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Marine snow and epipelagic suspensoids in the Reda carbonates and a pronounced mid-Ludfordian (Silurian) CIE in the axis of the Baltic Basin (Poland)
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
pelagic carbonates
marine snow
algal blooms
eolian dust
carbonate supersaturation
Baltic basin
Reda Member
węglany pelagiczne
śnieg morski
zakwit glonów
osady eoliczne
basen bałtycki
The mid-Ludfordian pronounced, positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE), coincident with the Lau/kozlowskii extinction event, has been widely studied so far in shallow-water, carbonate successions, whereas its deep-water record remains insufficiently known. The aim of this research is to reconstruct the sedimentary environments and the palaeoredox conditions in the axial part of the Baltic-Podolian Basin during the event. For these purposes, the Pasłęk IG-1 core section has been examined using microfacies analysis, framboid pyrite diameter and carbon isotope measurements. The prelude to the event records an increased influx of detrital dolomite interpreted as eolian dust, coupled with a pronounced decrease in the diameter of the pyrite framboids, indicating persistent euxinic conditions across the event. The event climax is recorded as the Reda Member and consists of calcisiltites, composed of calcite microcrystals (‘sparoids’), which are interpreted as suspensoids induced by phytoplankton blooms in the hipersaturation conditions present in the epipelagic layer of the basin. Both the prelude and climax facies show lamination, interpreted as having resulted from periodical settling of marine snow, combined with hydraulic sorting within a ‘benthic flocculent layer’, which additionally may be responsible for a low organic matter preservation rate due to methanogenic decomposition. Contrary to the observed basinward CIE decline in the benthic carbonates in the basin, the Reda Member records an extremely positive CIE (up to 8.25‰). Given the pelagic origin of the sparoids, the CIE seems to record surface-water carbon isotope ratios. This points to a large carbon isotope gradient and kinetic fractionation between surface and bottom waters during the mid-Ludfordian event in a strongly stratified basin. The Reda facies-isotope anomaly is regarded as undoubtedly globally triggered, but amplified by the stratified and euxinic conditions in the partly isolated, Baltic-Podolian basin. Hence, the common interpretation of the basin record as representative for the global ocean needs to be treated with great caution.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2020, 70, 4; 529-567
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Willingness to pay for cause-related products: the impact of consumer attitudes and elements of a CrM campaign
Skłonność do płacenia za produkty z atrybutem społecznym: wpływ postaw konsumenckich i elementów kampanii CrM
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
cause-related marketing
willingness to pay
marketing ważnej sprawy
skłonność do płacenia
The article presents the results of research, conducted by experiment, on determinants of the effectiveness of cause-related marketing. Their specific objective was to examine the relationship between the attitudes of women and men and the elements of the CrM campaign and the consumers’ willingness to pay more for cause-related products. The results indicate that willingness will be higher for buyers with favorable attitudes towards CrM, accepting altruistic values and for whom the social cause is of great importance. Research also proves that the price effect of the campaign will be greater if the strategy is linked to utilitarian rather than hedonistic products. These findings can assist companies in designing more effective cause-related marketing strategies.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących uwarunkowań skuteczności marketingu ważnej sprawy. Celem eksperymentu było określenie związku między postawami kobiet i mężczyzn oraz elementami kampanii CrM a skłonnością do płacenia więcej za produkt z atrybutem sprawy społecznej. Z badań wynika, że skłonność jest wyższa w przypadku kobiet i mężczyzn przychylnie nastawionych do CrM, akceptujących altruistyczne wartości, dla których sprawa społeczna eksponowana w reklamie ma duże znaczenie. Ponadto kampania marketingu ważnej sprawy przynosi większy sukces „cenowy”, kiedy jest złączona z produktami utylitarnymi niż z hedonistycznymi. Otrzymane rezultaty mogą pomóc firmom przygotować bardziej skuteczne strategie marketingu ważnej sprawy.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2019, 63, 4; 95-107
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
International Identities in the 13th Century Latin Christendom. A Concept of Lordly Identity
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
latin christendom
władysław łokietek
medieval societies
This article builds on an observation that medieval politics in the thirteenth century tends to be approached by standard political history as if centralized statehood (and its international implications) was an ahistorical phenomenon existing in all ages. Taking this perspective, to suggest that the political motivations and actions of dukes and kings are rational and motivated by raison d’état has been a popular practice over many decades. However, the otherness of medieval political culture seems to be overlooked. This article proposes an amendment to the conventional approach by taking a culture‑specific turn and introducing the concept of lordly identity. It comes with an assumption that standard international agents in thirteenth century Latin Christendom were lords (not states). The notion of lordly identity makes clear references to conceptual frameworks developed in international relations theories. It is based on a constructivist approach proposing that international actors develop ways of mitigating conflict and promoting cooperation by establishing a form of international (intergroup) society, which is governed by worked‑out norms and regulations in the process of mutual interactions. In such a self‑defined‑by‑practice society its constitutive members assume certain roles and identities, which affect their behaviors and shape political interests. By developing a concept of lordly identity, the article attempts to inspire and strengthen medieval historian’s explanatory powers. It draws attention to IR assumptions and arguments about international politics that often remain little known and obscure to political historians of the Middle Ages.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2017, 21; 93-110
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ znaczenia sprawy społecznej i postaw konsumentów wobec działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych na intencję zakupu w cause-related marketing
Influence of cause affinity and consumers attitudes towards socially responsible activities on purchase intentions in the cause-related marketing
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Cause-related marketing
Intencje zakupowe
Znaczenie sprawy
Cause affinity
Purchase intentions
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników oryginalnych badań dotyczących uwarunkowań skuteczności cause-related marketing. Badania przeprowadzono w drodze eksperymentu, a ich celem było określenie związku między znaczeniem sprawy społecznej dla konsumentów oraz ich postawami wobec działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych a intencją zakupu produktu z atrybutem wspierania sprawy społecznej. Empiryczna weryfikacja hipotez potwierdza, że czynniki te różnicują skłonność do zakupu takiego produktu. Zgodnie z założeniem pozytywny związek między zmiennymi nie będzie wzmacniany ani typem produktu, ani stopniem dopasowania sprawy do produktu. Natomiast znaczenie sprawy społecznej samo w sobie wpływa na postawy konsumentów. Z badań wynika także, że altruistyczna użyteczność (związana z bodźcem darowizny) będzie bardziej skuteczna w stymulowaniu zakupów niż bodziec monetarny, gdy konsumenci będą bardziej przychylnie nastawieni do CrM i gdy sprawa społeczna będzie miała dla nich duże znaczenie.
The objective of article is to present the results of the original research on the determinants of cause-related marketing effectiveness. The research was conducted by experiment, and their objective was to determine the relationship between the cause affinity and consumers attitudes towards socially responsible activities and the intention to purchase products that “support social cause”. The empirical testing of hypotheses is confirming, that these factors differentiate the willingness to purchase such product. As established, a positive relationship between the variables will not be strengthened through neither product type or product-cause fit. However cause affinity, in itself, affects consumer attitudes. The research also shows, that altruistic utility associated with the stimulus donation will be more effective in stimulating purchases than monetary stimulus when consumers will be have more favorable attitudes towards the CrM and when cause affinity will be outweighing for them.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2017, 328; 51-60
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wysokości darowizny i stopnia dopasowania sprawy na intencje zakupowe w cause-related marketing
Influence of the Donation Level and Product-Cause Fit on Purchase Intentions in the Cause-Related Marketing
Влияние размера дарения и способа оформления дарственной на намерения о покупке в маркетинге с опорой на благотворительность (англ. cause-related marketing)
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny
cause-related marketing
intencje zakupowe
wysokość darowizny
dopasowanie sprawy do produktu
purchase intentions
donation level
productcause fit
намерения купить
размер дарения
соответствие способа оформления дарственной продукту
Zajmujący się problematyką marketingu ważnej sprawy koncentrują uwagę na efektach praktykowania CRM oraz ich uwarunkowaniach. Ważnymi, aczkolwiek w niewielkim stopniu uwzględnianymi komponentami badań prowadzonych w odniesieniu do rynku polskiego są rola wysokości darowizny oraz zgodności dopasowania sprawy do produktu. Wbrew oczekiwaniu, wyniki przeprowadzonego eksperymentu wskazują, że obie zmienne nie są czynnikami, które różnicują postawy społeczne względem inicjatyw marketingu ważnej sprawy, wyrażone intencją zakupu produktów z atrybutem społecznej sprawy. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy.
Scientists dealing with issues of cause-related marketing are concentrating their attention on the effects of the practice of CRM and their conditions. Important, although to a small extent taken into account components of the research carried out in relation to the Polish market, are the role of the level of donations and productcause fit. Contrary to expectation, the results of the experiment show that both variables are not factors that differentiate social attitudes towards initiatives of the cause-related marketing, expressed the intention of buying products with the attribute of social cause.
Занимающиеся проблематикой маркетинга с опорой на благотворительность сосредоточивают свое внимание на эффектах применения CRM и их обусловленностях. Важными, хотя в небольшой степени учитываемыми составными частями исследований, проводимых по отношению к польскому рынку, является роль размера дарения и соответствия способа оформления дарственной продукту. Вопреки ожиданию, результаты проведенного эксперимента показывают, что обе переменные не являются факторами, которые дифференцируют общественное отношение к инициативам маркетинга с опорой на благотворительность, выраженное намерением купить продукт с атрибутом благотворительности. Статья имеет исследовательский характер.
Handel Wewnętrzny; 2016, 3 (362); 153-162
Pojawia się w:
Handel Wewnętrzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The origins of the 1320 Angevin-Piast Dynastic Marriage
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
This study addresses the issue of the 1320 Angevin-Piast marriage contract between Charles I of Hungary and Elisabeth, a daughter of King Władysław Łokietek of Poland. In time this marriage emerged to be the fundament of the Angevin-Piast alliance, which over decades transformed into a succession project. Louis the Great of Hungary’s ascension to the Polish throne in 1370 and the materialization of the Hungarian-Polish monarchy was a watershed in medieval Central European constellations, and it retrospectively made the 1320 marriage acquire special significance. Seeking the origins of the marriage, the primary source accounts are collected and interpreted. Subsequently, the contexts of Charles I and Łokietek’s political actions in the early fourteenth century are briefly summarized. This is followed by a reconsidered exposition of the dynastic and political motivations and objectives that may have inspired the marriage. Contrary to conventional explanations available in the Polish scholarship (emphasizing the role of the Europe-wide rivalry between the Habsburgs and Wittelsbachs in stimulating political behaviors on the regional level to balance the power of the competing political blocks), the study argues that the marriage is sufficiently explained within the framework of dynastic logic, which expected of lords (kings, dukes and other members of the elites) to produce legitimate offspring and provide it with adequate lordships.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2016, 20; 41-57
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Exploring Generation Zs Skepticism Towards Cause-Related Marketing: Understanding the Antecedents and Consequences
Sceptycyzm pokolenia Z względem marketingu społecznie zaangażowanego: przyczyny i skutki
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
marketing społecznie zaangażowany
pokolenie Z
cause-related marketing (CRM)
Although cause-related marketing (CRM) is being increasingly applied, little is known about GenZ skepticism. This study aimed to understand the antecedents and consequences of skepticism towards CRM offers among GenZ consumers. Quantitative research was used to test the conceptual model using structural equation model (SEM). The analysis confirmed the proposed hypothesis. The author's findings provide empirical evidence that altruism and the perceived company’s motivation negatively affect skepticism toward a CRM campaign. This study further proves the effect of consumer skepticism on purchase intention. As skepticism increases, the willingness to buy cause-related products decreases. The findings are relevant for both scholars and marketers. Scientists will be enriched with knowledge about the prosocial behaviour of Generation Z. From a managerial perspective, this research could help practitioners to design CRM campaigns effectively. To the best of the author’s knowledge, no such study has been conducted in the context of Poland.
Marketing społecznie zaangażowany jest coraz częściej praktykowany, jednakże niewiele jest wiadomo na temat sceptycyzmu pokolenia Z. Celem badań jest zrozumienie przyczyn i konsekwencji sceptycyzmu wobec programów CRM wśród Z konsumentów. Badania ilościowe wykorzystano do przetestowania modelu koncepcyjnego za pomocą modelu równań strukturalnych (SEM). Wszystkie hipotezy zostały potwierdzone. Badania dostarczają empirycznych dowodów na to, że altruizm konsumencki i postrzegana motywacja firmy negatywnie wpływają na sceptycyzm wobec kampanii CRM. Ponadto pokazują jego wpływ na intencję zakupu konsumentów pokolenia Z. Wraz ze wzrostem sceptycyzmu zmniejsza się ich skłonność do nabycia produktów wspierających sprawę społeczną. Wyniki badań są istotne zarówno dla akademików, jak i praktyków. Pracownicy naukowi zostaną wzbogaceni o wiedzę na temat prospołecznych zachowań pokolenia Z. Natomiast praktykom badania pomogłyby skutecznie projektować kampanie marketingu społecznie zaangażowanego. Według wiedzy autora w Polsce nie przeprowadzono podobnych badań.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2024, 68, 2; 106-116
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rękopis Digestum vetus ze zbiorów Biblioteki Kórnickiej PAN
Manuscript Digestum vetus from the collection of the Kórnik Library, Polish Academy of Sciences
Baran-Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Digestum vetus
Roman law
medieval manuscripts
rzymski prawo
średniowieczne manuskrypty
Currently in the collection of the Kórnik Library, the manuscript, produced by order of the Emperor Justinian, contains Digestum vetus with the later gloss of Accursius. It is considered one of the most interesting copies of this work in Europe, its rank determined mainly by the rich iconographic program consisting of 25 initials and over 230 illustrations in the margins, the majority of which are multiform scenes. Art historians studying the discussed manuscript indicate that among numerous manuscripts of the Digestum preserved in European collections, there is not another one with such a gorgeous illustrative programme. The miniature illustrations in initials, produced by a single master, open subsequent books of the Digests, referring specifi cally to the content of the fi rst titles of given books. The remaining 238 marginal miniatures were made by three illustrators working in parallel on particular signatures to the manuscript. The analysis of their dispersion on each page has revealed that they were produced once the marginal gloss of Accursius was written down. In most cases the illustrations directly illustrate case studies contained in the Digestum. These miniatures were designed so as to facilitate the perception of the text of the Digestum, help in memorising specifi c cases and to facilitate the search in the entire comprehensive codifi cation. In light of recent fi ndings of art historians, this manuscript was produced in several stages. First, the text of the Digestum was written, probably in northern Italy, in the last quarter of the twelfth century, then, in France in the 1230s the marginal gloss of Accarsius was added and illuminations prepared. This Code came to Poland in the fi fteenth century, owing to the canon of Kraków and the scholastic of Płock Dersław of Karnice, who bought it during his studies in Italy in the years 1469–1471. The manuscript spent 300 years in the library of the Chapter of Płock, where he was purchased by Tadeusz Czacki to be located it in the Poryck Library. Then Digesta were bought by Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, and stored in the Library of Puławy, from where with a considerable part of manuscripts, it was ultimately transported to the Działyński Library in Kórnik, which has housed them to this day.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2014, 2(7); 39-62
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A general description and history of the manuscript of “Digestum vetus cum glossis” from the collections of the Kórnik Library
Baran-Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Biblioteka Kórnicka PAN
Kodeks Justyniana
PAN Biblioteka Kórnicka - rękopisy
prawo rzymskie
The collections of the PAN Kórnik Library include one of the most interesting illuminated manuscripts of “Digestum vetus” made at the request of Emperor Justinian. The manuscript is marked by a very rich iconographic programme including 25 figurative initials and more than 230 marginal illustrations. Both types of image excellently correlate with the text of the legal manuscript and the marginal illustrations constitute a visual commentary to it. The manuscript contains a commentary by Accursius (Glossa ordinaria) as well as many earlier pre-accursian glosses. The manuscript was brought to Poland by Dziersław of Karnice, a scholaster from Płock, in the 15th century. He purchased it during his stay in Italy, where he studied law from 1469 until 1471. The manuscript spent the next 300 years in Plock, in the library of the cathedral chapter. It was subsequently purchased by Tadeusz Czacki, who added it to the collections of the Poryck Library. After a few years, the manuscript was bought by Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, who made it a part of the collections of the Puławy Library. Finally, the manuscript was brought to the Kórnik Library founded by the Działyński family.
Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej; 2017, 34; 33-60
Pojawia się w:
Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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