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Europa Środkowa w geopolityce zjednoczonych Niemiec. Wybrane aspekty
Central Europe in the geopolitics of the united Germany. Selected issues
Kozerski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Społecznych. Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych
Central Europe
The unification resulted in a fundamental change in the geopolitical position of Germany. The Federal Republic has become the largest country in the EU in terms of population (82,8 million in 2017) and due to its total land area (over 357 thousand km²) it ranks number 14 in the list of countries by area. After the unification, the number of countries neighbouring Germany has increased (9), which makes Germany more focused on the development of bilateral relations in its immediate neighbourhood. Germany has become the main beneficiary of the conflict settlement between the East and West, since it is not exposed to the nuclear attack by the hostile power and its allies (the USSR, the Eastern block) yet. To its own benefit, the FRG has lost the status of a border state, as its border does not separate NATO from the Warsaw Pact. It does not separate the EEC from the COMECON either. Germany ceased to be a „training ground” of the cold war. After the Eastern enlargement in 2004 the country ceased to be the border state of the European Union. Furthermore, Germany was able to get unified and to become a sovereign state equal to other European countries in terms of its status. The FRG is not perceived as a revisionist state that denies post-war borders. Post-unification Germany is considered to be a predictable and credible state. Moreover, the country is an active member of alliances and international organizations. After the reunification, the Federal Republic had to redefine its position and role internationally. It has defined itself as a state in the centre of the continent and a bridge between the European East and West. Since 1990 Central Europe, most often identified with the post-communist states situated between Germany and Russia, has become an important point of reference for Germany and direction of pursuing its influence. After the unification Germany declared this region to be the zone of its influence and vital interests. The main goal of Bonn was to make the region stable by supporting the system transformation process and admitting the Visegrad Group member states to NATO and the European Union in the long term. There was a fear that if Germany’s eastern neighbours were not given a real prospect of membership in the Western integration structures they could become a seedbed of unrest and destabilisation. It was assumed that such threats could make an impact on Germany and adversely affect its internal situation. The main motive of the FRG in assuming the role of an advocate of the Central-European states on their way to accession to western alliances was to ensure stabilisation close to its (German) borders. By taking system transformation and accession to the EU and NATO under its patronage, Germany acquired a dominant position in the central part of Europe and thus made countries of the region dependent on it (mostly economically). A number of facts, including immigration crisis and its consequences, opposition of the Visegrad Group countries to the enforced relocation of refugees, the rise of Eurosceptic and anti-German sentiment in these countries, have resulted in a considerable tension in relations between Germany and the Visegrad Group states. Such state of affairs makes the Federal Republic of Germany gradually „turn its back” on the „renegade” Central Europe. A country of the European centre, whose interests were to be east-oriented after the unification, has been heading westward recently. Germany’s approval of the „multi-speed” concept in the EU as well as its endorsement for closer integration based on the euro zone seem to prove that statement.
Wschodnioznawstwo; 2017, 11; 109-122
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Francuskie reakcje wobec problemu zjednoczenia Niemiec po II wojnie światowej
France and the Reunification of Germany after second World War
Kruk, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Reunification of Germany
zjednoczenie Niemiec
In the article I have analyzed France’s politics to the problem of Germany’s reunification. After world war II France wanted to keep a good relationship with the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. French politicians presented a series of prerequisites of Germany’s reunification emphasizing, that the reunification should result from an agreement between both German countries and with approval of their neighboring countries.The French presidents: Charles de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, Valery Giscard d’Estaing and François Mitterrand wanted to implement the policy of tenir le range in the relationship with Germany.
Artykuł dotyczy polityki Francji wobec zjednoczenia Niemiec. Francja po II wojnie światowej dążyła do utrzymania dobrych relacji z Republiką Federalną Niemiec i Niemiecką Republiką Demokratyczną. Francuzi w sprawie zjednoczenia Niemiec stawiali szereg warunków podkreślając, że zjednoczenie powinno odbyć się w wyniku porozumienia obu państw niemieckich i za zgodą sąsiadów. Francuscy prezydenci, Charles de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, Valery Giscard d’Estaing i François Mitterrand, starali się prowadzić politykę tenir le range w kontaktach z Niemcami.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2016, 10; 275-290
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Press coverage of the German reunification issue in a long-term perspective, 1990–2014
Leidecker-Sandmann, Melanie
Maier, Jürgen
Maier, Michaela
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej
German reunification
press coverage
quantitative content analysis
time series
This paper analyses the long-term coverage (1990–2014) of German reunification by six German newspapers. Our quantitative content analysis shows how often the press covers the event, what the content of the coverage is, and how journalists evaluate the reunification process. As we have analysed newspapers of different locations, ranges, types, and editorial lines, we can see whether newspapers cover German reunification differently. Our analysis shows that the amount of coverage of reunification quickly decreases, and only a few articles are published prominently. The press reports on more differences between East and West Germany than similarities; about one third of the articles mentions problems and conflicts, although they become less important over time. All in all, positive evaluations of German reunification outweigh negative judgments and increase over time. We see evidence that the placement, content, and tone of coverage highly depends on the type, editorial line, range, and location of newspapers.
Central European Journal of Communication; 2019, 12, 1/22; 2-24
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Usługa, opieka, wypalenie – praktykowanie rodzicielstwa zastępczego w Polsce. Ujęcie autoetnograficzne
The Service, the C Are and The Burnout – Practicing Foster Care in Poland. the Autoetnographic Approach
Krawczak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
rodzinna piecza zastępcza
foster care
W artykule przedstawiono pogłębiony opis doświadczenia sprawowania funkcji rodzica zastępczego w Polsce w nurcie autoetnografii ewokatywnej. Strukturę tekstu oparto na socjologicznej osi dynamiki sprawowania opieki zastępczej składającej się z dwóch głównych faz – protoopieki i opieki (wejścia w rolę, zakorzenienia w roli i wyjścia z roli). Na tę oś nałożono osobiste doświadczenie bycia rodzicem zastępczym, w ramach którego przeanalizowano zjawisko wypalenia zawodowego, ale także podjęto krytyczną polemikę z postrzeganiem rodzicielstwa zastępczego jako usługi społecznej o charakterze temporalnym.
The article provides in-depth description of the experience of performing the function of a foster carer in Poland. I used the methodological frame of evocative autoethnography. The structure of the text was based on the sociological axis of dynamics of foster care consisting of two main phases: proto-care and care (entering into a role, rooted in a role and exit from a role). This axis is overlaid with the experienceof being a foster carer. I analyze the phenomenon of burnout, but also undertake a critical polemic with the perception of foster parenting as a short-term service.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2020, 19, 3; 144-179
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Die DDR in einer Autobiographie. Zu Werner Heiduczeks Die Schatten meiner Toten
GDR in an autobiography. The text of the Werner Heiduczek’s ‘Shadows of my dead’
NRD w pewnej autobiografii. O tekście Wernera Heiduczka „Cienie moich umarłych”
Jaśkiewicz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
przełom 1989
East Germany
reunification in 1990
Artykuł Die DDR in einer Autobiographie. Zu Werner Heiduczeks „Die Schatten meiner Toten” [NRD w pewnej autobiografii. O tekście Wernera Heiduczka „Cienie moich zmarłych”] jest wynikiem badań prowadzonych przez autora nad obrazem NRD w literaturze dokumentu osobistego (autobiografii) pisarzy z NRD po zjednoczeniu Niemiec w roku 1990. Prezentowany tekst jest analizą autobiografii niemieckiego pisarza Wernera Heiduczka „Die Schatten meiner Toten”, opublikowanej w Lipsku, w roku 2005. Właściwą analizę poprzedzają krótki portret pisarza oraz przyczynek o autobiografii jako gatunku literackim i jego roli w odniesieniu do tekstu Heiduczka. Analiza skupia się na skomplikowanym stosunku pisarza do NRD, jego ocenie najważniejszych wydarzeń w NRD: powstaniu 17.06.1953 oraz przełomu roku 1989, zachowaniu wobec wydarzeń wokół W. Biermanna w 1976 roku oraz własnym miejscu w społeczeństwie i polityce jak również życiu osobistym.
The paper Die DDR in einer Autobiographie. Zu Werner Heiduczeks ‘Die Schatten meiner Toten’ [GDR in an autobiography. The text of the Werner Heiduczek’s ‘Shadows of my dead’] is the result of research conducted by the author over the image of the GDR in the literature of personal documents (autobiography) writers from East Germany after reunification in 1990. The present text is an analysis of the autobiography of a German writer Werner Heiduczek ‘Die Schatten meiner Toten’, published in Leipzig in 2005. The analysis is preceded by a brief portrait of the writer and the contribution of autobiography as a literary genre and its role in relation to the text of Heiduczek. The analysis focuses on the complex relationship of the writer to the GDR, his assessment of the most important events in the GDR: uprising of 17th June 1953 and turn of 1989, keeping the events around W. Biermann in 1976 and its own place in society and politics as well as personal life.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2015, 10, 5; 344-363
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Current Prospects of Korean Reunification Against the Background of the Interstate Relations
Stankiewicz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Korean reunification
inter-Korean relations
the Republic of Korea (South Korea)
North Korea
Forecasts predicting the reunification of the Korean Peninsula were common throughout the 1990s. Since then, enthusiasm for such predictions has dampened, and though the fundamental assumption of reunification remains, predictions of when and how this will happen have been more restrained. Reunification leaves two unresolved yet interdependent issues: reunification itself, which is the urgent challenge; and the strategic issues that emerge from reunification, which have the potential to fundamentally transform strategic relations in the region of Northeast Asia. Within this context, this paper examines the prospects of Korean reunification against the background of the interstate relations. Initially, it will establish the framework from which such scenarios will emerge: the historical background of the division, the extreme differences between the two states, the role played by the North Korean nuclear threats and the impact of the September 11, 2001 on the interstate relations, and finally general situation and relations in the East Asian region. Then, three possible scenarios of the unification will be developed: through peaceful integration, through the fall of North Korea or through a war. Summing up, even the death of Kim Jong Il will not bring change in the domestic and foreign policy of North Korea which is going to continue an aggressive approach toward the South. In the short-term reunification is definitely not in the interest of the current ROK administration, and the South has no intention of encouraging it. None of the considered scenarios envisions early reunification, and it seems that for the future, the status quo on the Korean Peninsula will remain.
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal; 2012, 14; 53-73
Pojawia się w:
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niemcy 30 lat po zjednoczeniu – aspekt społeczno-demograficzny i gospodarczy
The 30th anniversary of the German reunification – a review of the social and economic effect on Germany
Bartkowiak, Marcin
Ratajczak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
German reunification
economic effect
social effect
zjednoczenie Niemiec
aspekt społeczno-demograficzny
aspekt gospodarczy
Autorzy w artykule omawiają społeczno-demograficzne i gospodarcze implikacje zjednoczenia Niemiec dla wschodniej i zachodniej części kraju, w 30. rocznicę zakończenia okresu dwupaństwowości. Analizując społeczno-demograficzne implikacje, autorzy wskazują na spadek liczby ludności w Niemczech wschodnich i jednoczesny wzrost liczby ludności w Niemczech zachodnich w badanym okresie. Autorzy zwracają również uwagę na postępujący proces starzenia się społeczeństwa, widoczny zwłaszcza w landach wschodnich, gdzie średni wiek ludności wynosi powyżej średniej wieku ludności w Niemczech. Poddając analizie wybrane wskaźniki makroekonomiczne dla określenia implikacji gospodarczych, tj. PKB na mieszkańca, nakłady brutto na środki trwałe, stopę bezrobocia i wynagrodzenie brutto, autorzy wskazują, iż Niemcy wschodnie zmniejszyły dystans w stosunku do Niemiec zachodnich, jednakże konwergencja poziomów rozwoju gospodarczego obu części Niemiec to nadal niedokończony proces.
In line with the 30th anniversary of the German reunification this article reviews the social as well as economic effect of Germany’s reunification on Germany distinguishing between East Germany and West Germany to present times. Looking at the social effect we can see a decrease in the number of population for East Germany and an increase in the number of population for West Germany over time. In addition, the average age of the population in federal states in East Germany has increased above average of Germany’s population compared to the federal states in West Germany. Looking at the economic effect focusing on gross domestic product per capita, gross fixed capital formation, unemployment reate and gross wages and salaries we can see that East Germany has decreased its gap to West Germany over time, however, its economic convergence to West Germany remains an ongoing process.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2020, 14; 359-372
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Family Reunification Regulations and Women: The Perspective of International Law
Burek, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Directive 2003/86/EC
family reunification
gender discrimination
international law
women’s rights
The concept of family reunification is well established in contemporary migration laws, at both the national and international levels. Focusing on international and EU law, in this article I argue that while existing provisions on family reunification are formulated in neutral language, from the gender point of view the enforcement of these substantively neutral rules may, in certain situations, result in discrimination, or at least bring about negative consequences, with respect to women in cases both when they are the sponsors of migration or the bearers of consequences of male migration. Following presentation of the international legal framework on family reunification and the relevant international jurisprudence, I deal with some rather common aspects relating to the personal scope of family reunification regulations, covering only the issues of who can, and who cannot, join their family member(s)/sponsor(s) in a foreign country (i.e. the unmarried minor rule, excluded forms of marriages – polygamous and forced marriages - and age limits). Some procedural aspects of family reunification are then dealt with (waiting periods, delays in proceedings, and end of a relationship as a cause for termination of residence rights.). These issues are examined with respect to concerns that they may cause indirect, or even direct, gender discrimination in some cases, while in others they may affect women more negatively than men.
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2016, 36; 83-108
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Was bleibt? Zum Fortleben der DDR-Literatur in der Forschung
What remains? The afterlife of GDR literature in the research
Kałążny, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
contemporary history of German literature
GDR literature
post-GDR literature
memory culture
‘master narrative’
The title of the story What Remains by Christa Wolf denotes one of the main topics of the present discussion about German literature after 1989. The article presents the new questions (e.g. one or two German literature(s)? What does ‘GDR literature‘ mean? Is it a ‘special case’?) and changing conditions of the study of East German literature. A few new historical works discussing German literature since 1945, mainly since the reunification, and a few theoretical approaches (e.g. GDR literature as a chronotope and as regional literature) are presented.
Studia Germanica Posnaniensia; 2016, 37; 135-148
Pojawia się w:
Studia Germanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Insufficient Data, Short Time Spans, Illusions and Multiple pressures: Designing the German Monetary Union in 1990
Wolfgang, Zank
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Decision-making processes
GDR economy
German monetary and economic union
German reunification
transition to market economy
The German unification in 1990 generated many benefits, but also many disappointments. After the introduction of the monetary union between the GDR and West Germany on 1 July 1990, the East German industry collapsed, and mass unemployment became persistent. Ever since the modalities of the monetary union have been discussed controversially. This paper reconstructs the decision-making processes and negotiations towards monetary union. To a high extent, this reconstruction is based on original documents. Early on in Bonn a consensus was reached that monetary union had to be introduced soon, the rapid decline of the GDR making stepwise approaches impossible. Many officials were aware of the detrimental effects of a 1:1 conversion of the wages. But few dared to go against the widespread demands for 1:1 in the GDR population and government, not the least because of over-optimistic promises before the elections in the GDR in March 1990.
Economics and Business Review; 2019, 5 (19), 1; 53-78
Pojawia się w:
Economics and Business Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
When Policy Meets Politics: An Analysis of U.S. Immigration Issues, 1998–2018
Pula, James S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
International migration is a major issue in many parts of the world today. In the United States, with its history of immigration, it has been a recurring theme in political discussion for over two centuries. This article addresses three issues: (1) providing data to establish the size, composition, and recent trends in immigration to the U.S. today, (2) a review of 2018 U.S. public opinion polls on immigration, and (3) an interpretation of why a subject where most Americans generally agree has caused protracted emotional and divisive debates over the past two decades.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2019, 45, 3 (173); 93-118
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Minimum standards and essential needs in the protection of Syrian refugees in Turkey
Kuruçaylioğlu, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
essential needs
family reunification
mass influx
minimum standards
right to adequate housing
right to an adequate standard of living
Syrian refugees in Turkey
temporary protection regime
UNHCR Executive Committee resolutions had recognized the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in mass influx and many bilateral international conventions, treaties, and agreements. The following rights have also emerged within UNHCR Executive Committee decisions, international human rights law, and international law. The significant central rights and the principle of law towards refugee and asylum seekers which are considered as the minimum standards are: 1) non-refoulement principles, 2) right to life, 3) right to protection from torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, 4) provision of an individual legal status, 5) right to asylum, 6) prohibition of discrimination, 7) right to liberty and security of person, 8) freedom of residence and movement, 9) family reunification, 10) right to an adequate standard of living, and 11) right to adequate housing. Until September 2020, Turkey had been a host country for 3,621,968 Syrian refugees1 who are located in eighty-one cities. Turkey applies the family reunification policy towards the refugees. However, because of the large number of Syrians, Turkish authorities struggle with providing adequate living and housing standards. Thus, the article will elaborate on the most crucial elements from the humanitarian point of view, that is family reunification, right to an adequate standard of living, and right to acceptable housing standards applied towards the Syrian refugees in Turkey in virtue of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey (1982), Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458 of 2013, and Temporary Protection Regulation (2014).
Studia Administracyjne; 2022, 16, 2; 17-28
Pojawia się w:
Studia Administracyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biskupi płoccy wobec tendencji zjednoczeniowych na przełomie XIII i XIV wieku
Płock bishops’ position regarding unification trends at the turn of 13th and 14th century
Graczyk, Waldemar
Karczewski, Dariusz
Grabowski, Janusz
Wajs, Hubert
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
biskupi płoccy
dynastia książąt Mazowsza
polityka mazowiecka
zjednoczenie Królestwa Polskiego
bishops of Płock
ducal dynasty of Mazovia
Mazovian politics
reunification of the Kingdom of Poland
Biskupi płoccy z przełomu XIII i XIV w.: Gosław h. Gryf (1294‒1296), Jan Wysoki h. Dołęga (1297‒1310), a przede wszystkim Florian z Kościelca h. Leszczyc (1318‒1333) aktywnie uczestniczyli w ówczesnych rozgrywkach politycznych, reprezentując doraźne interesy polityczne książąt Mazowsza. Przykładem jest obecność biskupa Gosława h. Gryf (1294‒1296) w koronacji królewskiej Przemysława II w 1295 r. Dobrą szkołą przygotowania do roli, jaką pełnili, obejmując urząd biskupa płockiego, była służba w kancelarii książęcej oraz godności kościelne, jakie uzyskiwali w kapitule katedralnej płockiej oraz innych kapitułach. Ich postawa polityczna była odzwierciedleniem bieżących kierunków politycznych książąt mazowieckich i oscylowała pomiędzy Polską, zakonem i Litwą. Opcja była zależna od bieżących sojuszy i układu sił. Paradoksalnie zjednoczenie Królestwa Polskiego i koronacja księcia Władysława Łokietka na króla oraz dokonujący się podział polityczny dzielnicy mazowieckiej doprowadził do prze- orientowania lokalnej polityki. W tym należy upatrywać zwrotu książąt mazowieckich w latach 20. XIV w. w kierunku zakonu, a tym samym biskupów płockich ściśle powiązanych w swojej działalności z miejscową dynastią. Perspektywa zarówno polityczna, jak i gospodarcza, była czynnikiem przesądzającym o kierunku zwrotu politycznego książąt mazowieckich i biskupów płockich.
The bishops of Płock at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries: Gosław of Gryf house, (1294‒1296), Jan Wysoki of Dołęga house (1297‒1310) and, above all, Florian of Kościelec of Leszczyc house (1318‒1333) actively participated in the political games of those times, representing short-term political interests of the Mazovian dukes. A good example is the presence of Bishop Gosław of Gryf house (1294‒1296) at the coronation of King Przemysław II in 1295. A good way for the future bishops of Płock to prepare for their role was their service in the ducal chancellery as well as church dignities which they received in the Plock Cathedral Chapter and other chapters. Their political stance reflected current political leanings of the Mazovian dukes and generally oscillated between Poland, the Teutonic Order and Lithuania. The option depended on current alliances and the balance of power. Paradoxically, unification of Polish Kingdom and coronation of duke Władysław the Elbow-High as king, as well as ongoing political division of the Mazovian province led to a reorientation of local politics. This should be seen as the reason for Mazovian princes’ turn towards the Teutonic Order in the 1320s, which was also a turn towards the bishops of Plock, whose activities were closely connected with the local dynasty. Both political and economic perspective were factors determining the political turn of the Mazovian dukes and the bishops of Plock.
Władysław Łokietek ‒ odnowiciel Królestwa Polskiego. Restaurator Regni Poloniae; 153-165
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zieloni wobec ponownego zjednoczenia Niemiec
Mikulska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Germany in 1980s
Germany in 1990s
German politics
Green Party
German reunification
Alliance 90/The Greens
Sojusz 90/Zieloni
Niemcy w latach 80.
Niemcy w latach 90.
niemiecka polityka
ponowne Zjednoczenie Niemiec
Partia Zielonych
The period of German reunification was a very turbulent time for the Green Party. Plagued by internal conflicts and wrong decisions made during the campaign, it seemed to have come to a standstill, letting its competitors overtake it. Why did the Greens fail to take advantage of the period of German reunification, and why did the party’s East German roots have such a huge impact on its subsequent actions in the political arena? The internal war over the ideology that should guide the party in the future and the clarification of the concepts that defined the Green Party’s identity coincided with the most difficult election campaign since the party was founded. The following article touches on intra-party conflicts, the evolution of the Greens’ demands, the ifluence of key figures in shaping party strategy during the period of German reunification and relations between party branches on both sides of the Berlin Wall. It also discusses the situation of the Green Party in East Germany and West Germany before and just after reunification (i.e. after the first Bundestag elections after reunification).
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2022, 14; 117-133
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-14 z 14

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