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Arduino-based implementation of kinematics for a 4 DOF robot manipulator using artificial neural network
Rashid, Zaid Hikmat
Sarhan, Riyadh Ahmed
Hassan, Mohammed Salih
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej PAN
neural network
micro stepping
Real-time motion control is basically dependent on robot kinematics analysis where there is no unique solution of the inverse kinematics of serial manipulators. The predictive artificial neural network is a powerful one for finding appropriate results based on training data. Therefore, an artificial neural network is proposed to implement on Arduino microcontroller for a 4-DOF robot manipulator where the inverse kinematics problem was partitioned to suit the low specification of the board CPU. With MATALB toolbox, multiple neural network configuration based were trained and experienced for the best fit of the dimensionless feedforward data that is obtained from the forward kinematics of reachable workspace with average MSE of 6.5e-7. The results showed the superior of the proposed networks reducing the joints error by 90 % at least with comparing to traditional one. An Arduino on-board program was developed to control the robot independly based on pre validated parameters of the network. The experimental results approved the proposed method to implement the robot in real time with maximum error of (± 0.15 mm) in end effector position. The presented approach can be applied to achieve a suitable solution of n-DOF self-depend robot implementation using micro stepping actuators.
Diagnostyka; 2024, 25, 1; art. no. 2024114
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próby dyskursywnego nadawania tożsamości osobowej robotom humanoidalnym
Attempts to Discursively Attribute Personal Identity to Humanoid Robots
Branicki, Wacław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
tożsamość osobowa
robot humanoidalny
personal identity
humanoid robot
Podstawowym celem tego tekstu jest określenie, w jakich wymiarach i w jaki sposób próbuje się nadawać tożsamość osobową robotom humanoidalnym w wybranych dyskursach medialnych. W pierwszej części wskazano, że nawet proste systemy robotyczne, które wysyłają sygnały psychiczne, mogą silnie oddziaływać na emocje ludzi. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone za pomocą analizy tekstu w dyskursie medialnym. Głównym przedmiotem analizy był tekst, w którym został opisany robot humanoidalny przeznaczony do pracy w służbie zdrowia. Na podstawie przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, że w domenie medialnej były podejmowane próby nadania tożsamości osobowej w wymiarze formalnym, aksjologicznym oraz teleologicznym. W dyskursach medialnych, które zostały przeanalizowane, dokonano tego poprzez opis takich wydarzeń jak np. nadanie robotowi imienia, obywatelstwa, statusu studenta, a także przypisanie roli zawodowej, misji społecznej oraz cytowanie wypowiedzi samego robota. We wnioskach stwierdzono, że tego typu praktyki dyskursywne mają daleko idące konsekwencje kulturowe.
The primary purpose of this text is to determine in what dimensions and in what ways personal identity is attempted to be given to humanoid robots in selected media discourses. In the first part, it was pointed out that even simple robotic systems that send mental signals can strongly affect people’s emotions. The study was conducted using text analysis in media discourse. The main focus of the analysis was a text that described a humanoid robot designed for use in healthcare. Based on the survey, it was found that there were attempts in the media domain to give personal identity in formal, axiological and teleological dimensions. In the media discourses that were analyzed, this was done by describing such events as, for example, giving the robot a name, citizenship, student status, as well as assigning a professional role, a social mission and quoting statements from the robot itself. The conclusions state that such discursive practices have far-reaching cultural consequences.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2024, 45, 2; 353-366
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
AI Robot – Companion, Friend or Competitor of Human Being?
Robot AI - towarzysz, przyjaciel czy konkurent człowieka?
Wieczorek, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
AI robot
mimetic evolution
extended subjectivity
human-machine coupling
Robots are becoming part of people’s everyday surroundings. Therefore, the formation and change of people’s attitude towards objects equipped with artificial intelligence is becoming an important subject of reflection. Substantial research has already been conducted, but few predictions have been made about the future relationship between humanity and autonomous, multi-tasking and highly advanced artificial intelligence. The purpose of this article is an attempt at extrapolating the evolution of the human-robot bond so far, from alienation and a sense of threat toward tameness, affection and even―perhaps―friendship. The study of the evolution of the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence makes it also possible to deepen our understanding of who human beings are, what their needs, expectations, and hopes are, and which of them can be realized through close cooperation between humans and artificial intelligence.
Roboty stają się częścią codziennego otoczenia człowieka. Dlatego ważnym przedmiotem refleksji staje się kształtowanie i zmiana stosunku ludzi do obiektów wyposażonych w sztuczną inteligencję. Przeprowadzono już wiele badań, lecz nieliczne są prognozy dotyczące przyszłych relacji między ludzkością a autonomiczną, wielozadaniową i wysoko zaawansowaną sztuczną inteligencją. Celem artykułu jest próba ekstrapolacji dotychczasowej ewolucji więzi człowiek – robot, od obcości i poczucia zagrożenia w stronę oswojenia, sympatii, a nawet – być może przyjaźni. Badanie ewolucji stosunku człowieka do sztucznej inteligencji pozwala również pogłębić wiedzę o tym, kim jest istota ludzka, jakie są jej potrzeby, oczekiwania i nadzieje oraz które z nich mogą zostać zrealizowane dzięki bliskiej współpracy między człowiekiem a sztuczną inteligencją.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2023, 9, 1; 1-18
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of Impedance Control of the Free Floating Space Manipulator for Removal of Space Debris
Zastosowanie sterowania impedancyjnego robotem kosmicznym typu free-floating w kontekście usuwania śmieci kosmicznych
Palma, Piotr
Rybus, Tomasz
Seweryn, Karol
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
space manipulator
impedance control
in-orbit servicing
debris removal
robot kosmiczny
manipulator orbitalny
sterowanie impedancyjne
naprawa urządzeń na orbicie
usuwanie śmieci kosmicznych
A broad and significant class of space debris can be mitigated by means of a satellite, capable of capturing a large non-cooperating object by using a robotized arm with a gripper. The capture operation typically comprises of an approach, a close-on manoeuvre, establishing contact between the robotic grappler arm and a suitable feature on the target satellite, and finally it is concluded when a positive mechanical connection is achieved by the gripper closed on that feature. The phase of establishing contact poses a critical challenge in this scenario, since the target typically will be tumbling with respect to the chaser satellite causing high forces on the gripper and the robotic arm. A family of control methods known collectively as impedance control is typically employed in terrestrial robots for tasks involving an interaction with an environment, especially the dynamic contact. In this work, we present the model-based impedance control applied to a robotic manipulator on a free floating base. The derivation of impedance control law for a robotic manipulator on a free floating satellite, involving Generalized Jacobian Matrix (GJM), is presented, followed by simulation results comparing the loads in the manipulator joints against a classical GJM-based Cartesian controller. The simulation results show that the impedance controlled free floating robotic manipulator completes the task of trajectory following amid contact with unknown target with lower torques in the robot joints.
Wiele obiektów orbitujących Ziemię stanowią wyeksploatowane lub nieczynne satelity i inne urządzenia kosmiczne oraz ich fragmenty. Poruszając się w sposób niekontrolowany po orbitach aktywnie wykorzystywanych stanowią zagrożenie dla czynnych satelitów, stacji kosmicznej, astronautów jak i również rakiet wynoszących w przestrzeń kosmiczną nowe satelity. Obiekty te uznawane są za śmieci kosmiczne. Zdolność chwycenia i manipulowania niewspółpracującym obiektem na orbicie Ziemi przez robota satelitarnego pozwoliła by na zmniejszenie liczby śmieci kosmicznych i zagrożeń z nimi związanych w dwojaki sposób: po pierwsze umożliwiła by chwycenie i usunięcie śmieci kosmicznych znacznej wielkości z orbity, po drugie dała by możliwość serwisowania i tym samym przedłużenia okresu eksploatacyjnego satelitów będących blisko końca swojej nominalnej misji, zapobiegając by stały się one śmieciami kosmicznymi. Oba te zastosowania wymagają fizycznego wejścia w kontakt pojazdu kosmicznego chwytającego oraz obiektu chwytanego. W naziemnych zastosowaniach robotów, w których dochodzi do kontaktu manipulatora robota z otoczeniem, powszechnie stosowane są metody sterowania impedancyjnego. W niniejszym tekście autorzy proponują wykorzystanie sterowania impedancyjnego w oparciu o model (model-based impedance control) do realizacji manewru wejścia w kontakt końcówki manipulatora robota satelitarnego z niewspółpracującym obiektem w stanie nieważkości. W pracy przedstawiono wyprowadzenie prawa sterowania impedancyjnego manipulatorem o swobodnej bazie w oparciu o model, z wykorzystaniem jakobianu uogólnionego (Generalized Jacobian Matrix, GJM), oraz rezultaty symulacji manewru wejścia końcówki roboczej manipulatora kosmicznego w kontakt z nieważkim obiektem. Wyniki symulacji pokazują, że zaproponowane prawo sterowania pozwala realizować zadanie śledzenia trajektorii zachowując momenty i obciążenia w przegubach robota na niskim poziomie.
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka; 2023, 27, 3; 95--106
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of the KUKA KUBE test-bed for the hardware-in-the-loop validation of the space manipulator control system
Wojtunik, Mateusz
Łuczak, Piotr
Rybus, Tomasz
Granosik, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN
space manipulator
experimental validation
control systems
orbital robotics
KUKA industrial robot
The on-ground validation of control systems designed for manipulators working in orbit is very difficult due to the necessity of simulating the microgravity environment on Earth. In this paper, we present the possibilities of utilising the KUKA KUBE test-bed with industrial robots to experimentally verify space systems using hardware-in-the-loop tests. The fixed-base KUKA industrial robot is operated in gravitational environment, while the space system model plant is solved in real time parallel to on-ground experiment. The test-bed measurements are the input of the model plant, and the output of the model is treated as an input for the industrial robot actuation. In the performed experiment, the control system based on the Dynamic Jacobian is validated. The desired point that is reached by the manipulator’s endeffector is constant in the simulated environment and moving with respect to the test-bed frame. The position of the space manipulator’s end-effector is calculated by evaluating dynamics of the satellite in real-time model. The results show that the control system applied to the KUKA robot works correctly. The measurements from the torque sensors mounted in KUKA robot’s joints are in accordance with the simulation results. This fact enhances the possibilities of gravity compensation, thus simulating microgravity environment on the test-bed.
Artificial Satellites. Journal of Planetary Geodesy; 2023, 58, Special Issue 1; 231--248
Pojawia się w:
Artificial Satellites. Journal of Planetary Geodesy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Approach of a model extension for virtual commissioning to predict energy consumption of production systems
Hollas, Leon
Schenke, Christer-Clifford
Hellmich, Arvid
Data publikacji:
Wrocławska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych
energy consumption
virtual commissioning
Not only as a result of the current energy crisis, opportunities to save energy are a highly focused topic in production. For this reason, the article proposes an approach to evaluate the part-specific energy consumption of production systems by utilization of simulation methods. As an application example, a Comau 6-axis robot is chosen, of which a physically based model is created in the CAE software SimulationX. This model is then exported as a Functional Mock-Up Unit (FMU) and co-simulated within a virtual commissioning environment. Virtual commissioning enables a controller to be connected to a model. Within a Software-in-the-Loop simulation, this is a virtual control system. Based on the movement specifications from the virtual controller, the movement behaviour of the machine can be simulated in the virtual commissioning tool ISG-virtuos and the FMU returns the associated power and energy curve as a result variable. For further use, this kind of enhanced simulation models provides the possibility to optimize the utilization of production systems for specific processes in the context of a complete production line or factory.
Journal of Machine Engineering; 2023, 23, 4; 77--88
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Machine Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Calculation strength optimum of surgical robot effector for mechanical eigenproblems using FEM and genetic algorithm
Ilewicz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Instytut Mechaniki Stosowanej
surgical robot
resonance phenomena
elastic buckling
genetic algorithm
robot chirurgiczny
zjawisko rezonansu
wyboczenie sprężyste
algorytm genetyczny
It is essential to check whether the surgical robot end effector is safe to use due to phenomena such as linear buckling and mechanical resonance. The aim of this research is to build an multi criteria optimization model based on such criteria as the first natural frequency, buckling factor and mass, with the assumption of the basic constraint in the form of a safety factor. The calculations are performed for a serial structure of surgical robot end effector with six degrees of freedom ended with a scalpel. The calculation model is obtained using the finite element method. The issue of multi-criteria optimization is solved based on the response surface method, Pareto fronts and the genetic algorithm. The results section illustrates deformations of a surgical robot end effector occurring during the resonance phenomenon and the buckling deformations for subsequent values of the buckling coefficients. The dependencies of the geometrical dimensions on the criteria are illustrated with the continuous functions of the response surface, i.e. metamodels. Pareto fronts are illustrated, based on which the genetic algorithm finds the optimal quantities of the vector function. The conducted analyzes provide a basis for selecting surgical robot end effector drive systems from the point of view of their generated inputs.
Vibrations in Physical Systems; 2023, 34, 1; art. no. 2023106
Pojawia się w:
Vibrations in Physical Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Concept of an innovative technological line for the processing of linear profiles
Gustowski, Tomasz
Kurek, Waldemar
Grzejda, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
profile liniowe
zautomatyzowana linia technologiczna
cięcie łukiem plazmowym
cięcie piłą tarczową
robot spawalniczy
linear profiles
plasma arc cutting
circular saw cutting
welding robot
automated technological line
The paper presents the concept of an innovative technological line intended for the processing of long linear profiles used in engineering steel and aluminium structures, which can be both hollow and open section profiles. The line is set up with seven main sections: profile loading system, input roller conveyor, plasma arc cutting section, circular saw cutting section, robot welding section, output roller conveyor and profile packaging system. The assumptions adopted to create the concept of the techno-logical line were specified. A block diagram of the line and drawings showing the structure of its selected elements were depicted. The features of the technological line documenting its product and process innovativeness were indicated. The proposed technological line is built in the AGICO Group company, but it can also be successfully implemented in other companies dealing with the processing of long linear profiles.
Production Engineering Archives; 2023, 29, 1; 7--13
Pojawia się w:
Production Engineering Archives
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of control system of mobile robot with differential drive
Božek, Pavol
Pivarčiová, Elena
Data publikacji:
mobile robot
control system
robot mobilny
system sterowania
Currently, the topic of automation of logistic processes in warehouses is relevant. The article considers a control system of high level for a mobile robot with a differential drive with a maximum payload of 200 kg with motion simulation in the Matlab Simulink software product. Optimal control of drives based on brushless DC motors at the lower level has been developed. The transient time of low level control system is 1.067 seconds. The mobile robot control system in the minimum version consists of ten ultrasonic distance sensors located along the perimeter of the mobile robot body and of eight contrast band sensors.
Systemy Wspomagania w Inżynierii Produkcji; 2023, 12, 2; 50--56
Pojawia się w:
Systemy Wspomagania w Inżynierii Produkcji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Estimation of external force-torque vector based on double encoders of industrial robots using a hybrid Gaussian process regression and joint stiffness model
Uhlmann, Eckart
Polte, Mitchel
Blumberg, Julian
Data publikacji:
Wrocławska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych
industrial robot
double encoders
force-torque estimation
Industrial robots are increasingly used in industry for contact-based manufacturing processes such as milling and forming. In order to meet part tolerances, it is mandatory to compensate tool deflections caused by the external force-torque vector. However, using a third-party measuring device for sensing the external force-torque vector lowers the cost efficiency. Novel industrial robots are increasingly equipped with double encoders, in order to compensate deviations caused by the gearboxes. This paper proposes a method for the usage of such double encoders to estimate the external force-torque vector acting at the tool centre point of an industrial robot. Therefore, the joint elasticities of a six revolute joint industrial robot are identified in terms of piecewise linear functions based on the angular deviations at the double encoders when an external force-torque vector is applied. Further, initial deviations between the encoder values caused by gravitational forces and friction are modelled with a Gaussian process regression. Combining both methods to a hybrid model enables the estimation of external force-torque vectors solely based on measurements of the joint angles of secondary encoders. Based on the proposed method, additional measurement equipment can be saved, which reduces investment costs and improves robot dynamics.
Journal of Machine Engineering; 2023, 23, 3; 56--68
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Machine Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fault detection in robots based on discrete wavelet transformation and eigenvalue of energy
Ouarhlent, Saloua
Terki, Nadjiba
Hamiane, Madina
Dahmani, Habiba
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej PAN
2 DOF robot
fault detection system
discrete wavelet transform
energy eigen value
dyskretna transformata falkowa
system wykrywania błędów
This article addresses the problem of fault detection in robot manipulator systems. In the production field, online detection and prevention of unexpected robot stops avoids disruption to the entire manufacturing line. A number of researchers have proposed fault diagnosis architectures for electrical systems such as induction motor, DC motor, etc..., utilising the technique of discrete wavelet transform. The results obtained from the use of this technique in the field of diagnosis are very encouraging. Inspired by previous work, The objective of this paper is to present a methodology that enables accurate fault detection in the actuator of a two-degree of freedom robot arm to avoid system performance degradation. A partial reduction in joint torque constitutes the actuator fault, resulting in a deviation from the desired end-effector motion. The actuator fault detection is carried out by analysing the torques signals using the wavelet transform. The stored energy at each level of the transform contains information which can be used as a fault indicator. A Matlab/Simulink simulation of the manipulator robot demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed technique.
Diagnostyka; 2023, 24, 4; art. no. 2023407
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hey Robot, the Mind Is Not Enough to Join the Moral Community! The Effect of Assigning a Mind and a Soul to a Humanoid Robot on Its Moral Status
Fortuna, Paweł
Gut, Arkadiusz
Wróblewski, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
moral status
mind perception
soul perception
humanoid robot
artificial intelligence
Current research explored the link between beliefs about the mind, the soul, and the moral status (MS) of humanoid robot (HR). Determining the conditions for the assignment of MS to artificially intelligent agents is important from the point of view of their inclusion in the moral community. The indication of the role of beliefs about the mind and the soul is consistent with the tendency to distinguish these two incorporeal entities observed in folk psychology. In an online study, participants (N = 223), who believed in the existence of the mind and the soul, assessed the MS of the HR Sophia and assigned attributes to it; based on this, two dimensions of the mind perception (MP) were distinguished: Experience and Agency. As expected, we found that the participants attributed the mind more than the soul to the robot, and these projections significantly affected the MS of the robot. Path analysis revealed that the dimensions of MP acted as a mediator in the mind-MS relationship, while the soul-MS relationship was direct. The analysis of the obtained results leads to a more general conclusion that the soul attribution is a diverse and parallel condition to the mind attribution in individuals.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2023, 26, 2; 115-133
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Homography augmented particle filter SLAM
Słowak, Paweł Leszek
Kaniewski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
homography matrix
particle filter
robot navigation
visual-inertial systems
The article presents a comprehensive study of a visual-inertial simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm designed for aerial vehicles. The goal of the research is to propose an improvement to the particle filter SLAM system that allows for more accurate and robust navigation of unknown environments. The authors introduce a modification that utilizes a homography matrix decomposition calculated from the camera frame-to-frame relationships. This procedure aims to refine the particle filter proposal distribution of the estimated robot state. In addition, the authors implement a mechanism of calculating a homography matrix from robot displacement, which is utilized to eliminate outliers in the frame-to-frame feature detection procedure. The algorithm is evaluated using simulation and real-world datasets, and the results show that the proposed improvements make the algorithm more accurate and robust. Specifically, the use of homography matrix decomposition allows the algorithm to be more efficient, with a smaller number of particles, without sacrificing accuracy. Furthermore, the incorporation of robot displacement information helps improve the accuracy of the feature detection procedure, leading to more reliable and consistent results. The article concludes with a discussion of the implemented and tested SLAM solution, highlighting its strengths and limitations. Overall, the proposed algorithm is a promising approach for achieving accurate and robust autonomous navigation of unknown environments.
Metrology and Measurement Systems; 2023, 30, 3; 423--439
Pojawia się w:
Metrology and Measurement Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of interpolation of the method of mixing the liquid in the container on the mixing efficiency
Hebda, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Opolska
anthropomorfic robot
sustainable approach
efficiency mixing
An anthropomorphic robot, i.e. a robot that can reproduce the movements of the human arm, is equipped with various types of interpolation. The ro-bot can be used to mix two liquids enclosed in a shaker mixer. The problem that has to be solved is the selection of the optimal types of interpolation, as well as the sequence of these robot movements that is able to provide better results higher mixing efficiency, in other words amore sustainable approach to the mixing process, using an anthropomorphic robot.The shaker-type container used the shape of a truncated cone has a positive effect on the efficiency of the liquid mixing process. The difference in den-sity between the two liquids contributes to a sustainable approach to the mixing process. It is preferable to use different shaker position with re-spect to the gravitational acceleration vector and to use different linear and arc interpolation. The use of variable position in relations to gravita-tional acceleration vector, due to the shape of the truncated cone of the mixer, will cause chaotic movement of particles inside the shaker, which is a desirable phenomenon, because then both mixed liquids mix quickly
Sustainable Production, Instrumentation and Engineering Sciences; 2023, 1, 1; 9-12
Pojawia się w:
Sustainable Production, Instrumentation and Engineering Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inverse kinematics model for a 18 degrees of freedom robot
Ortega-Palacios, Miguel Angel
Palomino-Merino, Amparo Dora
Reyes-Cortes, Fernando
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
bioloid premium robot
forward kinematics
inverse kinematic
kinematic chain
The study of humanoid robots is still a challenge for the scientific community, although there are several related works in this area, several limitations have been found in the literature that drive the need to develop an inverse kinematic modeling of biped robots. This paper presents a research proposal for the Bioloid Premium robot. The objective is to propose a complete solution to the inverse kinematics model for a 18 DOF (Degrees Of Freedom) biped robot. This model will serve as a starting point to obtain the dynamic model of the robot in a subsequent work. The proposed methodology can be extended to other biped robots.
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems; 2023, 17, 1; 21--29
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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