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Uczenie się we współpracy ze studentami – użyteczność wybranych afordancji podczas procesu dzielenia się wiedzą
Zbróg, Zuzanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
communities of practice
pre-service teacher education
constructive feedback
knowledge sharing
społeczności praktyków
kształcenie przyszłych nauczycieli
konstruktywna informacja zwrotna
dzielenie się wiedzą
Wprowadzenie: We wprowadzeniu wyjaśniłam znaczenie podstawowych koncepcji i kategorii teoretycznych: społeczność praktyków, relacyjna koncepcja uczenia się poprzez dzielenie się wiedzą, sieci społeczne. Podałam przykładowe czynniki, które oddziałują na efektywność procesu dzielenia się wiedzą w ramach społeczności praktyków. Dołączyłam do analizowanej koncepcji kategorię afordancji, która wiąże się z możliwościami działania w określonym środowisku. Cel badań: Celem badań było zrozumienie i opisanie, jak tworzę, interpretuję i zmieniam otoczenie społeczne i osobiste. Ujęłam moją perspektywę badawczą w pytaniu: Jak wykorzystać afordancje interpersonalne w polu oceniania dla budowania wspólnoty podmiotów uczących się od siebie nawzajem w przestrzeni akademickiej? Metoda badań: Wybrałam pracę z wykorzystaniem autoetnografii. Zastosowałam procedurę analizy danych według podejścia ewokatywnego, którego cechą charakterystyczną jest zmiana zarówno podmiotu poznającego (badacza), jak i odbiorców przekazu. Wyniki: Współczesny kontekst społecznego funkcjonowania studentów wymaga zdecydowanego przejścia/powrotu do kultury uczenia się relacyjnego, w której znaczenie mają: zadbanie o dobrostan emocjonalny, wrażliwość na potrzeby studentów, wsparcie, w tym w postaci konstruktywnej informacji zwrotnej opartej na refleksji indywidualnej lub grupowej (rówieśniczej). Podzielane w grupie tego typu wartości afordują środowisko sprzyjające uczeniu się. Wnioski: Afordancje interpersonalne w polu oceniania wywodzą się z pewnego typu motywacji i wartości przyświecających osobie budującej relacje w określonej społeczności. Sytuacja kryzysowa afordowała we mnie działania, które wiązały się ze zmianą stylu codziennego funkcjonowania na bardziej uważny, wspierający, wymagający stworzenia relacyjnej, komfortowej przestrzeni do uczenia się. Relacje komunikacyjne oparte na różnego typu konstruktywnej informacji zwrotnej w sposób obserwowalny doprowadziły do pozytywnej zmiany kontekstów uczenia się od siebie nawzajem.
Introduction: In the introduction I explain the meaning of the main concepts and theoretical categories: a community of practice, the relational concept of learning through knowledge sharing, and social networks. I provide examples of factors that influence the effectiveness of the knowledge sharing process within communities of practice. I add to the analysed concept the category of affordances which is related to the possibilities to act in a specific environment. Research Aim: The aim of the research is to understand and describe how I create, interpret and change my social and personal environment. I formulate my research perspective in the following questions: How to use possible interpersonal affordances in the field of assessment to build a community of entities learning from each other in the academic space? Method: It is my choice to work using autoethnography, I apply the procedure of data analysis following the evocative approach, which is characterised by a change in both the subject of cognition (the researcher) and the recipient of the message. Results: The contemporary context of students’ social functioning requires a decisive transition/return to the culture of relational learning, in which the following are important: taking care of emotional well-being, sensitivity to students’ needs, and support, including in the form of constructive feedback based on individual or group (peer) reflection. These types of values shared in a group provide an environment conducive to learning. Conclusions: Interpersonal affordances in the field of assessment come from certain types of motivations and values that guide a person building relationships in a specific community. The crisis situation afforded me actions that involved changing my style of everyday functioning to a more attentive, supportive one, requiring the creation of a relational, comfortable space for learning. Communication relationships based on various types of constructive feedback have observably led to a positive change in the contexts of learning from each other.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2023, 42, 4; 41-57
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pre-service teacher self-efficacy in Poland and Slovakia
Zamkowska, Anna
Depešová, Jana
Sałata, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
pre-service teachers
course of study
year of studies
field experience
The level of preparation of teachers before they enter the profession is an important factor affecting the level of culture of future generations and, consequently, the society as a whole. This preparation requires not only the proper implementation of the curriculum, but also the acquisition of self-efficacy skills. So far, the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers has been studied with respect to different variables. However, there is a lack of satisfactory comparative research among students from Poland and Slovakia, the countries of slightly different approach to preparation of pre-service teachers. To fill this gap, a comparative study of 355 Polish and 198 Slovakian university students was conducted using Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale. The purpose of the research was to determine which variables, including the country (Poland, Slovakia), course, form, year of study and participation in the field experience correlate significantly with the sense of efficacy of pre-service teachers. The obtained results indicate a satisfactory consistency between the Polish and the Slovakian version of the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale. The research revealed a significantly higher self-evaluation among Polish university students and students of early childhood education. Part-time students with field experience evaluated themselves higher than full time students. The results emphasize that it is important to place high demands on future teachers and create appropriate conditions to improve their teaching and self-evaluative abilities.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2023, 23, 4; 56-71
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Habermasian Approach to the Examination of Language Teachers’ Cognitive Interests
Habermas‘sche Theorie in der Forschung zu kognitiven Interessen von Fremdsprachenlehrern
Villalobos-Buehner, Maria
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
pre-service language teachers
cognitive interests
technical interests
practical interests
emancipatory interests
künftige lehrer
jürgen habermas
kognitive interessen
Language teacher educators train pre-service teachers in numerous theories and pedagogical practices of language learning and language teaching. They expect that their student teachers will translate this conceptual and practical knowledge into action during their practicum. However, in the process of determining pre-service teachers’ readiness for the field experience and the profession in general, methods classes measure only their conceptual knowledge and omit looking at their student teachers’ belief system about language teaching and learning. This belief system is a strong indicator of how the students organize their knowledge for application (Borg, 2003) and may help teacher educators gauge students’ read ness in the use of new pedagogies that these pre-service teachers may not have experienced before. Using two reflective essays and a piece of authentic assessment as instruments to gather data, as well as Jürgen Habermas’s theory on cognitive interests as a framework to explore the espoused beliefs of nine pre-service language teachers at the end of a methodscourse, this qualitative study addressed the following questions: What levels of cognitive interests do the nine pre-service world language and ESL teachers exhibit prior to student teaching? To what extent do the students’ levels of cognitive interests change during the methods course called Teaching a Second Language? What are the most common cognitive interests regarding such areas of teaching performance, such as methodology and assessment among the participants? The results show that the nine pre-service teachers held mostly technicaland some practical cognitive interests at the beginning of the semester. In the end, most of the participants held practical interests, and three out of the nine pre-service teachers held elementary emancipatory beliefs. One pedagogical recommendation is to include experiences in the training of pre-service teachers that promote emancipatory beliefs that could support teachers in their pursuit of transforming challenging social conditions while examining and adopting new pedagogies.
Die Ausbildung zum Fremdsprachenlehrer umfasst sowohl theoretische und praktische Kurse, als auch pädagogische Praktika in der Schule (engl. practicum). Es wird erwartet, dass künftige Lehrer bei der Lehrtätigkeit während Praktikumszeit ihr konzeptionelles und praktisches Wissen einsetzen. Allerdings bei der Beurteilung ihrer Bereitschaft zur Lehrerarbeit wird lediglich das konzeptionelle Wissen in Betracht gezogen, während ihr Vorstellungssystem bezüglich Fremdsprachenlernen und -lehren ganz unberücksichtigt bleibt. Das erwähnte Vorstellungssystem bietet nicht nur einen wichtigen Einblick darin, wie sie ihr unterrichtsbezogenes Wissen organisieren, sondern weist auch auf ihre Offenheit für neue pädagogische Methoden hin. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird eine auf Grundlage der Theorie von Jürgen Habermas zu kognitiven Interessen konzipierte Untersuchung dargestellt, die sich auf die Analyse der Vorstellungen von neun künftigen Fremdsprachenlehrern zum Abschluss ihres methodischen Kurses bezieht. Die Analyse basiert auf Reflexionsessays betreffend un ter anderem kognitive Interessen der künftigen Lehrer sowie die Unterrichtsmethoden und Leistungsbeurteilung im Fremdsprachenlehren. Aus der Analyse ergibt sich, dass man bei der Bildung künftiger Lehrer die vorstellungsfördernden und auf den Verselbstständigungsprozess bezogenen Erfahrungen berücksichtigen sollte. Dies könnte die künftigen Lehrer bei den Bestrebungen unterstützen, ihre Autonomie im Bereich der Bewältigung von schweren Umweltbedingungen zu entwickeln oder die neuen pädagogischen Methoden umzusetzen.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2021, 7, 1; 11-31
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Is digital literacy improving science education?
Verdugo-Perona, José Javier
Solaz-Portolés, Joan Josep
Sanjosé, Vicente
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
science education
mass media
digital media
scientific literacy
media literacy
pre-service primary teachers
education and media
scientific knowledge
Mass media, and especially digital media, have become an important tool of literacy and have increased their use in classrooms for educational purposes. This is of great interest in scientific literacy and Brossard and Shanahan (2006) developed an instrument to evaluate the understanding of scientific terms and basic science concepts. In this quantitative study we analyse the relationship between Spanish digital mass media and scientific literacy in pre-service primary teachers (N = 189). Results showed that these university students have a term knowledge level lower than the one found by Brossard and Shanahan in the USA. On the other hand, conceptual knowledge was not correlated at all to the term frequency in the Spanish digital newspapers considered. The conclusions suggest that participants do not use digital newspapers to improve their science education so a change in students’ use of those digital media from ludic to educational purposes is needed.
The New Educational Review; 2015, 40; 155-166
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pre-Service English Teachers’ Narrative Identity
ULUM, Ömer Gökhan
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
EFL teachers
pre-service EFL teachers
narrative identity
professional identity
Aim. This phenomenological study probes the experiences of pre-service English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in the practicum process. Thus, this paper aims at bringing a light to the effects of practicum experiences of pre-service EFL teachers on their professional identity. Methods. Based upon a narrative identity method, this phenomenological inquiry examines the experiences of pre-service EFL teachers (N= 20) in their practicum. A one-shot question was directed to the informants with the aim of clarifying their personal constructs. Results. Practicum has got a significant role in education faculties all over the world. The theories applied in teaching practicum are quite common and universal. However, the practices utilised in practicum may show variations among education faculties. Further, the practicum content, and the characteristics of teacher candidates and supervisors may cause practicum to be carried out in diverse ways. The practicum aspect of pre-service teacher education is contemporarily given significant emphasis all around the world. Further, the exact theory of practicum and the desired outcomes of the related practices are relatively identical in education faculties throughout the world. Nonetheless, the practicum practices represent diversities among institutions. Yet, the characteristics and experiences of pre-service teachers may lead the practicum to be carried out in diverse ways in dissimilar contexts. Conclusion. The results of the study suggest that teacher candidates developed both positive and negative cognitive constructs during their practicum. Related implications are provided to overcome the problems encountered during practicum, as well as to suggest ways to develop EFL pre-service teachers’ practicum process. Keywords: EFL teachers, pre-service EFL teachers, practicum, narrative identity, professional identity
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2020, 11, 1; 92-101
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adopting Lesson Study to Enhance Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge
Triyanto, -
Handayani, Rif’ati Dina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
lesson study
pedagogical knowledge
pre-service teachers
teaching practices
Most pre-service teachers work individually in preparing their teaching and learning activities and rarely work closely with others. The purpose of this research was to investigate pre-service teacher pedagogical knowledge through lesson study. Data were collected with the use of an interview and observation. Qualitative data were analyzed in four stages: organizing data, exploring and sorting data, descriptive analysis, invention interpretation, and validation. Results indicated that lesson study enhanced pedagogical knowledge of the pre-service teacher in planning, preparation, teaching strategies, problem-solving, classroom management, questioning skills, and assessment. Lesson study enhanced the pre-service teacher’s experience by comprehensively focusing on all facets of school in learning and teaching settings offering learning experiences.
The New Educational Review; 2019, 56; 244-254
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crossing Steam and Media Literacy at Preschool and Primary School Levels: Teacher Training, Workshop Planning, its Implementation, Monitoring and Assessment
Tomé, Vitor
S. De Abreu, Belinha
Data publikacji:
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Media Literacy
In-Service Teacher Training Pre-School Children
Primary School
Seventeen workshops on STEAM and Media Literacy, involving 500 children aged 3-10, their families and other community members, in a pandemic context, was the end result of the third phase of the ‘Digital Citizenship Academy’. This community-based action research project began in early 2015, in a Lisbon neighbourhood of Portugal. The workshops were planned, implemented, monitored and assessed by 29 teachers during an online training initially planned to be developed on site. Despite the Covid-19 outbreak, teachers implemented strategies to overcome the lack of resources and autonomy of many students, especially younger ones, and the training focus remained on the production of scientific, artistic, technological, but also media content. The workshops allowed the creation of media and STEAM products primarily focused on the arts, but in which science, technology, engineering and mathematics were present. Results point to the fact that STEAM projects gain in relevance when associated with Media Literacy activities, and vice versa. Although there is a general feeling that the situation resulting from the pandemic prevented the achievement of more significant results, the training course was suitable to pedagogical practices, provided an opportunity for sharing of experiences, practices and ideas, fostered cooperation and interdisciplinary, and resulted in useful resources.
Media Literacy and Academic Research; 2022, 5, 1; 161-177
Pojawia się w:
Media Literacy and Academic Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Context-related Beliefs about L2 Language Learning and Teaching of the Millennial Pre-service EFL Teachers as a Prognosis for Future Classroom Actions
Szyszka, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
pre-service language teachers
language teaching
language learning
The qualitative study presented in this paper aimed to collect beliefs about learning and teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) from individual representatives of the generation frequently referred to as the millennials. The participants were 47 pre-service EFL trainee teachers from four socio-cultural contexts: Finnish, Israeli, Polish, and Spanish. Their voices have been considered because beliefs are dynamically related to actions and soon the millennial EFL teachers may implement them in the course of their teaching. The contextual approach, followed in this research, provided opportunities for discussing similarities and differences in the beliefs of Finnish, Israeli, Polish, and Spanish pre-service teachers. The identified similarities lead to outlining a tentative picture of a universal, future, post-pandemic EFL classroom.
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition; 2023, 9, 1; 1-20
Pojawia się w:
Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plurilingual competence in pre-service teacher training
Szymankiewicz, Krystyna
Kucharczyk, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Collegium Novum. Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne
plurilingual competence
pre-service teacher education
second foreign language (L3)
practical skills
kompetencja różnojęzyczna
początkowe kształcenie nauczycieli
drugi język obcy
Modern language policy in Europe has put forward the concept of multilingualism, and with this plurilingual competence. The definitions of both phenomena can be found in numerous documents of the Council of Europe, especially in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.The authors of this document describe multilingual communication in some detail, where the native speaker user is beyond the scale. A lot of attention is currently being given to issues of multilingualism in education, with numerous articles, suggestions for teaching activities and tools to develop related skills.This article raises the question of the preparation of future teachers of languages which will be taught as the second foreign language (L3) and how plurilingual competence can be developed in the classroom. The study, conducted among students of Romance languages answers the following questions.Are students, who are future L3 language teachers, adequately prepared to develop plurilingual competence in their students? Do they have the appropriate knowledge and practical skills to do this? What are their beliefs regarding the role of different languages when teaching the L3 target language?
Neofilolog; 2015, 45/1; 73-86
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chest injuries based on Medical Rescue Team data
Szarpak, Łukasz
Madziała, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
chest injuries
pre-hospital care
Emergency Medical Service
Injuries are the leading cause of death before the age of 40 years, and the third most common incidence of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The aim of the study was to determine the number and type of chest injuries, based on EMS (Emergency Medical Service) documentation in the district of Otwock, with particular emphasis on patient age and gender at the time of injury. Material and methods. Analysis considered data obtained from medical rescue teams of Otwock County in 2009 concerning chest injuries. Results. The study group comprised 166 cases of chest injuries. Chest injuries were more often diagnosed in male patients. Most accidents occurred in the afternoon (between 1 and 6pm), and in the summer and winter seasons. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from heights were the most common cause of chest injuries, while the largest number of cases involved superficial chest injuries. Conclusions. Chest injuries accounted for 12% of all medical rescue team interventions, due to injuries, most often connected with superficial contusions of the chest wall. Rib fractures are usually caused by blunt chest injuries, most often relating to the V-VIII ribs. Fractures of the I-III ribs are rare and are evidence of a significant injury. Due to the flexibility of the thoracic wall, fractures in children are less common, as compared to the adult population. Most chest injuries occur in the afternoon during increased patient activity.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2012, 84, 5; 247-252
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Good Practice (based on ELINET criteria) of Non-formal Education Involving a Library to Improve Literacy Skills (on the example of Hungarian project)
Dobra praktyka (oparta na kryteriach ELINET) edukacji pozaformalnej angażującej bibliotekę w celu poprawy umiejętności czytania i pisania (na przykładzie projektu węgierskiego)
Szabó, Ildikó
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
dobra praktyka
edukacja nieformalna
współpraca bibliotekarzy
nauczyciele i przyszli nauczyciele
literacy good practice
non-formal education
co-operation of librarians
pre- and in-service teachers
Rozpoczęty w lutym 2014 r. Projekt ELINET był realizowany przez 2 lata, przez 28 krajów europejskich. Jego celem była analiza i konsultacje w zakresie lokalnych, regionalnych, krajowych i ponadnarodowych polityk rozwoju umiejętności czytania i pisania, podnoszenie świadomości na temat alfabetyzacji oraz koordynowanie kampanii. Ostatecznie, efektem działania sieci było utworzenie Europejskiej ramy dobrych praktyk w podnoszeniu poziomu umiejętności czytania i pisania oraz przykładów jej zastosowania. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie sposobu, w jaki zebrano i zweryfikowano dobre praktyki, opisuje również dobrą praktykę (prowadzoną przez Wydział Pedagogiczny Uniwersytetu Johna von Neumanna w ramach programu „Czytanie należy do wszystkich, nawet do Ciebie!”), stworzoną w oparciu o dobre praktyki ELINET.
Started in February 2014, ELINET project run for 2 years including 28 European countries. It aimed to analyse and consult on literacy policies at a local, regional, national, and trans-national level, raising awareness of literacy issues and coordinating campaigns. Ultimately, the fruit of this network was to include a European framework of good practice in raising literacy levels and a sample of corresponding examples. The paper is to present the way good practices were collected and reviewed; and introduces a good practice (run by John von Neumann University Pedagogical Faculty, “Reading belongs to everyone, even to you!”) based on the ELINET good practice framework.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum; 2018, 2, 27; 37-54
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pre-service teachers’ beliefs about teaching English to older adults: The case of motivation
Słowik-Krogulec, Agata
Data publikacji:
Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Foreign Language Geragogy (FLG)
lifelong learning
the age factor
older adults
pre-service teachers’ beliefs
As of 2021, in Poland there are hardly any University courses preparing pre-service teachers to teach groups of the age of 60 and older. However, at the same time, it is estimated that in Poland older adults represent approximately 24% of the population and it is expected to increase to 40.4% by 2050. The number of private language centres and Universities of the Third Age (U3A) offering, among other subjects, foreign language education, is also constantly growing. In order to examine the value of introducing “Foreign Language Geragogy” (FLG, i.e. teaching foreign languages to older adults) to the curriculum, a qualitative study of forty two MA students from the Institute of English Studies (University of Wrocław) was carried out. Only half of the respondents attended the elective course and MA seminar “Older adults and SLA”, but both groups completed the same open-ended questionnaire, the aim of which was to explore pre-service teachers’ subjective theories regarding older adults’ motivation to learn foreign languages in later life, and to examine the extent to which they were affected by the content of the course. The results suggest that such courses are valuable, and pre-service teachers’ opinions regarding foreign language learning and teaching to older adults should be challenged in order to offer a better quality of teaching and to promote the idea of lifelong learning.
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; 2021, 10; 149-174
Pojawia się w:
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of Computer Mathematical Tools in University Training of Computer Science and Mathematics Pre-service Teachers
Zastosowanie komputerowych instrumentów matematycznych w przygotowaniu przyszłych nauczycieli informatyki i matematyki na uniwersytetach
Semenikhina, Olena
Proshkin, Volodymyr
Naboka, Olha
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
komputerowe narzędzia matematyczne
dynamiczne oprogramowanie geometryczne
systemy algebry komputerowej
przyszły nauczyciel informatyki
przyszły nauczyciel matematyki
Edukacja na Uniwersytecie
computer mathematical tools
dynamic geometry software
computer algebra system
pre-service teacher of mathematics
pre-service teacher of computer science
university education
The requirements for the training of mathematics and computer science teachers to use specialized mathematical software in professional activities are substantiated in the article. Among them: the ability to creatively choose the forms and methods of teaching for the use of specialized software; ability to find non-standard or creative mathematical problems; ability to make an informed choice of specialized software; ability to see possible ways to check the result obtained by the pupil; the ability to eliminate common mistakes when pupils use computer tools, etc. The specialized mathematical software, which is used today in mathematical training of mathematics and computer science teachers in Ukraine, has been specified. The specialized mathematical software which is used today for teaching mathematics in schools of Ukraine is given. The analysis of computer tools used by the teacher in the most common mathematical software is carried out. The most urgent problems faced by mathematics teachers in their professional activities are highlighted. The experiment with ninth-grade pupils proved the positive impact of using dynamic geometry software and appropriate mathematical tools on the level of pupils’ mathematical training, which is reason to talk about the importance of computer science and mathematics pre-service teacher training to involve such tools in professional activities. Prospects for further research in the direction of developing methods for using computer mathematical tools in a research-based learning environment are presented.
W artykule uzasadniono wymagania stawiane kształceniu nauczycieli matematyki i informatyki w kontekście wykorzystania specjalistycznego oprogramowania na kierunku matematycznym w działalności zawodowej. Wśród nich: umiejętność twórczego doboru form i metod nauczania obsługi specjalistycznego oprogramowania; umiejętność znajdowania niestandardowych lub kreatywnych problemów matematycznych; umiejętność dokonania wyważonego wyboru specjalistycznego oprogramowania; możliwość zobaczenia możliwych sposobów sprawdzenia wyniku uzyskanego przez ucznia; umiejętność eliminowania typowych błędów przy korzystaniu z narzędzi komputerowych itp. Doprecyzowano specjalistyczne oprogramowanie kierunku matematycznego, które jest obecnie wykorzystywane w kształceniu matematycznym nauczycieli matematyki i informatyki na Ukrainie. Przedstawiono specjalistyczne oprogramowanie kierunku matematycznego, które jest dziś używane do nauczania matematyki w ukraińskich szkołach. Dokonuje się analizy narzędzi komputerowych wykorzystywanych przez nauczyciela we wspólnym oprogramowaniu kierunku matematycznego. Zwrócono uwagę na najpilniejsze problemy, z którymi borykają się nauczyciele matematyki w swojej działalności zawodowej. W wyniku eksperymentu z uczniami klas 9 wykazano pozytywne uwarunkowanie stosowania dynamicznych układów geometrycznych i odpowiednich narzędzi matematycznych na poziom przygotowania matematycznego uczniów, co jest podstawą do rozmowy o znaczeniu przygotowania przyszłych nauczyciel informatyki i matematyki do wykorzystania takich narzędzi we własnej działalności zawodowej. Przedstawiono perspektywy dalszych badań naukowych w kontekście opracowania metodologii wykorzystania komputerowych narzędzi matematycznych w uczeniu się opartym na badaniach.
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL; 2020, 6, 2; 1-23
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Idea zrównoważonego rozwoju w kształceniu studentów kierunków nauczycielskich
Rogalska-Marasińska, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
edukacja na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju
kształcenie i doskonalenie nauczycieli akademickich i szkolnych
problemy z implementacją idei zrównoważenia w przygotowaniu i rozwoju zawodowym nauczycieli
Projekt X
education for sustainable development
teacher education and vocational training of university and school teachers
problems with implementation of sustainability in pre- and in-service teacher education
Project X
Contemporary neoliberal reality with clear and unambiguous rules of actions imposes tough social inter-dependences and obligations. At the same time, commonly present mainstream tendency to weaken interpersonal relations, to doubt in senses and meanings, and to accept each behaviour without the possibility to formulate personal attitude towards it, has led to total mess in human life. An unbalanced man hardly manages to exist in all devastated dimensions of his world: social, cultural, environmental and economical. The need to turn back and to reach the sustainable level of life becomes more and more clear. The route to sustainability needs ambitious, common and responsible education. The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development was the first global project. Now we should undertake activities presented in Global Action Plan. To make that immense plan become real we need properly and thoroughly prepared school teachers and academics. Pre-service and in-service teacher development becomes a global issue. Contemporary vocational obligations and expectations formulated towards that group of professionals considerably inhibit the process of change. That is why, the diagnosis of global pedeutological problems and tendencies is one of the most important steps for preparing a better plan to work with Polish teachers. The paper presents possible ways to work with students – future teachers – to develop sustainable awareness and attitudes, derived from proper knowledge and skills. Project X is one of the most interesting and inspiring educational tools. Basing on Polish primary and secondary curriculum, students of the University of Lodz learn how to think in sustainable manner, and how to join knowledge and skills from various schools subjects to build a holistic educational message.
Współczesna neoliberalna rzeczywistość o jednoznacznych regułach zachowań narzuca twardą grę społeczną. Jednocześnie powszechnie panujący mainstreamowy „nakaz” domagający się rozmywania międzyludzkich relacji, podważania znaczeń i aprobaty wszelkich postaw bez możliwości ich oceny, doprowadził do całkowitego rozchwiania człowieka i jego świata w wymiarze społecznym, kulturowym, przyrodniczym i polityczno-gospodarczym. Potrzeba powrotu do równowagi staje się coraz bardziej czytelna. Droga do życia zrównoważonego wymaga dobrze, powszechnie i odpowiedzialnie prowadzonej edukacji. Pierwszym poważnym projektem w tym kierunku była Dekada Edukacji na rzecz Zrównoważonego Rozwoju. Dziś podejmuje się aktywności w ramach Globalnego Programu Działań. Aby wielki plan wprowadzania w życie idei zrównoważonego rozwoju mógł być przeprowadzony, potrzebni są dobrze przygotowani nauczyciele. Ich kształcenie staje się wyzwaniem o wymiarze ogólnoświatowym. Niestety obowiązki i oczekiwania stawiane nauczycielom znacząco hamują proces zmiany. Diagnoza pedeutologicznych tendencji i problemów w skali globalnej jest ważnym elementem przygotowania się do pracy z polskimi nauczycielami. W artykule ukazano możliwe do zastosowania (wykorzystując obecną podstawę programową do szkół podstawowych i średnich) sposoby rozbudzania świadomości i wprowadzania młodych ludzi w zagadnienia zrównoważonego rozwoju. Jednym z nich jest narzędzie – Projekt X, dzięki któremu studenci Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego – przyszli nauczyciele – uczą się, jak myśleć w sposób zrównoważony oraz łączyć problematykę i treści z różnych przedmiotów szkolnych w jeden spójny i wychowawczo pożądany edukacyjny przekaz.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2018, 3(121); 104-125
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ganging of Resources via Fuzzy Manhattan Distance Similarity with Priority Tasks Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Priya, S. S.
Mehata, K. M.
Banu, W. A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
quality of service
resource allocation
This paper proposes a fuzzy Manhattan distance-based similarity for gang formation of resources (FMDSGR) method with priority task scheduling in cloud computing. The proposed work decides which processor is to execute the current task in order to achieve efficient resource utilization and effective task scheduling. FMDSGR groups the resources into gangs which rely upon the similarity of resource characteristics in order to use the resources effectively. Then, the tasks are scheduled based on the priority in the gang of processors using gang-based priority scheduling (GPS). This reduces mainly the cost of deciding which processor is to execute the current task. Performance has been evaluated in terms of makespan, scheduling length ratio, speedup, efficiency and load balancing. CloudSim simulator is the toolkit used for simulation and for demonstrating experimental results in cloud computing environments.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2018, 1; 32-41
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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