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Criteria of Ecclesiastical Enrollment
I criteri di appartenenza alla Chiesa
Sitarz, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Church governance
governo ecclesiastico
Those baptised are fully in the communion of the Catholic Church on this earth who are joined with Christ in its visible structure by the bonds of the profession of faith, the sacraments, and ecclesiastical governance. According to of the Church law, there are three bonds which guarantee a full afilliation with the Church. These are: faith, Sacraments, and Church governance. Undoubtedly, the main criterion which determines affiliation with the Church is Baptism, through which a human being is incorporated into the Church of Christ thus becoming a person in it with obligations and rights.
Su questa terra sono nella piena comunione della Chiesa cattolica quei battezzati che sono congiunti con Cristo nella sua compagine visibile, ossia mediante i vincoli della professione di fede, dei sacramenti e del governo ecclesiastico. Secondo la giurisprudenza della Chiesa esistono tre legami che istituiscono la garanzia della piena appartenenza alla Chiesa. Questi sono: la fede, i sacramenti e il governo ecclesiastico. Senza dubbio il criterio principale determinante l’appartenenza alla Chiesa è il battesimo, attraverso cui l’uomo è incorporato nella Chiesa di Cristo diventando in essa una persona con doveri e diritti.
Journal of Modern Science; 2017, 33, 2; 27-48
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Die Sakramentalien im Allgemeinen
Sacramentals in General
Sakramentalia w ogólności
Kahle, Michael
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Codex Iuris Canonici
Second Vatican Council
liturgical reform
Drugi Sobór Watykański
reforma liturgii
Concilio Vaticano II
riforma della liturgi
Dieser Artikel über „Sakramentalien im Allgemeinen“ beginnt mit der Unterscheidung zwischenSakramente und Sakramentalien, wie sie im Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche dargelegt sind.Es folgt Kapitel II mit einer Beschreibung der historischen Entwicklung des Begriffs„Sakramentalien“ und wie sie verstanden wurden. Die ersten Hinweise auf den Begriff,die bei Hugo von St. Viktor bis hin zu Thomas von Aquin zu finden sind, werden vorgestellt.Es folgt eine Liste der Definitionen, die verschiedene Theologen am Vorabend entwickelt habender Verkündung des Codex Iuris Canonici im Jahr 1917. Dann gibt es eine Abhandlung-Umsetzung der Bestimmungen über die Sakramentalien, die in das kanonische Recht eingeführt wurdenunter Papst Benedikt XV. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die durchgeführten Arbeiten gelegt.vor und während des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, bevor wir mit einem Bericht darüber fortfahrendie richterliche Behandlung von Sakramentalien bis zum Pontifikat von Papst Johannes PaulII. Kapitel III enthält eine systematische Behandlung der Sakramentalien. Anfangmit der kanonischen Definition von Sakramentalien geht es weiter mit einer Beschreibung vonihre Vielfalt und die Frage ihrer Institution. Anschließend werden die Themen Wirksamkeit und Wirkweisen sowie die Frage nach Spendern und Empfängern sakralerGeisteszustände werden behandelt. Ein Abschlusskapitel wirft drei zentrale Fragen zum Thema aufvon Sakramentalien, die zur weiteren theologischen und pastoralen Förderung anregen sollenBetrachtung.
Niniejszy artykuł Sakramentalia w ogólności rozpoczyna się od rozróżnienia między sakramentami a sakramentaliami. W rozdziale II następuje opis historycznego rozwoju terminu „sakramentalny” i jego rozumienia. Przedstawiono pierwsze wzmianki, które można znaleźć u Hugona ze św. Wiktora, i prześledzono je aż do Tomasza z Akwinu. Po tym następuje lista definicji opracowanych przez różnych teologów w przededniu promulgacji Codex Iuris Canonici w 1917 roku. Następnie omówiono przepisy dotyczące sakramentaliów, wprowadzone do prawa kanonicznego pod rządami Benedykta XV. Szczególna uwaga poświęcona jest pracom prowadzonym przed i w trakcie Soboru Watykańskiego II, a następnie opisowi magisterialnego traktowania sakramentaliów aż do pontyfikatu papieża Jana Pawła II. Rozdział III zawiera systematyczne omówienie sakramentaliów. Rozpoczyna się od kanonicznej definicji sakramentaliów. Opisano tu różnorodność sakramentaliów i kwestię ich ustanowienia. Kolejno poruszane zostają kwestie skuteczności i sposobów działania, a także dawców i biorców sakramentów. I wreszcie ostatni rozdział formułuje trzy główne pytania na temat sakramentaliów przeznaczone dla dalszej refleksji teologicznej i duszpasterskiej.
This article on “Sacramentals in general” begins with the distinction between sacraments and sacramentals as set out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Chapter II follows with a description of the historical development of the term “sacramentals” and how it has been understood. The first references to the term, which can be found in Hugh of St Victor, up to Thomas Aquinas are presented.There follows a list of the definitions developed by various theologians on the eve of the promulgation of the Codex Iuris Canonici in 1917. Then there is a treatment of the provisions on sacramentals which were introduced into canon law under Pope Benedict XV. Particular attention is paid to the work carried out before and during the Second Vatican Council, before continuing with an account ofthe magisterial treatment of sacramentals up to the pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Chapter III contains a systematic treatment of the sacramentals. Beginning with the canonical definition of sacramentals, it continues with a description of their variety and the question of their institution. Then the topics of efficacy and modes of action as well as the question of the dispensers and recipients of sacramentals are dealt with. A final chapter poses three central questions on the topic of sacramentals that are intended to stimulate further theological and pastoral reflection.
Teologia w Polsce; 2024, 18, 1; 35-65
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowość maryjna według Jana Pawła II
Marian Spirituality According to John Paul II
Spiritualità Mariana secondo Giovanni Paolo II
Chmielewski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
duchowość maryjna
maryjny wymiar duchowości
cnoty teologalne
Marian spiritualite
Marian dimension of spirituality
theologal virtues
spiritualità mariana
dimensione mariana della spiritualità
le virtù teologali
L'articolo è una sintesi del pensiero mariano di papa Giovanni Paolo II. La dimensione mariana della chiamata cristiana alla santità ha trovato riflesso nella vita spirituale del Papa che si è affidato personalmente a Maria (segno ne è sia il suo stemma come vescovo, che il motto „Totus Tuus”), come pure nel suo insegnamento. Nell'enciclica Redemptoris Mater papa esprime la sollecitudine sia per una corretta spiritualità mariana, sia per la devozione a lei corrispondente. Nei suoi testi mariologici il santo Padre indica piuttosto la dimensione mariana della spiritualità cristiana. Nel suo discorso durante la visita alla Pontificia Facoltà Teologica „Marianum” a Roma (il 10 dicembre 1988) il Papa si è pronunziato chiaramente a favore di una considerazione della mariologia come particolare chiave ermeneutica per la teoria e la pratica della vita spirituale. Nello spirito della dottrina del Vaticano II Giovanni Paolo II accentua spesso il stretto legame della Vergine di Nazareth con la Santissima Trinità e il suo ruolo nel mistero di Cristo e della Chiesa. Lei è il modello dei comportamenti teotropici, cioè le virtù teologali, grazie ai quali si può rispondere al dono delle Divine Persone che dimorano nei battezzati. Nella mariologia del Papa risalta in primo luogo la virtù teologale della fede di Maria, paragonata alla fede di Abramo. Alla luce della dottrina mariologica del Papa, Maria è modello di preghiera, di ascesi e di apostolato, ed anche in certo modo modello della vita sacramentale, soprattutto dell'Eucarestia, come il Santo Padre ricorda nell'enciclica Ecclesia de Eucharistia.
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości; 2010, 2; 51-67
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fede e sacramenti. Linsegnamento della Tradizione
Faith and Sacraments. The Teaching of Tradition
Dolhai, Lajos
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
distacco fra fede e sacramenti
sacramentum fidei
fides quae
fides qua
sintesi scolastica
opus operantis – opus operatum
Sacrosanctum concilium n. 59
separation between faith and sacraments
scholastic synthesis
Sacrosanctum concilium, n. 59
Ci sono tanti fenomeni negativi nella vita sacramentale che ci mostrano una relazione disturbata tra la fede vissuta e i sacramenti. Da una parte vediamo una crescente diminuzione della frequenza ai sacramenti nel mondo occidentale. D’altra parte la pratica sacramentale nel mondo occidentale spesso non è una consapevole espressione di fede. Vediamo tanti difetti dal punto di vista di fides qua ed anche da quello di fides quae. Il chiarimento della relazione fede/sacramenti è diventato una questione improrogabile. Noi dobbiamo trattare il tema nel contesto attuale della Chiesa, ma alla luce della tradizione della Chiesa. Prima di tutto è molto utile di analizzare le opere dei padri (cfr. I, II, III. capitoli). I Padri sono testimoni della fede dei primi secoli vitalmente inseriti nella tradizione che deriva dagli Apostoli. Essi infatti hanno congiunto sacra scrittura, teologia, liturgia, vita spirituale e pastorale in una unità vitale per cui le loro opere ci aiutano anche per la Chiesa del terzo millenio. La pristina Sanctorum Patrum norma (cfr. SC 50) è da ritenersi la norma e la regola ispiratrice anche per la Chiesa di oggi. Anche la sintesi scolatistica (Tommaso d’Aquino) ci aiuta per dare una risposta alla nostra domanda principale. Nella spiegazione di S. Tommaso vediamo come punto di partenza una tesi chiara: “La Chiesa è fondata sulla fede e sui sacramenti”, e qualifica espressamente i sacramenti come sacramenta fidei. Dobbiamo conoscere anche la Riforma e l’insegnamento del concilio di Trento. Vedremo che l’analisi storica del rapporto tra fede e sacramenti ci aiuta la risposta a proposito del problema della Chiesa nei nostri giorni. Come conclusione finale vale la pena di analizzare il Sacrosanctum concilium n. 59.
There are many negative phenomena in the sacramental life which point out to a disturbed relationship between lived faith and the sacraments. On one hand, we see a growing decrease of attendance to the sacraments in the western world. On the other hand, the sacramental practice in the western world is often not a conscious expression of faith. We see many flaws from the point of view of the fides qua and from that of the fides quae as well. The explanation of the faith-sacraments relationship has become an urgent question. We should deal with the topic in the actual context of the Church, but in the light of the Church’s tradition. First of all it is very useful to analyze the works of the Fathers (cfr. chapters I, II, III). The Fathers are witnesses of the faith of the first centuries vitally inserted in the tradition which derives from the Apostles. In fact they have joined together sacred scripture, theology, liturgy, spiritual and pastoral life in a vital unity through which their works can help us and also the Church of the third millenium. The pristina Sanctorum Patrum norma (cfr. SC 50) is to be considered the norm and the inspiring rule for the Church of today as well. Also the scholastic synthesis (Thomas Aquinas) helps us to give an answer to our main question. In the explanation of St. Thomas we find a clear thesis as a point of departure: “The Church is founded upon faith and its sacraments”, and expressly qualifies the sacraments as sacramenta fidei. We should also know the Reformation and the teaching of the Council of Trent. We will see that the historic analysis of the relationship between faith and the sacraments helps us to find the answer to the subject of the Church’s problem in our days. As a final conclusion it is worth analyzing the Sacrosanctum concilium n. 59.
Teologia w Polsce; 2019, 13, 2; 79-94
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sędziowska ocena dowodów na przykładzie wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Defilippi z 26 lutego 2009 r. (incapacitas assumendi, exclusio boni sacramenti, exclusio boni coniugum) Część I
Judge’s evaluation of evidence illustrated with an ex ample of the Roman Rota sentence c. Defilippi of February 26st, 2009 (incapacitas assumendi, exclusio boni sacramenti, exclusio boni prolis) Part I
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
incapacitas assumendi
exclusio boni sacramenti
exclusio boni coniugum
A shift c. Defilippi of the Roman Rota examined a case (in the second instance) regarding annulment of marriage due to three reasons: 1) inability of the respondent to take essential marital obligations; 2) exclusion of marriage indissolubility by the respondent; 3) exclusion of spouses’ best interest by the petitioner. After examining evidence, the tribunal issued a decree on 26 February 2009 deciding that the marriage shall not be annulled under mentioned annulment titles. A detailed analysis of an extensive sentence (both in iure and in facto reasons) indicates that the tribunal made detailed and comprehensive evaluation of collected evidence, and evidence regarding exclusion of bonum sacramenti by the respondent in particular, because as regards the other two reasons, the difficulty level of adjudication was not high.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 3; 45-55
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sędziowska ocena dowodów na przykładzie wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Defilippi z 26 lutego 2009 r. (incapacitas assumendi, exclusio boni sacramenti, exclusio boni coniugum) Część II
Judge’s evaluation of evidence illustrated with an ex ample of the Roman Rota sentence c. Defilippi of February 26st, 2009 (incapacitas assumendi, exclusio boni sacramenti, exclusio boni prolis) Part II
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
incapacitas assumendi
exclusio boni sacramenti
exclusio boni coniugum
evaluation of evidence
A shift c. Defilippi of the Roman Rota examined a case (in the second instance) regarding annulment of marriage due to three reasons: 1) inability of the respondent to take essential marital obligations; 2) exclusion of marriage indissolubility by the respondent; 3) exclusion of spouses’ best interest by the petitioner. After examining evidence, the tribunal issued a decree on 26 February 2009 deciding that the marriage shall not be annulled under mentioned annulment titles. A detailed analysis of an extensive sentence (both in iure and in facto reasons) indicates that the tribunal made detailed and comprehensive evaluation of collected evidence, and evidence regarding exclusion of bonum sacramenti by the respondent in particular, because as regards the other two reasons, the difficulty level of adjudication was not high.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 4; 5-26
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykluczenie bonum sacramenti w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Erlebach z dnia 3 lutego 2011 roku
The exclusion of bonum sacramenti in the Roman Rota sentence c. Erlebach of 3 February 2011
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Rota Rzymska
sentencja rotalna
sakramentalność małżeństwa
bonum sacramenti
Roman Rota
rotal sentence
indissolubility of marriage
The author presents provides a commentary on the judgment (a negative) nullitatis matrimonii oft the Roman Rota c. Erlebach, passed 3.02.2011 (in the third instance) by a turnus of auditors coram Erlebach on the grounds of exclusion of the indissolubility of marriage (from the archidiocese of Montevideo). The court of first instance passed a positive judgment and the second instance court issued a negative judgment. The case concerns a marriage concluded in 1973 by a man who was permeated by Marxist philosophy, rejected God and religion, and even marriage. The man married under the pressure of the fiancé’s family as well as for obtaining material benefits.Both the court testimonies of the man and the witnesses (the woman defendant refused to testify) they did not let you know the plaintiff’s will. It was also missing causa proxima exclusion of bonum sacramnti, as well as circumstances pro simulatione; moreover, many circumstances deny the simulation.The verdict c. Erlebach is an example of an in-depth assessment of the evidence, which showed the views and beliefs of the man, but did not show a positive act of will.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2019, 30, 1; 93-107
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykluczenie bonum sacramenti w opublikowanych wyrokach Trybunału Roty Rzymskiej z 2004 r.
Exclusion of bonum sacramenti in published judgments of the Roman Rota of 2004
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
dobro małżeństwa
bonum sacramenti
wykluczenie bonum sacramenti
exclusion of bonum sacramenti
One of nullity titles which is difficult to establish in the canonic process of nullitatis matrimonii is the exclusion of the marriage indissolubility (can. 1101 § 2). The significant issue here is to establish – at the moment of the marriage conclusion – the positive act of will of the betrothed focused on (in one of possible ways) the marriage indissolubility. In the reviewed published judgments of the Roman Rota of 2004 a tendency to strengthen principles worked out by this apostolic tribunal regarding both the method of bonum sacramenti exclusion and the character of the positive act of will, as well as proving this exclusion in an individual case, can be noticed.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 2; 5-30
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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