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Kontrolowana liberalizacja versus niechęć do konkurencji na przykładzie rynku usług użyteczności publicznej w Unii Europejskiej
Controlled liberalization versus vested interests. The case of the eu market for general service
Ząbkowicz, Anna
Ząbkowicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
public aid
universal services
rent seeking
The paper deals with entry barriers induced by public aid and actual monopoly in a given market segment. The EU law on competition constitutes the subject, being seen, however, from economic perspective, which is the method of law and economics. The focus are universal services which seem to be extremely vulnerable to the monopolization of public procurement and to unfair state aid, and to rent seeking as well. The overview of legal foundations reveals the EU regulations are too soft to bring a solution to these problems. Additionally, the soft stance of EU institutions by no means makes the situation sounder. As far as universal services are concerned, the member states are free to choose agents, with constraints imposed by the EU being of definitely general nature and the rationale for this saying that these services need to be delivered even on non-profit basis if necessary. Here, we see the EU aiming at two trade-offs that is liberalization on the one hand and mission of the efficiently performed universal service on the other hand. On the EU level common rules of providing universal services are made which are to be implemented on the national level. According to the European Commission, such “division of labour” allows an action which is suitable to peculiarities of every member state. In practice, such elasticity provokes national public bodies to moral hazard. This constitutes an actual challenge for common policies in the sake of gradual and controlled liberalization. There is a prolonged conflict between member states and the EU institutions concerning the issue in which direction rules in this field should be developed. The market segment under scrutiny, precisely market for universal services, reveals how controversial role in single-European-market building may be played by big companies. Most member states are prone to prefer agents vested in their countries. This peculiar alliance is supported with administrative devices that make the preferred group relatively narrow. Thus the state conserves actual monopoly and encourages rent seeking, and demonstrates its own weakness in promoting competitive order. Under such circumstances, by contrast to the EU endeavors to promote and to control economic liberalization in the member states, both the payer (public institution) and the provider (economic agent) may present an open aversion to competition. Obviously, this status quo is in contradiction to a general trend in the EU to guarantee equal access to public procurement, also in transnational dimension. Other conflicts arise on the ground that countries differ concerning a bare need for liberalization of universal services or with respect to advancement of the reforms. In some countries liberalization is advanced which means relatively open and equal access to public procurement, including foreign agents. Other countries discriminate agents, both foreign and non-privileged home operators.
Ekonomia - Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu; 2013, 4 (25); 210-227
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia - Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
State Capitalism in Poland
Kozarzewski, Piotr
Bałtowski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
state capitalism
post-communist transition
state-owned enterprises
rent seeking
Theoretical background: The article is devoted to the knowledge gap in understanding processes of growing state interventionism in a number of post-communist countries, Poland being one of the most notable examples. This evolution is still understudied in the literature, both in terms of evidence and proper theoretical framework. Existing theoretical perspectives have been created for studying other types of economies an do not fully fit the transition ones. Among these perspectives, the state capitalism (SC) one seems to be the most promising.Purpose of the article: The task of this paper is to study the growing state interventionism in Poland using the state capitalism approach which had to be refined by the authors in order to be more applicable for analyzing transition economies. Using this framework, the history of SC formation and its present state in Poland are studied, including specific features of Polish state capitalism, e.g. the importance of the state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector as the source of rents, as well as the varieties of the state control over the enterprise sector.Research methods: The article makes use of mostly qualitative methods, quantitative ones playing an auxiliary role by systematizing evidence used in qualitative research. The study was based on analysis of the existing literature and evidence of interventionist practices of the Polish government. The authors attempted to fine-tune the SC approach both through refining its definition and including areas previously mostly neglected by SC studies such as relationships between the state and the enterprise sector. They created a typology of SC phenomena in transition economies which made it possible to study the Polish case in a comprehensive way.Main findings: At this stage, the authors think that no strict definition of state capitalism is possible because of its highly contextual character. Thus, the outcome of the study may not be universal, but the authors believe that their concept of six basic features of state capitalism may be applicable not only to Poland, but to other transition economies as well. Besides, the article raises awareness of the importance of state-controlled enterprises in studies on state capitalism. The article also identifies challenges for further research and the still existing knowledge gaps. Among others, the questions remain, whether the statist trends in Poland and other countries lead to a system change and what are the roots of these trends.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2022, 56, 1; 61-77
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political rents of European farmers in different agrarian structures of the UE: input-output analysis for selected EU-27 countries
Renty polityczne w gospodarstwach rolnych o zróżnicowanej strukturze agrarnej: analiza w układzie macierzy input-output dla wybranych krajów UE
Czyżewski, Bazyli
Matuszczak, Anna
Borychowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
political rents
input-output analysis
renty polityczne
analiza input-output
It is generally believed that agricultural interventionism under the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy represents the payment of political rents to farmers. The authors attempt to show that the concept of political rent known as the rent-seeking theory is not valid for agricultural policy. It is not justified to identify the whole of the subsidies paid to agriculture in the EU as a “political rent”, since political rents cannot be taken to include payments for the supply of public goods or those transfers which compensate for market imperfections. A methodology is proposed for valuing these items, filling a gap existing in the literature on political economy. The authors perform comparative analyses with the aim of calculating the “pure political rent”, based on input-output matrices for representative farms according to the EUFADN typology and on a decomposition of the Hicks-Moorsteen TFP index for the period 2007–2012 and all EU-27 countries. The research hypothesis is proposed that the size of the subsidies retained in agriculture is a function of the political cycle, but also of market imperfections.
Powszechnie uważa się, że subsydiowanie rolnictwa w ramach wspólnej polityki rolnej UE jest wypłacaniem rent politycznych dla rolników. Autorzy podjęli próbę pokazania, że uznawanie całej sumy subsydiów dla rolnictwa w UE za „rentę polityczną” jest niesłuszne z punktu widzenia definicji renty politycznej sformułowanej w teorii wyboru publicznego. Za rentę polityczną nie można uznać bowiem opłaty za dostarczanie dóbr publicznych oraz transferów kompensujących inne zawodności rynku (np. asymetrię informacji). Zaproponowano metodologię wyceny tych działań w celu oszacowania tzw. czystej renty politycznej, bazując na macierzach input-output dla gospodarstw reprezentatywnych wg FADN i rachunkach zmiany produktywności całkowitej. Autorzy sformułowali hipotezę badawczą, że wielkość subsydiów jest nie tylko funkcją lobbingu politycznego, ale także (jeśli nie przede wszystkim) funkcją zawodności rynku dotyczących dóbr publicznych i asymetrii informacji. Przeprowadzone badania pokazały, że udział czystej renty politycznej w rachunku wyników gospodarstw rolnych zależy od typu struktury agrarnej. Co ciekawe jednak, mechanizm rent-seeking, mimo globalnego układu cen rolnych, różni się znacząco w zależności od struktury agrarnej.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2017, 44, 2; 305-318
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The pros and cons of rent-seeking: Political rent in various research paradigms
Zalety i wady pogoni za rentą. Renta polityczna w różnych paradygmatach badawczych
Sękowski, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
predatory state
state capitalism
state capture
pogoń za rentą
państwo drapieżcze
kapitalizm państwowy
przejmowanie państwa
This article shows that how we look at political rent and rent-seeking depends on our position on state interference in the economy and which theory of regulation we are familiar with. Although the theory of rent-seeking is in accordance with the paradigm of the private interest (economic) theories of regulation, the researcher also needs an insight based on the public interest theories of regulation if he wants to judge the impact of rent-seeking and the creation of political rent on social well-being properly. The paper is also a conceptualization of political rent. It describes forms of rent-seeking and economic systems most amenable to it.
Artykuł ukazuje, że to, jak traktujemy rentę polityczną i pogoń za rentą zależy od nastawienia badacza do ingerencji państwa w gospodarkę oraz od tego, jaka teoria regulacji jest mu bliska. Choć teoria pogoni za rentą koresponduje z teorią regulacji opartą na interesie prywatnym (ekonomiczną), badacz musi uwzględnić także podejście bazujące na teorii regulacji opartej na interesie publicznym, jeśli chce właściwie ocenić wpływ pogoni za rentą i kreacji renty politycznej na dobrobyt społeczny. Artykuł zawiera także konceptualizację renty politycznej. Opisuje też różne formy pogoni za rentą i najbardziej podatne na nią systemy ekonomiczne.
Studia z Polityki Publicznej; 2021, 8, 2(30); 11-27
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Polityki Publicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Liberalizacja w Unii Europejskiej i nie rozwiązany euckenowski dylemat
Economic liberalisation in European Union and Euckens dilemma
Ząbkowicz, Anna
Ząbkowicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
European regulatory framework
universal services of general interest
rent seeking
regulacje europejskie
powszechne usługi użyteczności publicznej
poszukiwanie renty
Na wstępie artykułu wykazano, że liberalizacyjna misja Unii Europejskiej jest złożona. Jednym z problemów zastanych jest przyzwolenie przez państwa członkowskie na koncentrację siły ekonomicznej lub wręcz ochrona grup dominujących w gospodarce. W części drugiej nawiązano do opinii Waltera Euckena, zgodnie z którą ta skłonność państwa kapitalistycznego stanowiła fundamentalny problem budowy ustroju opartego na konkurencji, który jednak mogło rozwiązać tylko państwo. Owo zapętlenie nazywano euckenowskim dylematem i postawiono pytanie, czy nadzór ponadnarodowych organów Unii Europejskiej współcześnie tworzy szanse na rozbijanie układu między państwem narodowym a rodzimymi monopolami. Część trzecią oparto na praktycznych doświadczeniach krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej i dotyczy ona sfery usług użyteczności publicznej, której specyfika sprzyja tego typu związkom między państwem a biznesem, odnosząc się do zasad unijnych. Ów przegląd zakończono wnioskiem, że Unia, występująca w roli orędownika wspólnego jednolitego rynku, nie wydaje się gotowa na konfrontację z wielkimi firmami z sektorów sieciowych ani wspierającymi „swoje” firmy państwami. Tak długo, jak będzie na to za słaba lub nie dość zdeterminowana, głoszona przez nią zasada konkurencji w sensie euckenowskim będzie w dalszym ciągu należeć do przyszłości.
The paper begins with a discussion of the complexity of EU's liberalisation mission. Among the problems faced is the fact that member-states have long tolerated the concentration of economic power, or even protected the interests of the dominant economic entities. In the second section, the author refers to Walter Eucken's observation that this feature of the capitalist state constituted a major barrier to a competitive market, which could be eradicated exclusively by the state itself. This trade off has been referred to as Eucken's dilemma. The central question is whether the supervision of supra-national institutions of the EU is capable of severing the ties between the national state and the domestic monopolies. Section three examines the evidence from the field of services of general economic interest, where these ties are extremely strong. The review concludes that, in spite of its programme for the promotion of a common unified market, the European Union is not in a position to confront large businesses from the network industries, or the states which provide support for them. As long as the EU is too weak or too hesitant, the idea of the competitive order, the Eucken' s heritage, is unlikely to become a reality.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2015, 1(73); 40-50
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Economic behavior of machine-building enterprises : Analytic and managerial aspects
Moroz, O.
Karachyna, N.
Filatova, L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Lublinie PAN
economic behavior
rent-seeking behavior
production-oriented behavior
mixed behavior
model of economic behavior
management of economic behavior
machine building enterprise
The paper considers results of economic behawior of machine-building enterprises of Vinnytsia region by means of formed author approach to mathematical interpretation of economic behavior models of manufacturing enterprises; conceptual aspects of management of machine-building enterprises economic behavior are elaborated.
ECONTECHMOD : An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology and Modelling Processes; 2012, 1, 4; 35-40
Pojawia się w:
ECONTECHMOD : An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology and Modelling Processes
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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