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Aksjologiczne źródła etyki u Osho
Axiological Sources of Ethics by Osho
Hrechorowicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
poznanie bezpośrednie
insight, subjectivity
non-inferential knowledge
W artykule autor dowodzi, że u podstaw etyki Osho leżą indywidualizm i subiektywizm. Wraz z autonomicznym podmiotem, to znaczy człowiekiem postrzeganym jako twórca wartości, stanowią one najważniejsze źródła moralności tej koncepcji. Ponadto kluczową rolę odgrywają tutaj pojęta w sposób bliski Sartre’owi wolność, a także odpowiedzialność, świadomość i samorealizacja.
The author of this article argues that individualism and subjectivism form the basis of Osho’s ethics. Along with the independent subject, the person perceived as the creator of values, they constitute the most important sources of morality in this conception. Furthermore, the key role is played here by freedom, close to the one understood by Sartre, as well as responsibility, awareness and self-fulfillment.
Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo; 2017, 23; 253-271
Pojawia się w:
Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Starożytne źródła etyki gospodarczej
Ancient sources of business ethics
Ramocka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Małopolska Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Tarnowie
etyka gospodarcza
filozofia starożytna
źródła etyki
business ethics
ancient philosophy
sources of ethics
Artykuł stanowi próbę przybliżenia pochodzenia etyki gospodarczej w starożytności. Odwołuje się do dwóch podstawowych źródeł – świeckich i religijnych. Sokrates i Arystoteles byli twórcami szeroko pojętej etyki świeckiej, ale ich poglądy odegrały szczególną rolę również w kontekście zasad etyki gospodarczej. Temat pieniądza i bogactwa oraz rządzących nimi reguł był w starożytności równie popularny, jak w czasach współczesnych, stąd wielość przepisów na uczciwe życie i gospodarowanie. Drugim niezwykle istotnym źródłem wskazań etyki gospodarczej była religia. Stary Testament stanowił niezwykły zbiór pouczeń i zasad, którymi kierować powinni się ludzie gospodarujący. W przeciwieństwie do późniejszych filozofów, występowały tam konkretne wskazówki, dotyczące określonych życiowych sytuacji. Połączenie abstrakcyjnego charakteru przemyśleń starożytnych Greków z konkretnymi założeniami Starego Testamentu zaowocowało powstaniem etyki chrześcijańskiej, do dziś stanowiącej punkt odniesienia w kulturze europejskiej, także w kontekście etyki gospodarczej.
The article attempts to outline the origins of business ethics in ancient times. It draws upon both secular and religious sources to support its claims. Socrates and Aristotle were the founding fathers of a broadly accepted form of secular ethics, but their views also had a significant influence on the foundations of business ethics. The topics of money and wealth, as well as the rules governing their workings, were just as popular in ancient times as they are today, as can be seen in a large number of ethical prescriptions relating to how to lead our lives in a fair and proper way. The other, especially important source of the principles of business ethics was religion. The Old Testament is an exceptionally important collection of teachings and rules to guide people in their economic affairs. In contrast to the works of the aforementioned philosophers, these texts contained clear guidelines relevant to specific situations of everyday life. The ethics of Christianity, which to this day remain the main point of reference in European culture, even in the field of business ethics, were the fruit of combining the abstract thinking of the ancient Greeks with the clear foundations laid by the Old Testament.
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie; 2007, 1(10); 243-251
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozofické zdroje Adlerovej etiky
Philosophical Sources of Adler’s Ethics
Marková, Dagmar
Lištiak Mandzáková, Stanislava
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
individual psychology
Adler's ethics
applied ethics
In this article we indicate some philosophic sources and inspirations from Alfred Adler. Adler’s theory is considered as applied ethic and is saturated by ethic. In this context we describe how Adler’s theory is inspired by Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche and Kant theory. We intend on Adler’s approach in context of Socrates style. At the conclusion we point to secular ethic of Alfred Adler and describe some connexions of this theory to religion.
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne; 2014, 3(15); 25-34
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model formalnych i nieformalnych źródeł etyki akademickiej w Polsce
The Model of Formal and Informal Sources of Academic Ethics in Poland
Barankiewicz, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
etyka akademicka
infrastruktura etyczna
społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki
kodeks etyki w nauce
academic ethics
ethical infrastructure
social responsibility of science
code of ethics in science
Artykuł stanowi prezentację kompleksowego modelu formalnych i nieformalnych źródeł etyki akademickiej w Polsce. W tej kwestii autor analizuje trzy modele: 1) model integralności i wiarygodności; 2) model infrastruktury etycznej oraz 3) model społecznej odpowiedzialności nauki. Przy czym zawsze zakładamy, iż dany model stanowi system złożony, tj. składa się z rodzajowo różnych standardów etyki akademickiej, zarówno norm prawnych, jak i norm moralnych. Wskazane trzy modele nie ujawniają się jednak w Polsce w swojej czystej postaci. Raczej w procesie rozwoju stanowią one efekt pewnej ewolucji, ponieważ każdy kolejny model zawiera elementy modelu wcześniejszego. Proces stopniowej erozji modelu klasycznego (integralności i wiarygodności nauki) stanowi rezultat silnych obecnie ocen zewnętrznych, jak np. postulatu społecznej odpowiedzialności nauki oraz postulatu wzrostu efektywności prowadzenia badań naukowych.
The article presents a complex model of formal and informal sources of academic ethics in Poland. The author analyzes three models: 1) the model of integrity and credibility, 2) the model of ethical infrastructure and 3) the model of social responsibility. However, we are assuming that this model is a complex system, because it consists of various kinds of sources of academic ethics standards, both legal and moral sources. These three models, however, do not appear in Poland in pure form. Rather, it was a case of evolution in which the next model contained elements of the earlier model. The process of gradual erosion of the classical model (integrity and credibility of science) is the result of a strong influence of external conditions, mainly postulates of social responsibility of science and increase of effectiveness of scientific research.
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego; 2018, 13, 15 (1); 9-31
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Źródła solidarności. Czy etyka bezzałożeniowa jest irracjonalna?
The Sources of Solidarity. Is Ethics without Assumptions Irrational?
Koczanowicz, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The article is concerned with the foundations of ethics. The author takes into consideration rationalistic and universalistic conceptions of the foundations of ethics represented by Ch. Taylor and J. Habermas on the one hand, and ones based on intuition and direct moral experience on the other. In the latter current he includes the conceptions created under the influence of E. Levinas' (J. Derrida's) philosophy. At the same time he analyses the opposition between ethics established on reference to an actual, individual man and ethics based on universal rules. In his further considerations he also takes into account M. Bachtin's views as well as those of the American pragmatists: J. Dewey and G. H. Mead.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2003, 51, 1; 191-207
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environmental Virtue Ethics and the Sources of Normativity
Etyka cnót środowiskowych a źródła normatywności
Piekarski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
etyka cnót środowiskowych
podmiot moralny
argument konstytutywny
environmental virtue ethics
moral subject
constitutive argument
This article is an attempt to identify the sources of normativity in virtue ethics. The starting point for the analyzes presented here is the book by Dominika Dzwonkowska Environmental virtue ethics. In § 1, I present the basic theses and assumptions of this approach to ethics. Then, with reference to the concept of the moral subject proposed by Dzwonkowska, I ask whether it constitutes the primary source of normativity (§ 2). I argue that environmental virtue ethics can be ascribed to arguments shared by supporters of the so-called constitutive arguments in metaethics (§ 3). Their position is based on the recognition that moral norms, obligations, etc., derive from the constitutive features of the subject. I call such an approach internalist and contrast it with the non-internalist approach, the outline of which I propose in § 4. In the Conclusion, I suggest that the pragmatic considerations and conservatism of researchers speak in favor of the internalist approach.
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą wskazania źródeł normatywności w etyce cnót. Punktem wyjścia dla prezentowanych tutaj analiz jest książka Dominiki Dzwonkowskiej pt. Etyka cnót środowiskowych. W § 1 przedstawiam podstawowe tezy i założenia tego podejścia do etyki. Następnie odnoszę się do rozumienia podmiotu moralnego zaproponowanego przez Dzwonkowską i zadaję pytanie o to, czy stanowi on właściwe źródło normatywności (§ 2). Wykazuję, że zwolennikom etyki cnót środowiskowych można przypisać argumentację podzielaną przez zwolenników tzw. argumentów konstytutywnych w metaetyce (§ 3). Ich stanowisko opiera się na uznaniu, że moralne normy, zobowiązania itd., wynikają z konstytutywnych cech podmiotu. Takie ujęcie określam mianem internalistycznego i przeciwstawiam je koncepcji eksternalistycznej, której zarys proponuję w § 4. W Zakończeniu. sugeruję, że za stanowiskiem internalistycznym przemawiają względy pragmatyczne i konserwatyzm badaczy.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2020, 18, 3; 29-36
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Journalism and Ethics - Ethics in Journalism in the Era of Prolific Sources
Minuti, Diego
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
As all other human activities before the advance of technology and thought, the contemporary journalism is also changing, maintaining, in the meantime, the specificity of its role: to inform, to give everyone the chance to meet people, facts, and ideas, and then make a personal opinion. But the advent of new technologies has paradoxically made it harder to tell the truth because the Internet is almost a lazy journalist who knows the computer just to have the whole world within the reach of a mouse. Having a manifold effect determining the network, it is no longer the man to decide what actually is news, but the response that it has had on the Net, and then in the world therefore is. The lack of filters on the Net means that everything that is available to those who use the Web works as or, just for the sake of knowledge, is assumed as the rank of truth – only to realize, as more frequently happens, that the error is always lurking. The United States, the country that is always in front of others and its technology, for the vast use they make of it, are perhaps the best example to understand how did the journalist profession change, but also have soothing forms of security and protection to the reader. The possibility of having a window permanently open to electronic newspapers that are published in the most remote nooks of the Earth may lead to the temptation of indulging transgressions. But if you rely on the others’ eyes, you fall in the risk of telling people not to trust strangers. But when American reporters are wrong, their own newspapers are the first to denounce them. And this is a sign of how there can not be a great democracy without great press and, therefore, a large press can only be an expression of a great democracy. One matter of great emphasis, in my opinion, is the negative use, often too casual, that makes the web, now that almost everything is allowed, even interpret a fact and not merely tell about it. A couple of years ago, most broadcasting channels around the world showed pictures of a Palestinian and his son trapped in the Gaza Strip, in a shoot-out between Islamic militants and Israeli soldiers. Eventually, as the cameras transmitted, they both died in front of the objectives of photographers. Images, as in fact happened, ’’were’’ interpreted by most of the international press, in the sense that their political values took precedence over reality. That is, the death of the two innocent people ended up in a story bigger than themselves. But the network should be considered a great opportunity, especially when, as has recently happened during the protests in Iran, in the absence of a space for official information the journalists had only one source, the Web. Twitter reported that three people died during the protests. Some sources of information broadcasted that news, some did not. And who broke the news made a choice that is explained in the trial of the first magnitude. That is why we broke the news; in this way the drama of those moments could have best been bespoken. What we come up is whether alternative sources of news, such as bloggers and Twitter, can we rank official. I do have my concerns, others do not, and this debate will obviously continue. When I talk to younger colleagues trying to explain the need to have only one reference point – the truth – I realize I am saying quite a trivial thing. There is a fact, and then there is the news. There is what is happening and what then becomes news. These are two elements that need and should be coincident, but often are not. And here the assessment of fairness and good work of a journalist must be taken into account: had he been able to tell what was real in fact as it actually or commonly happens in such a profession or, had he described it and hence has he bowed to other needs. Anyone, who has endured a past in which the lack of freedom of expression had been almost uncritically accepted, possesses thirst for knowledge, for lore. The journalist is now part of a mechanism, but should not fall into thinking that he is the most important mechanism. He is a piece of the chessboard where the interest is far greater than him and where he must stand above the ability of not falling into temptation; to feel just a part, and not more, who tells the truth. A journalist can create a character, so that he can destroy a person afterwards. But when something is about to be spilled out, he must not master other than himself and his morals. In a perfect world, the journalist should not have friends; he should only think and act upon his own head, he should forget his religion, his political beliefs. Having no masters has always been the dream for most journalists, others’ only reason why they started this profession is having their master. A world without ethics is not a world. A world without honest journalists, capable of telling the truth, even at the cost of their lives, is not a world but the kingdom of darkness, pain, not illuminated by the sun of freedom.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2010, 01; 109-119
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Sources of Karol Wojtyłas The Acting Person
Merecki, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
The paper shows that the critical analysis of Max Scheler’s and Immanuel Kant’s concepts of moral philosophy was a starting point of Karol Wojtyła’s own positive project of anthropology presented in the book The Acting Person. Its core lies in the recognition of the significance of human efficacy: human persons express and realize their full subjectivity through their actions. Wojtyła shows that genuine human actions are not motivated only by the emotional power with which particular values are given, but rather by the perception of their being true values. In the last analysis, Wojtyła’s theory might be described as transphenomenology, that is, a synthesis of phenomenology and metaphysics. According to him, what is immediately given to the subject can be fully  explained by categories that transcend direct experience. In this way Wojtyła incorporates his vision of anthropology into a broader metaphysics, at the same  time showing that in philosophy one should move from phenomenon to foundation.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2021, 7, 1; 1-15
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Starożytne źródła antropocentryzmu
The Ancient Sources of Anthropocentrism
Ganowicz-Bączyk, Anita
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
filozofia starożytna
etyka środowiskowa
ancient philosophy
enviromental ethics
Anthropocentrism seems to be a key notion related to the man-nature relation. Probably he is also the most controversial one in environmental ethics. The anthropocentric attitude is sometimes meant to be the main cause of the ecological crisis. One can distinguish at least several stages of the process, which led to this crisis, namely: stage of Magic and Myth, Ancient Times, Middle Ages, and Modern Times. The aim of this article is to show the process of development of an anthropocentric thought in Ancient European culture. Supposedly the critical phase for this process is the so-called Neolithic Revolution. Changes brought by this deeply influenced life of man. Not only affected the transformation of his world-view but also had an impact on the modification of society itself. Mentioned changes led among other things to the rejection of magic and mythical world-view, in which the Universe was perceived as a harmonious and friendly place to live in. A doubt appeared instead, what the place of man in the world really is. These questions reflected in philosophical views of that time. To sum up, the originated by Ancient Greek philosophers outlook on nature, in which nature was recognized as a living organism and a man as an immanent part of it, had been gradually dropped out. It appeared that man falls outside the mechanical laws of nature because he is able to understand them and use this knowledge for his own goals (Democritus), man’s soul makes him transcend nature and dominate it (Socrates), man’s existence is purposeful, he is superior to other material beings as a crown of nature and the most complex and perfect being (Aristotle). This process led to a recognition of the objective existence of the world, which in fact is independent of human cognition. Ultimately, this resulted in the objectification of nature as an object of man’s cognition and research. Nature was then gradually put in opposition to man – the subject of cognition.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2009, 7, 2; 31-38
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etyczne aspekty budowy siłowni wiatrowych
The Ethical Aspects of Building Wind Turbines
Hamerla, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
wind power stations
renewable energy sources
The ethicality of building wind farms, especially near homes, has long been questioned. There are people who consider building turbines near households unethical due to their negative impact on the environment. The noise and vibrations associated with the operation of wind turbines are seen so negatively that one should consider whether it is socially irresponsible to put wind farms near buildings. The article presents both a description of the basic types of wind turbines as well as their impact on the natural environment and human environment. Information on the development of electricity obtained from wind as well as the total share of electricity obtained from renewable sources in total primary energy in Poland was also presented. The need to educate the public about the responsibility of actions for the benefit of the environment and sustainable development is also indicated. The aim of the article is to try to answer the question: do wind power plants bring more benefits to people and the environment around them, or just the opposite? And also, is it ethical to build turbines in close proximity to households?
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2018, 21, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internet jako źródło informacji dla dziennikarza – mijanie się z prawdą a etyka dziennikarska
Internet as a source of information for the journalist – breaching the truth versus media ethics
Głowacki, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
etyka dziennikarska
źródła informacji
dziennikarstwo internetowe
dziennikarstwo obywatelskie
media ethics
sources of information
internet media
social media
Internet, ze swoimi nieograniczonymi zasobami, stał się miejscem pozyskiwania informacji także dla mediów tradycyjnych. Rodzi to szereg problemów etycznych, bowiem to, co w obrębie mediów tradycyjnych zostało opisane w ramach kodeksów etyki dziennikarskiej lub zawodowych norm, w przypadku internetu dopiero się krystalizuje. Takie działania, jak np. bezrefl eksyjne kopiowanie i udostępnianie materiałów z sieci, czy też brak ich weryfi kacji, kreują liczne problemy o charakterze etycznym. Nie są one nowe, ale przy okazji internetu kwestia ta pojawiła się w innym kontekście, który potrzebuje nowego ujęcia i zdefi niowania.
The internet with its unlimited resources enabled journalists to gather information that are then used by traditional media. It is therefore worth elaborating on the ethical issues that are connected with it. Media ethics codes or professional rules of conduct were developed over the last decades in traditional media. The so-called New Media are nowadays facing these issues. The examples of activities such as thoughtless copying and sharing of content from the internet, or the lack of news verifi cation create ethical problems in connection to telling truth. These issues are not new since the offl ine media were struggling with them for decades. In the online platforms they gained a new context which requires a new approach and definition.
Studia Medioznawcze; 2015, 1 (60); 21-32
Pojawia się w:
Studia Medioznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Религиозно-этический идеал Михаила Лермонтова: истоки формирования и художественное воплощение
Lermontovs religious and ethical ideal: sources of formation and artistic realization
Киселёва, Ирина
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
religious ethics
God's court
conscience court
Ethics by Lermontov are deeply original and have a religious character. According to Christian canons, in the poet’s consciousness, the source of moral is acting and a measure of a moral sense is Christ. Primary in Lermontov’s poetry is the accusation of his generation’s flaws. Also acusation of defectsc are strong in his creativity. The leading motive of Lermontov’s poetry is that of God's court, which acts as a justice standard.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica; 2012, 5; 30-40
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The plurality of social pedagogy
Pluralizm pedagogiki społecznej
Vavříková, Hana
Data publikacji:
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi
diversity of social pedagogy
exogenous and endogenous sources of diversity in social pedagogy
ethics of social pedagogy
różnorodność pedagogiki społecznej
egzogeniczne i endogeniczne źródła różnorodności w pedagogice społecznej
etyka pedagogiki społecznej
This contribution is dedicated to plurality in social pedagogy. The author argues that plurality has several sources. Exogenous sources of plurality include non-unified semantics or different educational paradigms, concepts, approaches, didactic principles and educational practices. Plurality is reflected in different learning environments, in teaching styles or teaching management. Taxonomies, social roles, characteristics and competences of those who are subjects or objects of social pedagogy are also plural. The lack of a universal value system and the heterogeneity of people’s thinking also contributes to the plurality in pedagogy. Endogenous sources of plurality include motives and student aspirations.
Artykuł jest poświęcony pluralizmowi w pedagogice społecznej. Autor przekonuje, że wielość ma kilka źródeł. Egzogeniczne źródła pluralizmu obejmują niezunifikowaną semantykę lub różne paradygmaty edukacyjne, koncepcje, podejścia, zasady dydaktyczne i praktyki edukacyjne. Różnorodność znajduje odzwierciedlenie w różnych środowiskach uczenia się, stylach nauczania lub zarządzaniu nauczaniem. Taksonomie, role społeczne, cechy i kompetencje tych, którzy są podmiotami lub przedmiotami pedagogiki społecznej, również mają charakter mnogi. Brak uniwersalnego systemu wartości i heterogeniczność myślenia ludzi przyczynia się także do pluralizmu w pedagogice. Endogeniczne źródła pluralizmu obejmują motywy i aspiracje uczniow.
Kultura i Wychowanie; 2022, 22, 2; 57-70
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Wychowanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Sources analysis
professional ethics of historian
moral judgments in history
methodology of history
methodology of social sciences
historical synthesis
cumulative concept of historical science
metaphors in historical argumentation
The paper discuss the regulatory principles which might be included into discussion on the controversy over the uses and misuses of contemporary history in Poland. The main proposals are as follow. We need greater methodological awareness that sources we are using whilst describing and interpreting the history are not refl ecting the whole past (which is simply impossible). While observing divergent versions of reconstructed past one should notice that the most divergent matt ers are connected with ethics. Three levels of ethics and moral judgments are listed: professional ethic of historian (is he a judge or observer), ethics/moral judgments of the past we investigate, moral judgment about the past. However tempting, metaphorical use of language should be limited at least at this stage of controversy, for there are not a commonly agreed set of metaphors, thus their use might only complicate the exchange of opinions.
Historia@Teoria; 2017, 4, 6; 87-96
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teleologia encykliki "Veritatis Splendor" św. Jana Pawła II w świetle "Summy Teologii" św. Tomasza z Akwinu (I−II, q. 18, a. 6)
Teleology of the encyclical "Veritatis Splendor" in the light of Aquina’s "Summa Theologiae" (I−II, q. 18, a. 6)
Mrozek, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
moral act
natural law
proportionalist ethics
sources of morality
teleological ethics
akt moralny
prawo naturalne
źródła moralności
etyka celowościowa
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie nauczania Kościoła jako wykraczającego poza błędny i rozłączny podział etyki na deontologię i teleologię. Autor przypomina szerokie tło przemian kulturowych, które towarzyszyły kontrowersjom wokół encykliki bł. Pawła VI "Humanae vitae". Teologiczna kontestacja nauczania Magisterium była powodem napisania przez św. Jana Pawła II encykliki "Veritatis splendor". Papież rozwiewa doktrynalne wątpliwości zasiane przez proporcjonalistów, przedstawiając im niezwykle przemyślaną i tradycyjną koncepcję źródeł moralności. Wychodząc od priorytetu celowości ludzkiego działania Papież podkreślił wagę przedmiotu czynu. Dla moralnego dobra ludzkiego czynu konieczne jest jego podwójne właściwe odniesienie: wertykalnie do celu ostatecznego, czyli Boga, oraz horyzontalnie wobec człowieka poprzez przedmiotową zgodność działania z ludzkim dobrem. Papieskie rozważania zostają uzupełnione komentarzem do "Summy Teologii" św. Tomasza, który w analogiczny sposób przedstawia źródła moralności ludzkiego czynu. Rozróżniając wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny akt woli (poprzez współpracę woli z innymi władzami), św. Tomasz pokazuje właściwe źródła moralności każdego z tych aktów. W pierwszym przypadku jest to właściwy przedmiot woli, który jest tożsamy z dobrem; natomiast w drugim – konieczny jest ponadto właściwy przedmiot innych władz. Właściwa antropologia przywraca fundament pod adekwatne rozumienie zarówno prawa naturalnego, jak i potrzebę etyki cnót, która okazuje się wielką praktyczną pomocą dla człowieka w drodze do właściwej mu doskonałości. Przedstawione podstawowe prawdy nauczane od lat przez Magisterium o tyle domagają się przypomnienia, że współczesna dominująca kultura wytrwale dekonstruuje racjonalny porządek tego nauczania czyniąc zeń karykaturę. Papieskie analizy pozwalają oczyścić etyczne kryteria rozeznawania dobra i zła, przypominając o zaproszeniu do piękna teologalnego życia w Chrystusie. Umożliwia ono zdrowy krytyczny osąd konkretnych sytuacji, jak również możliwość uniknięcia rozpowszechnionych współcześnie błędów i wynikającego z nich kryzysu tożsamości.
This article presents the teaching of the Church in the encyclical letter "Veritats splendor" as standing against the erroneous opposition of deontological and teleological ethical considerations. The author recalls the background of cultural change at the time of the encyclical letter "Humanae vitae", written by the Blessed Pope Paul VI. The theological controversies contesting this magisterial teaching led Pope Saint John Paul II to compose the encyclical letter "Veritatis splendor". John Paul dismisses various doctrinal doubts arising from the proposals of proportionalist thinkers and sets out an unusually well elaborated and traditional concept of the sources of moral acts. He stresses the priority of the role of teleology in human agency and, in this way especially, reaffirms the role of the object of a moral act. The Pope highlights the necessity of two simultaneous aspects of goodness in a moral act: a vertical one of relation with the ultimate end, that is, God, and a horizontal one in relation to man, expressed in proper relationships of the object of a moral act to human goods. The papal analysis is complemented by a reference to Saint Thomas Aquinas, who presents in an analogical way the sources of human moral acts. Aquinas shows the distinction between the interior act of the will and its exterior act, i.e. the cooperation of the human will with other human powers. Aquinas shows the proper sources of morality of these two kinds of act: in the former, right intention is necessary, which identifies itself with the proper object of the will and its end. In the latter, one needs to consider also the proper object of the act, and thus the circumstances surrounding the act, in determining the act’s moral goodness. A proper anthropological foundation leads to a proper understanding of natural law, and the need for virtue ethics, which can lead mankind in a practical way to its own fulfillment. The basic truths of Magisterial teaching, presented here, are needed in the context of a dominant contemporary culture that systematically deconstructs any rational order and replaces it with a caricature. The Magisterial voice provides an important criterion of discernment between good and evil, guiding the faithful to the beauty of a moral life in Christ, giving them the possibility of sound moral judgment and steering them away from the most common errors and the growing crisis of identity that stems from them.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2015, 51, 3; 39-66
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etyczne problemy sprawowania władzy w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem
Ethical Problems with Exercising Power in Corporate Management
Pawlak, Zbigniew
Smoleń, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
power in enterprise
management ethics
the Church’s social teachings
effects of power exercising
forms and planes for exercising power in the enterprise
When power is exercised in the enterprise some ethical issues might occur with business ownership, personnel policy, working conditions etc. These issues and ways of addressing them were depicted and interpreted from the perspective of the Church’s social teachings included in papal encyclicals, viz.: Rerum novarum, Laborem exercens, Centesimus Annus. In the Church’s social teachings a number of principles were noticed that are favourable for the ethical corporate management including the principle of the primacy of work over capital, right to private ownership, right to establish professional associations, right to fair pay, right to fulfil religious obligations and having rest during holidays, a duty to support the weak and the needy (solidarity principle). The analysis of the social content of papal encyclicals showed two faces of power. On the one hand it is necessary and has positive effects (introduction of corporate governance, taking right decisions, prevention of theft and assets devastation etc.); on the other hand improper power exercise may lead to a number of undesirable effects (corruption, worker discrimination, thriftlessness etc.) The paper identifies also sources, forms and power exercising planes in the enterprise.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2008, 11, 2; 171-179
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Źródła i kierunki współczesnej żydowskiej refleksji bioetycznej
Sources and directions of a contemporary Jewish bioethics reflection
Quellen und Richtungen der zeitgenössischen judaistischen bioethischen Reflexion
Источники и направления современной еврейской биоэтической рефлексии
Aleksiejuk, ks. Artur
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
Jewish bioethics
Jewish medical ethics
medical halacha
żydowska bioetyka
żydowska etyka medyczna
medyczna halacha
The contemporary bioethical debate is in essence unthinkable without taking into consideration the ecumenical or interfaith context. Thinkers engaged in dialogues often regard it as insignificant. As a result, issues related to bioethics are almost absent in official Christian-Jewish dialogues. Although Jews and Christians share a similar anthropological vision, many of them remain divided in questions of bioethics. Jewish bioethics fully deserves to be the subject of Christian interest. This publication responds to this need and discusses the sources and trends that are prevalent in contemporary Jewish bioethical reflection. The presentation of the rabbinical dialectical casuistry, which reveals the characteristic Jewish bioethical way of reasoning, argumentation and resolving problematic issues of bioethics has a specific place in the reflections made in this article.
Współczesna debata bioetyczna jest w zasadzie nie do pomyślenia bez uwzględnienia kontekstu ekumenicznego czy nawet międzyreligijnego. Myśliciele zaangażowani w dialog uznają ją zazwyczaj za mało istotną. W rezultacie tematyka bioetyczna jest niemal nieobecna w oficjalnym dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskim. Chociaż – mimo antropologicznej bliskości – wiele Żydów i chrześcijan w kwestiach etycznych dzieli, to jednak żydowska bioetyka w pełni zasługuje na to, aby stać się przedmiotem zainteresowania chrześcijan. Niniejsza publikacja wychodzi naprzeciw temu zapotrzebowaniu i omawia źródła oraz tendencje dominujące we współczesnej żydowskiej refleksji bioetycznej. Szczególne miejsce w ramach podjętych rozważań zajmuje przedstawienie rabinicznej metody dialektycznej kazuistyki, która ukazuje charakterystyczny dla żydowskiej bioetyki sposób dowodzenia, argumentowania i rozwiązywania problematycznych zagadnień bioetycznych.
Rocznik Teologiczny; 2013, 55, 1-2; 185-217
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto – the imperative of the principle of humanitas in views on slavery derived from natural law. M.T. Cicero’s views on the subject of slavery and slaves
Nowak, Olgierd Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Marcus Tullius Cicero
philosophical works
Cicero’s letters
law of nature
natural law
Roman Republic slavery
slave status
social bond
stoic doctrine
sources of law
The phenomenon of slavery existed throughout the entire period of the ancient world and met with interest from both Greek and Roman philosophers. Despite the emerging views of various philosophers criticizing slavery as a social phenomenon, no theory of slavery was formulated then. The philosopher who-, in both his works and correspondence, included numerous references to the situation of slaves and the institution of slavery was M.T. Cicero. Searching for humanism in Cicero’s views on the above-mentioned issue, attention was drawn to the principles of the Stoic doctrine, within which the concept of human freedom was formulated, and to the essence of natural law. These concepts made it possible to analyse the discussed problem in the context of the words of Terence Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto. And as regards humanism in Cicero’s views, it is evident when he recognizes a human being in a slave; when he says that the principles of justice must be observed towards people from the lowest rank, which is the rank of slaves; when he firmly states that slavery is among the worst things that can happen to the human being. On the other hand, we see Cicero’s completely different views on slaves when he talks about punishing slaves, „keeping a tight rein on them,” or „destiny by nature for the best to rule others, and with great benefit for weaker beings”; also when he emphasizes his negative attitude towards the liberation of slaves. To conclude it should be emphasised that this characteristic feature of Cicero, namely his lack of uniformity of views on various philosophical doctrines, which we can also find in his views on slavery and the rank of slaves, does not prevent us from seeing a humanist in Cicero who, with his sense of justice, advocating the stoic doctrine and the principles of natural law, moved very slowly towards the stoic moral philosophy and all the ethical principles that Christianity would bring.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2020, 11, 2; 155-186
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Auctoritates ethicorum Jana z Ząbkowic († 1446): autor, charakter tekstu i wykorzystane źródła (od „translacio arabica” do Akwinaty)
Auctoritates ethicorum by John of Ząbkowice († 1446): the author, the features of the text, the quoted sources (from „translacio arabica” to Aquinas)
Bukała, Marcin W.
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Jan z Ząbkowic
Etyka nikomachejska
Auctoritates ethicorum
Tomasz z Akwinu
Albert Wielki
Herman Niemiec
Summa Alexandrinorum
historia filozofii średniowiecznej
XV wiek
wrocławski klasztor dominikański
John of Ząbkowice
Nicomachean Ethics
Thomas Aquinas
Albert the Great
Herman of Germany
history of medieval philosophy
15th century
Wrocław Dominican monastery
The article is dedicated to the abbreviation of Nicomachean ethics written by Wrocław Dominican John of Ząbkowice (in manuscripts: „Johannes de Franckenstein”). The text, titled Auctoritates ethicorum, is preserved in only one manuscript – Wrocław, Bibl. Univ. Wrocł., ms. IV Q 52, scriptum per manus Johannis de Franckenstein – together with Auctoritates politicorum, Auctoritates yconomicorum and Auctoritates rethoricorum. The authorship of the texts is not certain, but in the previous works of histo-rians it is attributed to John (that thesis is followed also by Ch. Lohr listing the Aristotelian medieval commentaries, and by T. Kaeppeli in his compendium on the medieval Dominican scriptores). Only the part of Auctoritates ethicorum has been edited so far: the fragment, concerning the geometrical model of economic exchange and nature of money from the Book V. The author of the article published it in his book Zagadnienia ekonomiczne w nauczaniu wrocławskiej szkoły dominikańskiej w późnym średniowieczu (Wrocław 2004); this fragment was later referred in details also in the book of the same author: „Oeco-nomica mediaevalia” of Wrocław Dominicans. Library and Studies of Friars, and Ethical-Economic Ideas: the Example from Silesia (Spoleto 2010). The sources of the text of Auctoritates ethicorum are the following: translatio Lincoliensis of the Aristotelian text, Sententia libri ethicorum by Thomas Aquinas, paraphrasis of Ethica by Albertus Magnus, and Summa Alexandrinorum (called translacio arabica). The fragments of the Book IV and Book V, described in the article, shed light on the method applied in the Auctoritates. Summa Alexandrinorum is quoted in the description of the virtue of liberalitas. Writing about diversity of artes and occupations the author cites Albertus Magnus, quoting after him the sentence delivered from Michael Ephesius, erroneously attributed to Eustratius by Albert. However, the Albertinian reference to the role of compensation of labores and expensa is omitted. The author of the Auctoritates refers mainly to points the common to St. Thomas and St. Albert.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2022, 11; 211-225
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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