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Pojęcie dowodu prywatnego i dokumentu prywatnego w polskim procesie karnym
The notions of private evidence and private documents in Polish criminal proceedings
Boch, Błażej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
private evidence
private documents
reading aloud
The issues related to private evidence and documents in Polish criminal proceedings have for a long time been providing an impetus for many debates and disputes. In his text, the author analyses the opinions hitherto expressed in legal doctrine, and based on them he indicated how, in his opinion, the notions of “private evidence” and “private document” ought to be understood in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure. To this aim, he commences his consideration with an analysis of the notion of “evidence”, while stressing that it needs to be distinguished from such terms as “[a piece of] information” or “trace”. Further on, he discusses the distinction into “public [official]” and “private” evidence, and also presents his own definition of “private evidence” sensu stricto and sensu largo. Subsequently, the author proceeds to consider the notion of document in legal system, in particular in penal legal system, to eventually focus on the intended understanding of the notion of “private document” and the notion “reading aloud” included in Article 393 paragraph 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Problemy Prawa Karnego; 2019, 29, 3; 111-133
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Karnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nagranie prywatne jako dowód w sprawie karnej w świetle nowelizacji K. P. K.
Private recording as evidence in criminal proceedings in connection with recent amendments of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure
Leśniewski, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
proces karny
dowód prywatny
criminal procedure
private evidence
Szybki rozwój technologiczny dostarczył nam wielu narzędzi, do używania któ-rych nie powinniśmy mieć oporów. Ostatnie dwie dekady to radykalne zmiany na tym polu. Niemniej jednak, procedura karna tym przeobrażeniem w dużej mierze nie podołała, za wy-jątkiem prawa dowodowego. Celem artykułu jest skupienie się na kwestii wykorzystania, jako dowodu w sprawie karnej nagrania prywatnego. W artykule przeanalizowane zostały proble-my związane z przedmiotowym zagadnieniem. Autor przedstawia przeciwstawne zapatrywa-nia doktryny na kwestię dowodów prywatnych, w szczególności nagrań na nośnikach elektro-nicznych. Praca jest skoncentrowana na wpływie, jaki wywiera na przedmiotowej kwestii Wielka Nowelizacja kodeksu postępowania karnego, która weszła w życie z dniem 1 lipca 2015 roku. Autor zwraca uwagę na potencjalne trudności z interpretacją nowych uregulowań prawnych, jak i niedostatki przedmiotowej nowelizacji.
Rapid technological development has provided us with new efficient tools that we should not hesitate to use. In the last two decades we have seen technical revolution around us. Nevertheless, criminal procedure does not follow that change – saving evidence law. The article is focused on application of private recordings in Polish criminal procedure, with particular emphasis on its value as an evidence. The paper analyses practical problems related to the issue. The author presents different definitions of private evidence and private recording. The findings and conclusions represented in the author’s analysis show that the is-sue of private recording is very vital and has to be examined profoundly. Changes, that are shown in the article were introduced on 1st of July 2015, had been estimated as a huge step in “releasing” private evidence. The author pays attention to potential difficulties in interpreta-tion of the new regulations.
De Securitate et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności; 2015, 2(1); 95-106
Pojawia się w:
De Securitate et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakter prawny tzw. opinii prywatnych w procesie karnym
Boch, Błażej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
private evidence
private opinion
private experts
expert opinion.
dowody prywatne
opinia prywatna
biegli prywatni
opinia biegłego
Summary In this article I address the controversial issue of the use of “private opinions” in criminal proceedings. I examine the problem largely in connection with the amendment to Art. 393 § 3 of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure, which was introduced on 27 September 2013. The amendment has made it possible to use private documents specially compiled for application as evidence during proceedings. I start by referring to specific procedural principles pertaining to the Polish system of criminal proceedings. My next step is to discuss the relations which may occur in criminal proceedings between a “private opinion” and an opinion drawn up by a court expert. I also conduct a brief review of “private” experts and their role in criminal proceedings. This brings me to my conclusion, in which I put forward my proposals for prospective amendments to the existing provision.
Autor w tekście zajmuje się niezwykle sporną tematyką dotyczącą wykorzystywania w procesie karnym tzw. opinii prywatnych. Analiza zagadnienia związana jest przede wszystkim ze zmianą art. 393 § 3 k.p.k. Nowelą z 27 IX 2013r., który to przepis pozwala na wprowadzenie do procesu także dokumentów prywatnych zebranych wprost dla celów postępowania karnego. Autor rozważania rozpoczyna odnosząc się do określonych zasad procesowych, istniejących w systemie prawa karnego procesowego. W dalszej kolejności omawiane są relacje jakie mogą zachodzić w procesie karnym między tzw. opinią prywatną a procesową opinią biegłego. Krótkiej analizie poddane jest też zagadnienie roli procesowej tzw. biegłych prywatnych. W efekcie autor wyciąga określone wnioski i przedstawia postulaty de lege ferenda
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2018, 18, 2
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dopuszczalność dowodu z podsłuchu w postępowaniu karnym w świetle konstytucyjnej wolności i ochrony tajemnicy komunikowania się
The admissibility of tapping in the penal proceeding in the light of the constitutional freedom and protection of secrecy of communication
Dyś, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
wolność komunikowania się
ochrona korespondencji
podsłuch procesowy
dowód prywatny
podsłuch prywatny
owoce zatrutego drzewa
rzetelny proces
freedom of communication
secrecy of correspondence
control of the telephone conversation
private evidence,
phone tapping,
the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine
fair trail
Wolność komunikowania i ochrona tajemnicy korespondencji, zaliczana do kategorii klasycznych wolności obywatelskich, odgrywa we współczesnych państwach demokratycznych doniosłą rolę. Nie jest ona jednak wolnością absolutną i doznaje pewnych ograniczeń. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu przedstawienie najważniejszych z nich, zawartych w polskiej ustawie karnoprocesowej. Po pierwsze, wskazuję na kontrolę rozmów telefonicznych stosowaną przez organy procesowe i warunki jej dopuszczalności. Następnie analizie poddaję podsłuch stosowany przez osoby prywatne i możliwość wykorzystania go jako dowód w postępowaniu karnym. W tym zakresie przedstawiam regulację obowiązującą do 1 lipca 2015 r. i wskazuję na jej wady i niedociągnięcia oraz poddaję ocenie wprowadzenie nowego art. 168a kpk, implementującego do polskiego porządku prawnego doktrynę owoców zatrutego drzewa. Postaram się wykazać, że takie działanie ustawodawcy zwiększa przymiot rzetelności procesu i jest zgodne z zasadą demokratycznego państwa prawa.
The freedom of communication and the secrecy of correspondence is one of the basic civil freedoms and they play crucial roles in the democratical states. Of course, the already mentioned freedom and secrecy cannot be unlimitted. The article is focused on underlining the main limitations of the freedom and secrecy, which are a part of the polish penal proceeding. First of all, the article analyses the admissibility of control of telephone conversations, which is applied by national authorities. Secondly, the issue of illega phone tapping by private person and admissibility of using the obtained informations as an evidence in the penal procedure are presented and analysed. The new aspect of penal procedure, which came into force on 1st July 2015, is presented in this context and its disadvantages are underlined. Finally, the article presents the new regulation – article 168a of the Penal Proceeding Code, which implements „the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine”. The author intends to prove the fact, that this amendment has significant impact on the rule of fair trail and is compliant with the principles of democratical state.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2016, 1 (29); 81-99
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disclosure of Evidence in Central and Eastern European Countries in Light of the Implementation of the Damages Directive
Druviete, Inese
Jerņeva, Jūlija
Ulaganathan Ravindran, Aravamudhan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
private antitrust enforcement
Damages Directive
The article looks primarily at the material comprised in the volume edited by A. Piszcz, Implementation of the EU Damages Directive in Central and Eastern European Countries published in 2017 and based on that compares aspects of the disclosure of evidence issue in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The purpose of this article is to look into how the process for the disclosure of evidence has evolved in eleven countries of the European Union in light of Directive 2014/104/EU. The article looks at six key issues with regard to disclosure of evidence in light of Directive 2014/104/EU: general procedural issues; procedure for the submission of evidence; criteria for the disclosure of evidence; restrictions on the disclosure of evidence; disclosure of evidence by parties other than the defendant; and consequences of the failure to comply with a request to submit evidence. The article relies on primary data from eleven EU countries from Central and Eastern Europe.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2017, 10(15); 197-222
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozaprocesowy kontakt obrońcy ze świadkiem w procesie karnym
Fingas, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
criminal procedure
counsel for the defence
evidence collection
private investigation
proces karny
gromadzenie dowodów
dowody prywatne
prywatne śledztwo
Podjęta w artykule problematyka dotyczy dopuszczalności oraz zasad pozaprocesowego kontaktu obrońcy ze świadkami. Przeprowadzone wywody koncentrują się na wykazaniu pełnej dopuszczalności kontaktu z potencjalnym świadkiem, utrwalenia przez obrońcę uzyskanych w ten sposób informacji oraz przedstawiają w sposób węzłowy kwestie możliwości późniejszego wykorzystania ich w procesie karnym, przy uwzględnieniu zmian normatywnych, które weszły w życie z dniem 1 lipca 2015 r.
The issues discussed in the article concern admissibility and rules of non-procedural contact of counsel for the defence with witnesses. Taking into account the normative changes that entered into force on 1 July 2015, the analyses concentrate on proving complete admissibility of counsel’s for the defence contacts with potential witnesses, recording information obtained this way and presenting it later in the criminal proceeding before court.
Ius Novum; 2015, 9, 4; 48-65
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prywatna opinia biegłego na tle pozycji konsultanta technicznego strony we włoskim procesie karnym
Private Expert Opinion on Background of Technical Consultant’s Position in the Italian Criminal Proceedings
Smarzewski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
technical consultant
expert opinion
private expert opinion
The paper considers issues referring to the institution of private expert opinion in criminal proceedings in the context of the possibility of its evidentiary use in it. The author paid attention to the objectively negligible value of the analyzed evidence, which is closely related with its kind of detachment from the source from which it comes, including limited possibilities to verify such evidence. Authors of private expert opinions do not formally participate in the proceedings. For these reasons, the article presents the institution of the technical consultant of the party functioning on the basis of the Italian criminal procedure, arguing that the introduction of such an entity to the category of participants of the Polish criminal process could be a remedy for problems and controversies related to the participation of experts supporting the parties. By this, parties and their representatives could have more realistic impact on the content of the findings in terms of circumstances, the settlement of which requires special knowledge.
Forum Prawnicze; 2020, 1 (57); 58-71
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dowód z „opinii prywatnej” w świetle procedury cywilnej oraz karnej
Jagiełło, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
private opinion
judicial proceeding
opinia prywatna
postępowanie sądowe
Introduction to the process of evidence obtained by the participants in the proceedings issue is very important. Recognising them as evidence in the process does not raise doubts in principle, but their analysis is very difficult. There are no requirements as to their contents, as well as the author.Therefore, it is important juxtaposition of the two thus obtained evidence on the basis of criminal and civil procedure.
Themis Polska Nova; 2015, 2(9); 153-164
Pojawia się w:
Themis Polska Nova
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of EU Law on a National Competition Authoritys Leniency Programme – the Case of Poland
Sitarek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
competition law
leniency, antitrust damages actions
access to evidence
procedural autonomy
public enforcement
private enforcement
This paper is devoted to the impact of EU law on national leniency programmes, especially the Polish one. It analyses the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice in Pfleiderer, Donau Chemie and Schenker and identifies three specific areas of potential EU influence on national leniency programmes. The impact of EU law on the rules of access to leniency documents is analysed in detail on the basis of both EU and Polish law and taking into account the Draft Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions. The paper covers also the extent to which the principle of effectiveness of EU law limits the procedural autonomy of Member States in regard to their leniency programmes. This analysis covers both “negative conditions”, that is, elements of national leniency programmes which are incompatible with EU law, and “positive conditions”, in order words, those elements of domestic leniency programmes which are seen as necessary for securing their effectiveness.
L'article concerne l'influence du droit de l‘Union européenne sur les programmes de clémence nationaux, en particulier le programme polonais. La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne est analysée, surtout les arrêts en Pfleiderer, Donau Chemie et Schenker. Les trois avenues de l'influence du droit européen sur le programme de clémence sont identifiés – les règles d'accès aux confessions des entreprises bénéficiaires de la clémence, qui sont analysées en détaille, les limitations des programmes nationaux de clémence à cause du principe d'effectivité et les obligations des autorités nationales de concurrence d’assurer l'effectivité des programmes de clémence
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2014, 7(9); 185-216
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Private Enforcement of Competition Law – the Case of Estonia
Sein, Karin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
antitrust damage claim
collective redress
private enforcement of competition law
public enforcement of competition law
Jurisprudence on private enforcement of competition law has so far been almost non-existent in Estonia. Most cases where competition law issues are raised within the context of damage claims are solved by out-of-court settlements. One of the main reasons for this scarcity is the fact that this is a fairly unfamiliar field for Estonian lawyers, attorneys and judges. The first reason for the low number of private enforcement of competition law cases in Estonia is therefore lacking awareness and legal uncertainty. The other key barrier lies in burden of proof issues associated with damage claims. It has proven very difficult in practice for an injured person to prove that he/she sustained damages as a result of a competition law infringement; even more so to prove the actual extent of such damages. There is no juridical practice yet on how to calculate business losses and judges face considerable difficulties when confronted with this task. Another problem lies in the availability of evidence. As discovery is not possible in Estonia, its civil procedure rules make it difficult for claimants to obtain evidence necessary to prove the facts underlying their claims. Estonian law does not provide for a special procedure for antitrust damage claims – there are no collective claims, no class actions, nor actions by representative bodies or other forms of public interest litigation (no collective redress). It is thus only possible to file damage claims arising from competition law infringements either in normal civil proceedings or as a civil claim within the framework of criminal proceedings on a competition law crime. The need for collective redress has not yet been subject to a legal debate at the national level, and there has not been a single private enforcement case opened by a consumer in Estonia so far. The only Supreme Court case in existence in this field, which was decided in 2011, has cleared the basis and availability of damage claims for competition law infringement. It has shown, at the same time, the many problems connected to calculating damages in this context.
La jurisprudence relative à l’application privée du droit de la concurrence a été jusqu’à présent presque absente en Estonie. La plupart des cas où les questions de droit de la concurence sont soulevées dans le cadre de demandes d’indemnisation, sont résolus par des règlements à l’amiable. L’une des raisons principales de cette pénurie est le fait que c’est un domaine assez inconnu pour les avocats, les procureurs et les juges estoniens. La première raison pour le faible nombre de cas de l’application privée du droit de la concurrence en Estonie est donc la manque de conscience et l’incertitude juridique. L’autre obstacle majeur réside dans des questions relatives à la charge de preuve liées à des demandes d ‘indemnisation. Il s’est avéré très difficile en pratique pour une personne blessée à prouver qu’il/elle a subi des dommages à la suite d’une infraction au droit de la concurrence ; plus encore à prouver l’étendue exacte de tels dommages. Il n’existe pas encore de pratique juridique sur la façon de calculer les pertes commerciales. Alors les juges font face à des difficultés considérables lorsqu’ils sont confrontés à cette tâche. Un autre problème réside dans la disponibilité de la preuve. A cause du fait que la découverte n’est pas possible en Estonie, ses règles de procédure civile rendent l’obtention des preuves nécessaires pour soutenir les faits qui prouvent des revendications soumis par des demandeurs difficile. La législation estonienne ne prévoit pas de procédure spéciale pour les demandes de dommages antitrust – il n’y a pas de revendications collectives, aucune action de classe, ni des measures prises par les organes représentatifs ou d’autres formes de litiges d’intérêt public (pas de resours collectif). Il n’est donc possible que de déposer des demandes d’indemnsation en cas d’infraction au droit de la concurrence soit dans les procédures civiles normales, soit comme une action civile dans le cadre d’une procédure pénale sur un crime de droit de la concurrence. La nécessité de recours collectif n’a pas encore fait l’objet d’un débat juridique au niveau national, et il n’a pas eu en Estonie un seul cas de l’application privée ouverte par un consommateur jusqu’à présent. Le seul cas qui a été présenté à la Cour suprême en ce domaine (le jugement a été prononcé en 2011), a autorisé la base et la disponibilité des demandes d’indemnisation pour violation du droit de la concurrence. Il a présenté en même temps les problèmes nombreux reliés à la calculation des dommages dans ce contexte-là.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2013, 6(8); 129-139
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Slovenia: A New Field to Be Developed by Slovenian Courts
Brkan, Maja
Bratina, Tanja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
antitrust damage
collective redress
private enforcement of competition law
public enforcement of competition law
This contribution aims to demonstrate the legal framework that can shape and influence private enforcement in Slovenia. This includes, in particular, conditions for damage claims, collective redress mechanisms, legal costs and fees as well as discovery and burden of proof. It is shown which legislative changes may be needed in order to improve the effectiveness of private enforcement and the practical obstacles that will have to be overcome in the future. Furthermore, the article analyses the jurisprudence of Slovenian courts concerning private enforcement. Although there was practically no jurisprudence in this area only a few years ago, Slovenian courts have now ruled on a few such cases already. The number of private enforcement proceedings will most likely increase in the future. Therefore, it can be stated that private enforcement of competition law is an area that is slowly, but steadily, gaining importance in the Slovenian legal system.
La présente contribution vise à démontrer le cadre juridique susceptible de former et d’influencer la mise en œuvre des règles de concurrence de l'UE à l'initiative de la sphère privée (« private enforcement ») en Slovénie. Les conditions pour des recours en dommages et intérêts, des mécanismes des recours collectifs, des règles sur des dépens ainsi que la divulgation des preuves et la charge de la preuve y sont analysés. La contribution démontre quelles modifications législatives seraient nécessaires et quelles obstacles pratiques devront être surmontés à l’avenir afin d’améliorer l’effectivité de ce type de mise en œuvre du droit de la concurrence. La jurisprudence des juridictions Slovènes dans ce domaine y est également analysée. Même si cette jurisprudence a été pratiquement inexistante il y a quelques années, les juridictions Slovènes ont, jusqu’à présent, rendu déjà quelques arrêts dans ce domaine et il est à attendre que le nombre de ce type d’affaires accroîtra dans le futur. Ainsi, il est possible de constater que l’importance de ce type de mise en œuvre du droit de la concurrence augmentera lentement mais sûrement dans l’ordre juridique slovène.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2013, 6(8); 75-106
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Polish Courts: The Story of an (Almost) Lost Hope for Development
Jurkowska-Gomułka, Agata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
antitrust damage
collective redress
private enforcement of competition law
public enforcement of competition law
The article reviews judgments of Polish courts on private enforcement of competition law between 1993 and 2012. A quantitative analysis of this jurisprudence shows that very few cases of that type exist at all. Their qualitative characteristics illustrate that: none of them referred to consumers; none of the claims was a 'pure' damage claim; all of these cases focused on partial or general nullity of contracts concluded as a result of an anticompetitive practice; almost all of them concerned an abuse of a dominant position; only one referred to competition-restricting agreements. The relevant jurisprudence largely focused on the binding force of a prior decision of the Polish competition body upon civil courts. Even if the fact that some cases of this type were at all record might suggest that there is a potential for developing private enforcement of antitrust in Poland, nothing like this actually happened. Unfortunately, the Act on Collective Redress (in force since July 2010) has not contributed to a growth in the number of consumers (or any other entities) engaging in court disputes with undertakings restricting competition.
L’article passe en revue les jugements des tribunaux polonais sur l’application privée du droit de la concurrence entre 1993 et 2012. Une analyse quantitative de cette jurisprudence montre que très peu de cas de ce type existent. Leurs caractéristiques qualitatives montrent que : aucun d’entre eux ne concernait les consommateurs ; aucune des revendications ne constituait une demande d’indemnisation dans le sense exacte ; tous ces cas axaient sur la nullité partielle ou générale des contrats conclus à la suite d‘une pratique anticoncurrentielle ; la quasi-totalité d’entre eux concernaient un abus de position dominante ; une seule visait aux accords restreignant la concurrence. La jurisprudence se concentrait surtout sur la force contraignante d’une décision préalable de l’organe polonais de la concurrence prise par des tribunaux civils. Même si le fait que certains cas de ce type-là étaient notés, il pourrait suggérer qu’il existe un potentiel de développement de l’application privée de la concurrence en Pologne – rien que cela ne s’est réellement passé. Malheureusement, la Loi sur les recours collectif (en vigueur depuis juillet 2010) n’a pas contribué à une augmentation du nombre de consommateurs (ou d’autres entités) s’engageant dans des litiges judiciaires avec les entreprises qui restreignent la concurrence.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2013, 6(8); 107-128
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to Documents in Antitrust Litigation – EU and Croatian Perspective
Butorac Malnar, Vlatka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
EU Damages Directive
private enforcement
antitrust litigation
access to documents
access to file
evidence in antitrust litigation
The paper analyses access to documents in cartel-based damages cases from the EU and Croatian perspective. It considers all relevant EU and Croatian legislation and case-law primarily focusing on the expected impact of the newly enacted Damages Directive. It is argued that the new rules on access to documents provided by the Directive will not necessarily have a significant impact on damages proceedings following cartel decisions issued by the Commission. This is due to the introduction of an absolute ban on the disclosure of leniency statements and settlement submissions via a ‘maximum harmonization’ rule. This conclusion is drawn from statistic figures showing that EU cartel enforcement rests solely on the leniency and settlement procedures. With that in mind, it is concluded that the Directive’s general, permissive rules on access to documents (other than leniency and settlement procedures) will not be applicable in most damages cases following the cartel infringement decision issued by the Commission. However, it is also observed that the Damages Directive’s new rules on access to documents may have the opposite impact on private enforcement in cases following infringement decisions issued by National Competition Authorities (NCAs) which do not rely as much on leniency in their fight against cartels as the Commission. The Directive’s general rule on access to documents will apply in jurisdictions such as Croatia, where all of its cartel decisions so far have been reached within the regular procedure. It is argued that the general access rule, coupled with other rules strengthening the position of claimants in antitrust damages proceedings, might actually be beneficial for both public and private enforcement in such jurisdictions.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2015, 8(12); 127-160
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Still-unpopular Sanctions: Developments in Private Antitrust Enforcement in Poland After the 2008 White Paper
Piszcz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
private enforcement
bipolar system of enforcement
quantification of harm
follow-on actions
collective redress
non-admission of evidence
consultation document
The European Commission published a White Paper on 2 April 2008 on damages actions for breach of EU antitrust rules. The content of the White Paper is since then being prepared to be converted into EU legislation on private antitrust enforcement. This paper presents the developments in private antitrust enforcement in Poland after 2 April 2008. It commences with an outline of EU actions in this field which act as an introduction to the more detailed analysis of recent jurisprudential and legislative developments in Poland. The latter part of the paper covers, in particular, the 2009 Act on the Pursuit of Claims in Group Proceedings and the 2011 Act Amending the Civil Procedure Code and Some Other Acts which abolishes all specific elements of commercial proceedings, including the statutory ‘non-admission of evidence’ principle. These two legal acts are assessed in order to establish whether their introduction is likely to help facilitate private antitrust enforcement in Poland and to consider to what an extent are these developments responding to the challenges outlined by the European Commission.
Le 2 avril 2008 la Commission européenne a publié le Livre blanc sur les actions en dommages et intérêts pour infraction aux règles communautaires sur les ententes et les abus de position dominante. Le contenu du Livre blanc est dès lors en cours de préparation pour être converti en législation de l'UE sur l’application des règles de la concurrence par des particuliers. Cet article présente le dévelopement de l’application des règles de la concurrence par des particuliers en Pologne après le 2 avril 2008. Il commence par un aperçu des actions de l'UE dans ce domaine qui agit comme une introduction à l'analyse plus détaillée de la jurisprudence récente et les évolutions législatives en Pologne. Cette dernière partie du document porte, en particulier, sur la Loi de 2009 sur la poursuite des revendications dans les procédures collectives et la Loi 2011 modifiant le Code de procédure civile et certaines autres lois qui abolisent tous les éléments spécifiques de la procédure commerciale, y compris le principe de «non-admission de la preuve». Ces deux actes juridiques sont évaluées afin de déterminer si leur mise en place pourrait faciliter l’application des règles de la concurrence par des particuliers en Pologne et d'examiner à quel point ces développements répondent aux défis formulés par la Commission européenne.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2012, 5(7); 55-77
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Lithuania
Moisejevas, Raimundas
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
antitrust damage
antitrust damage claims
Directive on antitrust damages actions
follow-on action
private enforcement of competition law
public enforcement of competition law
The article reviews the jurisprudence of Lithuanian courts on private enforcement of competition law and identifies the main obstacles for the development of this practice. The analysis of the jurisprudence makes it possible to summarise that: most rulings of the Lithuanian courts relate to cases on the abuse of dominance; usually, dominant undertakings were allegedly applying discriminatory conditions towards the injured party and; most of the claims were presented as follow-on actions after a decision of the Competition Council. The courts held that damages caused by a breach of competition law have to be recovered in accordance with Lithuania’s main principles of civil responsibility. At the same time, the courts made it clear that their jurisprudence is based on the rulings of European Courts and the main principles of EU competition law. The main obstacles for the successful development of antitrust damages claims in Lithuania are, inter alia: complexity of competition cases; difficulty in obtaining substantive evidence; proving a consequential relationship and; high legal costs. The article also analyses substantial and procedural provisions of Lithuanian legislation that regulate the submission of antitrust damage claims.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2015, 8(11); 35-52
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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