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Флоркросинг: особливості партійних перестрибувань в Україні
Floor-crossing: peculiar features of party switching in Ukraine
Флоркросинг – особенности партийных перемен (тушкування) в Украине
Розік, Марія
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
party switching
parliamentary faction
party affiliation
партийная смена
парламентская фракция
партийная принадлежность
The paper considers the meaning of the term “floor-crossing”, its basic kinds, legislative regulation and features of party switching in Ukraine since its independence. It has been found out that crossing the floor, change of political orientations and, as a consequence, adjustment of pre-election promises, the reality the Ukrainian politician face. Floor crossing in the Ukrainian Parliament has become a phenomenon that altered coalitions, generated opportunism and political corruption. It has been established that in modern practice there are two possible ways of influencing the process of inter-party switching: a legislative ban or a purely formal condemnation of the deputy’s/party’s actions on the part of the electorate and party members. To reduce the number of switching between factions, Ukraine has a so-called imperative mandate (a special version of it). It applies only to the deputies who are elected from the lists of political parties. Consequently, the problem lies in the partial legislative regulation of the problem of “floor-crossing”, which should be enshrined in new regulations /normative acts/. This acquires particular significance in the context of Russian military aggression and possible subversive activity of pro-Russian politicians, whose activities should be ruled out by such legislative acts. Any attempts to discredit the country on the part of deputies, making advances to the aggressor, should have legal consequences and the possibility for the electorate to influence the politician being elected. It has been found that frequent party switching discredits electoral and parliamentary system and shows flaws in the selection of personalities and why they go into politics; in addition, it can also indicate the strength or weakness of political parties. It has been proven that excessive and nontransparent motivated floor-crossing of deputies is becoming rarer with each new convocation, indicating a positive trend in the qualitative selection of candidates for deputies among party members. The final consolidation of the proportional system with open lists in the Electoral Code and the legislative regulation of inter-party/inter-factional switching should be the basis of qualitative deputy composition and commitment to declared political ideas.
В статье рассматривается значение термина «флоркросинг», его основные виды, законодательное регулирование и особенности смены партий в Украине за годы ее независимости. Выяснено, что флоркросинг, смена политических ориентаций и, как следствие, корректировка предвыборных обещаний, реальность, с которой столкнулся украинский политик. Флоркросинг в украинском парламенте стал явлением, которое изменило коалиции, породило оппортунизм и политическую коррупцию. Установлено, что в современной практике возможны два способа воздействия на процесс межпартийных переключений: законодательный запрет или чисто формальное осуждение действий депутата/ партии со стороны электората и членов партии. Для уменьшения количества переключений между фракциями в Украине существует так называемый императивный мандат (особая его версия). Он распространяется только на депутатов, избранных по спискам политических партий. Следовательно, проблема заключается в частичном законодательном регулировании проблемы «флоркросинга», что должно быть закреплено в новых нормативных актах. Это приобретает особое значение в условиях российской военной агрессии и возможной подрывной деятельности пророссийских политиков, деятельность которых должна быть исключена такими законодательными актами. Любые попытки дискредитировать страну со стороны депутатов, заигрывая с агрессором, должны иметь правовые последствия и возможность для электората влиять на избираемого политика. Выявлено, что частая смена партий дискредитирует избирательно-парламентскую систему, показывает недостатки в подборе личностей и причинах их ухода в политику; кроме того, это также может указывать на силу или слабость политических партий. Доказано, что чрезмерные и непрозрачные мотивированные переходы депутатов с каждым новым созывом становятся все более редкими, что свидетельствует о положительной тенденции качественного отбора кандидатов в депутаты из числа членов партии. Окончательное закрепление пропорциональной системы с открытыми списками в Избирательном кодексе и законодательное регулирование межпартийной/межфракционной смены должно стать основой качественного депутатского состава и приверженности декларируемым политическим идеям.
Studia Orientalne; 2022, 4(24); 56-70
Pojawia się w:
Studia Orientalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Съвместна употреба на кирилица и латиница в български текст –защо и кога
Joint use of Cyrillic and Latin alphabet in Bulgarian text – why and when
Кирова, Людмила
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Latin as an international alphabet
code-switching and codeblending
transliteration of the Bulgarian letters with Latin ones
The author investigates in which cases the joint use of Cyrillic and Latin is used in Bulgarian text and for what purpose: definition, determination, citation, operative language, code-switching and code-blending, use as a stylistic tool and parallel bilingual text. The nature of these uses is described and the extent to which they are manifestations of phenomena such as bilingualism and digraphia. The general conclusion is that the joint use of Latin and Cyrillic is the result of the expansion of bilingualism with English. More and more Bulgarian citizens have an extended field of use of variants of two languages and two graphical systems. Secondly, the application of the Latin alphabet is a step towards the universal language of the image, since its graphic image acts as a visual symbol of pragmatic knowledge.
Slavica Lodziensia; 2018, 2; 219-231
Pojawia się w:
Slavica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Языковые особенности «Дневника» Витольда Цивиньского
Linguistic Features of the Diary of Witold Cywiński
Osobliwości językowe „Dziennika” Witolda Cywińskiego
Гирининкайте, Вероника
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Witold Cywiński
przełączanie kodów
uczenie się języków obcych
Vytautas Civinskis
foreign language learning
The diary written by student Witold Cywiński (1887–1910) (or Vytautas Civinskis, as he later signed his work with the Lithuanian version of his name) is a unique multilingual egodocument, now held at the Vilnius University Library and the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Written in Polish, Lithuanian and Russian (with additions in other languages) over the period of six years, it shows the evolution of his linguistic repertoire. Along with the attached letters received by the author and drafts of his own letters, it also reflects his sociolinguistic milieu. Borderland Polish used in the diary represents the sociolect of Polish nobility living on the territory of contemporary Lithuania in the early twentieth century, with cases of local lexis and loanwords from Lithuanian and Russian. The passages written in Lithuanian display features of a local variation of the Aukštaitian (High Lithuanian) dialect, and at the same time are a chronicle of the author’s self-study of the new language. Examples of code-switching observed in his diary lead to some interesting psycholinguistic conclusions, including the possibility that the author intentionally used a “montage” of different languages in pursuit of the expressive and poetic functions of the text.
Дневник, написанный студентом Витольдом Цивиньским (1887–1910) (в более поздний период автор пользуется литовским вариантом имени и фамилии – Витаутас Цивинскис [Vytautas Civinskis]), представляет собой уникальный многоязычный эгодокумент, который хранится в фондах Вильнюсского университета и Библиотеки имени Врублевских Литовской академии наук. Дневник, составлявшийся в течение шести лет на польском, литовском и русском, также с использованием лексики других языков, дополненный приложенными к нему письмами, другими документами и фотографиями, отражает развитие и изменения лингвистического репертуара автора и черты его языковой среды. Польский язык Дневника – это язык Кресов, в котором отражается социолект польской шляхты, проживавшей на территории современной Литвы в начале XX в. В исследуемом источнике можно найти примеры региональной лексики, русизмов и литуанизмов. Кроме того, Дневник дает интересный материал для исследований аукштайтского диалекта литовского языка, которым пользовался Цивиньский, а также хроники освоения автором нового языка. Примеры переключения языковых кодов, которые можно наблюдать в Дневнике, приводят к интересным психолингвистическим выводам касательно двуязычия, а также относительно целесообразности использования нескольких языков для построения поэтической и экспрессивной функции текста. Примеры совмещения автором разных языков в исследуемом источнике предложено называть лингвистическим «монтажом».
Pisany przez studenta Witolda Cywińskiego (1887–1910) Dziennik (podpisywany w późniejszym okresie litewską formą imienia i nazwiska diarysty Vytautas Civinskis) jest unikatowym, wielojęzycznym egodokumentem, zachowanym w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego i Biblioteki Wróblewskich Litewskiej Akademii Nauk. Prowadzony przez sześć lat w językach polskim, litewskim i rosyjskim, także z wykorzystaniem leksyki z innych języków, Dziennik razem z dołączonymi do niego listami, innymi drobnymi dokumentami oraz zdjęciami odzwierciedla rozwój i zmiany językowego repertuaru autora oraz cechy jego lingwistycznego otoczenia. Polszczyzna Dziennika to polszczyzna kresowa, reprezentująca socjolekt szlachty litewskiej początku XX stulecia. Badane źródło dostarcza przykładów leksyki regionalnej, rusycyzmów i lituanizmów. Litewski materiał Dziennika może być również interesującym obiektem badań nad auksztajckim dialektem autora, a także kroniką kształcenia się diarysty w nowym dla niego języku. Obserwowane w Dzienniku przełączenia kodów prowadzą do ciekawych wniosków psycholingwistycznych na temat osoby bilingwalnej, jak i ewentualnej celowości używania kilku języków do budowania poetyckiej i ekspresywnej funkcji tekstu. Przykłady łączenia przez autora różnych języków w badanym źródle zaproponowano nazwać „montażem” językowym.
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2020, 44; 104-123
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo antydezercyjne jako remedium na parlamentarne transfery międzyfrakcyjne? Przypadek Nowej Zelandii
Anti-Defection Law as a Remedy for Legislative Party Switching? The Case of New Zealand
Żukiewicz, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
anti-defection law
party switching
party system
New Zealand
prawo antydezercyjne
transfery międzypartyjne
Nowa Zelandia
system partyjny
The article addresses whether the enactment of anti-defection legislation reduces legislative party switching in parliament. This question is pertinent because some researchers cease to analyze cases of legislative party switching when anti-defection legislation is present in a political system. However, the example of New Zealand demonstrates the fallacy of such an assumption. Despite anti-defection legislation being passed twice, it has not effectively deterred parliamentarians from changing party affiliations. Instead, they have strengthened the position of parliamentary group leaders in relation to parliamentarians and the necessity for the latter to rely on loopholes that shield them from the severe consequences of party switching. A dogmatic analysis of the current legislation and a systemic analysis of the selected case lead to this overarching conclusion.
Artykuł odpowiada na pytanie, czy uchwalenie przepisów antydezercyjnych wpływa na zmniejszenie liczby transferów międzyfrakcyjnych w parlamencie. Pytanie jest o tyle zasadne, że część badaczy rezygnuje z analizowania takich przypadków w sytuacji odnotowania w danym systemie politycznym przepisów antydezercyjnych. Przykład Nowej Zelandii dowodzi jednak, że takie postępowanie jest nieprawidłowe. W tym państwie bowiem przepisy antydezercyjne, uchwalone dwukrotnie, nie stanowiły skutecznej bariery zniechęcającej parlamentarzystów do zmian afiliacji partyjnych. Wpłynęły natomiast na wzmocnienie pozycji liderów grup parlamentarnych wobec parlamentarzystów oraz na konieczność uciekania się tych ostatnich do luk w przepisach, które chroniły ich przed dotkliwymi konsekwencjami decyzji o transferze. Do tych wniosków prowadzi analiza dogmatyczna obowiązujących przepisów oraz analiza systemowa wybranego przypadku.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2024, 1(77); 25-39
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intelligent PI controller and its application to dissolved oxygen tracking problem
Zubowicz, T.
Brdys, M. A.
Piotrowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
aeration process
artificial intelligence
control systems
dissolved oxygen
tracking problem
fuzzy logic controller
genetic algorithms
intelligent control
Takagi Sugeno Kang method
soft switching
wastewater treatment
The paper addresses design, calibration, implementation and simulation of the intelligent PI controller used for dissolved oxygen (DO) tracking at wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The calibration process presented in this paper utilizes both engineering and scientific methods. Verification of the control system design method was obtained via simulation experiments.
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems; 2010, 4, 3; 16-24
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems related to the correct determination of switching power losses in high-speed SiC MOSFET power modules
Zięba, Dawid
Rąbkowski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
power modules
channel current
switching losses
time alignment
moduł mocy
prąd kanału
straty przełączania
wyrównanie czasu
High-speed switching capabilities of SiC MOSFET power modules allow building high power converters working with elevated switching frequencies offering high efficiencies and high power densities. As the switching processes get increasingly rapid, the parasitic capacitances and inductances appearing in SiC MOSFET power modules affect switching transients more and more significantly. Even relatively small parasitic capacitances can cause a significant capacitive current flow through the SiC MOSFET power module. As the capacitive current component in the drain current during the turn-off process is significant, a commonly used metod of determining the switching power losses based on the product of instantaneous values of drain-source voltage and drain current may lead to a severe error. Another problem is that charged parasitic capacitances discharge through the MOSFET resistive channel during the turn-on process. As this happens in the internal structure, that current is not visible on the MOSFET terminals. Fast switching processes are challenging to measure accurately due to the imperfections of measurement probes, like their output signals delay mismatch. This paper describes various problems connected with the correct determination of switching power losses in high-speed SiC MOSFET power modules and proposes solutions to these problems. A method of achieving a correct time alignment of waveforms collected by voltage and current probes has been shown and verified experimentally. In order to estimate SiC MOSFET channel current during the fast turn-off process, a method based on the estimation of nonlinear parasitic capacitances current has also been proposed and verified experimentally.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2022, 70, 2; art. no. e140695
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Bidirectional Buck-Boost Converter-Based Switching Ripple Communication Strategy for Intelligent Street Lighting Systems
Zhang, Yixuan
Hu, Yihua
Tse, Zion
Liu, Yuwei
Deng, Jiamei
Xu, Hui
Wang, Yangang
Li, Wei
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
bidirectional switching ripple communication
buck-boost converter
intelligent street lighting system
pulse width modulation
smart city
The light-emitting diode (LED) is an essential component of intelligent street lighting (ISL) systems. An efficient ISL system can not only reduce power consumption by planning LED illuminating time but also reduce maintenance costs through a high degree of automation. In this paper, a buck-boost converter is used to realise composite transmission of power and signals for an ISL system. The power is modulated by the pulse width modulation (PWM) approach, and the switching ripple generated in the PWM process is utilised as the carrier of the signals transmitted between the remote-control centre and the slave nodes. Moreover, the proposed model involves a ‘request to send (RTS)/confirm to send (CTS)’ mechanism to avoid signal conflicts. Compared with the conventional power line communication (PLC) approach, the proposed transmission scheme has the advantages of simple circuit structure and simple system wiring. Additionally, a simulation model built in MATLAB/Simulink proves the designed transmission method has strong anti-noise ability.
Power Electronics and Drives; 2021, 6, 41; 260-275
Pojawia się w:
Power Electronics and Drives
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A unified approach to stability analysis of switched linear descriptor systems under arbitrary switching
Zhai, G.
Xu, X.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
układ komutowany
układ deskrypcyjny
komutacja dowolna
nierówność macierzy
switched linear descriptor systems
arbitrary switching
linear matrix inequalities (LMIs)
common quadratic Lyapunov functions
We establish a unified approach to stability analysis for switched linear descriptor systems under arbitrary switching in both continuous-time and discrete-time domains. The approach is based on common quadratic Lyapunov functions incorporated with linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). We show that if there is a common quadratic Lyapunov function for the stability of all subsystems, then the switched system is stable under arbitrary switching. The analysis results are natural extensions of the existing results for switched linear state space systems.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2010, 20, 2; 249-259
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Extended Lie algebraic stability analysis for switched systems with continuous-time and discrete–time subsystems
Zhai, G.
Xu, X.
Lin, H.
Liu, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
układ komutowany
funkcja Lapunowa
algebra Lie'go
stateczność wykładnicza
switched systems
common quadratic Lyapunov functions
Lie algebra
exponential stability
arbitrary switching
dwell time scheme
We analyze stability for switched systems which are composed of both continuous-time and discrete-time subsystems. By considering a Lie algebra generated by all subsystem matrices, we show that if all subsystems are Hurwitz/Schur stable and this Lie algebra is solvable, then there is a common quadratic Lyapunov function for all subsystems and thus the switched system is exponentially stable under arbitrary switching. When not all subsystems are stable and the same Lie algebra is solvable, we show that there is a common quadratic Lyapunov-like function for all subsystems and the switched system is exponentially stable under a dwell time scheme. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the result.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2007, 17, 4; 447-454
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Price patterns in an oligopoly with switching cost and uncertain demand
Zawisza, M.
Kamiński, B.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
price competition
switching cost
agent-based modeling
uncertain demand
price volatility
Characteristics of price patterns have been investigated in an oligopoly market with costs for switching a provider. Two regimes of a company’s access to information have been considered. In the benchmark scenario, firms make decisions based on perfect information about demand. In the other – more realistic scenario – they conduct market research to estimate an unknown demand curve and therefore face uncertainty regarding their profit function, which in turn leads to suboptimal decision making. The authors inspected how a company’s access to information on demand, costs for switching a provider and the rate of market renewal influence price patterns on the market. It has been shown that positive switching cost is a sufficient condition for price dispersion, as well as imperfect information about the company's profit function, e.g. from market research. The average price under the perfect information regime is lower than under market research based price setting, a higher switching cost makes it easier for companies to coordinate their prices and a higher rate of market renewal softens the influence of the switching cost on market price.
Operations Research and Decisions; 2013, 23, 3; 71-89
Pojawia się w:
Operations Research and Decisions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lqr-Based Nonlinear Tuning Relay Control Design With Fast Convergence
Yu, X.
Xia, Y.
Ledwich, G.
Oghanna, W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
sterowanie rozdzielcze
sterowanie przekaźnikowe
switching control
relay control
sliding mode
In this article, we present a relay control scheme based on LQR design with fast convergence. This scheme provides a practical and simple way to achieve fast convergence based on the well-known LQR design principle. The controller is a global stabiliser in the sense that for any given initial condition, we can always initialize the controller to drive the system to reach the origin. This controller is tunable in accordance with the position of the system state: the closer to the origin, the larger the control gains, which results in a fast control that maintains bounded control magnitude. It has also been shown that setting matrix Q can significantly influence the tendency of eigenvalues to switch the hyperplane. The relation between matrix Q and the tendency of those eigenvalues has been identified. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 1999, 9, 2; 313-326
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Supervisory fault tolerant control with integrated fault detection and isolation: a switched system approach
Yang, H.
Jiang, B.
Cocquempot, V.
Lu, L.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
sterowanie tolerujące uszkodzenia
detekcja uszkodzeń
lokalizacja uszkodzeń
sterowanie rozdzielcze
układ komutowany
fault-tolerant control
fault detection
fault isolation
switching control
switched systems
This paper focuses on supervisory fault tolerant control design for a class of systems with faults ranging over a finite cover. The proposed framework is based on a switched system approach, and relies on a supervisory switching within a family of pre-computed candidate controllers without individual fault detection and isolation schemes. Each fault set can be accommodated either by one candidate controller or by a set of controllers under an appropriate switching law. Two aircraft examples are included to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2012, 22, 1; 87-97
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fault tolerant control of switched nonlinear systems with time delay under asynchronous switching
Xiang, Z.
Wang, R.
Chen, Q.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
opóźnienie czasowe
sterowanie tolerujące uszkodzenia
układ komutowany
układ nieliniowy
time delay
fault tolerant control
switched nonlinear systems
asynchronous switching
This paper investigates the problem of fault tolerant control of a class of uncertain switched nonlinear systems with time delay under asynchronous switching. The systems under consideration suffer from delayed switchings of the controller. First, a fault tolerant controller is proposed to guarantee exponentially stability of the switched systems with time delay. The dwell time approach is utilized for stability analysis and controller design. Then the proposed approach is extended to take into account switched time delay systems with Lipschitz nonlinearities and structured uncertainties. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2010, 20, 3; 497-506
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of the microstructure on the switching properties of Ag C, Ag-WC-C and Ag-W-C contact materials
Wpływ mikrostruktury na właściwości łączeniowe kompozytowych materiałów stykowych Ag-C, Ag-WC-C i Ag-W-C
Wójcik-Grzybek, D.
Frydman, K.
Borkowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
electrical contacts
switching properties
mechanical alloying
materiały stykowe
właściwości łączeniowe
mechaniczna synteza
The correlation between the microstructure of Ag-C, Ag-WC-C and AgWC composites and their switching properties was investigated. Two methods were used to manufacture the starting powder mixtures, namely classical milling and mechanical alloying . The arc erosion, contact resistance and welding forces of the contact materials obtained by different methods were measured using model devices. This paper presents the results achieved for the tested materials. It was found that weight loss was lower for the contacts produced by high energy milling.
W pracy badano wpływ mikrostruktury kompozytów Ag-C oraz Ag-WC-C i Ag-W-C na ich właściwości łączeniowe. Do wytworzenia kompozytów stosowano dwa sposoby przygotowania mieszanin wyjściowych: klasyczne mieszanie proszków oraz mechaniczną syntezę (MA - mechanical allaying). Porównano odporność kompozytowych materiałów stykowych wykonanych różnymi technologiami na erozję łukową, rezystancje zestykową i odporność na sczepianie. Badania właściwości łączeniowych prowadzono w układach modelowych. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie procesu MA do przygotowania mieszanin wyjściowych powoduje wzrost odporności na erozję badanych materiałów.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2013, 58, 4; 1059-1065
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Translanguaging as Mobilisation of the Linguistic Resources by Learners of Spanish as a Third or Additional Language
Wlosowicz, Teresa Maria
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
multilingual repertoires, code-switching, translanguaging, production strategies
The present study investigates the comprehension and production of Spanish as a third or additional language (De Angelis’ (2007) term), paying special attention to the use of code-switching and translanguaging. Following Lewis, Jones and Baker (2012, p. 655), it is assumed that translanguaging involves the mobilisation of all of learners’ linguistic resources “to maximise understanding and achievement,” so the learners’ use of languages other than Spanish (especially English, but also e.g. French, Italian, etc.) in the tasks could be assumed to be an example of translanguaging too. Simultaneously, the use of words from languages other than Spanish for lack of a Spanish word could be argued to be more precisely classified as code-switching. Multilingual repertoires are highly complex and, according to Otheguy, García and Reid (2018), multilingual competence is unitary rather than divided into several distinct languages, so, in their view, words are selected from a single lexicon. However, as shown by Williams and Hammarberg (1998), the different languages in multilingual repertoires perform various functions, which gives rise to different types of switches. The study was carried out with English Philology and Romance Philology students studying Spanish as a third or additional language. As the results show, even though the Romance Philology students were generally better at translanguaging, viewed as the use of all their linguistic resources, they avoided switches into other Romance languages, probably to minimise interference. By contrast, the English Philology students, who had lower proficiency in Spanish, were less capable of using their multilingual resources, including English, to provide the missing words, possibly also due to problems with the comprehension of the Spanish sentences.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2020, 6, 1; 65-106
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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