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Zdolność do rozpoznawania emocji i odczuwania empatii u osób popełniających przestępstwa
Offenders’ ability to recognize emotions and to empathize
Nowogrodzka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych i Resocjalizacji. Instytut Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji
rozpoznawanie emocji
Nowogrodzka, Agnieszka (2014) Zdolność do rozpoznawania emocji i odczuwania empatii u osób popełniających przestępstwa. „Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja” 23: 7-17. Streszczenie: Sprawne emocjonalne funkcjonowanie jest łączone z właściwym działaniem w obrębie społeczeństwa, a brak umiejętności do doświadczania stanów wewnętrznych innych osób z tendencją do popełniania przestępstw. Przestępczość jest negatywnym społecznym czynnikiem, który znacznie obciąża społeczności wielu krajów. Z tego względu badacze próbują doszukać się różnic w umiejętności doświadczania emocji występujących wgrupie osób zdrowych i mających skłonność do wchodzenia wkonflikty z prawem. W artykule tym są zawarte rezultaty badań skupionych na tym temacie. Być może programy skupiające się na rozwijaniu zdolności do doświadczania emocji pozwolą na obniżenie wskaźników wskazujących na częstotliwość popełniania przestępstw.
Effective emotional functioning tends to be associated with proper social functioning, while the inability to empathize with others is linked to the propensity for crime. Criminality remains a negative social factor, taking a heavy toll on communities in many countries. Thus, researchers make attempts in order to find differences in the ability to experience emotions among healthy individuals and those who reveal the propensity for breaching the law. The paper presents the findings of research efforts devoted to this subject. Ii is assumed that programs aiming at developing the ability to empathize will help reduce delinquency-related rates.
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja; 2014, 23; 7-17
Pojawia się w:
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przegląd zagadnień związanych ze sprawcami przemocy seksualnej wobec dzieci
Issuse related to perpetratos of child sexual abuse – a review
Marzec, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
przestępcy seksualni
etiologia pedofilii
Przestępstwa seksualne wobec dzieci stanowią szczególny obszar zainteresowania społecznego, nadużycie dziecka jest przekroczeniem norm obyczajowych, prawnych oraz biologicznych. Akt przemocy seksualnej wobec dziecka wywołuje niezmiennie silne oburzenie społeczne. Sami sprawcy przestępstw stanowią grupę niehomogeniczną o różnych historiach życia, co wpływa na trudność używania miarodajnych narzędzi szacujących ryzyko ponownego popełnienia czynu. W poniższym artykule opisano diagnostykę pedofilii według wydania DSM-5 oraz przedstawiono najbardziej popularne modele wyjaśniające złożoną etiopatogenezę zaburzeń preferencji seksualnych pod postacią pedofilii.  Poddano także analizie stosowane i rekomendowane programy terapeutyczne oraz ich ograniczenia.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2021, 22; 347-357
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość nieletnich jako zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa publicznego na przykładzie miasta stołecznego Warszawy
Powałko, Olga.
Obronność. Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania i Dowodzenia Akademii Sztuki Wojennej 2018, nr 3(27), s. 151-175
Data publikacji:
Bezpieczeństwo publiczne
Przestępczość nieletnich i młodocianych
Nieletni przestępcy
Młodociani przestępcy
Artykuł z czasopisma naukowego
Bibliografia, netografia na stronach 173-174.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Dalsze losy 100 chłopców mających sprawy o kradzieże w wieku 10-11 lat
The Follow-Up Studies of 100 Boys Charged with Theft at the Age of 10-11
Żabczyńska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieletni przestępcy
juvenile delinquents
1. This work presents the results of follow-up studies of the subsequent fate of 100 boys who had committed theft and as 10‒11-year-olds had in 1966 become the subject of research into problems involved in offences committed in childhood ‒ and what led up to them. At that time these boys were examined at the Prophylactic Centre of the State Grzegorzewska Institute of Special Education in Warsaw. All 10‒11-year-old boys charged at the Warsaw Juvenile Court were in turn brought within the scope of the survey. During research conducted in 1966 it was found that the majority (59%) of the 10‒11-year old boys examined were not first offenders and that 11% had even appeared previously in the juvenile court for theft. As many as half of the 10‒11-year-olds were retarded as school pupils. Examination as to knowledge acquired in school revealed that their ability to write was much below the average for their age; as many as 36% were poor or very poor readers. The teachers designated 80% of the boys examined as difficult pupils; approximately half of them ‒ as distinctly over-excitable and aggressive. Not less than 75% played truant, 29% stole in school. 28% of  the boys investigated ran away from home. Having regard to the boys’ age, of significance is the relatively high percentage of them (24%) who were found to drink from time to time wine and even vodka. An intelligence test (WISC) revealed in the majority of cases (61%) a normal level of intelligence (with IQs above 90). 31% of them had IQs of 70-90, and in 8% the IQs below 70. The quite substantial percentage of dullness found in the children may be related to their school retardation, particularly in view of the significant dependence found between the lowered IQ and marked shortcomings in reading and writing. Of course, a lowered intellectual level may also have been caused, as environmental interviews showed, by considerable neglect of such children, a phenomenon with which we shall deal later. Psychiatric examination revealed neurotic disorders of personality in 47% ot the children examined. As many as 35% of them were brought up in broken families (semiorphans or divorced parents). 64% of the fathers were heavy drinkers and in addition 20% of the mothers of the same children indulged too freely in alcohol. In 62% of the families the relationship between the parents was unsatisfactory; 52% of the fathers were described by the mothers as “quicktempered and nervous”. In almost one-third of the families at least one member had committed offences and had been already convicted by acourt. It was found that 39% of the families had inadequate financial situation, unable to satisfy the child’s basic needs. In 23% of the families the children suffered from extreme neglect, and even the remaining families failed to give their children adequate care. Frequently, the children investigated (61%) were subjected to severe corporal punishment. It emerged that various negative factors, typical of the family atmosphere of the children examined, were more frequent in the case of those boys who had already stolen prior to their court appearance at the age of 10‒11. These factors included: being reared in broken families, excessive drinking by fathers, unsatisfactory relationship between parents, fathers irascible and nervous, court convictions against family members, extreme neglect of the children, subjection to severe corporal punishment. Those of the children examined who had already previously stolen also revealed more frequently than the others other disturbances in the process of socialization – they ran away from home and drank alcohol. In 1972, five years after the research outlined above, follow-up investigations were made with a view to establishing the subsequent progres of the 100 10–11-year-old boys studied, how they got on in school, whether they committed offences, and what was the atmosphere in their homes. After the next five years it was possible to divide the boys investigated into three groups: I – those not convicted during the period – only 30%; II – those who during the period had one or two court appearances (37%); and III – those who went most seriously astray, being convicted at least three times – as many as 33% of the total. (Boys charged on a further 6 occasions accounted for 12% of the total.) Juvenile thieves charged at the age of 10-11 reveal distinct tendencies to rapid recidivism. Although 29 of the boys were committed to educational institutions or approved schools, their school career showed further shortcomings. There was a marked increase in the percentage of retarded boys, one-third were at least two years behind, 40% did not complete primary school, although all of them should have done so (even allowing for a slight time lag). The process of demoralization is linked with intensified shortcornings as pupils – the most intensive shortcomings were observed in group III: those with the most convictions. At the end of the five years, crimes committed by the boys’ families were also found to have increased; the percentage of families in which fathers or brothers have been convicted was up to 44. Notable in the families of 50 boys was the developing incidence of crimes committed by brothers; in as many as 60% of these families brothers had been convicted, The type of crimes committed and the type of recidivism found among members of the family indicated that about one-third of the families belong to criminal environment. The boys from group III – those with the most convictions during the follow-up period – came much more often from such families and circles than those belonging to the remaining groups. The problem of youngsters charged in court at a very early age – 10-11 years old – is above all a problem of education and care. The fact that they were reared in unsatisfactory family environments favoured recidivism in these children during the five years of follow-up period, and an especially marked concentration of negative factors (excessive drinking on the part of the parents, offences committed by the father, absolute neglect of the children) was found in the families of the most severely demoralized lads of group III. Some symptoms of social maladjustment found already at the age of 10-11 were a significant prediction of further recidivism. Boys, who had already committed thefts prior to their arraignment at 10-11 years old were during the follow-up period much more frequently found among recidivists – notably among those of group III. These recidivists differed significantly from the remaining groups in having started to steal when very young. The repeated drinking of alcohol, already at the age of 10-11, was also significant for the prediction of further criminal conduct. Moreover, the recidivists, were more frequently found among those who at the age of 10-11 had run away from home. And among juvenile recidivists of group III, clearly indicated was a greater frequency than with the remainder of running away from home, even at so early age. It is of interest that the three groups of boys (I: without further convictions, II: with one or two court appearances and III: at least three times convicted) did not differ significantly in respect to the value of property stolen at the age of 10-11. But it emerged that recidivism was more frequent among boys investigated who at the age of 10-11 had been backward at school and among those in whom tests indicated an IQ below 90. Thus the problem of school teaching, the great gaps in knowledge and objective difficulties in learning are fundamental problems in early delinquency. This suggests the need for early identification of children experiencing various types of difficulties in school. Since the majority of the homes investigated were unable to guarantee the children conditions for normal development even during the pre-school period, and since the process of demoralization of the children examined had started very early, the present survey spot-lighted a category of families in which the appropriate child-care authorities simply must intervene at a very early stage. Such official intervention should be combined with detailed medical and psychiatric examinations of the children already during the pre-school period. The early spot-lighting of such homes is of fundamental significance in the prophylaxis of social maladjustment of youngsters
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1974, VI; 128-139
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wkład Aleksandra Mogilnickiego (1875–1956) w narodziny pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej
The input of Aleksander Mogilnicki (1875–1956) into the birth of resocialization pedagogy
Kamińska, Janina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
Aleksander Mogilnicki
nieletni przestępcy
underaged delinquents
Wprowadzenie. Istotnym zagadnieniem pedagogiki na przełomie XIX i XX wieku był problem opieki nad dzieckiem zaniedbanym, w tym także przestępczym. W dyskusji na temat skutecznej resocjalizacji tych dzieci wypowiadali się przedstawiciele różnych dziedzin: psychologowie, lekarze, socjologowie, prawnicy. Jednym z prawników był Aleksander Mogilnicki (1875–1956), który podczas licznych wystąpień przedstawiał możliwości opieki nad nieletnimi przestępcami. Był on współtwórcą międzynarodowej organizacji służącej ochronie dzieci (Association international pour la protection de l’enfance). Cel. Niniejszy tekst ukazuje stanowisko A. Mogilnickiego na temat opieki nad dzieckiem. Materiały i metody. Głównymi źródłami są prace A. Mogilnickiego: Dziecko i przestępstwo (1916) i Dziecko wobec prawa (1921), w których autor przedstawił ówczesny stan prawny i możliwości resocjalizacyjne. Wyniki. Ten wybitny prawnik należy do prekursorów pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej. Wskazał na rolę rodziny w wychowaniu, a także na rozwiązania prawne i zadania pedagogów wobec dzieci przestępczych.
Introduction. Pedagogy at the turn of the 19th century was preoccupied with the problem of how to care for neglected, and even delinquent, children. Many groups, including psychologists, doctors, sociologists, and lawyers, have voiced their opinions about how these children should be resocialised. One of the lawyers dealing with the topic was Aleksander Mogilnicki (1875-1956), who gave numerous presentations about possible care strategies for young delinquents. He also co-founded the International Organization for the Protection of Children (Association international pour la protection de l’enfance). Aim. This publication shows Mogilnicki’s approach to childcare. Materials and methods. The main texts analysed are his works: Dziecko i przestępstwo [Child and Crime] (1916), and Dziecko wobec prawa [Child and the Law] (1921), in which he showcased the contemporary legal situation and resocialization possibilities. Results. Aleksander Mogilnicki is one of the pioneers of rehabilitation pedagogy. He pointed out the role of the family in upbringing, as well as legal solutions and the tasks of educators with regard to criminal children.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2022, XXVI, (1/2022); 259-267
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmiary recydywy u nieletnich podsądnych sprawców kradzieży
Extent of Recidivism among Juvenile Delinquents and Their Later Careers
Strzembosz, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieletni przestępcy
juvenile delinquents
  The subject of this work are the findings of studies of the follow-up period intended to establish the further fate of 343 juvenile delinquents aged 10-16, who had been guilty of theft while still under 17. In 1961 detailed, criminological research was initiated in the Juvenile Court of Praga – one of the districts of Warsaw – (records were studied, interviews undertaken in the environs, homes and schools were conducted), which embraced all the 180 juvenile delinquents between 10-16 years, living in that district, who during the course of one year had been found guilty of theft. Further a study was made of the criminal records of 178 juvenile thieves from two other districts of Warsaw, all the juvenile delinquents who had been tried for theft by courts during the period from August 1961 to May 1962 being investigated in turn. In this way was obtained a total of 358 juvenile delinquents who had been found guilty of thefts. The idea was to find out how many of them were recidivists in the follow-up period. 33% of these juvenile delinquents were under 13 and 67% were between 13 and 16 years. The division into these two groups was justified because of the different approach of the Polish penal code to minors up to the age of 13: as regards such juvenile delinquents, the court may apply educational measures only: reprimand, supervision by parents, probation and placing in an educational institution. As regards delinquents between 14 and 16, the court may also apply correctional measures – i.e. approved schools. In the present work, the author accepts as basic criterion for defining the recidivist the fact that he has faced in a Juvenile Court a new charge of theft. The category of those not considered as recidivists includes only delinquents charged once with theft. Each juvenile delinquent who has been charged (usually by the police) a second or third time with theft already figures as a recidivist with 2, 3, 4 and more appearances in court. Moreover, it was possible during the investigations, combined with detailed interviews in the homes of the delinquents, additionally to qualify as recidivists such juvenile delinquents shown to have stolen though not brought before a court. Taking into account the variety of criteria applied to recidivists, they have been divided into the following categories: (a) first of all, formal criteria were applied: considered as recidivists were those concerning whom the court had previously applied educational and correctional measures. Here, the percentage of recidivists amounted to 37.7; (b) this percentage increased to 48.6 when considered as recidivists were all those who had been charged at least twice with theft, including those concerning whom the court had not considered it relevant to apply any new measures; (c) this percentage was still higher (61.2), when listed as recidivists were all those whom the court had found guilty of at least two thefts; (d) interviews in the environment conducted as regards 180 juvenile delinquents in a single district revealed in addition that these data too were not entirely reliable in defining recidivists. Data from interviews showed that the percentage of delinquents who had committed more than one theft amounted to as much as 78.5. It was also found that, when applying the first, formal criterion recidivists among the older delinquents (46%) were far greater in numbers than among the younger (20%). The second criterion – at least two thefts – showed that the difference between older and younger delinquents as regards the percentage of recidivism among them (82.2% 73.2%) was only slight. These data indicate that the formal criterion for recidivism, used by Juvenile Courts, does not reflect the actual extent of this phenomenon. This is the more important since, the latter, broader definition, was found to be the most satisfactory for prognostic purposes. It was established that during the two-year follow-up period a substantially larger number of juvenile delinquents previously listed, according to the first formal definition, as not being recidivists (47%), faced charges than was the case with those listed according to the second definition (17.6%). Criminological investigations – combined with interviews conducted in their families – of 180 juvenile delinquents from a single district, revealed that juvenile delinquents charged with theft are as a rule socially maladjusted children, showing the first symptoms of social maladjustment even in the first grades of primary school. With 62% symptoms of demoralization were recorded with children between 7 and 10 years of age. A typical phenomenon with these juveniles is a considerable lag in their school studies, found as regards 95% of older and 76% of younger juveniles. A lag of at least two years was found with 77% of the older and 37% of the younger individuals investigated. The majority of these systematically played truant; 37% of the younger and 70% of the older juveniles had run away from home. Only as regards 33% was it not found that they consumed alcohol; 26% drank at least once a week; 25% of the recidivists were heavy drinkers. On the basis of data obtained from mothers during interviews (and for 50% of the cases also from child guidance clinics, institutions etc.) it was possible with 60% of the older investigated delinquents to establish various types of personality disorders; 26% were suspected of having suffered organic disturbances of the central nervous system; data indicating such diseases in the past were more frequently found with recidivists (37%) than with those who were not recidivists (13%). Those investigated were for the most part brought up in an unsatisfactory family environment. It was found that in 46% of the families fathers or step-fathers systematically drank alcohol to excess; delinquency of fathers was noted in 31% of the families, and in 9% the mothers were suspected of prostitution. As many as 67% of the brothers revealed symptoms of demoralization and 47% had committed theft. Recidivists differed markedly from non-recidivists as regards such negative features, characterizing the family environment as: systematic abuse of alcohol, unhappy married life of the parents, children very poorly cared for. Of all the 358 thieves investigated, a mere one-third were as juveniles (under 17) charged only once: thus they were not recidivists according to the criteria accepted in the investigation; 21% had twice faced a court; 11% – three and 34% – four or more times had been charged before a Juvenile Court. The differentiated groups of the youngest and oldest among those we investigated did not differ markedly as regards the number of appearances in court while under age. Consideration was next given to further delinquency during the period when the investigated were young adults i.e., when they were between 17 and 20. New offences were noted during that period with 50% of the former defendants who, previously had been juveniles. It also emerged that the number of charges preferred while they were under age was of essential significance for recidivism during the period when those investigated were already young adults. Among those who had been charged only once as juveniles, only 27% were afterwards convicted between the age of 17 and 20; among those charged twice – 48%; beginning with 3 charges, the percentage of later recidivists amounted to 65.8, and with 4 and more charges – to as much as 78.7%. The number of convictions while juveniles indicates a correlation not only with the actual fact of recidivism when those concerned were still young adults, but also the intensification of recidivism between 17 and 20. The majority of those who while juveniles had only one case against them, were subsequently convicted only once. But of those who while juveniles were charged at least three times, the majority (64%) had multiple convictions between 17 and 20. Typical of offences committed by those who had been charged with theft as juveniles, continued to be theft; close on half of those investigated, however – and this should be emphasized – were convicted for offences against the person, officials or the authorities, and these as a rule were offences committed while intoxicated. One-third of the subjects spent in prison at least half of the four-year period, while they were young adults. In 1972, when the last follow-up period was studied, ten years had elapsed since the beginning of the investigation of the delinquents who had committed theft while juveniles. The younger among them were at that time 20 to 23 years old; the older – 24 to 27 (the average age being about 26 years). As regards these 243 older investigated individuals, it was possible to examine not only the period when they were young adults, but also the later period, after they were already 21 years old; this later period was in their case sufficiently to make it possible properly to evaluate whether during that time they had ceased committing offences or whether they continued to do so. Further delinquency of the older among those investigated during the period after 17 until their average age was about 26, was as follows: – It emerged that only 38% had not been convicted at all after the age of 17. The overwhelming majority of them (83%) had been charged only once or twice while under age. – 17% had been convicted only between 17 and 20, while 13% had been convicted only after 21. – 32% were convicted as young adults as weil as later after the age of 21. In this group, the majority (73%) had been charged before a court at least three times as juveniles. As regards the older among those investigated for the entire follow-up period, it was confirmed that the majority showed a correlation with what happened during their juvenility: further delinquency as well as persistent recidivism was found more frequently with those who were more frequently charged as juveniles. During the entire follow-up period, 19% of the older individuals were convicted only once, l3% – twice, and 30% – at least three times. The category with multiple convictions, recidivists convicted at least four times amounted to 20%, which certainly is a substantial figure, having regard to the relatively long prison sentences passed on those convicted two and three times. It should be added that though interviews in the environment during the follow-up period were lacking, making impossible a proper evaluation of the social adjustment of those investigated who during that period had no new convictions or were convicted only once, the data obtained enable the drawing of conclusions which are important for social policy. Note that even frorn among the investigated juveniles who were charged only once before a court, as many as 42% were later convicted after 17; this points to the necessity of a thorough examination of even apparently minor cases of theft involving those under age who previously had not been convicted. The extent of persistent recidivism revealed demonstrates the poor effectiveness of methods used as far in dealing with juvenile delinquents who revealed symptoms of marked social maladjustment.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1974, VI; 140-155
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Learning to Change: Restorative Responses to Wrongdoing
Wright, Martin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
czyn karalny
sprawiedliwość naprawcza
restorative justice
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 895-904
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Employment as a Part of Rehabilitation: A Review of Similarities and Differences between Female and Male Criminals
Zatrudnienie jako element resocjalizacji. Przegląd podobieństw i różnic między przestępcami płci męskiej i żeńskiej
Felczak, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
female offenders
male offenders
social exclusion
social reintegration
przestępcy płci żeńskiej
przestępcy płci męskiej
wykluczenie społeczne
reintegracja społeczna
In this review article, the latest knowledge in the area of the importance of employment in the process of rehabilitation is presented. The goal is a literature review and an analysis of the similarities and differences between female and male criminals in the context of employment during the prison sentence and the chances of finding employment after release. Also, the relationships between employment and later recidivism are analyzed. To present the relationship between employment and recidivism holistically, the following points were referred to: the role of work in rehabilitation and adaptation to freedom; differences between males and females in employment experiences and peculiarities in social background affecting their labour force attachment; the employment of prisoners before, during and after punishment; opportunities and barriers in finding a job by former prisoners; bidirectional relationship – employment as a way to reintegrate ex-offender with the society and as a way to prevent recidivism. Different phases of rehabilitation (being in prison, leaving prison) were distinguished and labour force attachment prior to imprisonment spell were also discussed. Also, the article consists of a discussion section where conclusions and recommendations are presented. The indications for further research were also listed, one of which is to examine the real benefit of the work of convicts – whether it provides the possibility of subsistence. In the article, study results from various countries, and consequently, various judicial systems, are referred to.
W artykule poglądowym zaprezentowano najnowszą wiedzę z zakresu znaczenia zatrudnienia w procesie resocjalizacji. Celem jest przegląd literatury oraz analiza podobieństw i różnic między skazanymi kobietami i mężczyznami w zakresie zatrudnienia w czasie pozbawienia wolności, a także szans na znalezienie zatrudnienia po zwolnieniu. Analizowane są też związki pomiędzy zatrudnieniem a późniejszą recydywą. Aby w sposób całościowy przedstawić związek zatrudnienia i recydywy, odniesiono się do następujących punktów: rola pracy w resocjalizacji i adaptacji do wolności; różnice między mężczyznami i kobietami w zakresie doświadczeń zawodowych oraz specyfiki pochodzenia społecznego wpływającego na ich przywiązanie do rynku pracy; zatrudnianie więźniów przed, w trakcie i po karze; możliwości i bariery w znalezieniu pracy przez byłych więźniów; relacja dwukierunkowa – zatrudnienie jako sposób na reintegrację byłego skazanego ze społeczeństwem oraz jako sposób zapobiegania recydywie. Wyodrębniono różne fazy resocjalizacji (przebywanie w zakładzie karnym, opuszczenie zakładu karnego) oraz omówiono związek z rynkiem pracy przed odbyciem kary pozbawienia wolności. Artykuł zawiera także dyskusję, w której przedstawiono wnioski i rekomendacje. Ponadto sformułowano wskazania do dalszych badań, a jednym z nich jest zbadanie realnych korzyści, jakie płyną z pracy skazanych – czy zapewnia ona możliwość utrzymania się. W artykule odniesiono się do wyników badań z różnych krajów, a co za tym idzie z różnych systemów sądownictwa.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2023, 32, 5; 77-104
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gestapo po roku 1945 : kariery, konflikty, konteksty
Gestapo nach 1945 : Karrieren, Konflikte, Konstruktionen, 2009
Mallmann, Klaus-Michael (1948- ). Redakcja
Angrick, Andrej (1962- ). Redakcja
Ewertowska-Klaja, Iwona. Tłumaczenie
Wydawnictwo Replika. Wydawca
Data publikacji:
Zakrzewo : Wydawnictwo Replika
Przestępcy wojenni
Przestępstwo wojenne
Praca zbiorowa
Tytuł oryginału: Die Gestapo nach 1945 : Karrieren, Konflikte, Konstruktionen. Na stronie tytułowej: Pamięci Wolfganga Schefflera.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Młodociani w świetle prawa i badań kryminologicznych
The young adult offenders in the light of law and criminological studies
Wiktorska, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
młodociani przestępcy
polityka kryminalna
polityka penitencjarna
young adult offenders
criminal law
The article discusses the problem of young adult offenders in the light of provisions of current Polish criminal law and of criminological studies on this category of convicts over the years. Polish criminal code of 1997 in the article 115 paragraph 10 defines a young adult offender as a person 21 years old who commits a crime or a person under 24 years who is tried in a court of first instance. Two basic issues are involved in the notion of a young adult offender. First the age limits of the subject, second the character of penal measures to be used towards this particular category of offenders. Both issues are discussed at length in the article, particularly with respect to the fact that criminal law makes use of scientific findings from sociology, psychology and medicine to create normative regulations concerning conditions of liability of young adult offenders for their unlawful acts. As an example, one may discuss particular normative directives of the sentence provided for a young adult offenders as the court is obliged to, most of all, educate and resocialise. Educational and resocialisation aspect of the punishment does not mean that young adult offender are treated leniently, sometimes it may indicate a longer time of resocialisation and, at the same time, a longer imprisonment sentence to execute this objective . While sentencing a young adult offender, the court should decide in such a manner so that the liability of the accused is directed more into educational model than repressive one, yet this does not denote resignation from administering the penalty of unconditional imprisonment. Still, it needs to be admitted that in the Polish legal system there are few concrete provisions of law which define in detail how a young offenders should be treated which, according to the author, is somehow concerning. There are significant differences in criminal execution law. First, as a rule, young adult offenders should be imprisoned separately from adult ones. This is understandable because of susceptibility of young people to influence and pressure from adults. Moreover, young adult offenders are subject to system of programmed educational and resocialisation measures during imprisonment, which on one hand seems right, on the other evokes a series of questions and reservations. Discussion of normative situation of young adult offender are illustrated with selected criminological studies carried out so far concerning this category of offenders. Reported results of research show that young adult offenders have typical features characteristic for the whole group. Information on dysfunctional families and alcohol problems are always present. It is accompanied by low education level of their parents and their unemployment. Problems in the behavior of such offenders appear already in kindergarten age and increase during school education while the education process itself leaves a lot to be desired.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2012, XXXIV; 135-155
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Polish adaptation of Self-Stigma of Individuals with Criminal Records – SSICR
Polska adaptacja kwestionariusza SSICR do pomiaru poczucia stygmatyzacji osadzonych
Friedrich, Wiola
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
Niniejsze badania prezentują polską wersję kwestionariusza Poczucia Stygmatyzacji (Self-stigma of Individuals with Criminal Records – SSICR) do pomiaru poczucia stygmatyzacji osadzonych. Procedura adaptacyjna została przeprowadzona zgodnie ze standardami sprawdzania równoważności testów na grupie 186 osób w wieku od 19 do 84 lat (M = 36,4; SD = 11,7). Rzetelność oszacowano na podstawie wskaźników α Cronbacha, trafność czynnikowa została zweryfikowana na podstawie konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej. Zbadano również trafność narzędzia. Otrzymane wyniki pozwalają twierdzić, że SSICR jest narzędziem o akceptowalnych właściwościach psychometrycznych.
This study presents the Polish version of the Self-Stigma of Individuals with Criminal Records (SSICR) and examines a theoretical model of self-stigma in which perceived stigma leads to stereotype agreement, internalized stigma, and then to anticipated stigma. The adaptation procedure was carried out in accordance with the standards for checking the equivalence of tests on a group of 186 criminal offenders aged 19 to 84 (M=36.4, SD=11.7). Reliability was estimated on the basis of Cronbach’s α indices, factor validity was verified on the basis of confirmatory factor analysis. The validity of the tool was also tested. The obtained results allow to state that the SSICR is a tool with acceptable psychometric properties.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2021, 21; 351-367
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Do children have the capacity to commit a crime? The question of minimum age of criminal responsibility
Czy dzieci są zdolne do ponoszenia odpowiedzialności karnej? Kwestia minimalnego wieku odpowiedzialności karnej
Balogh, Ágnes
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
minimum age of criminal responsibility
criminal code
moral development
juvenile offenders
child offenders
minimalny wiek odpowiedzialności karnej
kodeks karny
rozwój moralny
młodociani przestępcy
nieletni przestępcy
The article investigates the question of minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). A child under the age of criminal responsibility lacks the capacity to commit a crime. This means they are immune from criminal prosecution – they cannot be formally charged by authorities with an offence nor be subjected to any criminal law procedures or measures. Numerous international treaties and agreements set standards concerning the ways in which children in conflict with the law should be dealt with. A wide range of minimum ages of criminal responsibility worldwide, ranging from a very low level of age 7 or 8 to the commendable high level of age 14 or 16. On 1st July 2013 a new criminal code, the Act of 2012 entered into force in Hungary, which lowered the MACR from the age of 14 to 12. According to the Official Comments the main reason for lowering is the fact that nowadays the biological development of children speeded up, they reach maturity earlier than ever. Another argument is that children are exposed to more social influences because of the information technology revolution. The Comments states that among children between 12 and 14 years of age violence is used as a tool to enforce their interests. The article takes a critical look at these arguments by examining criminal statistics and insights of psychological research.
Opracowanie podejmuje kwestię dolnej granicy wieku odpowiedzialności za dopuszczenie się czynu zabronionego przez nieletnich (MACR). Młodsze dziecko nie odpowiada karnie, co oznacza, że dzieci są nietykalne w materii postępowania karnego – nie mogą być formalnie oskarżone przez władze za wykroczenie ani też nie mogą podlegać żadnym postępowaniom, ani środkom karnym. Liczne międzynarodowe traktaty i porozumienia ustalają standardy dotyczące sposobów postępowania z dziećmi będącymi w konflikcie z prawem. Na cały świecie różnie kształtuje się dolna granica wieku nieletnich, gdy chodzi o dopuszczalność ich odpowiedzialności karnej: poczynając od bardzo niskiego wieku 7 lub 8 lat po wysoki 14 czy 16 lat. Na Węgrzech 1 lipca 2013 r. wszedł w życie nowy kodeks karny, zgodnie z którym został obniżony wiek odpowiedzialności karnej MACR z 14 do 12 lat. Według uzasadnienia ustawy głównym powodem obniżenia wieku stał się fakt, że rozwój biologiczny dzieci jest obecnie przyspieszony: osiągają one dojrzałość wcześniej niż kiedyś. Po drugie, dzieci są narażone na większe wpływy społeczne, związane z rozwojem technologii informacyjnej. Uzasadnienie stwierdza, że wśród dzieci w wieku pomiędzy 12 i 14 lat przemoc staje się narzędziem egzekwowania interesów. Artykuł krytycznie analizuje oba argumenty w perspektywie statystyki przestępstw oraz wiedzy psychologicznej.
Family Forum; 2014, 4; 259-273
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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