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Рынок труда в Украине и международная мобильность студентов
The Labour Market in Ukraine and International Mobility of Students
Rynek pracy na Ukrainie a międzynarodowa mobilność studentów
Koroteyeyva, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
рынок труда
экономическая активность
занятость населения
мобильность студентов
labour market
economic activity
students’ mobility
rynek pracy
aktywność ekonomiczna
zatrudnienie ludności
mobilność studentów
В статье проанализирован современный рынок труда в Украине с учетом политических, административных и экономических рисков. Рассмотрены особенности формирования конъюнктуры рынка труда, определены проблемы и перспективы их решения.
Ukraine’s integration into the European Union in the context of globalisation of the world economy is a problem for the labour market. The author presents the political and economic risks as a result of the annexation of the Crimea and the fighting in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. The academic mobility of students is a foundation for the growth of competitive labour supply in the labour market. Scientists’ interests in international economic relations, trade and stock markets of the world, labour migration are presented.
W artykule dokonano analizy współczesnego rynku pracy na Ukrainie z uwzględnieniem ryzyka politycznego, administracyjnego i ekonomicznego. Omówiono właściwości kształtowania się koniunktury na rynku pracy, określono problemy i perspektywy ich rozwiązania.
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula; 2016, 47(2) Ekonomia XI. Stan i rozwój bilateralnej współpracy gospodarczej Polski i Ukrainy; 172-181
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Розвиток комунікативних навичок у процесі професійного самовдосконалення студентів під час позааудиторної діяльності ВПНЗ
Development of Communicative Skills in the Process of Professional Self-Improvement of Students During Non-Auditing Activities of Higher Educational Establishments
Zatvorniuk, Oksana
Ohmush-Kovalevska, Oksana
Vasyаlako, Olga
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
communicative skills;
professional self-improvement;
non-auditing activity;
students of higher pedagogical educational institution
The article deals with the main forms and methods of communicative skills development used in the process of professional self-improvement during non-auditing activities at higher educational institution. In the process of person’s professional self-improvement, they play an important role in education obtaining and further work activity. By studying the process of professional self-improvement of modern students at higher educational institutions, the issue of communicative skills development in out-of-audit activity is of great importance. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to study the process of communicative skills development in students involved into non-auditing activities at higher educational institution. Methods. In the process of research, the following methods have been used, which allowed analyzing the purpose of this article and to reach certain conclusions for further research: general scientific methods, by means of which the available literature has been analyzed, the analysis, systematization of the material have been carried out; such methods as conversation, observation, interviewing have allowed investigating the problem situation more deeply. Results. The development of communicative skills of students in non-auditing activities is an important factor that should be given more attention to in the process of professional self-improvement during non-auditing activities at a higher educational institution. The article presents the experience of non-auditing activities of higher pedagogical institutions, which promotes the development of communicative skills of students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. The development of communicative skills in students is an integral part of a holistic process of forming communicative competence. After all, the development of communicative sphere in a person who, on the basis of the specifics of his activity, constantly interacts and communicates with other people is almost the main aspect that ensures the effectiveness of its work.
Intercultural Communication; 2018, 5, 2; 119-136
Pojawia się w:
Intercultural Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Лабораторно-практические работы как форма повышения уровня мотивации к обучению математике учащихся-гуманитариев
Laboratory and practical work as a form of raising motivation to learn mathematics of students in grades humanities
Prace laboratoryjne i ćwiczenia praktyczne jako forma podnoszenia motywacji do nauki matematyki uczniów w klasach humanistycznych
Шишенко, ИИнна
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Powszechnej w Szczecinie
активизация познавательной деятельности
урок математики
лабораторно-практическая работа
activation of cognitive activity students-humanities
math lesson
laboratory and practical work
aktywizacja aktywności poznawczej
lekcja matematyki
prace laboratoryjne i ćwiczenia praktyczne
В статье рассмотрены проблемы организации обучения математике в классах гуманитарных профилей. Акцентируется внимание, что целесообразно подобранные формы обучения математике обеспечивать формирование и развитие мотивации учащихся этих классов. Согласно психолого-педагогическим особенностям этих учащихся, проявляющимся в процессе изучения математики, установлено, что эффективной формой организации изучения математики в таких классах являются лабораторно-практические работы.
The article deals with the problems of organization of teaching mathematics in classes of a humanitarian profile. The attention that it appropriate forms of teaching mathematics provide the formation and development of motivation of students of these classes. According to the psychological and pedagogical features of these students manifested in the process of learning mathematics author determine that an effective way of organizing the study of mathematics in such classes are laboratory and practical work.
Artykuł zajmuje się problematyką organizacji nauczania matematyki w klasach o profilu humanistycznym. Zwraca uwagę, że odpowiednie formy nauczania matematyki zapewnią pojawienie się i rozwój motywacji u uczniów tych klas. Zgodnie z psychologicznymi i pedagogicznymi cechami uczniów, które ujawniają się w procesie uczenia się matematyki, autor stwierdza, że skutecznym sposobem organizowania nauki matematyki w klasach humanistycznych są prace laboratoryjne i ćwiczenia praktyczne.
Edukacja Humanistyczna; 2016, 2; 169-180
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Humanistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie środowiskowe aktywności ruchowej młodzieży gimnazjalnej w kontekście strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju
Environmental diversity of physical activity in lower secondary school students in the context of the sustainable development strategy
Bartoszewicz, Ryszard
Wieczorek, Marta
Gandziarski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
aktywność ruchowa
zrównoważony rozwój
physical activity
lower secondary school students
sustainable development
Introduction. The European Union strategy for sustainable development is a multidimensional approach to policy making. It assures a coherent development of all areas of social life, including public health, education and physical culture. It is implemented globally through projects developed and co-financed by the EU. In local terms each Member State is responsible for organizational and economic aspects of these projects and consists primarily in adapting its operation to general EU standards. The aim of the study was to determine the environmental diversity of recreational physical activity among lower secondary school students, which allows an indirect insight into sustainable rural and urban development of the south-west of Poland in the analyzed aspects of social life. Material and methods. A diagnostic survey with the use of questionnaires was applied to collect factual material. The research tool was a standardized survey questionnaire developed as part of the research problem financed from the grant in the Czech Republic. A group of secondary school students, 3500 girls and boys from rural and urban environment, from the south-west of Poland participated in the study. Results. Quantitative structures of organized and spontaneous physical activity are highly diversified in the subjects’ environment. Almost twice as many young people takes up spontaneous exercise as those involved in organized activities. Living environment does not diversify general physical activity among female subjects. Boys who engage in organized exercise are nearly twice as many as those taking up spontaneous physical activity. Living environment is determining only in the case of boys participating in organized activities; the percentage is significantly higher in the rural environment. Conclusion. The study confirmed a sustainable development in the studied environments. There is certain diversity in the collected data, yet it reflects the specific character of rural and urban environments, not a developmental disproportion.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2014, 44; 51-59
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zainteresowanie aktywnością ruchową uczniów wybranych liceów ogólnokształcących we Wroclawiu
The Wrocław secondary school students’ interest in physical activity
Wawrzyniak, Sara
Rokita, Andrzej
Ściślak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
physical activity
physical education
secondary school students
aktywność fizyczna
wychowanie fizyczne
Background. The decrease of active participation and students` reluctance to physical education have prompted research on students’ interests in physical activity. The implementation of physical education to curriculum in 2009 was to improve the existing situation: low attractiveness of physical education at school. The program requires physical education classes to be taught according to students’ interests. The aim of our study was to examine the interest in physical activity of the students from selected secondary schools in Wroclaw. Material and methods. The study comprised 197 students (112 girls and 85 boys) from 2 secondary schools in Wrocław. A diagnostic opinion poll and standardized survey questionnaire “Students’ interest in physical activity” were used. Results. The research proved that most of the students were interested in swimming, dancing and sport games. Among girls the most popular were dancing, swimming and skiing, while boys were interested in sport games, motor sports, swimming and martial arts. Conclusion. The results showed that physical education classes in secondary schools should include the most popular forms of students’ physical activity. Secondary schools should examine the students’ interests in physical activity and incorporate the most popular sport disciplines into physical activity classes.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2013, 43; 29-38
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachowania zdrowotne u uczniów klas licealnych w czasie pandemii COVID-19
Health-promoting behaviours of middle and high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Grabowska, Barbara
Malawska, Wiktoria
Ślósarz, Luba
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
zachowania zdrowotne
aktywność fizyczna
health-promoting behaviours
physical activity
Wprowadzenie. Odżywianie jest jednym z kluczowych elementów kształtowania zachowań prozdrowotnych. Drugi, bardzo ważny aspekt stanowi codzienna aktywność fizyczna, która niesie za sobą wiele korzyści dla zdrowia. Ważną rolę w procesie kształtowania nawyków prozdrowotnych odgrywa rodzina. Im więcej prozdrowotnych zachowań młodzi ludzie nauczą się w domu rodzinnym, tym większa szansa, że będą je stosowali w życiu dorosłym. Cel. Zbadanie występowania zachowań prozdrowotnych u uczniów klas licealnych. Materiały i metody. Badaniem objęto 551 uczniów. Badanie przeprowadzono na przełomie lutego i marca 2021 roku w formie internetowej ankiety w programie Formularze Google. Wykorzystano kwestionariusz własnego autorstwa oraz Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej IPAQ – wersja krótka. Wyniki. Prawie połowa badanych uczniów kilka razy w tygodniu jada słodycze. Badania wykazały, że płeć może istotnie różnicować nastolatków pod względem zachowań zdrowotnych. Zdecydowanie więcej chłopców (7,9%) niż dziewcząt (3,1%) sięga po fast-foody kilka razy w tygodniu. Istotnie częściej ryby spożywają chłopcy. Istotnie więcej chłopców niż dziewcząt sięga po gazowane napoje kilka razy dziennie lub codziennie. Wnioski. Ponad połowa (51%) uczniów wykazuje umiarkowany poziom aktywności fizycznej, 34,1% – wysoki, zaś 14,9% – niski. Dziewczęta prezentują więcej zachowań prozdrowotnych oraz istotnie częściej niż chłopcy stosują dietę. Chłopcy spożywają istotnie mniej owoców niż dziewczęta. Pandemia COVID-19 ma wpływ na zmniejszenie się aktywności fizycznej wśród uczniów.
Introduction. Nutrition is one of the key elements of shaping health-promoting behaviours. One of the most important health-promoting behaviours is physical activity, which brings numerous health benefits. Family plays a crucial role in forming health behaviours: the more health-promoting behaviours young people learn at home, the higher the chance is of them continuing these behaviours in their adult lives. Aim. Researching the presence of health-promoting behaviours among middle and high school students. Materials and method. 551 students participated in the research. The research was conducted with the use of an online questionnaire in Google Forms. It was conducted in February and March 2021. A questionnaire developed by the author was employed, as well as the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ – short version). Results. Nearly half of the research participants ate sweets a few times a week. Research has shown signifi cant differences in health behaviours between genders. Signifi cantly more boys (7.9%) than girls (3.1%) ate fast food a few times a week. Boys ate fi sh significantly more often. Signifi cantly more boys than girls consumed fi zzy drinks a few times a week or every day. Conclusions. Over half (51%) of the students were moderately physically active. 34.1% were highly physically active, and the physical activity of 14.9% is low. Girls showed more health-promoting behaviours than boys. Girls went on a diet signifi cantly more often than boys. Boys consumed signifi cantly less fruit than girls. The COVID-19 pandemic led to decrease in physical activity among students.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2021, XXIV, (1/2021); 177-186
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Work experience of tourism and recreation students and the level of social competence. Selected issues
Alejziak, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu
social competences
professional activity
students of tourism and recreation
The aim of this article is to present results of a study concerning the level of social competences displayed by students of tourism and recreation and how it relates to their work experience. The author hypothesized that the fact of being employed could help to differentiate between different levels of social competences in the student population. Factors such as the length of work experience, positions held, work abroad, internships, and voluntary work were analysed. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative data collected using such tools such as the Social Competence Questionnaire and the Questionnaire for Self-Assessment of Student’s Professional Achievements in order to identify forms of professional activity among the respondents. Full-time students of tourism and recreation were found to have an average level of social competences, and their work experience, considered as a form of social training, did not differentiate between different levels of social competence. No statistically significant correlations were found between the level of social competence and internships at secondary schools, internships at university, work experience in general and in tourism and recreation in particular, and voluntary work. Also, positions held did not differentiate the level of social competence. It could therefore be concluded that the respondents’ work experience was too short to have a measurable effect on the level of their social competences, which take much more time to develop and depend on personal and environmental factors.
Studia Periegetica; 2020, 31(3); 9-30
Pojawia się w:
Studia Periegetica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pieniążek, Marlena
Zielińska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
działalność prospołeczna,
pro-social activity,
Wolontariat, filantropia i altruizm to pojęcia na tyle do siebie podobne, że często są zupełnie są ze sobą mylone. Pojęcia te, choć są różne, to jednak wzajemnie na siebie oddziałują i się przenikają, tworząc tym samym filary działalności prospołecznej. Wolontariat rozumiany jako dobrowolne, nieodpłatne i świadome działanie na rzecz innych osób lub społeczności, stanowi jedną z najbardziej szlachetnych postaw człowieka. Celem niniejszej pracy jest określenie zainteresowania studentów działaniami na rzecz społeczności lokalnej, jak również ustalenie istoty i roli wolontariatu w życiu młodzieży akademickiej.
Volunteering, philanthropy and altruism as concepts are so much alike that they are often confused. Although these concepts are different, they interact with each other and interpenetrate, creating the pillars of pro-social activities. Volunteering, understood as a voluntary, unpaid and conscious action for other people or the community, is one of the most noble human behaviors. The aim of this paper is to determine the extent of students’ involvement in pro-social projects, as well as to define the nature and role of volunteering in the lives of young people.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas. Pedagogika; 2017, 15; 145-153
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas. Pedagogika
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedza o zdrowiu a aktywność fizyczna w stylu życia studentów Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Health knowledge and physical activity in the lifestyle of students of the University School of Physical Education in Wrocław
Jarecka, Paulina
Fąk, Tadeusz
Suchodolski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
aktywność fizyczna
styl życia
health knowledge
physical activity
students’ lifestyle
Cel badań. Styl życia jest jednym z czynników warunkujących zdrowie człowieka. Celem badań było wyjaśnienie zależności między wiedzą o uwarunkowaniach zdrowia a aktywnością fizyczną studentów kierunku turystyka i rekreacja. Materiał i metody. Badanie zostało oparte na metodzie sondażu diagnostycznego z niestandardowym kwestionariuszem. Badanie przeprowadzono w 2016 r. w grupie 126 studentów kierunku turystyka i rekreacja Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu. Wyniki i wnioski. Wyniki wykazują istotną zależność między wiedzą o uwarunkowaniach zdrowia a aktywnością fizyczną badanych studentów. Analiza danych materiału ankietowego prowadzi do wniosku, że poziom wiedzy studentów na temat przyczynowych uwarunkowań zdrowia fizycznego jest zadowalający.
Background. Lifestyle is one of the factors conditioning human health. The aim of the paper is to explain the relations between the awareness of health determinants and physical activity among students of the tourism and leisure study programme. Material and methods. The study was based on the diagnostic survey method with custom questionnaire. The research was conducted in 2016 in a group of 126 students of Tourism and Recreation Faculty at the University School of Physical Education in Wrocław. Results and conclusions. The results show an essential bond occurring between the awareness of health determinants and physical activity of students. The data analysis of the survey material leads to the conclusion that the students’ level of knowledge on the causal conditioning of physical health is satisfactory.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2017, 56; 18-25
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warsztaty dla więźniów skrajnie długoterminowych – prawo do drugiej szansy dla skazanych i pierwsze kroki dla studentów
Klimczak, Joanna
Kłapeć, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
praca ze studentami
kara dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności
students activity
life imprisonment
25-year sentence
Artykuł prezentuje projekt „Więźniowie skrajnie długoterminowi – prawo do drugiej szansy”, który został zrealizowany przy udziale studentów i absolwentów Instytutu Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w latach 2014–2016. Projekt był skierowany do więźniów prawomocnie skazanych na karę dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności oraz skazanych na karę 25 lat pozbawienia wolności. Jest to grupa skazanych, dla której oferta Służby Więziennej jest ograniczona. Praca z nimi stanowi pole do podejmowania inicjatyw ze strony osób spoza zakładów karnych. Adresatami projektu byli ponadto studenci IPSiR UW. Udział w projekcie miał im stworzyć możliwość pracy z więźniami oraz wykorzystania wiedzy uzyskanej podczas wykładów i ćwiczeń w praktyce. Projekt składał się z trzech części: fakultetu „Więźniowie dożywotni - prawo do drugiej szansy” realizowanego ze studentami, cyklicznych warsztatów w zakładach karnych oraz pracy korespondencyjnej prowadzonej ze skazanymi uczestniczącymi w programie. Realizacja projektu pokazała wyraźnie, że współpraca między środowiskiem akademickim a Służbą Więzienną nie tylko jest możliwa, ale też bardzo potrzebna.
Paper discusses the project „Prisoners extremely long-term sentenced - the right to a second chance” conducted at the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization of the University of Warsaw in 2014–2016. The program was targeted at prisoners who were sentenced for 25 years in prison or life imprisonment. On the other hand, it was also aimed at students. They took part in prison workshops organized by the authors of the project. In this way, students had the opportunity to get to know the prison institution and work with prisoners. The implementation of the project clearly showed that cooperation between the academic environment and the Prison Service is not only possible but also very important.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2017, 24; 137-150
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variations in physical activity of male and female students from the Ukraine in health-promoting life style
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Tsos, Anatolii
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
students from ukraine
physical activity
sports-recreational activity
Introduction. A large-scale research was performed concerning issues relating to physical activity as an important factor in a healthy lifestyle and involved observing the differences among males and females as future elites of the Ukraine. Objective. The objective of the research is to assess the physical activity of students from the Ukraine, considering such factors as: gender, leisure time, time spent sitting, sports performed or intended to be performed, and the BMI. Materials and method. The extended version of the IPAQ, supplemented with 3 original questions by the authors, was applied to a 2,125-strong student group from 12 majors of the University of Luck, Ukraine. Results. Students from Ukraine portrayed a positive picture of physical activity with significantly higher values in male students of both total activity and its fields, i.e. sports activity and work (studying). The male students performed better in their fitness (condition) self-assessment and the amount of time spent sitting, whereas the female students had better BMI results. Both genders differed considerably in their choice of sport-recreational activities. Conclusions. Females more than males demonstrated lower indices of participation in physical activity, which did not permit the formulation of a positive assessment of their lifestyle. A positive phenomenon is the normal BMI and trace values of overweight in women, exactly the reverse to males.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2017, 24, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tracking daily steps: an investigation on a small post-secondary campus
Bradford, Brent D.
Howorko, Adam
Jacula, Erinn
Daniels, Jason
Hunt, Shaelyn
Correia, Nicole
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
daily steps
physical activity
physical activity technology
post-secondary faculty/staff
post-secondary students
The production of mood-regulating chemicals (e.g. serotonin) may be impacted through prolonged or acute stress events. If a serotonin-deficit exists, depression-related illnesses may result, with such illnesses projected to become the second highest lifetime burden of disease. Critically, physical activity has been found to assist in increasing serotonin levels, positively impacting adult neurogenesis and mood. The purpose of this study was to track daily steps (physical activity) employing a stepcounting technology across a small Canadian university. Guided by the research questions: Can tracking daily steps encourage elevated levels of physical activity? and What differences, if any, exist between physical activity levels amongst students and faculty/staff?, such an understanding may add to the current body of knowledge concerning physical activity levels in educational institutions. Over a 9-week period, students (n = 32) took significantly more steps than faculty/staff (n = 16), and significantly more in Week 9 than in Week 2.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2020, 31, 3; 75-86
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tourist Behaviour of Junior High School Students of the Selected Voivodeships in Poland: the Sociodemographic Context
Lubowiecki-Vikuk, Adrian P.
Podgórski, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
junior high school students
tourism activity
leisure-time behaviour
Leisure-time behavior, including tourist activity among contemporary adolescents has raised great interest of scientists and the representatives of the tourism industry. Not only it is important to estimate the rate of tourism activity among adolescents, but also it is necessary to bear in mind the analysis of behavior shaped on account of their gender, place of residence, or level of education. An attempt to conduct such a study was made on the basis of survey data obtained within the group of 1,067 junior high school students of the selected voivodeships in Poland. The results obtained clearly indicate that almost 1/4 of the students surveyed had not participated in tourist trips. This was particularly noticeable in the case of boys and students living in rural areas. it is important to take broader steps to stimulate young people’s needs for tourism and sightseeing. First of all, from the family which is considered a social institution, it is expected to raise young generations in the spirit of tourism and active leisure. Family’s contemporary problems: increasing poverty, or even its (partial) marginalization are commonly disregarded. A systemic approach (support for families by schools, social organizations, and government units) appears to be a successful solution, but it is a long-term and complex process.
Quaestiones Geographicae; 2016, 35, 1; 37-46
Pojawia się w:
Quaestiones Geographicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tourism activity among university students: a survey from universities in Łódź
Latosińska, Jolanta
Ludwicka, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
tourism activity
active tourism
specialised tourism
free time
individual tourism space
The article presents conclusions on the tourism activity of university students in Łódź. It is based on a survey conducted in October and November 2008 among final year students at six state-run universities in Łódź. The article presents the socio-demographic structure of the respondents, their tourism trips and the factors influencing them, while the conclusions offer a functional model of recreation for the groups investigated.
Turyzm; 2010, 20, 1; 17-23
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The year of study and the physical activity of students of selected fields of study at state school of higher education in Biała Podlaska
Niźnikowska, Ewelina
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
IPAQ - short version
physical activity
year of study
The aim of the study was to analyze the level of physical activity of students of selected fields of study at Biała Podlaska University depending on the year of study. The study involved 450 people, studying at the first and second stages of education at the State School of Higher Education (PSW) in Biała Podlaska. In the study, a method of diagnostic survey was applied, with the use of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ - short version. Based on the analysis it was concluded that the surveyed students were characterized by a moderate level of physical activity. The diversity of types of physical activity of students in relation to the year of study were statistically significant in terms of total activity, moderate activity and walking - in favor of students of the second year of undergraduate studies.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2014, 6, 2; 67-75
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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