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Wyszukujesz frazę "dynamics index" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Роль картотеки «портретів слів» в укладанні словників нового покоління
Карпіловська [Karpilovs'ka], Євгенія [IEvheniia] Анатоліївна [Anatoliïvna]
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
language dynamics
“portraits of words” card index
new generation dictionary
The role of “portraits of words” card index in the compiling of new generation dictionariesThe article presents the concept of “portraits of words” card index as a necessary tool of the analysis of language changes for the compiling of dictionaries of new generation. Such card index contains information not only about the use of words in the texts of various functional styles, time, subject and purpose, but also about their systemic characteristics: paradigmatic, syntagmatic and epidigmatic (derivational and associative). The information about a word gathered in the card index of this type serves as guidelines for its verification in the corpus as well as in the various text databases, including online resources. It allows to check the use of new words, their spelling variations, development of their semantics, the course of their competition with other nominations of the same realities, processes or attributes in the texts. A “portraits of words” card index, as juxtaposed with the corpus and texts, signals the need to supplement the corpus with certain types of texts, as well as the need to change the annotation of its texts. This enables the preparation of verified materials for the compiling of new generation dictionaries. Rola kartoteki „portretów słów” w tworzeniu słowników nowej generacjiW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję kartoteki „portretów słów” jako narzędzia analizy zmian językowych niezbędnego przy tworzeniu słowników nowego pokolenia. Kartoteka taka mieści w sobie informacje nie tylko o tym, jak słowo używane jest w tekstach o różnych stylach funkcjonalnych, z różnych okresów, o różnej tematyce i różnym przeznaczeniu, lecz także o jego charakterystykach systemowych: paradygmatycznych, syntagmatycznych i epidygmatycznych (słowotwórczych i asocjacyjnych). Informacje na temat słowa zgromadzone w takiej kartotece będą służyć jako swego rodzaju punkty orientacyjne przy weryfikacji występowania danego wyrazu w korpusie i bazach tekstów, zwłaszcza w internecie. Informacje te dają możliwość przeprowadzania porównań z tekstami pod kątem występowania nowych słów, wariantów ich pisowni, rozwoju ich semantyki, przebiegu ich konkurencji z innymi sposobami opisu tych samych realiów, procesów czy cech. Kartoteka tego rodzaju, w zestawieniu z korpusem i tekstami, sygnalizuje konieczność uzupełnienia korpusu o pewne rodzaje tekstów, a także potrzebę zmiany oznaczeń umieszczonych w korpusie tekstów – a tym samym pozwala na przygotowanie zweryfikowanego materiału wyjściowego do tworzenia słowników nowego pokolenia.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej; 2017, 52
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany cen, ilości i wartości surowca drzewnego sprzedawanego w Lasach Państwowych
Changes in prices, volume and value of wood raw material sold by the State Forests
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Lachowicz, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Panstwowe Gospodarstwo Lesne Lasy Panstwowe
surowce drzewne
dynamika cen
analiza sprzedazy
indeks Laspeyresa
indeks Fischera
indeks Paaschego
dynamics measures
laspeyres index
paasche index
fisher index
The State Forests in Poland operate according to the principles of sustainable forest management combining and fulfilling diverse functions. Wood production is one of them. In this context, the question arises whether the species composition of forest stands has a greater impact on timber sales than the optimization of the assortment structure of harvested timber. The aim of the paper is to present the dynamics of prices, volume and value of timber sold by the State Forests and to examine the impact of the price and volume on the value of timber sales. The analysis of the dynamics measures was based on the data in the financial reports published annually on the websites of the State Forests as well as on the announcements of the Central Statistical Office in Poland on the average price of timber, calculated from the average price of timber sold by forest districts in the first three quarters of the year. The aggregate indices were calculated using the data on the volume, prices and value of the sold timber included in the State Forests Information System. The data were obtained by dividing wood assortments and species into groups. The analysis focused on years 2012−2014. It included seven tree species: pine, spruce, fir, oak, beech, alder and birch as well as the most common groups of wood assortments: WA, WB, WC, WD, WBCK, WCK, S1, S2, S4, M1 and M2, for which the weighted average price of timber and the amount of timber sold were calculated in individual years. Of the analysed characteristics (price, volume, value), the average rate of changes in timber prices was the lowest and amounted to 1.9% per year. The volume of timber offered on the market increased by 3.01% annually. The cumulative effect of the increase in the price and volume of timber offered for sale was 5.94% of the annual value of timber sold.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 01; 12-21
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quantitative assessment of the dynamics of changes in the GDP per capita index in the regions of Bulgaria and Slovakia
Ilościowa ocena dynamiki zmian wskaźnika PKB per capita w regionach Bułgarii i Słowacji
Surówka, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
GDP per capita
regional development
quantitative methods
Subject and purpose of work: The article presents the results of research into the dynamics of changes in income distribution as measured by means of GDP per capita for the regions Bulgaria and Slovakia using quantitative methods. Materials and methods: The transition matrix was used as a research tool. As some authors note, since most of the research is limited to the assessment and analysis of global trends, this does not allow to distinguish the situation in which regions maintain their relative position from the situations in which the general distribution of income changes slightly while the location of some regions changes significantly. In this case, individual regions may differ considerably in their rate of development even in the periods when no convergence was observed. Results: The approach adopted in this study made it possible to verify the degree of diversification of the economic strength of the regions examined and conduct a comparative analysis of the dynamics of changes in the transition matrices.Conclusions: It was concluded that the regions of Slovakia and Bulgaria are developing at the same pace. Income stability can be observed. It is justifiable to look for and workout modern tools that will enable tracking changes in regional development.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Praca ma na celu zaprezentowanie wyników badań w zakresie analizy dynamiki zmian dystrybucji dochodów mierzonej za pomocą PKB per capita dla regionów Bułgarii i Słowacji za pomocą metod ilościowych. Materiały i metody: Jako narzędzie badawcze wykorzystano macierz przejść. Większość badań ogranicza się bowiem do oceny oraz analizy trendów globalnych i nie powala na odróżnienie sytuacji, w których regiony zachowują swoją relatywną pozycję, od sytuacji w których ogólna dystrybucja dochodów zmienia sie niewiele a położenie niektórych regionów zmienia sie w sposób istotny. W tym przypadku pojedyncze regiony mogą znacznie różnić się między sobą tempem rozwoju nawet w okresach, w których nie stwierdzono występowania konwergencji. Wyniki: Badanie umożliwiło zweryfikowanie stopnia zróżnicowania siły gospodarczej badanych regionów oraz przeprowadzenie analizy porównawczej dynamiki zmian ogólnej dystrybucji dochodów w macierzach przejść. Wnioski: Regiony Słowacji i Bułgarii rozwijają się w analogicznym tempie. Można zaobserwować dużą stabilność dochodową. Za uzasadnione należy uznać poszukiwanie i wypracowywanie nowoczesnych narzędzi pozwalających na śledzenie omawianych tendencji.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2019, 12, 2; 127-135
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Regional eco-efficiency of the agricultural sector in V4 regions, its dynamics in time and decomposition on the technological and pure technical eco-efficiency change
Richterová, Eva
Richter, Martin
Sojková, Zlata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
agricultural eco-efficiency
Visegrad regions
Malmquist index
technological change
pure technical eco-efficiency
Research background: Agriculture plays a vital role in producing food to ensure food security, but it is one of the biggest contributors to environmental pollution. One of the main goals of the new CAP is to set higher ambitions for environmental actions, which brings into the front the concept of agricultural eco-efficiency. The notion of eco-efficiency includes the economic and also ecological dimensions of sustainable agriculture. Purpose of the article: The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the eco-efficiency of agricultural production and its dynamics during the years 2013, 2015, and 2017 of NUTS 2 regions within the Visegrad 4  (V4), i. e. The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. The part of the main goal is to verify the research hypothesis that all the biggest agriculture producers are eco-efficient. Methods: V4 regional eco-efficiency of the agricultural sector is expressed by the Malmquist productivity index and is estimated using the output-oriented Data envelopment analysis (DEA) model, under the assumption of constant return to scale (CRS). The Malmquist index is decomposed to technical eco-efficiency change (EC) and technological change (TC). Based on the eco-efficiency, technological and pure technical eco-efficiency change, V4 regions are classified into three groups: the most progressive regions, the progressive regions, and the regressive regions. Findings & value added: CZ02: Central Bohemia, CZ04: Northwest, HU33: Dél-Alföld, HU31: Észak-Magyarország, HU32: Észak-Alföld, PL21: Malopolskie, PL41: Wielkopolskie, SK01: Bratislava region, and SK02: Western Slovakia have an eco-effective agricultural sector, the remaining V4 regions have eco-ineffective agricultural sector. The research hypothesis that all the biggest agricultural producers are eco-effective is not confirmed. During the analyzed years, 19 V4 regions improve their agricultural eco-efficiency. The main contributor to eco-efficiency improvement is technological progress, which indicates that producers implement innovations that lead to more eco-efficiency agricultural production.
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy; 2021, 16, 3; 553-576
Pojawia się w:
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cenowe konsekwencje zróżnicowania rozwoju regionalnego w Polsce
The consequences of price differentiation for regional development in Poland
Przekota, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Stanisława Staszica w Pile
Produkt Krajowy Brutto
gross domestic product
consumer price index (CPI)
Potencjał gospodarczy poszczególnych regionów Polski jest różny. Każdy region charakteryzuje się indywidualną specyfiką. Wykorzystanie specyficznego charakteru danego regionu stanowi ważny element zarządzania krajem jako całością oraz poszczególnymi regionami. Występujące nierówności w rozwoju gospodarczym mogą być przyczyną wielu niekorzystnych zjawisk, jak chociażby migracja wewnętrzna czy marginalizacja regionalna. Nadmierne nierówności cenowe i dochodowe mogą w konsekwencji osłabiać wzrost gospodarczy całego kraju. Dla spójności całego państwa korzystne jest, aby dysproporcje pomiędzy poszczególnymi regionami nie były zbyt duże. W opracowaniu podjęto próbę określenia konsekwencji cenowych zróżnicowania rozwoju regionalnego w Polsce. W analizie korzystano ze współczynnika zmienności, współczynnika korelacji, współczynnika regresji i średniookresowego tempa. Zauważa się, że poszczególne regiony różnią się stopniem rozwoju, dynamiką wzrostu gospodarczego oraz poziomem wynagrodzeń. Natomiast znacznie mniej zróżnicowane są ceny.
Each region in Poland has a different economic potential due to its own specific features. Taking account of the specific nature of individual regions is important for the management of the country as a whole and of its particular regions. Existing disparities in the economic development may lead to many negative phenomena, such as internal migration or regional marginalization. Excessive price and income inequalities may weaken economic growth throughout the country. It is important for the coherence of the whole country that the disparities between regions are not too big. The study determines the consequences of price differentiation for regional development in Poland. The analysis was conducted using the coefficient of variation, correlation coefficient, regression coefficient and medium pace. The regions differ in terms of development, dynamic growth and wages. However, prices are much less diverse.
Progress in Economic Sciences; 2017, 4; 143-158
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Economic Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reconstructing the global dynamics of attractors via the Conley index
McCord, Christopher
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematyczny PAN
Conley index
simplicial complex
Given an unknown attractor in a continuous dynamical system, how can we discover the topology and dynamics of ? As a practical matter, how can we do so from only a finite amount of information? One way of doing so is to produce a semi-conjugacy from onto a model system whose topology and dynamics are known. The complexity of then provides a lower bound for the complexity of . The Conley index can be used to construct a simplicial model and a surjective semi-conjugacy for a large class of attractors. The essential features of this construction are that the model can be explicitly described; and that the finite amount of information needed to construct it is computable.
Banach Center Publications; 1999, 47, 1; 145-156
Pojawia się w:
Banach Center Publications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental research and CFD analysis of flow parameters in a SCR system for the original part and WALKER’s replacement
Kurzydym, Damian
Klimanek, Adam
Żmudka, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
selective catalytic reduction
computational fluid dynamics
static mixer
uniformity index
coefficient of variation
selektywna redukcja katalityczna
obliczeniowa dynamika płynów
mieszalnik statyczny
wskaźnik nierównomierności
współczynnik wariancji
The article presents the results of experimental research and their comparison with CFD simulations for the original selective catalytic reduction system and WALKER replacement. The research was performed to develop the WALKER universal mixer. The SCR prototype without mixer and with the proposed mixer were tested and compared with the original VW part. The next step was reverse engineering, which consisted in scanning the tested parts with a laser and processing their point cloud in Leios2 program. Reverse engineering has allowed the reconstruction of 3D geometry of the tested parts in the Catia v5 program and then preparation their models for computational fluid dynamics. Numerical simulations were carried out in the Ansys Fluent program, thanks to which several quantities were determined e.g. uniformity index of gas flow through the monolith and coefficient of variation as a measure of mixing degree, which have a significant impact on the design of the mixer and the SCR system.
Combustion Engines; 2019, 58, 4; 13-20
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tendencje w kształtowaniu się cen skupu zbóż w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej w latach 2000-2017
Trends in the formation of cereal purchase prices in the Visegrad Group countries in the years 2000-2017
Kubala, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie. Oddział w Poznaniu
ceny skupu
indeksy dynamiki
stopa zmian
Grupa Wyszehradzka
purchase prices
dynamics index
rate of change
Visegrad Group
Dla państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej (V4) rok 2004 to czas, który dla rynku surowców rolnych państw należących do ugrupowania jest niezwykle istotny, głównie za sprawą włączenia ich w struktury oraz zasady wspólnego rynku. Od tego czasu nastąpiło wiele przeobrażeń, będących wynikiem zmian koniunkturalnych oraz strukturalnych. Zasadnicze staje się więc pytanie, czy tendencje zmian cen surowców rolnych w państwach V4 są do siebie zbliżone. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza dynamiki oraz kierunku zmian cen zbóż w państwach V4. Zbadano jednocześnie współzależności cenowe pomiędzy kształtowaniem się cen skupu podstawowych rodzajów zbóż pomiędzy poszczególnymi krajami V4. Do badań wybrano pięć najważniejszych surowców wchodzących w skład zbóż: pszenicy, żyta, jęczmienia, owsa oraz kukurydzy. Badania wykazały, że istnieje znaczny stopień zróżnicowania cen zbóż w krajach V4 w latach 2000-2017. W okresie poakcesyjnym wykazywały one tendencje wzrostowe. Największy wzrost cen następował jednak w latach 2009-2012, z czego największy wzrost cen odnotowano w przypadku żyta. W późniejszym okresie następował powolny spadek poziomu cen zbóż.
For the Visegrad Group (V4) countries, 2004 is the time that for the market of agricultural raw materials of countries belonging to the grouping is extremely important, mainly due to their integration into the structures and principles of the common market. Since then, many transformations have occurred as a result of cyclical and structural changes. The essential question then becomes whether the trends in prices of agricultural commodities in the V4 countries are similar. The main aim of this article is to analyze the dynamics and direction of changes in grain prices in the countries of the V4. Also examined correlation between the price evolution of purchase prices of basic cereals between countries of the V4. Five main raw materials included in the cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oats and maize were selected for the study. Studies have shown that there is a significant degree of variation in grain prices in the V4 in the years 2000-2017. In the post-accession period, they showed an upward trend. The largest increase in prices took place in 2009-2012, the largest increase in prices recorded in rye. In the later period there was a slow decline in the price of cereals.
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego; 2018, 94, 4; 43-57
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tekstura karpackiego dolnoreglowego drzewostanu mieszanego o charakterze pierwotnym
Texture of a primeval lower montane mixed forest in the Carpathians
Kołodziej, Z.
Paluch, J.
Bartkowicz, L.
Pach, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Babiogorski Park Narodowy
regiel dolny
drzewostany mieszane
drzewostany swierkowo-bukowo-jodlowe
las pierwotny
tekstura drzewostanu
sklad gatunkowy
drzewa lesne
liczba drzew
piersnicowe pole przekroju
primeval forest
mixed stands
spatial pattern
structural heterogeneity
diversity index
forest dynamics theory
The aim of this study was to characterize the texture of a primeval forest composed of Fagus sylvatica (L.), Abies alba (Mill.) and Picea abies ((L.) H. Karst). Empirical data were collected in the Babia Góra National Park (southern Poland) in the stand being under strict protection since 1934. 259 circular plots with a radius of 7.0 m and an area of 154 m² each were established in nodes of 20×20 m grid. For individual plots and blocks of the combined plots representing gradient of spatial scales between 0.015 and 0.640 ha, the number of trees, diameter at breast height (dbh) distributions, basal areas and the values of structural diversity indices of Gini (GI), Shannon (SH) and Staudhammer−LeMay (STVI) were determined. The indices were also calculated for several types of theoretical distributions. Based on the values obtained for the theoretical distributions, the individual plots and the blocks of the combined plots were classified as representing simple (GI≤0.30;STVI≤0.10), moderately diversified (0.300.45; STVI>0.30) dbh structure. For all the spatial scales analyzed the average values of GI and STVI indices reached the level typical for populations of a high structural diversity (i.e. exceeded the values of 0.45 and 0.30 respectively). According to the GI and STVI values, the portion of stand patches with complex dbh structure ranged from 70.9% and 68.2% at the individual plots scale, respectively, up to 100% in the blocks of 16 plots (4×4). In general, in all the spatial scales analyzed the spatial diversification of the dbh distributions and basal area levels was higher than in managed selection forests and much higher than in managed single−storied stands. The dominant frequency of highly diversified dbh distributions found in the analysed stand was not concordant with the predictions of the forest dynamics theory based on developmental stages, according to which in primeval forests with a significant partition of Abies alba and Picea abies should prevail stand patches of rather simple dbh structure, characteristic for the long−lasting optimum stage.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 07; 600-609
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dynamika zmian wskaźników innowacyjności Polski na tle UE
Dynamics of changes in innovation index of Poland In comparision of EU
Knop, L.
Olko, S.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
wskaźnik innowacyjności
dynamika zmian
innovativeness index
dynamics of changes
Unia Europejska
Artykuł przedstawia kształtowanie się wskaźników innowacyjności Polski na tle innych krajów UE oraz uśrednionego wskaźnika dla UE. W artykule przedstawiono także metodykę określania innych wskaźników zagregowanych, charakteryzujących gospodarki krajów, dotyczących konkurencyjności i kreatywności. Analizy wskaźników innowacyjności dotyczą wskaźnika Summary Innovation Index, publikowanego w corocznych raportach Innovation Union Scoreboard i obejmują okres od 2004 roku (przystąpienie Polski do UE) do 2014 roku czyli ostatnich dostępnych danych, związanych z innowacyjnością krajów UE.
The paper presents the formation of innovativeness index of Po-land in comparison of other countries of EU and global index in EU. Moreover the methodology of constructing other composite indexes for comparative international analysis of the national economies have been presented. The analysis con-sider Summary Innovation Index published in the annual Innovation Union Scoreboard and covers the period since 2004 (Poland EU access) to 2014 – the last available data regarding innovativeness in EU.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2015, 83; 293-306
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of mineral oils on dynamics in the aphids presence and virus infection of tulips 'Leen van der Mark' cv. in the field cultivation
Karczmarz, K.
Marcinek, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
plant cultivation
field cultivation
Leen van der Mark cultivar
flowering plant
ornamental plant
bulbous plant
leaf greenness index
aphid occurrence
pest control
plant disease
viral infection
mineral oil
Sunspray 850 EC preparation
Sunspray Ultra-Fine preparation
The research material consisted of tulip plants of ‘Leen van der Mark’ cv. The effect of two preparations was evaluated: Sunspray 850 EC and Sunspray Ultra-Fine, in which the active substance is refined paraffinbased mineral oil. Preparations were applied at three concentrations: 1, 1.5, and 2%. Research plots were sprayed three times every 7 days. The first treatment was performed at the turn of the second and third decade of April. Starting from the beginning of May, observations of plant colonization by aphids were conducted every 14 days. The observations were terminated at the end of June. It was found that spraying using mineral oils Sunspray 850 EC and Sunspray Ultra-Fine of tulip ‘Leen van der Mark’ significantly affect the degree of virus infection and infection due to disease-causing pathogens in relation to the untreated plants. Plants sprayed with mineral oil at the lowest concentration (1%) were in better health condition and were less attractive to aphids. Increasing the concentration of oil and the number of treatments intensified the phytotoxic reaction of tulips manifested as chlorosis with varying intensity. They were not, however, apparent effect on plant growth and development. The chlorophyll content (expressed as greenness index) in the tulip leaves treated with mineral oil was lower as compared to untreated leaves, when plants were sprayed three times using Sunspray Ultra-Fine oil at a concentration of 2%.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2018, 17, 2; 11-25
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Computer simulation of vibration surveillance of discretely idealised mechanical systems. Part I: Optimal control at the energy performance index for open non-stationary systems
Kaliński, K. J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
railway weighing systems
The paper discusses means of mechanical vibration surveillance using elements of control theory, dynamic optimisation, modern methods of computer simulation and measurement techniques. A mixed method of rigid and flexible finite elements is applied to discrete modelling of non-stationary controlled systems. A method of vibration surveillance in the time domain is elaborated, which utilises optimal control at the energy performance index with respect to the trajectory of given motion. An example is given of surveillance of transient vibration of a railway freight wagon weighing device.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2004, 8, 1; 79-87
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of web-scraped data to analyze the dynamics of footwear prices
Juszczak, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Big data
Consumer Price Index
Online shopping
Aim/purpose – Web-scraping is a technique used to automatically extract data from websites. After the rise-up of online shopping, it allows the acquisition of information about prices of goods sold by retailers such as supermarkets or internet shops. This study examines the possibility of using web-scrapped data from one clothing store. It aims at comparing known price index formulas being implemented to the web-scraping case and verifying their sensitivity on the choice of data filter type. Design/methodology/approach – The author uses the price data scrapped from one of the biggest online shops in Poland. The data were obtained as part of eCPI (electronic Consumer Price Index) project conducted by the National Bank of Poland. The author decided to select three types of products for this analysis – female ballerinas, male shoes, and male oxfords to compare their prices in over one-year time period. Six price indexes were used for calculation – The Jevons and Dutot indexes with their chain and GEKS (acronym from the names of creators – Gini–Éltető–Köves–Szulc) versions. Apart from the analysis conducted on a full data set, the author introduced filters to remove outliers. Findings – Clothing and footwear are considered one of the most difficult groups of goods to measure price change indexes due to high product churn, which undermines the possibility to use the traditional Jevons and Dutot indexes. However, it is possible to use chained indexes and GEKS indexes instead. Still, these indexes are fairly sensitive to large price changes. As observed in case of both product groups, the results provided by the GEKS and chained versions of indexes were different, which could lead to conclusion that even though they are lending promising results, they could be better suited for other COICOP (Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose) groups. Research implications/limitations – The findings of the paper showed that usage of filters did not significantly reduce the difference between price indexes based on GEKS and chain formulas. Originality/value/contribution – The usage of web-scrapped data is a fairly new topic in the literature. Research on the possibility of using different price indexes provides useful insights for future usage of these data by statistics offices.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2021, 43; 251-269
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of energy efficiency and dynamics during car acceleration
Graba, Mariusz
Bieniek, Andrzej
Prażnowski, Krzysztof
Hennek, Krystian
Mamala, Jarosław
Burdzik, Rafał
Śmieja, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne PAN
fuel consumption
energy consumption
vehicle dynamics
acceleration dynamic index
In this work, the authors focused on analyzing the energy efficiency and dynamics during car acceleration, featuring investigation of acceleration dynamics under various acceleration intensities. The tests were performed in the speed range between 45 km/h and 120 km/h, at a constant gear ratio. This enabled obtaining variable dynamic parameters of the acceleration process, ranging from about 0.1 to 1.4 m/s2, and recording variation in fuel consumption from 6.28 to 27.03 dm3/100km. The study focused on determining the relation between fuel consumption, energy efficiency and vehicle acceleration depending on the available drivetrain power. The relation between fuel consumption and vehicle acceleration was described by using the dynamic index. The proposed dynamic index takes into account the energy (from burned fuel) and vehicle acceleration intensity to obtain an objective metric for characterizing the acceleration process. The aforementioned index takes the form of the passenger car movement energy quality index and can be related to widely known physical properties, thus ensuring its universality. The index expresses the energy expenditure within the time needed to accelerate a vehicle weighing 1kg by a 1m distance. As opposed to other criteria that are applied to the assessment of passenger cars dynamics, the index shows a high determination coefficient R2 in excess of 0.99, and can be used as a universal metric to test other vehicle types.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność; 2023, 25, 1; art. no. 17
Pojawia się w:
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dynamics of changes in surface water quality indicators of the Western Bug River basin within Ukraine using GIS technologies
Dynamika zmian wskaźników jakości wód powierzchniowych w basenie Bugu (Ukraina) określanych za pomocą technologii GIS
Gopchak, Igor
Basiuk, Tetiana
Bialyk, Ihor
Pinchuk, Oleg
Gerasimov, Ievgenii
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
ecological index
environmental assessment
environmental condition
GIS technologies
surface water
water quality
jakość wody
ocena środowiskowa
technologie GIS
warunki środowiskowe
wody powierzchniowe
wskaźnik ekologiczny
The environmental assessment of the surface water quality of the Western Bug River has been made using the system of classification quality of land surface water of Ukraine in accordance with the approved methodology, which allows comparing water quality of separate areas of water objects of different regions. The calculation of the environmental assessment of water quality has been carried according to three blocks: block of salt composition, block of trophic and saprobic (ecological and sanitary) indicators and block of indicators of content of specific toxic substances. The results are presented in the form of a combined environmental assessment, based on the final conclusions of the three blocks and consists in calculating the integral ecological index. Comprehensive studies of changes in the water quality of the Western Bug River have been conducted within the territory of Ukraine for a long-term period. The water quality of the river on the final values of the integral indicators of the ecological condition corresponded mainly to 4nd category of the 3rd class – the water is “satisfactory” by condition and “little polluted” by degree of purity (except for points of observation that located within the Volyn region, where the water quality corresponded to 3rd category and the 2nd class. It is “good” by condition and “fairly clean” by the degree of purity). Visualization and part of the analysis are performed using GIS technologies in the software of the ArcGIS 10.3.
Środowiskową ocenę jakości wód powierzchniowych Bugu prowadzono z zastosowaniem systemu klasyfikacji wód powierzchniowych Ukrainy w zgodzie z przyjętą metodologią, która umożliwia porównywanie jakości wód odrębnych obszarów z różnych regionów. Obliczenia prowadzące do oceny jakości wody prowadzono w trzech blokach: blok składu mineralnego wód, blok wskaźników troficznych i saprobowych (ekologicznych i sanitarnych) oraz blok wskaźników substancji szczególnie toksycznych. Obliczono zintegrowane wskaźniki ekologiczne i przedstawiono je w formie zbiorczej oceny środowiskowej opartej na wnioskach z trzech wymienionych bloków. Całościowe badania zmian jakości wody w Bugu są prowadzone na terytorium Ukrainy od wielu lat. Zintegrowane wskaźniki odpowiadają w większości 4. kategorii i 3. klasie – woda ma stan „zadowalający” i jest „nieznacznie zanieczyszczona” (z wyjątkiem stanowisk w regionie Wołynia, gdzie jakość wody odpowiada 3. kategorii i 2. klasie. Jej stan jest „dobry” a woda jest „dość czysta”). Wizualizację i część analiz wykonano z zastosowaniem technologii GIS i programu ArcGIS 10.3.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2019, 42; 67-75
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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