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Oсобенности развития этического сознания cтуденческой молодежи
The peculiarities of student youth’ ethical conscious development
Charakterystyka rozwoju świadomości etycznej młodzieży studenckiej
Шевченко, Наталия
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
этическое сознание
моральное развитие
моральные ценности
ясность Я-концепции
стремление к автономии
восприятие категорий этики
ethical consciousness
moral development
moral values
self-concept clarity
desire for autonomy
perception of the ethical categories
świadomość etyczna
rozwój moralny
wartości moralne
klarowność Ja-koncepcji
dążenie do autonomii
percepcja kategorii etycznych
В статье представлены результаты эмпирического исследования особенностей развития этического сознания студенческой молодежи. Установлено, что показатели разви- тия этического сознания по отдельным составляющим ее структурных компонентов (значениям, смыслам, чувственной ткани) демонстрируют различия в исследуемых группах студентов разных курсов. Установлено, что нравственное развитие студентов соответствует конвенциональному и постконвенциональному уровням (компонент “значение”); у респондентов преобладает средний уровень развития совестливости, ясности Я-концепции, стремления к автономии, рефлексивности. Определено, что приоритетными для студенческой молодежи выступают эгоистические ценности; моральные ценности универсализма и безопасности не являются актуальными. Выявлено, что индивидуальные значения понятий этического пространства в сознании студентов всех курсов определяются смысловой нагрузкой по фактору оценки, что указывает на оценочность мышления, нестабильность моральных убеждений, ценностей, качеств.
The article presents the results of empirical research of the specifics of students’ ethical consciousness development. Rates of the different groups of students have demonstrated differences in the individual components of the structural components of the ethical consciousness (meanings, senses, sensual texture). It has been shown that the moral development of students of the different courses corresponds to the conventional and postconventional levels. The respondents of all courses have shown the average level of conscientiousness, self-concept clarity, the desire for autonomy, reflexivity. It has been established that the self-centered values are foreground for the students; moral values of universalism and security are not relevant. It has been concluded that the individual values of the ethical concepts in students’ consciousness of all the courses are determined by the semantic load on the Evaluation factor. This fact may point to evaluative thinking, instability of moral beliefs, values and qualities. Results of the study have suggested that in the situation of inclusion of young people to more complicated moral relations, on the basis of a stable social practice, due to the strengthening of the ideological representations, individual consciousness is enriched by the assimilation of moral norms. These moral norms must be later converted to own moral principles.However, the results of research have suggested that this process is very slow, and some moral standards and categories have no real personal sense for the young man.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań cech rozwoju świadomości etycznej młodzieży studenckiej. Ustalono, że wskaźniki rozwoju świadomości etycznej poszczególnych elementów jej struktury (wartości, sensu, uczuć) wykazują różnice w grupach badanych studentów różnych kierunków. Pokazano, że rozwój moralny odpowiada poziomom konwencjonalnym i postkonwencjonalnym (składnik „wartości”); respondenci wykazują średni poziom rozwoju sumienności, jasności koncepcji Ja, dążenia do autonomii i refleksyjności. Stwierdzono, że wartości egocentryczne są priorytetem dla młodzieży studenckiej; wartości moralne uniwersalizmu i bezpieczeństwa nie są istotne. Udowodniono, że znaczenia pojęć przestrzeni etycznej w świadomości studentów wszystkich kierunków wiążą się z funkcją oceniania, co wskazuje na myślenie oceniające, a także na niestabilność wartości moralnych.
Psychologiczne Zeszyty Naukowe; 2018, 1; 109-122
Pojawia się w:
Psychologiczne Zeszyty Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szczepański, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Opolska. Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego i Fizjoterapii
Teacher personality patterns, shaped in the form of characteristics attributed to particular groups of teachers of the given subject, as if they were accepted in school practice. Such opinions are generally formulated by pupils. The present study is an attempt to analyse opinions on distinguishing characteristics of physical education teachers as they are perceived by teachers of other subjects, and to compare them with the PE teachers’ self-assessment. The study results show that, in the opinion of physical education teachers, the strongest features of their professional identity are their organisation skills and dynamics in action; they are also distinguished by their optimism, clothes style, manners, commitment to work, and being resourceful in life. They perceive these image attributes as of high quality. However, teachers of other subjects assess these features much lower. In their opinion, the strongest distinguishing feature of physical education teachers in the school is mainly their outfit; they are also identified by dynamics in action, optimism, lifestyle, involvement at work, and courage. This means that - either the physical education teachers have a very high opinion of their value, or their peers teaching other subjects underestimate the assessment. Undoubtedly, the self-perception factor and related mechanisms of self-promotion and depreciation play certain role in this case.
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective; 2013, 2, 3; 13-29
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Auto perception of adult women
Szarota, Zofia
Łaszyn, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego
tożsamość dojrzałej kobiety
koncepcja siebie w interakcji społecznej
późna dorosłość
gradacja wiekowa
the identity of adult woman
the concept of self in social interaction
late adulthood
graduation age
Artykuł jest próbą spojrzenia na tożsamość kobiet znajdujących się w fazie późnej dojrzałości oraz starości przez pryzmat stereotypów społecznych dotyczących starości. Badaniami objęto kobiety skupione w Uniwersytecie Złotego Wieku w Gorlicach, a także grupę studentów Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego. Analizie poddano konstruowaną w toku interakcji społecznych koncepcję siebie dojrzałej kobiety. W oparciu o deklaracje kobiet określono ich zakres aktywności, stosunek do własnej starości/ starzenia się oraz do zmian zachodzących w ich wyglądzie zewnętrznym.
The article is an attempt of getting an insight into identity of a woman who experiences her advanced adulthood and old age stage through the prism of social stereotypes concerning the senility. The research surveyed women attending the University of the Golden Age in the town of Gorlice and also a group of students of the Pedagogical University. The research focused on the analysis of the mature woman’s self-concept constructed in the course of social interaction. On the basis of the women’s declarations their activities range, attitude towards old age and growing old as well as the changes of the appearance have been defined.
Ruch Pedagogiczny; 2012, 2; 83-101
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Restitution of local government in Poland in the 1990s. Social perception of administrative reforms
Restytucja samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce w latach 90. Społeczne postrzeganie reform administracyjnych
Swacha, Piotr
Wojnicki, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
administrative reforms
social perception
reformy administracyjne
społeczne postrzegania
One of the most important steps in the transition from the so-called “real socialism” to democracy was the process of administrative decentralization. In less than ten years, after the “round table” agreements, Polish parliament was able to introduce reforms that changed the structure of local governments. It created three tiers of self-governments and provided redistribution of authority, responsibility, tasks and competences between the government (and their institutions) and local governments. The first aim of the article is to present this process and indicate crucial decisions and actions made by Polish parliament. The second part of the article is mainly based on the results of a research made by CBOS and non-governmental organizations. The data shows how the local government has been perceived during the last two decades by Poles, it brings the information about a sense of influence on local affairs, the importance of local elections, trust in local authorities, belief in the influence of local authorities on local development, perception of the role and autonomy of local authorities. The second part of the article also contains secondary analysis of data on voting turnout in Polish local elections.
Jednym z najważniejszych kroków w przejściu od „realnego socjalizmu” do demokracji był proces decentralizacji administracyjnej. W niecałe 10 lat po porozumieniach Okrągłego Stołu polski parlament był w stanie wprowadzić reformy, które zmieniły strukturę samorządów. Stworzył trzy szczeble samorządów i zapewnił redystrybucję władzy, odpowiedzialności, zadań i kompetencji między rządem (i jego instytucjami) a samorządami. Pierwszym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie tego procesu oraz wskazanie kluczowych decyzji i działań podejmowanych przez polski parlament. Druga część artykułu opiera się głównie na wynikach badań przeprowadzonych przez CBOS i organizacje pozarządowe. Dane pokazują, jak samorząd był postrzegany przez Polaków w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad, dostarczają informacji o poczuciu wpływu na sprawy lokalne, znaczeniu wyborów samorządowych, zaufaniu do władz lokalnych, wierze we wpływ władz lokalnych na rozwój lokalny, postrzeganiu roli i autonomii władz lokalnych. Druga część artykułu zawiera również wtórną analizę danych dotyczących frekwencji wyborczej w polskich wyborach samorządowych.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 2021, 77; 5-25
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz ciała na podstawie samooceny i badań antropometrycznych u osób ćwiczących we wrocławskich klubach fitnessu
Body image based on self-evaluation and anthropometric studies in people training in Wrocław fitness clubs
Suchanecka, Małgorzata
Graja, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
aktywność fizyczna
postrzeganie siebie
pomiary antropometryczne
physical activity
anthropometric measurements
Cel badań. W obecnych czasach człowiek dąży do osiągnięcia wysportowanej i atrakcyjnej sylwetki. Chcąc osiągnąć wykreowany przez społeczeństwo idealny wygląd, wiele osób decyduje się na podjęcie aktywności. Celem pracy było zbadanie postrzegania własnej atrakcyjności i jej zestawienie z rzeczywistym obrazem ciała, określonym na podstawie pomiarów antropometrycznych. Materiał i metody. Badaniem została objęta grupa 107 mężczyzn i kobiet trenujących we wrocławskich siłowniach i w fitness clubach. Uczestnicy badania dokonali samooceny swojego wyglądu na podstawie formularza Skali Oceny Ciała (Body Esteem Scale, BES), dostosowanego do populacji polskiej, autorską ankietę). Wykonano im także pomiary antropometryczne. Wyniki. Większość respondentów uprawiała aktywność fizyczną rekreacyjnie i w celu poprawy wyglądu lub kondycji. Zarówno mężczyźni, jak i kobiety w trakcie treningów oceniali się lepiej niż przed ich rozpoczęciem. Wszyscy ankietowani zaobserwowali poprawę samopoczucia oraz wyglądu. W odniesieniu do większości badanych komponentów BES mężczyźni oceniali się lepiej niż kobiety. Wnioski. Postrzeganie własnej atrakcyjności nie zawsze jest zgodne z rzeczywistym obrazem ciała u osób ćwiczących. Jednak zależności pomiędzy niektórymi wskaźnikami proporcji ciała a średnimi ocenami skali BES wykazały, że osoby mające masę ciała mieszczącą się w granicach normy oceniają się w niektórych kategoriach istotnie lepiej niż osoby z nadwagą i otyłe.
Background. Nowadays, the pressure to attain fit and physically attractive figure is widely observed. In order to reach this goal, many people decide to undertake physical activities. The aim of the study was to analyse the self-perception of one’s attractiveness and to compare the results with the actual body look, determined by anthropometric indicators. Material and methods. The study involved 107 men and women practising in gyms and fitness clubs in Wrocław. The participants were asked to self-evaluate their bodily attractiveness on the basis of the Body Esteem Scale (BES) adapted to the Polish population and to fill in a questionnaire developed by the authors. Anthropometric measurements were also performed. Results. The majority of the respondents engaged in physical activities for recreational reasons and in order to improve their body shape and physical condition. Both men and women evaluated themselves better during the training than before they took on the training. All participants reported an improvement in their disposition and appearance. Men demonstrated a higher self-esteem than women in most BES components. Conclusions. The perception of one’s attractiveness is not always consistent with the actual body image of trainees. However, correlations between some body indices and average BES scores have proved that people with a body weight within the normal range assess themselves significantly better in certain categories than the overweight and obese.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2018, 62; 41-50
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Memory, Imagery, and Self-Knowledge
Stokes, Dustin
Data publikacji:
Projekt Avant
One distinct interest in self-knowledge is an interest in whether one can know about one’s own mental states and processes, how much, and by what methods. One broad distinction is between accounts that centrally claim that we look inward for self-knowledge (introspective methods) and those that claim that we look outward for self-knowledge (transparency methods). It is here argued that neither method is sufficient, and that we see this as soon as we move beyond questions about knowledge of one’s beliefs, focusing instead on how one distinguishes, for oneself, one’s veridical visual memories from mere (non-veridical) visual images. Given the robust psychological and phenomenal similarities between episodic memories and mere imagery, the following is a genuine question that one might pose to oneself: “Do I actually remember that happening, or am I just imagining it?” After critical analysis of the application of the transparency method (advocated by Byrne [2010], following Evans [1982]) to this latter epistemological question, a brief sketch is offered of a more holistic and inferential method for acquisition of broader self-knowledge (broadly following the interpretive sensory-access account of Carruthers [2011]). In a slogan, knowing more of the mind requires using more of the mind.
Avant; 2019, 10, 2
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skutki przyjęcia niedozwolonej pomocy edukacyjnej dla oceny własnej osoby jej biorcy: czy niedozwolona pomoc może szkodzić uczniowi, czy być dla niego korzystna?
Effects of Receiving Unlawful Educational Help on the Self-Evaluation of Its Recipient: Can the Unlawful Help Harm Students or Can It Be Beneficial for Them?
Śniecińska, Justyna
Lachowicz-Tabaczek, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
niedozwolona pomoc
obraz siebie
unlawful educational help
Potocznie wydaje się, że niedozwolona pomoc przynosi, przynajmniej krótkoterminowo, same zyski osobom z niej korzystającym. Takie spostrzeżenia mogą być wspierane przez wyniki badań sugerujące, że dopuszczanie się nieuczciwości edukacyjnej nie jest związane z niższymi ocenami własnej moralności. Istnieją jednak teorie wskazujące, że pomoc pochodząca od kogoś podobnego, czyli na przykład rówieśnika, niezależnie od tego, czy jest dozwolona czy nie, może mieć negatywny wpływ na jej biorcą, szczególnie w obszarze ocen siebie w wymiarze związanym z zadaniem. Zgodnie z takim ujęciem niedozwolona pomoc od rówieśnika powinna negatywnie wpływać na osoby z niej korzystające, gdyż będzie prowadzić do zmian w obrazie własnej osoby. Aby zweryfikować te przewidywania, zostało przeprowadzone badanie, w którym dwie grupy wyobrażały sobie pomoc, a następnie sprawdzano, jak takie wyobrażenie wpłynie na ich obraz siebie. W grupie eksperymentalnej wyobrażenie dotyczyło niedozwolonej pomocy od rówieśnika, natomiast w grupie kontrolnej – dozwolonej pomocy od nauczyciela. Zgodnie z przewidywaniami niedozwolona pomoc okazała się negatywnie wpływać na oceny własnej sprawczości, natomiast niezgodnie z oczekiwaniami obniżała także oceny własnej moralności jej biorców.
It is a common belief that unlawful help brings, at least in the short run, only profits to people who use it. Such observations can be supported by research results which suggest that educational cheating is not related with lower evaluation of self-morality. However, there are theories indicating that the help coming from someone similar, i.e. from a peer, independent of whether it is allowed or not, may have a negative impact on its recipient, particularly in the area of self-evaluation connected with a task. According to such an interpretation the unlawful help from a peer should negatively influence the people who use it, because it will lead to changes in self-perception. In order to verify these assumptions a test was carried out, where two groups imagined themselves help and then it was checked how this image influenced their self-picture. In the experimental group the image concerned unlawful help received from a peer, however, in the control group – the help was allowed and came from a teacher. In accordance with expectations, the unlawful help turned out to negatively influence the self-evaluation and, opposite to expectations – it also decreased the evaluation of self-morality of its recipients.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja; 2014, 17, 3(67); 101-110
Pojawia się w:
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Mind Is the World: Virginia Woolf on the Embodied Self
Serrano, Leonor María Martínez
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
embodied self
vibrant matter
Virginia Woolf
Drawing on Jean-Luc Nancy’s insights into bodies as the place of existence, David Abram’s thinking on the more-than-human world, Jane Bennett’s conceptualisation of vibrant matter and Stacy Alaimo’s notion of “transcorporeality,” this article explores how Virginia Woolf transforms fiction into a powerful epistemological tool in her examination of the self amidst a vibrant world. In novels like Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and The Waves(1931), Woolf found not only that human beings are finite, singular and exposed, but also porous, embodied selves that are sensuously immersed in the vitality intrinsic to matter. Fascinated by the flow of consciousness and the workings of the human mind when confronted with reality, the novelist seeks to capture the evanescent moment in time as refracted through the consciousness of her own characters. Her compulsion to write down impressions, thoughts, and half-ideas is expressive of her concern with imposing order upon the phenomena of a world populated by agentive entities through the medium of language. If the flux of life was simply unstoppable, language gave her at least the opportunity to freeze moments of being and look at them as if from simultaneous perspectives, as well as to shed light on how humans are in and of the earth – i.e., part of, not apart from, a more-than-human world.
Ars inter Culturas; 2020, 9; 295-315
Pojawia się w:
Ars inter Culturas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Film Preferences in the Pandemic: Psychological Resilience or an Escape from the Pandemic Reality?
Pisarek, Jolanta
Zabielska-Mendyk, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
film preferences
film perception
During the last year, the one of COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of many people have changed in many ways, one of them is media consumption. We wanted to verify whether “stay at home” recommendations influenced viewers’ preferences concerning films, their watching habits, motivation to choose a specific film and how media use is related to some psychological variables, mainly a sense of loneliness, self-esteem and pandemic psychological resilience. Results of the online survey showed that participants watch more films or series during the pandemic than before and that they prefer various genres. They more often use streaming platforms and go to the cinema less frequently compared to the period before the pandemic. Participants watch films more for both entertainment and as a way to get away from everyday reality than before. Cast, film topic and recommendations became less important when choosing a film. There was also found a weak, however significant correlation between describing oneself as a fan of a specific film genre and the pandemic psychological resilience. Results show that the pandemic psychological resilience is moderately, negatively related to loneliness. A positive, however weak, relation of pandemic psychological resilience to self-esteem was also found.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2021, 24, 3-4; 227-241
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Individual and Social Self-Perception Determinants Among School Going Adolescents
Pidbutska, Nina
Shapolova, Victoriia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
children with limited abilities
individual-and-character traits
social environment
The aim of the research is to define individual psychological traits of adolescents that influence the formation of their self-perception. An empirical study was conducted on the basis of general education schools, boarding schools for the hearing impaired students and orphanages of the Kharkiv region (Ukraine). The study included 86 children. In accordance with this aim empirical methods were applied: Self-perception profile for adolescents (SPPA), Freiburg Multifactorial Personality Questionnaire (FPI), An Adolescent’s Character Traits Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. It has been found that self-perception of general education school students is determined by depressiveness, shyness, extroversion, and stuck type of accentuation; in adolescents with hearing impairments - friendliness, reactive aggressiveness, extroversion, emotive and anxiety types of accentuation; in orphans - pedantic and dysthymic types of character accentuation.
The New Educational Review; 2021, 66; 185-197
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Second-Language Learners from Collectivistic Societies own Self-Efficacy Effects on Performance and Self Perception of Career Success.
Parra, Carlos
Geriguis-Mina, Nanci
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
second-language learners
collectivistic societies
language acquisition
career success
In reference to cultural patterns in collectivistic societies, teaching and learning are greatly influenced by the teachers’ collectivistic or individualistic cultural orientation (Kaur & Noman, 2015). However, in dealing with both audiences and their teaching platforms, a chasm appears between methodologies and their applications since collectivistic societies are reluctant to accept methodologies perceived as mere Western innovations. In other words, a seemingly pedagogical incongruence arises where direct individualistic Western influence is perceived as unsuitable to a collectivistic mindset. One must keep in mind that family members in collectivist societies, who view themselves as part of a group rather than independent individuals, seem to feel more interdependent and mutually responsible for each other. In addition to Vygotski’s assertion that children’s cognitive development is enriched through social interaction with more skilled individuals (1978), Bandura (1982) emphasizes that the degree to which learners believe in their own self-efficacy influences their functioning cognitively, motivationally, emotionally, and their decision making process. Also, self-efficacy is perceived to accelerate the process of adapting to a new environment while learners adopt new cultural practices and consent to norms and expectations. In our exploration, second-language learners (SLLs) from collectivistic societies advance academically—English as a second language included—within the frame of sociocultural theory, since they seem to be motivated by their culturally- induced sense of obligation to honor their parents and other group members. These SLLs are positively influenced by their prior experiences with the group’s perceptions and expectations of their capability to learn an additional language (Bandura & Schunk, 1981; Schunk, 1991). Our research seems to indicate that this outcome is significantly affected by the self-efficacy and self-reliance produced by prior successes in challenging tasks that may have been mandated by the SLL’s elders. In addition, SLLs also seem to succeed in accomplishing more challenging goals as they observe their families’ values and traditions even when they are in a society that enforces individualistic values.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2021, 12, 24; 130-158
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bridging East and West. In the Search for a New Approach to Consciousness. Remarks on the sidelines of the book by Evan Thompson Waking, Dreaming, Being. Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy, Columbia University Press, New York 2014, pp. 496
Pacholik-Żuromska, Anita
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
computational neuroscience
Evan Thompson
The aim of this paper is a short overview of the book of Evan Thompson Waking, Dreaming, Being. Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy, with some polemic remarks. Thompson presents an interesting approach to the problem of cognition, knowledge and selfknowledge the problems considered in philosophy, psychology, neurosciences, which if they interact create an interdisciplinary platform called “cognitive sciences”. However, Thompson proposes to bring on the debate within the field of a new discipline: contemplative neuroscience, for which he argues in the presented book. Using the methodology offered by this new kind of science he analyzes such phenomena as dream, perception, imagination, and even dying all of them in reference to the problem of what consciousness is.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2016, 2(112); 234-241
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samoocena młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością wzroku w zakresie „ja perspektywicznego”
Self-perception of the prospective self in adolescents with visual disability
Niemiec, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
visual disability
prospective self/potential self
A young person's perception of his past, present, and future life is shaped during his adolescence. The potential/prospective self of an adolescent includes his ideas and plans concerning his future life and, therefore, constitutes an important source of his motives for activity and development. This paper presents results of its author's own research on the ways in which adolescents with visual disability receiving special education in the Silesian Voivodship perceive their own future lives. The theoretical part of the paper contains an analysis of the concept of self-perception and related concepts. Special attention is paid to defining different kinds of self-perception, analyzing their functions, and indicating factors that determine their development during adolescence. An overview of selected pieces of research on the self-image of the blind and visually impaired people allowed a description of the influence of self-perception on social and personal functioning of adolescents with visual disability.
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej; 2018, 20; 233-250
Pojawia się w:
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Multi-Dimensional Influence of a Sports Activity on the Process of Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and the Improvement in the Quality of Life of Persons with Physical Disabilities
Niedbalski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Physical Activity
People with Disabilities
Life Changes
Personal Experiences
Qualitative Research
Purpose: The purpose of the research is to analyze the role that sport plays in the lives of persons with physical disabilities within the process of rehabilitation and the improvement of their quality of life. Background: The article raises the notions of changes that take place in the life of a physically handicapped person which is due to their engagement in a sports activity. In the article, I refer to the subjective perspective of those researched, rendering their own point of view into the major subject of analysis. Methods: Qualitative data are exploited in the research, collected through a technique of unstructured interviews and undisguised observations conducted among the disabled practicing sports. Findings: The role of sport practiced by the disabled has been determined within several contexts, which were distinguished within the course of the research as analytical categories. Conclusion: On the basis of the research it was found that getting involved in a sports activity is significant within the process of experiencing life satisfaction, personal development and the reconstruction of the ego, self-identity, and transformations in the manner of perceiving both themselves and others. Therefore, a sports activity of a disabled person supports the rehabilitation process effectively.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2018, 14, 3; 68-85
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Si no sos peronista, acá sonaste”. Autopercepciones de clase en un barrio ferroviario del conurbano bonaerense
Class self-perceptions and political identifications in a railway district of the Buenos Aires suburbs
Merenson, Silvina
Guizardi, Menara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
autopercepción de clase
estructura social
identificación política
self-perception of class
social structure
political identification
El artículo analiza las relaciones entre las autopercepciones de clase y las identificaciones políticas en Barrio Operario, un vecindario ferroviario situado en el municipio de San Isidro, sector norte del conurbano de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Siguiendo una estrategia metodológica interdisciplinaria nos detendremos en tres periodos: su origen y organización ligados a la “estrategia justicialista” de desarrollo (1945-1955); su paulatino pero sostenido devenir como “villa miseria”, asociado fundamentalmente a la “estrategia aperturista” (1976-2002); y, finalmente, su urbanización desde 2003, en el marco de la “sociedad posneoliberal”. Destinaremos un acápite a cada uno de ellos, antecedidos por una reseña de las contribuciones que, desde los abordajes sociológicos, históricos y etnográficos permitieron comprender las configuraciones de clase y sus identificaciones políticas.   
The article analyzes the relationships between self-perceptions of class and political identifications in Barrio Operario, a railway district located in the municipality of San Isidro, in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Following an interdisciplinary methodological framework, we will dwell on three periods: the neighborhood origin and organization linked to the “Justicialist strategy” of development (1945-1955); its gradual but sustained evolution as a “slum”, fundamentally associated with Argentina’s “opening strategy” (1976-2002) and, finally, its urbanization since 2003, within the framework of the “post-neoliberal society”. We will allocate a section to each one of them, preceded by a review of the contributions that, from the sociological, historical, and ethnographic approaches, allowed us to understand the class configurations and their political identifications.
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2021, 27; 193-228
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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