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Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi w polskich klubach sportowych na przykładzie trenerów i instruktorów sportu – wyniki badań
Coaches and Sports Instructors as Examples in Human Resource Management in Polish Sport Clubs: Research Results
Cewińska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych
funkcje zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi
rekrutacja w sporcie
selekcja w sporcie
przeciwdziałanie stresowi
kluby sportowe non profit
functions of human resource management
recruitment in sport
selection in sport
stress preventing
non-profit sport clubs
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań prowadzonych w klubach sportowych działających w formie stowarzyszeń, poświęconych realizacji funkcji zarządzania zasobami w odniesieniu do trenerów i instruktorów sportu. Opracowanie powstało w oparciu o wyniki badań prowadzonych przez autorkę tekstu. Badania miały charakter interpretatywny. Ich charakter nie upoważnia do uogólniania wniosków. Materiał empiryczny może być źródłem refleksji oraz inspiracji do dalszych badań.
The objective of this article is a presentation of the results of research into sports clubs that operate as associations, specifically looking at their resource management— coaches and sports instructors. It is based on the results of research conducted by the author. The research was interpretive in nature. This does not make general conclusions possible. However, the empirical material can be a source of reflection as well as inspiration for further study.
Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi; 2015, 2015 5(106) ZZL w sporcie; 21-33
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapobieganie wiktymizacji wtórnej osób z niepełnosprawnością
Preventing secondary victimisation of disabled people
Bilewicz, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
Secondary victimization
disabled people
Wiktymizacja wtórna
osoby z niepełnosprawnością
Wtórna wiktymizacja jest kontynuacją (powieleniem) krzywdy wobec ofiary przez osoby, do których zwraca się o pomoc. Zjawisko to nabiera szczególnego znaczenia w sytuacji osób z niepełnosprawnością, które z racji naruszonej sprawności psychofizycznej, szczególnie narażone są na doznanie krzywdy. W takim przypadku należy dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby nie dopuścić do powtórnego skrzywdzenia ofiary przestępstwa – także przez osoby, których zadaniem, z racji wykonywanego zawodu, jest udzielanie im pomocy. Artykuł jest próbą wskazania działań, które uchronią osoby z niepełnosprawnością przed wtórną wiktymizacją, szczególnie ze strony urzędników państwowych.
Secondary victimisation is an act of further (repeated) harm inflicted towards a victim by people to whom they requested for help. The phenomenon takes on significance in reference to disabled people who due to violated mental and physical efficiency are especially exposed to experience harm. Therefore, every possible effort should be taken in order not to make a victim of crime incur further harm – also caused by people whose goal and obligation, by virtue of their occupation, is to bring help to such a victim. The article is an attempt to indicate actions which will protect disabled people from secondary victimisation particularly experienced from official workers.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2018, 16; 39-48
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapobieganie przestępczości cudzoziemców w Polsce
Preventing the Perpetration of Criminal Offences by Foreign Nationals Residing in Poland
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zapobieganie przestępczości
criminal offences
foreign nationals
It has been for several decades now that criminological literature has addressed the issue of crime prevention in societies. Helena Kołakowska-Przełomiec argued in 1984: “While trying to formulate a definition of crime prevention, on no account should we disregard the fact that a criminal offence may be committed only by an individual who lives in a certain specific setting, in a society. Crime prevention can therefore be associated with the conditions of the external world in which a person lives, the constraints of social interactions, interpersonal relations, as well as with the person’s own identity, selfdevelopment, lifetime experience, attitudes, aspirations, and the scope of individual activities. Accordingly, crime prevention may be associated with all that effectively makes up the fabric of an outside world in which the person lives, with the overall diversity of human activity, groups of people, and individuals. Indeed, such activity may be closely linked to crime prevention, or only indirectly related to it, or it may also be very far removed from crime prevention. Crime prevention may also exist objectively, without any human activity linked to it whatsoever (e.g. in a mountainous area devoid of roads it is effectively impossible to commit traffic offences).” The author formulated the following definition: “crime prevention is construed as any and all actions which might lead, be that directly or indirectly, to inhibiting the incidence of criminality at large, of criminal offences, and the development of criminal phenomena all over the world.” Ten years later, another definition of crime prevention was proposed by Janina Czapska: “crime prevention should to be construed as all measures aimed at reducing the overall crime incidence and load, either by limiting the circumstances conducive to committing criminal offences, or by exerting an impact on a potential perpetrator, as well as on all members of a society.” In a document of 2002 promulgated by the UN Economic and Social Council, crime prevention is construed as a set of policies and measures that “seek to reduce the risk of crimes occurring, and their potential harmful effects on individuals and society, including the fear of crime.” Modern Europe is a world of people who keep migrating, moving between countries. The presence of foreign nationals (i.e. those who are not the nationals of a particular country) in each of the EU Member States is a natural phenomenon, as they are the EU citizens and the third-country nationals. Criminal offences committed by foreign nationals are also natural enough, from random offences to fully premeditated ones, from minor offences to serious crimes, from common offences to criminal offences specific to foreign nationals in a particular country and during a specific period, committed under certain social, economic and political conditions. In Poland, police crime statistics have taken due note of foreign nationals as suspects since 1984. The proportion of foreign nationals to suspects in total in the period spanning 1984–1988 ranged from 0.1% to 0.5%. This proportion increased throughout the 1990s, from 0.8 in 1991 to 1.8% in 1996, and then to 2.02% in 1997. A decrease in this proportion was noted – 1.6% in 1998, 1.3% in 2000, 0.67% in 2004, and 0.43% in 2012. Foreign nationals suspected of committing criminal offences in Poland in the first decade of the 21st century come from 61 countries. 30% of them are EU citizens. The most numerous are citizens of Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Foreign nationals from non-EU countries constitute 70% of all foreign national suspects, among which the most numerous come from the neighbouring countries: Ukraine, Belarus, the Russian Federation and Armenia. In short, foreign nationals suspected of committing criminal offences in Poland originate from the neighbouring countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, and Russia. The overall picture of criminal offences committed by foreign nationals in Poland in the first decade of the 21st century is as follows: a negligible share of foreign suspects in the human crime category, a high proportion in the specific offences category, i.e. driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whereupon, in the absence of a natural person victim, the only ‘aggrieved’ party is public order, i.e. road traffic safety. The high share of foreign suspects in the offences against the credibility of documents means that foreign nationals who hold residence in Poland, or who enter Poland, make use of forged IDs or travel documents. The overall picture that emerges from the police crime statistics still needs to be supplemented by such rare events as terrorist crime, crime committed in organized groups, or hard to detect crimes, e.g. illegal cigarette or illicit drug manufacturing. In line with the definitions cited above, with regard to each particular type of criminal offence committed by foreign nationals, an appropriate strategy needs to be determined. In each individual case and for each type of crime a separate listing of crime risk factors should be compiled. Smuggling (duly registered by the Customs Service) seems one of the ‘favourite’ types of a criminal offence committed by foreign nationals in Poland (even though Polish nationals also perpetrate this kind of crime). Smuggling takes place both at border crossings and elsewhere, along usually rather desolate, woodland areas straddling a state border, not subject to heavy patrolling by border guard troops. Moving contraband across the border stands to bring substantial profits to all parties involved. In 96% of cases, the contraband commodity of choice are the tobacco products. Foreign nationals are also registered in Poland as the perpetrators of business-related crimes: criminal offences aimed at obtaining material benefits at the expense of other parties involved in business activity. Judicial statistics indicate that foreign nationals are convicted for breaching the Industrial Property Act, including its provisions pertaining to trademark protection, followed by offences under the Copyright and Related Rights Act; here, for the most part, crimes involve illicitly replicated software, music, and movies on the market. The perpetrators of these offences are mostly Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Armenian, Slovakian, and Georgian citizens. In the area of business crime, organized criminal groups appear to dominate. As may be gleaned from the case records, most groups dealt with violations of the trademark protection provisions, copyright, money counterfeiting, capital fraud, including bank loan fraud, offences related to ATM cards and Internet accounts, followed by insurance fraud and the offences related to trading in liquid fuels. The groups comprised criminals from nearly 20 nationalities, mostly from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, and Armenia, and less frequently the citizens of the UK, Vietnam, China, Moldova, and Georgia. In the period spanning 2015–2016, a brand-new type of crime was uncovered, i.e. professionally organized illicit manufacture of cigarettes in Poland. The report on the status of national security in Poland for 2014 draws attention to the involvement of foreign nationals in criminal activities. Tax fraud committed by foreign nationals from EU countries appears to be on the rise. Foreigners register business ventures in Poland and then proceed to abuse the Polish tax system with a view to benefiting from undue VAT refunds. Combating business crime, as referenced in the Report, requires fostering closer cooperation between various departments, authorities, and statutory bodies involved in preventing and combating crime. This approach has already spawned a government programme for the prevention and combating business crime for 2015–2020, in which the key principles of the actual action plan have been laid down. Research on organized crime groups, including those involving foreign nationals, reveals that all groups intended to profit from criminal activities, were managed by strong leaders, with ethnicity being of much lesser importance in their operations. They are mobile, moving both across the territory of Poland and beyond its borders. Organized crime groups involving foreign nationals are multi-disciplinary; they are involved in drug-related offences, business crime, and other types of criminal pursuits. Variability in the actual type of criminal activity pursued is always dictated by the principal objective – the achievement of material gain. Prevention and combating terrorist threats in Poland is provided for in the National Counter-Terrorism Programme for 2015–2019. There is no single system for preventing and combating crimes committed by foreign nationals, and hence we are not going to formulate its objectives here. Prevention, i.e. the identification of risk factors for criminal offences committed by foreigners, may be pursued in relation to a particular type of crime committed at any one time (types of criminal offences vary over time). Combating or controlling the criminal behaviours of foreign nationals, to express it in modern lingo, may be pursued through obtaining adequate insight into the actual aetiology of various kinds of criminal offences committed by foreign nationals, and an appropriate penal policy.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2016, XXXVIII; 5-13
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapobieganie bezdomności zwierząt – sytuacja północno-wschodniej Polsce
Preventing Stray Animals – Situation in North-East Poland
Skorupski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
stray animals
protection of animals
preventing stray animals
veterinary supervision
Municipalities, with a view to meeting their obligation to ensure care for stray animals, mainly limited themselves to catching them and placing in shelters (or, in cases where it was not possible to ensure shelters, in other places destined for keeping animals with no veterinary supervision, though), where new owners were searched for those animals. However, as it was diagnosed in the findings of the audit conducted by NIK in 2016 on prevention of stray animals, those measures resulted in an increased number of stray animals in shelters and other places, and in growing expenditures on providing care for them.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2017, 62, 1 (372); 101-108
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ mieszanek motylkowato-trawiastych i nawożenia mineralnego na dynamikę przemian przyswajalnych form azotu w glebie w warunkach jej pustynnienia
The effect of grass-lagume mixtures and mineral fertilisation on the dynamics of available nitrogen in soil under its desertification
Babajewa, K. M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
uprawa całorocznych pastwisk
zapobieganie erozji
preventing from erosion
year-long pasture management
Istotnym problemem współczesnego azerbejdżańskiego rolnictwa w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej jest przygotowanie bazy paszowej odpowiedniej do rozwoju chowu zwierząt, z wykorzystaniem całorocznego wypasu pastwiskowego, który zapewnia odpowiednią ilość pasz objętościowych. Postępujące globalne ocieplenie uznawane jest za jedną z przyczyn postępujących procesów erozji i pustynnienia rozległych terenów wypasowych. Wyniki doświadczeń zaprezentowanych w pracy sugerują sposób polepszania walorów wypasowych zimowych pastwisk, a także tworzenia warunków, zapobiegających erozji i poprawiających żyzność gleb. Dzięki zastosowaniu zabiegów uprawowych, polegających na wysiewie motylkowato-trawiastych mieszanek i nawożeniu mineralnym N30P30K30, polepszono warunki wilgotnościowe gleb i ich zasobność w składniki pokarmowe, a szczególnie w azot. Doświadczenia umożliwiły również rozpoznanie dynamiki powstawania w glebie amonowych i azotanowych form azotu w okresie wiosenno-letnio-jesiennym.
An important issue of current Azerbaijan agriculture under market economy is to prepare food base for animal breeding using year-long pasture grazing which provides sufficient amount of bulk fodder. Proceeding global warming is considered one of the reasons for erosion and desertification of vast pasturelands. Results of experiments presented in this paper suggest a way of improving the grazing value of winter pastures, preventing erosion and increasing soil fertility. Soil moisture and nutrient abundance (particularly nitrogen) were improved after sowing legume-grass mixtures and mineral fertilisation with N30P30K30. The experiments allowed also for understanding the dynamics of ammonium ions and nitrates in soil from spring to autumn.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2010, 10, 4; 7-14
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ dodatków zeolitowych na odporność radiacyjną smarów ochronnych
An effect of zeolite addition on radioresistance of the corrosion preventing grease
Maruszewski, P.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
smar ochronny
preventing grease
Przeprowadzono badania odporności smarów ochronnych typu Akorin z dodatkiem zeolitów na działanie promieniowania radiacyjnego gamma. Stwierdzono, że dodatek 10% zeolitu zwiększa odporność smaru na promieniowanie o około 50%. Tak zmodyfikowanego zeolitami smaru użyto do zabezpieczenia obrobionych skrawaniem elementów obudów przepustów w reaktorach jądrowych typu WWER-440.
Radioresistance testes of the effects zeolite addition on corrosion preventing grease were made. It was observed that 10% zeolite addition provokes an increase of radioresistance of the corrosion preventing grease about 50%. This zeolite modified grease were used for corrosion prevention of the housing cutting elements of nuclear reactors.
Problemy Eksploatacji; 2006, 1; 263-272
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Eksploatacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
elderly person
social care facility
legal norms in Slovakia
preventing and limiting violence
This article is devoted to the research findings of the occurrence and nature of violence and neglect within the family in social care facilities. It also reflects the results of research looking at violence against the elderly, through the eyes of younger people. This article is devoted to the research findings of the violence against children by their own parents and legal norms by preventing and limiting violence towards other person which are in force in the Slovak Republic.
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy; 2019, 1; 145-166
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unikalne znaczenie wody chrzcielnej i jej wykradanie do praktyk magicznych przyczyną ewolucji formy chrzcielnicy i jej zabezpieczenia
Baptismal font form evolution and protection of the place of baptism celebration resulting from the growing importance of baptismal water and instances of its stealing for sorcery rituals
Nowiński, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
zabezpieczenie chrzcielnicy
woda chrztu
profanacja sakramentów
czarna magia
praktyki magiczne
magiczne figurki z wosku
The growing importance of baptismal water since the 3rd c
emphasized in the ceremony of its blessing with holy oils (benedictio fontis) which occurred in the Early Middle Ages and Carolingian ceremonies
developed the perception of baptismal water as a res sacra
a holy item category
turning it into unique matter
Its presence in the baptismal font influenced the development of the shape and decoration of the baptismal vessel
primarily by compositionally exposing the basin which clearly dominated the pedestal
The holiness and the sanctifying power of the Sacrament matter were illustrated in the font basin decoration
In the Middle Ages
the sacramental matter of baptismal water was used in sorcery practices related to the so-called effigy magic (invultuatio)
In order to enhance the magic power and identification with sorcery addressees
wax figurines that represented them underwent a rite of sorcery Baptism being given the name of an individual a magic ritual was targeted at
As a result
baptismal water together with the consecrated oil of Chrism and oil of the Catechumens were stolen from churches
Those sacrilege practices made the Church issue an order to keep baptismal fonts locked (sub clave)
the latter resulting in various forms of preventing access to the baptismal font
from simple lids strengthened with metal ferrules
up to impressive conic ones
with time becoming more and more artistically elaborate
The problem of securing fonts remained open also in the post-Tridentine period
Rituale Romanum issued in 1614 instructed to lock the fonts and fence them off with a closing balustrade
Magdalena Iwińska
baptismal font
baptismal font protection
baptismal water
Sacrament profanation
black magic
sorcery practices
sorcery wax figurines
The growing importance of baptismal water since the 3rd c., emphasized in the ceremony of its blessing with holy oils (benedictio fontis) which occurred in the Early Middle Ages and Carolingian ceremonies, developed the perception of baptismal water as a res sacra, a holy item category, turning it into unique matter. Its presence in the baptismal font influenced the development of the shape and decoration of the baptismal vessel, primarily by compositionally exposing the basin which clearly dominated the pedestal. The holiness and the sanctifying power of the Sacrament matter were illustrated in the font basin decoration. In the Middle Ages, the sacramental matter of baptismal water was used in sorcery practices related to the so-called effigy magic (invultuatio). In order to enhance the magic power and identification with sorcery addressees, wax figurines that represented them underwent a rite of sorcery Baptism being given the name of an individual a magic ritual was targeted at. As a result, baptismal water together with the consecrated oil of Chrism and oil of the Catechumens were stolen from churches. Those sacrilege practices made the Church issue an order to keep baptismal fonts locked (sub clave), the latter resulting in various forms of preventing access to the baptismal font: from simple lids strengthened with metal ferrules, up to impressive conic ones, with time becoming more and more artistically elaborate. The problem of securing fonts remained open also in the post-Tridentine period. Rituale Romanum issued in 1614 instructed to lock the fonts and fence them off with a closing balustrade.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2014, 35, 2; 175-191
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The European Council in view of external security and international threats to the European Union. Between idealism and realism
Rada Europejska a bezpieczeństwo zewnętrzne i zagrożenia międzynarodowe dla Unii Europejskiej. Pomiędzy idealizmem a realizmem
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
external operations of the EU and the European Council
instruments and resources in the EU’s external operations
preventing conflicts
responding to crises
a comprehensive approach to politics and external relations
security as a prerequisite for stab
działania zewnętrzne UE i Rady Europejskiej
instrumenty i zasoby w zakresie działań zewnętrznych UE
zapobieganie konfliktom
reagowanie w sytuacjach kryzysowych
kompleksowe podejścia w polityce i działaniach z zakresu stosunków zewnętrznych
bezpieczeństwo jako warunek stabilności
współzależność między bezpieczeństwem i pokojem międzynarodowym
zwiększanie skuteczności działań zewnętrznych UE (Rady Europejskiej)
nabywanie zdolności w obszarze bezpieczeństwa i obrony
W dążeniu do realizacji celów Rady Europejskiej w zakresie działań zewnętrznych traktat lizboński stworzył nowy kontekst instytucjonalny. Opiera się on na wzroście zarówno potencjału jak i ambicji RE, które może realizować ona przez wykorzystanie pełnej gamy instrumentów i zasobów – w dążeniu do działań bardziej skutecznych i o większym znaczeniu strategicznym. Uznano zatem, że koncepcje i zasady regulujące kompleksowe podejście Rady Europejskiej zyskać muszą rangę zasad przewodnich działań zewnętrznych UE we wszystkich dziedzinach, w szczególności w odniesieniu do bezpieczeństwa, zapobiegania konfliktom i reagowania w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Z tego względu Rada Europejska określiła szereg konkretnych działań, które podejmuje, dążąc do osiągnięcia coraz bardziej kompleksowego podejścia w polityce i działaniach z zakresu stosunków zewnętrznych. Dla realizacji tego zadania (co precyzyjnie analizuje powyższy tekst) zajęto się wszystkimi aspektami zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa płynących z konfliktów i kryzysów zewnętrznych – od wczesnego ostrzegania i gotowości, poprzez zapobieganie konfliktom oraz reagowanie i zarządzanie kryzysowe, aż po wczesny etap wychodzenia z kryzysu oraz budowania stabilizacji i pokoju. Zdaniem Rady Europejskiej – co wykazuje niniejszy tekst – konieczność wzajemnie uzupełniających się interwencji w obszarach bezpieczeństwa zewnętrznego i zagrożeń dla Unii Europejskiej jest efektem nowych problemów międzynarodowych w skali globalnej. Rada Europejska konsekwentnie podkreśla, że bezpieczeństwo jest niezbędnym warunkiem stabilności UE i że trwały pokój nie jest możliwy bez rozwoju i eliminacji zagrożeń i ryzyk. Dla Rady Europejskiej tworzenie i wzmacnianie warunków politycznych, społecznych i gospodarczych dla stabilności ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa i jest warunkiem wstępnym zmian w unijnej polityce zewnętrznej. Ta współzależność między bezpieczeństwem i stabilnością odgrywa kluczową rolę w zwiększaniu skuteczności działań zewnętrznych UE. Każde państwo, które dąży do zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i pokoju, musi posiadać lub nabyć odpowiednie zdolności we wszystkich istotnych obszarach, w tym w obszarz  bezpieczeństwa i obrony. Umożliwi to nie tylko ustabilizowanie sytuacji na świecie, ale również przyczyni się w sposób konstruktywny do zaprowadzenia pokoju, uzyskania stabilizacji i zapobiegania kryzysom. Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat UE w coraz większym zakresie wspierała tę współzależność między bezpieczeństwem i antykryzysową stabilnością, prowadząc interwencje w różnych obszarach polityki unijnej i korzystając z różnych instrumentów. Działania te obejmują dostęp do instrumentów międzynarodowych, dialog polityczny, współpracę techniczną (w tym wspólne badania naukowe i innowacje) oraz szkolenia (transfer wiedzy oraz rozwój umiejętności).
In order to accomplish the goals of the European Council with respect to external activities, the Treaty of Lisbon has provided a new institutional context. It is based on boosting the European Council’s potential and ambitions. These may be realized by making use of the vast array of instruments and resources for the operations to be more effective and of a bigger strategic importance. It has been assumed that the concepts and principles underpinning the European Council’s comprehensive approach need to become the rules underlying the EU’s external activities in all areas, in particular with respect to security, preventing conflicts and responding to crises. To this end, the European Council has identified a number of specific activities to pursue in its quest to adopt an even more comprehensive approach to politics and external relations. In order to complete the task (as precisely analyzed in the article), efforts have been made to take care of all the aspects of the threats to security stemming from conflicts and external crises, from early warning and readiness through preventing conflicts, responding to them and crisis management to the early stage of getting over a crisis and reaching stability and peace. According to the European Council – as the article proves – the requirement of complementary interventions in the area of external security and threats to the European Union results from new international problems on a global scale. The European Council consistently emphasizes that security is a prerequisite for the EU’s stability and that lasting peace is not possible without eliminating threats and risks. To the European Council, creating and reinforcing the political, social and economic conditions for stability is of key importance to security and is a prerequisite for changes to the EU’s external policy. This interdependence between security and stability plays a vital role in enhancing the effectiveness of the EU’s external activities. Any country striving to ensure security and peace needs to have or acquire the necessary skills in all the important areas including security and protection. These efforts will both contribute to increased global stability and to bringing peace in a constructive way, to achieve stability and to prevent crises. In the past few years, the EU increasingly supported the correlation between security and anti-crisis stability, initiating interventions in various areas of the EU policy and resorting to different instruments. These activities include access to international instruments, a political dialogue, technical cooperation (like common scientific research and innovations) and training (knowledge transfer and development of skills).
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2017, 11; 39-56
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Autonomy of the Family as an Obstacle in Preventing and Identifying Assault of Children
Nordlöf, Kerstin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
domestic violence
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to investigate whether the protection of the child has been considered sufficiently compared with the interests of the autonomy of the family within Swedish legislation. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The autonomy of the family is well protected by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Article 8, where the right to family life is stipulated. But the article also authorises the right of a public authority to interfere in family life in accordance with the law for the prevention of crime. One reason for such interference could be the suspicion of domestic violence, which for centuries was considered to be a private concern. Article 3 of the Convention also forbids exposing a person to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The rights of the family are also expressed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 16), but more specifically in its view of the child. In the case of domestic violence, the Convention in Article 19 clarifies the responsibility of signatory states to protect the child from all kinds of assault by measures such as prevention and identification. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Due to the fact that domestic violence exists to such an extent that it severely affects society in different ways, Swedish legislation has been modified on several occasions. RESEARCH RESULTS: Even if the aim of those changes has been to uphold the autonomy of the family while preventing and identifying assaults within the family – particularly where children are involved – the question remains whether the protection of the child has been considered sufficiently compared with the interests of the autonomy of the family. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In order to guarantee children a childhood and adolescence consisting of care, security and a good upbringing, further improvements – particularly within the Penal Code (1962:700) – are necessary to prevent and identify domestic violence against children.
Horyzonty Wychowania; 2017, 16, 37; 45-58
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Support for families with children during a pandemic – tasks and organization of the work of family assistants
Izabela, Krasiejko,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
work with family
methodology and organization of work of a family assistant
preventing a family from infection with the SARS-CoV-2
In March 2020, in Poland were introduced regulations to limit the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2. The restrictions apply to the everyday life of people, they refer to maintaining social distance, moving outside home and the functioning of institutions. Many companies and institutions introduced remote work. Trade is moving to online shopping. In the face of these changes, what should the profession of family assistant look like, which has the nature of social service and its work area has usually been the place of residence of the family? The answer to this question is presented in this study. It includes recommendations on the scope and organization of family assistants' activities during the pandemic.
Praca Socjalna; 2020, 35(2); 117-128
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stworzenie pozytywnego obrazu „ja” u agresora jako sposób na powstrzymanie agresji
Creating a Positive Image of “self” in the Aggressor as a Way of Stopping Aggression
Niemirowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
self-fulfilling prophecy
preventing aggression
The article presents the dependence of the behavior from the self-image and formation of self-image under the influence of others. If we treat aggressive man calmly and without fear, we give him the signal that „you are good”, and if we are convincing, then behavior of the aggressor becomes good, because it is consistent with his positive self-image. This method can be used in upbringing of children, resolution of conflicts and preventing aggression. The article gives a number of examples where people dealing aggressors without fear and with peace, came out safely from a very difficult situations.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2014, 2; 115-124
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwa udaremniania lub utrudniania wykonania rozstrzygnięcia urzędowego w prawie czechosłowackim, słowackim i czeskim na tle rozwiązań polskich. Część pierwsza
Poniatowski, Piotr
Radecki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Slovak criminal law
Czech criminal law
preventing or obstructing the execution of an official decision
słowackie prawo karne
czeskie prawo karne
udaremnianie lub utrudnianie wykonania rozstrzygnięcia urzędowego
W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania prawnokarne dotyczące udaremniania lub utrudniania wykonania różnego rodzaju rozstrzygnięć urzędowych obowiązujące dawniej w Czechosłowacji oraz obecnie w Słowacji i Czechach. Uwagi te stanowią wprowadzenie do rozważań, które zostaną zawarte w drugiej części opracowania.
The article presents criminal law solutions for preventing or obstructing the execution of various official decisions in force in Czechoslovakia in the past and now in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. These remarks are an introduction to the considerations that will be included in the second part of the study.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio G (Ius); 2021, 68, 1; 81-97
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio G (Ius)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Profilaktyka agresji w pracy nauczyciela w perspektywie edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej
Pankowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
preventing aggression at school, Educational Transactional Analysis, teachers’ knowledge and self-awareness.
profilaktyka agresji w szkole, edukacyjna analiza transakcyjna, wiedza i samoświadomość nauczycieli.
The author, pointing to research results on the phenomenon of aggression among children and adolescents, postulates the need for schools to take more effective means to prevent aggression. She proposes using transactional analysis as a psychological theory and its application in education as a pedagogical practice. She discusses selected concepts connected with transactional analysis (Ego states, transactions, life positions, strokes, discounting, and passivity) and their links with the problem of aggression. She also shows how knowing these concepts may help teachers understand the roots of students’ aggressive behaviour, respond adequately, and take preventive actions. This article is only an outline of the issue presenting the potential of educational transactional analysis as the basis of educators’ and class teachers’ pedagogical work, with particular emphasis on preventing aggression
Autorka, wskazując na wyniki badań dotyczące zjawiska agresji dzieci i młodzieży, przedstawia konieczność podejmowania przez szkoły bardziej skutecznych działań w zakresie profilaktyki agresji. W tym celu proponuje wykorzystanie analizy transakcyjnej jako teorii psychologicznej i jej zastosowań w edukacji jako praktyki pedagogicznej. Omawia wybrane koncepcje z zakresu edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej (stany Ja, transakcje, pozycje życiowe, znaki rozpoznania, dyskontowanie i pasywność) i ich powiązania z problemem agresywności. Ukazuje, w jaki sposób wiedza na temat tych koncepcji może pomoc nauczycielom w rozumieniu źródeł agresywnych zachowań uczniów, wyborze reakcji adekwatnych do sytuacji oraz kierunków działań profilaktycznych. W artykule został przedstawiony jedynie zarys problematyki, aby przedstawić potencjał edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej jako podstawy pracy pedagogicznej nauczycieli i wychowawców, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem profilaktyki agresji.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2019, 38, 3
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems of towing of damaged tankers
Problemy holowania uszkodzonych zbiornikowców
Kobyliński, L.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
katastrofy zbiornikowców
system zapobiegania zanieczyszczeniom morza
tanker casualties
system of preventing marine environment pollution
Tanker casualties that happen from time to time in the world cause serious damage to environment with disastrous effects. In particular, casualties of tankers “Prestige”, “Erika” and “Nakhodka” where ships were seriously damaged, broken in the middle or separated into two parts showed that salvage operations in many cases were not effective. Such casualty in the Baltic Sea, that is closed area, may lead to the total destruction of the environment. The paper describes a proposed system of preventing marine environment pollution from damaged tankers. Problems related to towing of damaged tankers to the safe harbour or area, that consist an important element of the system, are discussed in more detail with reference to model tests of towing of damaged tanker performed at Iława Training and Research Centre for Ship Manoeuvrability.
Katastrofy zbiornikowców, które zdarzają się co jakiś czas, powodują poważne szkody w środowisku morskim. W szczególności katastrofy zbiornikowców „Prestige”, „Erika” czy „Nakhodka”, gdy statki zostały poważnie uszkodzone, przełamane w połowie lub rozbite na dwie części, wykazały, że akcja ratownicza w wielu przypadkach nie była efektywna. Gdyby taka katastrofa zdarzyła się na Bałtyku, które jest morzem zamkniętym, mogłoby to spowodować całkowite zniszczenie życia w morzu. W artykule zaproponowano system zapobiegania zanieczyszczaniu morza przez uszkodzone statki. Problemy odholowania takich statków do bezpiecznego portu czy akwenu, stanowiące ważny element systemu, omówiono szczegółowo w powiązaniu z badaniami holowania uszkodzonego zbiornikowca przeprowadzonymi w Badawczo-Szkoleniowym Ośrodku Manewrowania Statkami w Iławie.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2012, 29 (101); 69-75
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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