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Wyszukujesz frazę "Malinowski, Kazimierz" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Gerard, Radecki,
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
Kazimierz Malinowski
historia sztuki
Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu
W roku 2017 przypadają 110. rocznica urodzin oraz 40. rocznica śmierci profesora Kazimierza Malinowskiego, z kolei w czerwcu 2016 r. minęło półwiecze od chwili ponownego objęcia przez niego stanowiska dyrektora Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu. Wszystkie te okoliczności domagają się przypomnienia wielce zasłużonej dla polskiego muzealnictwa, jak i poznańskiego Muzeum Narodowego postaci. Tytuł niniejszego tekstu stanowi parafrazę tytułu artykułu Kazimierza Malinowskiego Michał Walicki – muzeolog, zamieszczonego w czasopiśmie „Muzealnictwo”, a poświęconego postaci słynnego historyka sztuki i badacza plastyki gotyckiej w Polsce. Walicki mniej jest znany jako muzeolog, a jeszcze mniej jako mentor samego Malinowskiego, ale jeżeliby podjąć próbę określenia całego bogatego spektrum działalności tego ostatniego jednym tylko słowem, to właśnie nieco lekceważony dzisiaj termin „muzeolog” wydaje się być najbardziej pojemny i adekwatny. Pozwala bowiem przypomnieć postać K. Malinowskiego w kilku najważniejszych aspektach jego działalności, a mianowicie jako: 1/ muzeologa sensu stricto, teoretyka, ale i praktyka pracującego w muzeum i biorącego udział w najszerzej rozumianym życiu środowiska, 2/ propagatora społecznej roli muzeów jako instytucji otwartych na publiczność, 3/ wieloletniego dyrektora Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu, wizjonera i kuratora nowego programu merytorycznego instytucji. Malinowski należał do grona kilku najważniejszych postaci powojennego polskiego muzealnictwa, lecz jest dzisiaj prawie zupełnie zapomniany. Całkowita niemal nieobecność tego nazwiska w dzisiejszym życiu muzealnym determinuje także niezadawalający stan badań nad jego biografią zawodową, tymczasem działalność Malinowskiego, choćby tylko w dziedzinie muzealnictwa – bo drugim istotnym obszarem jego aktywności było konserwatorstwo – należy dopiero gruntownie przebadać. Wiele zatem sądów czy opinii zamieszczonych powyżej należy na obecnym etapie badań potraktować jako sugestie i hipotezy, które muszą jeszcze podlegać dalszej szczegółowej weryfikacji. Tym niemniej naszkicowane jedynie pobieżnie najważniejsze – jak się wydaje – tropy działalności poznańskiego muzeologa przedstawią jego postać jako propagatora społecznej roli muzeów – instytucji otwartych na publiczność, co z kolei ukaże aktualność postulatów Malinowskiego wobec dzisiejszego namysłu nad funkcjami muzeów.
Muzealnictwo; 2017, 58; 60-73
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nagroda Polskiej Akademii Nauk za Katalog Zabytków Sztuki
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
nagroda im. Aleksandra Brücknera
„Katalog Zabytków Sztuki w Polsce”
inwentaryzacja zabytków
Ochrona Zabytków; 1964, 1; 58-59
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Turystyka kulturalna i międzynarodowa kampania na rzecz zabytków
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
kampania na rzecz zabytków
Międzynarodowa Federacja Dziennikarzy i Pisarzy Turystyki (FIJET)
turystyka kulturalna
międzynarodowa ochrona zabytków
Ochrona Zabytków; 1965, 1; 53-54
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organizacja łączności w Powstaniu Warszawskim
Malinowski, Kazimierz.
Kanały w Powstaniu Warszawskim Warszawa, 1998 S. 82-107
Karaskiewicz, Jan. Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Armia Krajowa. Okręg Warszawa łączność kanałowa
Kanały łączność Warszawa 1944 r.
Powstanie 1944 r. warszawskie łączność kanałowa
Relacja zastępcy szefa łączności Okręgu Warszawa AK.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Trzy konferencje w sprawie konserwacji czołowych zabytków rzeźby romańskiej i gotyckiej
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konferencje naukowe 1963
konserwacja portalu romańskiego z Ołbina
konserwacja drzwi gnieźnieńskich
konserwacja rzeźby Mojżesza z kościoła św. Jana w Toruniu
Ochrona Zabytków; 1963, 4; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dyskusja o zasadach konserwatorskich. Poglądy i wnioski
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zasady konserwatorskie
teoria konserwatorstwa
teoria Riegla
Michelangelo Azzevedo
Vaclav Wagner
J. E. Dutkiewicz
Etablir des principes pour le restaurateur des biens culturels meubles devient aujourd’hui l’un des objectifs les plus urgents. La „Charte de Venise” est, dans le domaine de l’architecture, considérée comme déclaration obligatoire. Pour la peinture, surtout peintu re murale, il apparaît dernièrement nombre de divergeances, résultat d’une analyse insuffisante des postulats e t du manque d’une théorie développée largement et conséquemment. Nous assistons donc à une floraison de diverses tendances qui représentent une optique fragmentaire de la question, telle par exemple l’opinion qui veut que l ’on procède à la re construction afin de rétablir l’effet artistique primitif ou bien des voix opposées qui réclament le respect pour le processus naturel de la destruction. L’Objet principal de la théorie de conservation est, selon l’auteur, avant tout la question des motifs qui nous imposent de la piété envers les monuments. Il présente donc plus amplement la théorie de Riegl qui décèle, dans notre attitude vis-à-vis les monuments dies critères d'évaluation suivants: historiques, artistiques, e t utilitaires ainsi que la valeur de „l’ancienneté” (Altenswert), résultant de la conscience de la fugacité. Ensuite l’auteur décrit les opinions de Dvorak qui a souligné le rôle des sentiments tels que par exemple la piété religieuse, la piété pour le souvenir des ancêtres, le patriotisme e t la tendance à transmettre aux générations futures ses propres expériences. (Fuis il analyse la classification des notions d ’après Frodl, basée sur un système développé des valeurs citées par Riegl, tout en introduisant la valeur du „symbole”, par lequel il explique e t justifie la reconstruction des désastres de guerre (Varsovie). Des auteurs qui s’opposent à la formation des „produits cliniques”, d ’un ,.scientisme exagéré” sont commentés à leur tour, des auteurs qui s ’expriment en faveur du rétablissement des valeurs artistiques de l'oeuvre, de sa reconstruction (Wagner, Azzevedo, Althöfer), ainsi que ceux qui sont pour les principes de conservation strictement observés, avertissant de la 'possibilité de la formation des palimpsestes, car, dans ce cas, 'il faudrait attribuer les valeurs du monument aux reproductions aussi. Ce ne serait d’ailleurs qu’un retour aux pratiques de Viollet-le-Duc (Linda 11, Mielke, Roberto Pane). Parmi les auteurs polonais c’est Dobrowolski et Marconi qui, dans ces questions, représentent un point de vue intermédiaire. Ils proclament, au lieu d ’une interdiction stricte, l’opiniion qu’il faut „compléter, mais le moins .possible”. On trouve une présentation plus ample des opinions de Dutkiewicz qui constate, entre autres, què l'homme „demande que le document (...) soit entièrement véritable”. Dutkiewicz tient compte aussi du fait de notre dépendance des a ttitu des contemporaines, artistiques et philosophiques, et trouve des raisons à la tendance de conserver l’état existant et de „laisser la matière corrodée”. Mais, en même temps, il parle de la nécessité de compensation de valeurs perdues par de nouvelles valeurs. Il compare le rôle du conservateur à celui du metteur en ondes dans le .domaine de la musique mécanique. Des voix qui critiquaient les sévères .principes d ’autrefois, des voix qui réclamaient le droit de la reconstruction, se sont fait entendre surtout dans les premières années après la guerre, ce que fut une réaction assez naturelle dans la situation, où de considérables biens culturels étaient menacés de perte. Les conservateurs s ’inquiètent aujourd’hui car, selon l’auteur, ils 'interprètent d’une manière fausse l’attitude de l’homme contemporain envers l’art ancien. L’acquis du passé peut être (incorporé dans la vie contemporaine en ta n t qu’un facteur actif de la culture. Cependant, dans la plupart des cas, il constitue un fait historique ressenti avec une juste notion de distance. Car l’homme possède l ’aptitude d’accomoder la perspective de temps, de séparer les choses éloignées des choses proches. C’est pourquoi notre principe devrait être: c o n s e r v e r e t n e p a s c h a n g e r , car c’est .ce principe qui est la seule raison du métier du conservateur. L’autre courant, apparaissant à côté des tendances qui proviennent de l ’actualisation intégrale de l’art ancien, est une fascination par le phénomène de la fugacité. „Vanitas vanitatum”, une conscience de la fugacité, du pessimisme e t de la désespérance — ces idées se sont répétées plus d’une fois dans l’histoire de notre culture. Nous entendons ces voix depuis les temps bibliques. Et récemment, (Schopenhauer et les existentialistes, iSpengler et Husserl, parlaient de „Sein zum Tode” et d’une onise de la cultpre e t 'de la science. Callais et Bataille aperçoivent même dans l ’histoire de la (société des tendances à la destruction qui seraient un moyen1 d ’assurer l ’existence des normes .sociales e t de l ’équilibre économique. Les mêmes tendances trouvent à leur opposé .des orientations qui remportent sur celles-là. „Aere .perennius”, „Ars longa, vita brevis” — tel rôle était attribué à l’art. Ce sont ces dernières tendances qui dominent, elles décident du développement et du progrès de l’humanité. Nous sommes immunisés contre la fascination par la fugacité grâce non seulement à l'impératif biologique de la vie, mais aussi à la conscience du sens de la vie (sociale e t de la valeur de chacun de nos apports à la culture e t à la civilisation humaine qui, elles, se développent toujours. En conclusion l ’auteur formule certains principes et prémisses de l ’activité du conservateur: ■—■ le monument est un document; voilà pourquoi il devrait être conservé sous sa forme inchangée; — des objets endommagés, compte tenu de la connaissance historique générale et de l’imagination propre à tout homme, cessent d ’être actuellement considérés comme victimes de destruction, telles — et depuis longtemps déjà — les .sculptures antiques. En les conservant sous cette forme nous .pouvons par là-même constater la distance dans le temps et .sentir l’authenticité de l’oeuvre, ce qui répond aux besoins e t aux demandes explicites de tous les spectateurs ; — avant d ’établir un programme concret de conservation il faut procéder à l’analyse des valeurs au nom desquelles l’oeuvre en question doit être conservée. En fonction des valeurs — selon la classification de Riegl — qui vont emporter on décidera dans quelle mesure on peut entreprendre des retouches ou bien même des compléments. Ces décisions devraient être individualisées, prises pour chaque cas particulier, d ’une façon collégiale pourtant, par des personnes compétentes et collectivement responsables.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1966, 2; 13-22
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Co wnosi nowego ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury i o muzeach?
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury o muzeach
radziecka uchwała o ochronie zabytków
czechosłowacka ustawa o zabytkach kultury
ochrona zabytków w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
użytkownictwo zabytków
Ochrona Zabytków; 1962, 2; 3-10
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Międzynarodowa Rada Ochrony Zabytków - ICOMOS
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Międzynarodowa Rada Ochrony Obiektów i Miejsc Zabytkowych ICOMOS
Międzynarodowa Rada Ochrony Zabytków
Karta Wenecka
Kongres Architektów i Techników Ochrony Zabytków
prof. Stanisław Lorentz
definicja zabytku
struktura ICOMOS-u
statut ICOMOS-u
Ochrona Zabytków; 1965, 4; 64-70
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziesięciolecie Ustawy o Ochronie Dóbr Kultury i o Muzeach
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury i muzeach
Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zabytkami Przeszłości
powstanie służby konserwatorskiej
dobra kultury
It is namely this tenth year elapsing from the date on which The Cultural Property Protection and Museums Law has been passed in the Polish Seym that gave the author rise to write his article where he reminds that the above Law may be regarded as a consequence of the progressively, from the 18th century onward, growing respect for antiquities. At the same time the author points to the fact that this Law contains a number of provisions that are extending both scope of notions and range of activities in conservation and in museums in this country. From among the newly adopted conceptions to be emphasized here deserves the term „cultural property” but at the same the fact of retaining of the term „historical monument” with the use of which the Law determines the objects of cultural property that are recorded in museum inventories or in those kept by the Voivodship Conservators. As especially important the author considers the first article of the Law reading as follows: „The protection of cultural property is an obligation for the State and the duty of its citizens”. This basic statement is followed by all further provisions. Under the term „cultural property” also the modern objects are meant provided, hovewer, that they can prove important from the point of view of the nation’s cultural heritage and development of its culture. According to the author’s further reasoning the Law extends its legal protection also to battlefields and to sites connected with the Nazi persecutive actions during the last war, to objects of material culture, to monuments of nature, etc. While providing the possibility to act in many different ways the Law at the same time requires that the all conservation tre a tments be based on scientific assumptions. As a fu rther consequence of obligations that by the force of the Law in question were put on all citizens the following can be considered: the calling into being of advisory bodies supporting the Minister of Culture and Arts and those acting at Voivodship Conservators Offices; the provisions determining the use to be made of historical monuments as well as those settling the manner in which they should be made accessible to the public; or, finally, those dealing with their popularization and social contributions for the sake of their protection. The due attention has been devoted to individual collectors who were granted with a number of special privileges. What concerns museums it must be considered as appreciable that in addition to the term „museum” has been introduced that of „collection of exhibits” who are otherwise called the „museum objects”. As fully adequate as to its ability to characterize the museums practice is to be regarded a review of functions that should be performed by a museum; of them, of course, as the most important are to be considered those scientific and educational. However, it must also be stated that the ten-year experience has shown not only the advantages resulting of the Law under discussion, but also pointed to some failures the sources of which, according to the author’s opinion, must mainly be sought in the executive regulations. So, for example, as the author suggests, the Voivodship Conservators should be supplied with decisive powers while collaborating with the local authorities responsible for spatial development and townplanning; an ex officio recording of the movable monuments of the past should be made also more extensive, and especially in cases where they are kept under unfavourable conditions; obligatory practices should be introduced for persons graduating in movable monument conservation divisions a t the high schools; and, finally, much more care should be devoted to decisions concerning the cancelling the historical buildings in a Register of Historical Monuments and their demolishions. There is no doubt that provided that the more thorough consideration be paid to these decisions it would become possible to safeguard a considerable number of objects without any more serious disadvantages or burdens to national economy. Toward those demanding th a t serious alterations or amandments be introduced to the Cultural Property Protection and Museums Law the author of the present assumed a critical or even negative attitude as it is his view th at a document of such fundamental nature as a Law should be one sound enough and, thus all its provisions represent an obvious standard or even a habit governing the attitudes of the society. It is then only that it will be possible to hope th a t our cultural heritage might survive without any further losses.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 2; 85-88
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowa ustawa o ochronie zabytków w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
„Prawo o Opiece nad Zabytkami”
ustawa o ochronie zabytków w NRD
polityczna ustawa o ochronie zabytków w NRD
The present article deals with the „Law concerning Historical Monuments Protection” enacted in GDR in June, 1975, and replacing the one from 1961. Although the new Law refers in many respects to the old one, it also contains elements completely new and consequently it extends and consolidates the system of historical monuments protection in GDR. It includes, among others, a clause which gives significance to monument connected with German international and workers’ movement. It also says th a t all administration authorities as well as social organizations should be made responsible for historical monuments protection and all historical monuments should be accounted for in the central register. The Law states clearly th a t historical monuments protection should be included in the national plan for economic development; it also promotes the Institute of Historical Monuments Protection which is to initiate various forms of protection and utilization of monuments. A novelty of greatest importance was to appoint the Cabinet a body of control and to make it responsible for monuments protection. Allocation of funds to historical monuments protection is also considered to be of great significance. The new Law will most probably be followed by due executive decisions.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 3; 208-210
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ustawa Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich o ochronie i wykorzystaniu zabytków historii i kultury
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Jarosław Wojciechowski
dekret Rady Regencyjnej o opiece nad zabytkami
ochrona zabytków w ZSRR
ustawa o ochronie zabytków kultury w ZSRR
Państwowa ewidencja zabytków historii i kultury ZSRR
wykorzystanie zabytków w ZSRR
The autors makes a comparative study of two documents on the protection o f historic monuments, namely the Resolution of the Council o f Ministers o f 1976 and that o f 1948. According to the author, the 1948 Resolution contained the most important postulates on conservation and museums but it involved too many organizations in the protection o f historic monuments. Besides, the 1948 Resolution did not specify the age o f protected monuments and did not contain penalty clauses. A new Resolution o f 29.10.1976, thoroughly discussed by the author, is in principle based on the 1948 Resolution. In his appraisal of the Resolution the author says that it introduces many new postulates and attaches an utmost importance to the question o f the protection o f historic monuments as the supreme body is here the Council of Ministers o f the USSR. The Resolution enlarges a list of monuments under protection (landscape, reservations, etc.). The problem of financing the monuments is solved in such a way that the user of a given historic building pays a rent for it which in turn is used to finance works on other historic objects. A great emphasis is put also on keeping records of historic monuments and on the responsibility o f administrative authorities for their protection. One of the chapters deals with penalties. Summing up, the Soviet Resolution o f 1976 is a legal document based on a traditional system o f the protection of historic monuments, but re-thought and uptodated.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 3; 155-160
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
III zjazd konserwatorów zabytków archeologicznych
Żurowski, T.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
III zjazd konserwatorów zabytków archeologicznych
dr Kazimierz Malinowski
postulaty konserwatorów zabytków archeologicznych
konieczność inwentaryzacji stanowisk archeologicznych
Ochrona Zabytków; 1956, 3; 193-194
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od Ośrodka Dokumentacji Zabytków do Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa
From the Centre for Documentation of Monuments to the National Heritage Board of Poland
Wendlandt, Juliusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Ośrodek Dokumentacji Zabytków
Kazimierz Malinowski
służby konserwatorskie
standardy ewidencji
Ośrodek Ochrony Zabytkowego Krajobrazu
Ośrodek Ochrony Dziedzictwa Archeologicznego
By the Order no. 166 of the Minister of Culture and Art of 22 December 1961, the Centre for Documentation of Monuments was established “for the purpose of improvement of the stock-taking of monuments for the rational planning of their reconstruction and conservation”. Its tasks included the preparation of the central register, record and supplementary documentation of non-movable and movable monuments. CDM’s substantive activity was based on record cards of non-movable (ca 40,000) and movable monuments, record files of cities, historic complexes and parks, historical and technical documentation of historic objects of architecture and historic buildings as well as archival and photographic materials acquired from the then existing Administration of Museums and Monument Protection. Tasks were performed by the Centre in three research departments: the Department of Architecture and Town Planning, the Department of Movable Monuments and the Department of Archaeology and in supplementary departments: the Department of Museology, which collected and documented knowledge about Polish museums, the Department of Archives and Scientific Collections, which collected, among others, materials relating to the historical issues and conservation of monuments, and the Phototeque with a unique collection of negatives, positives and diapositives, including historic aerial photographs of historic urban complexes and spatial development layouts. This collection is particularly important, because it often concerns the objects that no longer exist. Among achievements of the Department of Publications, which existed in the Centre from the beginning, it is particularly worth noting one hundred volumes of the Library of Muse ology and Monument Protection (LMMP) devoted to a variety of topics: from legal protection of monuments, materials from conservation conferences, specialistic issues of the conservation technology, to glossaries. For many years CDM was the publisher of a number of magazines devoted to popular science: Spotkania z Zabytkami, Muzealnictwo and Ochrona Zabytków. What also existed in CDM from the beginning, was the library – one of the few libraries in Poland that had not only a collection of books on the history of art and museums, but also a collection of books on issues of stock-taking and documentation of monuments and conservation issues – both with regard to theory and practice. Within the limits of its statutory activity, the Centre kept a central record of cultural properties, determined models and established standards of record-keeping. It organised training courses for employees of Conservation Offices and Offices for Documentation of Monuments, directed priorities in the preparation of records of monuments and supervised periodically the financing of the entire record-keeping programme in Poland. For the purpose of closer co-operation with conservation services and local administration bodies, twelve Centres for Studies and Protection of the Cultural Environment were established as local centres of CDM in 1991 and 1992. In 2000, part of CDM’s competences relating to the initiation and financing of records was transferred to conservation services and the Centre became responsible only for archives and information. Until then, during 40 years of its activity, CDM had collected and co-created an imposing record documentation, which constituted a unique collection encompassing around: • 130,000 record cards of historic objects of architecture and historic buildings, • 640,000 address index cards of historic objects of architecture and historic buildings, • 600 historical & urban planning studies of cities, • 320,000 record cards of movable monuments, • 6,600 files of the Archaeological Photograph of Poland (68% of the surface of the country; 375,000 archaeological sites), • 70,000 decisions on entry into the register of monuments (all categories of monuments), • 130,000 negatives and 1,000 binders of positives in the phototeque, • 35,000 negatives, diapositives and photographs of the aerial documentation of cities and the cultural landscape, • 50 linear metres of archival materials, • 60,000 volumes of books and magazines in the library. Moreover, CDM had at its disposal materials of the State Enterprise Monument Conservation Workshops from years 1948-1988 (750 linear metres of conservation documentation, 250,000 negatives, 1,881 photogrammetries, 8 linear metres of photographs in boxes). These materials were not only used by the personnel of conservation services, but also made widely available for scientific and educational research. In 2002, two cultural institutions: the Centre for Documentation for Monuments and the Centre for the Protection of Historic Landscape were merged and the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments was established. The Centre for the Protection of Historic Landscape was created on the basis of the Administration of the Protection and Conservation of Palace & Garden Complexes, which functioned from 1977 within the structures of the National Museum in Warsaw. Originally it engaged in the maintenance of historic parks in the divisions of the National Museum –in Łazienki Park, Wilanów, Nieborów and Królikarnia. The methods that were used there in broadly understood conservation activities, from historical research to the revitalisation of these parks, were employed to work out theoretical and practical rules relating to the maintenance of historic green layouts in the scale going beyond museum objects. In those years, there were no specialistic institutions taking care of historic parks; these shortages were particularly severe for local conservation offices, which employed mainly historians of art, architects, ethnographers and archaeologists in their structures. Only a small group of landscape architects or foresters took care of historic greens. Because of the need to support voivodeship conservators of monuments, the Administration of the Protection of Palace & Garden Complexes was separated from the National Museum and started nationwide activity as an independent entity. As far as records and documentation are concerned, the Administration’s activity was similar to that of CDM, but was carried on with regard to historic green layouts – parks, gardens and cemeteries, including former Polish cemeteries situated outside the country. Apart from that, the Administration was authorised by the General Conservator of Monuments to exercise the broadly understood heritage conservator supervision of works being performed in historic parks in Poland. The co-operation concerned both design and performance. For instance, a programme of clearing works in neglected parks was commenced, under which conservators and users received an instruction concerning the performance of basic maintenance works before proper revitalisation activities. The Administration elaborated also the rules of preparation of conservation documentation, paying particular attention to the need to carry out historical & scientific research before design works. It was also the originator of pre-design research that was called “park archaeology”. From the beginning of its activity, the Administration ran a large-scale training programme for conservation services. A design studio was also created to carry out park revitalisation projects within the scope of statutory activity. At the same time, a scientific base was created by establishing a specialised library and collecting all materials concerning the history of gardening. Research on park plants and their selection in the historical development process was also initiated. Grounds were even created for the establishment of a specialised nursery which was to prevent the spreading fashion for introduction of foreign species of trees and shrubs to historic parks through selection of native plants occurring in historic gardens. The large-scale research and record-keeping programme resulted in a series of publications, including the list Parks and historic gardens in Poland, catalogues of historic cemeteries in various provinces, a catalogue of Galician cemeteries from World War I and catalogues of Polish cemeteries in Belarus and the Ukraine. Special attention in the activity of the Administration was paid to the role of historic parks in the local environment and their importance for the cultural landscape. In this context, research on particularly endangered large-area layouts and composed landscape was commenced. As a result of the extended research zone and environment protection activities, the Administration of the Protection of Palace & Garden Complexes was transformed into the Centre for the Protection of Historic Landscape on 1 January 1994. Special achievements of CPHL include activities for the benefit of the Muskau Park in Łęknica, a park & landscape work of primary importance for the history of the world art of gardening. For the purpose of ensuring proper progress of revitalisation works, CPHL took over the administration of this facility and restored the original grandeur and importance of the park after a few years of intense work, as a result of which the park was entered into the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage list. CPHL carried on very intense training & conference activities, and materials acquired by means of them were systematically published in a few dozen volumes of the Studia i Materiały publication, which was divided into several thematic series. The National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments basically continued the tasks of both merged institutions, but focused rather on documentation works and the elaboration of methods of protection and maintenance of monuments, and direct design and field works were gradually limited. Higher importance was attached to giving opinions on various projects, including conservation projects. NCRDM became the main provider of opinions for the General Conservator of Monuments. In addition, NCRDM engaged in the preparation of materials connected with the establishment of a monument of history (including the elaboration of a draft of criteria for the application and the carrying-out of the procedure), giving of opinions on and verification of applications. It also prepared a proposal for monitoring of historic objects regarded as monuments of history and entered into the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage list. The computerisation of collections became one of the most important tasks of NCRDM. NCRDM had already commenced work on that subject in the past, but these were not complex activities aimed at creating a unified programme for all kinds of documentation. NCRDM also started to make 3D scans of historic objects for the needs of conservation services and activities. It is worth mentioning that from 2002 till 2006 NCRDM did not engage in recording of archaeological monuments, because this function was fulfilled by the Centre for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage. Its predecessor was the Centre for Rescue Archaeological Research (CRAR) established in 1995, whose primary goal was to supervise and examine areas laid out for large-area investments being designed. These activities were particularly necessary in areas through which national fast traffic roads were to run. Within the scope of CRAR’s research, a huge number of archaeological sites was examined within a relatively short time and many important scientific discoveries were made. Irrespective of the specific nature of archaeological research, which was different from research on other kinds of monuments, scientific and record documentation was being prepared, the meaning and significance of which was identical to that of documentation of monuments in general. Thus, the activities of the Centre for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage turned out to coincide in many respects with work of the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments. As a result, both of these cultural institutions were merged in 2006. Until 31 December 2010, they functioned as the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments, which changed its name to the National Heritage Board of Poland by virtue of the order of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage on 1 January 2011. This change involves also the adoption of new statutes, according to which the Institute is obliged to pursue tasks relating to the sustainable protection of the cultural heritage of Poland in order to preserve it for future generations through: 1. the collection and dissemination of knowledge about heritage; 2. the determination and dissemination of standards of protection and maintenance of monuments, 3. the formation of social awareness regarding the values and maintenance of cultural heritage. This shows that, apart from activities being performed so far, e.g. with regard to the collection of record documentation, the goal of the Institute is to undertake tasks on a broader social scale, especially those relating to the dissemination of knowledge on cultural heritage. This goal should be supported by activities such as the monitoring of the state of preservation and the evaluation of the heritage resource, the building and development of the nationwide geospatial database about monuments and the improvement of access to collections through their digitalisation. The Institute continues to issue opinions and expertises concerning monument-related activities to public administration bodies, but it is also obliged to carry out, upon the Minister’s order, a part of tasks of the ministry of culture resulting from the accession of Poland to the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention and, in particular, carry out works to ensure standards of protection, conservation and presentation of World Heritage sites, monitor and evaluate their condition, co-ordinate work on the preparation of management plans and supervise their implementation as well as participate in international co-operation with a view to the protection of cultural heritage. In order to implement these tasks, the Institute has the properly qualified staff and supplements its technical equipment within the limits of its financial possibilities. Some difficulty is caused by the lack of adequate place both for the expanding documentation resources and for arrangement of research workshops. The Centre for Documentation of Monuments has actually grappled with the lack of appropriate premises since the beginning of its existence; currently, after a series of organisational changes and mergers, the National Heritage Board of Poland with its rich archives and specialistic workshops is located in four separate facilities in and outside Warsaw, in accidental rooms that are completely inadequate to the kind of its activity. This means that, after 50 years of its activity, the institution is entering the new stage as the National Heritage Board of Poland without a seat that would be adequate to its name and role. Such a situation hinders the current activity of the institution and, in the first place, does not contribute to the improvement of mutual relations between employees and the building of an integrated team and causes a serious problem to a very large number of clients making use of the dispersed collections.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2012, 1-2; 35-47
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków”, 1955–1987
Niezabitowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
„Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków”
Kazimierz Malinowski
Mieczysław Ptaśnik
Stanisław Brzostowski
Zarząd Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków
W latach 1955–1987 Zarząd Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków (do 1959 r. Centralny Zarząd Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków), komórka organizacyjna Ministerstwa Kultury i Sztuki, wydawał „Biuletyn Informacyjny” poświęcony dokumentowaniu działalności muzeów w Polsce. W latach 1955–1959 nosił on tytuł „Biuletyn Informacyjny Centralnego Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków”, a w latach 1959– 1987 – „Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków”. Wydawnictwo wychodziło jako dwumiesięcznik lub kwartalnik w niewielkim nakładzie (400–600 egz.) i dostarczano je do muzeów. Funkcję redaktora naczelnego pełnili Mieczysław Ptaśnik (do 1972 r.), Stanisław Brzostowski (do 1976 r.) oraz Franciszek Midura (do 1987 r.). Zasadnicza treść wydawnictwa obejmowała krótkie, rzeczowe informacje relacjonujące określone osiągnięcia poszczególnych muzeów lub inicjatyw ministerialnych oraz dłuższe artykuły, których autorami byli w przewadze członkowie redakcji pisma oraz muzealnicy nadsyłający swoje materiały. Teksty informacyjne umieszczano w działach, których tytuły zmieniały się. Najważniejsze to: I. „Badania i odkrycia naukowe”, II. „Wydawnictwa”, III. „Wystawy”, IV. „Nowe nabytki”, V. „Akcje oświatowe”, VI. „Prace konserwatorskie”, VII. „Współpraca z zagranicą”, VIII. „Muzea zagraniczne”, IX. „Konferencje”, X. „Komunikaty”, XI. „Artykuły. „Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków”, choć mający znamiona pisma wychodzącego pod nadzorem ideowo-politycznym władz komunistycznych, stanowi zasadniczo rzetelne źródło do dziejów muzealnictwa polskiego w latach 1955–1987.
Muzealnictwo; 2023, 64; 163-169
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków Bulletin, 1955–1987
Niezabitowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków
Kazimierz Malinowski
Mieczysław Ptaśnik
Stanisław Brzostowski
Editorial Staff
Directorate of Museums and Monument Preservation
In 1955–1987, the Directorate of Museums and Monument Preservation (until 1959: Central Directorate of Museums and Monument Preservation), a structural unit of the Ministry of Culture and Art, published Biuletyn Informacyjny, a bulletin dedicated to documenting the activity of museums in Poland. In 1955-1959, it was called Biuletyn Informacyjny Centralnego Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków, while in 1959–1987, it was published under the name Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków. It was published as a bimonthly or a quarterly with a limited circulation (400–600 copies), and was delivered to museums. The following served as its subsequent Editors-in-Chief: Mieczysław Ptaśnik (until 1972), Stanisław Brzostowski (until 1976), and Franciszek Midura (until 1987). The core content of the publication covered short factual information reporting on definite achievements of particular museums or Minister’s initiatives, as well as longer papers authored in their majority by the Editorial Staff and museum curators who submitted their materials. Informative texts were included in the sections whose names altered. The most important of them were as follows: I. ‘Research and Academic Discoveries’, II. ‘Publications’, III. ‘Exhibitions’, IV. ‘New Acquisitions’, V. ‘Educational Actions’, VI. ‘Conservation Works’, VII. ’Foreign Cooperation’, VIII. ‘Foreign Museums’, IX. ‘Conferences’, X. ‘Communiqués’, XI. ‘Papers’. Despite bearing features of a journal published under the ideological and political control of the Communist regime, the Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków bulletin essentially constitutes a reliable source for the history of Polish museology in 1955-1987.
Muzealnictwo; 2023, 64; 163-169
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Keller Kazimierz ps. "Kazik", "Malinowski", "Zawisza" (1924-1944) żołnierz POZ "Znak" i ZWZ w Lipnie, następnie w Warszawie, uczestnik konspiracji warszawskiej, żołnierz Powstania Warszawskiego
Krajewski, Mirosław.
Słownik biograficzny konspiracji pomorskiej 1939-1945. Cz.4 / pod red. Anny Zakrzewskiej i Elżbiety Zawackiej Toruń, 1998 S. 70
Zakrzewska Anna. Redakcja
Zawacka, Elżbieta (1909-2009). Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Keller Kazimierz (1924-1944) biografia słownik
Keller, Kazimierz
Polska Organizacja Zbrojna "Znak" biografie
Związek Jaszczurczy biografie
Słownik biograficzny
Członek Kierownictwa Walki Cywilnej ZWZ. Należał do Związku Jaszczurczego. Poległ w Powstaniu Warszawskim.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Strategia nauk technicznych do roku 2020 –propozycje
Kacprzyk, Janusz
Malinowski, Krzysztof
Marecki, Jacek
Pohorecki, Ryszard
Sobczyk, Kazimierz
Weryński, Andrzej
Włosiński, Władysław
Woliński, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauka; 2005, 2
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiśniewski Józef ps. "Szczerba", przybr. nazw. "Schmidt", "Malinowski", (1897-1945) komendant POZ w pow. Lipno, żołnierz ZWZ-AK
Brenda, Waldemar (1967- ).
Słownik biograficzny konspiracji pomorskiej 1939-1945. Cz.2 / pod red. Elżbiety Zawackiej Toruń, 1996 S. 178-179
Zawacka, Elżbieta (1909-2009). Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Wiśniewski Józef (1897-1945) biografia słownik
Wiśniewski, Józef
Keller, Kazimierz
W Powstaniu Warszawskim walczył na Pradze.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW

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