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The relationship between school ethical climate and school effectiveness in Israel 2020
Shua, Keren
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
school effectiveness
ethical climate
teacher turnover
The current research discusses the ethical aspects that were currently not studied yet in the context of the teacher attrition phenomenon and its impact on school effectiveness, which is measured in this research by promoting achievements basing the assumption that teacher perception of ethical climate might explain teacher attrition behaviors, including leaving teaching (Rosenblatt & Shapira-Lishchinsky, 2017). This research has examined teacher perceptions of school ethical climate through three dimensions found to be relevant in the 21st-century era in the aspects of organizational climate in general and school climate in particular, caring ethical climate, law and code ethical climate, and instrumental ethical climate. For this purpose, quantitative research is based on the pioneer researchers Victor & Cullen’s (1987, 1988) questionnaire and self-report of teachers regarding teacher tendency to leave the teaching profession, and their perception of learner achievement promotion in the context of ethical climate in their school was used. To deepen and expand the understanding of teacher perceptions, qualitative research including in-depth interviews was also performed. The research population consisted of 223 teachers from elementary and junior high schools in Israel. The current research indicates a principal finding that expresses the influence and importance of a caring ethical climate in reducing attrition behaviors and teacher attrition intentions and promoting learner achievements. Moreover, it was found that law and code ethical climate is correlated with promoting student achievements, and therefore integrating these two ethical climate dimensions will be the foundation for a program for new and senior teacher preservation in the education system. The research findings are currently relevant since the education system in Israel faces a severe shortage of teachers due to increased teacher attrition of teaching.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2023, 14, 27; 67-91
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inequalities in Albanian Education: Evidence from Large-Scale Assessment Studies
Shahini, Arjan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
large-scale assessment
Albanian education system
school effectiveness research
Albanian State Matura Exam
The study analyzes student, school and district level inequalities of Albanian education system as evidenced in two large-scale assessments. Two main datasets were used for this study, PISA 2018 and the Albanian State Matura Exam 2017. Due to the limited availability of data, the study could only consider a small number of dependent variables at the individual, school, and district level. Utilizing a multilevel analysis, the study observes considerable differences among schools and districts in all three PISA domains and the State Matura Exam. The results were inconclusive regarding shortages of resources at the school and district level. Staff shortage was associated with academic performance in the PISA 2018 dataset, but no statistical association could be identified with the lack of school resources. The analysis of the district financial resources did not show any significant relationship between spending and school performance in the Albanian State Matura Exam. Gender disparities were present in both datasets. Socioeconomic factors, which were measured only in the PISA dataset, had an effect on the student’ achievement.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2021, 4(134); 40-70
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model kultury szkoły La Tefy Schoen i Charlesa Teddliego: holistyczne i analityczne podejście do badania środowiska szkolnego
Using Schoen and Teddlie’s Model of School Culture: Holistic and Analytical Approach to the School Environment Research
Tłuściak-Deliowska, Aleksandra
Dernowska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
kultura szkoły
klimat szkoły
efektywność szkoły
metodologia badań
środowisko szkolne
school culture
school climate
school effectiveness
research methodology
school environment
Na podstawie przeglądu różnych opracowań teoretycznych i badawczych dotyczących kultury szkoły można stwierdzić, że naukowe podejścia do tego zagadnienia cechuje swego rodzaju heterogeniczność. Intencją autorek jest zwrócenie uwagi na trudności związane z badaniem kultury szkoły. Autorki zaprezentowały opracowaną przez siebie procedurę badawczą jako egzemplifikację sposobu poradzenia sobie z tymi trudnościami w kontekście całościowego badania kultury szkoły. Podstawą do opracowania procedury był model kultury szkoły La Tefy Schoen i Charlesa Teddliego, który zapewnił w miarę jednolite ujęcie tego, co w odniesieniu do kultury organizacji pojawia się w różnych tradycjach badawczych.
Based on literature presenting the findings of the theoretical and research studies on the school culture, it can be concluded that the scientific approach to this issue bears a heterogenous character. The authors of the present paper analyze the difficulties associated with studying this phenomenon and then present an example of a research procedure enabling them to overcome those difficulties. This procedure was developed and later implemented by the authors on the basis of the cultural model of the school culture worked out by La Tefy Schoen and Charles Teddli. Thus, this model has provided grounds for integrating manifold theories regarding the school culture which have been rooted in various research traditions.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2018, 39, 1; 105-117
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena i pomiar społecznych efektów pracy szkół wyższych – refleksje metodologiczne
Assessing and measuring the social effects of Higher Education (HE) institutions — methodological reflections
Jelonek, Magdalena
Karwińska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
measurement of school effectiveness
educational policy
evidence based policy
pomiar efektów pracy szkół wyższych
polityki edukacyjne
polityki oparte na dowodach
In theory and practice of public policies are increasingly talking about the need to build policies based on the evidence. Similarly, more and more is expected of managers of the higher education sector: more frequent use of data for decision-making and reliable, supported by data assessment of the effects of implemented policies. These policies may increase or decrease the ability to generate the higher education outcomes that are socially beneficial. This article will address the dilemmas associated with the measurement of the social effects of Higher Education institutions, special emphasis will be placed on the specific dilemmas for the Polish academic sector. The authors will try to answer the questions: whether this measurement is possible and whether it is real in Polish HE sector, what are the costs and benefits related with this assessment.
W teorii i praktyce polityk publicznych coraz intensywniej mówi się o konieczności budowania polityk na podstawie dowodów (tzw. evidence based policy). Podobnie, od osób zarządzających sektorem szkolnictwa wyższego coraz częściej oczekuje się zarówno szerszego poparcia danymi podejmowanych decyzji, jak i rzetelnej, popartej danymi oceny skutków prowadzonych polityk. Polityki te mogą zwiększyć lub zmniejszyć możliwość wygenerowania przez szkoły wyższe efektów, które byłyby społecznie korzystne. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest dylematom związanym z pomiarem społecznych efektów pracy szkół wyższych, a szczególny nacisk jest w nim położony na dylematy specyficzne dla polskiego sektora akademickiego. Autorki będą próbowały odpowiedzieć na pytania, czy pomiar taki jest w ogóle możliwy i czy jest realny w polskich warunkach, jakie może pełnić funkcje oraz z jakimi wiąże się kosztami i korzyściami.
Zarządzanie Publiczne; 2012, 3(19); 61-71
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ metody EEGBiofeedback na efekty edukacji uczniów w wieku szkolnym
EEGBiofeedback influence on the educational effects of school-age children
Suchocka, Lilia
Kaciuba, Marta
Jankowicz, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
Metoda EEGBiofeedback
trudności szkolne
problemy koncentracji uwagi
efektywność nauki szkolnej
EEGBiofeedback method
school difficulties
concentration problems effectiveness of school learning
Cel badań. Celem niniejszego artykułu było przedstawienie metody EEGBiofeedback oraz jej wpływu na efekty szkolne uczniów. Praca przedstawia ilościowe i jakościowe analizy uzyskanych danych. Metoda badań. W badaniu wzięło udział sześciu uczniów w wieku od 9 do 15 lat. Osoby badane charakteryzowały się trudnościami szkolnymi w postaci problemów z koncentracją uwagi, pamięcią i obniżonych ocen. Osoby badane uczestniczyły w treningach metodą EEGBiofeedback. W pracy zastosowano Test d2 w celu pomiaru poziomu koncentracji uwagi oraz wywiad i obserwację psychologiczną. Wnioski. Zaobserwowano znaczną poprawę w pracy szkolnej u uczniów korzystających z treningów EEGBiofeedback, przejawiającą się w uzyskiwaniu wyższych ocen. Uzyskane wyniki Testem d2 mierzącym takie parametry jak: szybkość i dokładność pracy oraz zdolność koncentracji potwierdziły efektywność treningów EEGbiofeedback u badanych osób. Metoda EEGBiofeedback jest wielowymiarową metodą, umożliwiającą oddziaływanie na zdrowie fizyczne i psychiczne jednostki, dzięki czemu możliwe jest inicjowanie i utrwalanie istotnych i pozytywnych zmian w jej dotychczasowym funkcjonowaniu. Mając na uwadze zastosowanie omawianej metody EEGBiofeedback, należy wskazać na szeroki wachlarz możliwości jej skuteczności. Po pierwsze, jest ona wykorzystywana przy okazji terapii pedagogicznej, której celem jest podniesienie zdolności i efektywności osiągnięć szkolnych, redukcji problemów koncentracji, uczenia się, stresu szkolnego. Po drugie, metoda EEGBiofeedback może być wykorzystywana w celach treningowych u osób zdrowych w celu poprawy funkcjonowania w życiu codziennym oraz zwiększenia efektywności i sprawności umysłowej.
Aim. The aim of the present article was to discuss the EEGBiofeedback method and its influence on the performance of school age pupils. The paper presents the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained. Method and study subjects. The study covered 6 students aged from 9 to 15 years. These students experienced learning difficulties in the form of problems with concentration and memory, and poor marks. The students in question participated in EEGBiofeedback training sessions. To measure the level of concentration, the d2 Test, as well as the methods of interview and psychological observation were used. Results. A considerable improvement in school performance of the students who participated in EEGBiofeedback sessions was observed, and this was manifested in their obtaining better marks. The results of the d2 Test used to measure such parameters as working speed and accuracy, as well as concentration capacity, confirmed the effectiveness of EEGBiofeedback sessions for the study subjects. The EEGBiofeedback is a multidimensional method which can be used to influence physical and psychological health of an individual, and thus initiate and consolidate important and positive changes in his or her functioning. Considering applications of the discussed EEGBiofeedback method, it is necessary to indicate an ample scope of its possible uses. Firstly, it is used in educational therapy aimed at increasing skills and effectiveness of school performance, and to reduce concentration and learning problems, as well as school stress. Secondly, the EEGBiofeedback method may be used as a training method in healthy individuals to increase their functioning in everyday life and improve their intellectual efficiency and skills.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2019, 9; 400-417
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Predicting the Effectiveness of School Principals Based on Fiedler’s Leadership Model
Musavinejad, Seyed Hoseyn
Nastiezaie, Naser
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Fiedler’s leadership model
school principals
The purpose of this study was to predict the effectiveness of Zahedan elementary school principals based on the triple factors of position in the Fiedler leadership model. The presented study was a descriptive correlational study in which 356 elementary school teachers were studied with stratified randomized sampling through two questionnaires including determining the leadership situation and the effectiveness of school administrators. The correlation coefficient and simultaneous multiple regression were used for data analysis with the help of SPSS software. Based on results, there was a positive and significant relationship between the three factors of leadership position (authority, leader-member relationship, duty structure). The results of multiple regression analysis also showed that the three situational factors can predict the effectiveness of school principals. Therefore, it can be concluded that school administrators should benefit from good authority, have good interactions with teachers and emphasize the structure of tasks to increase their effectiveness.
The New Educational Review; 2018, 51; 184-191
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzeczywiste przygotowanie pedagoga szkolnego, w kontekście problemów młodzieży ponadgimnazjalnej
Actual preparation of a school educator and school youth problems
Sroka-Świstak, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Mazowiecka Uczelnia Publiczna w Płocku
school educator
professional training
The purpose of this article is to show the types of problems and difficulties of high school youth, with particular attention paid to their change and transformations that have taken place over the last few years. Thus, to draw attention to the work of the school educator and the effectiveness in overcoming the difficulties encountered in his or her professional work. To present the real and established aspects of professional training of a school educator that make reference to youth. The first part presents the basic concepts that define the school educator, and thus the youth. Another aspect is to specify the contemporary problems of young people as well as the emphasis on the need for changes in attitudes, role and responsibilities of the school educator resulting from the necessity of bringing current support to the young generation. Article will also be enriched by the conclusions of my own research on high school youth problems.
Społeczeństwo. Edukacja. Język; 2015, 3; 87-97
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo. Edukacja. Język
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Supportive Leadership Model in Vocational High School: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Sitanggang, Nathanael
Luthan, Putri Lynna A.
Kisno, Kisno
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
emotional maturity
position power
supportive behaviour
vocational high school
This study aims to explore the leadership effectiveness that promotes Vocational High School (VHS) revival. The Kerlinger survey method was used to test the notion of emotional maturity, position power, helpful behaviour, and leadership effectiveness. The sample of 252 responders included 84 VHS principals and 168 VHS teachers. According to the confirmatory factor analysis, emotional affirmation established the construct of emotional maturity, position power was best developed coercive power, and readiness to explain the program. Personal traits are the most powerful predictor of leadership effectiveness and the contribution of position power that directly influences helpful behaviour is 4.92%. The contribution of position power to direct leadership effectiveness is 5.19%, and the contribution of supportive conduct to direct leadership effectiveness is 6.05%. The leadership model discovered in this study is innovative that it can empirically explain the dominating elements that compose the latent variables: emotional maturity, position power, supportive leadership style, and leadership effectiveness. These findings greatly impact how leadership science is developed in education, especially vocational.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 72; 133-147
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Computer in the Culture of a Contemporary Pre-school Child
Watoła, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Pre-school education
child education
teacher’s promotion
computer programmes
programme basis
school success
Computer is used in many areas of a contemporary kindergarten’s work. The article presents selected research results concerning the ways of using a computer and appropriate computer programmes in the work of the kindergarten headmaster, administrative workers and in teachers’ educational and didactic work. It also presents chosen elements of the present record of educational law and the programme basis of pre-school education.
The New Educational Review; 2006, 10; 245-255
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie egzaminów o niskiej doniosłości do oceny efektywności nauczania – możliwości i ograniczenia
Aleksandra, Jasińska-Maciążek,
Grzegorz, Humenny,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
low-stakes tests
assessment of teaching effectiveness
educational value-added
primary school
The article discusses the possibility of using low-stakes tests to assess teaching effectiveness measures (educational value-added, EVA) for primary schools in Poland. It was shown that EVA, calculated using the results of the OBUT test for diagnosis of skills of third grade pupils, which is voluntary for schools, and the Sprawdzian – external examination conducted in the sixth grade, can be a valuable tool for evaluation, provided that the third-grade test is conducted and assessed in accordance with the procedures. The authors identified problems in this field. Disturbing characteristics of the OBUT test may suggest that these procedures have not been complied with in every school. For this reason, the authors recommend changes in the implementation of such diagnoses of school achievements.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(4 (238)); 97-117
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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