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Дети-мигранты: современные акценты научных исследований в России
Migrant children: current research highlights in Russia
Simaeva, Irina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
migrant children
learning a second language
emotional intelligence of migrant children
social adaptation
subjective psychological well-being
the psychological mechanism of the prevention of terrorism.
The article provides an analysis of trends and approaches to researching foreign language learning problems, social and psychological adaptation, and the integration of migrant children in the multiethnic educational institutions of Russia. Showing new actual directions of scientific research: methodology of elementary education in foreign language of middle-school and older migrant children, learning, emotional expression of migrant children and development of their emotional intelligence. It indicates other necessary areas of international research and development in migrant children, a stable identification with the host country, and support for the psychological feeling of security to counter involvement in terrorism.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2016, 35, 4; 7-13
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie wyników testu na rozumienie zjawisk gramatycznych jako wskaźnik zindywidualizowanych procesów nabywania języka drugiego w grupie dzieci przedszkolnych i wczesnoszkolnych
Differences in results of the receptive L2 grammar test as an indicator of individualized L2 acquisition processes in preschool and early school-age children
Bielicka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej
immersion foreign education
bilingual preschools
EFL learners
second language learning, L2 competency
kompetencja językowa,
nauczanie języków na poziomie przedszkolnym
wczesnoszkolne nauczanie języków obcych
szkoły dwujęzyczne
This article presents the results of a test which examined the understanding of grammar by preschool and early school-age children who learn German by immersion. The results were statistically analyzed. Thanks to such parameters as the range, standard deviation and variation coefficient, it has been established that the examined groups of children are heterogeneous, which led to the conclusion that the process of foreign language learning by young children is of individualized character.
Lingwistyka Stosowana / Applied Linguistics / Angewandte Linguistik; 2017, 23; 91-105
Pojawia się w:
Lingwistyka Stosowana / Applied Linguistics / Angewandte Linguistik
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybór metod i narzędzi ewaluacji użycia strategii uczenia się w nauce języka drugiego/obcego
Identifying learner strategies for second/foreign language learning and use: The choice of assessment tools
Dąbrowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
preferencje uczenia się
strategie nauki drugiego języka/języka obcego
metody oceny strategii
narzędzia badania strategii
badanie strategii
learning preferences
second/foreign language learning strategies
strategy research
strategy assessment methods
strategy research tools
Głównym celem niniejszej publikacji jest zgłębienie zagadnienia dotyczącego rodzaju metod oceny używanych przez naukowców i nauczycieli w celu rozpoznania strategii stosowanych przez uczniów w procesie uczenia się i używania drugiego języka/języka obcego, mając na uwadze szereg istotnych technicznych i metodologicznych kwestii poruszonych dotychczas przez innych naukowców. Informacje przedstawione w artykule mogą pomóc naukowcom w planowaniu i skutecznym przeprowadzaniu badań w zakresie strategii stosowanych przez osoby uczące się języków, biorąc pod uwagę szereg istotnych, ukierunkowanych pytań związanych z jakością badania, metodologią oraz wyborem narzędzi i kryteriami oceny. W dziedzinie edukacji językowej może to stanowić punkt wyjścia dla szkolenia ucznia ze strategii zarówno w klasie, jak i poza nią. To z kolei może zachęcić uczniów do poszerzenia własnych preferencji dotyczących uczenia się oraz rozwinięcia i wzbogacenia zakresu stosowanych strategii uczenia się języków, a także ułatwić im przyszłą niezależną naukę języków i kontynuację procesu uczenia się przez całe życie.
The main aim of this article is to explore the question of what assessment methods researchers and teachers can employ in order to identify second/foreign language learners’ strategies for language learning and use, bearing in mind a number of vital technical or methodological considerations voiced by other researchers so far. The information presented in the article may help researchers to plan and effectively conduct language learner strategy research, taking into consideration a number of essential, targeted questions related to research quality, its methodology, as well as tools selection and evaluation criteria. Subsequently, in language education it may constitute the starting point for the process of learner strategy training in the classroom and beyond it. This, in turn, may encourage learners to stretch their individual learning preferences, develop and enrich language learning strategy repertoires, and facilitate future autonomous or self-regulated language learning, and continued lifelong learning.
Rozprawy Społeczne; 2019, 13, 2; 59-80
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vom Glück der Mehrsprachigkeit: Ein polnischer Linguist über seinen Spracherwerb des Deutschen, Englischen und Russischen
The Happiness of Multilingualism: A Polish Linguist on his Language Acquisition of German, English and Russian
Hudabiunigg, Ingrid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
narratives Interview
language biography
second language acquisition
foreign language learning
narrative interview
druga akwizycja językowa
nauka języków obcych
wywiad narracyjny
Im Zentrum der explorativen Studie steht ein polnischer Sprachwissenschaftler, dessen wissenschaftlicher Auslandsaufenthalt an der Universität Wien durch die Solidarność-Bewegung in seinem Heimatland einen tiefen Einschnitt erfuhr. Sein Engagement für ein Auslandskomitee der Solidarność in Österreich führte zum Entzug der polnischen Staatsbürgerschaft und daraus resultierender Staatenlosigkeit. Die dadurch erzwungene Neuorientierung erforderte die Beherrschung des Deutschen als Arbeitssprache an der Universität (zusätzlich zum Englischen), die er in den Ausbildungsphasen von Schule und Universität in Polen nicht erlernt hatte. Die Daten wurden mithilfe der Methode des narrativen Interviews elizitiert. In der Analyse der transkribierten Interviewausschnitte werden die Stationen des Lebenslaufs und der selbst konstruierten Erwerbsstrategien der Zweitsprache Deutsch innerhalb der Tätigkeit für das politische Komitee für Solidarność verfolgt.
Artykuł przedstawia sylwetkę polskiego językoznawcy, którego pobyt naukowy za granicą na Uniwersytecie Wiedeńskim został głęboko naznaczony przez ruch Solidarności w jego ojczyźnie. Jego zaangażowanie w działalność Komitetu Zagranicznego Solidarności w Austrii doprowadziło do odebrania mu polskiego obywatelstwa, a w konsekwencji do bezpaństwowości. Wymuszona w ten sposób reorientacja wymagała opanowania języka niemieckiego (i dodatkowo angielskiego) jako języka niezbędnego do pracy na uniwersytecie, gdyż nie uczył się go w ramach edukacji w Polsce. Omawiane w artykule dane zostały pozyskane poprzez introspekcję rozmówcy za pomocą wywiadu narracyjnego. W analizie transkrybowanych fragmentów wywiadu prześledzone zostały etapy drogi życiowej i skonstruowanej na własne potrzeby strategii przyswajania języka niemieckiego jako drugiego języka w ramach działalności na rzecz komitetu politycznego Solidarności.
The explorative study focuses on a Polish linguist whose academic stay abroad at the University of Vienna was deeply affected by the Solidarność movement in his home country. His involvement with a Solidarność foreign committee in Austria led to the revocation of his Polish citizenship and resulting statelessness. The hereby forced reorientation required mastery of German as a working language at the university (in addition to English), which he had not learned during his educational phases in Poland. The data were elicited through the introspection of the interviewee using the narrative interview. In the analysis of the transcribed interview excerpts, the stages of the life course and self-constructed acquisition strategies of German as a second language within the political committee for Solidarność are traced.
Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia; 2023, 32; 325-347
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akayoğlu, Sedat
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. IATEFL Poland Computer Special Interest Group
Computer Assisted Language Learning
theoretical framework
Social Constructivism
Sociocultural Theory
Interactionist Second Language Acquisition
In the last three decades, there has been a great interest in the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). As a newly flourished area, CALL borrowed or adapted theories from other disciplines, such as second language acquisition, linguistics, psychology and education; however, it is still questioned how these theories are modified, utilized and integrated into CALL research. In this study, the articles published in Computer Assisted Language Learning, System, British Journal of Educational Technology, and Language Learning and Technology between 1997 and 2018 were analyzed and the suggested theoretical frameworks for the research studies were examined. First, the articles without any explicit theoretical frameworks were eliminated. Second, the articles with specific theories were categorized and discussed in categories. At the end of the study, it was found that the prominent theoretical frameworks used in the last two decades were Social Constructivism, Sociocultural Theory, and Interactionist SLA in CALL studies. As for further studies, it can be claimed that these prominent theories will continue to be adopted by the researchers no matter what kind of new tools and platforms emerge for educational purposes. These findings might help researchers to better understand the past and the present situation of CALL research and to design further studies.
Teaching English with Technology; 2019, 19, 4; 104-118
Pojawia się w:
Teaching English with Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of language learning strategies in a second and third language: The case of foreign language majors
Pawlak, Mirosław
Kiermasz, Zuzanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
second language
third language
language learning strategies
Although multilingualism has become a fact of life in the last few decades, this phenomenon has largely failed to find a reflection in research on language learning strategies. Even when scholars have addressed this issue, it has mostly been done with the purpose of proving the advantage of multilingualism over bilingualism, and scant attention has been given to how the nature, utility or status of a particular additional language can impact the frequency and patterns of strategy use. The present paper seeks to partially fill this gap by investigating the employment of strategies by 107 Polish university students majoring in English and, at the same time, being required to reach a high level of proficiency in another additional language. The data were collected by means of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (Oxford, 1990) and interviews conducted with selected participants. A combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis demonstrated that strategy use in the second language was higher than in the third language, both overall and with respect to specific groups of strategies, mostly traditional and memory strategies were deployed, and the outcomes could be attributed to the proficiency level in both languages and varied motivation to master these languages.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; 2018, 8, 2; 427-443
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Relationship between Attention and Extraneous Load
Hughes, Christopher J. L.
Costley, Jamie
Lange, Christopher
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
cognitive load
second language learning
online learning
video lectures
There has been a call in recent years for an integration of cognitive load theory into instructed second language acquisition practices to assist language learners by taking advantage of theories on human cognitive architecture. This paper seeks to move the conversation on how this integration might be achieved by presenting findings from survey data conducted with learners enrolled online courses at a cyber-university in South Korea (n = 68). Findings show a statistically significant positive relationship between distraction and extraneous load. These results are used to postulate a model for explaining the how the effects of extraneous load on attention can be integrated into second language learning theory. Pedagogic implications of this are the value of explicitly signaling key vocabulary and grammar, ensure spatial and temporal considerations are made when using multimodal instruction, and placing learners at the center of decisions on the blend of media they experience in instruction.   
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2021, 7, 2; 61-82
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The misunderstood variable: Age effects as a function of type of instruction
Pfenninger, Simone E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
second language learning
age effects in L2
input effects on L2
This study was designed to investigate the effects of age of onset and type of instruction on ultimate EFL attainment at the end of the period of normal schooling in Switzerland, measured in terms of written fluency, complexity, morphosyntactic accuracy, vocabulary size, and listening skills. Data were gathered from four groups of 18-year-old Swiss German learners of English: 50 were early starters who had attended an immersion (CLIL) program in elementary school and who continued CLIL in secondary school (EARLY CLIL), 50 had followed the same elementary school program but then received traditional EFL instruction after elementary school (EARLY MIX), 50 were late starters who began learning English immersively in secondary school, (LATE CLIL), while the other 50 attended a traditional EFL program in secondary school (LATE NON-CLIL). Results show that age of onset alone does not seem to be the distinguishing variable since early introduction of English in elementary school did not result in a higher level of roficiency when exposure to the language was limited to a few hours of class per week. The performance of the EARLY MIX participants was equaled and in certain areas significantly surpassed by the other groups, despite the additional five years of English study they had had in elementary school. The best results were found when early CLIL instruction was followed up by the use of English as an additional language of instruction in secondary school (EARLY CLIL group), which confirms the link between young starting age, implicit learning and long and massive exposure.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; 2014, 4, 3; 529-556
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effects of CLIL on mathematical content learning: A longitudinal study
Surmont, Jill
Struys, Esli
Van Den Noort, Maurits
Van De Craen, Piet
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
content and language integrated learning
second language
math performance
longitudinal study
Previous research has shown that content and language integrated learning (CLIL), an educational approach that offers content courses through more than one educational language, increases metalinguistic awareness. This improved insight into language structures is supposed to extend beyond the linguistic domain. In the present study, the question whether pupils who learn in a CLIL environment outperform their traditionally schooled peers in mathematics is investigated. In total, 107 pupils entered the study. All participants were in the first year of secondary education at a school in Ostend, in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. Thirty-five pupils followed CLIL education in a foreign language (French) and 72 followed traditional education that was given in the native language (Dutch). All participants were tested using a mathematical test at the beginning of the year, after three months, and after ten months. The first measurement of the mathematical scores showed that the two groups did not differ. In accordance with our hypothesis, the CLIL group scored higher than the non-CLIL group after ten months. Surprisingly, an effect was also found after three months. To conclude, CLIL appears to have a positive impact on the mathematical performance of pupils even after a short period of time.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; 2016, 6, 2; 319-337
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effectiveness of intercultural comparison tasks in written discourse development: An empirical research
Pawliszko, Judyta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski i Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
written discourse competence
intercultural comparison
content and language integra- ted learning (CLIL)
second language writing
discourse coherence and cohesion
The paper aims at investigating the effectiveness of writing intercultural comparative essays during content and language integrated learning (CLIL) classes. This study briefly reviews the recent research into the written discourse competence development and examines if and how these results can be mirrored in currently applied second language teaching. Highlighting the prominence of intercultural comparison tasks in acquiring discourse competence and drawing largely from the questionnaire-based study, the author proposes suggestions for the written discourse improvement more fully addressing the task- and student-related dimensions of foreign language learning techniques.
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs; 2021, 15; 385-396
Pojawia się w:
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Effect of Incidental Learning on the Comprehension of English Affixes by Arabic-Speaking EFL Learners: Acquisition and Application
Altakhaineh, Abdel Rahman
Zibin, Aseel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
second language acquisition
incidental learning
Arabic-speaking EFL learners
morphological awareness
This study aims to examine the effect of incidental learning on the comprehension of 30 English affixes by 50 Arabic-speaking EFL learners in an attempt to determine which affixes are more easily comprehended. We adopt the experimental design of a pre- and post-test to measure the participants’ knowledge of English affixes before and after the treatment, which involved taking part in the prediction of the meaning of English affixed words in context for one academic semester. To this end, we divided the 50 participants into two groups: treatment and control. We administered a 30-item multiple choice test as the pre- and post-test to determine whether the treatment helped the participants expand their knowledge of English affixes.
Research in Language; 2017, 15, 4; 405-423
Pojawia się w:
Research in Language
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teaching the pronunciation of sentence final and word boundary stops to French learners of English: distracted imitation versus audio-visual explanations
Amand, Maelle
Touhami, Zakaria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Second-language acquisition
unreleased stops
audio-visual teaching
L2 pronunciation
pronunciation teaching
Studies on stop unrelease in second language acquisition have hitherto focused on the productions of Slavic learners of English (Šimačkova & Podlipsky, 2015) and experiments on Polish learners of English; the latter show the tendency to release stops on a more regular basis depending on the type of stop combinations (Rojczyk et al. 2013). In the present study, we aim to test the efficiency of audio-visual explanations as opposed to distracted imitation in pronunciation teaching amongst French learners of English. While unreleased stops are rather frequent in French and English - especially in plosives clusters (Byrd, 1993; Davidson, 2010), unreleased plosives in final positions are less common in French (Van Dommelen, 1983). During phase 1 of the experiment, three groups of 12 native French learners of English (level A1/A2, B1/B2 and C1/C2) were asked to read idiomatic expressions containing both homogeneous and heterogeneous sequences of voiceless stops straddled between words, namely, in sequences like “that cat” [dat˺ kat˺], and stops at the end of sentences like “I told him to speak” [tə spiːk˺]. In the second phase of the experiment, one half in each group was given a different task. The first group heard recorded versions of phase 1 sentences and before reading them out loud, counted up to five in their L1. Stimuli for imitation contained no release in the contexts under scrutiny. The other half had to watch a video explaining the phenomenon of unreleased stops with a production of phase-two expressions propped up by hand gestures. They were then asked to re-read the sentences given in phase 1. Based on these results the current study makes recommendations about what working environment should be prioritized in pronunciation teaching both in class and online (Kroger et al. 2010), and suggests ways to assess students and visually keep track of their progress.
Research in Language; 2016, 14, 4
Pojawia się w:
Research in Language
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teaching L2 Galician through the traditional songbooks: The case of the direct object [+human] with the preposition a
Nauczanie języka galicyjskiego jako drugiego za pomocą śpiewników ludowych na przykładzie dopełnienia bliższego [+ osoba] w złożeniu z przyimkiem a
Sánchez Rei, Xosé Manuel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
learning Galician as a second language
traditional songbooks
Galician culture
Galician language
Explaining the grammatical structures that characterize the Galician language system to university students of L2 Galician involves certain difficulties, both in terms of contact with Spanish and due to its nature as an L2 language. It must be noted that such learners’ L1 is mostly Spanish, French, English or Italian. We propose in this paper an activity in which students engage in a process of practical reflection on real examples of the language. The activity will focus in par-ticular on the absence of the preposition a with the direct object (DO), i.e., Nós saudamos o teu amigo (“We greet your friend”), using for this purpose a corpus of traditional Galician popular songs, and following the recommendations of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) model. Within this theoretical and practical approach students will also acquire knowledge of Galician culture and history, through information found in the anonymous poetry of the songbook itself.
Wyjaśnienie struktur gramatycznych charakteryzujących system języka galicyjskiego osobom uczących się tego języka jako drugiego (J2) wiąże się z pewnymi trudnościami, zarówno w zakresie kontaktu z językiem hiszpańskim, jak i ze względu na jego charakter jako J2. Musimy wziąć pod uwagę, że większość uczniów galicyjskiego to osoby, dla których język pierwszy to z reguły hiszpański, francuski, angielski lub włoski. W tej publikacji proponujemy ćwiczenie, w którym uczniowie angażują się w proces praktycznej refleksji nad prawdziwymi przykładami użycia języka. Ćwiczenie koncentruje się w szczególności na braku przyimka a z dopełnieniem bliższym, na przykład Nós saudamos o teu amigo (“Pozdrawiamy Twojego przyjaciela”), wykorzystując w tym celu korpus tradycyjnych popularnych pieśni galicyjskich i kierując się zaleceniami modelu zintegrowanego nauczania treściowo-językowego (CLIL). W ramach tego teoretycznego i praktycznego podejścia studenci poznają także kulturę i historię Galicji dzięki informacjom zawartym w anonimowej poezji zebranej w śpiewniku.
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics; 2023, 50, 2; 85-99
Pojawia się w:
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Taking risks, getting messy, and having fun with professional learning: Makerspaces as professional development for 21st century second language teachers
Katherine, MacCormac,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
professional development
experiential and co-operative learning
second language teaching and learning
digital multimedia technologies
professional learning
The use of makerspaces in education has exploded around the world over the past decade (Halverson & Sheridan, 2014); however, their employment in professional development for teachers has only recently emerged within the literature. Previous studies have found that makerspaces have the potential to radically transform how professional development is delivered to teachers by fostering nurturing opportunities to collaboratively engage in professional learning (see Girvan et al., 2016; Kjällander et al., 2017; Panganelli et al., 2017). Despite its emergence in the literature, the study of makerspaces in teacher professional development is limited to those studies inspired by STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math). Consequently, little knowledge exists about their use in professional development for second language teachers. While presenting data gathered from reflective feedback questionnaires of teacher participants taking part in makerspace workshops, this paper contributes to the conversation in the literature by exploring the utility and application of makerspaces as professional development for second language teaching. The goal of the study was to explore in what ways this type of experiential professional development might enhance professional learning and reflective practice and contribute to professional growth and development among early career second language teachers. Findings strongly indicate that makerspace professional development sessions offer second language teachers a positive and supportive space in which to reflect and expand on their professional knowledge of best practices in second language teaching by directly engaging with learning activities meant to support students in their acquisition of the target language.
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies; 2019, 6(1); 94-106
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkolnictwo polonijne w kontekście egzolingwalnym (na przykładzie Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej). Od Polskiej Szkoły Parafialnej po Polish Abroad Saturday School
Polonia Education in an Exolingual Context (Based on The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). From Polska Szkoła Parafialna [Polish Parochial School] to Polish Abroad Saturday School
Łączek, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
szkolnictwo polonijne; konteksty nauczania i uczenia się; język macierzy; język drugi; język obcy; emigracja; imigracja
Polish education abroad; teaching and learning contexts; mother tongue; second language; foreign language; emigration; immigration
Artykuł jest poświęcony szkolnictwu polonijnemu w kontekście egzolingwalnym (na przykładzie Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej). Na wstępie autor przytacza konteksty nauczania języka macierzystego i innego (drugiego lub obcego) na przykładzie angielskiego i polskiego, w dalszej części zaś – dane prezentujące szacunkową liczbę mieszkańców Polski, przebywających czasowo w innych krajach kontynentalnych i zamorskich. Przywołany został zarys historyczny szkolnictwa polonijnego, po którym następuje analiza nazewnictwa polskich szkół.
The article describes Polish education in an exolingual context (on the basis of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). At its beginning, the author refers to mother and other (second or foreign) language teaching contexts (based on the English language and the Polish language) and, in the further course – the data on the number of Polish citizens residing temporarily in other European and overseas countries. The history of Polish education abroad is presented after which an analysis of the names of Polish schools follows.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 10; 73-89
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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