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Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej pt. Sowiecki system obozów i więzień. Forma represji politycznych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w pierwszej połowie XX wieku, Łódź, 3–4 listopada 2011 r.
Bednarek, Jerzy
Karbarz-Wilińska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
konferencja naukowa
sowieckie obozy i więzienia
1 połowa XX w.
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych; 2011, 10, 2
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System dozoru elektronicznego jako przykład wykorzystania nowoczesnej technologii w Służbie Więziennej
Electronic supervision systems: an example of the application of modern technology within the Prison Service
Staśkiewicz, Urszula
Kostyra, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Prison Service
electronic supervision system
Służba Więzienna
system dozoru elektronicznego
Artykuł stanowi efekt badań technologii związanej z odbywaniem kary w systemie dozoru elektronicznego (SDE) wykorzystywanej w codziennej pracy funkcjonariuszy Służby Więziennej. Celem badań przedmiotowej problematyki była próba scharakteryzowania SDE, określenie potencjału i możliwości jakie daje ten system, a także poznanie jego wad. Zasadniczym problemem badawczym było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie: jaki jest stan teorii i praktyki w zakresie wykorzystania systemu dozoru elektronicznego w pracy funkcjonariuszy służby więziennej i czy należałoby wprowadzić modyfikacje w jego użytkowaniu, a jeśli tak, to jakie.
The paper is the outcome of extensive research carried out with regard to a technology applied on a daily basis by officers of the Prison Service, i.e. a technology that facilitates the execution of custodial sentences through various means of electronic supervision. The goal of the detailed enquiries made into the subject matter has been an attempt to characterise the idea of the electronic supervision system and to establish its potential and capabilities, as well as its drawbacks. The key research issue has been to provide the answer to the question of the current state of both theory and practice of applying the electronic supervision system in the daily work of Prison Service officers, and to verify the hypothesis of whether such systems that are currently in use ought to be modified, and if so – in what ways.
Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka; 2020, 3; 45-59
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie kół PPR przy Więzieniu Mokotów w Warszawie (1946–1948)
The functioning of PPR wheels at Prison Mokotów in Warsaw (1946–1948)
Charczuk, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
Polska Partia Robotnicza
komunistyczne więzienia w Polsce
Polish Workers' Party
communist prisons in Poland
Prison Warsaw–Mokotów located at Rakowiecka 37 enrolled shameful in the history of Polish years 1944-1956. During this period in Mokotowskie prison functioned 4 wheel PPR , which focused around 75 members (of which came at the meeting of 30 States – 40 %). At the end of 1948, just before the unification of the party in all circles operating in jail Mokotów was centered 126 members. The analysis of the protocols of meetings that a common theme that was raised, the discipline of work. The prison officers will join the competition after the elimination of sleeping at the time of service at the police station, being late to work, coming to work intoxicated, excessive consumption of paper, water and electricity. Secretaries encouraged to be active members of the PPR that through training, employees MBP can obtain knowledge of the political situation that prevails in Europe and Poland, and that will be more " immune to all the promptings of the enemies of democracy." Hence, calling for the submission of the people who are more politically pounded to take care of those employees who have problems with reading and writing to teach them to understand the problems of communist ideological thinking. In the spring of 1948, the party meetings proceeded in accordance with a planned party line, which is nice to prepare members of the party to the unification movement PPR and PPS. Another nagging problem that was raised at party meetings, the presentation of the August Plenum of the Central Committee of the PPR, which were discussed issues Władyslaw Gomułka accusations of right-wing deviation.
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja; 2014, 3; 87-103
Pojawia się w:
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc wobec kobiet kurdyjskich w więzieniach tureckich jako forma tortur de facto usankcjonowanych przez państwo
Violence against Kurdish Women in Turkish Prisons as a De Facto State Sanctioned Form of Torture
Szkudlarek, Magdalena
Baranowska, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
De facto form of torture
Kurdish women
Turkish prisons
Tortury de facto
Kobiety kurdyjskie
Więzienia tureckie
The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation of Kurdish women who are serving a sentence of imprisonment or being held in detention or in one of police antiterrorist units and to portray this situation in the light of Turkey’s international legal commitments. The main thesis that authors are trying to prove is the statement that tortures and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment which women experience during serving the punishment is de facto a state-sanctioned form of oppression. The first part of this article is dedicated mainly to present the background of the problem which is composed, among others of short outline of Turkey-Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan; PKK) conflict, the role of women in the PKK and the position of women in Kurdish society. The next part of this analysis is dedicated to portray the international legal commitments of Turkey which is a signatory of majority of most important from the point of view of human rights documents and declarations. The aim of the third part of this review is to present the real situation of Kurdish women who are serving a sentence of imprisonment or being held in the custody under the pretext of having connections to PKK and next, to reveal discrepancy between this situation and norms and standards resulting from Turkey’s conventional commitments which are mentioned above. The aim of carried out in the last part of this article, based on two cases that was brought in front of the European Court for Human Rights case study is to prove that the problem of using violence, especially a sexual violence, against Kurdish women in Turkish prisons and custodies by Turkish prison service officers and the impunity of them is still a real and actual problem, despite the fact that Turkey implements changes in it’s legislation that theoretically should prevent this kind of ill-treatment and abusing of power.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest kompleksowe przedstawienie sytuacji kobiet kurdyjskich osadzonych w tureckich więzieniach, bądź przetrzymywanych w aresztach i policyjnych oddziałach antyterrorystycznych w tym państwie, oraz jej przedstawienie w kontekście prawno międzynarodowych zobowiązań Turcji. Tezą, którą autorki starają się udowodnić, jest stwierdzenie, iż tortury oraz inne przejawy nieludzkiego i poniżającego traktowania, na jakie narażone są osadzone, są formą opresji de facto usankcjonowaną przez państwo tureckie. Pierwsza część artykułu poświęcona jest przedstawieniu tła analizowanego problemu, a więc krótkiemu zarysowi konfliktu pomiędzy Republiką Turcji a Partią Pracujących Kurdystanu, roli kobiet w strukturach tej ostatniej, a także pozycji kobiety w społeczności kurdyjskiej. Kolejna część analizy to przybliżenie zobowiązań Turcji, będącej sygnatariuszem większości istotnych dla ochrony praw człowieka dokumentów i deklaracji. Trzecia część artykułu poświęcona jest rzeczywistej sytuacji osadzonych w więzieniach lub przetrzymywanych w aresztach pod pretekstem związków z PKK kobiet pochodzenia kurdyjskiego, oraz wykazaniu rozbieżności, jakie istnieją pomiędzy tą sytuacją a standardami, wynikającymi ze wspomnianych powyżej konwencyjnych zobowiązań Turcji. W końcowej części poniższej analizy, na przykładzie dwóch spraw, jakie toczyły się przeciwko Turcji przed Europejskim Trybunałem Praw Człowieka, przeprowadzone zostało studium przypadku, mające wykazać, że omawiany w tym artykule problem stosowania przemocy, w tym na tle seksualnym, przez przedstawicieli tureckich służb bezpieczeństwa i ich bezkarność, pozostaje aktualny, mimo upływu czasu i implementowania przez Turcję zmian w prawodawstwie, które teoretycznie powinny tym zjawiskom zapobiegać.
Przegląd Strategiczny; 2013, 1; 243-262
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Strategiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lekarze Pawiaka = Doctors in Pawiak
Doctors in Pawiak
Hasselbusch, Robert.
Ciesielska, Maria (medycyna).
Skoczek, Tadeusz (1955- ).
Muzeum Więzienia "Pawiak". pbl
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak
Więzienie Pawiak
Muzeum Więzienia "Pawiak"
Targi i wystawy
Katalog wystawy
Katalog wystawy "Taniec wśród mieczów. Polski personel medyczny na Pawiaku w okresie okupacji niemieckiej 1939-1944", 2 października 2015 - 30 września 2016.
Bibliogr. s. 141-144.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Drzewo - pomnik z Muzeum na Pawiaku w Warszawie
Mróz, J.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Muzeum na Pawiaku
Wiąz limak
drzewo – pomnik
Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak
Museum Pawiak
tree - monument
Pawiak Prison Museum
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2005, 17; 82-86
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The emergence of community control sanctions in the Romanian sanctioning system
Wdrożenie kar probacyjnych do systemu kar w Rumunii
Oancea, Gabriel
Micle, Mihai Ioan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
probation system
community control sanctions
Penal Code
system probacyjny
kary probacyjne
Kodeks karny
This article presents the context that led to the establishment of the probation system in Romania, on the background of undertaking of some reforms of the criminal sanctions system. The necessity of achieving them was represented by the difficulties faced by the penitentiary system before and after 1989, but also by the need to align the administration of penalties to the requirements imposed by the country‘s accession to the Council of Europe and the European Union. Eighteen years after the creation of the probation system within the Ministry of Justice, it can be stated that, this endeavor constitutes a success, but it is absolutely necessary to continue the efforts towards its consolidation. In addition, these measures have to be accompanied by a change of vision in relation to how other community members can be involved in the process of social reintegration of persons in conflict with the criminal law.
This article presents the context that led to the establishment of the probation system in Romania in relation to some reforms of the criminal sanctioning system. These reforms were necessary because of the difficulties faced by the penitentiary system before and after 1989, as well as the need to align the administration of penalties with the requirements imposed by the country’s accession to the Council of Europe and the European Union. Eighteen years after the creation of the probation system within the Ministry of Justice, it can be stated that this endeavour constitutes a success, but it is absolutely necessary to continue the efforts towards consolidating it. In addition, these measures have to be accompanied by a change of vision in relation to how other community members can be involved in the process of social reintegration of individuals who have broken the law.   W artykule został przedstawiony proces wdrożenia systemu probacyjnego w Rumunii w kontekście reform dotyczących zmian systemu sankcji karnych. Z uwagi na trudności, z jakimi borykał się system penitencjarny w Rumunii przed rokiem 1989 i po tym roku, wprowadzenie takich zmian było konieczne. Przemawiała za tym także potrzeba dostosowania systemu karnego do wymogów nałożonych na państwa członkowskie przez Radę Europy i Unię Europejską. Z perspektywy 18 lat od wdrożenia systemu probacyjnego w ramach Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości przedsięwzięcie to jest uznawane za sukces. Konieczne wydaje się jednak kontynuowanie dotychczasowego wysiłku, by system ten dodatkowo umocnić. Wykonywaniu środków probacyjnych musi bowiem towarzyszyć zmiana co do postrzegania przez członków społeczeństwa konieczności ich zaangażowania w proces reintegracji społecznej osób, które weszły w konflikt z prawem.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2020, XLII/1; 207-224
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Więzienni lekarze. Opieka lekarska w więzieniach stalinowskich w latach 1945–1956
Prison doctors. Medical Care in Stalinist Prisons in the Years 1945–1956
Machcewicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
stalinizm, więzienia stalinowskie, lekarze więzienni, Rawicz,
Wronki, Mokotów, Zamek lubelski, Sztum, Rakowiecka, MBP, X Departament,
Departament Więziennictwa
The article is an attempt at presenting the role of doctors working in the reality of prisons in the years 1944–1956. Medical care was supposed to be limited to a minimum, and doctors had to serve a specific role in supervising the prisoners. On the one hand, they were part of the oppressive system, while on the other hand, they often stepped outside their assigned roles, helping the prisoners and mitigating the regime. As in other aspects of Stalinism, here the reality also luckily turned out to be more human than the official assumptions. People who worked in prisons were civilian doctors and nurses employed on contract by the Prison System Department, as well as military doctors assigned to this work as part of their service. Due to constant lack of medical staff willing to work in prison hospitals and infirmaries, doctors serving sentences and medical students were employed, as well. Of course, their situation was much worse than of the “freedom” doctors. Both groups, however, were subject to control by prison officers, in particular of the Special Department which oversaw the work of prison intelligence and tracked all attempts to make informal contact with the prisoners. Prison healthcare was part of the system and its political objectives and ideological vision of the enemy, but it was also a derivative of the economic situation in the war-ravaged country. In the years 1944–1956, medical care in Polish prisons evolved. In the first years after the war, the health of prisoners was affected by terrible sanitary conditions, lack of doctors and basic medical supplies. Although over the years the equipment of some hospitals and drug supplies improved, poor health of prisoners was primarily affected by the long-term repressive regime which began to weaken only in the middle of 1953. The article is based on documents of the MBP Prison System Department, testimonies of prison doctors before the court and prosecutors, published memoirs of prisoners, as well as the author’s own interviews with doctors who were prisoners.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2014, 1(23); 293-307
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Granice reformy więziennictwa
The Limits of Prison Reform
Porowski, Michał
Rzepliński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
instytucje społeczne
reforma więzienia
polityka więzienna
social institutions
prison reform
Prison Policy
A reform consists in the intention to introduce changes into a given system of social institutions which would not be aimed at its radical and qualitative transformation but would resolve themselves into improvement or rationalization. The reformatory thought may be inspired by conservative, liberal or radical attitudes which determine the motives, limits and profoundness of the changes. In the present paper, a conception of a reform of the prison system has been presented which would assimilate its contents to the substance of punishment, i.e. retribution in its humanistic interpretation and the values that come to the foreground of the axiological system of our times. These values are included in the notion of the dignity of a human being which results from treating man as the aim in itself and a being endowed with free will. The authors have assumed in the present paper that when reforming the prison system, all of its elements can be manipulated with the following exceptions: deprivation of the isolated person of his right to decide about his place of abode, and his duty to stay in a place determined by the authority which executes the penalty. Therefore, the following things can be changed: the ideological grounds of the system, i.e. its aims, functions and the role it plays in the global system of interests; external organization of the system, i.e. its -management regulation of interactions between the isolated and the isolating communities, organization the staff; material equipment of the system, i.e. buildings and their architecture, the arrangements concerning security, economy nd production. The authors oppose the conception which has been called here the reason of humanized retribution to the two contemporary variants of the prison policy. Ideologists of the first of them (the variant oriented at a psycho-social corrective treatment) model prisons having in view the future law abiding functioning of the offender in the society. An individual is here but a ,.human material" which is to undergo transformation as a result of the application of adequate measures. Ideologists of the second variant (one oriented at education through work) emphasize the social needs not connected with the prisoner who is treated as a quantum of man power that can be used. Retribution is inherent in the prison policy irrespective of the intention of its promotors and executors. After all it is one of the elements of the execution of penalty. The moral value of retribution resulting from a just punishment was recognized in the philosophy and dogmatic assumptions of pastoral theology. Recognizing punishment to be the offender’s personal right, we at the same time recognize his dignity due to a rational person. Therefore, punishment based on retribution certifying to the subjectivity and dignity of an human being, is tantamount to the humane attitude. To render possible the realization of the reason of humanized retribution, definite conditions have to emerge. These are: consistently grounding the punishment on the responsibility for the commission of a given act: this excludes the use of the perpetrator’s way of life, state or personality, and opinions as the essential criteria for meeting out punishment, and leads to the imposition of prison sentences for the most serious crimes only; stopping both the building of new prisons an the artificial increase of the capacity of the existing ones; overcoming the barrier of functional connections between prisons and state enterprises which use the immates cheap and first of all easily disposable man power. The reform of the prison policy inspired by the reason of humanized retribution can be expressed in three fundamental postulates which are: (i) the principle of the rule of law and that of mutual respect for the legel status of the prison staff and of the inmates; (ii) the principle of respect for the prisoners dignity; (iii) and the principle of minimalization of isolation of the prison system and of increasing its integration with the outside social environment. The rule of law which is the content of the first principle is the order not only of an absolute observance of the law, but also of the consistence of its contents with the achievements of civilization and morals of the global , society. Thus, on the one hand, the importance of the law as an instrument to eliminate arbitrariness of decisions from the process of execution of penalty is emphasized here, and, on the other hand, the postulate acquires justification that the prisoners' rights - instead of resulting from discretional decisions - be the articulation of the socially accepted values and their realization in accordance with the spirit of times. Thus the prisoners rights become the content and at the same time the safeguard of an humane attitude towards him.  The recognition of the rule of law as the central principle of the prison policy is justified by the very reason of humanized retribution. According to this principle. the process of execution of the deprivation o [ liberty is treated as a sui generis legal relationship between the prison management and the prisoner. the safeguard o[ which is the principle of mutual respect for the both parties legal positions. The construction of a definite catalogue of these rights is the task of the legislation. In any case, the prisoner retains his rights to the extent appropriate of any citizen in barracks. The only thing the penal isolation eliminates is the personal participation in the outside social life. A specific prison right is the inmates' right to use the period of isolation in the way that would be most helpful for their evelopment, which means, among other things the opportunity to participate in treatment alternatives offerred to them, or the conditions for individual development. For the principle of mutual respect of legal statuses to be realized, the prisoner should be equipped with effective means of execution of his rights. This is dictated by two reasons. Firstly, the conception of the process of execution of the penalty of deprivation of liberty as a legal relationship between the prisoner and the management naturally brings the normative factor. to the fore; secondly, prison-as an extremely dense social environment-releases tensions increased by the particural susceptibility to aggression on the part of both of its communities. The prison policy is a negation of the principle of respect for the prisoner’s human dignity in the present interpretation, its contents being adjusted to the Spartan attitude towards men in which an human being has an instrumental Value only. Therefore, he may be modeled after a freely chosen pattern by means of open repression, behavioural conditioning and other kinds of manipulation. On the other hand, the opposite Socratean model of influencing the individual is consistent with the authors assumptions. According to this model, the principal means of the so-called prisoners resocialization are discussed in the paper (work, education, access to culture, as well as punishment and award), in the effort to define them in such a way as never to disturb the ideological contents of the Socratean attitude towards the development of the individual. Prisons are social institutions for which everybody is responsible, though to a varying degree. This gives significance to the principle of minimum of isolation and integration of the prison with the outside social milieu. In this connection, a detailed discussion has been included in the present paper of the forms of isolation (internal, external), the effects of its accomplishment (material and social), and the effects of alienation of penal institutions ( totalitarization, prisonization, exlusion of social control, strict control of contacts with the outside social milieu). To sum up, the approach presented in the present paper is aimed at overcoming the stereotype that consist in a critical analysis of the separate  elements of the prison system without a comprehensive appraisal of its theoretical and practical values. This stereotype does nothing but consolidate the system the value of which has never been verified, and results in the prison policy becoming more and more eclectic.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1986, XIII; 141-172
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Populacja więzienna w Polsce w pierwszym roku pandemii COVID-19
Prison population in Poland in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
Stańdo-Kawecka, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
populacja więzienna
dozór elektroniczny
wcześniejsze zwolnienie
prison population
electronic monitoring
early release
Osoby pozbawione wolności w jednostkach penitencjarnych zaliczane są do grup szczególnie narażonych na zakażenie SARS-CoV-2. Jednym z podstawowych sposobów ograniczania rozwoju epidemii w tych instytucjach jest zmniejszenie liczby więźniów. Pierwszy przypadek COVID-19 zdiagnozowano w Polsce 4 marca 2020 r. Inaczej niż w niektórych krajach europejskich, po wybuchu pandemii COVID-19 nie zastosowano prewencyjnego zwolnienia osób skazanych lub tymczasowo aresztowanych i skazanych w celu ograniczenia rozprzestrzeniania się SARS-CoV-2 na terenie więzień. W marcu 2020 r. parlament uchwalił przepisy prawne, które wprowadziły szczególny rodzaj przerwy w wykonaniu kary pozbawienia wolności z powodu zagrożenia epidemicznego i rozszerzyły podstawy stosowania dozoru elektronicznego jako alternatywnego sposobu odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności. Nowe rozwiązania nie przyczyniły się do istotnego wzrostu liczby więźniów zwalnianych z zakładów karnych. Ponad 10–procentowy spadek populacji więziennej w Polsce w okresie od marca do grudnia 2020 r. wynikał głównie z mniejszej liczby osób przyjmowanych do jednostek penitencjarnych. W artykule dyskutowane są ograniczenia dotyczące stosowania poszczególnych środków w celu zmniejszenia liczby uwięzionych.
Persons deprived of their liberty in penitentiary institutions are among the groups most exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection. One of basic ways to limit the development of the epidemic in these institutions is to reduce the number of prisoners. The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Poland on 4 March 2020. Unlike in some European countries, after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no preventive release of prisoners in order to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in prisons. In March 2020, the Polish parliament passed legal provisions which introduced a special break in the enforcement of prison sentences due to the epidemic threat and widened the possible use of electronic monitoring as an alternative way to serve prison terms. These new solutions did not contribute to a significant increase in the number of prisoners released from prisons. In the period from March to December 2020, the prison population in Poland dropped by more than 10%, however, this mainly resulted from a reduced number of admissions to penitentiary institutions. The article discusses the limitations of the use of particular measures in order to reduce the overall number of prisoners.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2021, XLIII/2; 127-149
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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