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A Good Practice (based on ELINET criteria) of Non-formal Education Involving a Library to Improve Literacy Skills (on the example of Hungarian project)
Dobra praktyka (oparta na kryteriach ELINET) edukacji pozaformalnej angażującej bibliotekę w celu poprawy umiejętności czytania i pisania (na przykładzie projektu węgierskiego)
Szabó, Ildikó
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
dobra praktyka
edukacja nieformalna
współpraca bibliotekarzy
nauczyciele i przyszli nauczyciele
literacy good practice
non-formal education
co-operation of librarians
pre- and in-service teachers
Rozpoczęty w lutym 2014 r. Projekt ELINET był realizowany przez 2 lata, przez 28 krajów europejskich. Jego celem była analiza i konsultacje w zakresie lokalnych, regionalnych, krajowych i ponadnarodowych polityk rozwoju umiejętności czytania i pisania, podnoszenie świadomości na temat alfabetyzacji oraz koordynowanie kampanii. Ostatecznie, efektem działania sieci było utworzenie Europejskiej ramy dobrych praktyk w podnoszeniu poziomu umiejętności czytania i pisania oraz przykładów jej zastosowania. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie sposobu, w jaki zebrano i zweryfikowano dobre praktyki, opisuje również dobrą praktykę (prowadzoną przez Wydział Pedagogiczny Uniwersytetu Johna von Neumanna w ramach programu „Czytanie należy do wszystkich, nawet do Ciebie!”), stworzoną w oparciu o dobre praktyki ELINET.
Started in February 2014, ELINET project run for 2 years including 28 European countries. It aimed to analyse and consult on literacy policies at a local, regional, national, and trans-national level, raising awareness of literacy issues and coordinating campaigns. Ultimately, the fruit of this network was to include a European framework of good practice in raising literacy levels and a sample of corresponding examples. The paper is to present the way good practices were collected and reviewed; and introduces a good practice (run by John von Neumann University Pedagogical Faculty, “Reading belongs to everyone, even to you!”) based on the ELINET good practice framework.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum; 2018, 2, 27; 37-54
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Habermasian Approach to the Examination of Language Teachers’ Cognitive Interests
Habermas‘sche Theorie in der Forschung zu kognitiven Interessen von Fremdsprachenlehrern
Villalobos-Buehner, Maria
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
pre-service language teachers
cognitive interests
technical interests
practical interests
emancipatory interests
künftige lehrer
jürgen habermas
kognitive interessen
Language teacher educators train pre-service teachers in numerous theories and pedagogical practices of language learning and language teaching. They expect that their student teachers will translate this conceptual and practical knowledge into action during their practicum. However, in the process of determining pre-service teachers’ readiness for the field experience and the profession in general, methods classes measure only their conceptual knowledge and omit looking at their student teachers’ belief system about language teaching and learning. This belief system is a strong indicator of how the students organize their knowledge for application (Borg, 2003) and may help teacher educators gauge students’ read ness in the use of new pedagogies that these pre-service teachers may not have experienced before. Using two reflective essays and a piece of authentic assessment as instruments to gather data, as well as Jürgen Habermas’s theory on cognitive interests as a framework to explore the espoused beliefs of nine pre-service language teachers at the end of a methodscourse, this qualitative study addressed the following questions: What levels of cognitive interests do the nine pre-service world language and ESL teachers exhibit prior to student teaching? To what extent do the students’ levels of cognitive interests change during the methods course called Teaching a Second Language? What are the most common cognitive interests regarding such areas of teaching performance, such as methodology and assessment among the participants? The results show that the nine pre-service teachers held mostly technicaland some practical cognitive interests at the beginning of the semester. In the end, most of the participants held practical interests, and three out of the nine pre-service teachers held elementary emancipatory beliefs. One pedagogical recommendation is to include experiences in the training of pre-service teachers that promote emancipatory beliefs that could support teachers in their pursuit of transforming challenging social conditions while examining and adopting new pedagogies.
Die Ausbildung zum Fremdsprachenlehrer umfasst sowohl theoretische und praktische Kurse, als auch pädagogische Praktika in der Schule (engl. practicum). Es wird erwartet, dass künftige Lehrer bei der Lehrtätigkeit während Praktikumszeit ihr konzeptionelles und praktisches Wissen einsetzen. Allerdings bei der Beurteilung ihrer Bereitschaft zur Lehrerarbeit wird lediglich das konzeptionelle Wissen in Betracht gezogen, während ihr Vorstellungssystem bezüglich Fremdsprachenlernen und -lehren ganz unberücksichtigt bleibt. Das erwähnte Vorstellungssystem bietet nicht nur einen wichtigen Einblick darin, wie sie ihr unterrichtsbezogenes Wissen organisieren, sondern weist auch auf ihre Offenheit für neue pädagogische Methoden hin. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird eine auf Grundlage der Theorie von Jürgen Habermas zu kognitiven Interessen konzipierte Untersuchung dargestellt, die sich auf die Analyse der Vorstellungen von neun künftigen Fremdsprachenlehrern zum Abschluss ihres methodischen Kurses bezieht. Die Analyse basiert auf Reflexionsessays betreffend un ter anderem kognitive Interessen der künftigen Lehrer sowie die Unterrichtsmethoden und Leistungsbeurteilung im Fremdsprachenlehren. Aus der Analyse ergibt sich, dass man bei der Bildung künftiger Lehrer die vorstellungsfördernden und auf den Verselbstständigungsprozess bezogenen Erfahrungen berücksichtigen sollte. Dies könnte die künftigen Lehrer bei den Bestrebungen unterstützen, ihre Autonomie im Bereich der Bewältigung von schweren Umweltbedingungen zu entwickeln oder die neuen pädagogischen Methoden umzusetzen.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2021, 7, 1; 11-31
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adopting Lesson Study to Enhance Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge
Triyanto, -
Handayani, Rif’ati Dina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
lesson study
pedagogical knowledge
pre-service teachers
teaching practices
Most pre-service teachers work individually in preparing their teaching and learning activities and rarely work closely with others. The purpose of this research was to investigate pre-service teacher pedagogical knowledge through lesson study. Data were collected with the use of an interview and observation. Qualitative data were analyzed in four stages: organizing data, exploring and sorting data, descriptive analysis, invention interpretation, and validation. Results indicated that lesson study enhanced pedagogical knowledge of the pre-service teacher in planning, preparation, teaching strategies, problem-solving, classroom management, questioning skills, and assessment. Lesson study enhanced the pre-service teacher’s experience by comprehensively focusing on all facets of school in learning and teaching settings offering learning experiences.
The New Educational Review; 2019, 56; 244-254
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ako vzdelávať budúcich učiteľov chémie k ochrane zdravia a starostlivosti o prostredie
Education of Pre-service Chemistry Teachers: Protecting Health and the Environment
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
e-learning,budúci učiteľ chémie životné prostredie
bezpečná práca
pre-service teacher
safe work
Neoddeliteľnou súčasťou prípravy budúcich učiteľov chémie je starostlivosť o bezpečnosť a ochranu zdravia (BOZP) a ochranu prostredia vo výchove a vzdelávaní. Cieľom príspevku je informovať o možnostiach vzdelávania budúcich učiteľov chémie v oblasti poskytnutia prvej pomoci pri intoxikácii odpadmi. Príspevok oboznamuje, s on-line inovatívnym študijným materiálom obsiahnutým v e-learningovom kurze pripravenom v rámci projektu KEGA (Kultúrna a vzdelávacia grantová agentúra) č. 044UKF-4/2017, ktorý je určený budúcim učiteľom. Pretože budúci učitelia chémie pracujú s chemikáliami, je dôležité pri manipulácii s nimi zamerať sa na nebezpečenstvá, ktoré ohrozujú nielen ich zdravie, ale aj okolité prostredie. Vzdelávacie témy kurzu analyzujú danú situáciu, hľadajú riešenia a východiská na zlepšenie aktuálneho stavu prostredia a ochranu zdravia. Príspevok opisuje nebezpečenstvá, ktoré hrozia pri práci v chemickom laboratóriu (požiar, výbuch a poranenie). Upozorňuje na dôležitosť predchádzania úrazom v pracovnom priestore dodržiavaním zásad bezpečnej práce. Poukazuje na dôležitosť výchovy a vzdelávania k dodržiavaniu BOZP a ochranu prostredia pre profesnú prípravu budúcich učiteľov chémie.
An integral part of the preparation of pre-service teachers is learning about Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and protecting health in the field of education. The aim of this paper is to share information about possibilities regarding the education of pre-service chemistry teachers in the area of providing first aid in the case of intoxication by waste. This paper provides information about on-line innovative study materials contained in the e-learning course prepared with the help of the KEGA Project (Cultural and Educational Grant Agency) No. 044UKF-4/2017, which is focused on pre-service chemistry teachers. Since pre-service chemistry teachers work with chemicals, it is important to focus on dangers, which threaten not only their health but also the surrounding environment. The topics comprising the course examine the situation, look for solutions to improve the current state of the environment and maximise the protectionof health. This paper describes injuries, which can occur while working in a chemical laboratory (risk of fire, explosion, and injury). It draws attention to the importance of injury prevention in the workplace with adherence to the principles of safe working practises. This paper shows the importance of training and education concerning OHS compliance and health protection for pre-service chemistry teachers.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2019, 10, 3; 237-245
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of Computer Mathematical Tools in University Training of Computer Science and Mathematics Pre-service Teachers
Zastosowanie komputerowych instrumentów matematycznych w przygotowaniu przyszłych nauczycieli informatyki i matematyki na uniwersytetach
Semenikhina, Olena
Proshkin, Volodymyr
Naboka, Olha
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
komputerowe narzędzia matematyczne
dynamiczne oprogramowanie geometryczne
systemy algebry komputerowej
przyszły nauczyciel informatyki
przyszły nauczyciel matematyki
Edukacja na Uniwersytecie
computer mathematical tools
dynamic geometry software
computer algebra system
pre-service teacher of mathematics
pre-service teacher of computer science
university education
The requirements for the training of mathematics and computer science teachers to use specialized mathematical software in professional activities are substantiated in the article. Among them: the ability to creatively choose the forms and methods of teaching for the use of specialized software; ability to find non-standard or creative mathematical problems; ability to make an informed choice of specialized software; ability to see possible ways to check the result obtained by the pupil; the ability to eliminate common mistakes when pupils use computer tools, etc. The specialized mathematical software, which is used today in mathematical training of mathematics and computer science teachers in Ukraine, has been specified. The specialized mathematical software which is used today for teaching mathematics in schools of Ukraine is given. The analysis of computer tools used by the teacher in the most common mathematical software is carried out. The most urgent problems faced by mathematics teachers in their professional activities are highlighted. The experiment with ninth-grade pupils proved the positive impact of using dynamic geometry software and appropriate mathematical tools on the level of pupils’ mathematical training, which is reason to talk about the importance of computer science and mathematics pre-service teacher training to involve such tools in professional activities. Prospects for further research in the direction of developing methods for using computer mathematical tools in a research-based learning environment are presented.
W artykule uzasadniono wymagania stawiane kształceniu nauczycieli matematyki i informatyki w kontekście wykorzystania specjalistycznego oprogramowania na kierunku matematycznym w działalności zawodowej. Wśród nich: umiejętność twórczego doboru form i metod nauczania obsługi specjalistycznego oprogramowania; umiejętność znajdowania niestandardowych lub kreatywnych problemów matematycznych; umiejętność dokonania wyważonego wyboru specjalistycznego oprogramowania; możliwość zobaczenia możliwych sposobów sprawdzenia wyniku uzyskanego przez ucznia; umiejętność eliminowania typowych błędów przy korzystaniu z narzędzi komputerowych itp. Doprecyzowano specjalistyczne oprogramowanie kierunku matematycznego, które jest obecnie wykorzystywane w kształceniu matematycznym nauczycieli matematyki i informatyki na Ukrainie. Przedstawiono specjalistyczne oprogramowanie kierunku matematycznego, które jest dziś używane do nauczania matematyki w ukraińskich szkołach. Dokonuje się analizy narzędzi komputerowych wykorzystywanych przez nauczyciela we wspólnym oprogramowaniu kierunku matematycznego. Zwrócono uwagę na najpilniejsze problemy, z którymi borykają się nauczyciele matematyki w swojej działalności zawodowej. W wyniku eksperymentu z uczniami klas 9 wykazano pozytywne uwarunkowanie stosowania dynamicznych układów geometrycznych i odpowiednich narzędzi matematycznych na poziom przygotowania matematycznego uczniów, co jest podstawą do rozmowy o znaczeniu przygotowania przyszłych nauczyciel informatyki i matematyki do wykorzystania takich narzędzi we własnej działalności zawodowej. Przedstawiono perspektywy dalszych badań naukowych w kontekście opracowania metodologii wykorzystania komputerowych narzędzi matematycznych w uczeniu się opartym na badaniach.
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL; 2020, 6, 2; 1-23
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Challenges in Teaching Practice at the College of Education based on the Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers: The Case for Kuwait University
Alshammari, Fahad
Eyadat, Waleed
Ebrahim, Ali
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
teaching practice
pre-service teachers
Kuwait University
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate challenges in teaching practice from pre-service teachers’ perspectives. To achieve this purpose, a valid and reliable questionnaire with two domains was developed as follows: school and management; and design and implementation of lessons. A random sample of 128 senior students who attended the student training program was chosen as the unit of analysis. Results of the study indicated that challenges related to school and management were high primarily in the following two areas: large number of students in the classroom followed by school principals not interested in accepting pre-service teachers in their schools. With regard to the design and implementation of lessons, challenges were high in the following three areas: teaching competence requirements were not clear during teaching practice followed by the fact that pre-service teachers do not know laws or regulations related to teaching practice and finally inadequacy of the training period related to design and implementation of lessons. Significant differences were not detected based on gender and specialization. Finally, the study provided a number of recommendations for the field of study.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 49; 250-260
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chest injuries based on Medical Rescue Team data
Szarpak, Łukasz
Madziała, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
chest injuries
pre-hospital care
Emergency Medical Service
Injuries are the leading cause of death before the age of 40 years, and the third most common incidence of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The aim of the study was to determine the number and type of chest injuries, based on EMS (Emergency Medical Service) documentation in the district of Otwock, with particular emphasis on patient age and gender at the time of injury. Material and methods. Analysis considered data obtained from medical rescue teams of Otwock County in 2009 concerning chest injuries. Results. The study group comprised 166 cases of chest injuries. Chest injuries were more often diagnosed in male patients. Most accidents occurred in the afternoon (between 1 and 6pm), and in the summer and winter seasons. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from heights were the most common cause of chest injuries, while the largest number of cases involved superficial chest injuries. Conclusions. Chest injuries accounted for 12% of all medical rescue team interventions, due to injuries, most often connected with superficial contusions of the chest wall. Rib fractures are usually caused by blunt chest injuries, most often relating to the V-VIII ribs. Fractures of the I-III ribs are rare and are evidence of a significant injury. Due to the flexibility of the thoracic wall, fractures in children are less common, as compared to the adult population. Most chest injuries occur in the afternoon during increased patient activity.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2012, 84, 5; 247-252
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Competence of planning educational process in pre-service teacher training
Kompetencje planowania procesu edukacyjnego w kształceniu przyszłych nauczycieli
Gadušová, Zdenka
Predanocyová, L’ubica
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
planowanie procesu edukacyjnego
kształcenie przyszłych nauczycieli
planning the educational process
pre-service studies
Słowacki system edukacji wymaga troski o wysoką jakość, która zależna jest od poziomu kształcenia nauczycieli. Przygotowanie zawodowe nauczycieli musi odpowiadać bieżącym oczekiwaniom w zakresie ich kompetencji zawodowych. Zarządzanie i planowanie procesu kształcenia jest jedną z podstawowych umiejętności planowania pracy nauczyciela w szkole. Kwestia ta jest częścią projektu badawczego „Ocena kompetencji nauczyciela” (APVV-14-0446). Planowanie jest początkową czynnością i elementem zarządzania edukacją. Jest to skomplikowany proces, który jest wdrażany przez nauczycieli na kilku poziomach. Artykuł koncentruje się na analizie istoty i składników kompetencji niezbędnych do planowania procesu dydaktycznego. Przedstawiono w nim wyniki badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych ze studentami na poziomie studiów magisterskich na Wydziale Sztuki na Uniwersytecie Konstantego Filozofa w Nitrze. Potrzeba wysokiej jakości kształcenia nauczycieli zanim podejmą pracę zawodową wymaga przygotowania merytorycznego. Aspekt teoretyczny oraz znajomość charakteru i znaczenia związanej z tym kompetencji poznawczej (kognitywnej) wymaga bezpośredniego powiązania jej z praktycznym kształceniem studentów. Formacja i rozwój profesjonalizmu przyszłego nauczyciela zakłada rozwój jego/jej umiejętności nauczania, które są wspierane przez różne moduły doświadczenia pedagogicznego podczas studiów uniwersyteckich. W kontekście rozwijania kompetencji planowania procesu nauczania, umiejętność tworzenia modelowej lekcji jest uważana za podstawową umiejętność w kształceniu innych, która bazuje na odpowiednim wyborze tematu. Zadania dydaktyczne i edukacyjne powinny zapewniać osiągnięcie wyznaczonych celów przez uczniów.
Currently, the Slovak system of education requires an increase in its quality, which is influenced by quality of teacher training. Pre-service education of teachers must respond to current requirements concerning their professional competences. Management and planning of education are one of the fundamental teaching skills for teacher’s successful integration in school. The issue is a part of a research project Assessmentof Teacher’s Competences (APVV-14-0446). Planning is an initial activity and a part of the management of educational work. It is a complicated process that a teacher implements at several levels. The paper focuses on the analysis of the nature and components of the competence to plan the teaching process. It presents the results of empirical research carried out with students at the master’s level of their studies at the Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. The need for high-quality pre-service education of teachers requires strengthening their educational needs at the cognitive level. The theoretical aspect and knowledge of the nature and importance of the analyzed competence requires a direct link with practical training of students. The formation and development of future teacher’s professionalism assumes development of their teaching skills which are supported by various modules of teaching experience during their University studies. In the context of developing the competence to plan the teaching process, the ability to create a model lesson is considered to be the basic teaching skill based on the ability of the relevant choice of subject matter, teaching and learning activities to ensure achievement of the set goals by students.
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2018, 6, 1; 161-179
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Context-related Beliefs about L2 Language Learning and Teaching of the Millennial Pre-service EFL Teachers as a Prognosis for Future Classroom Actions
Szyszka, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
pre-service language teachers
language teaching
language learning
The qualitative study presented in this paper aimed to collect beliefs about learning and teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) from individual representatives of the generation frequently referred to as the millennials. The participants were 47 pre-service EFL trainee teachers from four socio-cultural contexts: Finnish, Israeli, Polish, and Spanish. Their voices have been considered because beliefs are dynamically related to actions and soon the millennial EFL teachers may implement them in the course of their teaching. The contextual approach, followed in this research, provided opportunities for discussing similarities and differences in the beliefs of Finnish, Israeli, Polish, and Spanish pre-service teachers. The identified similarities lead to outlining a tentative picture of a universal, future, post-pandemic EFL classroom.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2023, 9, 1; 1-20
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crossing Steam and Media Literacy at Preschool and Primary School Levels: Teacher Training, Workshop Planning, its Implementation, Monitoring and Assessment
Tomé, Vitor
S. De Abreu, Belinha
Data publikacji:
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Media Literacy
In-Service Teacher Training Pre-School Children
Primary School
Seventeen workshops on STEAM and Media Literacy, involving 500 children aged 3-10, their families and other community members, in a pandemic context, was the end result of the third phase of the ‘Digital Citizenship Academy’. This community-based action research project began in early 2015, in a Lisbon neighbourhood of Portugal. The workshops were planned, implemented, monitored and assessed by 29 teachers during an online training initially planned to be developed on site. Despite the Covid-19 outbreak, teachers implemented strategies to overcome the lack of resources and autonomy of many students, especially younger ones, and the training focus remained on the production of scientific, artistic, technological, but also media content. The workshops allowed the creation of media and STEAM products primarily focused on the arts, but in which science, technology, engineering and mathematics were present. Results point to the fact that STEAM projects gain in relevance when associated with Media Literacy activities, and vice versa. Although there is a general feeling that the situation resulting from the pandemic prevented the achievement of more significant results, the training course was suitable to pedagogical practices, provided an opportunity for sharing of experiences, practices and ideas, fostered cooperation and interdisciplinary, and resulted in useful resources.
Media Literacy and Academic Research; 2022, 5, 1; 161-177
Pojawia się w:
Media Literacy and Academic Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Das Potenzial kollegialen Feedbacks für die Förderung der Evaluationskompetenz bei angehenden Fremdsprachenlehrenden – Ergebnisse einer Studie
The potential of peer-to-peer-feedback for enhancing assessment competence in pre-service language teachers – results of a study
Janicka, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Collegium Novum. Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne
formative assessment peer-to-peer-feedback
assessment competence pre-service teacher training
ocenianie kształtujące
ocenianie koleżeńskie
kompetencja diagnostyczna kształcenie nauczycieli
The article introduces formative assessment as one of the most powerful factors influencing students’ achievements and presents its significance for process-oriented learning and teaching. Due to its importance formative assessment should be an inherent part of the pre-service teacher training program. The aim of the present paper is to highlight the potential of peer-to-peer-feedback, as a part of formative assessment, for enhancing the assessment competence of pre-service teachers. The results of the study presented in the article suggest ways in which peer-to-peer feedback can be used to foster the assessment competence of prospective teachers.
Neofilolog; 2020, 54/1; 87-104
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Designing a pre-service CLIL teacher education program
Brzosko-Barratt, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
foreign language
pre-service teacher education
early education
CLIL lesson planning
This paper is a part of a larger instrumental case study exploring the process of creating a CLIL teacher education program for early primary level at the University of Warsaw. The paper identifies some challenges related to program design and describes areas of growth of student teachers specifically related to CLIL planning instruction. The data were collected over a period of five years and included interviews and focused groups with student teachers, teacher educators and mentor teachers as well as the analysis of CLIL units created by the student teachers.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2019, 64(3 (253)); 173-193
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dilemmas in language teaching and teacher education
Komorowska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
language education
foreign language teaching
pre-service teacher education
language teachers’ dilemmas
quality in education
enabling institutions.
The article analyses disappointing data concerning the status of the teaching profession and teachers’ self-perceptions revealed in recent TALIS, EURYDICE and EUROSTAT reports. Reasons for teachers’ difficulties are then analysed vis-à-vis criteria for the evaluation of quality in education. Emphasis is given to decision-making processes and the type of dilemmas encountered by teacher trainers working in the academic context and foreign language teachers employed in school systems of EU member states. Implications for educational policies of the future are sought and an attempt is made to examine the role of enabling institutions such as the Council of Europe and the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz.
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics; 2016, 43, 1; 81-95
Pojawia się w:
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drama Education in Pre-Service Education for Primary School Teachers
Cisovská, Hana
Karaffa, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
drama education
pre-service teacher education
personality-based and social competence
a dialogue
drama games (role playing) and improvisations
action research
The authors deal with the research focused on the verification of school drama education in the pre-service education for primary school teachers. The research project period covered the years 1998-2003, as part of the research project of the above organisation with the title “New Opportunities in Teacher, Educator and Pupil Education for the Learning Society of the 21st century” (msm174500001 – with Assistant Professor Hana Lukášová as the Head Project Researcher). The project results can be split into the following areas: a) Verification of the drama education methods in the study subject titled Basics in professional practice b) The development of dialogue skills in drama games (role playing) and improvisations of students studying the drama education subject.
The New Educational Review; 2005, 5; 225-240
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of Competency Programme for Understanding and Guiding Students with Learning Difficulties on Teacher Efficacy, Teaching Passion, and Empathy of Pre-Service Teachers
Lee, June
Lee, Yunoug
Kim, Mi Hwa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
competency programme
students with learning difficulties
teacher efficacy
teaching passion
pre-service teachers
Education for pre-service teachers should focus on developing the competencies necessary to understand and practice learners’ cognitive and emotional characteristics. In this study, after applying the competency programme for understanding and guiding students with learning difficulties to pre-service teachers, the effects of the programme on teacher efficacy, teaching passion, and empathy were verified. As a result, it was found that participating in the experimental group to which the competency programme was applied was more effective than the control group in enhancing teacher efficacy, teaching passion, and empathy of pre-service teachers, and discussion and suggestions were provided.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 68; 139-149
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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