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Bullying as a subject of adolescents’ analysis. The perspective of students identified by their peers as bullies, victims, and prosocial students
Aleksandra, Tłuściak-Deliowska
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
peer bullying
a witness of peer bullying
typologies of the witnesses of peer bullying
witnesses’ interventions
The article focuses on a topic of peer bullying, considering experiences of witnesses. A phenomenon of peer bullying is a significant problem from a perspective of school prevention planning. In a majority of theoretical and practical studies, authors describe bullying, focusing on behaviors of perpetrators and victims, omitting a key role of witnesses of bullying. Author of the current article underlines an important role of third persons, who, in their own bold intervention can significantly affect victims defense and therefore can restrict bullying incidents. The article presents chosen typologies of bullying witnesses, underlying a meaning of the role of the witnesses who support victims. Own research is also described, whose aim was to get to know the conditions in which an intervention in a situation of peer bullying can occur. An experiment was conducted using a deepened interview with 23 students aged between 20 and 41 years old. A conditions favoring witnesses to intervene or not to intervene ware described.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2018, Special issue; 87-101
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Witness – a key participant of peer bullying. A role of factors determining an intervention
Karolina, Walczak-Człapińska,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
peer bullying
a witness of peer bullying
typologies of the witnesses of peer bullying
witnesses’ interventions.
The article focuses on a topic of peer bullying, considering experiences of witnesses. A phenomenon of peer bullying is a significant problem from a perspective of school prevention planning. In a majority of theoretical and practical studies, authors describe bullying, focusing on behaviors of perpetrators and victims, omitting a key role of witnesses of bullying. Author of the current article underlines an important role of third persons, who, in their own bold intervention can significantly affect victims defense and therefore can restrict bullying incidents. The article presents chosen typologies of bullying witnesses, underlying a meaning of the role of the witnesses who support victims. Own research is also described, whose aim was to get to know the conditions in which an intervention in a situation of peer bullying can occur. An experiment was conducted using a deepened interview with 23 students aged between 20 and 41 years old. A conditions favoring witnesses to intervene or not to intervene ware described.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2018, 56(14); 93-106
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The bystander – a key participant in bullying. The role of factors that determine intervention
Walczak-Człapińska, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
peer bullying
bystander to bullying
typologies of bystanders to bullying
bystander intervention
The paper discusses the subject of bullying, including bystander experiences. The phenomenon of peer bullying is a significant problem in terms of planning school-based prevention programmes in this area. In most theoretical and empirical studies, researchers describe bullying, focusing on the behaviour of bullies and victims, overlooking the key role of the bystander. The author of this article emphasises the important role of bystanders who, through their intervention, can contribute to the defence of victims, and thus to the reduction of bullying incidents. The article presents selected typologies of bystanders to bullying, emphasising the important role of bystanders who support the victim. In the paper reference was made to the author’s own research, the purpose of which was to gain a better insight into the determinants of taking intervention measures in bullying situations. The research was conducted using in-depth interviews conducted with 23 students aged 20–41. The determinants of intervening or abstaining from intervening are described.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2018, Special issue; 102-114
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Predictors and forms of intervention in peer bullying: pre-service teachers vs. teachers
Pečjak, Sonja
Pirc, Tina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
peer bullying
types of bullying
pre-service teachers
Research shows that teachers’ perceptions of peer bullying (PB) are an important predictor of their intervention. Therefore, the aims of the study were to find out i) how serious pre-service teachers and teachers find different types of PB, ii) how empathic to the victims and willing to intervene they are, iii) what predicts interventions in both groups and iv) what forms of intervention pre-service teachers and teachers would use regarding victims and perpetrators. Results suggest that teachers perceive all types of PB as more severe than pre-service teachers and are more willing to intervene earlier, but pre-service teachers show more empathy for the victims. The strongest predictor of intervention in both groups is beliefs about the severity of bullying, but their forms of intervention differ significantly. Implications of the study findings are also discussed.
The New Educational Review; 2015, 39; 264-276
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc rówieśnicza (bullying) wśród osób w wieku szkolnym – wiktymizacja i sprawstwo. Metaanaliza badań prospektywnych
School-Age Bullying Victimization and Perpetration: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies and Research
Walters, Glenn D.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
bullying victimization
bullying perpetration
Z grupy 1408 badań wybrano 23 próby pochodzące z 22 badań podłużnych dotyczących zarówno wiktymizacji, jak i sprawstwa przemocy rówieśniczej. Wyselekcjonowano je przy użyciu określonych wcześniej kryteriów (wiek ≤ 18 lat, deklarowana wiktymizacja lub sprawstwo przemocy rówieśniczej badane po co najmniej miesiącu, ale nie więcej niż 24 miesiącach, badania niebędące ewaluacją terapii ani konkretnego programu). Następnie przeprowadzono metaanalizę z wykorzystaniem modelu efektów losowych, aby zbadać związki równoczesne (concurrent) i podłużne zależności krzyżowe (cross-lagged) między wiktymizacją a sprawstwem przemocy rówieśniczej w wybranych 23 próbach. Otrzymano dużą łączną wielkość efektu (r = 0,40, 95% przedział ufności [CI] 0,34–0,45) dla związku równoczesnego oraz od niewielkiej do umiarkowanej wielkości efektu (wiktymizacja–sprawstwo r = 0,20, 95% CI 0,17–0,24; sprawstwo–wiktymizacja r = 0,21, 95% CI 0,17–0,24) dla obu krzyżowych korelacji podłużnych. Wyniki nie zmieniły się, gdy analizy przeprowadzono osobno dla tradycyjnej przemocy rówieśniczej ani cyberprzemocy. Otrzymane rezultaty wskazują, że wiktymizacja i sprawstwo przemocy rówieśniczej są silnie skorelowane, przy czym krzyżowa korelacja podłużna przebiega dwukierunkowo, co oznacza, że sprawstwo prowadzi do późniejszej wiktymizacji równie często jak wiktymizacja do późniejszego sprawstwa. Zaproponowano różne modele teoretyczne, aby wyjaśnić, jak wiktymizacja prowadzi do sprawstwa (teorię cyklu przemocy, ogólną teorię napięcia i teorię społeczno-poznawczą) oraz w jaki sposób sprawstwo prowadzi do wiktymizacji (teorie ryzykownego stylu życia, rutynowych aktywności i doboru rówieśników).
Twenty-three samples from 22 longitudinal studies assessing both bullying perpetration and bullying victimization were selected from a sample of 1,408 candidate studies using several prespecified criteria (i.e., participants ≤ 18 years of age; self-reported bullying victimization and perpetration assessed with a lag of at least 1 month but no more than 24 months; not a treatment or program study). A random effects meta- -analysis was then performed on the concurrent and cross-lagged longitudinal associations between bullying victimization and perpetration in the 23 samples. A large pooled effect size (r = .40, 95% confidence interval [CI] = [.34, .45]) was obtained for the concurrent association between bullying victimization and perpetration, whereas modest to moderate effect sizes (victimization to perpetration: r = .20, 95% CI [.17, .24]; perpetration to victimization: r = .21, 95% CI [.17, .24]) were obtained for the two cross-lagged longitudinal correlations. The results did not change when analyses were conducted separately for traditional bullying and cyberbullying outcomes. These findings indicate that bullying victimization and perpetration correlate strongly and that their cross-lagged longitudinal relationship runs in both directions, such that perpetration is just as likely to lead to future victimization as victimization is to lead to future perpetration. Different theoretical models are proposed in an effort to explain these results: cycle of violence, general strain, and social cognitive theories for victimization leading to perpetration and risky lifestyles, routine activities, and peer selection theories for perpetration leading to victimization.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2020, 19, 4; 74-98
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘What we give to others, come back to us’. The role of peer leadership in creating a positive school climate and bullying prevention
Tłuściak-Deliowska, Aleksandra
Gubenko, Alyona
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
bullying prevention
peer-based programs
peer support
school climate
In this article, the authors discuss the nature of peer-based prevention programs. The analyzes are conducted in the context of school bullying prevention and the associated need to build a friendly and safe school environment. Attention was paid to shaping a positive peer culture by involving young people in various types of prosocial activities. Peer leadership programs are a special kind of activity where the driving force is youth. Implementation of a peer program into school life enables the full potential of young people to be activated. Such programs mobilize young people to make positive changes in their social surroundings, to help themselves and others through constructive cooperation. Taking into account that these programs are carried out within the school environment, the condition of the effectiveness is the attitude of school toward such activities. It is important to foster positive peer relationships, to encourage students to participate and create the right conditions for change.
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies; 2020, 7(2); 31-39
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Measurement of Cyber-Bullying Severity
Hollá, Katarína
Fenyvesiová, Lívia
Hanuliaková, Jana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
IRT model
cyber-bullying severity
The presented study presents results of research conducted in 2015 within the project of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic VEGA No. 1/0244/15 Detection and Resolving Cyber-Bullying. The aim of the research was to find out and analyze levels of cyber-bullying severity. Participants in the research were 1118 respondents 11-18 years old (average age 15.25, SD 2.55) across the Slovak Republic. The severity of cyber-bullying was assessed through the GRM (Graded Response Model). The most severe forms of cyber-bullying were posting a mean video, creating a hurtful web-page and threats of bodily injury sent through a text message. The least severe forms were mean comments on the Internet, spreading rumours and posting mean or hurtful photographs of others.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 47; 29-38
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coping strategies to exposure to workplace bullying
Strategie radzenia sobie z byciem poddawanym mobbingowi w pracy
Gamian-Wilk, Malgorzata
Bjorkelo, Brita
Madeja-Bien, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
strategie radzenia sobie
social psychology
workplace bullying
coping strategies
The article concerns coping strategies of workers subjected to workplace bullying. Firstly, bullying process development is compared with various models of conflict escalation. Secondly, the review of literature on employees’ exposed to bullying at work responses to negative workplace activities is presented. Finally, the results of studies comparing targets’ and non-targets’ strategies on various stages of bullying development are described. The findings indicate that employees previously exposed to bullying at work at the very early stage of conflict respond in a way that may be interpreted as unconstructive while those who encounter single conflicts at work intensify their endeavors to make a good impression, and try to gain social support from their surrounding interpersonal relationships. Bullying targets seek support and use strategies based on co-operation when the conflict is severe and difficult to solve. The article ends with directions for future studies aiming at identifying strategies for prevention programs.
Artykuł stanowi przegląd literatury na temat sposobów, w jaki radząsobie osoby poddawane negatywnym oddziaływaniom w miejscu pracy. Rozpoczętood porównania procesu rozwoju mobbingu do modeli eskalacji konfliktu. Następnieprzedstawiono przegląd wyników badań nad reakcjami osób mobbingowanychna bycie negatywnie traktowanym, zaprezentowano rezultaty wskazujące na różnewzorce reakcji pracowników poddawanych i pracowników nie poddawanych mobbingowina różnych etapach rozwoju mobbingu. Wyniki wskazują na to, że osobypoddawane mobbingowi na początkowym etapie rozwoju mobbingu podejmująstrategie mało konstruktywne, podczas gdy osoby doświadczające pojedynczegokonfliktu w pracy podejmują starania zrobienia dobrego wrażenia, szukają wsparcia.Na kolejnych etapach rozwoju mobbingu, gdy konflikt jest nasilony i trudny dorozwiązania, osoby poddawane mobbingowi nękani pracownicy zaczynają szukaćwsparcia i podejmują strategie oparte na kooperacji. Zaprezentowane wyniki stanowiąpodstawę dla projektowania szkoleń prewencyjnych.
Forum Oświatowe; 2017, 29, 2(58); 79-94
Pojawia się w:
Forum Oświatowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hate speech - causes and consequences in public space
Górka, Marek
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
cyber bullying
digital aggression
online bullying
online protection
young people
Due to the highly innovative technologies such as the smart phone, cyberbullying and on-line aggression have increasingly affected individuals across the world. Cyberbullying is defined as repeated unwanted, hurtful, harassing, and threatening interaction through electronic communication media. The anonymity and mobility afforded by the Internet has made harassment and expressions of hate effortless in a landscape that is abstract and beyond the realms of traditional law enforcement. Further, it argues that a broad coalition of government, schools, police and citizenry is likely to be most effective in reducing the harm caused by hate speech. The study discusses the targets of hate on the Internet, provides a framework within which problems can be identified and resolved by accentuating moral and social responsibility, and articulates possible solutions to combat this increasing problem.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2019, 23, 2; 233-244
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc rówieśnicza
Makaruk, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
przemoc rówieśnicza, bullying, cyberbullying, przemoc szkolna
peer victimization, bullying, cyberbullying, school violence
Celem rozdziału jest przedstawienie przeglądu statystyk na temat przemocy rówieśniczej w Polsce. W rozdziale zaprezentowano dostępne dane zbierane przez policję, wyniki badań ilościowych dotyczących rozpowszechnienia wiktymizacji i sprawstwa przemocy rówieśniczej, a także opinie o problemie. Znaczna część badań omówionych w rozdziale koncentruje się na przemocy szkolnej. Z powodu różnic metodologicznych i definicyjnych między badaniami trudno określić skalę problemu. Z badań wynika, że nastolatki częściej doświadczają tradycyjnej przemocy niż przemocy elektronicznej. Sprawcami i ofiarami przemocy fizycznej są częściej chłopcy. Dziewczyny częściej angażują się w przemoc relacyjną. Z prezentowanych badań wynika, że zarówno uczniowie, jak i nauczyciele nadają problemowi przemocy rówieśniczej małą wagę, w dodatku niewielu nauczycieli dostrzega przemoc wśród uczniów.
The aim of the chapter is to provide an overview of statistics on peer violence in Poland. The chapter presents available data collected by the police and the results of the quantitative research on the prevalence of peer victims and perpetrators, as well as on the opinion on the problem. Majority of the research discussed in the section focuses on school violence. Due to the methodological and definitional differences between studies it is difficult to determine the scale of the problem. Research shows that teenagers often experience traditional bullying than cyberbullying. Perpetrators and victims of physical violence are more often boys. Girls more often than boys experience relational aggression. Presented research shows that both students and teachers give the problem of bullying little importance, in addition, few teachers notice violence among students.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2017, 16, 1; 214-231
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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