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Przyczyny i konsekwencje rozbieżności rozumienia przymiotu nierozerwalności małżeńskiej w prawosławiu i katolicyzmie
Trojanowski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
St. Basil
St. Augustine
The proposed topic is extremely timely in an era of debate over the possibility of allowing divorced persons who have remarried to receive Holy Communion. In this regard it is worth examining the causes and consequences, which are still present in the canon of the Catholic Church, with a different understanding of the attribute of marital indissolubility. While in fact the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church agree on the teaching of the sacraments, including the teaching of the sacrament of marriage and its attribute of indissolubility, in practice the understanding of indissolubility results in a different use of canon in both Churches. The reason is primarily a different interpretation of the so-called Matthew clause. Hence, in the East, St. Basil the Great in some way allowed the practice of penance for divorced people who remarried. While his teaching on marital indissolubility is clear, the same cannot be said for the explanation of the discipline he recognizes. Interpretation of the individual principles described by St. Basil, causes many difficulties. In the West, the most significant Church Father in this matter is St. Augustine, he synthesized the teaching on marriage while explaining the doctrine and practice to be followed. He did not omit the attribute of indissolubility and defined the relationship between a man and a woman before the end of the previous marriage as adultery. As a consequence of the differences in understanding of the attribute of marital indissolubility, there are clear restrictions in today’s canonical discipline in the Catholic Church, which must be observed in the case of some pastoral service towards an Orthodox person, whether in the case of a mixed marriage or for any other reason.
Polonia Sacra; 2022, 26, 1; 139-164
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Celebracja liturgii św. Bazylego Wielkiego w tradycji liturgikonu weneckiego z 1519 roku
Płoński, Roman
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Leitourgikon wenecki
św. Bazyli Wielki
Venetian Leitourgikon
St Basil the Great
The Liturgikon was published in Venice in 1519, for the first time in Slavonic. It consists of 240 pages and contains a teaching addressed by St Basil to the clergy, commandment of St Basil, description of the preparation before the Divine Liturgy, the Prothesis, the liturgy of St John the Chrysostom, the liturgy of St Basil the Great, the liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, Vespers, Matins, the calendar and the closing prayers for feasts as well as smaller prayers, gospel readings for Sunday matins and others. The article discusses several aspects of the liturgy: commemoration of the saints during the prothesis, participation of the deacon in the intentional commemorations of the faithful, formula of the litany during the prayer for the catechumens and those who prepare themselves for baptism (nowadays red only during the Great Lent), Eucharist canon, procedure of the distribution of the Holy Gifts, formula of the thanksgiving prayer after the communion. In the Eucharist canon, only the Serbians still keep the ancient tradition, whereas Bulgarian, Polish and Russian contemporary versions of the Liturgikon have a different form – the entire text of “It is worth and just...” is sung. Also the contemporary version of the Epiclesis was enlarged by the troparion of the third hour. Different is also the Bulgarian version. Only the Serbs kept the ancient formula. Those variations of the same model indicate a more general problem of polarisation of the religious cult of the Slavs into southern (Bulgarian and Serbian) and northern (Kievan and Moscow) tradition. The latter influenced the forms of orthodox religious cult in Poland.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2011, Kościół prawosławny na Bałkanach i w Polsce – wzajemne relacje oraz wspólna tradycja, 2; 71-100
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktualność nauczania św. Bazylego Wielkiego na temat posługi przełożonego
Topicality of Saint Basil’s the Great teaching on the issue of superior’s service
Szymańska, Blanka Ewa
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
duchowość formacyjna
charyzmat posługi
reguła św. Bazylego
charisma of service
spiritual formation
St. Basil monasticism
Artykuł, odwołując się do źródeł życia monastycznego – Reguł dłuższych i Reguł krótszych św. Bazylego Wielkiego, prezentuje model posługi przełożonego. Jest to zagadnienie istotne z punktu widzenia współczesnych wspólnot, znajdujących się często w sytuacji przesilenia, oczekujących przede wszystkim wsparcia ze strony swych liderów, przełożonych, duchowych ojców i matek. W tekście ukazane zostały najważniejsze aspekty indywidualnego, duchowego rozwoju, jakiego od przełożonych oczekuje wspólnota, a także jakie uprawniają ich do sprawowania powierzonej posługi na płaszczyźnie emocjonalnej, instytucjonalnej, formacyjnej oraz eklezjalnej.
The article by referring to the sources of monastic life – Greater Rule and Lesser Rule by Saint Basil the Great, presents the model of superior’s service. It is a crucial issue from the point of view of modern communities, which being in the moment of crisis, await the support from their leaders, superiors, spiritual fathers and mothers. The text discusses the most important aspects of an individual, spiritual development, which is expected from superiors by the community and which entitles them to serve on the emotional, institutional, structural and ecclesial grounds.
Studia Gdańskie; 2011, 29; 15-28
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poszukiwanie przyczyny różnic cerkiewnosłowiańskiego i polskiego tłumaczenia tekstu anafory Liturgii św. Bazylego Wielkiego
Ławreszuk, Marek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
anafora św. Bazylego
język cerkiewnosłowiański
polski przekład
różnice w przekładach
źródła różnic
Anaphora of St. Basil
Polish Translation
Source of Differences
Disparities in Translations
The subject of the paper is to point out and explain the cause of disparities between Polish and Church Slavonic translations of the Anaphora Prayer of St. Basil the Great. We analyzed one of the most important liturgical texts, which stands at the center of Orthodox theologians and liturgists. The differences concern both the linguistic variations, differences related to the accepted source text, as well as those that change the meaning of the text.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2012, Język naszej modlitwy- dawniej i dziś, 3; 67-84
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dokument księcia Ilii (Eliasza) Konstantynowicza Ostrogskiego z 1531 r. (ze zbiorów Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. H. Łopacińskiego w Lublinie)
A document of Prince Ilia (Eliasz) Konstantynowicz Ostrogski of 1531 (from the collections of the Hieronim Łopaciński Regional Public Library in Lublin)
Грамота князя Ильи Константиновича Острожского 1531 г. (из фондов Люблинской Воеводской Публичной Библиотеки им. И. Лопацинского)
Baran, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego w Lublinie
książę Ilia (Eliasz) Konstantynowicz Ostrogski
Daszko Wasilewicz
folwark lewanowski
monaster Św. Wasyla (Św. Bazylego Wielkiego)
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. H. Łopacińskiego w Lublinie
Prince Ilia (Eliasz) Konstantynowicz Ostrogski
Lewanowski Folwark
Monastery of St. Basil (St. Basil the Great)
Hieronim Łopaciński Regional Public Library in Lublin
князь Илья Константинович Острожский
Дашко Василевич
левановский фольварк, монастырь Св. Василия
Люблинская Воеводская Публичная Библиотека им. Иеронима Лопацинского
Publikacja omawia dokument wydany przez księcia Ilię (Eliasza) Konstantynowicza Ostrogskiego w 1531 r. Zawiera tekst w języku oryginału i tłumaczenie na język polski oraz komentarz. Ten przechowywany w Wojewódzkiej Bibliotece Publicznej im. H. Łopacińskiego w Lublinie dokument jest unikatowy z kilku powodów. Jest jednym z nielicznych zachowanych dokumentów tego księcia i jak dotąd nie został jeszcze opublikowany i wprowadzony do obiegu naukowego. Został napisany na pergaminie w języku ruskim i jest nadaniem przez księcia, wówczas jego namiestnikowi w Ostrogu Daszkowi Wasilewiczowi, dworu oraz folwarku tzw. lewanowskiego w samym mieście oraz na przedmieściu w Łucku. Folwark ten był położony w pobliżu monasteru Św. Wasyla (Św. Bazylego Wielkiego). Wzmianka o nim jest obecnie najstarszym dokumentalnym świadectwem o tym monasterze. Przy przygotowaniu artykułu zweryfikowano wystawcę dokumentu oraz datę i miejsce jego wystawienia.
The publication presents a document issued by Prince Ilia (Eliasz) Konstantynowicz Ostrogski in 1531. It contains a text in the language of the original, a translation into Polish and a commentary. This document, stored at the Hieronim Łopaciński Regional Public Library in Lublin, is unique for several reasons. It is one of the few preserved documents of that Prince, and it has not been published nor brought to scholarly attention. It was written on parchment in Ruthenian language, and it is a conferment by the Prince to his Viceroy in Ostróg at the time, Daszko Wasilewicz, of a manor house and the so-called Lewanowski Folwark in the city itself and on the outskirts of Łuck. This folwark was located near the Monastery of St. Basil (St. Basil the Great). The mention of it is currently the oldest documentary evidence of this monastery. The issuer of the document and the date and place of its issue have been verified in the course of the development of the article.
Публикация содержит текст документа, выданного князем Ильёй Константиновичем Острожским в 1531 г., его перевод на польский язык и комментарий. Этот документ, хранящийся в Люблинской Воеводской Публичной Библиотеке им. Иеронима Лопацинского, уникален по нескольким причинам. Это один из немногих сохранившихся документов этого князя, который к тому же ещё не был опубликован и введен в научный оборот, а потому остаётся неизвестным исследователям. Написанный на пергаменте на русском (староукраинском, старобелорусском) языке этот документ является пожалованием, сделанным князем Дашку Василевичу (в то время – наместнику князя в Остроге) на владение так называемыми левановским двором и фольварком, расположенными, соответственно, в самом городе и в пригороде Луцка. Этот фольварк находился недалеко от монастыря Св. Василия, упоминание о котором в этом документе является самым старым оригинальным документальным свидетельством об этом монастыре. При подготовке публикации документа была установлена новая идентификация лица, которое его выдало, а также проверены дата и место создания документа.
Bibliotekarz Lubelski; 2017, 60; 69-80
Pojawia się w:
Bibliotekarz Lubelski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Żołnierz i służba wojskowa w świetle kościelnych źródeł normatywnych z IV i V wieku
Soldiers and military service in the light of legislative Church sources from the fourth and fifth centuries
Hołasek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
chrześcijański żołnierz
służba wojskowa
przepisy kościelne
Kanony Hipolita
Listy św. Bazylego
Konstytucje apostolskie
Kanony apostolskie
Christian soldier
military service
Church regulations
Canons of Hippolytus
Letters of St. Basil
Apostolic Constitutions
Canons of the Apostles
At the beginning of the fourth century the legal situation of Christians in the Roman Empire changed dramatically. Thanks to the Emperor Constantine they were no longer persecuted, and their faith became religio licita. From that point onwards the views of Christians on the state began to evolve. It was a long-term process, and happened at a varied pace. One of the aspects of this transformation was the change of Christian attitude to military service. It needs to be said that, from this perspective, the Church legislative sources have not been examined in a great detail. This article aims to take a closer look at several of the sources that include Church regulations relating to military service of the fourth and fifth centuries. These include, i.a., Canons of Hippolytus; Letters of St. Basil; Apostolic Constitutions and Canons of the Apostles. In addition, the article discusses the relevant contents of synodal and council canons from said period. These regulations show the adaptation of Church legislature to the new circumstances, in which the Roman state stopped being the persecutor and became the protector of Christianity. The analysis of numerous documents confirms that Christians were present in the Roman army already in the third century. Because of the spilling of blood and the pagan rites performed in the army, the Church hierarchs strongly resisted the idea of allowing Christians to serve in the military. Church regulations from the third century strictly forbade enlisting in the army, or continuing military service for those who were newly accepted into the community, for the reasons mentioned above. From other documents, however, we learn that the number of Christians in the army was nonetheless increasing. Many were able to reconcile military service with their conscience. At the beginning of the fourth century emperor Constantine granted Christians religious freedom. He allowed Christian soldiers to abstain from invoking pagan gods while swearing military oath (sacramentum), and to participate in Sunday services. The empire was slowly becoming a Christian state. It is for this reason that in the Church regulations from the fourth and fifth century we find acceptance for the presence of Christians in the army. Even though killing of an enemy required undertaking penance, it was no longer a reason for excommunication with no possibility of returning to the Christian communion. The Church expected Christian soldiers to be satisfied with their wages alone, and to avoid harming others through stealing, forced lodging or taking food. The Church in the East no longer considered it wrong to accept gifts for the upkeep of clergy and other faithful from the soldiers who behaved in a correct manner. From the mid-fourth century performing religious services started being treated as separate from performing a layperson’s duties. For this reason the bishops, in both parts of the empire, decided that clergy are barred from military service. In the West, those of the faithful who enlisted with the army after being baptised could no longer be consecrated in the future. In the East, the approach was less rigorous, as the case of Nectarius, the Archbishop of Constantinople, shows. By the end of the fourth century, the West adopted very strict rules of public penance for soldiers – the Popes reminded in their letters to the bishops in Spain and Gaul that after performing the public penance, the soldiers were forbidden to return to the army. We should not forget that the change in the attitude of the Church to military service was also affected by the political-military situation of the Empire. During the fourth and fifth centuries its borderlands were persistently harassed by barbarian raids, and the Persian border was threatened. Let us also remember that the army was not popular in the Roman society during this period. For these reasons, the shifting position of the Church had to be positively seen by the Empire’s ruling elites. The situation became dramatic at the beginning of the fifth century, when Rome was sacked by barbarians. Developing events caused the clergy to deepen their reflections on the necessity of waging war and killing enemies. Among such clergymen was St. Augustine, in whose writings we may find a justification of the so-called just war. Meanwhile, in the East, the view that wars can be won only with God’s help began to dominate.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 63; 353-373
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kult relikwii Jozafata Kuncewicza w Białej Podlaskiej w XVIII-XIX wieku
The cult of Josaphat Kuntsevychs relics in Biała Podlaska in the 18th and 19th centuries
Sęczyk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
Kościół grekokatolicki św. Jozafat Kuncewicz Bazylianie unici diecezja unia brzeska kasata
Greek Catholic Church St. Josaphat basil Uniates the diocese the Union of Brest dissolution
Od 1765 r. relikwie bł. Jozafata Kuncewicza przechowywano w cerkwi klasztoru bazylianów w Białej Podlaskiej, wywarły one duży wpływ na szerzenie na Podlasiu unii brzeskiej. Miasto stało się miejscem kultu religijnego zarówno grekokatolików i rzymsko-katolików. Święto ku czci Jozafata obchodzono dwa razy do roku 26 września i 12 listopada, do uświetnienia nabożeństw sprowadzano kapelę instrumentalną z Leśnej Podlaskiej, oraz urządzano widowiska pirotechniczne. Relikwie przechowywano w trumnie, bogato zdobioną z szklanymi okienkami, zawierała większą część ciała męczennika od głowy do pasa bez jednego ramienia. W celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa relikwiom papieże kilkakrotnie wydawali dekrety, nakazywali sporządzać oględziny relikwiarza, trumnę zamykano dwoma zamkami, opieczętowywano i zabijano gwoździami. Mimo wielu wysiłków w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa, grobowiec w XIX w. został kilkakrotnie sprofanowany przez nowicjusza z miejscowego klasztoru, prawosławnych duchownych, ludzi świeckich na polecenie władz carskich. Szerzenie kultu zostało przerwane przez kasatę klasztoru bazylianów w 1864 r., nowy proboszcz parafii Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny Mikołaj Liwczak zniósł doroczne odpusty ku czci świętego, następnie usuną relikwie z cerkwi na czas remontu budynku. Ostatecznie szczątki Jozafata pogrzebano potajemnie w podziemiach cerkwi w 1873 r.
Since 1765, the relics of Blessed Josaphat Kuntsevych were stored in the Basilian monastery church in Biała Podlaska. They had an enormous impact on spreading the Union of Brest in Podlasie region. The town became a place of religious worship for both Greek and Roman Catholics. A feast in honor of Josaphat was celebrated twice a year, on September 26 and November 12. To add even more honor to the services, the instrumental band from Leśna Podlaska was invited and pyrotechnic spectacles were arranged. The relics were stored in a coffin, which was richly decorated with glass windows. It contained most of the martyr’s body from the head to the waist without one arm. In order to ensure the safety of the relics, pops issued several decrees, ordered inspections of the reliquary casket and the coffin itself had two locks, the seal and nails hammered. Despite numerous efforts to ensure security, in the 19th century the tomb was repeatedly desecrated by a novice of a local monastery, Orthodox clergy and lay people at the behest of tsarist authorities. The spread of the worship was halted by the dissolution of the Basilian monastery in 1864. The new pastor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s parish – Mikołaj Liwczak abolished annual carnivals in honor of the Saint and then removed the relics from the church for the renovation of the building. Eventually, the Josaphat’s remains were buried secretly in the church’s basement in 1873.
Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny; 2016, 14; 59-65
Pojawia się w:
Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The winter seasons of 2013 and 2014 in the Ghazali monastery
Obłuski, Artur
Ochała, Grzegorz
Calaforra-Rzepka, Cristobal
Korzeniowska, Małgorzata
Maślak, Szymon
ed-Din Mahmoud, Zaki
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
medieval Nubia
building materials
King Basil of Makuria
St Onnophrios
ecclesiastical architecture
The article reports on archaeological and conservation work carried out by the expedition of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw in cooperation with the Sudanese National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums in two consecutive seasons in the winter of 2013 and 2014. The excavations focused on the southeastern part of the site. They led to the discovery of a second monastic church (South Church) adjoining the church (North Church) known from Peter Shinnie’s work at the site, as well as a sanitary complex consisting of latrines and associated rooms located along the east wall of the monastery. Building material from the South Church, textual and pottery finds recovered during the two seasons, as well as conservation of the wall plaster preserved in the North Church are reported in this article.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2017, 26(1); 367-398
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monks at work in Eastern Mediterranean: Ideals and reality
Wipszycka, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Fundacja im. Rafała Taubenschlaga
voluntary poverty
St. Anthony
Basil of Caesarea
Evagrius of Pontus
John Cassian
‘wandering and begging’ monks
Syriac monastic rules
The main question that the present paper tries to answer is as follows: since two discordant precepts concerning work were to be found in the New Testament, how did monks behave? One precept treated work as a duty, the other recommended not to care about one’s maintenance. The monks followed in their behaviour either the first or the second precept. As a result of disputes that took place in the fourth century the opinion prevailed that work was the better choice. It is important for us to find out when and under what circumstances that choice was done by the majority of the monastic movement in the East. It is also important to see what arguments were used by the monks of Late Antiquity in order to settle the conflict between the two discordant precepts. This conflict worried many and caused a renewal of a dispute that seemed to have been closed. Two ways of reasoning in favour of monastic work were generally used: monks might and should pray and work at the same time, satisfying both precepts; monks ought to work in order to be able to give alms, and this conferred to work a meaning that went beyond immediate usefulness. Praying and working at the same time was not always feasible in actual practice, but this did not bother authors of ascetic treatises.
The Journal of Juristic Papyrology; 2020, 50; 299-342
Pojawia się w:
The Journal of Juristic Papyrology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10

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