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Fazy rozwoju demograficznego Polski
Phases of the Demographic Change in Poland
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
transformacja demograficzna
demographic transformation
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie w długim okresie dynamiki demograficznej Polski. Pomimo wyraźnej odmienności, przeobrażenia demograficzne Polski zachodziły w sposób ewolucyjny według wyraźnie określonych cykli czasowych, poczynając od młodości demograficznej i wysokich współczynników przyrostu naturalnego a kończąc na stanie, w którym urodzone dzieci nie mogą zrekompensować ubytku naturalnego wywołanego wysoką umieralnością. Przejście od I do V fazy transformacji demograficznej trwało w Polsce ponad dwieście lat. Zmiany te były ściśle skorelowane z rozwojem gospodarczym, w tym z procesami urbanizacji, industrializacji i modernizacji społecznej. Nasilające się procesy depopulacyjne w większości państw europejskich przyniosą istotne konsekwencje migracyjne. Nieunikniony napływ do Europy, a zwłaszcza do państw Unii Europejskiej, wielomilionowych mas migrantów z III świata stanie się jednym z ważniejszych problemów społecznych. Konsekwencje tych masowych przemieszczeń międzykontynentalnych nie będą miały wymiaru tylko demograficznego, ale również polityczny i ekonomiczny.
This article discusses a long-term demographic perspective for Poland. Irrespective of their diversified nature, the changes in the demographic structure of the Polish society have been evolutionary and took place in a phased manner. Starting with an early stage, when the birth rate was high, and ending in a situation where the number of newly-born children cannot make up for high mortality rate. It took over 200 years for Poland to move from phase I to V. The evolution has been strictly connected with the economic development of the country, including its urbanization, industrialization and social modernization. The aggravating population decline in the majority of the European states are about to evoke high-scale migration processes. The inevitable flow of migrants from the underdeveloped and developing parts of the world to Europe, and to EU in particular, will soon become a major social concern. The consequences of population displacements between continents will also affect its economic and political functioning.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2014, 42, 2; 135-160
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka demograficzna Polski
The Demographic Problem of Poland
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prognozy demograficzne
demographic prognoses
The introductory part of the paper focuses on the demographic transformations in Poland in the first half of the twentieth century. The evolution of natural movement has been especially stressed here. In that period, the population of Poland had a very high birth rate. It followed from the dwindling but always high number of births, and the lowering death rate. The political and military events of the First and Second World Wars had brought about essential consequences. Especially the Second World War was fraught with consequences. As a result of demographic losses and changes of borders, the population of Poland diminished from 34.8 million (1939) to 23.9 million (1946). Then for a dozen of so years compensatory processes took place, which have recompensed the war losses. During further decades we dealt with a constant fall of the birth rate. It resulted from a diminished number of children. In the beginning of the 1990s, the population of Poland reached 38 million of inhabitants. The political transformation that took place in the last decade of the twentieth century have brought about far-reaching demographic results. A rapid fall of the birth rate, with the death rate at the same level, have made the birth rate dwindle. As a result, the demographic regress took place. The de-population processes embraced the majority of the country. In the final part of the paper the author arrives at a conclusion that these new tendencies in the natural movement are permanent. To prove this point we have one of demographic prognosis. According to its presuppositions, the population of Poland will diminish to the level of 26.3 million in 2050. The author claims that it will cause essential geopolitical, social, and economic consequences.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2007, 35, 1; 25-42
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka demograficzna tzw. ściany wschodniej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
The Demographic Issue of the So-Called Eastern Wall of the Polish Republic
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ściana wschodnia
“eastern wall”
The article presents demographic changes occurring in the borderland area situated in the immediate neighborhood of the Polish-Lithuanian, Polish-Byelorussian and Polish-Ukrainian borders. In the Polish specialist literature the area is called “the Eastern Wall”. The author draws the reader’s attention to the lack of precision of this term and to the freedom with which it is used, as well as to the fact that with time it has been assuming a negative meaning. In order to check the research hypothesis saying that there are de-population areas near the eastern border of Poland an empirical analysis has been made. On the basis of statistical documents demographic changes have been presented and commented on, according to the three levels of local government administration (województwo, powiat, gmina). The most interesting facts have been revealed by an analysis of the lowest level units (gmina). Information has been compared about their population, according to five time points (1970, 1978, 1988, 1996, 2008). This has made it possible to define the demographic dynamics. The results are unambiguous, and they show that nearly all the studied gminas are characterized by demographic regress. The rate of decrease in their population has been accelerating with time. Depopulation processes are result of a negative migration balance and of the natural drop. The decreasing number of births is connected with an increase in death rate. The opinion about the existence of the so-called “Eastern Wall”, in which negative demographic-social processes are cumulated has been confirmed by facts. Empirical analysis based on the data from three first level units (województwo), 16 second level units (powiat) and 51 third level units (gmina)  has showed that the discussed eastern part of the borderland is not homogeneous and it is spatially differentiated.  It has been revealed that each of the borderland segments has its own, clearly distinguished, demographic specificity. The most unfavorable demographic situation, which is connected with the increasing depopulation processes, obtains in the central part of the Polish eastern border. The area is situated along the Polish-Byelorussian border, and partly at the northern part of the Polish-Ukrainian border. At this borderland segment, more than 600 km long, we see several negative phenomena and demographic processes overlapping, which in the future may lead to a complete depopulation of the borderland areas. This will give significant economic consequences. In the conclusion attempts are made to show that studies of the borderland areas not only have a great cognitive significance, but a planning significance as well, since they may be a premise for creating programs activating the area.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2011, 39; 271-291
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Procesy megaurbanizacyjne w świecie
Mega-Urbanization Processes in the World
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
osadnictwo wielkomiejskie
miasta globalne
big-city settlement
global cities
The article is devoted to statistical analysis and assessment of urbanization processes. It is stressed that transformations of this kind are fairly complex and do not result only from the changes of relations between urban and rural population. They consist in complex economicalsocial phenomena that are reflected, among others, in formation of large urban complexes whose internal structure is ever more complicated. Their characteristic feature is spatial expansion. In the place where formerly only towns were, new, territorially extensive agglomerations and metropolises come into being. Because of a strong demographic dynamics resulting from the intensive development and technological progress, great urban complexes, numbering over 10 million inhabitants have appeared. The name of mega-agglomeration has been accepted for these new forms of urbanization. They have been defined and discussed on the basis of UN documentation. Attention has been paid to the fact that they develop most quickly in poor Third World countries. This has important social consequences. In the next part of the article the most modern and complex forms of nowadays urbanization have been discussed. In the areas with a lot of agglomerations new forms of big-city settlement are formed that are called “megalopolis”. They are listed and subjected to a proper geographical interpretation. They number several dozen million inhabitants each and their significance in the world is ever greater. A considerable part of the article is concerned with the so-called world or global cities. They are cities that perform the functions of the highest rank, mainly as far as the international finances are concerned. They are the seats of great corporations and concerns, banks and influential political and economic organizations. Studies conducted by a team of experts affiliated to the British University of Loughborough that has assumed the name “Globalization World Cities Study. Group GAWC” have been used here. On the basis of strictly defined criteria the team has distinguished 55 global cities. They have been divided into ranks and categories. London, New York, Paris and Tokyo have been included in the first rank. Also the rank of Warsaw has been defined; it has been given gamma rank and category 5. The classification is subjected to assessment. In the next part of the text the inner structure of the mentioned greatest global (world) cities is given and characterized. In the last part of the article it is indicated that the processes of mega-urbanization have a tendency to spread into new areas and continents. Disproportions between the areas of great concentration of population on the one hand and regions of demographic and economic regress on the other will increase. The most important consequences will occur in Asian, African and South American countries. In these parts of the world the processes of mega-urbanization will occur in a spontaneous way and may lead to an economic, social and ecological disaster.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2010, 38; 17-38
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemiany narodowościowe w państwach bałtyckich na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
Ethnic Transformations in the Baltic States at the Break of the 20th Century
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
problematyka narodowościowa
ethnic issue
The article is devoted to ethnic changes occurring on the territories of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the last decades of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century. After an introduction in which historical-political situation is discussed, the next part of the article has a dualistic character. In the first part the ethnic situation of the three Baltic republics in the Soviet period are discussed. These were the years of intensive processes of Sovietization and Russification. A lot of migrants from other Soviet republics came to the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian Soviet republics. The newcomers who spoke Russian influenced their ethnic structure. At the same time they marginalized their mother tongues. The demographic-ethnic questions were documented with the data coming from the Soviet censuses conducted in 1959, 1970, 1979 and 1989. The second part of the text is concerned with the ethnic situation after Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia gained independence. On the basis of censuses and estimates new tendencies in ethnic changes are defined. They result from mass departures of the Russian-speaking population and from the increase of importance of the three native nations. The processes are documented with statistical data. The final effect of the work is a demographic-ethnic balance-sheet in a dynamic formula.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2009, 37; 95-113
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura narodowościowa ludności Polski
The Ethnic Structure of Poland’s Population
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
mniejszości narodowe
national minorities
The article presents the results of the census conducted in April 2002. It contains statistical information referring to the ethnic composition of Poland’s population and the languages used by Polish citizens. The results of the census have shown that 38,230,100 people live on the territory of Poland. The Polish nationality was declared by 36,983,700 people. Another ethnic option was chosen by 471,500 people, that is by 1.2% of the whole of the population of the country. Silesians proved to be the greatest minority (173,200), Germans (152,900), Belorussians (48,700) and Ukrainians (31,000). Other ethnic groups proved to be less numerous. The author offers an interpretation of the census results. He pays a special attention to the problem of the Silesian minority, that is not considered a national group by specialists. He shows that the group has been undergoing Polish and German influences for many centuries. Silesians have spoken Polish and they have been faithful to Catholicism. This connected them to Poland. However, on the other hand they have accepted German civilization-cultural patterns. In the next part of the article data referring to the language spoken by the citizens of Poland are presented. Also in this domain complete supremacy of the Polish language is found, as 97.8% of Poland’s population recognize Polish as the language they speak at home. The second most popular language turns out to be German (206,600 people – 0.5% of the country’s population). Other languages play a marginal role. The national data compared to the ethnic structure are a basis for a territorial analysis. The author has made an analysis of places particular ethnic group live in and referred them to territorial administration units of the province and common level. He has proven that the German population is concentrated in Opole Silesia, and the Belorussian population in Podlasie, in the area of the Białowieska Forest. The presented statistical information and their introductory interpretation have confirmed the well-known fact that Poland is a mono-ethnic country. The role of ethnic and language minorities is only slight. The ethnic and language conformity is also connected with Poland’s religious specificity. A predominant part of the citizens of Poland has traditional bonds with Catholicism.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2008, 36, 1; 143-168
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political borders in Polish territory according to the Soviet atlas of 1940
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Oddział Kartograficzny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
Karmannyj Atlas Mira
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
The author presents Karmannyj Atlas Mira (Pocket Atlas of the World) which was published in Leningrad in 1940. It shows political borders existing in Polish territory at that time. Those borders resulted from the Soviet-German agreement reached in August and September 1939 in Moscow (the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact). On the maps in the Atlas the territories of central Poland are described as “Oblast Gosudarstvennych Interesov Germanii” (Area of the National Interest of Germany). The maps were reprinted in the article in the original version and underwent a historical, political and geographical analysis.
Polish Cartographical Review; 2019, 51, 4; 207-214
Pojawia się w:
Polish Cartographical Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Procesy megalopolizacyjne i ich konsekwencje demograficzno-społeczne oraz geopolityczne
Demographic, social and geopolitical consequences of mega-urbanization processes
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
miasta globalne
global cities
Za jedną z najbardziej charakterystycznych cech współczesnej urbanizacji uważa się tzw. procesy megalopolizacji. Polegają one na formowaniu się wielkich aglomeracji i metropolii liczących po kilkanaście milionów mieszkańców. Te wielkie koncentracje osadnicze przyjęły nazwę „megalopolis”. Nie tylko są one wielkimi skupiskami ludności, lecz również pełnią różnorodne funkcje ekonomiczne i polityczne. Pierwsze z nich powstały w Europie i w Ameryce Północnej. Obecnie najwięcej ich jest na wschodzie i południu Azji. Najważniejsze z nich nazywane są w literaturze miastami światowymi lub miastami globalnymi. Znaczenie ich jest coraz większe i ich rozwój przynosi wiele pozytywnych i negatywnych implikacji społecznych i gospodarczych. Z tego też powodu stały się obiektem analiz i ocen naukowych, także w zakresie geopolityki.
The article is devoted to statistical analysis and assessment of urbanization processes. It is stressed that transformations of this kind are fairly complex and to result only from the changes of relations between urban and rural population. They consist in complex economical – social phenomena that are reflected, among others, in formation of large urban complexes whose internal structure is ever more complicated. Their characteristic feature is spatial expansion. In the place where formerly only towns were, the new, territorially extensive agglomerations and metropolises come into being. Because of a strong demographic dynamics resulting from the intensive development and technological progress, great urban complexes numbering over 10 milllion inhabitans have appeared. Attention has been paid to the fact that they develop most quickly in poor Third World countries. In the next part of the article the most modern and complex forms of nowadays urbanization have been discussed. In the areas with a lot of agglomerations new forms of big-city settlements are formed that are called „megalopolis”. They number several dozen million inhabitans each and their significance in the world is ever greater. A considerable part of the article is concerned with the so-called world or global cities. Studies were conducted by a team of experts affiliated to the University of Loughborough that has assumed the name „Globalization World Cities Study. On the basis of strictly defined criteria the team has distinguished 55 global cities. In the next part of the text the inner structure of the mentioned greatest global cities is characterized. In the last part of the article it is indicated that the processes of megaurbanization have a tendency to spread into new areas.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2019, 28; 49-63
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formowanie się polskiej granicy wschodniej po II wojnie światowej
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
granica polsko-sowiecka
wyznaczenie granicy
delimitacja granicy
Polish-Soviet frontier
drawing the border
border delimitation
Artykuł poświęcony jest wydarzeniom historycznym związanym z ostatecznym wytyczeniem po 1945 r. polskiej granicy wschodniej. To rozgraniczenie polityczne odgradzało Polskę od ZSRR. Powstało ono w rezultacie decyzji trzech wielkich mocarstw podjętych w Teheranie i Jałcie. W tekście zinterpretowano jej ostateczną delimitacje, która była zadaniem złożonym politycznie i technicznie. Kolejno omówiono granice na odcinku polsko-białoruskim i polsko-ukraińskim. Przedstawiono również uwarunkowania geograficzne i polityczne wymiany pogranicza między Polską a ZSRR, dokonane w 1951 r. The article is devoted to the historical events related to the final establishment of the Polish eastern frontier after 1945. This political boundary separated Poland from the USSR. It was made upon a decision of three superpowers at Teheran and Yalta. The text presents an interpretation of its final delimitation, which was a complex task politically and technically. Next, the boundaries on the Polish-Belarusian and Polish-Ukrainian sections are discussed. There is also an analysis of geographical and political circumstances of the exchange of frontier areas made by Poland and the Soviet Union in 1951.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2018, 50, 2
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Powojenna zachodnia granica Polski wg Biura Prac Politycznych z października 1940 roku
Post-war western Polish border according to the design of the Political Works Office of October 1940
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
II wojna światowa
emigracyjny Rząd Polski w Londynie
granica polsko-niemiecka
Biuro Prac Politycznych
II World War
Polish Government-in-exile in London
polishgerman border
Political Works Office
Biuro Prac Politycznych, instytucja powołana przez władze emigracyjnego Rządu Polskiego przebywającego w Londynie przygotowało w październiku 1940 roku opracowanie, w którym przedstawiono roszczenia terytorialne Polski wobec Niemiec i przebieg nowej, przewidywanej powojennej granicy polsko-niemieckiej. To mało znane opracowanie zostało w artykule przypomniane i poddane dokładnej analizie i ocenie geopolitycznej i geostrategicznej
The Political Works Office, an institution established by the Polish Government-in-exile in London, prepared in October 1940 a study in which Poland's territorial claims on Germany and the course of the new post-war Polish-German border were overworked. This little-known study was reminded in the art
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2018, 24; 45-56
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania polityczne formowania się wschodniej granicy II Rzeczypospolitej
Political conditions of the Second Commonwealth eastern borders formation
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
wojna polsko-bolszewicka
granica wschodnia Polski
Traktat Ryski
Polish-Bolshevik war
eastern border of Poland
Treaty of Riga
W artykule przedstawiono uwarunkowania polityczno-militarne i ich wpływ na uformowanie się po I wojnie światowej wschodniej granicy odrodzonej Polski. Była ta granica uzależniona od końcowego rezultatu wojny polsko-bolszewickiej, która trwała z różnym nasileniem w latach 1918-1920. W pierwszej fazie tego konfliktu zbrojnego przewaga była po stronie polskiej. Projektowano wówczas, że przyszła granica będzie przebiegała stosunkowo daleko na wschodzie. Miała mieć ona tradycyjnie układ południkowy i rozciągać się w przybliżeniu między rzeką Berezyną na północy i Dniestrem na południu. W sytuacji zbliżania się Armii Czerwonej do Wisły w sierpniu 1920 istniało prawdopodobieństwo likwidacji państwa polskiego. Dopiero pokonanie Armii Czerwonej w Bitwie Warszawskiej umożliwiło rozpoczęcie rokowań na tematy graniczne. W końcowej części artykułu zreferowano przebieg i wyniki Konferencji Pokojowej w Rydze. Ustalono na niej granicę między Polską a bolszewicką Rosją. Trwała ona od 12 października 1920 do 17 września 1939 roku, kiedy to została unicestwiona w rezultacie agresji sowieckiej na Polskę.
The article presents the political and military conditions and their impact on the formation of the eastern border of the reborn Poland after World War I. This border was dependent on the final result of the Polish-Bolshevik war, which lasted with varying intensity in the years 1918 - 1920. In the first phase of this armed conflict, the advantage was on the Polish side. It was then planned that the future border would run relatively far to the east. It was supposed to have a longitudinal layout and spread approximately between the Berezina River in the north and the Dniester River in the south. In the situation of approaching the Red Army to the Vistula in August 1920, there was a likelihood of liquidation of the Polish state. It was only the defeat of the Red Army in the Battle of Warsaw that enabled the commencement of equivalent negotiations on border issues. In the final part of the article, the course and results of the Peace Conference in Riga were reported. A border was established between Poland and Bolshevik Russia. It lasted from October 12, 1920 to September 17, 1939, when it was annihilated as a result of Soviet aggression against Poland.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2018, 26; 9-31
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsekwecje geopolityczne depopulacji trzech państw bałtyckich
Geopolitical consequences of depopulation in three Baltic States
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
We wstępnej części artykułu przedstawiono i poddano statystycznej i merytorycznej analizie i interpretacji przemiany demograficzno- narodowościowe zachodzące na terytorium trzech państw bałtyckich w ciągu całego XX wieku. Punktem wyjścia była ocena sytuacji politycznej i etnicznej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Następnie omówiono ewolucje zmian narodowościowych na tym obszarze w latach międzywojennych, oraz w długim okresie okupacji sowieckiej. Stanowiło to podstawę do zdiagnozowania współczesnych warunków demograficzno – narodowościowych. Kolejna część artykułu poświęcona została problematyce prognostycznej. Ujawniono , że trzy państwa bałtyckie (Estonia, Łotwa i Litwa) są zagrożone nasilającym się regresem demograficznym. Starano się uzasadnić , że dalsze intensywne procesy depopulacyjne będą miały istotne konsekwencje geopolityczne. Mogą bowiem doprowadzić w przyszłości do marginalizacji a nawet do utraty przez te państwa suwerenności i podmiotowości politycznej.
The introductory part of the article presents the demographic and ethnic transformations, taking place during the entire 20th century on the territory of the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). These transformations are then subject to statistical and substantive analysis and interpretation. The starting point for this analysis was constituted by the assessment of the political and ethnic situation at the turn of the 20th century. Next, the evolution of the ethnic changes on the territory considered was reported for the inter-war period and then for the long period of the Soviet occupation. This provided the basis for the diagnosing of the contemporary demographic and ethnic conditions. The subsequent part of the article is devoted to the prognostic analysis. It is shown that the three Baltic states are threatened with the intensifying demographic regression. An attempt was undertaken of demonstrating that continuing intensive depopulation processes shall have essential geopolitical consequences. These processes can, namely, lead in the future to the marginalisation and even to the loss of sovereignty and political independence by the countries in question.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2017, 19; 49-69
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemiany narodowościowe na ziemi łotewskiej w XX i na początku XXI wieku
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Ethnic Transformations on the Latvian Territory in the 20th Century and at the Beginning of the 21st CenturyThis paper presents demographic and ethnic transformations in the territory of Latvia. First, information is provided on the origins of the population of Latvian nationality. Then, ethnic composition of the population inhabiting the present-day Latvian territory at the end of the 19th century is characterised. The basis for the respective statistical analysis is constituted by the results of the Russian census of 1897. This census showed, side by side with the Latvian population, also important German, Russian, Jewish, and Polish minorities. The subsequent part of the paper is devoted to the ethnic situation in the interwar period. Here, the census carried out in 1935 is the main source of information. Essential demographic transformations took place during World War II. The paper accounts for the war losses, which in ethnic terms had a selective character. Latvian Jews were exterminated, while the remaining groups also suffered great losses. Then, the paper takes up the subject of the demographic-ethnic situation during the post-war Soviet occupation and the existence of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic. In this period, numerous migrants from the farther-off territories of the Soviet Union moved to Latvia, these Russian-speaking migrants being primarily of Russian nationality. This resulted in the essential shift in the ethnic composition of the population in Latvia. The effects are reflected in the data from the Soviet censuses of 1959 and 1989. The results of these censuses are subject to interpretation in the paper. The last part of the article is devoted to ethnic changes in the sovereign Latvian state. Statistical and substantive analysis was carried out using the census data of the year 2000, and the estimated data from the year 2014. The contemporary ethnic structure of the entire country and in individual provinces was established. Przemiany narodowościowe na ziemi łotewskiej w XX i na początku XXI wiekuW artykule przedstawiono przemiany demograficzno-etniczne na ziemi łotewskiej. We wstępie podano informacje o rodowodzie ludności narodowości łotewskiej. Następnie zaprezentowano i scharakteryzowano skład narodowościowy na współczesnym terytorium państwa łotewskiego w końcu XIX wieku. Podstawą analizy statystycznej były rezultaty spisu rosyjskiego z 1897 roku. Ujawnił on oprócz Łotyszy liczną mniejszość niemiecką, rosyjską, żydowską i polską. Kolejna część publikacji poświęcona jest sytuacji narodowościowej w okresie międzywojennym w niepodległym państwie łotewskim. Wykorzystano tu głównie spis przeprowadzony w 1935 roku. Poważne przeobrażenia demograficzne miały miejsce w latach II wojny światowej. Określono straty wojenne, które miały charakter selektywny w ujęciu narodowościowym. Przyniosły one eksterminację łotewskich Żydów oraz duże straty wśród pozostałych grup etnicznych. Dalsza część artykułu dotyczy sytuacji demograficzno-narodowościowej w okresie powojennej okupacji sowieckiej i istnienia Łotewskiej SRS. W tym czasie napłynęło na terytorium Łotwy wielu migrantów z głębi ZSRR. Była to ludność rosyjskojęzyczna, głównie narodowości rosyjskiej. Doprowadziło to do istotnej zmiany składu narodowościowego kraju. Odnotowały to spisy sowieckie z lat 1959 i 1989. Ich wyniki poddano interpretacji. Ostatnia część artykułu poświęcona jest zmianom narodowościowym zachodzącym już w suwerennym państwie łotewskim. Przeprowadzono analizę statystyczną i merytoryczną, korzystając z danych spisowych z 2000 roku oraz danych szacunkowych z 2014 roku. Określono współczesną strukturę narodowościową w skali całego kraju i wybranych prowincji.
Sprawy Narodowościowe; 2017, 49
Pojawia się w:
Sprawy Narodowościowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja Rzeszy Słowiańskiej według Karela Kramara
The concept of the Slavonic Realm according to Karel Kramář
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
Slavonic realm
Przedstawiono w artykule propozycję geopolityczną opracowaną w 1914 r. przez wybitnego polityka czeskiego Karela Kramářa mającą na celu zjednoczenie wszystkich narodów słowiańskich w jednym wspólnym państwie, tzw. Rzeszy Słowiańskiej. Miało to się odbyć pod egidą imperatora rosyjskiego. Przed skomentowaniem tej koncepcji przedstawiono biografię, działalność polityczną i dokonania twórcze tego wybitnego męża stanu i pierwszego premiera Czechosłowacji. Reprezentował on poglądy panslawistyczne i filorosyjskie. Starano się również zrozumieć i wyjaśnić jego postawę wobec Polski i Polaków.
The paper presents the geopolitical proposal, elaborated by the outstanding Czech politician, Karel Kramář (1860-1937), and made public in 1914. The doctrinal intention of this proposal was the unification of all the Slavonic nations in one common statehood, the so-called “Slavonic Realm”. This would take place under the auspices of the Russian emperor, after he tsarist Russia would have defeated the German Empire and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in the approaching war. In the introductory part of the article the political biography of the statesman and the advocate of the alliance of the Slavic countries is outlined. Kramář represented the pan-Slavic and the philo-Russian views. He visited many times Russia, where he got acquainted with the intellectual elite, including the personal encounter with Lev Tolstoy (1890). Before the outbreak of the World War I he demanded federalisation of Austria-Hungary, and granting of the civil, as well as national freedoms to the Czechs. During the period of war he was condemned to death for his patriotic activity, but after a year in prison he was acquitted. After Czechoslovakia gained sovereignty, to which he also contributed in a certain degree, he took the position of the Prime Minister. Then, he participated in the Paris Conference, in Versailles, as the leader of the Czech delegation. He was the author of numerous books and articles, in which he would touch upon the historical, political, geopolitical, social and legal issues. In the further course of the paper the design for the creation of the Slavonic Realm, mentioned before, and the principles of its functioning, are presented. This would consist in the incorporation into the Russian Empire of five autonomous provinces, namely: Poland, Czechia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro. Each of the five countries would enjoy the autonomy in the domain of national language and culture. Each of these provinces would be headed by the viceroy, nominated by the Emperor of Russia. The geographical boundaries of these five provinces were delineated, and the design for the constitution was presented and commented upon, developed by Kramář, meant to become the foundation for the future basic law for the territory of the Slavonic community and its constituent parts. The subsequent portion of the article is devoted to the position of Kramář’s regarding Poles and to his attempts, aiming at normalising the Polish-Russian relations. The Czech politician was aware of the fact that without the participation of Poles the entire geopolitical design may end up as failure. Despite numerous efforts, the attempts of Kramář’s were not bringing the expected results in this domain. This was, additionally, due to the fact that the political events, associated with the defeat of tsarist Russia in World War I, made the federalist design obsolete. In the concluding section the author evaluates the concept, forwarded by Kramář, from the point of view of its pragmatism and the capacity of implementation. It is also noted that the communist block, which took shape after World War II, even though pronouncing different principles and ideological doctrine, reminded in territorial terms the area delineated by Kramář and communicated by him in May 1914 to the Russian authorities.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2016, 18; 19-37
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skład narodowościowy ludności Federacji Rosyjskiej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
Ethnic composition of the population of Russian Federation at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Federacja Rosyjska
mniejszości narodowe
Russian Federation
ethnic minorities
The paper presents the population numbers and the distribution of the particular national and ethnic groups, inhabiting the territory of the present-day Russian Federation. The basis for the statistical analysis was constituted by the data from three national censuses (1959, 1989, and 2010). Two former ones were carried out yet during the existence of the Russian SSR, while the last one was realised by the statistical services of the Russian Federation. These censuses concerned the very same territory, thus securing full comparability of results. The introductory part of the paper presents the characterisation of the administrative breakdown of the vast territory in question, encompassing 17 million sq. km. This characterisation is insofar important as some of the administrative units, for which the statistical data were determined, had been defined on the basis of the ethnic criteria. Then, the first part of analysis refers to the Soviet part of the period considered (1959–1989). These years were marked by a high demographic dynamics, which concerned both the Russian population and the numerous ethnic minorities. In the second part of analysis the changes are shown in the numbers and geographical distribution of the selected nationalities after the systemic changes and the disintegration of the USSR (1989–2010). The rate of demographic and ethnic changes in this period was highly differentiated in both ethnic and territorial aspects. There has been a total decrease in the numbers of Slavonic population, especially the Russian one, with a growth of numbers of some of the ethnic minorities. The high demographic increase concerned primarily the population of the Muslim extraction. This phenomenon is described and commented upon in the paper. After the presentation of the analysis for the entire country, detailed considerations have been carried out for the Autonomous Republics and National Districts. In the summary of the article, the adopted principles are characterised of the demographic and national politics in the Russian Federation, along with their political consequences.
W artykule opisano i skomentowano w ujęciu statycznym i dynamicznym przemiany demograficzno-etniczne zachodzące w Rosyjskiej SSR oraz Federacji Rosyjskiej. Przedstawiono liczebność i rozmieszczenie geograficzne poszczególnych narodowości zamieszkujących terytorium współczesnej Federacji Rosyjskiej. Podstawą analizy statystycznej, a następnie merytorycznej były trzy spisy ludności (1959, 1989, 2010). Porównanie danych z tych trzech przekrojów czasowych dało możliwość określenia stanu i przeobrażeń narodowościowych w ostatnich dekadach XX w. oraz w pierwszym dziesięcioleciu XXI w. Skoncentrowano uwagę na sytuacji etnicznej w Autonomicznych Republikach i Okręgach Narodowościowych.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2016, 5; 209-236
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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