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Instrumentarium współczesnej lingwistyki wobec przemian polszczyzny ostatniego stulecia
The instruments of contemporary linguistics towards changes in Polish of past century
Rejter, Artur
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
historia języka polskiego; językoznawstwo; metody lingwistyczne; metodologia
history of Polish; linguistics; linguistics methods; methodology
W pracy rozważane są wybrane metody badań językoznawczych, które można wykorzystać w analizie przemian polszczyzny minionego stulecia, będącego znaczącym okresem historii języka i kultury polskiej. Można zaobserwować zalety zarówno instrumentów tradycyjnych, jak i nowoczesnych. Autor wziął po uwagę strukturalizm, językoznawstwo kognitywne i antropologiczne, lingwistykę tekstu, teorię dyskursu i lingwistykę medialną, aby zaprezentować ich zastosowanie do opisu zmian językowych w polszczyźnie w ostatnim stuleciu.
The work considers the chosen methods of linguistics research which can be used in analysis of changes in Polish of past century, which is a significant period of history of Polish language and culture. One can observe the advantages of both: traditional and modern instruments. The author took into consideration structuralism, cognitive and anthropological linguistics, text linguistics, discourse theory and media linguistics to present their abilities to describe the language changes in Polish during the last century.  
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 6; 163-176
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Językoznawstwo współczesne na tle koncepcji programów badawczych I. Lakatosa
Contemporary Linguistics in the Context of I. Lakatos’s Concept of Research Programmes
Nowak, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
philosophy of linguistics
linguistic programs
linguistic paradigms
The aim of this paper is to provide a classification of linguistic programmes. Referring to the philosophical concept of research programmes, the author proposes a number of original solutions. The content of the article focuses on issues related to the problems of the linguistic study and the methods of solving them. The author attempts to prove that the concept of programmes by I. Lakatos explains the development of linguistic research better than the concept of paradigms proposed by Th. Kuhn.
Linguistica Copernicana; 2013, 2(10); 235-254
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Metaphor of Metalanguage from the Perspective of Contemporary Linguistics: Insights into the Relationship between Conceptualization and the Theoretical Modelling of Language, Communication and Translation
Bąk, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
metalinguistic metaphorics
conduit metaphor
language models of communication and translation
Anthropological Linguistics
Cognitive Linguistics
The paper aims at discussing the problems of conceptual metalinguistic metaphorics, its influence on the way theoretical considerations is exercised in contemporary linguistic discourse, which results in the creation of specific models of language, communication and translation. The problem of metaphorical profiling discussed in the following considerations is approached from the perspective of contemporary linguistics, which makes it possible to see a peculiar confusion of “reality” and “cognitive” aspects in metalinguistic reflection. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to think and discuss the most abstract aspects of language outside the metaphorical framework. But should all metaphorical imagery, including the most “common sense” constructs, justify the theoretical modelling of language, communication or translation and set the course for a scientific cognitive approach to these categories? The metaphorical language of the researcher should be an element consistent with the theoretical assumptions that the researcher represents. This is because a metaphor is a reflection of a person’s way of thinking. A lack of congruence between expressions and the description of the declared views may result in a lack of credibility of the language theory. The conclusions presented in this paper will be subjected to further investigations.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2021, 14; 55-67
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O językowej konwencji podróży w audycji Radia Szczecin „Machina czasu”
On the linguistic convention of a journey in the Radio Szczecin programme “Time machine”
Szlachta, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
contemporary linguistics
language in the media
językoznawstwo współczesne
język w mediach
Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony językowej konwencji podróży realizowanej w audycjach radiowych „Machina czasu”, wyemitowanych na antenie Radia Szczecin w latach 2012–2015. Łącznie analizie poddano 165 programów o średniej długości 55 minut. Materiał badawczy został zgromadzony w postaci nagrań oraz transkrypcji. Zastosowano leksykalno-semantyczną metodę opisu tekstu radiowego. Dzięki prowadzonej analizie można stwierdzić, że cały program utrzymany jest w konwencji podróży, o czym świadczy zarówno podejmowana w nim tematyka, jak i liczne środki językowo-stylistyczne. W artykule zamieszczono cytaty pochodzące z audycji, co umożliwiło ukazanie omawianych subtelności komunikacji językowej w szerokim kontekście.
The subject of the article is the linguistic convention of a journey used in the Radio Szczecin programme “Time machine” broadcasted in 2012–2015. Altogether 165 broadcastings were analysed of average length of 55 minutes each. The research material was collected in the form of the recordings and transcriptions. A lexical-pragmatic method of description of the radio text was used to identify the lexis specific to the selected problems and point to its pragmatic functions. The whole programme adopted the convention of a journey, which is visible both in its subject-matter and in a wide range of the linguistic and stylistic devices. The article contains the quotations from the analysed broadcastings, thereby demonstrating the discussed nuances of language communication in a broad context.
Studia Językoznawcze; 2017, 16; 255-266
Pojawia się w:
Studia Językoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lingwistyka a współczesne paradygmaty nauki
Linguistics vs. the Contemporary Research Paradigms
Chrabąszcz, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Małopolska Szkoła Administracji Publicznej
paradygmat nauki
wiedza społeczna
scientific paradigm
social knowledge
W artykule autor dokonuje przeglądu, mającego w przeważającej części charakter historyczny, paradygmatów nauki języku, osadzając je w modularnym myśleniu o formowaniu wiedzy społecznej, którego ważnym elementem jest formowanie języka komunikacji społecznej. Refleksja nad językiem, będąca przedmiotem badań lingwistyki, od momentu jej powstania, wpływała nie tylko na opis struktur i desygnatów językowych, lecz także nadawała im pewne funkcje normatywne. Znaczenie nauki o języku wzrasta, gdy uświadomimy sobie, że każda wiedza jest tworzona, komunikowana i przechowywana w jakimś języku, który bada się w różnorakich ujęciach lingwistycznych. Punktem wyjścia publikacji są paradygmaty nauki, ujęte w teorie rewolucji naukowych Thomasa Kuhna. W rozwo- badań nad językiem można wyróżnić cztery takie paradygmaty: tradycyjny - indukcjonistyczny, weryfikacjonistycz- ny- strukturalny, falsyfikacjonistyczny - gramatykę generatywną oraz kognitywny. Wraz z rozwojem lingwistyki daje się zaobserwować silne dążenie do objęcia nią innych nauk, w szczególności nauk społecznych. Współcześnie, w nauce o języku możemy odnaleźć elementy wielu paradygmatów. Ta złożoność utrudnia precyzyjne wskazanie paradygmatu, który wedle Kuhnowskiej wersji rozwoju nauki, determinowałby jej funkcje i zadania. Nie przekreśla ona jednak, nawet wzmacnia, znaczenie nauki o języku, jako ważnym czynniku kreowania wiedzy społecznej, którą następnie jest stanie komunikować oraz przechowywać.
The paper offers a predominantly historical review of paradigms in language research, and attempts to anchor them in modular thinking about social knowledge formation, especially formation of the language of social communication. The reflexion on language, constitutive of linguistic research since the beginning of its existence, has not only impacted language structures and designates but also provided them with some normative functions.The significance of linguistics is all the more apparent if we realize that all knowledge is created, communicated and preserved in a language whose different linguistic aspects we can analyze. The author describes scientific paradigms based on the theory of scientific revolutions developed by Thomas Kuhn. In the course of history of linguistics, there were four such paradigms: traditional (inductivism), structural (verificationism), one derived from generative grammar (falsificationism), and a cognitive one. The development of language research enables us to perceive its strong tendency to encroach on other domains, especially those of social sciences. Nowadays, there are elements of many paradigms in linguistics. Such complexity makes it difficult to define a single paradigm which, according to the Kuhn, is able to determine its functions and tasks. However, it does not undermine the significance of language as a fundamental factor in social knowledge creation, which is a tool of its communication and preservation. Indeed, it makes language research all the more important.
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance; 2012, 1(19); 137
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Największe dzieła polskiej leksykografii XVIII wieku (Nowy dykcjonarz Michała Abrahama Troca oraz Nowy wielki dykcjonarz Piotra Daneta i Dymitra Koli) z perspektywy współczesnych badań historycznojęzykowych: nowe wyzwania i potrzeby badawcze
The most significant works of the 18th century Polish lexicograph (Nowy dykcjonarz by Michał Abraham Troc and Nowy wielki dykcjonarz by Piotr Danet and Dymitr Kola) from the perspective of contemporary historical linguistics: new research challenges and needs
Kuryłowicz, Beata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
historical lexicography
multilingual dictionaries
18th century Polish language
The paper presents fundamental achievements of the 18th century Polish lexicography: Nowy dykcjonarz (New Dictionary) by M.A. Troc and Nowy wielki dykcjonarz (New Great Dictionary) by P. Danet and D. Kola, in the context of contemporary research needs (especially those pertaining to historical linguistics) as well as the challenges faced by Polish lexicography (historical lexicography in particular). The primary objective is the identification of lexis comprised in both dictionaries – the linguistic material is reliable and representative of the status and condition of the Polish language of the day. A more profound insight into lexical structure, the analysis of word meanings along with the examination of the frequency of words in particular lexico-semantic fields may be a major contribution to the knowledge of the Polish lexis of mid 18th century and a promising scientific springboard for further research into the development of lexical system of the epoch that still remains a blank spot in Polish lexicology. The two works are also interesting for their cultural value. The units recorded in both lexicons not only show the richness of Polish vocabulary, but they also shed light on the Polish culture. Behind these words are two worlds – the material and the mental/spiritual, the latter hidden beneath the former. The aforementioned challenges for historical lexicography include the need for digitization of the contents of the dictionaries under study. Although they have already been digitized, the present version is far from being easy to use, with the Polish material (especially that in Danet-Kola’s lexicon) still remaining inaccessible.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2021, 21; 97-107
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja ruchu w dyskursie o tańcu współczesnym
The Concept of Movement in the Discourse about Contemporary Dance
Pędzisz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
contemporary dance
discourse analysis
text linguistics
The aim of the considerations presented in this paper is to determine the specificity of movement in contemporary dance. This specificity is considered at three levels: as the relationship of body parts to each other, as the relation of the body and part of it to the stage space, and as the relation of the body and parts of it to the qualitative parameters of movement such as speed, tension and size. The research data consist of the descriptions of dance performances, which are published in printed or electronic form during the organization of conferences, meetings and dance theatre festivals.
Acta Neophilologica; 2020, XXII/2; 83-96
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hindi, Polish and translation. Faces of language contact in the contemporary English
Kuźniak, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
language contact
cognitive linguistics
This paper has two parts to it. The fi rst part is about the presence and possible impact of Hindi and Polish as foreign words in the contemporary English language. This is measured via the proposed tool of CRAC (Cumulative Average Relative Count). The research is done on the basis of the British National Corpus (2001, 2007) and Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (2004, 2009). The focus is laid on the overriding heuristic metaphor LANGUAGE LAWS are PHYSICAL LAWS, where laws of lexical assimilation are viewed as analogous to physical laws of gravity. The second part marks the transition from a theoretical-descriptive perspective into a more practical, intercultural dimension. It is about translation of foreign proper names from the viewpoint of legal (certified) translation. This is a significant issue as many foreign words are actually proper names in English. This part relates then to specific controversies and proposed solutions concerning translation of Polish and Hindi proper foreign names in view of the presence and absence of their diacritic forms in English. The framework for adoption of the argument are institutionally established standards of certified translation practice in Poland.
Linguistica Silesiana; 2018, 39; 267-285
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A contemporary look at language origins
Wacewicz, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Projekt Avant
language evolution
evolution of language
language origins
evolutionary linguistics
gestural primacy,
Why is language unique? How did language come about? When did this happen? These questions, although quite emblematic of the Western intellectual tradition since its ancient beginnings, so far have not found satisfying answers. Indeed, many still question the very possibility of addressing these basic problems of the origins of language with proper scientific rigor (see e.g. Hauser et al. 2014). However, an emerging consensus is that current research in the field of language evolution is in fact bearing fruit, making it at least possible to judge in an informed manner which of these competing scenarios are far more or less probable. In what follows, I guide the reader through some of this research and some of these scenarios; for more details, I refer the reader to a recent book (Żywiczyński & Wacewicz 2015), which is the first monograph that presents this developing field of language evolution research to the Polish reader.
Avant; 2016, 7, 2
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kiklewicz, Aleksander (2021) Lingwistyka na bieżąco. Wypisy i komentarze Lublin: Episteme; pp. 277
Giwojno, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
Aleksander Kiklewicz
contemporary Polish language
The author of the reviewed book skillfully interconnects two linguistics components, namely interesting extracts from the corpus of contemporary Polish, as well as professional and substantive linguistic analyses, both of which make this book a perfect popular–scientific compendium. This well thought–out combination of the above-mentioned components undoubtedly makes Professor Kiklewicz’s work an excellent introduction to the broad domain of contemporary linguistic studies, as well as a vivid illustration of changes noticed in contemporary Polish. As such, it fits perfectly to the trend of popularizing knowledge about the contemporary Polish language.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2022, 15; 343-344
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On some constraints on pronominal anaphora in contemporary Polish – an analysis from the point of view of Cognitive Linguistics
Data-Bukowska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
In my contribution I aim to take a close look at the constraints on pronominal anaphora in contemporary Polish, within the framework of Cognitive Grammar. I analyze conceptualizations collected from written and spoken Polish in which two objects ‘compete' for the role of the antecedent for the unstressed anaphoric pronoun and a particular type of construction which I focus on in the data is insertion in brackets. Trying to find some general principles in evaluating an object's likelihood to function as an antecedent for the pronoun in these particular circumstances, I discuss the nature of the antecedent (the conceptual object) and the factors determining its degree of prominence in the discourse. In accordance with K. van Hoeck's research (1995, 1997) prominence is defined in the article from the point of view of R. W. Langacker's grammar in terms of figure/ground organization, semantic role, empathy hierarchy and conceptual (semantic) connectivity within a clause.The analysis demonstrates how complex anaphoric reference in discourse is and to what extent it is dependent on the context. Additionally, it offers some preliminary observations on the role of prominence in anaphoric reference in Polish. Nominal co-reference in the discussed constructions cannot be reduced to simple patterns which have become conventionally established and can be adopted to new expressions, but should rather be seen as an interaction among the conceptualizer, the recipient, the pronoun and the context in which the pronoun occurs at a particular moment in the discourse. Such interaction can be seen as a kind of reference negotiation. Surprisingly, language users prefer by an overwhelming majority to search in some way for relevant information in the immediately accessible context. A method which is less economical than using a pattern (or a schema), rooted in, for example, empathy hierarchy or conceptual connectivity. A more economical way of using schemas in anaphoric reference in Polish can be observed first of all in conceptualizations in which competing objects participate in an explicit interconnecting relation, as, for example, in the complement chain.
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis; 2008, 125
Pojawia się w:
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie badań historycznojęzykowych dla interpretacji zjawisk współczesnej polszczyzny
The Significance of Historical Linguistics Studies for the Interpretation of the Processes in the Contemporary Polish Language
Siuciak, Mirosława
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
history of language
the contemporary Polish language
linguistic norm
The article contributes to the discussion on the interpretation of processes taking place in the contemporary Polish language from two perspectives: diachronic and synchronic (ahistorical, to be precise). The author draws attention to the problem of not accounting for the achievements of diachronic linguistics, which is visible in the studies devoted to the analysis of the language used by the contemporary Poles. This leads to a situation in which the same research questions are not infrequently examined and interpreted in completely different ways in synchronic studies and those dealing with the history of language. Sometimes the differences are so vast that coherent scientific discourse becomes disabled. Enriching the investigation of the processes occurring in the contemporary Polish language with conclusions drawn from analysing historical sources is thus an important claim. Considering the diachronic perspective could be particularly beneficial for discussing the issue of the norm. Since a number of problems with language correctness result from tendencies and processes which have been happening in language for centuries, only becoming acutely aware of them can bring a change in understanding codification and the linguistic norm.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2015, 22, 1; 223-234
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Faces of Contemporary Cognitivism
Oblicza współczesnego kognitywizmu
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Krakowskie Towarzystwo TERTIUM
cognitive linguistics
generative linguistics
language acquisition
językoznawstwo kognitywne
akwizycja języka
The paper focuses on a comparison of the concepts of language and language studies as presented in contemporary cognitivism and expounded by Ronald Langacker, George Lakoff and Charles Fillmore in their versions of Cognitive Grammar on the one hand and by Noam Chomsky in his Minimalism Program on the other. The theoretical concepts and hypotheses that are discussed relate to the concept of modelling and the locus of linguistic meaning, place of intentionality in the philosophy of language and linguistic theory, the nature of language and cognitive abilities as well as the proper theme of linguistic inquiry. The status of public (shared) language and the position of meaning and semantic theories in linguistic description are dealt with in the next part. Problems evolving from those diverse views on language such as verifiability on the one hand and the methodological constraint on the other conclude the discussion. Referred to are also the generative as opposed to cognitive models of language acquisition and, consequently, diverse methodologies as used by scholars of these persuasions. Conclusions show those aspects of Chomsky’s generativism and Cognitive Linguistics that seem incompatible and those that can be perceived as converging.
Artykuł podejmuje kwestię porównana pojęć i założeń w kognitywnych podejściach do języka we współczesnym Językoznawstwie Kognitywnym reprezentowanym w teoriach Ronalda Langackera, George’a Lakoffa Charles Fillmore’a z jednej strony a generatywnym modelem Noama Chomsky’ego, szczególnie w Programie Minimalizmu. Zagadnienie zaprezentowane odnoszą sią do pojęcia modelowania oraz umiejscowienia poziomu znaczenia w modelach, funkcji intencjonalności w filozofii i teorii języka, natury języka i zdolności językowych oraz prezentują odmienne interpretacje tematyki właściwej dla badań językoznawczych. Status języka publicznego (społecznego) i pozycja znaczenia w takim uwarunkowaniu oraz problemy metodologiczne, które z tego wynikają konkludują dyskusję. Tematem dalszego opisu jest odniesienie się do implikacji dotyczących modeli akwizycji języka oraz dalszych różnic w metodologii badań. We wnioskach wskazane są obszary, w których modele generatywne Chomsky’ego oraz modele postulowane w Językoznawstwie Kognitywnym wykazują znaczne rozbieżności oraz takie, w których implikacje wynikające z nich wydają się zbieżne.
Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium; 2016, 1, 1&2; 92-108
Pojawia się w:
Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orbiting by Bharati Mukherjee: A Contemporary American Short Story in the English Classroom
Konopka, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
applied linguistics
teaching English as a foreign language
American short stories
ethnic literature
The article puts forward arguments why American short stories should be used to teach English as a foreign language. It also describes the method which might help to teach literature in secondary schools. Additionally, it presents the results of the research conducted among students in Lomza, Poland, which aimed at examining the pedagogical potential of applying ethnic American short stories in teaching English as a foreign language. This was done by comparing the literary critical analysis of Orbiting – a short story written by Bharati Mukherjee with its intuitive interpretations by young Polish adults. Finally, the article is supplemented with the passage from the said text as well as lexical and reading comprehension exercises based on its contents, which can be used in the English classroom.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2012, 2, 2; 133-150
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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