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Water Quality Assessment of the Morava e Binçës River Based on the Physicochemical Parameters and Water Quality Index
Musliu, M.
Bilalli, A.
Durmishi, B.
Ismaili, M.
Ibrahimi, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
physicochemical parameter
river waters
Water Quality
Morava e Binçës
The quality of surface waters is being impacted by the anthropogenic and natural pollution, thus limiting the usage of this water for drinking, industry, agriculture, recreation and other purposes. The water quality indices are intended to provide a single value for the water quality of a source or a stream that reduces the large amount of parameters in a simpler expression and enables an easy interpretation of the monitoring data. During 2017, seventeen physicochemical parameters were measured in spring, summer, autumn and winter, in five locations along the Morava e Binçës River in Kosovo. For the assessment we employed the Water Quality Index (WQI) which uses the physicochemical parameters for the evaluation of the water quality. The findings of this study ascertain that MB1 station had the best quality with a value of WQI 88 and is classified in the Good Category, whereas the lowest quality of water was found on in MB4 station with a value of WQI 65 and it is thus classified in the Fair Category. Finally, the average WQI was calculated for the entire measurement period and it resulted in a value of 77.60 indicating that the Morava e Binçës River waters belong to the Fair Category.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2018, 19, 6; 104-112
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of Catchment Use on the Degree of River Water Pollution by Forms of Phosphorus
Wpływ użytkowania zlewni na stopień zanieczyszczenia wód rzecznych formami fosforu
Wojtkowska, M.
Bojanowski, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
river waters
forms of phosphorus
sources of pollution
wody rzeczne
formy fosforu
źródła zanieczyszczenia
The subject of dissertation was analysis of wastewater and sewage management on water quality in particular rivers by assessment of eutrophication level of those rivers. Scope of work concerned analysis of phosphorus forms: total phosphorus, orthophosphates, polyphosphates and organic phosphorus. To complete the subject of dissertation, four watercourses were selected. All of them are placed in the Masovian Voivodeship: Długa, Pisia Gągolina, Utrata rivers and Srebrna stream. All of them have several common features. Those are lowland rivers, located near to Warsaw agglomeration. Długa and Srebrna have sources near to Mińsk Mazowiecki (city placed to the east from Warsaw). Pisia Gągolina and Utrata flow through districts on west from Warsaw and flows into Bzura near Sochaczew city. Sources of contamination in all river are mainly: disposal of wastewater from water treatment plants, leaks from septic tanks (damaged or intentionally leaked), surface runoff from agricultural areas and roads, landfill leachate. The ecological state of all watercourses, according to WIOŚ (Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection) monitoring is bad. Research showed that, the lowest concentration of total phosphorus was in the waters of Utrata (average 0.38 mg P/l), while the highest in Długa – average 2.8 mg P/l. Average concentration of orthophosphates was between 0.23 mg P/l (Długa) and 0.45 mg P/l (Pisia Gągolina). Basing on conducted analysis, it can be stated that phosphate contamination in all four watercourses is high, which leads to conclusion that eutrophication level is high. Reasons of that state can be caused by sewage disposals and agriculture. In three perennial streams (Długa, Pisia Gągolina and Srebrna), the highest share in total phosphorus concerned orthophosphates. It means, that phosphorus compounds in rivers are in some part subject to self-cleaning processes. In the case of Długa river, organic phosphorus is a main part of total phosphorus (71%). Source of organic phosphorus may be substances from decomposition of organic matter, mainly proteins. Condensed phosphates occurs as the result of wastewater inflow with surfactants containing phosphorus. Orthophosphates may occur as the result of leaching from soils or as the result of transformations of other phosphorus forms in water (mineralization, hydrolysis). Range of phosphates concentration occurs even on short segments of rivers. It is caused by strong influence of agriculture, breeding ponds and wastewater from treatment plants. Municipal treatment objects have strong influence on water quality and the contamination caused by them can be carried over long distances from place of sewage discharge. General state of water quality of all analyzed rivers, is bad.
Celem pracy było dokonanie analiza wpływu obiektów gospodarki wodno-ściekowej na jakość wody w wybranych rzekach poprzez ocenę stopnia eutrofizacji tych rzek. Zakres pracy obejmował analizę form fosforu: fosforu ogólnego, ortofosforanów, polifosforanów oraz fosforu organicznego w wodach rzecznych. W celu realizacji zaplanowanych zadań, do badań wytypowano cztery cieki wodne, znajdujące się na terenie województwa mazowieckiego – rzeki: Długa, Pisia Gągolina i Utrata oraz struga Srebrna. Wszystkie cztery rzeki wykazują pewne cechy wspólne. Są to rzeki nizinne, przepływające w pobliżu aglomeracji warszawskiej. Długa i Srebrna mają swe źródło w pobliżu Mińska Mazowieckiego (miasto na wschód od Warszawy). Rzeki Pisia Gągolina i Utrata przepływają przez powiaty na wschód od Warszawy i obie uchodzą do Bzury w okolicach Sochaczewa. Źródła występujących zanieczyszczeń to przede wszystkim zrzuty ścieków z oczyszczalni, przecieki z nieszczelnych (uszkodzonych, bądź świadomie rozszczelnionych) zbiorników bezodpływowych, spływ powierzchniowy z terenów rolniczych oraz z dróg, odcieki ze składowisk odpadów. Stan ekologiczny wód, według monitoringu prowadzonego przez WIOŚ, dla wszystkich omawianych cieków jest zły. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że najmniejsze stężenia fosforu ogólnego odnotowano w wodach Utraty – średnio 0,38 mg P/l, natomiast największe w Długiej: średnio 2,8 mg P/l. Średnia zawartość ortofosforanów wynosiła od 0,23 mg P/l (rzeka Długa) do 0,45 mg P/l (rzeka Pisia-Gągolina). Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy można stwierdzić wysokie zanieczyszczenie fosforanami wody wszystkich czterech rzek. W trzech badanych ciekach, największy udział w odniesieniu do fosforu ogólnego stwierdzono dla ortofosforanów. W przypadku rzeki Długiej, przeważa zawartość fosforu organicznego (71%). Źródłem fosforu organicznego mogą być substancje pochodzące z rozkładu materii organicznej, głównie białek. Fosforany skondensowane występują na skutek dopływu do rzek ścieków komunalnych zawierających substancje powierzchniowo czynne, których składnikiem jest fosfor. Ortofosforany mogą pojawiać się na skutek wymywania fosforu z gleby lub na skutek zachodzących w wodach przemian związków fosforu, jak mineralizacja czy hydroliza. Stężenie fosforanów na niewielkich odcinkach rzek występuje w szerokim zakresie wartości. Ma to związek z dużym wpływem terenów rolniczych, stawów hodowlanych oraz odprowadzanych ścieków z oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych. Obiekty gospodarki komunalnej mają znaczny wpływ na jakość wód, a zanieczyszczenia z nich pochodzące mogą być przenoszone na duże odległości od miejsca zrzutu ścieków. Ogólny stan jakości wód we wszystkich badanych rzek jest zły.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2018, Tom 20, cz. 1; 887-904
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Scale of pollutions with heavy metals in water and sediment of River Ibër from landfill in Kelmend, Kosovo
Kadriu, Sadija
Sadiku, Milaim
Kelmendi, Mensur
Mulliqi, Ismet
Aliu, Mehush
Hyseni, Arbër
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii. Instytut Górnictwa
heavy metals
Pollution with heavy metals and waters in Mitrovica with surroundings, both in the past and in present days, is a preoccupation for the citizens of Mirtovica, as well as for the other inhabitants living around it. Such a problem has been a concern which still continues for a number of researchers who have been dealing with this issue, and who still continue to be preoccupied with the issue of heavy metal (habitat) pollution in this part of Kosovo. Heavy metal's contamination of the environment's main components, dates back to the 1970s/90s to this date. This pollution, especially of the rivers, is due to the industrial activity taking place in the Trepça Combine and the presence of industrial landfill sites of this Combine near the flow of two main rivers: the Sitnica and Ibër River waters, in the city of Mitrovica. The focus of our study, this time consists solely in the research and illumination of pollution with these heavy metals and waterworks of the Ibër River, as a result of the pollution caused by the industrial waste landfill located in Kelmend village. In the paper, we have attempted to show the concentration of heavy metals in sediment and water, by pointing at four sample sites of the Ibër river: in the Bosniak U1 neighborhood, then in the flow in front the U2 landfill, discharge flows from landfill U3 and a certain distance from the U4 landfill.
Mining Science; 2019, 26; 147-155
Pojawia się w:
Mining Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka niżówek w potokach górskich w zlewniach różnej lesistości
Low waters characteristics of the mountain streams in variously forested catchments
Kostuch, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
Karpaty Zachodnie
Dunajec river
Grajcarek River
low waters
West Carpathians
Celem pracy jest wyodrębnienie na hydrogramie odpływu okresów niżówkowych i scharakteryzowanie niżówek płytkich i głębokich występujących w latach 1970/1971-2001/2002 w potokach Biała Woda i Czarna Woda, będących źródłowymi potokami Grajcarka, prawobrzeżnego dopływu Dunajca. Zlewnie omawianych potoków są użytkowane leśnie i pastwiskowo-łąkowo, jednakże zlewnia Czarnej Wody odznacza się większą lesistością niż zlewna Białej Wody. W pracy określono parametry ilościowe niżówek, tj.: czas trwania, liczbę wystąpień, objętość niedoboru wody i odpływ średni niżówki. Opracowano również rozkład niżówek w okresie objętym badaniami. Stwierdzono, że w obydwu potokach niżówki występują zdecydowanie częściej w półroczach zimowych niż w letnich. Niżówki płytkie nie występują lub występują bardzo sporadycznie w: kwietniu, maju, czerwcu i lipcu. Liczba wystąpień niżówek płytkich w półroczu letnim jest większa w Białej Wodzie niż w Czarnej Wodzie, jest też tam większy niedobór wody. Przyczyną tego jest mniejsza zdolność retencyjna zlewni Białej Wody, wynikająca z mniejszej lesistości. Najdłuższe niżówki płytkie na Czarnej Wodzie i Białej Wodzie wystąpiły w latach hydrologicznych: 1986/1987, 1993/1994 i 2000/2001. W półroczach letnich niżówki głębokie nie wystąpiły, a w półroczach zimowych należały do rzadkości.
The paper contains the analysis of hydrological data from the period of 1970/1971-2001/2002 on low waters in the Czarna Woda and the Biała Woda streams - the sources of the Grajcarek river, a tributary to the Dunajec river. Land in both catchments is covered by forests and grasslands but the Czarna Woda catchment is more afforested than that of the Biała Woda stream. The analyses allowed for the determination of the average duration, total numbers, deficits of low waters in winter and summer half years and their distribution for both streams. The study showed that in the winter half years low waters were more frequent than in the summer half years. The longest average duration of low water was recorded in January and February, the shortest - in April, May, June and July. Comparative analysis showed that in the Czarna Woda in the summer half years and winter half years low water was more frequent than in the Biała Woda. The longest low water in the Czarna Woda lasted 179 days and in the Biała Woda - 145 days in the hydrological year 1986/1987. The analysis confirmed that deep low waters did not occur in summer half years.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2004, T. 4, z. 2a; 63-71
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Results of Surface Water Quality Monitoring of the Western Bug River Basin in Lviv Region
Odnorih, Zoriana
Manko, Roman
Malovanyy, Myroslav
Soloviy, Khrystyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Bug river
river basin
EU Water Framework Directive
quality of surface waters
The article describes the steps for organizing and conducting the ecological monitoring of surface water in order to shift Ukraine to the European standards in the field of water use and protection. The main water users-pollutants of the Western Bug River basin in the Lviv region were identified. The results of the water samples taken from the control bodies in 2018 were analyzed. A promising way to improve the work of the water basin management of the Western Bug River was proposed.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2020, 21, 3; 18-26
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multidimensional Assessment of Variation of Physio-Chemical Parameters of the Liwiec River Basin Waters
Rymuza, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
surface waters
cluster analysis
quality ranking
Liwiec river
The objective of the work was to utilise multidimensional statistical methods to assess the physio-chemical status of waters of the River Liwiec catchment. The water quality assessment and comparison in terms of fifteen parameters were based on the monitoring data collected at eight measurement points in 2017. The principal component analysis demonstrated that the water quality in the River Liwiec catchment was principally conditioned by water temperature, pH, soluble oxygen content, nitrite nitrogen content and organic carbon content. The cluster analysis conducted based on principal components yielded three clusters of measurement points. The first cluster included the following measurement points: Liwiec-Kamieńczyk, Liwiec Wólka Proszewska, Liwiec Borzychy and Liwiec Krześlin. The waters at these points contained the least organic carbon and ammonium nitrogen. The second cluster consisted of the Muchawka Żytnia and Muchawka Rakowiec tributaries characterised by the highest amount of phosphorus, Kiejdhal nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and organic carbon. The third cluster was made up of the Kostrzyń Proszew and Kostrzyń Łączka tributaries, both having the lowest values of nearly all the examined parameters.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 10; 110-117
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Processes of Natural Self-Cleaning of Small Watercourses with Increasing Anthropogenic Load in the Dniester River Basin
Hnativ, Roman
Cherniuk, Volodymyr
Khirivskyi, Petro
Kachmar, Natalia
Lopotych, Natalia
Hnativ, Ihor
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
mountain river
surface waters
small river
natural self-cleaning
hydrodynamically active area
channel processes
Small river basins are complex self-regulatory systems, as well as indicators of the state of the environment due to the level of anthropogenic pressure. Since any changes in the regime of small rivers are reflected in the entire hydrographic chain, the problem of estimating the anthropogenic load on small rivers of Ukraine is relevant for modern hydrochemistry and hydroecology. The main sources of water pollution are industrial and domestic effluents, which increase the inflow of pesticides, heavy metal ions, etc. Aquatic ecosystems of small rivers are subject to intense mechanical and biochemical effects, and about 80% of pollutants are washed into water bodies. Water bodies located on the territory or near large cities and urban areas are particularly exposed to man-made pollution. In the territory of the Dniester river basin, natural landscapes are maximally preserved in comparison with other regions of Western Ukraine, but in modern conditions we observe an increase in the negative anthropogenic impact on the quality of natural waters. Hydrodynamic barriers or hydrodynamically active areas (HAA) of mountain rivers, which are significantly saturated with oxygen in the water flow, which activates the processes of biochemical and biological self-cleaning of natural waters, are important to increase the efficiency of self-purification processes. Natural biological cleaning of pollutants in small rivers is highly effective due to the overgrowth of aquatic vegetation. The aim of the work was to establish the ability of the aquatic ecosystem of a small river to self-purify on the basis of hydrochemical indicators of water quality. The compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements of hydrochemical indicators of Kolodnytsia river water of the right tributary of the Dniester was analyzed and possible regularities of their changes were established, as well as the main factors of anthropogenic impact on a small river and the possibility of laboratory modeling of such rivers. It was found that in the Kolodnytsia River the processes of self-cleaning are quite active, which are caused by the hydrological characteristics of the river and the presence of hydrodynamically active areas in the foothills of the basin. Therefore, at present there is no steady excess of pollutants relative to the MPC.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 2; 12--18
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The presence of geogenically saline waters in the area of salt dome Rogóźno (central Poland)
Górecki, M.
Ziułkiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Rogóźno salt dome
geogenical saline waters
hydrochemical indexes
Moszczenica River
Rogóźno salt dome is one of the most recognizable diapirs in the Polish Lowland. Despite its shallow occurrence depth, increased salinity has not been detected in surface water. The presented hydrogeochemical research aimed at determining if there is the presence of increased geogenical salinity in the groundwater and shallow water. Increased geogenical salinity has not been detected in the Moszczenica River and the Czerniawka River, but were displayed in the Moszczenica River valley in the specific electrical conductivity (SEC) spatial distribution. Hydrogeochemical research indicated the presence of a higher mineralized water ascent in the north-eastern part of the dome. The presence of mixing of saline waters around the dome with fresh waters was determined. Ionic composition and hydrochemical indexes of waters sampled from different levels indicate that the saline structure is not completely isolated from surrounding waters. The dome structure is in contact with water from Upper Jurassic formation which influences the final water composition. Active anthropogenic processes partly mask the influences of geogenic salinity in the study area.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2016, 42, 3; 289-310
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sea-river shipping in Polish inland waters
Galor, W.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
sea-river shipping
inland waters
risk of damage
In many cases, sea ships are required to call at ports situated several hundred kilometers inland, including several different types of ship (freight, passenger, recreational). The main benefit of sea-river navigation is that ships may enter inland and carry cargo to the ports of other countries without their cargo having to be transferred several times. This method significantly reduces the risk of damage to the cargo and also lowers transport costs. An important element in sea-river shipping which is showing an increasing trend is that of passenger shipping (cruisers). This article analyzes the current situation of this type of navigation in Poland. Several examples of shipping routes on inland waters are presented.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2017, 50 (122); 84-90
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona wód zlewni Bugu – poprawa czystości rzeki międzynarodowym wyzwaniem
Protection of the River Bug Catchment Area – Improvement of the River’s Waters Quality as an International Challenge
Lis, Edward
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
River Bug
catchment area
quality of the waters
Water Framework Directive
Ten years ago, the audit was conducted entitled “Protection of the River Bug Catchment Area in the Years 2003-2006”. Apart from NIK, the audit was conducted by the Supreme Audit Institutions of Ukraine and Belarus. In 2015, the follow-up coordinated audit was carried out entitled “Protection of the River Bug Catchment Area against Pollution”. The audit was conducted on the initiative of the President of the Chamber of Accounts of Ukraine. The audit examined the implementation of the audit conclusions of 2006 aimed at achieving good quality of the waters of the River Bug catchment area, which means the compliance with the Water Framework Directive.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 4 (369); 65-74
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unsuccessfull introduction of the common pleco Hypostomus plecostomus Linnaeus, 1758 (Loricariidae) in artificial pond in Warsaw, Central Poland
Maciaszek, Rafał
Skomorucha, Łukasz
Eberhardt, Maria
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Hypostomus plecostomus
Vistula river
alien species
inland waters
ornamental fish
suckermouth catfish
This paper describes the case of an unsuccessful introduction of the common pleco Hypostomus plecostomus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Loricariidae) in an artificial water reservoir near Warsaw Citadel, which is the second instance described for representatives of American loricariid fish species in Poland. A landed individual has been labelled and presented in the photographs. The finding is discussed with available polish inland waters data and authors observations.
World Scientific News; 2019, 132; 308-312
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Exotic fish, the guppy Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859) (Poecilidae) found in thermally polluted canal in Central Poland
Maciaszek, Rafał
Marcinek, Dorota
Sosnowski, Witold
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Poecilia reticulata
Vistula river
alien species
inland waters
ornamental pet
Żerań canal
This work describes the case of an introduction of the guppy Poecilia reticulata in a thermally polluted canal of the Żerań CHP plant in Warsaw. Captured individuals were identified and described. The find is discussed along with available scientific literature describing introductions of alien species of aquarium origin in Polish and European waters.
World Scientific News; 2019, 135; 289-293
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Visualization of River Water Flow in Hydrodynamically Active Areas under Different Flow Regimes
Snitynskyi, Volodymyr
Khirivskyi, Petro
Hnativ, Ihor
Yakhno, Oleg
Machuga, Oleg
Hnativ, Roman
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
mountain river
self-cleaning process
surface waters
hydrodynamically active area
flow visualization
cavitation phenomena
It was established that in the territory of the Stryi river basin, the natural landscapes are maximally preserved in comparison with other regions of Western Ukraine, but under modern conditions an increase of negative anthropogenic impact on the quality of natural waters is observed. The hydrodynamic barriers or hydrodynamically active areas (HAA) of mountain rivers, characterized by a significant oxygen saturation of the water flow, which activates the processes of biochemical and biological self-purification of surface waters, are important for the efficiency of self-purification processes. In order to verify the results of theoretical and field research, an existing experimental setup was designed and improved. It provided the conditions for modeling the flow of mountain rivers in accordance with the laws of similarity theory and the principles of hydrodynamic modeling. On the basis of the results of field observations in the foothills of rivers, as well as regulatory and design documentation, the limits of the main operating factors were determined, namely the Freud number, flow depth and flow rate, which are decisive in studying the impact of HAA on flow self-cleaning processes. By changing the length of the tray section, the gullies and the waterfall niche of the real hydrodynamically active section were simulated, on which field experiments on the Tyshivnytsia River were conducted. In the studies, measurements were performed at different flow regimes, which simulated different hydrological parameters. In order to analyze the impact of HAA on self-cleaning processes, the flow was visualized using photography. The change in the structure of a stream of natural waters at passage of HAA was established. The high oxygen saturation of the river waters of the Stryi river basin is caused by the influence of HAA, which contribute to the purification of polluted waters from biological pollutants and other man-made pollutants and form the high quality of water resources in the region. A method of modeling and visualization of mountain rivers in the laboratory was developed.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2021, 22, 9; 129-135
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in the shape of the river-bed over a period of time at the base of the Vistula River before Cracow
Zmiany kształtu koryta rzecznego w czasie na przykładzie Wisły przed Krakowem
Bieda, A.
Hycner, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
granice ewidencyjne
użytki gruntowe
wody płynące
koryto rzeczne
linia brzegowa
cadastral boundaries
land use
flowing waters
river bank line
Flowing waters, especially big rivers, influence their entire environment. Yet, for surveyors the most important are these changes caused by rivers, through changes in their beds, which can alternate cadastral data. The discussed problems result directly from both the damaging and constructive features of rivers and also from Water Law and other regulations which provide the fonundation for establishing grounds and building registers. This paper contains partly a comparison between former situation presented on archive maps and concerning sections of the Vistula River, west of Cracow and the contemporary situation. The purpose of this comparison is to draw the reader’s attention to the important problem of updating cadastral maps, made in surrounding of accumulative-erosion activity of river.
Wody płynące, w szczególności duże rzeki, oddziaływają na całe swoje otoczenie. Dla wykonawców geodezyjnych najważniejsze są jednak zmiany kształtu koryta rzek pociągające za sobą konieczność modyfikacji w katastrze nieruchomości. Poruszana problematyka wynika bezpośrednio z właściwości niszczących i konstruktywnych rzek oraz zapisów prawa wodnego i aktów normatywnych, na podstawie których tworzona jest ewidencja gruntów i budynków. Publikacja zawiera częściowe porównanie archiwalnych materiałów kartograficznych dotyczących odcinka Wisły na zachód od Krakowa z obecną sytuacją terenową i ma na celu zasygnalizowanie problemu, jakim jest zapewnienie aktualności map zakładanych i prowadzonych w obrębie akumulacyjno-erozyjnej działalności cieków wodnych.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2012, 6, 1; 21-28
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan zasolenia rzeki Odry za kolektorem "Olza" w zależności od jej przepływu i warunków atmosferycznych
State of salinity in the Odra river behind the "Olza" interceptor-sewer in connection with its flow and atmospheric conditions
Swolkień, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
stężenie jonów chlorkowych
przepływ rzeki
kolektor Olza
wody kopalniane
chłonność rzeki
chlorides concentration
"Olza" interceptor-sewer
river flow
mine waters
river absorptiveness
W artykule skupiono się na określeniu zależności zasolenia rzeki Odry od jej przepływu i warunków atmosferycznych. Silne zasolenie rzeki jest wynikiem wprowadzania do niej wód kopalnianych odprowadzanych z obszaru południowo-zachodniej części GZW za pośrednictwem kolektora "Olza". W artykule podzielono przepływy na pięć kategorii i przypisano im możliwe do uzyskania klasy czystości ze względu na jony chlorkowe. Na podstawie wyznaczonych za pomocą programu komputerowego "Dyspozytor" marginesów przepływu i na podstawie przynależności rzeki do danej klasy czystości określono, jaki wpływ na stan zasolenia wywiera proces retencjonowania i dozowania wody kopalnianej z kolektora. Ustalono również, w jakich warunkach można dotrzymać najwyższych, a w jakich najniższych norm czystości w rzece ze względu na jony chlorkowe.
This article treats about the state of salinity in Odra river in connection with its flow and atmospheric conditions. Very high chlorides concentration in the river is a consequence of dropping into its water highly contaminated mine waters form the south - western part of Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Mine waters are transported through the interceptor sewer called "Olza". The author divides the river flows on the five categories and classifies them due to the exact water classes. Taking into consideration flow margins calculated by using the computer program called "Dyspozytor" and river absorptiveness due to the specific water class, it was possible to estimate the influence of dosing and retaining on the state of river waters salinity. It was also possible to state in which conditions there is a chance to keep the highest water class and in which there is no such a chance.
Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria; 2010, 34, 3/1; 153-162
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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