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The Impact of Foreign Shocks on the Polish Economy
Wpływ szoków zagranicznych na polską gospodarkę
Sznajderska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
efekty spillover
model SVAR
polska gospodarka
spillover effects
SVAR model
Polish economy
This study concerns the impact of foreign shocks on the Polish economy. We consider output shocks from China, the euro area, and the United States. We estimate structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) models with the level of foreign economic activity as an endogenous variable and foreign output shock as an exogenous variable. We identify foreign output shocks outside the model. Our results indicate that a euro-area output shock has the strongest effect on the Polish economy. Meanwhile, the spillover effects from China are similar for Poland and the euro area.
W artykule zanalizowano wpływ szoków zagranicznych na polską gospodarkę – szoków popytowych pochodzących z Chin, strefy euro i Stanów Zjednoczonych. Estymowano strukturalny model wektorowej autoregresji (SVAR) z miarą aktywności gospodarczej za granicą jako zmienną endogeniczną i zagranicznym szokiem popytowym jako zmienną egzogeniczną. Szoki zagraniczne identyfikowane są na zewnątrz modelu. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że szok popytowy ze strefy euro najsilniej oddziałuje na polską gospodarkę. Natomiast szok popytowy z Chin podobnie oddziałuje na gospodarkę polską i gospodarkę strefy euro.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2021, 305, 1; 33-52
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symetryczne a niesymetryczne przenikanie technologii w teorii i w świetle badań empirycznych
Symmetric versus asymmetric technology spillover in theoretical and empirical research
Knauff, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Celem pracy jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy przenikanie innowacji jest symetryczne, czy niesymetryczne, tzn. czy zależy ono od łącznego zasobu innowacji, czy też raczej przebiega od liderów innowacyjności do imitatorów. W pracy dokonano przeglądu literatury poświęconej modelowaniu przenikania, zarówno prac teoretycznych, jak i empirycznych, aby stwierdzić, że choć w literaturze przeważa pogląd, że przenikanie jest symetryczne, to istnieją istotne przesłanki wskazujące na jego asymetryczną naturę.
The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether the innovation spillover is symmetric or asymmetric, i.e. whether it depends on the total pool of innovation, or rather it leaks from innovation leaders to imitators. The paper is a review of the literature on spillover modeling, both theoretical work and empirical, to conclude that although in the literature prevailing view is that spillover is symmetric, there are significant reasons to pay more attention to its asymmetric nature.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2016, 96; 75-85
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bezpośrednie Inwestycje Zagraniczne a Inwestycyjna Ścieżka Rozwoju. Przypadek krajów grupy Wyszehradzkiej
Foreign Direct Investment and Investment Development Path. The Case of Visegrad Countries
Tchorek, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
foreign direct investment
spillover effects
bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne
efekty spillover
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie roli BIZ w transformacji gospodarczej i podniesieniu zdolności eksportowych gospodarek państw grupy Wyszehradzkiej. W pierwszej części opisano możliwe korzyści z BIZ, natomiast w drugiej warunki osiągania profitów z obecności inwestorów zagranicznych. Trzecia część poświęcona jest analizie relacji między napływem BIZ i zdolnością do ich eksportu z wykorzystaniem koncepcji Inwestycyjnej Ścieżki Rozwoju. W czwartej części przedstawiono dane oraz fakty związane z napływem i odpływem BIZ krajów grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Głównym przesłaniem artykułu jest to, że przyciąganie inwestycji zagranicznych nie może być celem samym w sobie. Powinny one służyć poprawie zdolności eksportowej i innowacyjnej gospodarki lokalnej. Wymaga to inteligentnej polityki przyciągania inwestycji „dobrej jakości”. Możliwość osiągania korzyści z obecności BIZ, ich wiedzy, technologii i dostępu do rynków zależą od cech określanych jako zdolności absorpcyjne. Zwiększanie możliwości absorpcyjnych gospodarki, oznaczające podniesienie jakości czynników wytwórczych, sprzyjamożliwości eksportu kapitału i zwiększaniu obecności krajowych podmiotów na rynkach zagranicznych w formie BIZ.
The main aim of the article is to describe shortly the role of FDI in economic transformation and increasing export capabilities of the Visegrad countries. In the first part potential benefits of FDI are described, and in the second one conditionality of gaining profits from FDI presence is outlined. The third part is dedicated to analysing the relation between the FDI inflow and the ability to export FDI using the concept of Investment Development Path. In the fourth part, data and facts related to inward and outward FDI of the Visegrad countries are recalled. The main message from the article is that attracting FDI cannot be the goal in itself. It should serve to improve export and innovation capabilities of a local economy. It also demands a smart policy dedicated to attracting “good quality” investment. Potential benefits brought about by the FDI presence and access to related knowledge and technology depend on absorption capacity. Increased absorption capability of an economy, namely improved quality of production factors, enhances opportunities for capital export and presence in foreign markets in the form of FDI.
Studia i Materiały; 2016, 2/2016 (22), cz.2; 201-212
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja oceny efektu spillover indywidualnej kreatywności pracowników przedsiębiorstw o zróżnicowanym stopniu know-how
The assessment conception of employees’ individual creativity spillover effect in enterprises with different levels of know-how
Концепция оценки влияния побочного воздействия на индивидуальное творчество сотрудников компаний с разной степенью knowhow
Augustyn, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
rozwój gospodarczy
efekt spillover kreatywności
Współcześnie istotnym czynnikiem determinującym rozwój gospodarczy jest kreatywny kapitał ludzki. Fenomen kreatywności jest przedmiotem dociekań wielu dyscyplin naukowych, takich jak np. psychologia twórczości, pedagogika twórczości, socjologia twórczości, ekonomia kreatywności, nauki o zarządzaniu, filozofia, neurobiologia, historia, czy nawet etyka. Z punktu widzenia ekonomii kreatywności szczególnie interesującym zagadnieniem są tzw. creativity spillovers bądź creative spillovers, czyli efekty rozprzestrzeniania się kreatywności pracowników, które mogą pozytywnie wpływać na procesy rozwojowe struktur gospodarczych oraz przyczyniać się do wzrostu efektywności funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw. Na podstawie dogłębnych studiów literaturowych w artykule postawiono problem naukowy w formie pytania badawczego, czy możliwe jest naukowe zaobserwowanie efektu spillover indywidualnej kreatywności pomiędzy pracownikami danej organizacji i czy podlega on względnie wiarygodnej kwantyfikacji? Artykuł ma formę komunikatu naukowego, jak również notki technicznej. Jego celem jest krótki opis planu badawczego, jaki autor zamierza zrealizować w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na zadane powyżej pytanie. Przedstawiono między innymi główną hipotezę naukową, hipotezy szczegółowe, cele badawcze, wybrane metody badań naukowych, jak również metodykę badawczą. Omówiono również proces budowy autorskiego narzędzia badawczego, jakim jest Kwestionariusz Efektu Spillover Indywidualnej Kreatywności (KESIK). Aktualna robocza wersja KESIK zawiera 20 stwierdzeń. Do ich oceny służy 5-punktowa skala z neutralnym punktem środkowym. Badany określa, w jakim stopniu zgadza się z danym stwierdzeniem. Dodatkowo KESIK zawiera dwa pytania (jedno otwarte i jedno zamknięte).
Creative human capital is an important determinant of economic development nowadays. The creativity phenomenon is the subject of investigations of many scientific disciplines, such as psychology, pedagogics, sociology, economics of creativity, management sciences, philosophy, neurobiology, history and even ethics. In terms of creativity economics a particularly interesting issues are creativity spillovers or creative spillovers – the effects of employees’ creativity spread which can positively influence the development processes of economic structures and contribute to the growth of enterprises functioning efficiency. Based on in-depth study of literature an interesting scientific question can be asked – is it possible to scientifically observe and measure employees’ individual creativity spillover effect in enterprises? The paper takes the form of a scientific statement, as well as a technical note. Its aim is a short description of the research plan, which the author intends to realize in order to answer the above question. Article discusses the main and detailed scientific hypothesis, research objectives, selected methods as well as the research methodology. It also presents the procedure of building an original research tool named The Individual Creativity Spillover Effect Questionnaire (ICSEQ). The current working version of ICSEQ contains 20 statements. The 5-point scale with a neutral midpoint is used to assess spillovers. Respondents are asked to mark their opinions on each statement. Additionally, ICSEQ contains two extra questions (one open and one closed).
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy; 2017, 52; 362-371
Pojawia się w:
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Asymmetric Response to Oil Price and Dynamic Covariation between Exchange Rate and Stock Price: Evidence from China
Ahmed, Nazeer
Dingchou, Ma
Onodje, Patrick
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Asymmetric Effects
Spillover effects
Structural Breaks
This paper's purpose is to test for asymmetry in the effect of oil price on China's exchange rate and stock price in the presence of structural breaks. It also sought to examine if dynamic covariation and volatility spillover exists between the exchange rate and stock price. We utilized weekly time series data on Brent and WTI prices, the USD-RMB exchange rate, and Shanghai composite index ranging from 2005-07-19 to 2020-09-22. We applied the Nonlinear ARDL for asymmetry tests and the BEKK-GARCH and DCC-GARCH for volatility spilloever analysis. Our methodology also accounts for possible breaks in the time paths of exchange rate and stock price that are likely to influence cointegration. The results show that oil price has asymmetric effects on exchange rate in the long-run only and on stock price in the short-run only. We also find that oil price cointegrates significantly with exchange rate and stock price only when structural breaks in the data are accounted for. The multivariate GARCH analyses provide no evidence of spillovers between exchange rate and stock prices but the DCC estimates showed evidence of dynamic correlation between both. Although several other studies have researched the nexus among the three variables for China, none, to the best of our knowledge, has explicitly tested for short-run and long-run asymmetries in the effect of oil price on exchange rate and stock market jointly. The paper's main contribution is the evaluation of asymmetry in oil price's effects on both markets vis-à-vis the theory while accounting for structural breaks.
World Scientific News; 2021, 156; 62-86
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Spillover" in action – Neofunctionalism Revisited. Freedom to Provide Services Outside the Country of Establishment and its Consequences
Riedel, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Bolkestein's Directive
Free movement of services
Services sum up to 70 % of EU’s GDP, and just 20 % of cross-border trade of the European Union – partly due to the unjusti! ed regulatory and administrative burdens implied on different levels of member states administration. The existence of those barriers has stimulated the works on the directive freeing the service sector and implementing a number of rules that may potentially become milestones of integration, compared only to such “history making” moments as Single European Act or Maastricht Treaty."The freedom to provide service outside the country of establishment’ principle, previously known as the ‘country of origin’ rule, carries this revolutionary impetus. It will allow a service provider be settled in one EU member state and deliver a service (personally or by delegated employees) in another one with all the legal consequences, especially: some aspects of taxation and social security contributions. Unsurprisingly, it has become one of the most controversial legal acts debated in the last decades Europe-wide. This principle may, to a large extend, undermine the foundations of welfare state, especially in the Western part of continental Europe, as it may force the regulated capitalism oriented countries (like Scandinavian ones) to verify their social policies accordingly to competition pressure coming from lower social standards member states. This may, as it is speculated in this paper, fuel the harmonising of social policies on Community level. Free movement of services was introduced fifty years ago, however it has been usually interpreted from the consumers’ perspective: free access to the service by service consumer relocation or trans-border trading. Service provider relocation was tolerated only when accompanied with establishment in the consumer’s country. The Service Directive, following the logic of previous European Court of Justice verdicts, introduces – on the secondary law level – the freedom to be established in another country than the country where the service is provided. This practical challenge is examined theoretically on the grounds of neofuncionalist rationale, as the discussed directive, by its supporters called: the greatest improvement of the internal market since its creation, can act as an empirical proof of neofunctionalism theory applicability. Implementing this approach, especially the revitalised spillover mechanism, is an efficient theoretical vehicle showing satisfactory exploratory power, as well as allowing speculations about the future development on the edge of politics and economy within European integration process. It also highlights the behaviour of supranational actors creating ‘stress among the states’ to progress the integration into the desirable direction (cultivated spillover). The deliberations in this paper are rooted in exempli! cations of so far practices infringing the free movement of services rule, as well as enriched with some argumentation for and against this form of directive (transformative decisions and legitimacy / democracy de! cit). The arguments used are deeply rooted in ! nal version text of the directive accompanied by interpretation of major principles. In the conclusive part author summarises that theoretical legacy of neofunctionalism – in the case of the Service Directive – seems to be adequate and the deductive argumentation based on it positively veri! es the potential of the theory.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2008, 37; 85-105
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Financial risk contagion to real sector in Iran: A VAR-BEKK-GARCH approach
Sabouri, Hossein
Abounori, Esmaeil
Tehrani, Reza
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Risk contagion
Volatility spillover
financial markets
Asset market interconnectedness can give rise to significant contagion risks during periods of financial crises that extend beyond the risks associated with changes in volatilities and correlations. These channels include the transmission of shocks operating through changes in the higher order co-movements of asset returns, including changes in co-skewness arising from changes in the interaction between volatility and average returns across asset markets. These additional contagion channels have nontrivial implications for the pricing of options through changes in the payoff probability structure and more generally, in the management of financial risks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the financial risk contagion from the financial sector to the real sector of the economy using VAR-BEKK-GARCH for the active industries in the Tehran Stock Exchange during the period of 1388-1395. The estimated coefficients for considering the period of the crisis and the recession in the stock market indicate that the coefficients are positive for the effect of the outflow in the stock market. Also, in the case study, there is a probability of financial risk fluctuation between the investigated industries. In addition, the results indicate that the risk and turmoil among the active industries in the stock market and the real sector of the Iranian economy are tangible.
World Scientific News; 2019, 137; 81-95
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Person-organization fit and organizational identification as predictors of positive and negative work-home interactions
Merecz, Dorota
Andysz, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
complementary and supplementary fit
organizational identification
work to family spillover
Objectives: The aim of the presented research was to explore the links between complementary and supplementary dimensions of Person-Organization fit (P-O fit), organizational identification (OI) and negative (WHI-) versus positive (WHI+) work-home interactions. It was assumed that both complementary and supplementary P-O fit and OI were positively related to WHI+ and negatively to WHI-. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on a large sample of Polish blue and white collar workers. The subjects were interviewed by means of questionnaires measuring: supplementary and complementary dimensions of P-O fit, OI and WHI. General work ability and demographic variables were also controlled in the study, and statistical analysis of ANOVA, pairwise comparison as well as regression were performed. Results: P-O fit and OI differentiated the subjects in terms of WHI. For women supplementary fit was a significant predictor of WHI- and explained 12% of its variance, for men it was complementary fit with the number of working days per week and the level of education, which explained 22% of variance. Supplementary fit and OI explained 16% of WHI+ variance in women; OI, tenure at the main place of employment and the level of education explained 8% of WHI+ variance in men. Conclusions: It has been proven that not only are the effects of P-O fit and OI limited to the work environment but they also permeate boundaries between work and home and influence private life - good level of P-O fit and good OI play facilitating role in the positive spillover between work and home. Gender differences in the significance and predictive values of P-O fit and OI for WHI were also found. The innovative aspect of the work is the inclusion of P-O fit and OI in the range of significant predictors of work-home interaction. The results can serve as rationale for employers that improvement of P-O fit and employees' organizational identification should be included in work-life balance programs.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2014, 27, 1; 16-27
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Information flow between revenue and stock exchanges: An empirical research on liner shipping companies
Açık, Abdullah
Baran Kasapoğlu, Esra
Ayaz, İlke Sezin
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Centrum Badań Socjologicznych
volatility spillover
information flow
stock price
freight index
liner shipping
The aim of this research is to test the volatility spillover between the stock values of the major liner shipping companies in the world and the freight indices measuring the freight revenues in the container market. The dataset in the study consists of 9 stock values of the top 10 biggest liner companies in 2018 and 3 container freight indices on weekly basis covering the period between 05.11.2010 and 06.07.2018. Volatility spillovers have been determined to some companies' stock values from some container freight indices, and the most influential freight index has been determined as New ConTex. Moreover, some volatility spillovers from some companies' stock values to freight indices have been also determined. These results suggest that some stock investors position their portfolios in the market according to the flow of information from freight indices while some investors position by following macro variables.
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics; 2021, 6, 1; 81-89
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Can recycling compensate for speeding on highways? Similarity and difficulty of behaviors as key characteristics of green compensatory beliefs
Byrka, Katarzyna
Kaminska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Green compensatory beliefs
difficulty of behaviors
compensatory behaviors
spillover effects
People believe that the effects of unecological behaviors may be compensated for by engaging in alternative conservation activities. The problem is, however, that those who hold such beliefs are less likely to engage in real behaviors. Understanding the structure of compensatory beliefs could potentially minimize this negative effect. In a pair of studies (qualitative and quantitative) we explored two aspects that appear key for compensatory beliefs 1) the similarity and 2) the relative difficulty of behaviors. We found that people spontaneously proposed compensatory behaviors which belonged to the same pro-ecological domain as the corresponding initial behaviors (Study 1). However, participants in the quantitative study agreed more often that they should compensate for one behavior with another when both behaviors belonged to the same cognitive category and simultaneously the compensatory behavior was relatively less demanding than the initial one (Study 2).
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2015, 46, 3; 477-487
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How job and family demands impact change in perceived stress: A dyadic study
Smoktunowicz, Ewelina
Cieślak, Roman
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
job demands
family demands
interrole conflict
Objectives: The aim of this two-wave study has been to test the spillover and crossover of job and family demands on changes in perceived stress at work and in the family. Specifically, we proposed that demands from one domain (work or family) spilled over to another domain through interrrole conflict (work–family/family–work conflict) and context-specific self-efficacy. Additionally, we hypothesized that changes in perceived stress were impacted not only by a person’s own demands through interrole conflict but also by the demands of one’s significant other, in the process of crossover. Material and Methods: The study was of dyadic design and it was conducted online, among 130 heterosexual couples, at 2 time points separated by 3 months interval. Hypotheses were verified by means of the path analysis. Results: No support was found for the spillover of job and family demands on changes in perceived stress through interrole conflict and self-efficacy, neither for women nor for men. With regard to the crossover, no support was found for the actor effects, i.e., a person’s demands did not impact changes in one’s own work- and family-related perceived stress but partial support was found for the partner effects, i.e., women’s job demands were associated with men’s changes in work and family-related stress through women’s work–family conflict, and men’s family demands were associated with women’s change in family-related perceived stress through men’s family–work conflict. Conclusions: The study is a longitudinal test of the Spillover–Crossover model and Work–Home Resources model demonstrating that job and family demands are transmitted across domains and across partners in the intimate relationships through the interrole conflict but the nature of this crossover is different for men and women. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(2)199–215
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2018, 31, 2; 199-215
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of business support organizations on innovation activity in manufacturing companies in the Masovian Voivodeship in Poland
Gorączkowska, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
business support organization
innovation activity
spillover of knowledge
logistic regression
Research background: The first business support organizations (BSO) appeared in Poland in the 90s of the last century. They were transferred from Western Europe and the United States, where they provided system solutions and played an important role in stimulating innovation activity. However, the latter regions are economically developed, while Poland is playing catch-up. The important question is whether business support organizations will significantly increase the innovative potential of  Polish enterprises. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to probe the impact of business support organizations on innovation activity in Polish industrial companies. It remains to be determined whether enterprises which use BSO services are more likely to engage in innovation activities than enterprises which do not use such services. Methods: To carry out the study, a multi-factor logit regression method was used. In this study, the method allows the determination of the odds ratio for the likely occurrence of innovation activity in companies that used the services of BSOs compared to enterprises that did not do so. The attributes of innovation activity have been singled out in accordance with the international standards of the Oslo methodology. The study was conducted in 2015 for the years 2012?2014 based on a sample of 951 manufacturing companies in the Masovian Voivodeship. Findings & Value added: In the Masovian Voivodeship it is the technological parks and training and consulting centres which have the most advanced degree of influence on the innovation activity of enterprises. The roles of technology incubators, and loan and guarantee funds are also significant. With regard to cooperation on innovation, there is a much better arrangement in sectoral systems, i.e., with suppliers, customers and competitors, than with scientific institutions.
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy; 2018, 13, 4; 741-759
Pojawia się w:
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Agricultural commodities: An integrated approach to assess the volatility spillover and dynamic connectedness
Mishra, Arunendra
Kumar, R Prasanth
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
dynamic connectedness
price volatility
volatility spillover
ag ricultural commodities
network diagrams
In this article the dynamic connectedness between the five agricultural commodities is examined by implementing the Diebold and Yılmaz (VAR based) and Time Varying Parameter Vector Autoregressions (TVP-VAR) measures for understanding the time-varying variance-covariance mechanism using daily data for the period of 2005 to 2019. The findings reveal that at an overall level all the commodity prices are less susceptible to significant volatility shocks from other commodities specifically before the introduction of the pan-India electronic trading portal (eNAM). Cotton prices do not show any variation due to spillover from others for the entire study period. The volatility spillover is visible post eNAM period particularly for the commodity stock prices. Whereas at an overall level the total directional connectedness has gone down in the post eNAM era. The network analysis suggests that the commodity stock prices show a stronger association as compared to market prices. Generally commodity prices show volatility connectedness but with respect to their own market which means strong spillover is missing among both the markets.
Economics and Business Review; 2021, 7, 4; 28-53
Pojawia się w:
Economics and Business Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stimulate economic growth by improving transport infrastructure – a lesson from China
Stimuliertes wirtschaftliches Wachstum durch verbesserung der Transportinfrastrukutr - ein lektor aus China
Wang, X.
Deng, D.
Wu, X.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
transport infrastructure
economic growth
spillover effects
infrastruktura transportu
wzrost gospodarczy
efekty zewnętrzne
This paper uses Feder model to test impacts of transport infrastructure on economic growth. With China provincial data from 1990-2010 the empirical models, including Basic model, Time-Lag model and Spatial model, demonstrate that transport infrastructure does have a positive Spillover Effect on economic growth. However, Direct Effect on economic growth is negative possibly due to Crowding-Out Effect and productivity difference between sectors. The research also proves the Spillover Effects are becoming weaker as time passed. Finally, Spatial Spillover Effect or Network Effects are confirmed.
Diese Thesis benutzt Feder-Model, um die Auswirkung der Transportinfrastruktur, die auf das wirtschaftliche Wachstum zu untersuchen. Mit den Daten aus chinesischen Provinzen zwischen 1990 und 2010 durch das empirische Modell, in dem das Basic-Model, Time-Lag-Model und Spatial-Model beinhaltet, kann man dadurch demonstrieren, dass die Transportinfrastruktur eine positive Spillover-Effekt auf das wirtschaftliche Wachstum auswirkt. Direkte Effekt auf das wirtschaftliche Wachstum ist jedoch möglich negativ, durch die Crowding-Out Effekt und Unausgeglichenheit der Produktivität zwischen Sektoren. Diese Studie beweist auch, dass die Spillover-Effekte mit vergangener Zeit schwächt wird. Außerdem werden die Spatial-Spillover-Effekt oder Network-Effekt nachgewiesen.
Transport Problems; 2014, 9, 4; 63-72
Pojawia się w:
Transport Problems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge spillovers and innovation: analysis of the relationships between service centres and MSMEs from the regional perspective
Przepływ wiedzy a innowacyjność: analiza relacji pomiędzy centrami usług a sektorem MMSP w ujęciu regionalnym
Klimek, Jordan
Łobacz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
centra usług
przepływ wiedzy
service centres
knowledge spillover
The innovativeness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) is dependent on accessibility to appropriate knowledge resources that enable creation of new market offers. Due to inherent limitations related to the possibilities of investing in the acquisition or creation of new knowledge, smaller entities may benefit from the proximity of large companies, especially multi-national corporations, which are actively involved in new knowledge creation, and this knowledge has the ability to spill over. The flow of knowledge from service centres to local smaller companies has the potential to stimulate innovativeness in regional service functions, creating opportunities for local entrepreneurs to develop and grow. Hence, the purpose of the considerations presented in this paper is to analyse the impact of the flow of knowledge from service centres to MSMEs as a result of interactions between them. For this purpose, empirical data from quantitative research carried out by the research team in 2016 on a representative sample of 1,100 micro small and medium-sized enterprises in the Zachodnio-pomorskie (West Pomerania) voivodeship were used. The analysis shows that service centres can have a positive impact on the innovativeness of companies in the regions in which they are located, provided that there is a flow of knowledge as a result of direct transfer or personal interactions.
Innowacyjność mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MMSP) determinowana jest posiadaniem odpowiednich zasobów wiedzy, które umożliwiają tworzenie nowych ofert. Ze względu na ograniczenia związane z możliwościami inwestowania w nabycie lub wytworzenie nowej wiedzy, mniejsze podmioty mogą odnosić korzyści z bliskości dużych firm, w tym szczególnie międzynarodowych korporacji, które tworzą nową wiedzę, która następnie rozprzestrzenia się w obszarze swojego oddziaływania. Przepływ wiedzy z centrów usług do lokalnych mniejszych firm niesie za sobą potencjał rozwoju innowacyjności w regionalnych funkcjach usługowych, stwarzając lokalnym przedsiębiorcom możliwość rozwoju i wzrostu. Stąd celem przedstawionych w artykule rozważań jest ocena wpływu przepływu wiedzy z centrów usług do MMSP, następującego jako rezultat występujących pomiędzy nimi interakcji, na innowacyjność MMSP. W opracowaniu posłużono się danymi empirycznymi z badań ilościowych zrealizowanych przez zespół badawczy w 2016 roku na reprezentatywnej próbie 1100 mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw województwa zachodnio-pomorskiego. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że centra usług mogą pozytywnie oddziaływać na innowacyjność firm w regionach, w których się lokują, pod warunkiem wystąpienia przepływu wiedzy w wyniku bezpośredniego transferu lub styczności występujących pomiędzy personelem.
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy; 2020, 63; 275-285
Pojawia się w:
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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