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Ценности личности в пeриoд социальногo кризиca
Human values in the period of social crisis
Waricz, W.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
hierarchia wartości
wartości społeczne
kryzys społeczny
value hierarchy
social values
social crisis
The article discusses the transformation of social values in the period of state systems crisis. The author presents the dynamics of the changes in the values hierarchy in societies undergoing transformation.
Ekonomia i Zarządzanie; 2012, 4, 3; 72-91
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzeczywistość kryzysu we współczesnych uwarunkowaniach polityczno-militarnych
Reality crisis in contemporary political-military conditions
Roman, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
crisis situation
social crisis
political crisis
military crisis
armed conflicts
sytuacja kryzysowa
kryzys społeczny
kryzys polityczny
kryzys militarny
konflikt zbrojny
The article attempts to define the meaning and nature of the crisis in general. The author discusses the problems associated with the duality of this issue – static and dynamism of this phenomenon. In this article the essence, classification, recognition and definitional identity crisis in the social sciences. The crisis mainly includes aspects of political, military, economic, psychological, ecological, social and even humanitarian. Mankind from the beginning of its existence has to deal with the crisis. They are called random events, personal setbacks and failures in life. Everyone’s life is marked by constant changes in the aftermath of critical events. We live in an environment uncertain environment, where in addition to the positive and negative also occur, causing the internal state of imbalance. In addition to the factors, the author focused his attention on a particular type of crisis – the crisis of the political-military, which includes a political crisis linked to the armed conflict, carried below the threshold of war. The crisis is part of our lives, affects all of us, what is important is the expected and even desirable. It requires us to change and take on new challenges and tasks. On the other hand, crises trigger social awareness conservative attitudes, often giving up, even extreme criticism of reality, instead of searching for solutions of difficult situations, other than those to which we are accustomed.
W artykule podjęto próbę zdefiniowania pojęcia i istoty kryzysu w ogólnym ujęciu. Autor porusza problematykę związaną z dualizmem tego zagadnienia, jakim jest statyczność i dynamiczność tego zjawiska. W omawianym artykule przedstawiono istotę, podział, ujęcia definicyjne oraz tożsamość kryzysu w naukach społecznych. Kryzys obejmuje przede wszystkim aspekty polityczne, militarne, ekonomiczne, psychologiczne, ekologiczne, społeczne czy nawet humanitarne. Ludzkość od początków swego istnienia ma do czynienia z sytuacjami kryzysowymi. Są one wywoływane zdarzeniami losowymi, niepowodzeniami osobistymi oraz porażkami życiowymi. Życie każdego człowieka naznaczone jest ciągłymi zmianami w następstwie krytycznych wydarzeń. Żyjemy w otoczeniu, środowisku niepewnym, gdzie obok wartości pozytywnych następują również i negatywne, powodujące stan wewnętrznej nierównowagi. Oprócz przedstawionych czynników, autor skoncentrował swoją uwagę na szczególnym rodzaju kryzysu – kryzysie polityczno-militarnym, który obejmuje kryzys polityczny połączony z konfliktem zbrojnym, realizowanym poniżej progu wojny. Kryzys jest częścią naszego życia, dotyczy nas wszystkich, co ważne, jest spodziewany, a nawet pożądany. Wymaga od nas zmian i podejmowania nowych wyzwań i zadań. To z jednej stron, z drugiej – sytuacje kryzysowe wywołują w świadomości społecznej kształtowanie postaw zachowawczych, często rezygnację, a nawet skrajny krytycyzm rzeczywistości, zamiast poszukiwania rozwiązań sytuacji trudnych, innych niż te, do których jesteśmy przyzwyczajeni.
Journal of Modern Science; 2016, 28, 1; 369-388
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczne koszty migracji. Analiza zjawiska na przykładzie współczesnych migracji pracowniczych na Ukrainie
The Social Costs of Migration Analysis of the Phenomenon on the Example of Modern Labour Migration in Ukraine
Bednarek, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
migracje pracownicze
przepływ ludności
labour migration
social costs
social crisis
Artykuł jest próbą syntetycznego spojrzenia na problematykę migracji pracowniczych na Ukrainie. W polu zainteresowań badawczych znalazły się społeczne oraz polityczno-gospodarcze następstwa zjawiska masowego odpływu obywateli ukraińskich do pracy za granicą. Na podstawie różnorodnych materiałów badawczych – danych statystycznych, raportów, ekspertyz oraz artykułów naukowych – podjęto próbę obiektywnego wskazania zarówno pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych tendencji towarzyszących migracjom zarobkowym na Ukrainie. Zawarte w artykule wnioski uwzględniają kontekst zmian geopolitycznych w obszarze poradzieckim, jakie nastąpiły w ostatnich miesiącach. Zjawisko migracji pracowniczych na Ukrainie przybrało masową skalę. Ponieważ spora część strumieni migracyjnych skierowana jest do Polski, analiza tego problemu wydaje się aktualna, ważna i interesująca.
The subject of this article is the question of the social consequences of economic migration in Ukraine. Migrant workers contribute to growth and development in their countries but in the long term perspective mass migrations of citizens abroad may cause serious social crisis. Migrations are a serious threat to family policy, employment policy and social security of citizens. Migration strategy the state should find a solution which on the one hand will make use of the gains offered by the free movement of persons on the other hand will stop the negative social effects of migration.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2015, 62, 1; 129-140
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social work failure? The issues of social work developments in postmodernity
Opatrný, Michal
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
client's needs
social pedagogy
social policy
social services
social work
social work crisis
This study deals with the current issues of social work mainly in the Czech and European contexts. It shows that the debate on social work crisis finds its roots of the crisis in social policy, and in structural,legislative and financial conditions it creates for social work. The study, therefore, suggests three questions that should be answered primarily by social work both as a practical profession and professional research, to be able to define its own professional interest.
Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne; 2016, 16; 7-11
Pojawia się w:
Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Development of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of Overcoming a Welfare State Crisis: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Rozwój społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w kontekście przezwyciężenia kryzysu państwa opiekuńczego: próba analizy teoretycznej i empirycznej
Grazhevska, Nadiia
Mostepaniuk, Alla
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
państwo opiekuńcze
kryzys społeczny
polityka społeczna
opieka społeczna
społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu
welfare state
social crisis
social policy
social protection
corporate social responsibility
The current social crisis, caused by the negative consequences of globalization, labor migration, and an aging population, requires the state’s role in economic and social spheres to be reconsidered. In order to achieve and maintain sustainable economic growth, the pressing social problems, such as poverty, hunger, discrimination, and the unequal distribution of income, should be solved. Under these circumstances, the paper investigates the process of forming a welfare state to evaluate the role of current states in this period of social crisis. To achieve the aim, the following methods were used: historical and systematic analysis of the scientific literature and socio-economic conditions of the evolution of theoretical approaches of the welfare state, and the causes and characteristics of the present social crisis; cluster analysis of European countries to find similar patterns based on the level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) development, state social expenditures, and the government budget balance. The paper contains a detailed analysis and discussion of the formation of a welfare state. The study concludes that the process of delegating some state social services to the private sector in the form of CSR can be considered an efficient mechanism to eliminate and overcome the current social crisis through the accumulation of social capital. At the same time, the results of the cluster analysis of European countries demonstrated the importance of CSR development as a compensator for the negative effects of a public welfare crisis and for solving pressing social problems in most European countries. Specific features of post-socialist countries in the context of social orientation of state policy and the development of CSR are highlighted.
Obecny kryzys społeczny spowodowany negatywnymi konsekwencjami globalizacji, migracji zarobkowej i starzenia się społeczeństwa, wymaga ponownego rozważenia roli państwa w sferze gospodarczej i społecznej. Ponadto, w celu osiągnięcia i utrzymania trwałości wzrostu gospodarczego, należy rozwiązać zasadnicze problemy społeczne, takie jak ubóstwo, głód, dyskryminacja i nierówny podział dochodów. W tych okolicznościach praca ma na celu zbadanie procesu kształtowania się koncepcji państwa opiekuńczego w celu oceny roli dzisiejszych państw w okresie kryzysu społecznego. Aby osiągnąć cel pracy, zastosowano następujące metody: historyczną i systematyczną analizę literatury naukowej oraz społeczno-ekonomicznych uwarunkowań ewolucji teoretycznych ujęć państwa opiekuńczego, przyczyn i cech obecnego kryzysu społecznego; analizę skupień krajów europejskich w celu znalezienia podobnych wzorców na podstawie poziomu rozwoju społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (CSR), wydatków socjalnych państwa oraz salda budżetu państwa. Artykuł zawiera szczegółową analizę i omówienie powstawania koncepcji państwa opiekuńczego. Z badania wynika, że proces delegowania części państwowych usług socjalnych do sektora prywatnego w formie CSR można uznać za skuteczny mechanizm eliminacji i przezwyciężenia obecnego kryzysu społecznego poprzez akumulację kapitału społecznego. Jednocześnie wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy skupień krajów europejskich dowiodły znaczenia rozwoju CSR jako kompensatora negatywnych skutków kryzysu opieki społecznej i rozwiązywania palących problemów społecznych w większości krajów europejskich. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na specyfikę krajów postsocjalistycznych w kontekście społecznej orientacji polityki państwa i rozwoju CSR.
Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe; 2021, 24, 1; 123-140
Pojawia się w:
Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Where Is the World Heading? Social Crisis Created by Promotion of Biofuels and Nowadays Liberal Capitalism
Dokąd zmierza świat? Kryzys społeczny stworzony przez promocję biopaliw i współczesny liberalny kapitalizm
Pawłowski, L.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
sustainable development
ecological crisis
social crisis
energetical policy
greenhouse effect
rozwój zrównoważony
kryzys ekologiczny
kryzys społeczny
polityka energetyczna
efekt cieplarniany
Człowiek współczesny dzięki rozwojowi techniki i technologii jest zdolny praktycznie do dowolnego przekształcania świata, nie wyłączając jego zagłady. Jeśli zatem obserwuje się narastający kryzys ekologiczny to jego przyczyny należy doszukiwać się w dominującym obecnie modelu społeczno-ekonomicznym opartym na idei liberalnego kapitalizmu, w którym dominującą pozycje zajęły międzynarodowe korporacje. Osłabione przez Prezydenta R. Regana i premier M. Thatcher związki zawodowe nie są w stanie równoważyć siły tych korporacji. W konsekwencji w większości krajów lawinowo rosną nierówności. Zachodzące przemiany zostały zilustrowane na przykładzie zaopatrzenie w energie. Rozwój niekontrolowanego rynku biopaliw doprowadził do 2,5-krotnego wzrostu cen żywności w sytuacji kiedy ponad 1 mld ludzi głoduje. Zakładane wielkoobszarowe plantacje roślin przeznaczonych na biopaliwa, przyczyniają się do poważnych negatywnych zmian w środowisku w krajach rozwijających się. Co gorsze ich stosowanie w większości przypadków nie przyczynia się do redukcji emisji CO2.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2015, Tom 17, cz. 1; 26-39
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wciseł, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
crisis migration, refugees, social media, internet
Migrants and refugees find themselves in the media spotlight due to the attention generated by the migrant crisis. This article aims at an analysis of the selected mainstream and civic media in Poland, together with their published materials and media initiatives. The author points to the polarity of the media attitudes and differences in the media coverage of the migration topic. This article should be regarded as a contribution to the discussion over the role of the media in the coverage of the migrant crisis, especially in the context of the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Poland.
Polityka i Społeczeństwo; 2017, 15, 1; 145-157 (13)
Pojawia się w:
Polityka i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drosik, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
crisis, crisis management, issue management, social media
There is no denying that one of the foundations of contemporary politics, and perhaps the most important, is the image. The image of politician and the party, the image which is so carefully looked after by numerous specialists. Elaborately prepared design, which is delicately managed to create the right impression. At the same time this construction is exposed to dozens of hazards that can cause all sorts of crisis situations. So far, in the practice of public relations there is a belief that a crisis in any organization (entity) is inevitable, like death and taxes. The department of public relations is also responsible for crisis management during the course of events of the crisis situation. However, today more and more often, we go one step further, pointing out that it is necessary to strive for a situation in which any possible crisis will be detected early or even beforehand, and thus the appearance of the crisis situation will be postponed into the indefinite future. For anticipating the crisis, from the point of view of public relations, responsible is “issue management” and the purpose of this article is to present to use of the Twitter portal as a tool used to foresee a crisis situation with regard to the political image. The example of actions taken by the Ministry of Regional Development during a press conference of Law and Justice party in November 2013 was used as a case study.
Polityka i Społeczeństwo; 2017, 15, 1; 101-116 (16)
Pojawia się w:
Polityka i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Robotnik na wynagrodzeniu w Ml 3,5 jako symbol kryzysu społecznego w i poł. V w. przed Chr.
Hireing in Mal 3:5 as a Sign of Social Crisis in the First Half of the 5th Century BC
Zawadzki, Arnold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Księga Malachiasza
kryzys społeczny
stawki najmu
wages of hireling
social crisis
The main aim of the article is to illustrate the social crisis in the 5th century BC, whose symbol in Mal 3,5 is a hireling working for wages. The grammatical and syntactic analysis of the expression Sükar-Säkîr helps to elucidate the situation of the hireling in the 5th century BC brought almost to the status of slave. The editorial addition, identifiable in Mal 3,1-5, is in turn the evidence of attempt to incorporate the original prophecy of Malachi in the process of extinguishing the embers of the social crisis.
Verbum Vitae; 2014, 25; 81-102
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wokół stosowania podejścia krytycznego do badania współczesnej polskiej rzeczywistości społeczno-politycznej
On the application of critical approach to the studies of contemporary socio-political situation in Poland
Borowiec, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
podejście krytyczne
Karol Marks
nauka o polityce
kryzys społeczny
critical approach
Karol Marx
political studies
social crisis
Dynamika przemian polityki zmusza badaczy do korzystania z różnych paradygmatów naukowych, podejść badawczych, technik, metod i metodologii. Niniejszy tekst jest refleksją nad zastosowaniem podejścia krytycznego oraz wykorzystania w większym zakresie podejścia i postawy krytycznej do badania rzeczywistości społeczno-politycznej. Częstsze wykorzystanie zasobów tego podejścia jest rozbudowaniem możliwości politologii o metody badawcze, refleksję i postawy mogące sprostać wielu problemom polskiej współczesności, w tym zaspokojenia oczekiwań zwolenników politologii stosowanej. W artykule ukazano przyczyny niewielkiego zastosowani tego podejścia w Polsce oraz argumenty za zmianą tego stanu. Uzasadniono także potrzebę częstszego przyjmowania postawy krytycznej wobec współczesnych zjawisk społeczno-politycznych.
The dynamic character of political changes necessitates the use of various scientific paradigms, research approaches, techniques, methods and methodologies. The following paper constitutes a reflection on the application of critical approach and examines how the critical approach and attitude can be applied more broadly to study a socio-political situation. Making this approach more popular should help to expand the potential of political science with research methods, reflection and attitudes that can help address numerous problems of contemporary Polish situation and meet the expectations of the proponents of applied political science as well. The paper explores the reasons behind the reluctance in the use of this approach in Poland and presents arguments supporting the change in this state of affairs. The reasons why a critical stance towards contemporary socio-political phenomena should be employed more often are also provided.
Społeczeństwo i Polityka; 2020, 4(65); 51-71
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mesjaństwo w Ml 3,1-5 i jego deuteronomistyczna korekta – studium egzegetyczno-historyczne
The Messianic Problematics in Mal 3:1-5 and Its Deuteronomistic Correction. An Exegetical and Historical Study
Zawadzki, Arnold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
book of malachi
messenger of the covenant
social crisis
messianic problematics
eschatological prophecy
sons of levi
wages of hireling
Based on a detailed analysis of Mal 3:1-5, the article attempts to depict a specific function of the socially engaged messianic movement that opposes the incipient crisis of the Judean society in the 5th century BC. As evidenced by the editorial addition in Mal 3:1b-4, the internal discussion went on among the Judean leaders who were concerned about the growing discontent among the population and the subsequent emergence of the prophetic current that with its eschatological and subversive claims could undermine a slow and delicate process of the reconstruction of the country under the watchful and effective control of the Persians. The editorial addition in Mal 3:1-5 reveals the attempt to incorporate the original prophecy of Malachi in the process of extinguishing the embers of the social crisis.
The Biblical Annals; 2015, 5, 2; 375-403
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"There is no store in Tarda again..." Some remarks on the functioning of rural communities in south-western Mazury on the example of Bartężek, Tarda and Winiec
"W Tardzie znów nie ma sklepu…" Kilka uwag na temat funkcjonowania wiejskich społeczności w południowo-zachodnich Mazurach na przykładzie Bartężka, Tardy i Wińca
Walczak, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
kryzys społeczny
transformacja kulturowa
społeczność lokalna
ojczyzna prywatna
social crisis
cultural transformation
local community
private homeland
This article describes the economic and socio-cultural transformations experienced in recent decades by the communities of three villages, Bartężek, Tarda and Winiec, located in the western part of the Warmia-Mazury province. The immediate cause of these changes was the political and economic transformations that took place in Poland after 1989. However, the aftermath of the specific, and often predominantly negative, effects of these transformations are seen in the contemporary history of the region and its inhabitants; in particular, the challenge faced by the newly forming Polish state to domesticate, incorporate and unite – both administratively and economically, as well as (most importantly!) symbolically and culturally – the areas of the so-called Recovered Territories with the rest of the country. The great experiment, which was the formation of a new and modern society (in intention) of the Northern and Western Territories, was not successful everywhere. The localities and their inhabitants featured in the work are examples of this. Objective factors, mostly unemployment and transportation exclusion, which afflicted and partly continue to afflict the residents since the early 1990s, overlapped with the lack of sufficiently strong social and cultural ties binding the group together and with the inhabited space. The result of this process was a rapid exodus (if not flight) of primarily young people in search of income and a new place to live. This exodus determined the social and cultural condition of the described villages today, and perhaps many similar ones in the region. The article, using ethnographic detail, reveals the backstage of the economic and social collapse of the villages mentioned and the communities that comprise them, and points to the socio-cultural and symbolic causes of this process.
Niniejszy artykuł opisuje ekonomiczne i społeczno-kulturowe przemiany, jakich doświadczyły w ostatnich dekadach społeczności trzech wsi: Bartężka, Tardy i Wińca, położonych w zachodniej części województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Bezpośrednią przyczynę owych przekształceń stanowiły transformacje polityczno-gospodarcze, jakie nastały w Polsce po 1989 r. Specyficzne, a często w przeważającym stopniu negatywne, skutki tych przemian są jednak pokłosiem współczesnej historii tego regionu i jego mieszkańców; w szczególności wyzwania, jakie stanowiło dla nowo formującego się państwa polskiego oswojenie, włączenie i zespolenie, zarówno w wymiarze administracyjno-gospodarczym, jak i (co najistotniejsze!) symboliczno-kulturowym, terenów tzw. Ziem Odzyskanych z resztą kraju. Wielki eksperyment, jakim była budowa nowego, w zamyśle nowoczesnego społeczeństwa Ziem Północnych i Zachodnich, nie wszędzie się powiódł. Miejscowości i ich mieszkańcy, które zostały przedstawione w pracy, stanowią tego przykład. Czynniki obiektywne, w decydującym stopniu bezrobocie i wykluczenie komunikacyjne, które od początku lat 90. XX w. trapiły i częściowo nadal trapią mieszkańców, nałożyły się na brak dostatecznie silnych więzi społecznych i kulturowych spajających grupę pomiędzy jej członkami oraz z zamieszkiwaną przestrzenią. Efektem tego procesu był gwałtowny odpływ (jeśli nie ucieczka) przede wszystkim młodych ludzi w poszukiwaniu zarobku i nowego miejsca w życiu. Odpływ ten zadecydował o dzisiejszej kondycji społecznej i kulturowej opisanych miejscowości, jak i zapewne wielu im podobnych w tym regionie. Artykuł, posiłkując się etnograficznym detalem, odsłania kulisy ekonomiczno-społecznej zapaści wymienionych wiosek i tworzących je społeczności oraz wskazuje na społeczno-kulturowe i symboliczne przyczyny tego procesu.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2023, 29; 263-287
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Co po socjologii?
What Will Replace Sociology?
Hartman, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Małopolska Szkoła Administracji Publicznej
kryzys nauk społecznych
świadomość społeczna
crisis of social sciences
social consciousness
Artykuł poświęcony jest diagnozie teoretycznej i społecznej sytuacji nauk społecznych oraz ich perspektywom. Nauki społeczne dawno już zrytualizowały odtwarzający się nieustannie "dyskurs kryzysowy". Czerpanie przez nie korzyści z ciągłego diagnozowania własnego kryzysu jest etycznie dwuznaczne. To samo dotyczy nieustannego powracania do dialektyki niezaangażowania i zaangażowania, czyli opisu i oceny. Nieuchronność zaangażowania aksjologicznego socjologii często staje się alibi dla zadowalania się tylko jego pozorami. Socjologia nie jest niewinna. Wpływa ona silnie na świadomość społeczną, dostarczając klasie średniej i elitom narzędzi samowiedzy i w rezultacie tworząc "społeczeństwo małych socjologów". Socjologia zmieniła społeczeństwo, narzuciła mu swój idiom, lecz nie bierze odpowiedzialności za konsekwencje tego faktu. Jest sceptyczna i swym sceptycyzmem zaraża społeczeństwo. Jeśli dyskurs socjologii miał pełnić funkcję terapeutyczną, to poniósł porażkę. W artykule twierdzi się, że socjologia musi przejść w fazę "postyczną", czyli przeobrazić się w coś, co nie będzie już socjologią. W związku z tym autor poddaje krytycznej ana-Ezie kilka założeń, jakie przyjmują (zwykle) nauki społeczne. Bo przyszłość nauk społecznych i przyszłość społeczeństwa są ze sobą najściślej splecione.
The article offers an analysis of the theoretical and social condition of social sciences and their prospects. Long ago. social sciences managed to ritualize the 'crisis discourse' that has perpetuated itself since. Deriving benefits from repeatedly diagnosing its own crisis is an ethically dubious pursuit. The same observation applies to the incessant revisiting of the dialectics of involvement and non-involvement, in other words, description versus evaluation. The inevitability of axiological commitment of sociology often becomes an alibi for being satisfied with appearances only. Sociology is not innocent. It impacts social consciousness by supplying the middle class and elites with tools that help them strive for self-awareness, which results in the emergence of a 'society of self-taught sociologists'. Sociology has changed society, imposed its own idiom on it, but it refuses to accept responsibility for the consequences of this fact. It is sceptical and infects society with its scepticism. If the sociological discourse was meant to be therapeutic, it has failed. The author of the article claims that sociology must enter its 'post' phase, that is, transform into something pat will no longer be construed as sociology. In so doing, the author critically analyzes several assumptions (usually) adopted by social sciences, since the future of social sciences and the future of society are very closely intertwined.
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance; 2012, 1(19); 43-51
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural-specific dimensions of societal re-formation within the German middle class
Kulturowo-specyficzne wymiary społecznej (re-)formacji (przekształcenia) klasy średniej w Niemczech
Pfeil, Patricia
Dengel, Udo
Müller, Marion
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
middle class
social crisis
German middle class
cultural-specific dimensions
civil society
social risks
klasa średnia
kryzys społeczny
nadmierne zadłużenie
niemiecka klasa średnia
kulturowo-specyficzne wymiary
społeczeństwo obywatelskie
ryzyko społeczne
The article examines ways of re-formation of the (German) middle class caused by the perception of social (and individual) crises (in our example over-indebtedness) and associated uncertainty. Which are the strategies that middle-class members develop to cope with those perceived crises and which factors contribute to the originating of new civic formations? In that context, we emphasize on the impact of culture-specific orientation patterns regarding specific societal groups. We refer to the work of Douglas and Wildavsky [1982] and Cornia, Dressel and Pfeil [2016] and concentrate on the collective dimension in asking, how does the middle class and parts of it like societal subgroups (in our example overindebted people) perceive and interpret social developments and crises (framing)? Which is the relationship between the middle class and institutional actors and the confidence they have in these actors, especially regarding the dealing with social crises and connected solutions? Who do middle-class members blame for the crises and the risks of social decline (blaming)? This is a central question directly connected with the way of dealing with risks and the assumption of responsibility.
Artykuł przedstawia sposoby re-formacji (przekształcenia) klasy średniej w Niemczech, które zostały spowodowane przez postrzeganie społecznych (i indywidualnych) kryzysów (w prezentowanym przez nas przykładzie – nadmiernego zadłużenia) i związanej z nimi niepewności. Jakie są strategie, które rozwinęli członkowie klasy średniej, żeby poradzić sobie z postrzeganymi kryzysami i jakie czynniki przyczyniły się do powstania nowych form społecznych (obywatelskich)? W tym kontekście, podkreślamy wagę wpływu kulturowo-specyficznych wzorów orientacji w odniesieniu do specyficznych grup społecznych. Przywołujemy prace Douglas i Wildavsky’ego [1982], a także Cornia, Dressel i Pfeil [2016] i skupiamy się na zbiorowym wymiarze, kiedy stawiamy pytanie: Jak klasa średnia i jej części (podgrupy) – w naszym przykładzie osoby nadmiernie zadłużone – postrzegają i interpretują rozwój społeczny oraz kryzysy (ramowanie/framing)? Jaki jest związek pomiędzy klasą średnią oraz aktorami instytucjonalnymi w zakresie pokładanego w nich przez klasę średnią zaufania, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do radzenia sobie z kryzysami społecznymi i związanymi z tym stosowanymi rozwiązaniami? Kogo członkowie klasy średniej winią za te kryzysy i ryzyko społecznej degradacji (obwinianie/blaming)? Jest to centralne pytanie bezpośrednio związane ze sposobami radzenia sobie z ryzykiem i przyjmowanym założeniem o (kierunku) odpowiedzialności.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2017, 66, 4; 27-44
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Pacts in Slovenia Accomodation to the EMU Regime and the Post-euro Development
Stanojević, Miroslav
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
social pacts
social dialogue
The article follows the history of social pacts in Slovenia over almost a quarter of century. In the course of the social pacting at the national level, a series of pivotal points can be identified, each marking a significant change in the nature and functions of the pacts concluded, and structuring the development of social dialogue: from the juncture period (1988-1992), through stabilisation and economic recovery (1992-1996), and accommodation to the EU and EMU regime (1996-2004) to the EU accession and preparation to entering the euro-zone (1996-2004). Special attention is devoted to the most recent phase (from 2007 on) - so-called post-euro period - and the impact of the global economic crisis on the social dialogue. It is argued that the crisis has arguably further weakened the once effective, but slowly deteriorating over the years, Slovenian neo-corporatist system of industrial relations.
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology; 2011, 2, 3; 107-135
Pojawia się w:
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From Campus Closure to Campus Reopening: Strategies of American Universities to Avoid Social Crisis in COVID-19 Communication
Od zamknięcia kampusu do jego ponownego otwarcia. Strategie uniwersytetów amerykańskich mające na celu uniknięcie kryzysu społecznego w komunikacji na temat COVID-19
Stodolinska, Yuliya
Zaporozhets, Halyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
communication tactics
communication strategies
COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 communication
social crisis
university engagement
university websites
taktyki komunikacyjne
strategie komunikacyjne
pandemia COVID-19
komunikacja na temat COVID-19
kryzys społeczny
zaangażowanie uczelni
strony internetowe uczelni
This paper examines how the universities used their institutional websites as one of the key channels of COVID-19 communication and engagement of all participants of the educational process in the achievement of the set aims during the pandemic. The article investigates which communication strategies and tactics were implemented and what the verbal and nonverbal markers of the communication strategies and tactics are. It is assumed that universities generally implement the combination of strategies and tactics instead of realizing each one individually in order to cope with educational and social crisis and address such issues as inequality, social distancing, psychological problems, lack of communication and community.
W niniejszym artykule zbadano, w jaki sposób uczelnie wykorzystywały swoje instytucjonalne strony internetowe jako jeden z kluczowych kanałów komunikacji i angażowania wszystkich uczestników procesu edukacyjnego w czasie pandemii COVID-19. Przedmiotem uwagi są wdrożone strategie i taktyki komunikacyjne, wraz z ich wyznacznikami werbalnymi i niewerbalnymi. Zakłada się, że uczelnie na ogół łączą różne strategie i taktyki zamiast realizować każdą z nich indywidualnie, tak aby poradzić sobie z kryzysem edukacyjnym i społecznym oraz zająć się takimi problemami, jak nierówności, dystans społeczny, problemy psychologiczne, brak komunikacji i wspólnoty.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2022, 22
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryzys społecznej gospodarki rynkowej w kontekście procesów globalizacji
The Crisis of Social Market Economy in the Context of Globalization Processes
Dylus, Aniela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
social market economy
In the context of globalization processes, the social market economy (SME) is in the crisis. Reflection on the features of that model is closely related with the scientific dispute over its designation. It could be perceived as a theory, political program, sort of economic order, structure, model or system of economic and social development. Sometimes it is seemed as an idealistic vision or even political utopia (Niklas Luhmann). Others (eg. Peter Koslowski) argue that this system has come to an end. In favor of this thesis they refer to various arguments: lack of consensus on redistribution, demographic crisis, depletion of solidarity resources, intergenerational imbalance that threatens the retirement systems and many others. Despite the range of these arguments, it appears that the SME still has a specific potential that could be freed. Combating difficulties associated with globalization processes such as: dominance of the economy over politics, ‘tax starvation’ of the welfare state, marginalization of trade unions, dispersion of ownership and its detachment from responsibility, ‘financialization’ of economy, dominance of ‘casino capitalism’, could help to heal SME. The crisis on financial markets might be paradoxically an opportunity to return to the ethical foundations of the SME.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2011, 14, 1; 33-38
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The crisis of social market economy in the context of globalisation processes
Dylus, Aniela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
social market economy
In the context of globalisation processes, the social market economy (SME) is in crisis. A reflection on the features of this model is closely related to the scientific dispute over its designation. It could be perceived as a theory, a political programme, a sort of economic order, a structure, a model or a system of economic and social development. Sometimes it is perceived as an idealistic vision or even a political utopia (Niklas Luhmann). Others (e.g.: Peter Koslowski) argue that this system has come to an end. To support this thesis, they refer to various arguments: a lack of consensus on redistribution, a demographic crisis, the depletion of solidarity resources, an intergenerational imbalance that threatens retirement systems and many others. Despite the range of these arguments, it appears that the SME still has a certain potential that could be freed. Combating difficulties associated with globalisation processes, such as the dominance of the economy over politics, ‘tax starvation’ of the welfare state, marginalisation of trade unions, dispersion of ownership and its detachment from responsibility, “financialisation” of economy, or dominance of ‘casino capitalism’, could help to heal the SME. The crisis in financial markets might be paradoxically an opportunity to return to the ethical foundations of the SME.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2017, 20, 8; 33-39
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Education as a breaker of poverty: a critical perspective
Phan, Thị Tuyết Vân,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social pedagogy
This paper aims to portray the overall picture of poverty in the world and mentions the key solution to overcome poverty from a critical perspective. The data and figures were quoted from a number of researchers and organizations in the field of poverty around the world. Simultaneously, the information strengthens the correlations among poverty and lack of education. Only appropriate philosophies of education can improve the country’s socio-economic conditions and contribute to effective solutions to worldwide poverty. In the 21st century, despite the rapid development of science and technology with a series of inventions brought into the world to make life more comfortable, human poverty remains a global problem, especially in developing countries. Poverty, according to Lister (2004), is reflected by the state of “low living standards and/or inability to participate fully in society because of lack of material resources” (p.7). The impact and serious consequences of poverty on multiple aspects of human life have been realized by different organizations and researchers from different contexts (Fraser, 2000; Lister, 2004; Lipman, 2004; Lister, 2008). This paper will indicate some of the concepts and research results on poverty. Figures and causes of poverty, and some solutions from education as a key breaker to poverty will also be discussed. Creating a universal definition of poverty is not simple (Nyasulu, 2010). There are conflicts among different groups of people defining poverty, based on different views and fields. Some writers, according to Nyasulu, tend to connect poverty with social problems, while others focus on political or other causes. However, the reality of poverty needs to be considered from different sides and ways; for that reason, the diversity of definitions assigned to poverty can help form the basis on which interventions are drawn (Ife and Tesoriero, 2006). For instance, in dealing with poverty issues, it is essential to intervene politically; economic intervention is very necessary to any definition of this matter. A political definition necessitates political interventions in dealing with poverty, and economic definitions inevitably lead to economic interventions. Similarly, Księżopolski (1999) uses several models to show the perspectives on poverty as marginal, motivation and socialist. These models look at poverty and solutions from different angles. Socialists, for example, emphasize the responsibilities of social organization. The state manages the micro levels and distributes the shares of national gross resources, at the same time fighting to maintain the narrow gap among classes. In his book, Księżopolski (1999) also emphasizes the changes and new values of charity funds or financial aid from churches or organizations recognized by the Poor Law. Speaking specifically, in the new stages poverty has been recognized differently, and support is also delivered in limited categories related to more specific and visible objectives, with the aim of helping the poor change their own status for sustainable improvement. Three ways of categorizing the poor and locating them in the appropriate places are (1) the powerless, (2) who is willing to work and (3) who is dodging work. Basically, poverty is determined not to belong to any specific cultures or politics; otherwise, it refers to the situation in which people’s earnings cannot support their minimum living standard (Rowntree, 1910). Human living standard is defined in Alfredsson & Eide’s work (1999) as follows: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.” (p. 524). In addition, poverty is measured by Global Hunger Index (GHI), which is calculated by the International Food Policy Institute (IFPRI) every year. The GHI measures hunger not only globally, but also by country and region. To have the figures multi-dimensionally, the GHI is based on three indicators: 1. Undernourishment: the proportion of the undernourished as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient calorie intake). 2. Child underweight: the proportion of children under age 5 who are underweight (low weight for their age, reflecting wasting, stunted growth or both), which is one indicator of child under-nutrition. 3. Child mortality: the mortality rate of children under 5 (partially reflecting the fatal synergy of inadequate dietary intake and unhealthy environments). Apart from the individual aspects and the above measurement based on nutrition, which help partly imagine poverty, poverty is more complicated, not just being closely related to human physical life but badly affecting spiritual life. According to Jones and Novak (1999 cited in Lister, 2008), poverty not only characterizes the precarious financial situation but also makes people self-deprecating. Poverty turns itself into the roots of shame, guilt, humiliation and resistance. It leads the poor to the end of the road, and they will never call for help except in the worst situations. Education can help people escape poverty or make it worse. In fact, inequality in education has stolen opportunity for fighting poverty from people in many places around the world, in both developed and developing countries (Lipman, 2004). Lipman confirms: “Students need an education that instills a sense of hope and possibility that they can make a difference in their own family, school, and community and in the broader national and global community while it prepare them for multiple life choices.” (p.181) Bradshaw (2005) synthesizes five main causes of poverty: (1) individual deficiencies, (2) cultural belief systems that support subcultures of poverty, (3) economic, political and social distortions or discrimination, (4) geographical disparities and (5) cumulative and cyclical interdependencies. The researcher suggests the most appropriate solution corresponding with each cause. This reflects the diverse causes of poverty; otherwise, poverty easily happens because of social and political issues. From the literature review, it can be said that poverty comes from complex causes and reasons, and is not a problem of any single individual or country. Poverty has brought about serious consequences and needs to be dealt with by many methods and collective effort of many countries and organizations. This paper will focus on representing some alarming figures on poverty, problems of poverty and then the education as a key breaker to poverty. According to a statistics in 2012 on poverty from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), nearly half the world's population lives below the poverty line, of which is less than $1.25 a day . In a statistics in 2015, of every 1,000 children, 93 do not live to age 5 , and about 448 million babies are stillborn each year . Poverty in the world is happening alarmingly. According to a World Bank study, the risk of poverty continues to increase on a global scale and, of the 2009 slowdown in economic growth, which led to higher prices for fuel and food, further pushed 53 million people into poverty in addition to almost 155 million in 2008. From 1990 to 2009, the average GHI in the world decreased by nearly one-fifth. Many countries had success in solving the problem of child nutrition; however, the mortality rate of children under 5 and the proportion of undernourished people are still high. From 2011 to 2013, the number of hungry people in the world was estimated at 842 million, down 17 percent compared with the period 1990 to 1992, according to a report released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) titled “The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2013” . Although poverty in some African countries had been improved in this stage, sub-Saharan Africa still maintained an area with high the highest percentage of hungry people in the world. The consequences and big problems resulting from poverty are terrible in the extreme. The following will illustrate the overall picture under the issues of health, unemployment, education and society and politics ➢ Health issues: According a report by Manos Unidas, a non- government organization (NGO) in Spain , poverty kills more than 30,000 children under age 5 worldwide every day, and 11 million children die each year because of poverty. Currently, 42 million people are living with HIV, 39 million of them in developing countries. The Manos Unidas report also shows that 15 million children globally have been orphaned because of AIDS. Scientists predict that by 2020 a number of African countries will have lost a quarter of their population to this disease. Simultaneously, chronic drought and lack of clean water have not only hindered economic development but also caused disastrous consequences of serious diseases across Africa. In fact, only 58 percent of Africans have access to clean water; as a result, the average life expectancy in Africa is the lowest in the world, just 45 years old (Bui, 2010). ➢ Unemployment issues: According to the United Nations, the youth unemployment rate in Africa is the highest in the world: 25.6 percent in the Middle East and North Africa. Unemployment with growth rates of 10 percent a year is one of the key issues causing poverty in African and negatively affecting programs and development plans. Total African debt amounts to $425 billion (Bui, 2010). In addition, joblessness caused by the global economic downturn pushed more than 140 million people in Asia into extreme poverty in 2009, the International Labor Organization (ILO) warned in a report titled The Fallout in Asia, prepared for the High-Level Regional Forum on Responding to the Economic Crisis in Asia and the Pacific, in Manila from Feb. 18 to 20, 2009 . Surprisingly, this situation also happens in developed countries. About 12.5 million people in the United Kingdom (accounting for 20 percent of the population) are living below the poverty line, and in 2005, 35 million people in the United States could not live without charity. At present, 620 million people in Asia are living on less than $1 per day; half of them are in India and China, two countries whose economies are considered to be growing. ➢ Education issues: Going to school is one of the basic needs of human beings, but poor people cannot achieve it. Globally, 130 million children do not attend school, 55 percent of them girls, and 82 million children have lost their childhoods by marrying too soon (Bui, 2010). Similarly, two-thirds of the 759 million illiterate people in total are women. Specifically, the illiteracy rate in Africa keeps increasing, accounting for about 40 percent of the African population at age 15 and over 50 percent of women at age 25. The number of illiterate people in the six countries with the highest number of illiterate people in the world - China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Bangladesh and Egypt - reached 510 million, accounting for 70 percent of total global illiteracy. ➢ Social and political issues: Poverty leads to a number of social problems and instability in political systems of countries around the world. Actually, 246 million children are underage labors, including 72 million under age 10. Simultaneously, according to an estimate by the United Nations (UN), about 100 million children worldwide are living on the streets. For years, Africa has suffered a chronic refugee problem, with more than 7 million refugees currently and over 200 million people without homes because of a series of internal conflicts and civil wars. Poverty threatens stability and development; it also directly influences human development. Solving the problems caused by poverty takes a lot of time and resources, but afterward they can focus on developing their societies. Poverty has become a global issue with political significance of particular importance. It is a potential cause of political and social instability, even leading to violence and war not only within a country, but also in the whole world. Poverty and injustice together have raised fierce conflicts in international relations; if these conflicts are not satisfactorily resolved by peaceful means, war will inevitably break out. Obviously, poverty plus lack of understanding lead to disastrous consequences such as population growth, depletion of water resources, energy scarcity, pollution, food shortages and serious diseases (especially HIV/AIDS), which are not easy to control; simultaneously, poverty plus injustice will cause international crimes such as terrorism, drug and human trafficking, and money laundering. Among recognizable four issues above which reflected the serious consequences of poverty, the third ones, education, if being prioritized in intervention over other issues in the fighting against poverty is believed to bring more effectiveness in resolving the problems from the roots. In fact, human being with the possibility of being educated resulted from their distinctive linguistic ability makes them differential from other beings species on the earth (Barrow and Woods 2006, p.22). With education, human can be aware and more critical with their situations, they are aimed with abilities to deal with social problems as well as adversity for a better life; however, inequality in education has stolen opportunity for fighting poverty from unprivileged people (Lipman, 2004). An appropriate education can help increase chances for human to deal with all of the issues related to poverty; simultaneously it can narrow the unexpected side-effect of making poverty worse. A number of philosophies from ancient Greek to contemporary era focus on the aspect of education with their own epistemology, for example, idealism of Plato encouraged students to be truth seekers and pragmatism of Dewey enhanced the individual needs of students (Gutex, 1997). Education, more later on, especially critical pedagogy focuses on developing people independently and critically which is essential for poor people to have ability of being aware of what they are facing and then to have equivalent solutions for their problems. In other words, critical pedagogy helps people emancipate themselves and from that they can contribute to transform the situations or society they live in. In this sense, in his most influential work titled “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” (1972), Paulo Freire carried out his critical pedagogy by building up a community network of peasants- the marginalized and unprivileged party in his context, aiming at awakening their awareness about who they are and their roles in society at that time. To do so, he involved the peasants into a problem-posing education which was different from the traditional model of banking education with the technique of dialogue. Dialogue wasn’t just simply for people to learn about each other; but it was for figuring out the same voice; more importantly, for cooperation to build a social network for changing society. The peasants in such an educational community would be relieved from stressfulness and the feeling of being outsiders when all of them could discuss and exchange ideas with each other about the issues from their “praxis”. Praxis which was derived from what people act and linked to some values in their social lives, was defined by Freire as “reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it” (p.50). Critical pedagogy dialogical approach in Pedagogy of the Oppressed of Freire seems to be one of the helpful ways for solving poverty for its close connection to the nature of equality. It doesn’t require any highly intellectual teachers who lead the process; instead, everything happens naturally and the answers are identified by the emancipation of the learners themselves. It can be said that the effectiveness of this pedagogy for people to escape poverty comes from its direct impact on human critical consciousness; from that, learners would be fully aware of their current situations and self- figure out the appropriate solutions for their own. In addition, equality which was one of the essences making learners in critical pedagogy intellectually emancipate was reflected via the work titled “The Ignorant Schoolmaster” by Jacques Rancière (1991). In this work, the teacher and students seemed to be equal in terms of the knowledge. The explicator- teacher Joseph Jacotot employed the interrogative approach which was discovered to be universal because “he taught what he didn’t know”. Obviously, this teacher taught French to Flemish students while he couldn’t speak his students’ language. The ignorance which was not used in the literal sense but a metaphor showed that learners can absolutely realize their capacity for self-emancipation without the traditional teaching of transmission of knowledge from teachers. Regarding this, Rancière (1991, p.17) stated “that every common person might conceive his human dignity, take the measure of his intellectual capacity, and decide how to use it”. This education is so meaningful for poor people by being able to evoking their courageousness to develop themselves when they always try to stay away from the community due the fact that poverty is the roots of shame, guilt, humiliation and resistance (Novak, 1999). The contribution of critical pedagogy to solving poverty by changing the consciousness of people from their immanence is summarized by Freire’s argument in his “Pedagogy of Indignation” as follows: “It is certain that men and women can change the world for the better, can make it less unjust, but they can do so from starting point of concrete reality they “come upon” in their generation. They cannot do it on the basis of reveries, false dreams, or pure illusion”. (p.31) To sum up, education could be an extremely helpful way of solving poverty regarding the possibilities from the applications of studies in critical pedagogy for educational and social issues. Therefore, among the world issues, poverty could be possibly resolved in accordance with the indigenous people’s understanding of their praxis, their actions, cognitive transformation, and the solutions with emancipation in terms of the following keynotes: First, because the poor are powerless, they usually fall into the states of self-deprecation, shame, guilt and humiliation, as previously mentioned. In other words, they usually build a barrier between themselves and society, or they resist changing their status. Therefore, approaching them is not a simple matter; it requires much time and the contributions of psychologists and sociologists in learning about their aspirations, as well as evoking and nurturing the will and capacities of individuals, then providing people with chances to carry out their own potential for overcoming obstacles in life. Second, poverty happens easily in remote areas not endowed with favorable conditions for development. People there haven’t had a lot of access to modern civilization; nor do they earn a lot of money for a better life. Low literacy, together with the lack of healthy forms of entertainment and despair about life without exit, easily lead people into drug addiction, gambling and alcoholism. In other words, the vicious circle of poverty and powerlessness usually leads the poor to a dead end. Above all, they are lonely and need to be listened to, shared with and led to escape from their states. Community meetings for exchanging ideas, communicating and immediate intervening, along with appropriate forms of entertainment, should be held frequently to meet the expectations of the poor, direct them to appropriate jobs and, step by step, change their favorite habits of entertainment. Last but not least, poor people should be encouraged to participate in social forums where they can both raise their voices about their situations and make valuable suggestions for dealing with their poverty. Children from poor families should be completely exempted from school fees to encourage them to go to school, and curriculum should also focus on raising community awareness of poverty issues through extracurricular and volunteer activities, such as meeting and talking with the community, helping poor people with odd jobs, or simply spending time listening to them. Not a matter of any individual country, poverty has become a major problem, a threat to the survival, stability and development of the world and humanity. Globalization has become a bridge linking countries; for that reason, instability in any country can directly and deeply affect the stability of others. The international community has been joining hands to solve poverty; many anti-poverty organizations, including FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), BecA (the Biosciences eastern and central Africa), UN-REDD (the United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), BRAC (Building Resources Across Communities), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), WHO (World Health Organization) and Manos Unidas, operate both regionally and internationally, making some achievements by reducing the number of hungry people, estimated 842 million in the period 1990 to 1992, by 17 percent in 2011- to 2013 . The diverse methods used to deal with poverty have invested billions of dollars in education, health and healing. The Millennium Development Goals set by UNDP put forward eight solutions for addressing issues related to poverty holistically: 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. 2) Achieve universal primary education. 3) Promote gender equality and empower women. 4) Reduce child mortality. 5) Improve maternal health. 6) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. 7) Ensure environmental sustainability. 8) Develop a global partnership for development. Although all of the mentioned solutions carried out directly by countries and organizations not only focus on the roots of poverty but break its circle, it is recognized that the solutions do not emphasize the role of the poor themselves which a critical pedagogy does. More than anyone, the poor should have a sense of their poverty so that they can become responsible for their own fate and actively fight poverty instead of waiting for help. It is not different from the cores of critical theory in solving educational and political issues that the poor should be aware and conscious about their situation and reflected context. It is required a critical transformation from their own praxis which would allow them to go through a process of learning, sharing, solving problems, and leading to social movements. This is similar to the method of giving poor people fish hooks rather than giving them fish. The government and people of any country understand better than anyone else clearly the strengths and characteristics of their homelands. It follows that they can efficiently contribute to causing poverty, preventing the return of poverty, and solving consequences of the poverty in their countries by many ways, especially a critical pedagogy; and indirectly narrow the scale of poverty in the world. In a word, the wars against poverty take time, money, energy and human resources, and they are absolutely not simple to end. Again, the poor and the challenged should be educated to be fully aware of their situation to that they can overcome poverty themselves. They need to be respected and receive sharing from the community. All forms of discrimination should be condemned and excluded from human society. When whole communities join hands in solving this universal problem, the endless circle of poverty can be addressed definitely someday. More importantly, every country should be responsible for finding appropriate ways to overcome poverty before receiving supports from other countries as well as the poor self-conscious responsibilities about themselves before receiving supports from the others, but the methods leading them to emancipation for their own transformation and later the social change.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2017, 7(2); 30-41
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social conflicts during the operation of state structures in crisis situations in Poland. The securological and legal approach
Kądzielski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
crisis management
social conflicts
The purpose of this article is to analyse the internal security system of Poland. The author pays attention to the aspects of crisis management and indicates the factors that currently affect the concept of Poland’s internal security. In addition, the author analyses legal documents in the area of national security, as well as scientific works in that field. He also characterizes the key state authorities responsible for non-military security.
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2021, 7, 1; 23-49
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Political Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szwed-Walczak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
political crisis
political communication
social media
crisis situation
The purpose of research was to indicate the political communications of political parties on social media, during political crisis in Poland. It was hypothesized, that the political crisis allowed the promotion of political party platforms among citizens. The research results showed that parties used fanpages on Facebook to politically discredit their political opponents, shaping or promoting their own images. I specified: the subject area of published posts, the kind of posts, form of promotion the image and form of engagement of users. I applied quantitative and qualitative research. Content analysis and comparative methodology were used.
Polityka i Społeczeństwo; 2017, 15, 4; 117-133 (17)
Pojawia się w:
Polityka i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of the pandemic on collective relations in Poland
Mądrzycki, Błażej
Pisarczyk, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
labour law
anti-crisis regulations
social dialogue
social partners
The crisis caused by the outbreak and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic forced the legislature to make numerous legal changes. The undertaken measures comprised labour law understood in the broadest sense. They were intended to protect the economy, including jobs, from the dramatic consequences of the spread of the virus and the associated danger. The extraordinary circumstances called for specific measures, focused on protecting work and workers. The drafting of protective regulations, under such special circumstances, could not take place without dialogue involving the labour. At the multi-company level, this was seeking concrete solutions to protect the employees. In turn, at the company level, the partners exercised the rights guaranteed by the anticrisis regulations. The article offers an analysis of the legal situation of participants in social dialogue – both the employees and the employers. In retrospect, it is possible to evaluate specific measures which have been adopted.
Studia Iuridica; 2022, 95; 354-374
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social assistance in the face of the crisis produced by the pandemic
Katarzyna, Wojtanowicz,
Adam, Białas,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
social assistance
crisis intervention
social intervention
social assistance clients
Today’s complex social situation, pandemic and isolation place demands on the social assistance system. Society is experiencing a number of difficulties and identifies the needs that social workers have to face. Support for overcoming this crisis requires a new approach. Strengthen methods and tools for preventive and interventional work. The article shows the context of social intervention work and the organisational requirements for the social assistance system. It also draws attention to the problems experienced and the needs identified by clients benefiting from the support of the crisis intervention centre.
Praca Socjalna; 2020, 35(2); 54-71
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Welfare System as a Part of the Economic Measures for the State of Crisis
Šimák, Ladislav
Seidl, Miloslav
Ristvej, Jozef
Titko, Michal
Guo, Lin
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu
Crisis Management
Social Welfare System
Crisis Situations
Economic Measures
The assessment of the current state of the citizens’ social welfare in crisis situations. A comprehensive evaluation of the risks threatening the process of providing the overall support for the citizens in crisis situations. The position and tasks of the centres of the social welfare for the citizens in crisis situations at the level of the local state administration. In this paper we deal with the welfare system as a part of the economic measures for the state of crisis in the Slovak Republic.
Logistics and Transport; 2019, 44, 4; 25-32
Pojawia się w:
Logistics and Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of social media in emergency management during the 2019 flood in Poland
Domalewska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
emergency management
crisis management
crisis communication
social media
The aim of this article is to discuss the role of social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter, during the floods that took place in Poland in May 2019. The following research questions guided the study: (1) How is social media used by different actors at various stages of the disaster management cycle? (2) To what extent were social networking sites used during the 2019 floods in Poland? The study employed social media analytic tools to analyze social media data published on Facebook and Twitter qualitatively and quantitatively in the period from 1 March to 10 June 2019. Social Media is used during emergencies by various actors for different purposes: emergency services use it to broadcast weather alerts and situational updates; authorities communicate weather alerts and offer assistance; mass media outlets share up-to-date information; individual users connect and share their experiences of the disaster as well as express political views; organizations spread general comments, situational updates and political comments. Despite several drawbacks, such as the chaotic spread of messages, their unreliability and the politicization of the news- feed, social networking sites support disaster management. Therefore, they should be incorporated as an additional communication channel during emergencies.
Security and Defence Quarterly; 2019, 27, 5; 32-43
Pojawia się w:
Security and Defence Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Research Report of Project VEGA 1/0192/18 Formation of Attitudes of Generation Y in the V4 Geographic Area to the Issue of Migrants Through Digital Communication on Social Networks
Spálová, Lucia
Púchovská, Oľga
Data publikacji:
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Social change
Social media
Refugee crisis
The refugee crisis and the rising number of asylum seekers is one of the primary concerns of the EU. Political discussions reflect humanitarian, social and economic implications of the constant influx of new asylum seekers coming mainly from Syria. Within the political sphere in the V4 countries it is possible to observe negative attitudes. In this context, it is very important to emphasize that we are living in a democratic society, where media represent the role of democracy guardians. On the other hand, social media offer space for expression to the general public opinions, and their potential is also fully exploited by political leaders. The potential of social media must be perceived also against the backdrop of risks stemming mainly from disinformation and manipulative tendencies. In order to identify and clarify the presence of manipulative techniques in the communication of political and social groups to the attitudes of Generation Y in the sphere of migrant tolerance we present some introductory findings under the scope of project VEGA 1/0192/18.
Media Literacy and Academic Research; 2019, 2, 1; 114-119
Pojawia się w:
Media Literacy and Academic Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Danuta, Lalak,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social pedagogy
social work
There is a developmental value in each crisis. Crises are a part of every society, economy, system… They are experienced by the individuals at the various stages of their lives. Most clearly, the path of life is defined in the relation to the biographical perspective. On one hand, it is perceived as the institutionalization of the course of life (M. Kohli 1985), and on the other, as an autonomous, resource-based project and individual construction of one’s own development path. From the perspective of late modernity the ways of overcoming difficulties and life crises have changed their sense and meaning. The biography has lost the character of a socially determined construct to its diverse, mobile, subjectifying form. It is because of education and migration processes as well as the cultural changes and development of new technologies. The opportunities to go beyond the frames of social environment are the hallmarks of progress and modernity and at the same time make human life highly uncertain and vulnerable to the developmental crises. The subjectification of the biography most fully expressed in the concept of ‘self-governance’ by M. Foucault (2000) brings with it many difficulties and pitfalls. This probably explains the phenomenon of increasing social differences, deepening dysfunctionality of institutions, weaknesses of systematic solutions and insufficient theories in social practice. This area brings many challenges to social policy, social pedagogy and social work. The current issue of our journal is dedicated to the reflection on such topics.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2017, 7(2); 5-5
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Editor’s Introduction
Aneta, Ostaszewska,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social pedagogy
social work
The presented volume includes articles by authors from Czech Republic, India, Greece, Sweden and Poland. They provide us with different aspects of social pedagogy and social issues in relation to education, law and social work. These are analytical and empirical papers conducted with a wide range of methodologies, for example, research based on surveys, legal acts analysis, ethnographic fieldwork and case studies. While discussing the issues, the authors represent the specific social and cultural backgrounds at the same time being aware of global contexts. What connects all these papers is the attitude of their authors, their pedagogical sensitivity and critical awareness in reflecting on theory and practice of social sciences. With these six contributions, the readers are offered an insight into the current state of discussion on particular topics from different perspectives. I hope you enjoy the reading.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2020, 13(1); 5-8
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of Trade Unions and Social Dialogue During the Crisis: The Case of Slovakia
Uhlerová, Monika
Data publikacji:
Labour Law Association
social dialogue
economic crisis
coronavirus crisis
collective bargaining
trade unions
The aim of the contribution is to define the approach of trade unions and social dialogue at national (tripartite) and sectoral level in Slovakia during the economic crisis and the impact of the crisis on results of collective bargaining of higher instance collective agreements. We collected data from the collective agreements in four sectors, public and civil service, education and science, metal and chemistry industry. By analysing collective bargaining at sectoral level and examining collective agreements of selected trade unions of the production and nonproduction sectors, we point out the minimum rates of pay increase in selected production and non-production sectors compared to chosen macroeconomic indicators during the crisis times. We try to examine the involvement of social dialogue in taking measures and solving the crisis and compare the economic crisis situation in 2008 – 2009 and during recovery with the coronavirus crisis. According to such experience we try to describe and afterwards assume the position and attitude of trade unions after the period of coronavirus crisis and developments in social dialogue (at national level) during the consecutive economic and social crisis.
Central European Journal of Labour Law and Personnel Management; 2020, 3, 1; 61-76
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Labour Law and Personnel Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategic Reserves in National Security System of the Republic of Poland
Olak, Antoni
Krauz, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
social security
strategic reserves
crisis situations
People instinctively sought to ensure their own security since the dawn of time. This simply existential need impelled people to seek new solutions for its assurance. You may say that the need for security shaped the attitudes of people, and greatly contributed to the current development of civilization. This article is dedicated to the strategic reserves of our nation and its role for the security of local communities in Poland. The primary problem, that has been addressed herein, is the possibility to provide strategic reserves in crisis situations, on the basis of analyses carried out by the Material Reserves Agency, taking place in recent years.
Security Dimensions; 2016, 20(20); 166-178
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy i dylematy postępu społeczno-ekonomicznego w XXI wieku®
Problems and dilemmas of socio-economic progress in the 21st century®
Smolaga, Lech
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Menedżerska w Warszawie
postęp techniczny
postęp społeczny
cele społeczno-ekonomiczne
system społeczno-ekonomiczny
społeczna gospodarka rynkowa
postęp naukowo-techniczny
kryzys finansowy
kryzys społeczny
cele makrospołeczne i makroekonomiczne
organizacja życia społeczno-ekonomicznego
technical progress
social progress
socio-economic goals
socio-economic systems
social market economy
scientific and technical progress
financial crisis
social crisis
macro-social and macroeconomic goals
organization of socio-economic life
Przedmiotem artykułu jest problem ograniczeń rozwoju współczesnej cywilizacji technicznej oraz społeczno-ekonomicznej. Autor polemizuje z tezą o szybkim postępie społeczno ekonomicznym, która ma charakteryzować cywilizację na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Uważa, że w ostatnich latach nastąpiło wyraźne wyhamowanie procesów rewolucji naukowo -technicznej a sama organizacja życia społeczno gospodarczego jest niedostosowana do wyzwań XXI w; w niektórych przypadkach, zmiany oznaczają regres. W złych rozwiązaniach systemowych upatruje główną przyczynę kryzysów finansowych i gospodarczych lat 2008–2011. Jeśli nie zmieni się system organizacji życia społeczno- ekonomicznego, obecnej cywilizacji grozi niebezpieczeństwo jej upadku, podobnie jak to miało miejsce w przypadku niektórych cywilizacji antycznych. Autor wskazuje również główne niekonsekwencje w rozwiązaniach systemowych organizacji społeczeństw oraz proponuje wybranie pewnych kierunków działań, które – jego zdaniem – mogłyby się przyczynić do usunięcia istniejących patologii.
The issue of the article is the problem of limitations in the development of modern technical civilization. The author contradicts the thesis about rapid socio-economic progress, which is to characterize civilization at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Believes that in recent years there has been a marked slowdown in the processes of scientific and technical revolution, and the very organization of socio-economic life is unsuited to the challenges of the 21st century; in some cases, changes mean regression. In poor systemic solutions, he sees the main cause of financial and economic crises in 2008–2011. If the system of organizing the social economic life does not change, the current civilization is in danger of its collapse, as was the case with some ancient civilizations. The author also points out the main inconsistencies in the system solutions of societal organizations and suggests choosing certain directions of action, which – in his opinion – could contribute to the removal of existing pathologies.
Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego; 2019, 1; 141-152
Pojawia się w:
Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crisis management via social media
Chwiałkowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
crisis management
social media
Adwatch report
Increasing popularity of social media gives businesses a wide spectrum of possibilities to enter into díalos and interaction with consumers, to better understand their needs, to build durable relations with clients and to maintain brand communities. Thanks to social media, content may be transmitted with an unprecedented speed in the so-called viral manner. The consumer has been undergoing change too, expecting now instant answers to all his questions and doubts and more often than ever expressing complaints about a company in the media sphere of the internet. All these factors combine to cause organizations to face new challenges, the overcoming of which requires an appropriate preparation. The goal of this paper is to present some examples of organizations dealing with crises with the use of social media. Additionally, the paper describes some organizations which failed to tap into the potentialities offered by social networking services and ignored the power of virtual communities. This approach will allow formulating a code of good practices regarding crisis management through social networks so that organizations could be adequately prepared to respond to crisis in a way that not only helps them to avoid failure but will actually strengthen their image.
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa; 2012, 6 (227); 123-135
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kompetencje gospodarcze aktorów społecznych a współczesny kryzys finansowy
Economic competencies of social actors during the global economic crisis
Kolasińska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
economic competencies
financial crisis
social actors
This article conceptualizes the economic competencies of social actors as a key aspect of the global economic crisis. Economic competencies evolve within economic systems, a system that is historically, culturally, and politically conditioned. This article argues that economic competencies of social actors are the foundational skills that help with the correct diagnosis of the global economic crisis. Economic competency allows actors to make responsible decisions and allows for an outline of economic recovery plans.
Prakseologia; 2014, 155; 85-104
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s “Green Message” to the World
„Zielone orędzie” do świata Patriarchy Ekumenicznego Bartłomieja
Leśniewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Patriarcha Ekumeniczny Bartłomiej
„Zielony Patriarcha”
ogólnoświatowy kryzys ekologiczny i społeczny
ochrona środowiska naturalnego
antropologia chrześcijańska
nauka i ontologia
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
“The Green Patriarch”
the worldwide ecological and social crisis
the protection of the natural environment
Christian anthropology
science and ontology
Współcześnie coraz poważniej traktuje się ekologiczno-społeczny kryzys w świecie. Kwestia odpowiedzialności za postępujące zniszczenie środowiska naturalnego jest ważna nie tylko dla rządów państw, polityków, działaczy samorządowych i naukowców, ale również dla hierarchii Kościołów chrześcijańskich. Wkład Kościołów jest bardzo ważny ze względu na uświadamianie ludziom, że istnieje bezpośrednie powiązanie między stanem duchowym osoby ludzkiej a kondycją świata stworzonego. W niniejszym artykule została bardzo syntetycznie przestawiona ekologiczna działalność Jego Świątobliwości Bartłomieja, Patriarchy Ekumenicznego, na forum światowym. W pierwszej części ukazano „zielone powołanie” Patriarchy Bartłomieja, który od dwudziestu lat kontynuuje i rozwija w duchu szeroko rozumianego dialogu dzieło swego poprzednika Patriarchy Ekumenicznego Dimitriosa. Ważnym elementem zaangażowania ekologicznego obecnego Patriarchy Konstantynopola są encykliki wydawane co roku z okazji początku prawosławnego roku kościelnego – 1 września, które dotyczą ekologicznej odpowiedzialności prawosławnych chrześcijan za cały stworzony świat. Od 1997 r. Patriarcha Bartłomiej nazywany jest „Zielonym Patriarchą”. Jednym z przejawów jego misji jest ukazywanie prawdy o tym, że wszystkie szkody wyrządzane środowisku naturalnemu stanowią odzwierciedlenie duchowych problemów ludzkości. Stąd też ustawicznie Patriarcha głosi, że refleksja antropologiczna powinna stanowić warunek wstępny naszego rozumienia świata. Współcześnie coraz bardziej konieczne staje się łączenie chrześcijańskiej ontologii z naukami szczegółowymi. Ten postulat Patriarcha Bartłomiej urzeczywistnia w praktyce poprzez różnorodną działalność jednoczącą przedstawicieli różnych państw, społeczności, religii, naukowców czy dziennikarzy. Szczególną rolę pośród wielu organizowanych czy współorganizowanych przez Patriarchę międzynarodowych, interdyscyplinarnych czy międzyreligijnych spotkań naukowych odgrywają przedstawione w części drugiej artykułu tzw. zielone sympozja na wodzie. Odbywają się one w różnych częściach świata i dotyczą ważnych problemów związanych ze stanem mórz i rzek. Są one tak wyjątkowe, że przyciągają międzynarodową uwagę do miejsc szczególnie zagrożonych, jak np. Morze Egejskie (1995), Morze Czarne (1997), rzeka Dunaj (1999), Morze Adriatyckie (2002), Morze Bałtyckie (2003), rzeka Amazonka (2006) czy Arktyka (2007). W czasie tych sympozjów dochodzi do twórczego i owocnego dialogu naukowców i teologów, polityków i filozofów, biznesmenów i nauczycieli. W części trzeciej artykułu Patriarcha Bartłomiej zostaje ukazany jako znany w całym świecie mówca i działacz ekologiczny, który oddziałuje na polityków i władze państwowe różnych szczebli, poprzez uświadamianie im, że w działaniach na rzecz środowiska naturalnego należy uwzględniać związki zachodzące między międzynarodową ekonomią a ekologią na poziomie ogólnoświatowym. W swoich oficjalnych wystąpieniach „Zielony Patriarcha” podkreśla znaczenie prawd o człowieku, społeczeństwie i świecie stworzonym, jakie wniosło chrześcijaństwo. Jest głęboko zatroskany na poziomie duchowym o tych wszystkich ludziach, którzy ucierpieli czy stracili swoje życie w wielkich katastrofach ekologicznych. Odważnie też mówi o zagrożeniach wynikających z nadkonsumpcji w krajach rozwiniętych oraz głodu w krajach rozwijających się. Mając świadomość, że nie jest możliwe rozwiązanie problemów ekologicznych współczesnego świata bez odwołania się do interdyscyplinarnego współdziałania naukowców, filozofów i teologów na bazie chrześcijańskiego rozumienia osoby ludzkiej i świata stworzonego, Patriarcha Bartłomiej nawołuje do korzystania z ontologicznych kategorii filozoficznych i teologicznych, takich jak: osoba (gr. prosopon, hypostasis), energia (gr. energeia) czy istota (gr. ousia). Przypomina, że to chrześcijaństwo wschodnie na piętnaście wieków przed teorią kwantową, stanowiącą podstawę współczesnej fizyki, nauczało, że materia jest energią. Radykalna zmiana w podejściu do środowiska naturalnego, zdaniem Patriarchy Bartłomieja, tylko wtedy będzie możliwa, gdy przyjmie się prawdę o stworzeniu człowieka i świata przez Boga w Trójcy Osób oraz uwierzy się w Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa Chrystusa. Zwieńczenie artykułu stanowi przedstawienie Ekologicznego Credo „Zielonego Patriarchy”, które stanowi syntezę podstaw jego odpowiedzialności za świat, w którym żyjemy.
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej; 2011, 3; 33-48
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ставлення Львівського міськкому КПРС-КПУ до реформування господарського комплексу mміста в роки перебудови (1985-1991 рр.)
L’viv city CPSU-CPU committee’s attitude to reforming municipal economic complex during perestroika period
Czura, Ołeksandra
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
соціально-економічна криза промисловість
social and economic crisis
A key reason for systemic crisis that engulfed the economic complex of the USSR in the early 70ies of the XX century was an extremely extensive model of planned economy realization. Its ineffectiveness in market conditions proposed by restructuring at the turn of 1980-1990ies contributed to a rapid deterioration of the material conditions of the country’s citizens. All the efforts to implement cost accounting and selffinancing initiated by Communist Party leader Mikhail Gorbachov set production complex of the Soviet Union to the brink of survival. All branches of the state’s social and productive sector were embraced by a mrapid decline. As a result of this, the regional Communist Party elite perceived ambiguously introduction of market management methods which questioned the canons of soviet planned economy. Thus, the scientific article deals with Lviv City CPSU-CPU Committee’s Attitude to social and economic innovations that were embodied in the production environment of Lviv and their impact on the financial situation of the city’s residents.
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja; 2015, 4; 211-223
Pojawia się w:
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Back to the Past? Social assistance and the coronavirus epidemic: preliminary analysis
Krzysztof, Chaczko,
Norbert, Paprota,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
social assistance
coronavirus epidemic
economic crisis
The article intents to answer what conclusions drawn from the past experiences of the social assistance system may be useful for functioning of the system in the approaching economic crises produced by the coronavirus epidemic. Using comparative analysis, an attempt was made to compare selected elements of the social assistance system from the transformation period of the 1990s with the situation of social assistance in the last decade. Then, there are defined threats to the functioning of social assistance in case of the economic crisis.
Praca Socjalna; 2020, 35(2); 37-53
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pracownik socjalny w sytuacji kryzysu motywacji własnej – charakterystyka zjawiska i propozycje przeciwdziałania
Social worker in motivation crisis – characteristics and recommendations
Łuszczyńska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
pracownik socjalny
social works
social worker
Pracownik socjalny w swojej praktyce zawodowej często spotyka się z różnego rodzaju kryzysami. Są one związane z czynnikami zewnętrznymi wobec pracownika socjalnego, takimi jak sytuacja indywidualna, rodzinna jego klientów, albo też uwarunkowania społeczne czy globalne. Kryzysy mogą mieć swoje przyczyny w wewnętrznych uwarunkowaniach pracownika socjalnego jako głównego narzędzia pomagania. Ten ostatni aspekt będzie przedmiotem zainteresowania w niniejszym tekście, gdyż omawiany kryzys motywacji pracownika socjalnego jest coraz powszechniej obserwowany wśród badaczy i obserwatorów obszaru pomocy społecznej w Polsce. Ta wewnętrzna struktura, na którą składają się kompetencje, osobowość, wiedza, umiejętności, sposób przeżywania, nastawienie, postawa i wiele innych zmiennych coraz częściej ulega kryzysowi motywacji. Kryzys motywacji pracownika socjalnego nieuchronnie wpływa na obniżenie jakości jego pracy, co może negatywnie oddziaływać na klienta pomocy społecznej, ale też powodować odpływ pracowników socjalnych z zawodu. Kryzys motywacji stanowi również wyzwanie dla obszaru kształcenia, nie tylko samych pracowników socjalnych, ale też kadry kierowniczej, odpowiedzialnej za realizację usług pomocowych. W niniejszym artykule zostaną ukazane przesłanki kryzysu motywacji, skutki obniżające profesjonalną pomoc, a także sposoby przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku. Wśród nich znajdą się takie propozycje jak rekomendacje do zmian w systemie zrządzania instytucjami pomocy społecznej, wskazówki dla kierujących pracą socjalną do wykorzystania istniejących narzędzi wsparcia (np. superwizji), a także możliwe sposoby podnoszenia motywacji przez samych pracowników socjalnych w procesie samorozwoju.
There are several kinds of crisis situations that a social worker often encounters in her professional practice. They are linked to external factors, such as the individual or family circumstances of her clients, as well as social and global situation. These crises may, however, also be a result of the internal condition of the social worker understood as the central instrument of social work. The latter factor is the focal point of this study, as a motivational crisis of the social worker is ever more frequently observed by researchers and supervisors in the field of social work in Poland. The person’s internal structure, comprising of competences, personality, knowledge, skills, coping capacity, approach, attitude, and many other variables, suffers from a motivational crisis ever more often. A motivational crisis of the social worker inevitably leads to a decline in the quality of her work, which in turn can negatively impact the clients of social work and also cause an outflow of social workers from the profession. Therefore, dealing with the motivational crisis poses a challenge for the educational system, not only of social workers, but also of coordinators and managers responsible for the delivery of support services. This article presents circumstances that negatively affect professional social work, and methods of prevention of the motivational crisis. Among the methods of prevention, this paper proposes recommendations for changes in the system of management of social work institutions, directions for the coordinators of social work with regard to application of existing instruments of support (e.g. supervision), and possible methods of self-motivating of social workers in a process of personal growth.
Studia nad Rodziną; 2018, 22, 2(47); 53-75
Pojawia się w:
Studia nad Rodziną
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Post COVID-19 youth work: A contribution to the Swedish social pedagogical debate
Irena, Dychawy Rosner,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Health and society
social work
social pedagogy
young population
pandemic crisis
The coronavirus pandemic affects the whole world. This situation is a very challenging time for all humanity and social services no less. The present article explores how care and different forms of support can or should be offered to young people in the post-COVID-19 youth work. The objective of this paper is to reflect on how social work practitioners can adapt their daily clinical practice by focusing their interventions on the social pedagogical dimensions of social work. The article presents a generalised discussion of practice logics in social work and social pedagogy. Because of the meanings derived from knowledge on the importance of relationships between the helper and the help receiver, social practices in the post-COVID-19 world need to consider social pedagogical expertise in social work practice and the development of preventive assistance for young populations. This effort has been prepared as a part of the project “Social Professionals for Youth Education in the context of European Solidarity”.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2020, 13(1); 109-121
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczno-moralne oraz ideologiczne źródła kryzysu gospodarczego cywilizacji naukowo-technicznej w dobie globalizacji a działania prewencyjne
Social, moral and ideological sources of the economic crises of the scientific and technical civilization in the age of globalization. Possibilities of rescue
Szyszko-Bohusz, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Małopolska Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Tarnowie
kryzys gospodarczy
kryzys świadomości społeczno-moralnej
nierównomierność w rozwoju grup społecznych
humanitarna pedagogika
economical crisis
the crisis of the social-moral consciousness
inequality in the development of social groups
humanitarian pedagogy
Podstawową tezą referatu jest stwierdzenie, że społeczno-moralnym oraz ideologicznym źródłem kryzysu gospodarczego cywilizacji naukowo-technicznej w dobie globalizacji jest deprecjacja aksjologiczna, deprecjacja najwyższych wartości wypracowanych przez ludzkość: czci do Stwórcy wszechbytu oraz poszanowania człowieka i jego niezbywalnych praw. W części 1. referatu przedstawiono aktualną sytuację społeczno-ekonomiczną cywilizacji naukowo-technicznej doby globalizacji oraz drążące ją kryzysy: kryzys społeczno-moralny, ekologiczny oraz głęboki kryzys pedagogiczny, oddziaływające w sposób istotny na obecny kryzys gospodarczy oraz stanowiące zagrożenie totalnej autodestrukcji. W części 2. referatu wskazano na możliwości poprawy sytuacji kryzysowej poprzez podniesienie świadomości społeczno-moralnej społeczeństwa, zwłaszcza zaś decydentów, polityków, ekonomistów, pedagogów. W rozważaniach finalnych wskazano na złożoność oraz wieloaspektowość istniejącego kryzysu doby globalizacji oraz konieczność niezwłocznego podjęcia środków zaradczych. Należy do nich zwłaszcza kreacja nowoczesnej, humanitarnej, holistycznej i otwartej na potrzeby człowieka pedagogiki.
The era of civilization of science and technology has had a great deal of unique achievements in education and technological development. Yet, in many fields of our life it has brought about a very serious threat of a total self-destruction. This era of science and technology civilization is characterized by profound antinomies evident in unequal access to distribution of goods, educational achievements, education and culture. This discrepancy can clearly be seen in the realm of lofty humanitarian ideas and their implementation in the field of politics, economics, and social practice. The above mentioned antinomies have lead to a triple danger crisis in the hub of the science and technology civilization: axiological, ethical, and social-moral, as well as to such related crises as ecological, and the one without the precedence in the history of education - pedagogical. To rescue mankind, thus to escape from the utter annihilation is to raise to the upper level social and moral awareness through modern, holistic, and humanistic pedagogy. Such an educational process should lead the society of the era of science and technology civilization to realization of responsibilities for the future fate of the globe. One of the ways leading to this aim is a proper, anticipating idea of globalization carried out by the countries of the world. In the same time, the idea should take into account the view of the future. First of all hunger and poverty in various parts of the world should be alleviated and then totally reduced. Human rights should be respected. The aim of the international policy based on humanitarian values should be defined and implemented. We all should firmly act against the threat of nuclear war and expansion of terrorism.
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie; 2009, 2(13) t. 1; 257-265
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marcusa Vogta próba integracji zasad ekorozwoju z Katolicką Nauką Społeczną
Marcus Vogt’s attempt at integrating the principles of eco-development with the Catholic Social Teaching
Czekalski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
catholic social teaching
ecological crisis
In this article we have attempted to answer the question of the possibilities of integrating the principles of eco-development with Catholic social teaching. We have done so on the basis of the works of a German moral theologian M. Vogt. The integration of the principles of eco-development with the Catholic social teaching may take place in a dialogue between the theology of creation together with its implications and the knowledge of nature. Considering the issue from the socio-ethical perspective it is vital to work out a new social agreement, which would take into account justified, although unspecified, claims of future generations. The integration of the principles of eco-development with Catholic social teaching is by no means impossible, although Vogt warns against treating the concept of eco-development as a superior issue - it is not a solution itself, but rather a key to the solution of contemporary problems at an intersection of three dimensions: social, economic and ecological. The proposed principle of eco-development shall become autonomous not in isolation to the traditional principles of Catholic social teaching, but in relation to them. The novelty of this principle is more about a new perspective, where man has to learn to see himself as part of creation as a whole. The principle also calls for a new way of thinking, which is the transition from a linear to a network way of thinking.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2013, 11, 2; 47-63
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political dispute in Poland in the eyes of Facebook slacktivists
Spór polityczny w Polsce, w oczach facebookowych slaktywistów
Pawlak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
democracy crisis
hate speech
social media
This text is a report from research on selected aspects of the crisis of democracy in Poland. The problem of the analysis focuses on questions about the attitude of the participants in the political dispute towards opponents, the possibility (and method) of reaching an agreement and the assessment of the situation. I chose the area of analysis considering social media a transparent platform for political dispute (especially during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic). The essence of the research was to find respondents clearly involved in the political dispute. I choose Facebook, among the other things, because this platform creates a place of many actively operating thematic groups which gathers supporters of particular political options. This fact facilitate reaching respondents with the preferred characteristics. The survey was conducted in the period 13/12/2020 to 25/01/2021 on the basis of the author’s form consisting of 15 questions. The research sample consists of 220 respondents: 126 women and 94 men aged 14 to 72 years old. Appropriately for the nature of the variables and the sample size, the contingency coefficient and the Kruskal-Wallis test were calculated, together with the statistical significance of the obtained results. All analyzes were performed on the basis of SPSS software version 26 and Microsoft Excel.
Niniejszy tekst jest raportem z badań nad wybranymi aspektami kryzysu demokracji w Polsce. Problem analizy koncentruje się na pytaniach o stosunek uczestników sporu politycznego do przeciwników, możliwości (i sposobu) osiągnięcia porozumienia oraz oceny sytuacji. Obszar analizy wybrałem, traktując media społecznościowe jako przejrzystą platformę do sporu politycznego (szczególnie podczas pandemii SARS-CoV-2). Istotą badania było znalezienie respondentów wyraźnie zaangażowanych w spór polityczny. Autor wskazał portal Facebook między innymi dlatego, że platforma ta tworzy miejsce dla wielu aktywnie działających grup tematycznych, skupiających zwolenników poszczególnych opcji politycznych. Fakt ten ułatwia dotarcie do respondentów o preferowanych cechach. Badanie przeprowadzono w okresie od 13.12.2020 r. Do 25.01.2021 r. Na podstawie autorskiego formularza składającego się z 15 pytań. Próba badawcza liczy 220 respondentów: 126 kobiet i 94 mężczyzn w wieku od 14 do 72 lat. Odpowiednio do charakteru zmiennych i liczebności próby obliczono współczynnik kontyngencji i test Kruskala-Wallisa oraz istotność statystyczną uzyskanych wyników. Wszystkie analizy wykonano w oparciu o oprogramowanie SPSS w wersji 26 i Microsoft Excel.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2021, 1; 23-37
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mathematical and Technical Quantitative Methods for Risk Assessment in Public Crisis Management
Kisilowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
crisis management
risk assessment
logistical social networks
The article shows that in crisis management, risks can be effectively analysed and managed by rational use of mathematical and technical methods. It presents two quantitative methods for risk assessment and a procedure for transferring the results to logistical social networks (LSNs). The need to use social logistical networks, where modern techniques can be applied, including the Internet of Things (IoT) or Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, enabling the collection of any amount of data to logistical social networks, is indicated. The article stresses that research on public crisis management must be interdisciplinary in nature, taking into account all aspects of security management, including social, technical and economic issues. Modern methods of assessing the state and risk of a crisis situation of individual elements of the systems generate an increasing number of data, the collection, collection, processing and sharing of which requires ensuring information security and protecting the personal freedom of the individual.
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal; 2023, 17, 2; 215--225
Pojawia się w:
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola przywództwa w warunkach kryzysu
The Role of Leadership in Crisis
Kolasińska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
management style
social action
The recent crisis was a surprise to the ruling business, economic and political elites. Leadership in crisis conditions is a special kind of mission and a performance in a precarious situation. Unusual and unexpected crisis situation may create a special kind of leadership under conditions of uncertainty. We can put it in words: Leadership in times of crisis. It should take account primarily of preventive and anti-crisis action, beneficiaries and victims of the crisis, management style, minimizing risks and threats, as well as use of the experience of the crisis as an invaluable knowledge for the future. In a crisis situation there is ambiguity of leadership. On the one hand there is a decline in the credibility of leadership, and critique of leadership, on the other hand there are the expectations of various interest groups that a charismatic leader will emerge who restore credibility, trust and satisfy their need for security. The aim of this paper is an attempt to answer the question: What model of leadership is effective in a crisis?
Prakseologia; 2011, 151; 155-165
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Specyfika zarządzania sytuacją kryzysową w przestrzeni mediów społecznościowych w perspektywie typologii SCCT W. T. Coombsa
The specificity of crisis management in the social media space in the perspective of the W.T. Coombs SCCT typology
Kaczmarek-Śliwińska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
media społecznościowe
sytuacja kryzysowa
crisis management
social media
Celem analizy przedstawionej w artykule jest weryfikacja typologii sytuacji kryzysowych W.T. Coombsa. W artykule zostały poddane analizie wydarzenia, w których organizacja w perspektywie sytuacji kryzysowej: jest [1] ofiarą, [2] doprowadziła do sytuacji kryzysowej w sposób nieświadomy, [3] doprowadziła do sytuacji kryzysowej w sposób świadomy. Niektóre z sytuacji kryzysowych trudno jest przyporządkować do wskazanych typów sytuacji, ponieważ mogą nosić znamiona manipulacji. Celem jest pokazanie takich możliwości. Metody badań: Autorka dokonała analizy czterech sytuacji kryzysowych z uwzględnieniem typologii Coombsa. Analiza nie stanowi badania jakościowego o charakterze reprezentatywnym. Dobór sytuacji kryzysowych poddanych analizie w niniejszym opracowaniu uwzględniał warunki: [1] bliskiej odległości czasowej sytuacji kryzysowej (wszystkie analizowane zdarzenia dotyczą okresu 2017–2019), [2] znanych i rozpoznawalnych podmiotów (organizacji, marek, osób), [3] znacznego zaangażowania ze strony odbiorców przekazów-użytkowników mediów społecznościowych oraz [4] podnoszenia tematu sytuacji kryzysowych przez branżę komunikacyjną zarówno po stronie naukowców, badaczy, jak i przedstawicieli praktyki rynkowej. Wyniki i wnioski: Analizowane przykłady pokazały niedostatki typologii sytuacji kryzysowych Coombsa. Zauważono pole do nadużyć komunikacyjnych skierowanych ku odbiorcom przekazów – użytkownikom mediów społecznościowych. Nadużycia te w kulminacyjnych formach mogą być manipulacją przez wykorzystanie w strategiach komunikowania sytuacji kryzysowych wygenerowanych na potrzeby realizacji celów organizacji. Celem działań manipulacyjnych mogą być aspekty ekonomiczne, marketingowe i inne. Wartość poznawcza: W dobie możliwości kreowania nieprawdziwych lub wprowadzających w błąd wydarzeń oraz informacji analizowane sytuacje mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla prawdziwości i etyki dyskursu organizacji różnego typu w otoczeniu rynkowym. W efekcie odbiorcy przekazów mogą podejmować decyzje na podstawie wydarzeń generowanych, co może wprowadzać odbiorcę w błąd. Dlatego obserwacje oraz analiza problemu będzie kontynuowana, a jej pogłębienie znajdzie swój wyraz w badaniach jakościowych.
Scientific objective: The purpose of the analysis presented in the paper is to verify W. T. Coombs’ typology. The paper analyzes the events in which the organization from the perspective of a crisis situation: is [1] a victim, [2] led to a crisis situation unconsciously, [3] led to a crisis situation consciously. Some of crisis situations are difficult to assign to the types of situations indicated because they can be signs of manipulation. The goal is to review such possibilities. Research methods: The author analyzed four crisis situations, including Coombs’ typology. The analysis is not a representative qualitative study. The selection of crisis situations analyzed in this study took into account the conditions: [1] short-term crisis situations (all events analyzed concern the period 2017–2019), [2] known and recognizable entities (organizations, brands, people), [3] significant involvement of messages recipients—users of social media, and [4] raising the topic of crisis situations by the communications industry—scientists, researchers, and representatives of market practice. Results and conclusions: The analyzed examples showed deficiencies in Coombs’ typology of crisis situations. There was a space for communication abuse directed at message recipients—social media users. These abuses in culminating forms can be manipulative through the use in communication strategies of crisis situations generated for the purposes of achieving the organization’s goals. The purpose of manipulation can be economic, marketing, and other aspects. Cognitive value: In the era of creating false or misleading events and information, the analyzed situations may pose a threat to the truth and ethics of the discourse of various types of organizations in the market environment. As a result, message recipients can make decisions based on generated events, which may mislead the recipient. Therefore, observation and analysis of the problem will be continued, and its deepening will find expression in qualitative research.
Studia Medioznawcze; 2019, 4; 318-332
Pojawia się w:
Studia Medioznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Specyfika kryzysów wizerunkowych w mediach społecznościowych
Image crises in social media
Hajduk, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
social media
crisis management
media społecznościowe
kryzys wizerunkowy
zarządzanie kryzysowe
W artykule przedstawiono specyfikę kryzysów w mediach społecznościowych. Omówiono znaczenie i możliwe konsekwencje pojawienia się negatywnych wpisów użytkowników serwisów społecznościowych dotyczących organizacji. W oparciu o przegląd literatury, własne doświadczenia oraz analizę studiów przypadku wskazano różnice pomiędzy kryzysami wizerunkowymi w mediach tradycyjnych oraz w social media. Zwrócono między innymi uwagę na wysoki poziom spontaniczności i szybkości reakcji użytkowników social media oraz wynikającą z tego wysoką dynamikę przebiegu sytuacji kryzysowych.
The paper aims to discuss image crises in social media. Referring to selected organizations it presents the importance and possible consequences of negative posts on social media. Based on literature review, own experience and case study analysis, it highlights differences between image crises in traditional and social media. Among other things, attention has been paid to the high level of spontaneity and responsiveness of social media users and the resulting high dynamics of social media crises.
Studia Medioznawcze; 2017, 3 (70); 101-113
Pojawia się w:
Studia Medioznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spontaneous volunteerism in the daily routine in Israel: a preliminary report on the perception of value and effectiveness by episodic volunteers using WhatsApp applications
Shamir-Tixell, Edith
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Akademia Organizacji Obywatelskich
volunteer in crisis
social involvement
social media
spontaneous volunteering
The spirit of volunteering lies at the core of the Jewish-Israeli culture. The establishment of the State of Israel relied on Zionist volunteers who had come to build the new country. Furthermore, the Bible, which refers to ‘secretly giving’ to others and includes the commandment to love your neighbour as yourself, encourages all people to help others in times of difficulty and distress. However, studies show that the proportion of volunteers in Israel is only 20%, while the average for the OECD countries is 24% (OECD data base). Nevertheless, there is spontaneous volunteerism in Israel utilising digital media, messaging applications and social networks. This is both a recurrent phenomenon and a one-off effort during a crisis. This study analyses the growing phenomenon of spontaneous volunteerism utilising social media for the purpose of social involvement in Israel. No prior studies of this phenomenon have been found. The aim is to describe the significance of episodic volunteering via WhatsApp as seen by the volunteers themselves and the volunteers’ perception of their own status in Israeli society. Moreover, the study examines the role of spontaneous volunteering in consolidating the volunteers’ sense of belonging to a community. Two hundred and twenty-nine participants, all self-declared and self-organised as spontaneous volunteers using WhatsApp, replied to a web-based questionnaire, which was the research method used in the study. The results confirm that spontaneous volunteers via WhatsApp consider their occasional volunteering valuable and effective. They do not enjoy a distinct status in Israeli society but have a strong sense of closeness and belonging to a community. The study also confirms that religious individuals volunteer spontaneously, men and women alike show high commitment to contributing in times of crisis and the participants’ perception of the public as willing to volunteer in times of crisis is high.
Kwartalnik Trzeci Sektor; 2020, 51-52(3-4/2020); 28-38
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Trzeci Sektor
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doktryna dobra publicznego w bankowości a kryzys
Public Good Doctrine in Banking Versus Crisis
Masiukiewicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
universal bank
public good
social functions
social cost
This article has a following thesis: changes in banking and a role of universal banks in real area in last years, give an argument for treating banks as public good in the crisis situation. 80–90% of societies use banking services in many countries as an effect of banking development. New social functions of banks appeared. Doctrines about sanitation and government support for banks were changed parallelly (LoLR, TBTF, TITF, doctrine of social good). Presently there are some arguments for recognition of social good doctrine in banking such as: a very big area for state regulation, state banking supervisory (e.g. acceptance of shareholders structure, appointment of president and vice president of a bank), state system of deposits insurance, realization of task delegated by the state, financing of public-private enterprises, social responsibility of banks and others. Banks received a great support form governments as a result of the subprime crisis. G-20 recommended new regulations for this sector as a result of crisis lesson. These arguments confirm that banks’ activity has a particular importance for society and economy.
Prakseologia; 2010, 150; 241-262
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Idealism in museum
Klekot, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
social activism
critical approach
climate crisis
The extensive volume edited by Robert R. Janes and Richard Sandell titled Museum Activism is composed of papers by over 50 authors. They are in majority case studies, with examples from most varied institutions. Museum activism is the opposite to museum social alienation; in this respect, the first definitely draws from the many-years’ experience of New Museology and participatory museum. Museum activism advocates are negative about the commercial populism and the success measured by turnout only, and not that measured exclusively by the differentiation of the museum offer and its accessibility to minority and marginalized groups. According to the Editors, contemporary museums are more morally obliged to engage in social activism, since in the times of a radical drop of social trust worldwide, museums still constitute one of the social institutions considered as trustworthy. Many of the actions described in the book concern the sphere of museum accessibility broadly speaking, both in the sense of physical access and possibility to participate in the programme, and barriers of social nature. Another sphere of museum activism is made up of curatorial practices. The texts point to many dimensions of activist curatorial practices which, however, first of all become the space for questioning the myth about museum’s neutrality in many respects: the colonial collection genesis, attitude towards climate, narratives constructing national identity, or finally the issue of the presence of curator’s voice in an exhibition. In many of the papers the role of museums in the context of the responsibility for the climate, of raising social awareness, of constructing a new narrative on the relation between man and the world, as well as the necessity to revise one’s own praxis are reiterated.
Muzealnictwo; 2022, 63; 53-58
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Curse of Totalitarianism and the Challenge of Critical Pedagogy
Giroux, Henry A.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
critical pedagogy
social responsibility
Expanding critical pedagogy as a mode of public pedagogy suggests being attentive to and addressing modes of knowledge and social practices in a variety of sites that not only encourage critical thinking, thoughtfulness and meaningful dialogue, but also offer opportunities to mobilize instances of moral outrage, social responsibility and collective action. Such mobilization opposes glaring material inequities and the growing cynical belief that today’s culture of investment and finance makes it impossible to address many of the major social problems facing the United States, Canada, Latin America and the larger world. Most importantly, such work points to the link between civic education, critical pedagogy and modes of oppositional political agency that are pivotal to creating a politics that promotes democratic values, relations, autonomy and social change.
Chowanna; 2020, 1(54); 1-22
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Crisis, Critique and Change.” Sociology of Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Mucha, Janusz
Krzyzowski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
European sociology
the ESA
social change
Starting in the second half of the 2000s, we experience not one (financial, economic) crisis, but the crises in plural, the multifaceted crisis situation in Europe. The previous, Geneva 2011, ESA Conference took up a very timely and significant, at that time, scholarly and societal, topic of “turbulent times,” in which we had lived for several years. The Turin 2013 Conference was organized is a slightly different situation.Global, including European, crises entered a new stage, but at the same time it seemed that there was a light in the tunnel. Old themes, like neo-liberal politics, economy and ideology, as well as the lost welfare state were very important for the scholars. Critical approach became a standard way of analysis of politics, economy and society, but also of political sciences, economics and sociology. Criticism was not only “negative.” For many speakers and discussants, the recent crises have been a chance to re-evaluate the former institutional arrangements and outline new, more flexible solutions.
Polish Sociological Review; 2014, 184, 4; 543-552
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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