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Pasja chorałowa ze zbioru kazań kanoników regularnych kongregacji laterańskiej w Kraśniku
Plainchant Passion from the sermon collection of the Canons Regular of the Lateran in Kraśnik
Chachulska, Irina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
pasja chorałowa
ton pasyjny
ton pasyjny F
plainchant Passion
Passion tone
F Passion tone
Studia nad pasją chorałową w Polsce jako pierwszy podjął Włodzimierz Poźniak (1947 r.), a następnie kontynuował ks. Antoni Reginek. W ostatnich latach lista tego rodzaju kompozycji została poszerzona dzięki dalszym kwerendom i badaniom polskich średniowiecznych źródeł muzyczno-liturgicznych. Przedmiotem badań niniejszego artykułu stała się nieznana dotychczas kompozycja z rękopisu przechowywanego w Bibliotece Metropolitalnego Seminarium Duchownego w Lublinie pod sygnaturą „Rkps 14” (PL-Ls 14; dawne sygnatury: 235; B 13; B 17), która wydaje się w tym momencie najstarszą kompozycją pochodzącą z polskiego źródła (1411 r.) – najprawdopodobniej z małopolski, tak jak i wszystkie znane dotąd polskie źródła pasji chorałowej. Kodeks ów nie jest księgą muzyczną, lecz zbiorem kazań i jako jedyną kompozycję muzyczną zawiera pasję według św. Mateusza (fol. 165r-172v). Zgodnie z XVII-wiecznym wpisem zamieszczonym na pierwszej karcie tegoż rękopisu (PL-Ls 14, fol. 1r) księga miała być własnością Kanoników Regularnych Kongregacji Laterańskiej w Kraśniku.  Melodia pasji zawartej w PL-Ls 14 oparta jest na tonie pasyjnym F – wyłącznie stosowanym w pasjach zawartych w źródłach polskich. Kompozycja bogata jest nie tylko w liczne formuły typowe, ale i ich rozmaite warianty melodyczne powstałe w wyniku zastosowania modyfikacji powszechnie używanych przy adaptacjach melodii wzorcowych. Istotna część modyfikacji w oczywisty sposób wynika  z odmiennej długości tekstu, z którym dana formuła typowa jest związana lub też układu akcentów. Nie zawsze jednak użycie którejś z modyfikacji w formułach typowych podyktowane jest odmienną liczbą sylab czy też układem akcentów, zdarzają się także przypadki, w których można obserwować wprowadzenie pewnej modyfikacji melodycznej bez tego rodzaju uzasadnienia, lecz raczej jako środka muzycznego urozmaicenia. Badania porównawcze melodii pasji z kodeksu kraśnickiego i pozostałych melodii pochodzących z ksiąg o rodzimej proweniencji pokazują, iż kompozycja ta harmonijnie wpisuje się w znany już polski repertuar pasji chorałowej. Pomimo jednak wyraźnego podobieństwa struktury melicznej kompozycji zawartych w źródłach polskich skomponowanych w oparciu o ten sam szkielet modalny (f¹-c²-f²), wszystkie opracowania muzyczne tego gatunku odznaczają się swoistymi cechami wynikającymi z wyboru różnorodnych środków adaptacyjnych.
The present paper presents a previously unknown composition from a manuscript kept at the Library of the Metropolitan Seminary in Lublin (shelf mark Rkps 14; siglum PL-Ls 14; old shelf marks 235, B 13, B 17), which appears to be the oldest music work of this kind found in a Polish source (dated to 1411), most likely from the Lesser Poland region, like all the other sources of Polish plainchant Passions known to date. The codex is not a book of sheet music, but a collection of sermons. The St Matthew Passion (fol. 165r–172v) is the only music composition found in this source. According to a 17th-century note found on the first folio of this manuscript (PL-Ls 14, fol. 1r), the book belonged to the Canons Regular of the Lateran in Kraśnik. The Passion melody found in PL-Ls 14 is based on the F tone – applied exclusively in Passions found in Polish sources. The composition abounds in typical formulas, but also in their melodic variants derived from modifications commonly introduced to adapt the model melodies. A large proportion of the modifications clearly result from the varying length of the text with which the typical formula is associated, or from the pattern of accents. However, the use of a given modification in a typical formula is not always determined by the changing number of syllables or by the arrangement of accents. In some cases, melodic modifications are introduced without such a justification, rather as a means of diversifying the musical setting. Comparative studies of the Passion melodies from the Kraśnik codex and from the other sources of Polish provenance prove that the Kraśnik Passion matches very well the previously known plainchant Passion repertoire from this area. Despite the evident similarity of melodic structures in works found in the Polish sources, which are based on the same modal framework (f¹–c²–f²), each of the settings has its own individual qualities as well, resulting from the way this framework was adopted in the given work.
Muzyka; 2019, 64, 2; 103-123
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cenotes - lakes of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico)
Szeroczyńska, Krystyna
Zawisza, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Mex ico
zoo plank ton
Cenote lakes are nat u ral sink holes or de pres sions re sult ing from the col lapse of lime stone bed rock ex pos ing the ground wa ter un der neath. Thou sands of such lakes are par tic u larly en coun tered on the Yucatan Pen in sula (Mex ico). These lakes were of great sig nif i cance for the Maya cul ture as im por tant re li gious places and pri mary source of drinking wa ter. They per mit ted the sur vival of Ma yan com mu ni ties through dry pe ri ods known as “Maya drought”. Most of the cenote lakes are large open wa ter pools mea sur ing tens of me ters in di am e ter. The ma jor ity of cenotes are smaller shel tered sites. Their wa ters are usu ally very clear and oligotrophic, orig i nat ing from rain wa ter fil ter ing slowly through the ground. The au thors vis ited and col lected zoo plank ton sam ples from eight cenotes in No vem ber 2013, namely: Ik-Kil, Samula, Zaci, X-Kekn, Actum Ha, Cristal, Sian Ka’an, and Chan Chemuxil (transect Merida–Tulum– Cancun). The ana lysed lakes dif fer con sid er ably in mor pho log i cal terms, vary ing from very deep to shal low. Some of them are un der hu man im pact (tour ists). The wa ter sam ples were ana lysed for zoo plank ton con tent, but the phytoplank ton fre quently oc cur ring was also taken into ac count. The ob tained re sults are largely var ied, in di cated big eco -log i cal ver ity among cenotes which de pended on lake age, lo cal iza tion and morphometry. As showed our study Cladocera zoo plank ton was very rare and only pres ent at sev eral sites. Be tween the fauna com mu nity Copepoda and Ostracoda spe cies were the most abun dant. Phytoplankton were pres ent in all stud ied lakes and it sees that played the cen tral role in those eco sys tems.
Studia Quaternaria; 2015, 32; 53-57
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akcent prozodyczny i melodyczny a specjalny status ostatniej sylaby w walijskim
Prosodic and Melodic Accent and a Special Status of the Last Syllable in Welsh
Buczek-Zawiła, Anita
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
A closer investigation of patterns of accentuation in Welsh allows to draw a number of conclusions concerning stress models in the language, namely, that there appear to be two types of metrical foot: metrical foot proper (trochaic), defining the prosodic accent, and melodic (tonic) foot (iambic), responsible for the presence of High Tone in its strong branch. These two models are not in conflict but together contribute to the observed peculiarities of Welsh speech, such as its higher pitch associated with the last syllable of the word, numerous vocalic alternations and apparent irregularities and differences in the degree of prosodic stress.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2003, 51, 6; 17-26
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba oceny wpływu rur wodociągowych z tworzyw sztucznych na wybrane właściwości organoleptyczne wody
An attempt at evaluation of impact of plastic water supply pipelines on selected organoleptic properties of water
Kowalska, B.
Guz, Ł.
Musz-Pomorska, A.
Widomski, M. K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
jakość wody wodociągowej
poli(chlorek winylu)
liczba progowa zapachu (TON)
liczba progowa smaku (TFN)
tap water quality
poly(vinyl chloride)
threshold odor number (TON) threshold flavor number (TFN)
Migracja substancji organicznych ze ścianek przewodu polimerowego do wody wodociągowej może prowadzić do pogorszenia jej właściwości organoleptycznych, a zwłaszcza zapachu i smaku. Zaprezentowane badania miały na celu wyznaczenie wartości progowej liczby zapachu (TON) oraz progowej liczby smaku (TFN) w przypadku wody mającej kontakt z przewodami wodociągowymi wykonanymi z tworzyw sztucznych. Do badań wybrano rury wykonane z nieplastyfikowanego polichlorku winylu (PVC-U) (33,4 mm × 2,2 mm), polietylenu dużej gęstości (PE-HD) (32 mm × 2,4 mm) oraz polietylenu sieciowanego (PEX-b) (28,6 mm × 3,2 mm). Zastosowana procedura badawcza obejmowała przemywanie próbek przewodów wodą ultraczystą przez 1 h, przetrzymywanie próbek w wodzie ultraczystej przez 24 h w temperaturze 23°C, test na migrację zanieczyszczeń w czasie 72 h (wg EN 1420-1:1999), rozcieńczanie oraz ocenę wartości TON i TFN metodą pełną, parzystą, wyboru niewymuszonego (wg EN 1622:2006). W skład zespołu oceniającego smak i zapach wody wchodziło 5 osób, badania przeprowadzono w trzech powtórzeniach. Obliczona średnia wartość TON zawierała się w przedziale 3÷5, zaś TFN – 3÷6, przy czym największą wartość zaobserwowano w przypadku kontaktu wody z PE-HD, zaś najmniejszą – PVC-U. Wykazano, że spośród analizowanych materiałów polimerowych największy wpływ na właściwości organoleptyczne wody miał polietylen dużej gęstości, zaś najmniejszy – poli(chlorek winylu).
Migration of organic substrates from polymer pipelines to tap water may result in deterioration of organoleptic water properties, especially its odor and flavor. The aim of the presented studies was to determine the threshold odor number (TON) and threshold flavor number (TFN) for water after its contact with plastic water supply pipelines. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC-U (33.4 mm×2.2 mm), high density polyethylene PE-HD (32 mm×2.4 mm) and cross-linked polyethylene PEX-b (28.6 mm×3.2 mm) were selected for studies. The analysis procedure covered pipe sample flushing with ultra pure water for 1 hour, sample storage in ultra pure water for 24 hours at 23°C, test for contaminant migration within 72 h (according to EN 1420-1:1999), dilution, and TON and TFN assessment by the complete and even method of the unforced choice (according to EN 1622:2006). The odor and flavor testing team consisted of 5 individuals, the measurements were repeated 3 times. The average calculated TON was in the range of 3–5 while TFN – 3–6. The highest value was observed for PE-HD and the lowest for PVC-U. Our studies demonstrated that PE-HD had the highest influence on organoleptic properties of water among the analyzed polymer materials, while the lowest influence was observed for PVC-U.
Ochrona Środowiska; 2016, 38, 1; 53-56
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of ratios of propulsion energy demand for transport by bulk carriers
Polanowski, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
bulk carriers
ratio of energy consumption
Nautical Mile
Nautical Mail
one ton of DWT
The article presents the results of calculations and analysis of the eM ratio of the propulsion energy consumption per the nautical mile and the eMt ratio of the propulsion energy demand for the transport of 1-ton cargo per the nautical mile for bulk carriers. The relationship between eM and eMt indicators with the EIV (Estimated Index Value) ratio is shown. The output data for the determination of eM and eMt indicators was taken from the quoted MAN publication, reading (reproducing) the values of power, velocity v and DWT tonnage from the charts included in this publication. Calculations and analyses were made for velocity v between 11-15 knots and for DWT from 5-400 kt (kilo tonnes). The graphs of eM and eMt ratios in the function of speed v and load capacity DWT are presented. Using the stepwise method of least squares, models of statistical dependence of indicators on velocity v and load capacity of bulk carriers were developed. They were based on generalized polynomials with integer exponents. Derivatives deM / dv and deMt / dv and derivatives deM / dDWT and deMt / dDWT were determined. The main observations resulting from the conducted analyses are observed with the increase of DWT (within the range of 80-100 kt) a significant decrease in the value of the eM index. For DWT values> 100 kt, the decrease in eMt is slow − eMt asymptotically tends to a constant value. The results of the analyses carried out can be used at the stage of designing the transport capacity (tonnage) and nominal speed of the ship as well as selection of ship tonnage and travel speed in a given transport situation.
Journal of KONES; 2019, 26, 3; 173-180
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konstrukcja słownika do zautomatyzowanego rozpoznawania typu opinii biegłego rewidenta
Construction of a dictionary for automated discrimination of auditor’s opinion type
Staszkiewicz, Piotr
Michalak, Jan
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
handel algorytmiczny
uczenie maszynowe
audit opinion
machine learning
Artykuł przedstawia uproszczoną procedurę konstrukcji słownika tonu służącego do zautomatyzowanego rozpoznawania typu opinii biegłego rewidenta, opracowanego na podstawie opinii sporządzonych w języku polskim. Opierając się na próbie 362 opinii załączonych do sprawozdań finansowych zestawionych w okresie od 2013 roku do 2016 roku stworzono korpus językowy. Wykorzystując metody analizy tekstu i analizy korelacji oszacowano ładunki informacyjne słów na podstawie korelacji z typem opinii biegłego rewidenta. Wyniki wskazują na istotny związek opinii zmodyfikowanej (negatywnej lub z zastrzeżeniem) i tonu oraz braku takich zależności w przypadku opinii bez zastrzeżeń. Procedura tworzenia słownika oraz sam słownik mogą być zastosowane do konstruowania automatycznych algorytmów handlu akcjami.
This paper presents a simplified procedure for construction of a tone dictionary used for the automated recognition of the auditor's opinion type. The study was based on audit opinions prepared in the Polish language. Our sample consists of 362 reports for the period 2013-2016. It served as a basis for creating the language corpus. We applied text mining techniques combined with correlation analysis to assess information content of words on the basis of correlation with the type of auditor’s opinion. We have demonstrated that a modified auditor’s report (negative or qualified) has a significant correlation with tone while in the case of an unqualified opinion there is no such correlation. The procedure of dictionary creation and the dictionary itself can be used to develop automatic trading algorithms.
Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości; 2018, 100(156); 117-130
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Byzantine Office of Ἐπὶ τῶν κρίσεων and Its Holders (in the Light of Sphragistic Evidence and Written Sources)
Antonov, Symeon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
epi ton kriseon
Byzantine supreme courts
Byzantine central and provincial administration
Byzantine 11th century
The paper investigates the establishment of the office of the epi ton kriseon during the Reign of emperor Constantine IX Monomachos (1042–1055), analysing the reasons behind its creation and its initial character. In addition, a list of all holders of this office is provided, based on all available sources – sphragistic, epistolary, rhetorical, documentary, etc. The list is divided into two parts – before and after the sack of the Byzantine capital by the Crusaders in 1204. Certain conclusions are reached at the end of the paper based on the data from the first part of the list. Different aspects of the problem are examined, including the honorific titles of the epi ton kriseon, their other offices, activities and social bonds. Individuals who held this position include prominent figures such as Konstantinos, nephew of patriarch Michael I Keroularios (1043–1058) and the addressee of many letters from Michael Psellos, as well as the 12th–13th century historian Niketas Choniates. In the 11th–12th century, these officials were an indelible part of the Byzantine bureaucratic elite and the Constantinopolitan society; they exerted their power not only in the capital, but also in the provinces.
Studia Ceranea; 2017, 7; 9-25
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inspektorat Armii Krajowej Sosnowiec
Flaczyk, Roman. Opracowanie
Gągorowski, Jan. Opracowanie
Ziemiańczyk, Szczepan. Wstęp
Data publikacji:
Katowice : Wydawnictwo Naukowe "Śląsk"
Narodowa Organizacja Wojskowa
Tajna Organizacja Niepodległościowa (TON).
Zjednoczone Organizacje Wojskowe (Tajna Organizacja Wojskowa).
Siły zbrojne, stronnictwa -- organizacje ruchu oporu, S. 14-23.
Bibliogr. s. 337-340. --- Indeks.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Influence of Tin Bronze Melting and Pouring Parameters on Its Properties and Bells’ Tone
Bartocha, D.
Baron, C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
tin bronze
melting parameters
pouring parameters
bell’s tone
brąz cynowy
parametry wytapiania
parametry zalewania
ton dzwonu
The most important feature of bells is their sound. Its clarity and beauty depend, first of all, on the bell’s geometry - particularly the shape of its profile, but also on the quality of alloy used to its cast. Hence, if the melting and pouring parameters could influence the alloy’s properties, what influence they would have on the frequencies of bell’s tone. In the article authors present their own approaches to find answers on that and more questions.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2016, 16, 4; 17-22
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walka o utrzymanie narodowego (demokratycznego) ideału wychowawczego w polskiej oświacie w latach 1944-1947
The Struggle for Maintaining the National (Democratic) Educational Ideal in Polish Schools in 1944-1947
Składanowski, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Tajna Organizacja Nauczycielska
Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego
Polska Partia Robotnicza
Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe
Tymczasowy Rząd Jedności Narodowej
Ministerstwo Oświaty
Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego
Clandestine Teachers' Organization (TON)
Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN)
Polish Workers' Party (PPR)
Polish Peasants' Party (PSL)
Provisional Government of National Unity (TRJN)
Ministry of Education
Polish Teachers' Association (ZNP)
After the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN) had been established, Communist education activists came to Poland from the Soviet Union. The group was led by Dr Stanisław Skrzeszewski who was appointed Head of the Education Department in Lublin. In order to draw teachers to work in the Polish school that was being rebuilt, they had to completely change the views of education they had propagated before. These were tactical actions supposed to neutralize the teacher circle's unfavorable or hostile attitudes. This resulted from the fact that the education structure of the London Government Delegation and the Clandestine Teachers' Organization (TON), working on the liberated lands, were under the influence of the Peasants' Party (SL), and they did not join the new authorities' organizational work, as they did not trust the Polish Workers' Party or the National People's Council. This is why in the “Appeal to the Polish Teachers” issued on 1 August 1944 by the Education Department in Lublin it was, among others, stated, that “The teacher has a complete freedom of democratic political views, speech and actions, according to his views”. The people managing the Education Department, knowing the moods prevailing in the society, did not want to introduce radical changes at the initial stage, and the curriculum, including history, was the same as the one before the war. This is proven, among others, by the “Directions for organizing public primary schools in the school year 1944/45”. Such actions resulted from the social-political situation obtaining in Poland at that time. The new authorities did not want to indispose the Polish society and the teachers towards themselves, as the Communist education activists coming from the USSR were already looked at with suspicion. They were also afraid for their own future fate, as the PKWN, and then the Provisional Government were not recognized by the two remaining superpowers of the anti-Hitler coalition, that is, the United States and Great Britain. This had a great influence on the compromise solutions decided on in the field of education. In the new Provisional Government of National Unity (TRJN) appointed on 28 June 1945, on the basis of the agreement between the three superpowers concluded in Jalta, a Polish Peasants' Party (PSL) activist, the president of the Polish Teachers' Association (ZNP), Czesław Wycech became Minister of Education. When Czesław Wycech took over the function of the minister, the Communists, partly debarred from the posts of authority, still tried to influence the crucial decisions, keeping some of the most important positions. Żanna Kormanowa, an education activist who came from the Soviet Union, is a good example here. She had the key function of the Head of the School Reform and Curricula Department. Despite fears of losing it the Communists were able to keep the position. Formally not controlling the Ministry of Education, they in fact had a lot of influence on the curricula that were being prepared. Many PPR activists knew that establishing the TRJN was a necessary compromise. However, they could not understand why the party had given up just this ministry, as their educational work done so far was assessed as very good by the party leaders. They thought that reconstructing the contents of school education in history and forming a new, communist educational ideal, were an indispensable condition in the planned ideological attack. In this way a situation arose, in which the changes in education were being introduced by teachers connected with PSL, who did not agree with the former Ministry of Education's conception of reform. They did not accept the education ideal postulated by PPR, either. On the contrary, the main educational aims, which the Ministry of Education headed by the PLS pursued, were: “the principles of democracy understood as respect for human rights for freedom, for full development, for participation in material and cultural achievements according to one's work and abilities, as aspiration for dividing hardships and burdens that an individual has to bear for the common good”. These aims proved that the PSL wanted to build a fully democratic state, which was contrary to the principle of “the dictatorship of the proletariat” proclaimed by the PPR. However, in the situation that obtained at that time the Communists had to tolerate the views presented by the Ministry of Education. Until the forged elections of 1947 the Ministry tried to resist the PPR's influences and aimed at democratic changes in Poland, which was reflected, among others, in the curricula that were then issued. Having seized all the power in 1947 the Communists started putting into effect the ideals of education based on Marxist-Leninist ideology, alien to Polish people. Deserted in its struggle for democracy the PSL, supported practically by the Church alone, subjected to repressions and exposed to actions aiming at its dissent, was not able to defend the democratic and national education. The education ideas proclaimed by the PSL after the war were returned to practically only after the rise of the “Solidarity” trade union in 1980, and started being put into effecty after the breakthrough of 1989, when Poland regained full independence.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2004, 52, 2; 57-70
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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