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Wyszukujesz frazę "the 19th century" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

The End of the 19th Century
Przerwa-Tetmajer, Kazimierz
Choromańska, Paulina
Zawadzki, Jarek
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska
Publikacja zrealizowana w ramach projektu Wolne Lektury ( Materiał źródłowy pobrany ze strony
Polish Poetry in English, tłum. Jarek Zawadzki [online], [dostęp: 04.03.2013]. Dostępny WWW:
Dostawca treści:
Wolne Lektury
The Nautical Commission in the 19th Century Antwerp
Stephanie, Plasschaert,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
marine insurance
Classification Society
Nautical Commission
19th century commerce
ubezpieczenia morskie
towarzystwo klasyfikacyjne
komisja żeglugi
handel w XIX wieku
This paper discusses from the perspective of a legal historian the development of the institution of the Nautical Commission and the supervision of seaworthiness of vessels in Antwerp during the first half of the 19th century, mindful of the political and economic context. The possible influences of other actors onto the development of the Nautical Commission are taken into account, together with the needs and evolution of the maritime sector. In particular, the role of and interaction between classification societies and the Nautical Commission are analysed.
Studia Iuridica; 2019, 80; 283-308
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geological cartography in Poland in the 19th century
Wołkowicz, S.
Wołkowicz, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
historical maps
geological cartography
The history of modern geological mapping in Poland began with the Carta Geologica totius Poloniae, Moldaviae, Transylvaniae, Hungariae et Valachiae by S. Staszic, often called the “father of Polish geology”. Before Staszic, a general map of Poland had been published by J.-E. Guettard (1764a); ones of the Sudety Mts. by J. Jirasek (1791), L. von Buch (1797), and Raumer (1813); and that of the Tatra Mts. by Hacquet (1796). In times of the partition of Poland (1772 to 1918), areas annexed by Prussia were covered by systematic geological surveys. These cartographic projects resulted in the compilation of two geological atlases comprising maps of the standard sheet type, in the period from 1826 to 1836. These atlases were compiled by teams of outstanding geologists, under the leadership of L. von Buch and F. Hoffmann. Another outstanding contribution to the geology of Poland was made by G.G. Pusch, the author of the excellent Geognostische Beschreibung von Polen (1833–1836), subsequently supplemented by Geognostyscher Atlas von Polen. One of the greatest achievements of L. Zejszner was the geological map of the Tatra Mts., Carte de la chaine du Tatra, published anonymously in Berlin in 1844, and a series of geological maps prepared as drafts of Geognostic maps of the Eastern District of the Polish Kingdom. Special attention should be also paid to two extensive studies which covered areas of Upper and Lower Silesia. The first of these, Geognostische Karte von Oberschlesien und den Angrenzenden Gebieten, was completed by a team led by F. Roemer, and published in 1870. The second, Geologische Karte von dem Niederschlesischen Gebirge und den angrezenden gegenden, was compiled by a team led by R. von Carnall, and published in the same year. Out of all the studies carried out by Austrian geologists, it is necessary to mention those of E. Tietze, as they produced excellent geological maps of the Carpathians and vicinities of Kraków and Lviv. It is also worth mentioning the contributions made by the Physiographic Commission, active from 1866 until the beginning of the First World War. Its members decided to prepare the Geological Atlas of Galicia. The final product of works of this commission was a set of 25 booklets, with over a hundred geological maps at a scale 1:75000, issued in the years 1885–1912. From 1881, the commission was also publishing its famous Physiographic Diaries, which include papers on the geology of areas annexed by Russia, written by famous Polish geologists such as J. Siemiradzki, A. Michalski, and E. Habdank-Dunikowski, illustrated with relevant geological maps prepared by them.
Geological Quarterly; 2014, 58, 3; 623--658
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Election of the Local Court Members in the 19th Century City of Osijek
Haman, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
local court
19th century
During the reign of Croatian Ban (Viceroy) Ivan Mažuranić (1873–1880), numerous reforms were implemented in the administration, the school system and the judiciary, since the political programme of his rule was based on building a modern legal infrastructure of Croatian autonomy. Already during the first year of his rule, Ban Ivan Mažuranić proposed to the Parliament the Act on Judicial Authority (Zakon o vlasti sudačkoj), which was adopted already next year, in 1874, to be considered one of the fundamental acts of the Croatian autonomous legal system. Aiming to disburden the judiciary in the first instance, in 1876, Ban Mažuranić followed the Act on Local Courts and Procedures (Zakon o mjesnim sudovima i postupku pred njima) to establish a court in each municipality authorised to deal with disputes over small sums of money. Although these were lay courts with features of administrative authority, this did not in any way threaten their position as a judicial authority. In practice, local courts acted as an effective and almost free system of the laity that disburdened greatly the judiciary and opened the way to modernisation of the Triune Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia according to European standards of a modern civil state.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 519-533
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of Ancient Greek Culture on Macedonian Literature of the 19th Century
Mitevski, Vitomir
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Macedonian literature
Grigor Prlichev
Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov
Greek language
The Influence of Ancient Greek Culture on Macedonian Literature of the 19th CenturyIn Macedonia under the Ottoman rule during the nineteenth century, the Macedonian people-the nation is subject to political pressure and the cultural influence of Turkey and other countries. Under the influence of propaganda leading by Athens and education politics in the area of contemporary Republic of Macedonia, some Macedonian militant intellectuals embraced, at the same time, were influenced by romanticism and the Old-Greek culture, which strongly affect their literary works. In this context, two authors are viewed as the most significant-Jordan Hadji Murad Konstantinov Džinot and Grigor Prlichev. Džinot is the author of dramatized dialogue inspired by the classic Greek mythology, at the school, where he is a teacher. On the pages of the press he announces the publication of its ancient-themed dramas, however, for unknown reasons, none of them does not appear in print. Prlichev well knew the Old-Greek and is an admirer of the works of Homer. Influenced by the poetry of Homer writes in an epic poem in the archaized Greek. Wpływ starogreckiej kultury na literaturę macedońską w XIX wiekuW ramach imperium osmańskiego, którego częścią jest Macedonia w ciągu XIX wieku, macedoński lud-naród podlega politycznej presji i wpływom kulturowym ze strony Turcji i innych państw. Pod wpływem propagandy, którą prowadzą Ateny i która wyraża się w zakładaniu swoich szkół w Macedonii, niektórzy macedońscy intelektualiści, ogarnięci w tym samym czasie wpływami romantyzmu poznają kulturę starogrecką, co silnie wpłynie na ich twórczość literacką. W tym kontekście wybijają się dwie najbardziej znaczące postaci – Jordan Hadži Konstantinov-Džinot i Grigor Prličev. Džinot jest autorem dramatyzowanych dialogów inspirowanych klasyczną, starogrecką mitologią, wystawianych w szkole, w której sam jest nauczycielem. Na łamach prasy zapowiada publikację swoich dramatów o tematyce antycznej, jednak z niewiadomych przyczyn żaden z nich nie pojawia się w druku. Prličev dobrze zna starogrecki i jest znawcą twórczości Homera. Pod wpływem poezji Homera pisze w archaizowanym języku greckim poemat epicki zatytułowany ‛Ο 'Aρματωλός (w macedońskim przekładzie Сердарот albo Мартолозот), który przynosi mu zwycięstwo w konkursie poetyckim w Atenach w 1860 roku. Jego drugie dzieło epickie zatytułowane Σκενδέρμπεης jest napisane także w duchu poezji Homera, głównie jeśli chodzi o styl (epitety i porównania) i kompozycję (opracowanie typowych dla eposu motywów tematycznych). Obydwaj są także tłumaczami, Džinot zapowiada w prasie przekład Antygony Sofoklesa, o losach przekładu nic nam nie wiadomo, a Prličev dokonuje poetyckiego przekładu Iliady Homera na wymyślony przez siebie język, który jest w istocie mieszanką języków słowiańskich, a sam autor nazywa go "ogólnosłowiańskim". Влијанието на старогрчката култура врз македонската литература во XIX–иот векВо рамките на Турската Империја од која Македонија е дел во текот на 19-иот, македонскиот народ е изложен на политичка пресија и културното влијание и на Турција и на некои соседни држави. Под влијание на пропагандата на владата во Атина која отвора свои школи во Македонија, а во исто време и зафатени од бранот на романтизам, некои македонски интелектуалци се запознаваат со старогрчката култура што ќе остави силен печат врз нивното литературно творештво. Во тој поглед се издвојуваат две најзначајни имиња – Јордан Хаџи Константинов Џинот и Григор Прличев.Џинот се јавува со драмски дијалози инспирирани од класичната старогрчка митологија кои се изведуваат на приредбите во школите во кои тој е учител, а во печатот најавува објавување на свои драми со античка тематика кои, од непознати причини, не се појавиле.Прличев е добро образован во старогрчкиот јазик и особено добар познавач  на Хомер. Под влијание на хомерската поезија, тој пишува на еден архаизиран грчки јазик епска поема под наслов ‛Ο ’Aρματωλός (во македонски превод Серадот или Мартолозот) и со неа победува на поетскиот конкурс во Атина 1860 година.Второто негово епско дело под наслов Σκενδέρμπεης исто така е напишано во духот на хомерската поезија и тоа се гледа главно во областа на стилот (епитети и споредби) и во композицијата (обработка на типични епски теми). На преведувачки план, Џинот најавува во печатот превод на трагедијата Антигона од Софокле, дело чија судбина исто така не ни е позната, а Прличев пишува препев на Хомеровата Илијада на еден посебен јазик кој претставува смеса од словенските јазици, а самиот автор го нарекува „општословенски“.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2012, 1
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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