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Реінтеграція тимчасово окупованих територій Донбасу: передумови та перспективи
The Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Donbas: Background and Prospects
Явір, Віра
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
temporarily-occupied territories
The background and prospects for the reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass (ORDLO) are analyzed. The author proves that the introduction of a full-scaled effective policy of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories is complicated by the armed phase of the ethnopolitical conflict, as well as by the lack of combatants’ desire except Ukraine to settle it within the framework of the peace negotiation process. The reintegration component of all political and legal mechanisms concerning ORDLO is pointed out. Neither the authorities nor the scientific expert community have not yet worked out a system of clear understanding of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories. This includes strategies, tactics, basic principles of ethnic and political integration process, which has become another challenge for internal and external ethnopolitics of Ukraine, the result of ethnopolitical conflict and loss of territory. The President calls the return of occupied territories under Ukrainian sovereignty a priority, but Ukraine has a completely different tactics of behavior to restore the sovereignty over Donbas and Crimea because the periods of reintegration of these areas are different. The status of two different areas are quite different. ARC has been annexed - illegally incorporated into another state, it became its part in the political and economic sense. While occupied territories of Donbass has been separated - illegally left the independent state, becoming a self-proclaimed formations, which are not recognized and not supported by the international community. The situation is complicated by the fact that the armed phase of the conflict in eastern Ukraine is still going, armed clashes and shelling are continued, which significantly complicates reintegration. But let’s look more attentively at ethnic and political situation in the Donbass, the position of the illegal DNR and LNR and evaluate prospects to return these territories to the Ukraine. Manifestations of separatism that resulted in disintegration, formation of unrecognized states supported by the Russian Federation could not occur in other regions except the Southeast of Ukraine. The all population of this region has been in constant propaganda and informational pressure from the side of Russian Federation aimed at discrediting Ukraine as a state and was properly prepared for separatist sentiments. As part of Donetsk and Lugansk regions were occupied by Russian troops and militias and terrorist organizations DNR, LNR, they were offered a special status that takes into account the situation of the region where military operations are conducted. The Law on special status contains a number of reintegration initiatives and reconciliation aimed to facilitate, encourage the reunification process of separatizated areas of Ukraine. Terrorist organizations LNR and DNR do not appear in the Law, therefore, do not get recognition from the Ukrainian authorities in this way. The Law applies to the territory of Donbass itself controlled by armed separatists. The question of the political settlement of ethnopolitical conflict in the Donbas and local elections remain open. The self-proclaimed states tried to set a date for local elections on their own, demanding from Ukrainian government to accept them and take law on local elections in Donbas. The date of local elections set by leaders of terrorist organizations have repeatedly transferred. The settlement of ethnopolitical conflict in the Donbass mostly complicated by the position of the Russian side, which does not recognize its participation. The Russian side insists that the conflict will stop if Ukraine gives special status of Donbass, conducts constitutional reform. That is selective realization of the Minsk agreements - those the political commitments of Ukraine without implementation of security part concerning Russia and de-facto states.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 121-128
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Programy wspierające proces readaptacji społecznej skazanych w zakładach karnych (Wybrane przykłady)
Programmes Supporting the Process of Social Rehabilitation of Prisoners in Prisons (Selected Examples)
Witkowska-Paleń, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
prison service
off enders
social reintegration
barriers to prisoner reintegration
readaptacja społeczna
programy readaptacji
bariery readaptacji więźniów
Th is article has review character. Its analysis concentrates on selected programmes of social rehabilitation of prisoners which are realized in polish prisons. Th ese programmes are formed by penitentiary personnel and usually have original project. Th ey allow to overcome the barriers to social rehabilitation of prisoners. Th e author analyses the programmes and projects which are realized in two penitentiary institutions in Podkarpackie Voivodship – in prison for women functioning in Remand Prision in Nisko and in prison for men in Rzeszów-Załęże. Th e starting point of discussion are in this article the main problems of prisoners that hinder them eff ective social rehabilitation and therefore there are the barriers of proper functioning in society aft er leaving the prison. Such problems include fi rst of all the broken or disturbed relationships with family, insuffi cient education, qualifi cations and professional experience, social skills defi cit, passivity and helplessness in the implementation of daily aff airs, abuse of alcohol and drugs, inability to control negative emotions, inability to cope with stress and frustration, inability to build positive relationships with others and on the other hand reluctance to prisoners and their stigmatization in society.
Niniejszy artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy. Ukazuje wybrane programy z zakresu społecznej readaptacji więźniów realizowane w zakładach karnych. Są to programy autorskie, tworzone przez kadrę penitencjarną w odpowiedzi na problemy skazanych, stanowiące bariery ich efektywnej resocjalizacji. Analizie poddano programy i projekty realizowane w dwóch jednostkach penitencjarnych w województwie podkarpackim: w zakładzie karnym dla kobiet funkcjonującym na terenie aresztu Śledczego w Nisku oraz w zakładzie karnym dla mężczyzn w Rzeszowie-Załężu. Punktem wyjścia rozważań uczyniono wiodące problemy, utrudniające społeczną readaptację więźniów, stanowiąc tym samym bariery ich bezkonfl iktowego włączania się w życie społeczne po opuszczeniu zakładu karnego. Do takich problemów zaliczyć należy przede wszystkim: zerwane lub zaburzone więzi z rodziną, niski poziom wykształcenia, brak kwalifi kacji i doświadczenia zawodowego, defi cyt umiejętności społecznych, bierność i bezradność w realizacji spraw życia codziennego, skłonność do uzależnień (nadużywanie alkoholu i zażywanie środków odurzających), brak umiejętności kontrolowania negatywnych emocji, radzenia sobie ze stresem w sytuacjach trudnych, nieumiejętność budowania pozytywnych relacji w otoczeniu społecznym, a z drugiej strony niechęć społeczeństwa i stygmatyzacja osób karanych w środowisku społecznym.
Journal of Modern Science; 2015, 25, 2; 177-194
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Profilaktyka narkomanii w szkołach - zapobieganie, leczenie i reintegracja społeczna
Battle against Drug Addiction in Schools - Prevention, Treatment and Social Reintegration
Antkiewicz, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
drug addiction
social reintegration
Combating drug addiction comprises such measures as prevention, support for those already addicted (treatment, rehabilitation, reduction of health damage and social reintegration), as well as reduction of demand. In the years 2012 2013, the Supreme Audit Office carried out a comprehensive audit of the drug addiction prevention system addressed to schoolchildren and young students. The audit comprised 61 units at the central level (National Office for Drug Addiction Prevention, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture), and at the local level (city offices, municipal Police headquarters and schools), as well as selected non-governmental organisations. The audit was conducted in eight regions of Poland and it was aimed at evaluating the regularity and effectiveness of drug addiction prevention in the country. The article presents detailed results of the audit.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2014, 59, 2(355); 132-144
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spółdzielczość socjalna w Polsce w świetle wyników badania „Monitoring spółdzielni socjalnych 2010”
Social cooperatives in Poland in the light of the survey "Monitoring of social cooperatives 2010"
Ołdak, Małgorzata
Izdebski, Albert
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
spółdzielnia socjalna
reintegracja społeczna
reintegracja zawodowa
ekonomia społeczna
aktywizacja zawodowa
social cooperatives
social reintegration
social economy
professional activation
Spółdzielnie socjalne mające na celu reintegrację zawodową osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym stanowią od wielu lat ważny instrument w polityce rynku pracy wielu krajów. Funkcjonowanie polskich spółdzielni socjalnych ma znacznie krótszą, zaledwie kilkuletnią historię. Możliwość wsparcia procesu rozwoju tych podmiotów jest uzależniona od wiedzy na temat warunków ich funkcjonowania. Pierwsze kompleksowe badania nad kondycją i działalnością spółdzielni socjalnych — pt.„Monitoring spółdzielni socjalnych 2010r. w Polsce zostały przeprowadzone w 2011 r. To ogólnopolskie badanie w znaczący sposób wypełnia deficyt informacji o sytuacji środowiska spółdzielców socjalnych. W niniejszym artykule została przedstawiona specyfika oraz wybrane wyniki tego badania. Omówione zostały kluczowe wymiary sytuacji krajowych spółdzielni socjalnych, a więc scharakteryzowano strukturę organizacyjną, pola działalności, sytuację finansową, zakres i formy wsparcia z jakich korzystają spółdzielcy i oceny rozwiązań prawnych. Przedstawiony materiał pozwala nie tylko ocenić stan polskiej spółdzielczości socjalnej, ale także daje możliwośćzdiagnozowania potrzeb tego środowiska.
Social cooperatives aimed at work integration of people at risk of social exclusion for many years are an important instrument of labor market policy in many countries. Functioning of Polish social cooperatives has much shorter, only several years’ history. The possibility of supporting the development process of these entities depends on the knowledge about conditions of their functioning. The first comprehensive study on the condition and the operations of social cooperatives in Poland —“Monitoring of social cooperatives 2010” — was carried out in 2011. This nationwide study fills a significant lack of information about the situation of the environment of the social cooperatives. This paper presents specificity and selected results of this survey and discusses the key dimensions of the national situation of social cooperatives, and so characterizes the organizational structure, spheres of activity, a financial standing, a scope and forms of support enjoyed by cooperatives and evaluation of legal solutions. The material allows not only to evaluate the condition of the Polish social cooperatives, but also makes it possible to diagnose their needs.
Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i Dyskusje; 2013, 20(1); 109-130
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i Dyskusje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation
Kaszuba, Malina
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Copernicus na rzecz Rozwoju Badań Naukowych
post-Soviet area
foreign policy
Paradoxically, the process of reintegration of post-Soviet area has been taking place since the collapse of the USSR. The motive of Russia’s efforts to reintegrate this region is the historically driven belief in Moscow’s role as a leader in this part of the world, and the strong cultural, economic and political ties that connect it with the former Soviet republics. The former republics of the USSR also feel strong ties with Russia. In addition, the ruling elites feared the future after the collapse of the USSR, especially at the beginning of the formation of their independent statehood, which determined the decision to establish strong cooperation with Russia. Today, after nearly thirty years, the reintegration process still continues although its intensity and the number of countries involved have changed. One of its areas is the sphere of security, which is confirmed by the activity of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, where Russia plays a key role. In this context, the author attempted to answer the question: What role does the CSTO play in Russia’s foreign policy?
The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies; 2019, 1
Pojawia się w:
The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niedokonany. L’opus magnum incompiuto di Tadeusz Miciński
Niedokonany: Tadeusz Miciński’s undone opus magnum
Brusamento, Valentina
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Tadeusz Miciński
The Undone
In this article, we offer a summary of the most recent Polish studies about the undone poem Niedokonany by the modernist writer Tadeusz Miciński (1873-1918). This posthumous prose poem underwent complex vicissitudes and was probably still being revised by the author when he died in 1918. It could therefore be regarded as the ultimate attempt to structure his otherwise chaotic philosophical views. Unfortunately, given the “undoneness” of the work, its meaning is not clear. Is it, as Wojciech Gutowski claims, a representation of a failed Jungian reintegration process? Or should we rather consider it a metaphor for a human being trying to free the divine spark inside him, as Jarosław Ławski suggests? Both theories are indeed fascinating and seem well grounded, but some acute remarks by Jerzy Sosnowski unveil their inconsistencies and hint at yet another interpretation.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2017, 8; 38-53
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effective Models of Reintegration for De-occupied Territories
Skuteczne modele reintegracji terytoriów okupowanych
Rzhevska, Nina
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
East of Ukraine
occupied territories
deocupied territories
reintegration model
Wschód Ukrainy
terytoria okupowane
terytoria de-okupowane
model reintegracji
The article aims to reveal the essence of the reintegration process of the occupied and de-occupied territories, determining the current state and characterizing the conict in the East of Ukraine. Its components and implementation tools are analyzed, and foreign models of reintegration of the occupied and de-occupied territories are presented and evaluated; there is also determined the degree of their conformity for Ukraine. In this research, there was made an attempt to nd the most eective model for the reintegration of Donbas, which would not only contribute to the demilitarization and restoration of state control in these territories, but also prevent the emergence of separatist movements, stimulate the process of returning, and integration of citizens to the social, cultural, economic and political life of their country of origin. It was stressed that the Ukrainian model for restoring the territorial integrity and reintegration of Donbas should be based on compromise and key issues that have a positive international grounding for which the government has a public support, combined with a strong national, international, and military one. There is a greater chance for working out a mutual standpoint of Ukraine and its international partners which would allow the conict with Russia to be solved. It is noted that the problem remains since there is no consensus among citizens on the optimal way of restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal; 2021, 1, 1; 325-340
Pojawia się w:
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Motivations and Reality of Return Migration to Armenia
Macková, Lucie
Harmáček, Jaromir
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
return migration
return motivations
structural barriers
Return migration has been increasingly gaining prominence in migration research as well as in migration policies across the world. However, in some regions, such as the Caucasus, the phenomenon of return migration is little explored despite its significance for the region. Based on 64 interviews with returnees and key informants together with additional online surveys with Armenian migrants, this study discusses important issues about return and reintegration with policy implications. It covers voluntary returnees as well as the participants of the assisted voluntary return and reintegration programmes and presents the case for a multiplicity of the return migration motivations and experiences which are dependent on the return preparedness and the strategies which the returnees use.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2019, 8, 2; 145-160
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola ośrodków pomocy społecznej w reintegracji społecznej i zawodowej osób wykluczonych
The role of social welfare centers in social and professional reintegration excluded persons
Sadowska, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nowym Sączu
reintegracja społeczna
reintegracja zawodowa
wykluczenie społeczne
ośrodek pomocy społecznej
pomoc społeczna
social reintegration
professional reintegration
social exclusion
social welfare center
social assistance
Artykuł obejmuje zagadnienia dotyczące działalności podmiotów publicznych (ośrodków pomocy społecznej) w zakresie reintegracji społecznej i zawodowej osób podlegających marginalizacji oraz wykluczeniu społecznemu. Ma charakter studium teoretycznego odwołującego się do aktywności w obszarze reintegracji społecznej oraz zawodowej podejmowanej wśród podopiecznych systemu pomocy społecznej. Dla zobrazowania działalności w tym obszarze wykorzystano przykład Miejskiego Ośrodka Pomocy Społecznej w Nowym Sączu, który w 2016 roku założył Klub Integracji Społecznej „Aktywna przyszłość” oraz Centrum Wsparcia Społecznego „Twój rozwój”, mające na celu wspierać mieszkańców miasta Nowego Sącza zagrożonych ubóstwem, wielokrotnym wykluczeniem społecznym, korzystających z pomocy społecznej lub bezrobotnych, nieaktywnych zawodowo, niepełnosprawnych, z dysfunkcjami społecznymi, niesamodzielnych.
The article presents issues related to the activities of public entities (social welfare centers) in the social and professional reintegration of people subject to marginalization and social exclusion. The article is a theoretical study referring to the activity in the area of social and professional reintegration undertaken among the charges of the social welfare system. To illustrate the activity in this area, the example of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Nowy Sącz was used, which in 2016 founded the “Active future” Social Integration Club and “Your development” Social Support Center to support the inhabitants of the city of Nowy Sącz at risk of poverty, multiple social exclusion, benefiting from social assistance or the unemployed, professionally inactive, disabled, with social dysfunctions, dependent.
Studia Ekonomiczne. Gospodarka, Społeczeństwo, Środowisko; 2022, 1/2022 (9); 85-101
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne. Gospodarka, Społeczeństwo, Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyzwania i bariery tworzenia spółdzielni socjalnych w Polsce na przykładzie Spółdzielni Socjalnej Zielony Serwis
Challenges and barriers to establishing social cooperatives in Poland on the example of the Zielony Serwis Social Cooperative
Sadowska, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nowym Sączu
spółdzielnia socjalna
rejestracja w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym
reintegracja społeczna
reintegracja zawodowa
social cooperative
registration in the National Court Register
social reintegration
professional reintegration
W Polsce coraz więcej osób chce działać na rzecz społeczności lokalnej i pomagać potrzebującym, szukając odpowiedniej formy organizacyjno-prawnej. Odpowiedzią na ten dylemat może być niniejszy artykuł, obejmujący kwestie związane z zakładaniem spółdzielni, a szczególnie spółdzielni socjalnych jako organizacji łączących aspekty działalności gospodarczej z dążeniem do zaspokajania potrzeb społecznych, szczególnie w kontekście reintegracji społecznej i zawodowej osób podlegających wykluczeniu społecznemu. Artykuł ma charakter studium empirycznego, odwołującego się do aktywności społecznej w zakresie spółdzielczości, a zwłaszcza zakładania nowych podmiotów, jakimi są spółdzielnie socjalne. Służy temu przybliżenie okoliczności towarzyszących założonej w 2022 roku Spółdzielni Socjalnej Zielony Serwis z siedzibą w Ciężkowicach.
In Poland, more and more people want to act for the benefit of the local community and help those in need, looking for an appropriate organizational and legal form. The answer to this dilemma may be this article covering issues related to the establishment of social cooperatives as organizations combining aspects of economic activity with the desire to meet social needs, especially in the context of social and professional reintegration of people subject to social exclusion. The article is a kind of practical study referring to social activity in the field of establishing new entities, which are social cooperatives. The reflection of the issue is an approximation of the circumstances surrounding the Social Cooperative Zielony Serwis, founded in 2022, based in Ciężkowice.
Studia Ekonomiczne. Gospodarka, Społeczeństwo, Środowisko; 2023, 11, 1; 81-104
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne. Gospodarka, Społeczeństwo, Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postprawda inskrypcji w malarstwie ściennym - dylematy konserwacji
Post-truth of inscriptions - dilemma of wall painting conservation
Święcka, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Rady Ochrony Zabytków
malarstwo ścienne
wall painting
Inskrypcje stanowią istotny element wielu malowideł ściennych. Pełnią funkcje nie tylko dekoracyjne, ale także są dokumentem historycznym budynku. Po wielu latach każde dzieło sztuki może ulec znieszczeniu lub przekształcić się w wyniku przemalowań. W takich przypadkach konieczne są zabiegi konserwacyjne i restauracyjne. Podstawowym pytaniem pozostaje, czy działania konserwatorskie prowadzone na zniszczonych elementach winny być takie same w przypadku wszystkich malowideł, czy też istnieje oddzielny system wyłącznie dla inskrypcji. Przykłady praktyk konserwatorskich pokazują, że nie ma szczegółowych regulacji protekcji 'dokumentów zapisanych na ścinanach'. Zniszczone inskrypcje historyczne często są uzupełniane, a nawet rekonstruowane.
Inscriptions are important element of many wall paintings. They are not only part of interior’ decoration but also written document of history of the building. After many years every work of art can be damaged or changed by overpainting and needs conservation and restoration. The fundamental question is if the rules of reintegration of lost parts are the same for all paintings or there is a system specific only for inscriptions? Examples from conservator’s practice show, that there is no strict regulation for protection of “documents written on the wall”. Damaged historic inscriptions are often completed and even reconstructed.
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; 2018, 5; 177-185
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Publicystyka przebrana za literaturę
Journalism disguised as literature
Musiał, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Wydział Humanistyczny
genres resemblance
reintegration discourse
upodobnianie gatunków
interdyskurs reintegracyjny
Autor analizuje twórczość prozatorską współczesnych – z początku obecnego wieku – publicystów polskich (Andrzeja Horubały, Cezarego Michalskiego, Grzegorza Miecugowa, Bronisława Wildsteina i Rafała Ziemkiewicza), pytając, o ile jest ona przedłużeniem ich przekonań, kompleksów czy tylko technik publicystycznych. Odwołuje się do Ansgara Nünninga, analizującego współcześnie zadania literaturoznawstwa wobec zjawiska generowania światopoglądów przez prozatorskie gatunki literackie i odwrotnie – oddziaływania literackich „sposobów tworzenia świata” (ways of worldmaking) na rzeczywistość pozaliteracką. Prowadzi go to do podobnych, wcześniejszych intuicji badawczych Romana Ingardena (intencjonalność literatury) czy Paula Ricoeure’a (koła mimesis) i w konsekwencji do zauważalnego właśnie dzisiaj znoszenia różnic między literaturą a publicystyką. Konstatuje – znów za Nünningiem – „reintegracyjny dyskurs” tak rozumianej literatury i jej kontekstu kulturowego, pozostawiając ocenę tego zjawiska przyszłym badaczom.
The author analyses prose works of contemporary – from the beginning of this century – Polish columnists (Andrzej Horubała, Cezary Michalski, Grzegorz Miecugow, Bronisław Wildstein, and Rafał Ziemkiewicz). He wonders whether their works are reflecting the authors’ beliefs, inhibitions, or only their journalistic techniques. The author refers to the example of Ansgar Nünning, who analyses the tasks of literary studies, as confronted with the phenomenon of shaping world views by prose literary genres, and the other way round – the influence that literary “ways of world making” has on non-literary reality. This leads him to earlier research intuitive faculties of Roman Ingarden (intuitiveness of literature), or Paulo Ricoeur (“circle of mimesis”) and consequently to the differences between literature and journalism, which are becoming more and more visible nowadays. The author notes, again referring to Nünning, “reintegration discourse” of this kind of literature and its cultural context, leaving the evaluation of this phenomenon to the future researchers.
Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego; 2017, 3; 153-168
Pojawia się w:
Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Risk Assessment and the Safe Return and Reintegration of Trafficked Persons
Ludwig, Elisa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
handel ludźmi
ofiary handlu ludźmi
risk assessment
safe return
trafficked persons
Human trafficking is a complex crime and a capital perpetration against human rights and in particular women’s rights. Moreover, it is a threat to inter-/national security and freedom. People affected by trafficking often want to or even have to return to their home countries – and they are entitled to a safe return. The expertise on Risk assessment and the Safe Return and Reintegration of trafficked persons from the perspective of Polish institutions aims to enable public officers of Poland to prevent retrafficking and/or other harms and violations of human rights, in case that trafficked persons decide to return to their countries of origin or to resettle to a third country. For that matter, the paper starts with describing the identification process as the most important step in order to enable any further assistance concerning support-, protection-, safety- and possible legal measures; including the preferably voluntary return of a survivor. Having a clear definition of human trafficking – orientated on the Polish Penal Code – is the basic requirement in order to properly identify (presumed) victims of trafficking. As experience and empiricism show, failure in the identification procedure is the most common reason for repeated trafficking in human beings or other violations of human rights. Therefore, the indicators presented in this chapter serve as an identification-checklist for the officers concerned. The experts responsible of the formal identification then have to act upon any suspicion that may arise. As soon as this is given, a reflection period has to be granted to any presumed victim. The provision of this reflection period represents an indispensable principle in the adequate assistance of trafficked persons and is highlighted at the end of the chapter on identification. In the following, the paper continues with the framework of a safe return, where the measures necessary to successfully carrying out a proper risk analysis and designing security scenarios are introduced. In order to prioritize the trafficked person’s rights, safety and dignity, coordinated action in conducting a safe return between state actors and NGOs, embassies and consulates have to be emphasized. After putting a spotlight on the importance of a human rights based approach in the assistance of trafficked persons, the expertise goes more specifically into the required steps to conduct a systematic risk assessment. Here, the history of the trafficked person, research on additional sources in order to compile all possible facts and the concerted shaping of security scenarios between all involved actors are pointed out. A safe return always has to include a successful reintegration in the country of origin respectively in a third country, where the trafficked persons might need to be resettled. For this reason, the situation for survivors after the return is examined. As part of the monitoring procedure, actors have to assess the success of a safe return including the reintegration experiences of a trafficked person. The respective indicators to ensure a successful reintegration are enlisted at the end of that chapter. Finally, the expertise discusses the specific role of Polish public authorities and deals with their prospects and challenges, before it completes with examples from the practical experiences of Anti-Trafficking NGOs. Exigencies like the cooperation with specialized NGOs as early as possible during the identification phase, the provision of legal residences, the needed interventions concerning free mobility of trafficked persons and the requirements to support departure, migration and entry processes are examined more in-depth in the penultimate chapter. Eventually, the expertise describes specific challenges Polish public authorities have to face and closes with the chapter to a Best Practice and a Worst Case Scenario from Anti-Trafficking NGOs.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2016, XXXVIII; 141-160
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts and Post-War Reconstruction: Reintegrating Donbas into Ukraine
Lachowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
reintegration of Donbas
transitional justice
ongoing armed conflict
post-war reconstruction
The main aim of the paper is to analyse the potential transitional justice mechanisms, directed at reintegration of Donbas, a territory temporarily occupied by pro-Russian separatists, being under the combination of a direct and indirect control of Kremlin, with Ukraine. In the aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity and a remove of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych as a consequence of Euromaidan protests held in Kyiv, in the Winter 2013/14, Ukraine became a state involved in the international armed conflict covering its Eastern provinces as a result of an external aggression of the Russian Federation. Furthermore, since early-2014, Moscow is continuously using pro-Russian militants to form and uphold unrecognised, de facto regimes of the so-called ‘Donetsk’ and ‘Luhansk People’s Republic(s)’ affecting the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state. It is argued that Kyiv shall take into consideration some of the peace and restoration models applied in similar conflict or post-conflict environments, such as the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium (UNTAES) or the experience of numerous disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programs, filled with the transitional justice component. Moreover, by emphasising the context of a military (semifrozen) conflict in Eastern Ukraine, the paper is going to shed more light on the possible application of transitional justice tool-kit in the ongoing conflicts scenarios and its potential contribution to the shift from a conflict to the postwar environment.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2017, 2 (46); 36-54
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Giotto’s Stigmatization of Saint Francis: an approach for the reconstruction of the image
Lanfranchi, Maria Rosa
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Rady Ochrony Zabytków
wall painting
Giotto’s Stigmatization
historical and stylistic consideration
For the conservation restoration of Giotto’s Stigmatization, painted in the transept of Santa Croce, it was considered the possible new retouching of forms replaced by some old reconstruction, totally out of context after cleaning. The logical process followed in this specific case study was based on the drawing repetitions demonstrated by Giotto in his creations. The nature of the proposal of our of retouching it’s guaranteed by the reintegration technique that allows to recognize the new reconstructed forms and the reversible binder (watercolours) will allow a future cancellation of the fills.
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; 2019, 8; 159-174
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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