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Council of Europe overall strategy to fight against poverty
Świątkowski, Andrzej Marian
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Council of Europe
European Committee of Social Right
revised European Social Charter
social exclusion
social human rights
The poverty level in European Member States is far too high and the measures taken to remedy this issue were insufficient. The goal of Article 30 of the Revised European Social Charter (RESC) of 1996 is to obligate Member States to organise cohesive social policy concepts to fight poverty and social marginalisation. The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) concluded that the situation of some European countries is not in the conformity with the Article 30 of the Charter on the ground that there is no adequate overall and coordinated approach to combating poverty and social exclusion. The Parties which ratified the RESC must undertake measures within the framework of an overall and co-ordinated approach to promote the effective access of persons who live or risk living in situation of social exclusion or poverty, as well as their families, to, in particular, employment, housing, training, education, culture and social and medical assistance. European Member States and European international organisations (Council of Europe and European Union) must adopt the necessary legal, financial and administrative devices of ensuring steady progress towards achieving the goals laid down by the RESC. In his paper, the author presents the level of involvement of the authorities of some Member States of the Council of Europe in an ambitious, difficult and indispensable policy of achieving the above-mentioned task.
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały; 2021, (28), 1; 5-20
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Realizacja przez Polskę wybranych praw pracowniczych zawartych w Europejskiej Karcie Społecznej
Poland’s implementation of selected employee rights included in the European Social Charter
Binaś, Adrianna
Data publikacji:
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
Europejska Karta Społeczna
prawa pracownicze
rynek pracy
społeczne prawa człowieka
European Social Charter
employee rights
labour market
social human rights
W artykule scharakteryzowano prawa człowieka II generacji. Dokonano również analizy zakresu przedmiotowego wybranych praw pracowniczych uregulowanych w Europejskiej Karcie Społecznej oraz stopnia ich realizacji przez Polskę. Badanie objęło artykuł 1 (prawo do pracy), artykuł 2 (prawo do sprawiedliwych warunków pracy), artykuł 3 (prawo do bezpiecznych i higienicznych warunków pracy), artykuł 4 (prawo do godziwego wynagrodzenia) oraz artykuł 12 (prawo do zabezpieczenia społecznego). Ocena realizacji wyżej wymienionych przepisów Karty oparta została na konkluzjach Europejskiego Komitetu Praw Społecznych z sześciu cykli kontrolnych, począwszy od 1997 r., gdy Polska ratyfikowała Kartę, do 2014 lub 2016 r., w zależności od rozkładu cykli dla poszczególnych artykułów Karty. Badanie miało pomóc sformułować odpowiedź na pytanie, w jakim stopniu Polska wypełnia postanowienia wynikające z Karty. Przyjęto założenia teoretyczne (wywodzące się z instytucjonalizmu), iż normy uregulowane w Europejskiej Karcie Społecznej obowiązują w społeczeństwie i kształtują relacje między państwem a jednostkami.
The article characterises human rights of the second generation; with a subsequent analysis of the material scope of selected employee rights as regulated in the European Social Charter and the degree of their implementation on the part of Poland. The study covered Article 1 (the right to work), Article 2 (the right to decent working conditions), Article 3 (the right to safe and hygienic working conditions), Article 4 (the right to a fair wage), and Article 12 (the right to social security). Evaluation of the implementation of the above-mentioned Charter provisions was based on the conclusions of the European Committee of Social Rights in six control cycles, starting from 1997, when Poland ratified the Charter, and up until the years 2014 or 2016, depending on the control cycle distribution for the individual articles of the Charter. The survey tried to answer the question as to what extent Poland complies with Charter provisions. Theoretical assumptions were adopted, ones derived from institutionalism, that the norms regulated in the European Social Charter constitute binding principles in society and that these shape the relations between the state and individuals.
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka; 2022, 1; 47-75
Pojawia się w:
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu – studium porównawcze reżimów prawnych
Corporate social responsibility – the comparative study of legal regimes.
Suska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu
prawa człowieka
standardy pracy
przedsiębiorstwa wielonarodowe
raportowanie CSR
corporate social responsibility human rights
labor standards
multinational corporations
CSR reporting
Pogląd, że przedsiębiorstwa oprócz odpowiedzialności za maksymalizację zysków akcjonariuszy posiadają także pewną odpowiedzialność wobec społeczeństwa, ma długi rodowód. Jednak z praktycznego punktu widzenia społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu jest tworem powstałym dopiero po II wojnie światowej. Chociaż brak zgodności co do definicji CSR, istnieje kilka cech determinujących jej znaczenie – nawiązywanie do teorii interesariuszy, dobrowolności działań oraz odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw wobec społeczeństwa i środowiska naturalnego. Współczesna interpretacja CSR w kategoriach prawnych jest związana z nowym, horyzontalnym podejściem do standardów praw człowieka. Przedsiębiorstwa, uznając obowiązek prowadzenia swej działalności w poszanowaniu praw człowieka i brania odpowiedzialności za ewentualne ich naruszanie, wdrażają strategie CSR poprzez opracowywanie różnych kodeksów dobrych praktyk, przestrzeganie globalnych wytycznych oraz podejmowanie działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych i publikowanie raportów CSR. Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu stała się jednym z reżimów implementacji podstawowych praw człowieka i standardów pracy. Poszczególne kraje wykazują różny stopień rozwoju strategii CSR, który zależy od szeregu czynników. Jednak pomimo podejmowania działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych przez przedsiębiorstwa, szczególnie przedsiębiorstwa wielonarodowe, nadal w niektórych krajach, zwłaszcza krajach rozwijających się, dochodzi do naruszania podstawowych praw człowieka i standardów pracy.
The view that companies have certain responsibilities towards the society besides maximizing profits for their shareholders has been around for centuries. However, from a more practical perspective corporate social responsibility is largely an entity that was created after World War II. Although researchers disagree about the actual meaning of CSR there are several features that determine its interpretation – the shareholder theory, voluntarism and accountability for the society and natural environment. The contemporary interpretation of CSR in terms of legal regulations is connected with a new, horizontal approach to the human rights standards. Companies while recognizing their obligation of protecting human rights and taking responsibility for their violations implement CSR strategies through devising different codes of conduct and following global initiatives as well as taking socially responsible actions and issuing CSR reports. Nowadays CSR acts as the regime of implementation of fundamental human rights and labor standards. Countries all over the world indicate a different level of CSR penetration, which is dependent on a variety of factors. Nevertheless, despite the fact that companies, particularly multinational corporations, comply with the CSR principles, still in some countries, especially in developing countries, there have been acts of breaching human rights and labor standards.
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa; 2016, 16/2; 299-322
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa człowieka w pracy socjalnej. Walidacja instrumentów pomiaru poziomu zaangażowania i ekspozycji pracowników socjalnych na prawa człowieka. Polska adaptacja skal Human Rights Engagement in Social Work oraz Human Rights Exposure in Social Work
Human rights in social work. Validation of instruments for measuring the level of involvement and exposure of social workers to human rights. Adaptation of human rights engagement in social work and human rights exposure in social work scales in Poland
Boryczko, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
praca socjalna
prawa człowieka
praca socjalna oparta na prawach człowieka
pomiar postaw
social work
human rights
human rights based social work
attitude measurement
Artykuł ma na celu prezentację wyników badań nad zastosowaniem wystandaryzowanych narzędzi mierzących poziom zaangażowania na rzecz praw człowieka oraz poziom kontaktu (ekspozycji) z prawami człowieka pracowników socjalnych i studentek/studentów pracy socjalnej. Badanie polegało na przeprowadzeniu procedury adaptacji skal – Human Rights Engagement in Social Work (Zaangażowania na Rzecz Praw Człowieka w Pracy Socjalnej) oraz Human Rights Exposure in Social Work (Ekspozycji na Prawa Człowieka w Pracy Socjalnej) – do polskich warunków kulturowych oraz językowych. W pierwszej części omówiono zagadnienia związane ze znaczeniem praw człowieka w pracy socjalnej, aktualność perspektywy pracy socjalnej opartej na prawach człowieka oraz dokonano przeglądu literatury przedmiotu w tym obszarze. W części badawczej przedstawiono procedurę badawczą a także omówiono wyniki badań z wykorzystaniem testów trafności teoretycznej oraz rzetelności. Współczynnik alfa Cronbacha uzyskano na poziomie 0.877 i 0.845, co wskazuje na wysoki poziom zgodności wewnętrznej skal. W przypadku Skali Zaangażowania na rzecz Praw Człowieka w Pracy Socjalnej eksploracyjna analiza czynnikowa pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie pięciu czynników tłumaczących 58% wariancji zmiennych. Nie udało się określić charakteru prawidłowości kształtujących związki między zmiennymi, pozycjami skali. W przypadku Skali Zaangażowania na rzecz Praw Człowieka w Pracy Socjalnej dzięki eksploracyjnej analizie czynnikowej metodą głównych składowych z zastosowaniem rozwiązania rotowanego Varimax zidentyfikowano pięć wymiarów wyjaśniających 51.9% wariancji zmiennych. Jeśli chodzi o Skalę Ekspozycji na Prawa Człowieka w Pracy Socjalnej eksploracyjna analiza wykazała trzy wymiary skali wyjaśniające 65% wariancji zmiennych. Następnie podjęto próbę interpretacji wyników oraz zaprezentowano perspektywę potencjalnego zastosowania skal nad postawami pracowników socjalnych i studentek/studentów pracy socjalnej. Następnie zaprezentowano polskie wersje skal. Wyniki badania polskiej wersji skal wskazują, że narzędzia te są rzetelne oraz trafne teoretycznie i pozwalają na mierzenie poziomu zaangażowania oraz ekspozycję na wiedzę z zakresu praw człowieka w obszarze pracy socjalnej.
The article aims to present the results of research on the use of standardised tools that measure the level of commitment and exposure to human rights of social workers and social work students. The research was based on the adaptation procedure of two separate scales – Human Rights Engagement in Social Work and Human Rights Exposure in Social Work – to Polish cultural background and linguistic environment. The first part discusses issues related to the importance of human rights in social work, up-to-date status human rights-based social work perspective and a literature review in this area. The research part presents the procedure and discusses the results of theoretical validity and reliability tests. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was obtained at the level of .877 and .845, which indicates a high level of internal compatibility. It was not possible to determine the nature of the regularities shaping the relationships between the variables, items of the scale In the case of the Human Rights Engagement in Social Work scale the exploratory factor analysis (Varimax rotation) made it possible to identify five factors explaining 51.9% of the variability. In the case of the Scale of Human Rights Engagement in Social Work, the exploratory factor analysis allowed for the identification of five factors explaining 58% of the variance of variables. In the case of Human Rights Exposure in Social Work, factor analysis made it possible to identify three factors explaining 65% of variances. Then, an attempt was made to interpret the results and the perspective of the potential application of scales over the attitudes of social workers and students of social work was presented. Polish versions of the scales were also described. The results of the analysis of the Polish version of the scales indicate that they are reliable and possess theoretical accuracy, thus allow for measuring the level of engagement and exposure to human rights knowledge in the field of social work.
Praca Socjalna; 2020, 35(6); 78-98
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczne prawa człowieka w konstytucjach polskich
Personal Social Rights in Polish Constitutions
Bucińska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
społeczne prawa człowieka
Konstytucja Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
godność osoby ludzkiej
human social rights
Constitution of the Republic of Poland
dignity of
human being
The article aims at presenting the evolution of people’s guarantee of their social rights enshrined in Polish constitutions, beginning with the March Constitution of 1921. That constitution addressed the issue of social rights but to a limited degree. It pointed to the freedom of work, freedom of assembly and the right to social security. Such perspective did not differ much from the accepted standards of constitutional regulation of the time. Subsequently, the constitution of 1935 disregarded human rights, emphasising only civil obligations. The constitution of 1952, however, did feature a long catalogue of personal social rights. It is of note that the subject now was not a “human” but “citizen”, therefore the rights contained therein were deprived of their universal nature. The superiority of social rights over the political ones was now stressed. The interpretation and implementation of human rights were influenced by values that were thought to form the basis of legal order, such as social ownership. The interpretation of social rights changed along with the political and socioeconomic transformation in the constitution of 1992. Yet, the most radical alterations are contained in the Constitution enacted in 1997. These changes were significant not because the array of rights was now markedly greater, but because the axiological dimension which affected the interpretation of the rights was altered. The following values and principles were assumed to be fundamental: the principle of a democratic state of law, the principle of social market economy, the freedom of economic enterprise and private ownership. All recognised freedoms and rights of persons now followed from the inherent dignity of human beings. Human dignity, at the same time, forms the source and limits of rights and freedoms.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2009, 19, 1; 35-45
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Forbidden sexuality in Kunle Afolayan’s October 1 contentious sexual space
Wale, Ojoniyi, Olabode
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
human rights
social norms
There is a sense in which we can speak of two levels of dominant and peripheral sexual spaces within the Nigerian discourse of sexuality. The dominant space deals with the generally acceptable sexual orientation that essentially draws its legitimacy from the biological configuration of sexuality within the African temper of mind. It lays claim, at one level, to the public/cultural sexual space and, at another level, to the private sexual space which also, presumably, directly follows from the cultural sexual course. On the other hand, the peripheral sexual space is seen, to put it in Guarav Desai phrase, as “any nonnormative sexual practices” (2007, p. 736). This marginal sexual orientation has perhaps largely operated within the level of private sexual space, but now it seeks to renegotiate the Nigerian cultural/public sexual space. It is this attempt to renegotiate the dominant cultural/public sexual space that seems to have raised the tension within the discourse of sexuality in Nigeria in recent times leading to the legislation that out-rightly criminalises alternative sexuality in Nigeria. It is this contentious sexual orientation within the African consciousness; its presumed origin, violence and politics of practice that forms the focus of Kunle Afolayan’s film, October 1. This paper looks at October 1 within the contentious discourse of that which is seen as a forbidden sexuality, its attendant violence and destruction in relation to the fluidity and the shifting bases of African cultural orientation in the face of individualism and fundamental human right.
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies; 2018, 5(2); 68-73
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Validity of Human Rights in Europe in the Wake of the Crisis of Refugees from the Middle East
Ibarra Martínez, Jorge R.
Cota Navarro, Paul J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
Human Rights;
Social Movements;
The purpose of this article is to analyse the loss of validity in the principles of universality and equality that lead the international system of Human Rights, in the wake of the refugee crisis that arose in Europe in 2014. The main idea is that the massive arrival of refugees due to the violence in the Middle East revealed severe humanitarian contradictions in the European countries when providing the right to asylum, integration, acknowledgementand i ntercultural dialogue in favour of those affected by the war.T hrough an analysis of the debates that arose in Europe after the arrival of refugees to the continent, this article seeks to evidence the diminishmentin the social support to the values of freedom, international cooperation, multiculturalism and Human Rights; as well as an increase in the xenophobic and isolationist expressions. This work approaches the situation of Human Rights from the theoretical perspective of social movements, bearing in mind that the progressiveincorpor ation of these prerogatives in the national and international legal frameworks, has been encouraged by collective actions that generationally have managed to increase the repertoire of rights that protect human dignity. Nevertheless, the inconvenience now, is that regressive movements have begun to arise nowadays, threatening to move aside institutions that behold the ideal of a liberal and cosmopolitan democracy. To state evidence of such challenge, this work compiles the opinion of the European population in topics that refl ect their point of view on Human Rights. In this context, the research methodology was oriented to discourse analysis of online comments posted by readers of the newspapers with the highest circulation in six European countries, in relation to news that, because of their impact, appalled society and made them take part in the repercussions for their countries.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2019, 3; 133-151
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Protection of the rights of persons with disabilities under the European Social Charter
Smusz-Kulesza, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
rights of people with disabilities
social rights
human rights
European Social Charter
protection of social rights
The aim of the study is to discuss the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities un¬der the system of law of the Council of Europe. In particular, the focus is on the rights of per¬sons with disabilities to independence, social integration, and participation in the life of the community under the European Social Charter (ESC). This paper covers both an analysis of the Charter, with special attention paid to Article 15, and an examination of the decisions of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) with respect to this provision. Besides the regulation of these rights at the European level, this paper also discusses different examples of state regulations’ conformity or non-conformity with Article 15 ESC.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2020, 31, 3; 107-122
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social security of foreigners in Poland - the level of satisfaction of human needs among immigrants living in Poland
Banaszak, Artur
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
social security
human needs
human rights
At this moment, the presence of foreigners in our country is one of the importan problems aefcting society in Poland. eTh unstable situation on the eastern border with Belarus and numerous attempts to illegally cross the border by emigrants - refug from, among others, Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan, are one of the very popular topic of public and media disputes or topics discussed by politicians. This topic is very important and crucial - it concerns first of all respect for human rights in relation those people. Nevertheless, in Poland, apart from the problem of illegal foreigne there are also citizens of other countries who reside legally in our country. Curre it is a growing group, whose members are not citizens of our country, but they ar an increasingly important part of our society. eThrefore, it is worth taking up this topic and reflecting on the situation of foreigners who reside legally in Poland. eTh subject of this article is the issue of social security of foreigners staying in Poland. Th basic research question to which this article is to answer is the question of wheth foreigners legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland are guaran social security - it means if they have ability to live, survive and develop. eTh article will use the method of an interview and a survey conducted among foreigners livin in our country, as well as an analysis of available documents and sources regardi the situation of foreigners in Poland. eTh results of the research and analyzes indicat that the situation of foreigners in Poland is relatively correct, but not in all are needs of this group are fully satisfied.
Journal of Modern Science; 2021, 47, 2; 13-30
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"The European Committee of Social Rights as a Monitoring Body in the System of the European Social Charter"
Gadkowski, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
international protection of human rights
human rights treaty bodies
European Social Charter system
European Committee of Social Rights
collective complaints
The aim of this article is to present the European Committee of Social Rights as a moni-toring treaty body in the system of the European Social Charter. The author pays par-ticular attention to the mechanism of collective complaints, which was introduced to the Charter’s supervisory system on the basis of the 1995 Additional Protocol. In the author’s opinion, on the basis of the competence of the European Committee of Social Rights to hear collective complaints, it is arguable that this important treaty body in the system of the European Social Charter performs the function of a quasi-judicial organ in the monitoring process, which distinguishes it from other treaty bodies in the field of the international protection of human rights
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2018, 8
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Global Perspective
Alaverdov, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
human rights
social welfare
Aim. The goal of the paper is migration processes in the context of globalisation leading to the erosion of cultural identity and the emergence of many heterogeneous cultures in many countries. Modern countries, where traditional societies with minor inclusions of another culture of European origin, have turned into multicultural communities, in which there are many scenarios for intercultural dialogue and multiculturalisation, including such negative options as xenophobia and racism, highlighting that one of the consequences of the multicultural approach in Europe has been a retreat into closed cultural communities. Methods. During the working process on the paper we applied the main methods of social and political studies such as the comparative analysis method; empirical methods; the method of observation; evaluation method and methods of content analysis. The paper is based on empirical research materials, articles, reports, research, and books.   Results and conclusion. By way of conclusion, we can say that Muslim migrants who arrive in Europe, for the most part, do not hurry to integrate into the local society. Compared to the local population, they wear different clothes, have different habits, and profess a different religion. All this sets one to consider them y as “others,” as strangers, which, under certain conditions, can lead to a feeling of fear or hostility (Alaverdov, 2020). The fact that Muslims maintain respect for their traditions is often seen by residents of their host countries as a sign of disrespect for local traditions.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2023, 14, 2; 49-56
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczne implikacje etyki buddyjskiej
Social implications of Buddhist ethics
Nowosad, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
buddyzm, etyka buddyjska, oświecenie, życie społeczne, prawa człowieka, małżeństwo i rodzina, pokój i wojna
Buddhism, Buddhist ethics, enlightenment, social life, human rights, marriage and the family, peace and war
Though primarily focused on the individual’s enlightenment and happiness, Buddhist ethical thought does involve social areas of human life. This paper endeavours to grasp and propound ethical aspects of man’s social existence and relations which are of particular interest not only in recent Buddhist literature. It first outlines man as a social being including the modern and universal idea of human rights, also in their international dimension. What follows are some significant ethical aspects of marriage and family life. Then the paper presents main mutual relations between the king and his subjects with a reference to two major models of the Buddhist political rule as found in the historical examples of emperor Aśoka and the mythical Shambalan kingdom. Finally, the attention is concentrated on the issues of peace and war as perceived in light of the basic Buddhist principle of ahimsa but also ever more influenced by modern pluralistic societies and cultural transformations.
Przy całym swojej uwadze koncentrującej się na jednostce i jej ostatecznym wyzwoleniu ze zła (cierpienia), myśl buddyjska pozwala sformułować pewne zasady etyczne odnośnie do życia społecznego. Niniejsze opracowanie najpierw wskazuje na ważniejsze aspekty społecznego charakteru człowieka i jego natury wraz z odniesieniem do współczesnej idei praw człowieka, również w wymiarze międzynarodowym. Następnie uwaga zwraca się ku życiu w małżeństwie i rodzinie jako szczególnie istotnej rzeczywistości w każdym społeczeństwie. Z kolei artykuł wskazuje na wiodące zasady etyczne we wzajemnych relacjach między władcą i poddanymi, z odniesieniem do dwóch głównych modeli rządów w społeczeństwie buddyjskim, opartych na przykładzie legendarnego cesarza Aśoki i mitycznego królestwa Szambala. Na koniec zarysowana została buddyjska wizja pokoju i wojny, historycznie ewoluująca, ale zawsze odwołująca się do jednej z najbardziej podstawowych zasad buddyzmu ahimsa.
Studia Oecumenica; 2019, 19; 349-366
Pojawia się w:
Studia Oecumenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aksjologiczne podstawy ubezpieczeń społecznych
Axiological Foundations of National Insurance System
Rogowski, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
National insurance system
social policy
human dignity
human rights
The article emphasizes axiological and moral foundations of national insurance system. The most fundamental values connected with the insurance system are presented. It is illustrated how the moral values can be realized with the economics solutions such as retirement insurance and health insurance systems. The final aim of insurance system is to protect human dignity.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2009, 12, 1; 141-151
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona praw człowieka w Unii Europejskiej w aspekcie społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw – wybrane zagadnienia
Protection of human rights in European Union in the aspect of corporate social responsibility – selected issues
Bogucka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
human rights
European Union
Corporate Social Responsibility
The modern definition and catalogue of human rights were formalized after the World War II. One of the legal documents is Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 which states that all people are free and equal under the law, dignity and rights regardless a race, color, sex, language, religion, political and other views, nationality, social status and so on. All economic, social and cultural rights are also protected. An economic growth and common globalization require legal regulations on observations of human rights in business relations. Since 2001 European Union has been creating such regulations, admittedly not mandatory, but establishing corporate social responsibility (CSR). It means that an entrepreneur should consider in his economic strategy environmental and social aspects although accepting all those methods is entirely voluntarily. On February 6th, 2013, European Parliament accepted two resolutions on CSR: 1) Accountable, transparent and responsible business behavior and sustainable growth (2012/2098 (INI)); 2) Promoting society’s interests and a route to sustainable and inclusive recovery (2012/2097 (INI)). Resolutions include a new definition introduced by Commission, understood as “corporate responsibility for its influence on society”. The aims of both resolutions is to create mechanisms allowing to workout common values for enterprises owners, interested third parties and society and recognize, prevent and mitigate negative effects of destructing activity of enterprise. The involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises (MSP) sector in corporate social responsibility adjusting the methods of CSR to company size and character of activity is postulated. It is also seen that human rights in third countries, in which union companies have their shares and from which providers within chain of supplies originally come, need to be protected.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2013, 2; 89-101
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Claims-Making and Human Rights in Domestic and International Spheres
Ayukawa, Jun
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Human Rights
Social Constructionism
While the concept of human rights may seem basic, it is important for social constructionists to understand that the meaning of the term can vary from country to country. In this paper, I will examine the translation and meaning of human rights and human rights lawyer in Japanese. I show how the vagueness of the term is important and I demonstrate the dialectical relationship between domestic social issues and international organizations concerning human rights. I also demonstrate how the combination of powerful international organizations and domestic claims can sometimes be successful in changing a country’s policy.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2015, 11, 2; 110-121
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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