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Some aspects of social critical pedagogics
Wybrane społeczne aspekty pedagogiki krytycznej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
social critical pedagogy
pedagogical categories
philosophical anthropology
pedagogika krytyczna
kategorie pedagogiczne
antropologia filozoficzna
Some aspects of Social Critical Pedagogics that is represented in works of P. Freire, H. Giroux, K. Mollenhauer and others have been analyzed in the article.
W artykule przeanalizowano niektóre aspekty teorii pedagogiki krytycznej, która rozwija się od 1960 roku w krajach europejskich, w szczególności idei społecznych i pedagogicznych takich przedstawicieli jak: A. Giroux, K. Mollenhauer i P. Freire oraz innych
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2012, 3, 1; 74-79
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca socjalna wobec pedagogizacji życia społecznego – ujęcie krytyczne
Granosik, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
social pedagogy
Michel Foucault
critical social work
participatory social work
social project
pedagogika społeczna
krytyczna praca socjalna
partycypacyjna praca socjalna
projekt socjalny
Social work, specifically being grounded in the social-pedagogical tradition, has been critical of social reality from the very beginning. This criticism is rarely based on the concepts of governmentality (Michel Foucault) and educationalization (postfoucaldian discourse). The application of these theoretical contexts enables autocritical analysis of social work, and also exposes both social processes that structure social work (educationalization, neo-liberalization) as well as ways being used by this profession to govern service users. This opens both the discussion on the social role of social work and social pedagogy (subordination or emancipation) and the question of the social role of social work and social pedagogy (subordination or emancipation) and their attitude to social control. The practice can be oriented onto dominant discourses and the usage of social work to educate this part of society that for various reasons is not directly influenced by the discourses (pedagogization). It may also, in reference to the critical tradition of social pedagogy, lead to such a reframing of basic concepts and methods of social work that support of non-neoliberal local traditions of social order construction might be possible.
Praca socjalna, szczególnie ugruntowana w tradycji społeczno-pedagogicznej, jest krytyczna wobec rzeczywistości społecznej właściwie od samego początku. Rzadko jednak ten krytycyzm opiera się na koncepcjach rządomyślności (Michel Foucault) i pedagogizacji (dyskurs postfoucaultowski). Aplikacja tych kontekstów teoretycznych umożliwia autokrytyczną analizę pracy socjalnej, a ponadto uwidacznia zarówno procesy społeczne, które strukturyzują pracę socjalną (pedagogizacja, neoliberalizacja), jak i sposoby, jakich używa ta profesja, by zarządzać użytkownikami usług (projektowanie życia). Otwiera to pytanie o społeczną rolę pracy socjalnej i pedagogiki społecznej (podporządkowywanie władzy czy uwalnianie) oraz jej stosunek do kontroli społecznej. Praktyka może być rozwijana w kierunku lepszego wykorzystania dominujących dyskursów i wykorzystania pracy socjalnej w celu edukowania tej części społeczeństwa, która z różnych względów nie ulega ich bezpośrednim wpływom (pedagogizacja). Może też – zgodnie z krytyczną tradycją pedagogiki społecznej – prowadzić do takiego przeformułowania podstawowych pojęć i metod pracy socjalnej, żeby możliwe było wspieranie nieneoliberalnych lokalnych tradycji utrzymywania ładu społecznego.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2020, 33, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Po-mocowe czy prze-mocowe? Krytycznie o założeniach pracy socjalnej
Em-powering or Over-powering? A Critique of the Assumptions behind Social Work
Kola, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
praca socjalna
pedagogika krytyczna
modele polityki społecznej
instytucje pomocy społecznej
opresyjność działań pomocowych
social work
critical pedagogy
models of social policy
social welfare institutions
Activities in the field of social work are founded to help, support and to take care of clients with all kinds of social problems (e.g. homelessness, addictions, unemployment, social exclusion). Social welfare institutions exist to activate people and help them in cultural and social assimilation. It sounds like an old fairy tale written in rich and caring Europe which rejects the logic of neoliberal capitalism’s language to enable to include minority groups who have less capitals (economic, social, cultural, etc.). But there is a doubt – is it a dream or reality? What is hidden behind the institutional-redistributive model of social policy? How to read the activity of public welfare institutions? What ideas and values are basis of Polish social work (understood as the direction of education, the academic discipline and the practice)? These questions about Polish social work should be seen in the perspective of critical social work, referring mainly to critical pedagogy and theory of social justice.
Działania w zakresie pracy socjalnej zaprojektowane są w taki sposób, by pomagać, wspierać, opiekować się, integrować i aktywizować osoby nieradzące sobie z różnego rodzaju problemami i wykluczeniem społecznym. Idealizm celów brzmieć może jak bajka o dobrej, bogatej, opiekuńczej Europie, która odrzuca z zasady neoliberalny język kapitalizmu, by włączać na powrót do społeczeństwa tych, którzy mają mniejsze kapitały (ekonomiczny, społeczny, kulturowy itd.). Czy coś jednak nie kryje się za postulatami instytucjonalno-redystrybucyjnego modelu polityki społecznej? Jak odczytywać działania państwowych instytucji pomocowych? Wokół jakich wartości zbudowana jest polska praca socjalna – jako kierunek kształcenia, dyscyplina akademicka, ale też praktyka pomocy? Są to pytania budowanego projektu krytycznej teorii pracy socjalnej, odnoszącego się przede wszystkim do założeń pedagogiki krytycznej.
Studia Poradoznawcze; 2015, 4; 64-82
Pojawia się w:
Studia Poradoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Curse of Totalitarianism and the Challenge of Critical Pedagogy
Giroux, Henry A.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
critical pedagogy
social responsibility
Expanding critical pedagogy as a mode of public pedagogy suggests being attentive to and addressing modes of knowledge and social practices in a variety of sites that not only encourage critical thinking, thoughtfulness and meaningful dialogue, but also offer opportunities to mobilize instances of moral outrage, social responsibility and collective action. Such mobilization opposes glaring material inequities and the growing cynical belief that today’s culture of investment and finance makes it impossible to address many of the major social problems facing the United States, Canada, Latin America and the larger world. Most importantly, such work points to the link between civic education, critical pedagogy and modes of oppositional political agency that are pivotal to creating a politics that promotes democratic values, relations, autonomy and social change.
Chowanna; 2020, 1(54); 1-22
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Education as a breaker of poverty: a critical perspective
Phan, Thị Tuyết Vân,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social pedagogy
This paper aims to portray the overall picture of poverty in the world and mentions the key solution to overcome poverty from a critical perspective. The data and figures were quoted from a number of researchers and organizations in the field of poverty around the world. Simultaneously, the information strengthens the correlations among poverty and lack of education. Only appropriate philosophies of education can improve the country’s socio-economic conditions and contribute to effective solutions to worldwide poverty. In the 21st century, despite the rapid development of science and technology with a series of inventions brought into the world to make life more comfortable, human poverty remains a global problem, especially in developing countries. Poverty, according to Lister (2004), is reflected by the state of “low living standards and/or inability to participate fully in society because of lack of material resources” (p.7). The impact and serious consequences of poverty on multiple aspects of human life have been realized by different organizations and researchers from different contexts (Fraser, 2000; Lister, 2004; Lipman, 2004; Lister, 2008). This paper will indicate some of the concepts and research results on poverty. Figures and causes of poverty, and some solutions from education as a key breaker to poverty will also be discussed. Creating a universal definition of poverty is not simple (Nyasulu, 2010). There are conflicts among different groups of people defining poverty, based on different views and fields. Some writers, according to Nyasulu, tend to connect poverty with social problems, while others focus on political or other causes. However, the reality of poverty needs to be considered from different sides and ways; for that reason, the diversity of definitions assigned to poverty can help form the basis on which interventions are drawn (Ife and Tesoriero, 2006). For instance, in dealing with poverty issues, it is essential to intervene politically; economic intervention is very necessary to any definition of this matter. A political definition necessitates political interventions in dealing with poverty, and economic definitions inevitably lead to economic interventions. Similarly, Księżopolski (1999) uses several models to show the perspectives on poverty as marginal, motivation and socialist. These models look at poverty and solutions from different angles. Socialists, for example, emphasize the responsibilities of social organization. The state manages the micro levels and distributes the shares of national gross resources, at the same time fighting to maintain the narrow gap among classes. In his book, Księżopolski (1999) also emphasizes the changes and new values of charity funds or financial aid from churches or organizations recognized by the Poor Law. Speaking specifically, in the new stages poverty has been recognized differently, and support is also delivered in limited categories related to more specific and visible objectives, with the aim of helping the poor change their own status for sustainable improvement. Three ways of categorizing the poor and locating them in the appropriate places are (1) the powerless, (2) who is willing to work and (3) who is dodging work. Basically, poverty is determined not to belong to any specific cultures or politics; otherwise, it refers to the situation in which people’s earnings cannot support their minimum living standard (Rowntree, 1910). Human living standard is defined in Alfredsson & Eide’s work (1999) as follows: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.” (p. 524). In addition, poverty is measured by Global Hunger Index (GHI), which is calculated by the International Food Policy Institute (IFPRI) every year. The GHI measures hunger not only globally, but also by country and region. To have the figures multi-dimensionally, the GHI is based on three indicators: 1. Undernourishment: the proportion of the undernourished as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient calorie intake). 2. Child underweight: the proportion of children under age 5 who are underweight (low weight for their age, reflecting wasting, stunted growth or both), which is one indicator of child under-nutrition. 3. Child mortality: the mortality rate of children under 5 (partially reflecting the fatal synergy of inadequate dietary intake and unhealthy environments). Apart from the individual aspects and the above measurement based on nutrition, which help partly imagine poverty, poverty is more complicated, not just being closely related to human physical life but badly affecting spiritual life. According to Jones and Novak (1999 cited in Lister, 2008), poverty not only characterizes the precarious financial situation but also makes people self-deprecating. Poverty turns itself into the roots of shame, guilt, humiliation and resistance. It leads the poor to the end of the road, and they will never call for help except in the worst situations. Education can help people escape poverty or make it worse. In fact, inequality in education has stolen opportunity for fighting poverty from people in many places around the world, in both developed and developing countries (Lipman, 2004). Lipman confirms: “Students need an education that instills a sense of hope and possibility that they can make a difference in their own family, school, and community and in the broader national and global community while it prepare them for multiple life choices.” (p.181) Bradshaw (2005) synthesizes five main causes of poverty: (1) individual deficiencies, (2) cultural belief systems that support subcultures of poverty, (3) economic, political and social distortions or discrimination, (4) geographical disparities and (5) cumulative and cyclical interdependencies. The researcher suggests the most appropriate solution corresponding with each cause. This reflects the diverse causes of poverty; otherwise, poverty easily happens because of social and political issues. From the literature review, it can be said that poverty comes from complex causes and reasons, and is not a problem of any single individual or country. Poverty has brought about serious consequences and needs to be dealt with by many methods and collective effort of many countries and organizations. This paper will focus on representing some alarming figures on poverty, problems of poverty and then the education as a key breaker to poverty. According to a statistics in 2012 on poverty from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), nearly half the world's population lives below the poverty line, of which is less than $1.25 a day . In a statistics in 2015, of every 1,000 children, 93 do not live to age 5 , and about 448 million babies are stillborn each year . Poverty in the world is happening alarmingly. According to a World Bank study, the risk of poverty continues to increase on a global scale and, of the 2009 slowdown in economic growth, which led to higher prices for fuel and food, further pushed 53 million people into poverty in addition to almost 155 million in 2008. From 1990 to 2009, the average GHI in the world decreased by nearly one-fifth. Many countries had success in solving the problem of child nutrition; however, the mortality rate of children under 5 and the proportion of undernourished people are still high. From 2011 to 2013, the number of hungry people in the world was estimated at 842 million, down 17 percent compared with the period 1990 to 1992, according to a report released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) titled “The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2013” . Although poverty in some African countries had been improved in this stage, sub-Saharan Africa still maintained an area with high the highest percentage of hungry people in the world. The consequences and big problems resulting from poverty are terrible in the extreme. The following will illustrate the overall picture under the issues of health, unemployment, education and society and politics ➢ Health issues: According a report by Manos Unidas, a non- government organization (NGO) in Spain , poverty kills more than 30,000 children under age 5 worldwide every day, and 11 million children die each year because of poverty. Currently, 42 million people are living with HIV, 39 million of them in developing countries. The Manos Unidas report also shows that 15 million children globally have been orphaned because of AIDS. Scientists predict that by 2020 a number of African countries will have lost a quarter of their population to this disease. Simultaneously, chronic drought and lack of clean water have not only hindered economic development but also caused disastrous consequences of serious diseases across Africa. In fact, only 58 percent of Africans have access to clean water; as a result, the average life expectancy in Africa is the lowest in the world, just 45 years old (Bui, 2010). ➢ Unemployment issues: According to the United Nations, the youth unemployment rate in Africa is the highest in the world: 25.6 percent in the Middle East and North Africa. Unemployment with growth rates of 10 percent a year is one of the key issues causing poverty in African and negatively affecting programs and development plans. Total African debt amounts to $425 billion (Bui, 2010). In addition, joblessness caused by the global economic downturn pushed more than 140 million people in Asia into extreme poverty in 2009, the International Labor Organization (ILO) warned in a report titled The Fallout in Asia, prepared for the High-Level Regional Forum on Responding to the Economic Crisis in Asia and the Pacific, in Manila from Feb. 18 to 20, 2009 . Surprisingly, this situation also happens in developed countries. About 12.5 million people in the United Kingdom (accounting for 20 percent of the population) are living below the poverty line, and in 2005, 35 million people in the United States could not live without charity. At present, 620 million people in Asia are living on less than $1 per day; half of them are in India and China, two countries whose economies are considered to be growing. ➢ Education issues: Going to school is one of the basic needs of human beings, but poor people cannot achieve it. Globally, 130 million children do not attend school, 55 percent of them girls, and 82 million children have lost their childhoods by marrying too soon (Bui, 2010). Similarly, two-thirds of the 759 million illiterate people in total are women. Specifically, the illiteracy rate in Africa keeps increasing, accounting for about 40 percent of the African population at age 15 and over 50 percent of women at age 25. The number of illiterate people in the six countries with the highest number of illiterate people in the world - China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Bangladesh and Egypt - reached 510 million, accounting for 70 percent of total global illiteracy. ➢ Social and political issues: Poverty leads to a number of social problems and instability in political systems of countries around the world. Actually, 246 million children are underage labors, including 72 million under age 10. Simultaneously, according to an estimate by the United Nations (UN), about 100 million children worldwide are living on the streets. For years, Africa has suffered a chronic refugee problem, with more than 7 million refugees currently and over 200 million people without homes because of a series of internal conflicts and civil wars. Poverty threatens stability and development; it also directly influences human development. Solving the problems caused by poverty takes a lot of time and resources, but afterward they can focus on developing their societies. Poverty has become a global issue with political significance of particular importance. It is a potential cause of political and social instability, even leading to violence and war not only within a country, but also in the whole world. Poverty and injustice together have raised fierce conflicts in international relations; if these conflicts are not satisfactorily resolved by peaceful means, war will inevitably break out. Obviously, poverty plus lack of understanding lead to disastrous consequences such as population growth, depletion of water resources, energy scarcity, pollution, food shortages and serious diseases (especially HIV/AIDS), which are not easy to control; simultaneously, poverty plus injustice will cause international crimes such as terrorism, drug and human trafficking, and money laundering. Among recognizable four issues above which reflected the serious consequences of poverty, the third ones, education, if being prioritized in intervention over other issues in the fighting against poverty is believed to bring more effectiveness in resolving the problems from the roots. In fact, human being with the possibility of being educated resulted from their distinctive linguistic ability makes them differential from other beings species on the earth (Barrow and Woods 2006, p.22). With education, human can be aware and more critical with their situations, they are aimed with abilities to deal with social problems as well as adversity for a better life; however, inequality in education has stolen opportunity for fighting poverty from unprivileged people (Lipman, 2004). An appropriate education can help increase chances for human to deal with all of the issues related to poverty; simultaneously it can narrow the unexpected side-effect of making poverty worse. A number of philosophies from ancient Greek to contemporary era focus on the aspect of education with their own epistemology, for example, idealism of Plato encouraged students to be truth seekers and pragmatism of Dewey enhanced the individual needs of students (Gutex, 1997). Education, more later on, especially critical pedagogy focuses on developing people independently and critically which is essential for poor people to have ability of being aware of what they are facing and then to have equivalent solutions for their problems. In other words, critical pedagogy helps people emancipate themselves and from that they can contribute to transform the situations or society they live in. In this sense, in his most influential work titled “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” (1972), Paulo Freire carried out his critical pedagogy by building up a community network of peasants- the marginalized and unprivileged party in his context, aiming at awakening their awareness about who they are and their roles in society at that time. To do so, he involved the peasants into a problem-posing education which was different from the traditional model of banking education with the technique of dialogue. Dialogue wasn’t just simply for people to learn about each other; but it was for figuring out the same voice; more importantly, for cooperation to build a social network for changing society. The peasants in such an educational community would be relieved from stressfulness and the feeling of being outsiders when all of them could discuss and exchange ideas with each other about the issues from their “praxis”. Praxis which was derived from what people act and linked to some values in their social lives, was defined by Freire as “reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it” (p.50). Critical pedagogy dialogical approach in Pedagogy of the Oppressed of Freire seems to be one of the helpful ways for solving poverty for its close connection to the nature of equality. It doesn’t require any highly intellectual teachers who lead the process; instead, everything happens naturally and the answers are identified by the emancipation of the learners themselves. It can be said that the effectiveness of this pedagogy for people to escape poverty comes from its direct impact on human critical consciousness; from that, learners would be fully aware of their current situations and self- figure out the appropriate solutions for their own. In addition, equality which was one of the essences making learners in critical pedagogy intellectually emancipate was reflected via the work titled “The Ignorant Schoolmaster” by Jacques Rancière (1991). In this work, the teacher and students seemed to be equal in terms of the knowledge. The explicator- teacher Joseph Jacotot employed the interrogative approach which was discovered to be universal because “he taught what he didn’t know”. Obviously, this teacher taught French to Flemish students while he couldn’t speak his students’ language. The ignorance which was not used in the literal sense but a metaphor showed that learners can absolutely realize their capacity for self-emancipation without the traditional teaching of transmission of knowledge from teachers. Regarding this, Rancière (1991, p.17) stated “that every common person might conceive his human dignity, take the measure of his intellectual capacity, and decide how to use it”. This education is so meaningful for poor people by being able to evoking their courageousness to develop themselves when they always try to stay away from the community due the fact that poverty is the roots of shame, guilt, humiliation and resistance (Novak, 1999). The contribution of critical pedagogy to solving poverty by changing the consciousness of people from their immanence is summarized by Freire’s argument in his “Pedagogy of Indignation” as follows: “It is certain that men and women can change the world for the better, can make it less unjust, but they can do so from starting point of concrete reality they “come upon” in their generation. They cannot do it on the basis of reveries, false dreams, or pure illusion”. (p.31) To sum up, education could be an extremely helpful way of solving poverty regarding the possibilities from the applications of studies in critical pedagogy for educational and social issues. Therefore, among the world issues, poverty could be possibly resolved in accordance with the indigenous people’s understanding of their praxis, their actions, cognitive transformation, and the solutions with emancipation in terms of the following keynotes: First, because the poor are powerless, they usually fall into the states of self-deprecation, shame, guilt and humiliation, as previously mentioned. In other words, they usually build a barrier between themselves and society, or they resist changing their status. Therefore, approaching them is not a simple matter; it requires much time and the contributions of psychologists and sociologists in learning about their aspirations, as well as evoking and nurturing the will and capacities of individuals, then providing people with chances to carry out their own potential for overcoming obstacles in life. Second, poverty happens easily in remote areas not endowed with favorable conditions for development. People there haven’t had a lot of access to modern civilization; nor do they earn a lot of money for a better life. Low literacy, together with the lack of healthy forms of entertainment and despair about life without exit, easily lead people into drug addiction, gambling and alcoholism. In other words, the vicious circle of poverty and powerlessness usually leads the poor to a dead end. Above all, they are lonely and need to be listened to, shared with and led to escape from their states. Community meetings for exchanging ideas, communicating and immediate intervening, along with appropriate forms of entertainment, should be held frequently to meet the expectations of the poor, direct them to appropriate jobs and, step by step, change their favorite habits of entertainment. Last but not least, poor people should be encouraged to participate in social forums where they can both raise their voices about their situations and make valuable suggestions for dealing with their poverty. Children from poor families should be completely exempted from school fees to encourage them to go to school, and curriculum should also focus on raising community awareness of poverty issues through extracurricular and volunteer activities, such as meeting and talking with the community, helping poor people with odd jobs, or simply spending time listening to them. Not a matter of any individual country, poverty has become a major problem, a threat to the survival, stability and development of the world and humanity. Globalization has become a bridge linking countries; for that reason, instability in any country can directly and deeply affect the stability of others. The international community has been joining hands to solve poverty; many anti-poverty organizations, including FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), BecA (the Biosciences eastern and central Africa), UN-REDD (the United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), BRAC (Building Resources Across Communities), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), WHO (World Health Organization) and Manos Unidas, operate both regionally and internationally, making some achievements by reducing the number of hungry people, estimated 842 million in the period 1990 to 1992, by 17 percent in 2011- to 2013 . The diverse methods used to deal with poverty have invested billions of dollars in education, health and healing. The Millennium Development Goals set by UNDP put forward eight solutions for addressing issues related to poverty holistically: 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. 2) Achieve universal primary education. 3) Promote gender equality and empower women. 4) Reduce child mortality. 5) Improve maternal health. 6) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. 7) Ensure environmental sustainability. 8) Develop a global partnership for development. Although all of the mentioned solutions carried out directly by countries and organizations not only focus on the roots of poverty but break its circle, it is recognized that the solutions do not emphasize the role of the poor themselves which a critical pedagogy does. More than anyone, the poor should have a sense of their poverty so that they can become responsible for their own fate and actively fight poverty instead of waiting for help. It is not different from the cores of critical theory in solving educational and political issues that the poor should be aware and conscious about their situation and reflected context. It is required a critical transformation from their own praxis which would allow them to go through a process of learning, sharing, solving problems, and leading to social movements. This is similar to the method of giving poor people fish hooks rather than giving them fish. The government and people of any country understand better than anyone else clearly the strengths and characteristics of their homelands. It follows that they can efficiently contribute to causing poverty, preventing the return of poverty, and solving consequences of the poverty in their countries by many ways, especially a critical pedagogy; and indirectly narrow the scale of poverty in the world. In a word, the wars against poverty take time, money, energy and human resources, and they are absolutely not simple to end. Again, the poor and the challenged should be educated to be fully aware of their situation to that they can overcome poverty themselves. They need to be respected and receive sharing from the community. All forms of discrimination should be condemned and excluded from human society. When whole communities join hands in solving this universal problem, the endless circle of poverty can be addressed definitely someday. More importantly, every country should be responsible for finding appropriate ways to overcome poverty before receiving supports from other countries as well as the poor self-conscious responsibilities about themselves before receiving supports from the others, but the methods leading them to emancipation for their own transformation and later the social change.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2017, 7(2); 30-41
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A pedagogic complexus on the knowledge and impact of economic recession on secondary school students
Lilian, Okam, Chinyere
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
critical pedagogy
social pedagogy
economic recession
Economic recession in its simplest explication is the decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of any country. For over 25 years, recession set in Nigeria in 2015 with the oil price adjustment that affected global economy. Its effect on the country’s export has been punishing, seeing export and government revenues decline rapidly. This is due to some factors that include the fact that oil is Nigeria’s main source of foreign exchange earnings and government and financial revenue; insurgency in the North East of Nigeria and the agitating activities of the Niger/Delta region which has seen Chevron and some oil prospecting companies, the straightening of dollar which has made the Naira of less value. The study determine the extent to which the recession has affected students of school age. It describes the process of Theatre for Development (TFD) in the University of Calabar International Demonstration Secondary School (UCIDSS) as a means of evaluating the students’ knowledge of economic recession and how the recession has affected their studies and career choice. The issues discussed here came from the students, enabling them develop critical reasoning that will help them rekindle their ambitions as well as eliciting their knowledge of changes around their environment. Methodologically, Semi-Structured Interview, TFD and other participatory methodologies like FGD and playmaking were used and for those students who may have issues discussing their views in problem, Key informant Interview was applied.
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies; 2019, 6(1); 37-44
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Education as (de)humanization. A possibility for a creative dialogue between the social philosophies of Paulo Freire and Zygmunt Bauman
Tuleikytė, Julija
Jacobsen, Michael Hviid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Paulo Freire
Zygmunt Bauman
critical pedagogy
banking pedagogy
This article examines the works of two social critics – Paulo Freire and Zygmunt Bauman – with regard to the idea of education as a cause of dehumanization and/or humanization. The key terms and ideas the authors use in their critique of dehumanization within social relations are compared: Freire’s concept of banking model of pedagogy is analysed in contrast to Bauman’s philosopheme of adiaphorization. With both similar and very different understandings of what it means to be human, the two authors search for alternatives to the status quo and to power relations of human subjects being treated as objects – be it, in Freire’s case, the oppressed in the 20th century Brazil or, in Bauman’s case, the Holocaust victims in the 20th century and persons in the contemporary 21st century consumer society. The article aims at founding the thesis that both authors promote humanization, although in different ways, and that Bauman’s humanization through metaphors is in times of liquid modernity a contemporary form of Freire’s modern critical pedagogy. The article also aims to generally present Bauman’s conception of education as the author so far has been much less introduced in educational sciences than Freire is, and a comparison of their education philosophies reveals how modern and postmodern principles of the two theories and their practical implications complement one another and engage in a possibility for a creative dialogue.
Studia Krytyczne/ Critical Studies; 2022, 11; 11-39
Pojawia się w:
Studia Krytyczne/ Critical Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Critical Action Research with Urban Youth: Studying Social Reality Through Mathematics
Krytyczne badania w działaniu z młodzieżą miejską: badanie rzeczywistości społecznej przez matematykę
Gutstein, Eric
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
badania w działaniu
pedagogika krytyczna
action research
critical pedagogy
This paper describes a long-term action research project (over 15 years) on critical mathematics—a study of urban, public school students (ages 11 to 19) in the U.S. who used and learned mathematics to simultaneously learn about their social reality. Two major questions were: How does one teach critical mathematics? and What do students learn? The theoretical framework builds on Paulo Freire’s concepts, epistemology, and theory of political change. The settings were two schools in low-in- come, working class Latino and African American communities. Students were active co-research participants and contributed to every aspect of the project.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia długofalowy (trwający piętnaście lat) projekt dotyczący matematyki krytycznej przeprowadzony metodą badań w działaniu. Dotyczy on uczniów (w wieku od 11 do 19 lat) szkół publicznych w dużym amerykańskim mieście, którzy uczyli się matematyki używając jej jednocześnie w celu zrozumienia otaczającej ich rzeczywistości społecznej. Główne pytania badawcze brzmiały: W jaki sposób można uczyć krytycznej matematyki? oraz Czego uczą się uczniowie? Podbudową teoretyczną projektu były koncepcje Paulo Freire’go, epistemologia oraz teoria zmiany politycznej. Projekt został przeprowadzony w dwóch szkołach w dzielnicach zamieszkanych przez latynoamerykańskie i afro-amerykańskie społeczności robotnicze o niskich dochodach. Uczniowie byli aktywnymi współbadaczami uczestniczącymi w każdym aspekcie projektu i wnoszącymi weń swój wkład na każdym jego etapie.
Forum Oświatowe; 2013, 25, 3(50); 117-126
Pojawia się w:
Forum Oświatowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interesy, ekonomia i emancypacja. O powrocie pedagogiki krytycznej do zagadnień społeczno-ekonomicznych i pojęciu interwencji
Interests, Economics and Emancipation. On Return of Critical Pedagogy to Socio-Economic Issues and Category of Intervention
Stańczyk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
pedagogika krytyczna
klasa społeczna
polityki publiczne
Paulo Freire
critical pedagogy
social class
blic politics
Zasadniczym celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji interwencji pedagogiczno-politycznej wypracowywanej przez Paulo Freirego i osoby skupione wokół Instytutu Freirego w São Paulo. Kluczową cechą tej koncepcji jest skoncentrowanie się na kwestii interesów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem interesów klasowych, co jest warunkiem koniecznym możliwości działań pedagogicznych skierowanych przeciwko biedzie i wykluczeniu. Uwzględnienie kwestii klasowej z jednej strony jest traktowane w tym artykule jako sposób na uniknięcie impasu, wynikającego z inspirowanego postmodernistycznymi odmianami edukacji fetyszyzowania krytyki, a z drugiej jako trafną teoretyczną postawę wobec praktycznych problemów generowanych przez późny kapitalizm.
The article deals with problem of class interests in contemporary critical theory in education. Eradication of social class from social sciences is side effect of postmodern inspirations. Although that kind of attitude is fundamentally critical it also is counterproductive because it brings indifference to question of socio-economic issues. The article aims at presenting return of American radical pedagogy to the notion of social class and class struggle (hooks 2000; McLaren 2000; 2005) inspired by philosophy of brazilian educator Paulo Freire. The second part of the text contains presentation of P. Freire’s (1975; 1992; 1998; 2000; 2001; Scocuglia 2005; Streck 2009). thought evolution from neutral to class-focused perspective in emancipatory education and then from emancipatory towards hegemony paradigm in the politics of education. In the end the concept of the intervention is considered as the way out from impasse of critical theory of education to the radical and revolutionary praxis engaged in social change for social justice.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja; 2016, 19, 2(74); 31-52
Pojawia się w:
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemowe nauczanie wiedzy o społeczeństwie a kształtowanie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego
Problem teaching of civic education and creation of civil society
Kacpura, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
nauczanie problemowe
społeczeństwo obywatelskie
wiedza o społeczeństwie
pedagogika krytyczna
aktywizacja społeczna
problematic teaching
civil society
social studies
critical pedagogy
social activation
This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the use of methods of teaching civics problem. In the early parts of the study showed a relationship between learning outcomes that bring these methods and competencies and abilities, which in accordance with theoretical considerations should be characterized by any member of the civil society, is considered to be the ideal of collective life. The next part of the article is a description of the techniques and methods of teaching problem with guidelines for their effective use.
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość; 2017, Tom 14; 81-90
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy rzeczywiście jesteśmy skazani na edukacyjną porażkę? Pedagogika jako narzędzie wyzwolenia uciśnionych tego świata
Are we really doomed to educational failure? Pedagogy as the instrument of liberation of the oppressed of this world
Chojnowski, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
praktyka marksistowska
pedagogika krytyczna
utowarowienie edukacji
społeczna zmiana
klasa szkolna
wywrotowa praktyka edukacyjna
perspektywa krytyczna
Marxist practice
critical pedagogy
commodified education
social change
subversive educational practice
critical perspective
In this article I represent a radical approach to the existing capitalist system of exploitation. The purpose of my analysis is to extract from critical pedagogy its essential elements to undermine the basic assumptions of a society driven by constant lust for profit. Henry Giroux and Peter McLaren, as two radical thinkers, show us the way by which we can claim the system of education from the hands of the oppressors. This is not an easy task, but it can be done if we try to undermine the current system by subversive practices. In this mission, the key role must come to the teachers, who should take into account the presence of different cultural narratives in the classroom. The classroom is not only a neutral space in which the teacher communicates objective knowledge, but also a place where we can close or open for the students the path leading to their liberation by showing them how the social space in their communities is constructed through relationships based on the dominant forms of power and knowledge. Teachers, who are aware of how the school effectively implements its hidden agenda that implies the subordination of the minds of the students, can prevent its implementation by using alternative teaching strategies. To sum it up: a classroom is a very important place in which we can enslave or liberate students by showing them a critical perspective proposed by Marxist theory and practice towards the current capitalist system. In this way, we achieve a milestone in the transformative process leading the oppressed to recognize their subordinated position in the dominant culture, which empowers them to consciously organize themselves in their fight for freedom.
W tym artykule reprezentuję radykalne podejście do władającego kapitalistycznego systemu eksploatacji. Celem mojej analizy jest wydobycie z pedagogiki krytycznej jej konstytutywnych elementów, żeby podważyć bazowe założenia społeczeństwa napędzanego pragnieniem ciągłego zysku. Henry Giroux i Peter McLaren jako dwaj radykalni myśliciele pokazują nam drogę, w ramach której możemy odebrać edukację z rąk ciemiężycieli. To nie jest łatwe zadanie, ale może być dokonane, jeśli podważymy obecny system za pomocą wywrotowych praktyk. W tym zadaniu kluczowa rola musi przypaść nauczycielom, którzy powinni brać pod uwagę obecność w klasie szkolnej różnych narracji kulturowych. Klasa szkolna nie jest neutralnym miejscem, w którym nauczyciel przekazuje obiektywną wiedzę, ale również przestrzenią, w której możemy zamknąć bądź otworzyć uczniom ścieżkę prowadzącą do ich wyzwolenia poprzez pokazanie im, jak przestrzeń społeczna w ich wspólnotach jest konstruowana poprzez relacje oparte na dominujących formach władzy i wiedzy. Nauczyciele, którzy są świadomi tego, w jaki sposób szkoła skutecznie realizuje swój ukryty program podporządkowania umysłów swoich uczniów, mogą zapobiegać jego realizacji poprzez wdrażanie alternatywnych strategii nauczania. Podsumowując: szkolna klasa jest bardzo ważnym miejscem, w którym możemy zniewolić bądź wyzwolić uczniów poprzez pokazanie im krytycznej perspektywy w stosunku do obecnego systemu kapitalistycznego – jaką proponuje nam marksistowska teoria i praktyka. Tym sposobem osiągniemy kamień milowy w transformacyjnym procesie prowadzącym uciśnionych do rozpoznania ich podległej pozycji w kulturze dominującej, co umożliwi im świadome organizowanie się w walce o wolność.
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2018, 6, 1; 180-207
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mutuality and Intersubjective Dialogue in Religious Education
Wzajemność i międzypodmiotowy dialog w edukacji religijnej
Shuster, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
social justice
critical pedagogy
neurolinguistic interactions
genetic phenomenology
tripartite intersubjectivity
sprawiedliwość społeczna
pedagogia krytyczna
interakcje neurolingwistyczne
fenomenologia genetyczna
trójpodział międzypodmiotowości
Intentional mutuality and intersubjective dialogue woven into the pedagogy of youth and adults is a radical idea in any educational setting; however in the case of religious education it can provide a generative, hermeneutic, learning platform for the development of Christocentric living (as one example). Through so doing, this learning platform can easily extend into the postmodern secular sphere to temper and balance its epistemic forms with hermeneutics, ethics, empathy, and social justice. Where religious education can remain free of the control of neoliberal ideology, it can help students flourish in their humanity and agency. At the same time, religious education and critical pedagogies can be further developed on the shoulders of their giants with gleanings from the secular world—practices and methods from a range of human traditions. In that spirit, the author borrows substantial elements from his previous work (Shuster 2006) on the effectiveness of dialogue and intersubjectivity in postmodern workgroups and speculates on its utility to learning groups and classrooms.
Celowa wzajemność i międzypodmiotowy dialog, wplecione w pedagogię młodzieży i dorosłych, stanowi radykalną ideę w dziedzinie edukacji. W przypadku edukacji religijnej może to oznaczać organizację generatywnej i hermeneutycznej platformy nauczania, służącej rozwijaniu chrystocentrycznego modelu życia (jako jednego z przykładów). W ten sposób platforma ta może łatwo się rozszerzać, wkraczając na obszar ponowoczesny i świecki, łagodząc i równoważąc przy tym jego epistemiczne formy hermeneutyką, etyką, empatią i sprawiedliwością społeczną. Tam, gdzie edukacja religijna pozostaje wolna od kontroli ze strony neoliberalnej ideologii, tam może pomóc uczniom w rozwoju ich człowieczeństwa i aktywności. W tym samym czasie edukacja religijna oraz krytycznie ukierunkowane pedagogie mogą być rozwijane przez ich głównych orędowników, zbierając przy tym doświadczenia również ze świeckiego świata, tj. praktyki i metody reprezentujące rozmaite tradycje. Podążając za tym przykładem, autor przejmuje znaczące elementy ze swej wcześniejszej pracy (Shuster 2006) na temat skuteczności dialogu i międzypodmiotowości w ponowoczesnych grupach pracowniczych i zastanawia się nad ich przydatnością w grupach osób uczących się oraz podczas zajęć w klasie szkolnej.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2015, 18; 149-176
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Partycypacyjna praca społeczna w środowisku życia: działanie, uczenie się, współtworzenie wiedzy. Szkoła łódzka
Participatory Social Work in Living Environment: Acting, Learning, and Knowledge Co-Production. The School of Łódź
Granosik, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
pedagogika społeczna
radykalna praca socjalna
podejście krytyczne
prac środowiskowa
social pedagogy
radical social work
critical approach
community work
Założona na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim przez Helenę Radlińską Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji od wielu lat rozwija oryginalny wariant partycypacyjnej pracy społecznej. Analiza tworzonego przy tej okazji dyskursu pozwala zrekonstruować osiowe zakotwiczenia (toposy) tego wariantu pracy społecznej, takie jak: partycypacja, perspektywa krytyczna, diagnostyka interpretatywna, niedeliberatywność czy praca polityczna. Wszystkie te elementy strukturalne mają naturę procesową, bowiem są dopasowywane do zmieniających się układów społecznych (np. wirtualizacji społeczności lokalnych). Ponadto, zrozumienie partycypacyjnej pracy społecznej musi uwzględniać również kontekst historyczny, który miał istotny wpływ w zakresie samej koncepcji działania, sił ludzkich czy strukturalnego empowermentu. Na tę i tak już dosyć złożoną konstrukcję nakłada się jeszcze triada: praktyka, wiedza, uczenie się, której każdy element może być traktowany jako inny gatunek (genre) dyskursu. Ich interdyskursowa integracja możliwa jest dzięki osadzonej w tradycji praktyce łączenia badań z działaniem i edukacją. Artykuł zamykają wnioski krytyczne, dotyczące ryzyka ulegania trendom, eksplatacji użytkowników usług oraz profesjonalizacji codzienności.
The Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Rehabilitation, founded by Helena Radlińska at the University of Lodz, has been developing an original variant of participatory social work for many years. A discourse analysis of this production process results in reconstruction its axial anchors (topos), such as: participation, critical perspective, interpretative assessment, non-deliberativity or political work. All those structural elements are processual, as they need to be adapted to changing social settings (e.g. communities getting more virtualized). Furthermore, the historical context must be considered to understand the participatory social work, as it has had a significant impact on the very concept of action, human strengths or structural empowerment. On top of this already quite complex construction is the triad: practice, knowledge, learning, each of its elements can be treated as a different genre of discourse. Interdiscursive integration of the genres is enabled by the traditionally embedded practice of combining research with action and education. The article ends with critical conclusions regarding the risk of following trends, exploitation of service users and the professionalization of everyday life.
Praca Socjalna; 2022, 37(2); 57-80
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogika w poszukiwaniu Innego rozumu. Ku krytyce pojęcia rozumu instrumentalnego
Pedagogy in Searching for Other Reason. Towards the Critique of Instrumental Reason
Archacka, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
rozum instrumentalny
Inne rozumu
teoria krytyczna
mit społeczny
władza i panowanie
instrumental reason
Other reason
critical theory
social myth
power and rule
Celem artykułu jest poszukiwanie genezy pojęcia rozumu instrumentalnego w pedagogice. Przyjmując radykalną krytykę rozumu prowadzoną przez Szkołę Frankfurcką za intelektualny paradygmat drugiej połowy XX wieku, rekonstruuję i analizuję przejęte przez pedagogikę filozoficzne pojęcia „rozumu instrumentalnego” i Innego rozumu, poruszając się tropem wyznaczonym najpierw przez T. Adorno i M. Horkheimera, a następnie drugiego pokolenia frankfurtczyków: J. Habermasa i H. Schnädelbacha. Moim rozważaniom towarzyszy także myśl polskiego filozofa M.J. Siemka. Podejmuję rozważania nad konstrukcją współczesnych mitów społecznych i ukazuję, w jaki sposób analizowane pojęcia stają się narratywistycznymi środkami budowania mitycznej opowieści, najpierw w filozofii, a później w pedagogice. Podkreślam konieczność podjęcia pedagogicznego sporu, który pozwoli na przeciwstawienie się kontroświeceniowym tendencjom widocznym we współczesnej praktyce edukacyjnej.
The aim of the article is to seek the genesis of the concept of instrumental reason in pedagogy. Considering a radical critique of the reason conducted by the Frankfurt School an intellectual paradigm of the second half of the 20th century, I reconstruct and analyse philosophical concepts of the “instrumental reason” and Other reason, following the footprints first of T. Adorno and M. Horhheim and then of the second generation of Frankfurters: J. Habermas and H. Schnädelbach. My considerations are accompanied by also by the thought of the Polish philosopher M.J. Siemek. I ponder on the construction of modern social myths and show the way in which the analysed concepts become narrativistic means of building a mythological story, first in philosophy and then in pedagogy. I emphasise the necessity of opening a pedagogical dispute, which will allow to oppose the counter-enlightment tendencies visible in contemporary educational practice.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja; 2018, 21, 4(84); 7-28
Pojawia się w:
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-14 z 14

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