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Canine post-thaw sperm quality can be predicted by using CASA, and classification and regression tree (CART)-analysis
Schäfer-Somi, S.
Tichy, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
quality prediction
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2019, 1; 51-59
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data-driven temporal-spatial model for the prediction of AQI in Nanjin
Zhao, Xuan
Song, Meichen
Liu, Anqi
Wang, Yiming
Wang, Tong
Cao, Jinde
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
air quality prediction
k-Nearest Neighbor
BP neural network
non-monitoring stations
Air quality data prediction in urban area is of great significance to control air pollution and protect the public health. The prediction of the air quality in the monitoring station is well studied in existing researches. However, air-quality-monitor stations are insufficient in most cities and the air quality varies from one place to another dramatically due to complex factors. A novel model is established in this paper to estimate and predict the Air Quality Index (AQI) of the areas without monitoring stations in Nanjing. The proposed model predicts AQI in a non-monitoring area both in temporal dimension and in spatial dimension respectively. The temporal dimension model is presented at first based on the enhanced k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm to predict the AQI values among monitoring stations, the acceptability of the results achieves 92% for one-hour prediction. Meanwhile, in order to forecast the evolution of air quality in the spatial dimension, the method is utilized with the help of Back Propagation neural network (BP), which considers geographical distance. Furthermore, to improve the accuracy and adaptability of the spatial model, the similarity of topological structure is introduced. Especially, the temporal-spatial model is built and its adaptability is tested on a specific non-monitoring site, Jiulonghu Campus of Southeast University. The result demonstrates that the acceptability achieves 73.8% on average. The current paper provides strong evidence suggesting that the proposed non-parametric and data-driven approach for air quality forecasting provides promising results.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2020, 10, 4; 255-270
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie komputerowej analizy obrazu do prognozowania barwy mięsa wołowego po obróbce cieplnej
Application of computer image analysis for beef blade colour after thermal treatment prediction
Guzek, D.
Głąbska, D.
Wierzbicka, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
komputerowa analiza obrazu
obróbka cieplna
prognozowanie jakości
computer image analysis
thermal treatment
quality prediction
Celem pracy była ocena możliwości przewidywania barwy mięsa wołowego po obróbce cieplnej w oparciu o komputerową analizę obrazu mięsa surowego. Jako model wykorzystano łopatkę wołową, którą poddano obróbce cieplnej w piecu konwekcyjno-parowym. Dokonano pomiaru składowych barwy w systemie RGB, przy wykorzystaniu systemu komputerowej analizy obrazu. Stwierdzono, że składowe barwy R, G oraz B łopatki wołowej nie korelują z barwą mięsa po obróbce cieplnej, ale korelują z barwą jego zbrązowionej powierzchni. Możliwe jest zatem przewidywanie barwy zbrą-zowionej powierzchni mięsa łopatki wołowej po obróbce cieplnej w piecu konwekcyjno-parowym.
The aim of the presented research was to assess the possibilities of colour of beef after thermal treatment prediction, on the basis of computer image analysis of beef before thermal treatment. The applied model was beef blade and thermal treatment was conducted in steam-convection oven. The measure-ment of RGB compon ents of colour was conducted, using the computer image analysis system. It was observed, that R, G and B components of colour of beef blade were not correlated with components of colour of meat after thermal treatment, but were correlated with components of colour of browned surface of meat. It was concluded, that prediction of colour of browned surface of meat after thermal treatment conducted in steam-convection oven is possible.
Postępy Nauki i Techniki; 2012, 12; 131-138
Pojawia się w:
Postępy Nauki i Techniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Image classification for jpeg compression
Tichonov, Jevgenij
Kurasova, Olga
Filatovas, Ernestas
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
Image quality
image classification
JPEG algorithm
storage of images
quality prediction
jakość obrazu
klasyfikacja obrazu
algorytm JPEG
przechowywanie obrazów
prognozowanie jakości
We analyse storage problems of digital images in accordance with image quality and image compression efficiency. Storage problems are relevant for Cloud storage and file hosting services, online file storage providers, social networks, etc. In this paper, an approach is proposed to process a group of images with a JPEG algorithm that all the processed images satisfy the minimum threshold of quality with the automatic selection of the quality factor (QF). The experimental investigation reveals advantages of the compression efficiency of the proposed approach over the traditional JPEG algorithm. The proposed approach enables saving storage spaces while maintaining the desirable image quality.
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal; 2018, 12, 2; 29-34
Pojawia się w:
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Possibility of Prediction
O możliwości prognozowania
Wierzbicki, Andrzej P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Prognoz Polska 2000 Plus PAN
quality of prediction
predictability and dangers of technology development
jakość przewidywania
przewidywalność i niebezpieczeństwa rozwoju techniki
In the last 20 years, a fashionable approach to the question of possibility of prediction was to deny it, using neoliberal or postmodernist arguments; recently, however, this fashion ends. This is because this question was considered in the classical, binary logics (possible or not possible, there is no third way) which is not adequate to consider such a complex question; the use of three-valued logics for speaking about future events is well substantiated scientifically, starting with the works of Jan Łukasiewicz (1911). This paper shows that prediction – approximate, often erroneous in details, which corresponds to the third logical value – is nevertheless an indispensable element of civilisation development, and the quality of prediction depends on an intuitive recognition of diverse elements of the predicted process. Historical examples show that such intuition depends from an experience including also the details of predicted process, even if the prediction concerns only general aspects of the process. Moreover, there are many historical examples of so called Kassándra effect: correct predictions in which nobody believes. Therefore, we should doubt the beliefs of part of philosophy of technology that the development of technology is unpredictable. Such believes are based on a wrong assumption (originating form Heidegger, 1954, and Ellul, 1964) that in analysing technology it is possible to abstract from technical details and concentrate on a holistic, social aspects of the development. Another question is the issue of the dangers of contemporary technical development. These dangers do not result from technology proper (creators of technology are members of society and in overwhelming majority construct new tools in the hope that these tools will serve positively in society); these dangers result from the mechanisms of socio-economic utilization of technology. Most dangerous is the accelerating rate of development resulting from the positive feedback between science and technology on one side and the competitive market economy on the other side. This increasing rate of development is related to increasing socio-economic stratification and leads to a destruction of the existing social structure; people adapt with increasing difficulty to the increasing rate of change. There are many examples of the change of social structure, starting with the destruction of the classical proletariat and the formation of a new class of precariat. There exists indications that too large rate of change might lead to a self-destruction of human civilization, hence the fundamental question is not what are limits to growth, but how to limit growth?
W ciągu ostatnich dwudziestu lat modnym stało się zaprzeczenie mozliwości prognozowania, w oparciu o argumenty neoliberalne lub postmodernistyczne. Kwestia możliwości przewidywania jest jednak interpretowana zazwyczaj w logice dwuwartościowej (można lub nie można, nie ma trzeciej drogi), która w zastosowaniu dla tak złożonego zagadnienia jest logiką błędną; stosowanie logiki trójwartościowej dla dyskusji przyszłych zdarzeń jest dobrze uzasadnione naukowo, zaczynając od pracy Jana Łukasiewicza (1911). Artykuł dowodzi, że przewidywanie – przybliżone, często błędne w szczegółach, co stanowi właśnie trzecią wartość logiczną – jest jednak niezbędnym elementem rozwoju cywilizacyjnego, a jakość przewidywania zależy od intuicyjnego ogarnięcia różnych elementów procesu, którego dotyczy przewidywanie. Przykłady historyczne wskazują, że intuicja taka zależy z kolei od doświadczenia obejmującego szczegóły tego procesu, nawet jeśli przewidywanie ogranicza się tylko do aspektów ogólnych tego procesu. Doświadczenie to powinno obejmować także dane historyczne dotyczące dynamiki dawnych procesów o podobnym charakterze. Znanych jest też szereg historycznych przykładów efektu Kasandry, czyli prawidłowych przewidywań, którym niemal nikt nie wierzy. Dlatego też mylne są poglądy części filozofii techniki, że rozwój techniki jest całkowicie nieprzewidywalny. Poglądy takie wynikają z błędnego założenia (pochodzącego od Heideggera i Ellula), że w przewidywaniu rozwoju techniki wystarczy abstrahować od szczegółów technicznych i skoncentrować się na ogólnospołecznych, holistycznych aspektach tego rozwoju. Odmienną kwestią jest pytanie o najbardziej niebezpieczne aspekty współczesnego rozwoju techniki. Nie tkwią one w samej technice (twórcy techniki są członkami społeczeństwa i w ogromnej większości konstruują nowe narzędzia z myślą, że będą one wykorzystane z pożytkiem dla społeczeństwa), ale w mechanizmach jej społeczno-politycznego wykorzystania. Najbardziej niebezpieczne jest narastające przyspieszenie tempa rozwoju wynikłe z dodatniego sprzężenia zwrotnego pomiędzy nauką a techniką z jednej strony a konkurencyjną gospodarką rynkową z drugiej strony. To narastające tempo rozwoju prowadzi do niszczących zmian struktury społecznej; ludzie coraz trudniej przystosowują się do wielkiego tempa zmian. Są na to liczne przykłady, zaczynając od destrukcji proletariatu oraz formowania się nowej klasy prekariatu. Istnieją przesłanki, by sądzić, że zbyt wielkie tempo wzrostu może prowadzić do samozagłady cywilizacji na Ziemi; zatem głównym pytaniem jest nie jakie są granice wzrostu, ale jak ograniczyć tempo wzrostu?
Przyszłość. Świat-Europa-Polska; 2012, 1; 60-77
Pojawia się w:
Przyszłość. Świat-Europa-Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena wiarygodności prognozy jakości kopaliny na podstawie modelu 3D (na przykładzie fragmentu złoża wapieni i margli Barcin-Piechcin-Pakość)
An evaluation of the reliability of the prediction of raw material quality based on the 3D model (on an example of the part of the Barcin-Piechcin-Pakość limestone and marl deposit)
Mucha, J.
Wasilewska-Błaszczyk, M.
Cieniawska, M.
Chudzik, W.
Data publikacji:
Poltegor-Instytut Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
model 3D
kriging zwyczajny
prognoza jakości
3D model
ordinary kriging
prediction of quality
Geostatystyczny model 3D rozkładu przestrzennego zawartości wybranych składników chemicznych (CaO, SiO₂, Al₂O₃) w złożu wapieni i margli Barcin-Piechcin-Pakość został zbudowany przy zastosowaniu procedury krigingu zwyczajnego, w oparciu o wyniki opróbowania rdzeni wiertniczych z 452 otworów, wykonanych na etapie rozpoznania złoża. Celem badań była ocena wiarygodności i przydatności modelu 3D dla potrzeb prognozy jakości kopaliny w urobku, uzyskiwanym w elementarnych jednostkach wydobywczych oraz obszarach rocznej i 2-3 letniej eksploatacji. Podstawę weryfikacji stanowiły dane uzyskane na etapie rozpoznania eksploatacyjnego złoża w wyniku opróbowania bardzo licznych otworów strzałowych, wykonywanych na froncie eksploatacji. Wyniki badań wskazują na zróżnicowaną w odniesieniu do rozpatrywanych składników chemicznych i generalnie niewystarczającą dokładność prognozy jakości kopaliny przewidzianej do wydobycia w małych, elementarnych jednostkach eksploatacji. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia za satysfakcjonujące można uznać rezultaty prognozy zawartości CaO i SiO₂ w obszarach o wielkości odpowiadającej co najmniej rocznej eksploatacji. Prognoza zawartości Al₂O₃ dla rozpatrywanych wariantów bloków wykazuje zbyt słabą korelację z zawartościami składników stwierdzonymi w otworach strzałowych i nie może być uważana za wiarygodną. Przyczyn słabych cech predyktywnych modelu 3D w lokalnej skali obserwacji należy upatrywać w dużym rozstawie otworów wiertniczych (100-200 m) w stosunku do poziomych rozmiarów elementarnych bloków eksploatacyjnych (120x5 m), zróżnicowanej jakości danych podstawowych użytych do budowy modelu 3D oraz wygładzających właściwości interpolacji wykonanej przy zastosowaniu procedury krigingu zwyczajnego.
A geostatistical 3D model of the spatial distribution of the selected chemical components (CaO, SiO₂, and Al₂O₃ ) in the Bar- cin-Piechcin-Pakość limestone and marl deposit was developed using ordinary kriging procedure based on core samples from 452 boreholes drilled at the stage of deposit exploration. The aim of the study was to assess the reliability and suitability of the 3D model for the prediction of the quality of raw material in the excavated material from exploitation blocks and 1, 2, or 3-year operating areas. The model was verified on the basis of data obtained at the stage of deposit exploration and resulting from samples collected from numerous blast holes drilled at the exploitation front. The results of the study suggest that the accuracy of the prediction of the quality of raw material to be extracted from small exploitation blocks is highly variable and generally insufficient in relation to the analyzed chemical components. From a practical point of view, the results of the prediction of the CaO and SiO₂ content for areas with the minimum one-year exploitation period can be considered satisfactory. The predicted Al₂O₃ content for the analyzed variants of exploitation blocks shows too low correlation with the content of components determined in the blast holes and cannot be considered reliable. The reasons for poor prediction features of the 3D model in the local scale of observation should be seen in large distances between boreholes (100-200m) compared to the horizontal dimensions of exploitation blocks (120x5m), the varied quality of the basic data used to build the 3D model, and in the smoothing properties of the interpolation performed using ordinary kriging.
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe; 2017, 58, 4; 10-17
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Modern CNC Milling with a Compensation of Cutting Tools and Thin-Walled Workpiec Deflections
Polzer, A.
Dufkova, K.
Pokorny, P.
Data publikacji:
Wrocławska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych
surface quality
Accuracy of machined components is one of the most critical considerations for any manufacturer. However, when milling the radial force deflects the cutting tool and workpiece. It affects the precision and quality of machined surfaces. The extent of the deviations can be predicted in various mathematical models. Thus, the errors can be compensated in NC programme effectively. So it is possible to machine with high cutting conditions, and also a high quality of machined surface can be achieved. In this paper are predicted deflection of milling tools and thin-walled workpiece. The experimental results show that the overall error in the flexible milling can be captured and predicted with very high accuracy.
Journal of Machine Engineering; 2015, 15, 3; 33-40
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Machine Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rolling bearing dynamics and diagnostic
Yawlensky, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej PAN
roller bearing
Questions connecting the problems of the dynamics analysis, identification and diagnosing the systems with the problems of changing their during manufacturing and operation are considered. Theoretical as-pects of this problem are presented as diagnosing the systems reodynamics. The systems are the objects consisting of a great number of interworking elements such load-bearing ones including elements of con-struction, connection, transfer, engines, etc. Elements mutual interaction and their relative transfer cause vibrations which are significantly amplified if defects are available. It primarily concerns the systems with rotating details, for instance, reducers. Supports and gear wheels are the basic sources of vibrations in reducers. Vibration parameters, and their spectral characteristics in particular, may serve as information signals about internal unobserved processes.
Diagnostyka; 2004, 30, T. 2; 199-203
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Systematic Review of Ensemble Techniques for Software Defect and Change Prediction
Khanna, Megha
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
ensemble learning
software change prediction
software defect prediction
software quality
systematic review
Background: The use of ensemble techniques have steadily gained popularity in several software quality assurance activities. These aggregated classifiers have proven to be superior than their constituent base models. Though ensemble techniques have been widely used in key areas such as Software Defect Prediction (SDP) and Software Change Prediction (SCP), the current state-of-the-art concerning the use of these techniques needs scrutinization. Aim: The study aims to assess, evaluate and uncover possible research gaps with respect to the use of ensemble techniques in SDP and SCP. Method: This study conducts an extensive literature review of 77 primary studies on the basis of the category, application, rules of formulation, performance, and possible threats of the proposed/utilized ensemble techniques. Results: Ensemble techniques were primarily categorized on the basis of similarity, aggregation, relationship, diversity, and dependency of their base models. They were also found effective in several applications such as their use as a learning algorithm for developing SDP/SCP models and for addressing the class imbalance issue. Conclusion: The results of the review ascertain the need of more studies to propose, assess, validate, and compare various categories of ensemble techniques for diverse applications in SDP/SCP such as transfer learning and online learning.
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal; 2022, 16, 1; art. no. 220105
Pojawia się w:
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Improving protein structure prediction, refinement and quality assessment techniques
Leelananda, S. P.
Pawłowski, M.
Faraggi, E.
Kloczkowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
protein structure prediction
model quality assessment
structure refinement
Several novel techniques have been combined to improve protein structure prediction, structural refinement and quality assessment of protein models. We discuss in brief the development of four-body potentials that take into account dense packing and cooperativity of interactions of proteins, and its success. We have developed a method that uses whole protein information filtered through machine learning to score protein models based on their likeness to native structure. Here we consider electrostatic interactions and residue depth, and use these for structure prediction. These potentials were tested to be successful in CASP9 and CASP10. We have also developed a Quality Assessment technique, MQAP single, which is a quasi-single-model MQAP, by combining advantages of both “pure” single-model MQAPs and clustering MQAP s. This technique can be used in ranking and assessing the absolute global quality of single protein models. This model (Pawlowski-Kloczkowski) was ranked 3rd in Model Quality Assessment in CASP 10. Consideration of protein flexibility and its fluctuation dynamics improves protein structure prediction and leads to better refinement of computational models of proteins. Here we also discuss how Anisotropic Network Model (ANM) of protein fluctuation dynamics and Go-like model of energy score can be used for novel protein structure refinement.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2014, 18, 3; 231--243
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prediction of quality of sewing department under unsteady operating mode change
Prognozirovanie kachestva produkcii na shvejjnom predprijatii v nestacionarnykh rezhimakh raboty
Mokshina, O.
Riabchykov, N.
Data publikacji:
Komisja Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
vibrating equipment
mathematical model
quality dynamics
garment industry
The articles describes mathematical model of quality dynamics in garments industry and garments merchandising. As a result, the major identified ways and means of production to working with vibrating equipment with conditions to achieve the greatest level of quality. The algorithm of dynamic programming to achieve the minimum loss of quality in the case of work in several areas. The obtained optimal distribution of vibration during operation in the organization of work with different number of plots.
В статье описывается математическая модель динамики качества в швейной промышленности и квалиметрии одежды. В результате показаны основные пути и средства производства одежды при работе с вибрирующим оборудованием при условиями для достижения наивысшего уровня качества. Разработан алгоритм динамического программирования для достижения минимальной потери качества в случае работы в нескольких областях. Получено оптимальное распределение вибрации во время работы и организации работы с различным количеством участков.
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa; 2012, 12, 3
Pojawia się w:
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experiments with three-dimensional radar reflectivity data assimilation into the COAMPS model
Jakubiak, B.
Szturc, J.
Ośródka, K.
Jurczyk, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
weather radar
numerical weather prediction
radar reflectivity
quality control
High temporal and spatial resolution of radar measurements enables to continuously observe dynamically evolving meteorological phenomena. Three-dimensional (3D) weather radar reflectivity data assimilated into the numerical weather prediction model has the potential to improve initial description of the atmospheric model state. The paper is concentrated on the development of radar reflectivity assimilation technique into COAMPS mesoscale model using an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) type assimilation schemes available in Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) programming environment. Before weather radar data enter into the assimilation system, the measurement errors are eliminated through quality control procedures. At first artifacts associated with non-meteorological errors are removed using the algorithms based on analysis of reflectivity field pattern. Then procedures for correction of the reflectivity data are employed, especially due to radar beam blockage and attenuation in rain. Each of the correction algorithms is connected with generation of the data quality characteristic expressed quantitatively by so called quality index (QI). In order to avoid transformation of data uncertainty into assimilation scheme only the radar gates successfully verified by means of the quality algorithms were employed in the assimilation. The proposed methodology has been applied to simulate selected intense precipitation events in Poland in May and August 2010.
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications; 2014, 2, 1; 43-54
Pojawia się w:
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Measuring the Quality of Multivariate Statistical Models
Wybrane metody pomiaru jakości modeli statystycznych
Trzęsiok, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
jakość modelu
błąd predykcji
model quality
goodness of fit
prediction error
Bardzo ważnym elementem procesu modelowania statystycznego jest etap oceny jakości zbudowanego modelu. W zależności od wykorzystanej metody istnieje wiele różnych podejść do pomiaru jakości modelu. Pomiar ten może skupiać się na dopasowaniu do danych empirycznych albo może przede wszystkim uwzględniać zdolności prognostyczne modelu. Mierniki mogą być absolutne albo względne. Zestaw mierników jakości modelu obejmuje liczną grupę propozycji, z których analityk musi wybrać najodpowiedniejszy do danej sytuacji. W artykule przedstawiono zestawienie mierników jakości modelu oraz sugestię używania innych mierników jakości na etapie wyboru wariantu modelu oraz na etapie oceny jakości modelu końcowego.
Assessing the quality of a statistical model is very important, since it is crucial for the utility of the modelling process’ outcome. There are many different ways of measuring statistical models’ quality. Some of the measures represent a “goodness of fit” approach, some are “prediction ability” orientated. Among them there are absolute and relative measures. It is a researcher’s decision, which model quality measure is the most adequate for the given task. In the paper we present an overview of statistical models’ quality measures and a suggestion of using different ones during the model type selection stage and the stage of assessing the quality of the final model.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2018, 6, 339; 99-100
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Examining the Predictive Capability of Advanced Software Fault Prediction Models – An Experimental Investigation Using Combination Metrics
Sharma, Pooja
Sangal, Amrit Lal
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
process product
process metrics
ensemble design
fault prediction
software quality
Background: Fault prediction is a key problem in software engineering domain. In recent years, an increasing interest in exploiting machine learning techniques to make informed decisions to improve software quality based on available data has been observed. Aim: The study aims to build and examine the predictive capability of advanced fault prediction models based on product and process metrics by using machine learning classifiers and ensemble design. Method: Authors developed a methodological framework, consisting of three phases i.e., (i) metrics identification (ii) experimentation using base ML classifiers and ensemble design (iii) evaluating performance and cost sensitiveness. The study has been conducted on 32 projects from the PROMISE, BUG, and JIRA repositories. Result: The results shows that advanced fault prediction models built using ensemble methods show an overall median of $F$-score ranging between 76.50% and 87.34% and the ROC(AUC) between 77.09% and 84.05% with better predictive capability and cost sensitiveness. Also, non-parametric tests have been applied to test the statistical significance of the classifiers. Conclusion: The proposed advanced models have performed impressively well for inter project fault prediction for projects from PROMISE, BUG, and JIRA repositories.
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal; 2022, 16, 1; art. no. 220104
Pojawia się w:
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Applying Machine Learning to Software Fault Prediction
Wójcicki, B.
Dabrowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
fault prediction
machine learning
Naïve Bayes
software intelligence
Introduction: Software engineering continuously suffers from inadequate software testing. The automated prediction of possibly faulty fragments of source code allows developers to focus development efforts on fault-prone fragments first. Fault prediction has been a topic of many studies concentrating on C/C++ and Java programs, with little focus on such programming languages as Python. Objectives: In this study the authors want to verify whether the type of approach used in former fault prediction studies can be applied to Python. More precisely, the primary objective is conducting preliminary research using simple methods that would support (or contradict) the expectation that predicting faults in Python programs is also feasible. The secondary objective is establishing grounds for more thorough future research and publications, provided promising results are obtained during the preliminary research. Methods: It has been demonstrated that using machine learning techniques, it is possible to predict faults for C/C++ and Java projects with recall 0.71 and false positive rate 0.25. A similar approach was applied in order to find out if promising results can be obtained for Python projects. The working hypothesis is that choosing Python as a programming language does not significantly alter those results. A preliminary study is conducted and a basic machine learning technique is applied to a few sample Python projects. If these efforts succeed, it will indicate that the selected approach is worth pursuing as it is possible to obtain for Python results similar to the ones obtained for C/C++ and Java. However, if these efforts fail, it will indicate that the selected approach was not appropriate for the selected group of Python projects. Results: The research demonstrates experimental evidence that fault-prediction methods similar to those developed for C/C++ and Java programs can be successfully applied to Python programs, achieving recall up to 0.64 with false positive rate 0.23 (mean recall 0.53 with false positive rate 0.24). This indicates that more thorough research in this area is worth conducting. Conclusion: Having obtained promising results using this simple approach, the authors conclude that the research on predicting faults in Python programs using machine learning techniques is worth conducting, natural ways to enhance the future research being: using more sophisticated machine learning techniques, using additional Python-specific features and extended data sets.
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal; 2018, 12, 1; 199-216
Pojawia się w:
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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