation. According to the Romanian anthropologist, the diffuse family – household, as he calls it, seems to be “the grandmother” of the transnational family. The current practices of transnational families were formed based on these roots, of the “diffuse” family. Starting from the idea of Mihăilescu, the aim of this articleis to investigate the main (re)structures of the kinship practices in the Romanian society under the impact of external migration after 1989. One of the findings of the study shows that in the Romanian traditional society, preserving kinship cohesion meant a series of obligations and liabilities that were often transmitted from one generation to another without being questioned. They basically constituted and maintained the channel of communication between family members. The members of transnational families have absorbed these traditional structures, weaving over new formulas to adapt family practices(Morgan: 2011) to the specificity of transnational living, reformulating at the same time the traditional rules of kinship and adapting them to the new way of living. The study is based on materials derived from a qualitative research in five communities- three in Romania and two abroad. 
Lud; 2019, 103
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na pograniczu świata barbarzyńskiego i feudalnego. Rody staropruskie po podboju krzyżackim
On the Borderland of the Barbarian and Feudal World. Old Prussian Kinship after the Teutonic Order’s Conquest of Prussia
Białuński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
zakon krzyżacki
Old Prussians
Teutonic Order
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia dwa znaczenia rodziny, jedno z epoki barbarzyńców – w okresie pogaństwa pruskiego, drugie po ich podboju przez Zakon Krzyżacki, w epoce feudalnej. Zakładano, że Prusowie, podobnie jak inne ludy barbarzyńskie, uznawali pokrewieństwo obu stron, linie (patrylinearne i matrylinearne), mierzone jako „kolana” (od głowy przez ramiona do łokci i paznokci). Oznaczało to, że rodzina nie była sztywną i stabilną grupą, ale zróżnicowaną w każdym pokoleniu. Nawet bliscy krewni mieli różne kręgi pokrewieństwa. Tylko bracia i siostry należeli do tej samej grupy. Oznaczało to również, że rodzina nie miała jednego miejsca. Pierwszym i najważniejszym zadaniem rodziny było wróżenie, jak również również odbiór lub zapłatę za nieruchomość. Drugim i równie ważnym zadaniem rodziny wydaje się być ochrona własności. Kolejnym zadaniem rodziny kognitywnej była powszechna przysięga. Każdy członek gminy był zobowiązany do stawania z bliskimi i dochowania złożonej im przysięgi, zaś z drugiej strony mógł liczyć na konsekwentne wsparcie krewnych. Rodzina w epoce feudalnej była czymś innym. Została zbudowana na bazie agnatycznej, a zatem składała się z zamkniętej grupy, wywodzącej się od tego samego przodka w dół linii patrylinearnej. Jej funkcja podlegała również pewnym ograniczeniom. Również krąg osób uprawnionych do zadań indywidualnych został zmieniony. Trendem było zawężenie tego kręgu. Ze względu na to, że rodzina kognitywna nie pozwalała ambitnym rodzinom na zwiększanie swojego znaczenia i bogactwa, zwłaszcza w pomnażanu ich własności ziemi, pod koniec epoki pogańskiej w Prusach, rosło znaczenie pokrewieństwa na bazie agnatycznej, jak to miało miejsce od jakiegoś czasu w feudalnej Europie. Zlikwidowania dawnych struktur rodowych dokonał ostatecznie Zakon Krzyżacki. Kognitywna rodzina była niezbędna i możliwa tylko w społeczeństwie kolektywnym. Nową erę zdefiniował: indywidualizm i relacje rodzinne. Wraz z powstaniem nowej władzy solidarność rodzina zniknęła. Na jej miejscu pojawiła się niepodzielna jednostka agnatyczna. Rozpad rodziny kognitywnej nie nastąpił od razu, nie było też jednej decyzji ani środka prawnego od nowych władców w tej sprawie. Był to pewien proces, a niektóre stare elementy zostały zachowane. Do takich elementów należały: krwawa zemsta i „weregild” jako akt pokory, wspólne zamieszkiwanie krewnych, znaczenie linii matrylinearnej, zwłaszcza wuja-siostrzeńca, wspólną własność posiadaną przez grupę krewnych oraz przenoszenie imion w obu liniach. Po rozpadzie rodziny kognitywnej krąg krewnych, oparty na kanonie praw, zmieniał się i był stale pomniejszany. Pojawiły się także nowe zasady dziedziczenia, a w końcu ważne i nowe formy identyfikacji rodzin agnatycznej epoki feudalnej, a mianowicie herby i pieczęcie. W wyniku tych zmian w XV wieku w Prusach ślady dawnej rodziny kognitywnej są trudne do znalezienia.
This article presents two meanings of family, one from the Barbarian epoch – in the period of Prussian paganism, the second after their conquest by the Teutonic Order, in the feudal era. It was assumed that the Prussians, like other barbarian peoples, recognized kinship along both lines (patrilineal and matrilineal), measured as “knees” (from the head through the shoulders down to the elbows and nails). This meant that the family was not a rigid and stable group, but varied in every generation. Even close relatives had different kinship circles. Only brothers and sisters belonged to the same group. It also meant that the family did not have a single seat, as well as a single authority. The first and foremost task of the family was divination, and as a consequence this also involved the reception of or payment for property. The second and equally important task of the family seems to be have been the protection of ownership. Another task of the cognitive family was a common oath. Each member of the community was obliged to stand with his relatives and assist him with an oath, but on the other hand, he could rely on consistent support from other relatives. The family in the feudal era was something else. It was built on an agnatic basis, and therefore consisted of a closed group deriving from the same ancestor down the patrilineal line. Its functions had also undergone some restrictions. The circle of people entitled to individual tasks also changed. The trend was a narrowing of this circle. Due to the fact that the cognitive family did not allow ambitious families to increase their significance and wealth, especially in multiplying their ownership of land, at the end of the pagan era in Prussia, the importance of kinship was growing on an agnatic basis, as has been the case in feudal Europe for some time. The breakdown of the old ancestral structures was finally made by the Teutonic Order. The cognitive family was only indispensable and possible in a collective society, the new era was defined by individualism and family relationships. With the rise of the new authority, the solidarity of the family disappeared. In its place an indivisible agnatic unit appeared. The disintegration of the cognitive family did not happen immediately, nor was there any single decision or legal measure from the new rulers in this matter. It was a certain process, and some of the old elements were retained into modern times. Such elements included: blood revenge and ‘weregild’ as an act of humility, the cohabitation of relatives, the importance of the matrilineal line, especially uncle–nephew, commonly held property possessed by a group of relatives, and the transfer of names down both lines. After the disintegration of the cognitive family, the circle of relatives, which was based on canon law, changed and constantly decreased. New rules of inheritance also appeared, and finally an important and new form of identifying families of the agnatic feudal era, namely heraldic emblems and seals. As a result of these changes in the 15th century in Prussia, traces of the former cognitive family are difficult to find.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2021, 315; 282-300
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na pograniczu świata barbarzyńskiego i feudalnego. Rody staropruskie po podboju krzyżackim
On the Borderland of the Barbarian and Feudal World. Old Prussian Kinship after the Teutonic Order’s Conquest of Prussia
Białuński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
zakon krzyżacki
Old Prussians
Teutonic Order
This article presents two meanings of family, one from the Barbarian epoch - in the period of Prussian paganism, the second after their conquest by the Teutonic Order, in the feudal era. It was assumed that the Prussians, like other barbarian peoples, recognized kinship along both lines (patrilineal and matrilineal), measured as “knees” (from the head through the shoulders down to the elbows and nails). This meant that the family was not a rigid and stable group, but varied in every generation. Even close relatives had different kinship circles. Only brothers and sisters belonged to the same group. It also meant that the family did not have a single seat, as well as a single authority. The first and foremost task of the family was divination, and as a consequence this also involved the reception of or payment for property. The second and equally important task of the family seems to be have been the protection of ownership. Another task of the cognitive family was a common oath. Each member of the community was obliged to stand with his relatives and assist him with an oath, but on the other hand, he could rely on consistent support from other relatives. The family in the feudal era was something else. It was built on an agnatic basis, and therefore consisted of a closed group deriving from the same ancestor down the patrilineal line. Its functions had also undergone some restrictions. The circle of people entitled to individual tasks also changed. The trend was a narrowing of this circle. Due to the fact that the cognitive family did not allow ambitious families to increase their significance and wealth, especially in multiplying their ownership of land, at the end of the pagan era in Prussia, the importance of kinship was growing on an agnatic basis, as has been the case in feudal Europe for some time. The breakdown of the old ancestral structures was finally made by the Teutonic Order. The cognitive family was only indispensable and possible in a collective society, the new era was defined by individualism and family relationships. With the rise of the new authority, the solidarity of the family disappeared. In its place an indivisible agnatic unit appeared. The disintegration of the cognitive family did not happen immediately, nor was there any single decision or legal measure from the new rulers in this matter. It was a certain process, and some of the old elements were retained into modern times. Such elements included: blood revenge and ‘weregild’ as an act of humility, the cohabitation of relatives, the importance of the matrilineal line, especially uncle-nephew, commonly held property possessed by a group of relatives, and the transfer of names down both lines. After the disintegration of the cognitive family, the circle of relatives, which was based on canon law, changed and constantly decreased. New rules of inheritance also appeared, and finally an important and new form of identifying families of the agnatic feudal era, namely heraldic emblems and seals. As a result of these changes in the 15th century in Prussia, traces of the former cognitive family are difficult to find.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2016, 291, 1; 11-29
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Identity and Private Transfers of Time and Money
Nicińska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
private transfers
intergenerational transfers
emotional proximity
confidant network
We introduce the perspective of identity economics to a formal model of rational choice of private transfers to examine the impact of geographical proximity on optimal time and money transfers within and outside of families. We argue that identities affect private transfers through the internalization of social norms governing informal support and incorporate in the formal model the fact that time, unlike money transfers, demands face-to-face presence. We solve the utility maximization problem and derive propositions concerning factors affecting transfers. Then we test them empirically using longitudinal and cross-sectional data from the Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. We address the possible endogeneity with instrumental variables. Empirical results based on transfers from family members and unrelated individuals are suggestive of a significant role of identity in private transfers in line with the theoretical model. We find that geographical proximity enhances time, but not money, transfers. Our results yield evidence for a stronger role of emotional rather than genetic proximity in interhousehold transfers.
Central European Economic Journal; 2022, 9, 56; 191-218
Pojawia się w:
Central European Economic Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Семантичен речник на роднинските названия в българския език
Георгиева [Georgieva], Цветелина [TSvetelina]
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
semantic dictionary of kinship denominations
Bulgarian language
digital code
Semantic dictionary of kinship denominations in the Bulgarian languageThe article is a presentation of Semantic dictionary of kinship denominations in the Bulgarian language, which is integral part of my monograph Kinship and kinship denominations in the Bulgarian language (semantics and lexicographic presentation). The dictionary is organized according to digital codes (ideal terms), then a metalanguage in the form of definitions, and finally the particular language signs themselves. 111 particular kinship-related referents are presented (men, women, children and couples), for whom we have at least one denomination. The article provides information about a range of potential theoretical and scientific applications of the dictionary. Semantyczny słownik nazw stopnia pokrewieństwa w języku bułgarskimArtykuł jest prezentacją Semantycznego słownika nazw stopni pokrewieństwa w języku bułgarskim, stanowiącego integralną część mojej monografii Pokrewieństwo i nazwy stopni pokrewieństwa w języku bułgarskim (semantyka i opis leksykograficzny). Słownik zorganizowany jest według kodów cyfrowych (terminy idealne), następnie według tworzących metajęzyk definicji, w końcu zaś według samych poszczególnych znaków językowych. Prezentuję w nim 111 desygnatów-stopni pokrewieństwa, dla których dysponujemy choć jedną nazwą (kobiety, mężczyzny, dziecka czy pary). Artykuł wskazuje także szereg potencjalnych teoretycznych i naukowych zastosowań słownika.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej; 2018, 53
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Use of Address Forms among Faculty Academic Staff of Bayero University, Kano
Chamo, Isa Yusuf
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Orientalistyczny. Katedra Języków i Kultur Afryki
address form
kinship term
Bayero University
This paper investigates the use of address forms among the academic staff of the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies at the Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. The aim is to find out whether there is variation in the use of the terms between the members of academic staff of the Faculty which has six Departments (Arabic, English, History, Islamic Studies and Sharia, Nigerian Languages, Linguistics and Foreign Languages). An Ethnography research method and the Variationist Sociolinguistics Theory are used to collect and analyze the data. Following the findings, three address forms are presented in more detail, namely titles, nicknames, and kinship terms. Special attention is put to the title Malam, which originally referred to a teacher or a person versed in Islamic knowledge, but nowadays is used more commonly than any other type of address forms. The research shows that age, gender, social status, degree of intimacy, and context of communication determine the use of the address forms among academic staff. The findings reveal that the staff members of The Faculty favor traditional address terms which are used in Hausa society rather than the terms Corresponding to their professional rank. In addition, these address forms are culture specific and the dominant culture is Hausa.
Studies in African Languages and Cultures; 2019, 53; 9-28
Pojawia się w:
Studies in African Languages and Cultures
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Briefe für die Seele. Der Brief als Therapeutikum am Beispiel der Briefe Friedrich Schlegels an Christine von Stransky
Letters for the Soul. Friedrich Schlegel’s Letters to Christine von Stransky as an Example of Letters as a Therapy
Porzer, Tim
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Friedrich Schlegel
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die therapeutische Funktionalisierung des Briefwechsels zwischen Friedrich Schlegel und Christine von Stransky. Im Medium Brief werden auf Grundlage einer als ‚Seelenverwandtschaft‘ verstandenen Verbundenheit intime Empfindungen sowie Sorgen und Nöte ausgetauscht. Im Artikel wird erläutert, wie Schlegel die ihn bedrängenden Sorgen und Probleme bewältigt, indem er ihnen in der Mitteilung an seine Briefpartnerin eine sprachliche Form gibt.
The paper analyses the therapeutic functionalisation of the correspondence between Friedrich Schlegel and Christine von Stransky. Through the medium of the letter, intimate feelings, worries and needs are exchanged based on a bond understood as ‘soul-kinship’. The article explains how Schlegel overcomes the worries and problems troubling himself by giving them a verbal expression in the communication with his correspondent.
Studia Germanica Gedanensia; 2021, 44; 126-138
Pojawia się w:
Studia Germanica Gedanensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Racial Foster Care, Contraceptive Knowledge and Adoption in Alain Locke’s Philosophy of Culture
Jackson, Myron Moses
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Filozofii
intimacy account
intercultural reciprocity
cultural adoption
kinship of feeling
cultural ethics
This article confronts the problems of establishing normative restrictive claims for delegitimizing conduct and attitudes of cultural appropriation. Using C. Thi Nguyen’s and Matthew Strhol’s intimacy account (IA) as a background, I offer an alternative of cultural adoption relying upon Alain Locke’s value theory and philosophical pluralism. The phenomenon of cultural adoption I propose develops some insights from Nguyen’s and Strohl’s IA, while critiquing their framework’s perceived limitations. By adding loyalty and intensity to the prerogatives of intimacy, the hope is that a more nuanced approach to the ethical concerns of cultural adoption will be achieved. My contention is that Locke’s notions of a racial sense or kinship feeling provides stronger grounds for establishing an ethics of the passerby or what I will call non-intimate encounters. Next, I will argue that the interpersonal relations of groups cannot be interpreted as simple, but only as complex wholes. Instead of monoliths and exclusive binaries, we have to recognize variation within groups and learn to think in what Albert Murray calls “mulatto,” or a culture of novel hybrids. In the final section, I argue that Locke’s philosophy, broadly construed, operates as a contraceptive knowledge against the growing imperial apathy of populists and absolutists. We should work to abandon forms of political and epistemological violence by rejecting these forms of cultural abuse. It is my grand contention that human groups express in their differences a uniqueness that makes us distrust or admire and like each other.
Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture; 2022, 6, 3; 62-78
Pojawia się w:
Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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