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Ochrona i konserwacja zabytków architektury na Węgrzech
Kanclerz, Feliks
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona i konserwacja zabytków architektury na Węgrzech
dziedzictwo architektury węgierskiej
Krajowy Instytut Ochrony Zabytków
kryteria wartościowania zabytków
dobro kultury
pojęcie „dobra kultury”
kataster zabytków węgierskich
metody pracy konserwatorskiej na Węgrzech
adaptacja zabytków
Vargesztes w okręgu Tatabanya
zamek Esterhazych
Nagyvazsony nad Balatonem
ruina zamku Pal Kinizsich
De nombreux monuments historiques se trouvent sur le te rrito ire de la Hongrie contemporaine. Ils relèvent de diverses époques depuis ceux dans les anciennes provinces romaines, en Pannonie et Transleithamie, datant du I-e r au Vl-ème siècle de n. e. Le Moyen-Age, époque des Arpades laisse en héritage de nombreux châteaux et églises, tandis que les époques ultérieures se manifestent par d’autres monuments religieux e t civils, notamment par un rich e apport d ’architecture bourgeoise. Le patrimoine de la Hongrie a souffert de d estructions fréquentes et parfois totales. Les invasions ta rta re s du XIII-e siècle, l'occupation des Turcs aux XVI-e e t XVII-e siècles, en tra în en t la ruine des monuments d ’époques antérieures. L ’étendue de ces destructions fu t élargie par une action d ’Etât intenté e su r l’o rd re de l’empereur autrichien au début du XVIII-e siècle e t ayant pour but de démolir entièrement les vieux bâtiments tels que châteaux et fortifications. En résultat, les plus anciens vestiges de la culture hongroise ne présentèren t bientôt q u ’un amas de débris e t lamentables ruines. La protection des monuments fu t entreprise en Hongrie en 1866 par la Commission Centrale Hongroise pour la protection des biens nationaux. On procéda alors à l’élaboration d’un règlement de base et on créa des institutions chargées de son application. Dans la première période de cette activité, seuls les vestiges les plus anciens étaient pris en considération (env,. 50 monuments) en laissant de côté, comme c’é tait d’usage d’ailleurs à cette époque, les monuments historiques d’époques plus récentes notamment du baroque e t du classicisme. Des modifications importantes fu ren t apportées à la législation relative à la sauvegarde des monuments, après l’année 1945, compte tenu de l’étendue des destructions subies p a r le patrimoine historique .au cours de la dernière guerre mondiale. En 1949 fu t votée la nouvelle loi concernant la protection •des monuments. Un In stitu t National fu t constitué .auprès du Ministère du Bâtiment pour la protection des monuments. L ’In stitu t sus-mentionné est compétent pour les projets, la direction et la ré a lisation des trav a u x de conservation. Les recherches scientifiques, notamment les fouilles archéologiques, la popularisation des idées sur la nécessité de la protection des biens culturels, le contrôle sur l’opportunité des adaptations des monuments aux b e soins de la vie contemporaine, fu ren t confiés au Ministère de l’Education. Il nous faut souligner a cette occasion la haute valeur des trav au x de r e cherches effectués par les archéologues, qui ont p a rticipé de cette façon à la protection des monuments. Le relevé des oeuvres d’architecture protegees par la loi compte env. 12.000 monuments, dont en viron 2.000 possèdent une valeur spéciale au point de vue historique, artistique e t architectural, 9.000 (env.) constituent des vestiges de l’histoire e t env. 1000 un élément de valeur dans l’apperçu général d ’une ville ou d ’un village. Parmi les critères de valorisation sont prises en considération les conditions matérielles, historiques (y compris la valeur spéciale des objets du culte) et esthétiques. Les formes et les règles de la conservation ne fu ren t arrêtées définitivement qu’a p rès des recherches complexes et variées auxquelles sont soumis les ensembles résidentiels et les centres urbains. En fin de compte, les monuments historiques furent inscrits dans le plan des aménagements spaciaux avec toutes les conséquences favorables qui en résultent. La protection des monuments et la réalisation des trav a u x de conservation, est mise en pratique, en premier lieu par l ’In s titu t de la Protection des Monuments. Son activité concerne d’abord les monuments les plus anciens, exigeant un programme de conservation compliqué. Des groupes de spécialistes sont constitués pour la réalisation de ces tr a vaux, à base d ’un devis de réalisation, donc ne jouant pas le rôle d ’un bureau d ’entreprises. Car on a pris pour règle générale que la protection des monuments fa it partie d ’activité culturelle et ne peut être conçue comme une entreprise de construction profitable. Le programme des trav au x de conservation se divise généralement en trois étapes: fouilles archéologiques et recherches historiques concernant l’oeuvre architecturale, protection des parties dévoilées du monument, avec projet et devis, trav a u x de conservation et de construction. Le traitem en t de conservation doit tenir compte des règles suivantes: 1. Conservation des vestiges „in situ ”. 2. Reconstruction des parties manquantes du monument pour des fins didactiques. 3. Adaptation du monument aux besoins de la vie contemporaine. Ces règles concernent surtout les châteaux en ruines, les palais etc. Toutefois un principe général s’impose: le devoir de conserver au monument au ta n t d’authenticité que possible, tout en adm ettant une modernisation rationnelle en vue des besoins de la vie contemporaine. Les réalisations suivantes, effectuées au cours des années récentes peuvent être considérées comme exemplaires: — église romane du XlI-e siècle à Ecserpuszta où la ru in e est conservée avec de très légères reconstructions; une partie de la ruine destinée au „lapida rium” recouverte par des toits de protection de construction légère. L’ensemble fut adapté à des fins touristiques, vu que le monument se trouve sur l’itinéraire du littoral du Balaton. — Château de Vârgesztes en ruine, érigé de pierre (XV-e—XVI-e siècle) où, après un tra item e n t de conservation, fu t aménagé un refuge touristique. Ces trav au x de conservation sont effectués avec une adaptation minime aux exigeamces modernes. Le caractère original des fortifications médiévales est mis en valeur en ne nuisant pas, pour autant, à son caractère de ruine romantique. — Château élevé en pierre à Nagyvâzsony (XlV-e— XVI-e siècle). Après avoir enlevé une couche épaisse de débris, on procéda à la conservation des fra g ments des murs du rez-de-chaussée. La chapelle fu t reconstruite en partie ainsi que la barbacane en employant un style n eu tre pour les parties rajoutées.. La tour qui constitue l’élément le plus ancien de cet édifice, fu t reconstruite e t aménagée en musée.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1965, 2; 49-57
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Richtlinien zum Schutze alter wertvoller Orgeln, Weilhimer Regulativ. Zugleich kurzgefasster Bericht über die Tagung der Orgeldenkmalpfleger in Weilheim Teck von 23 bis 27 April 1957", Berlin 1958 : [recenzja]
Dorawa, Marian
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytkowych organów w Niemieckiej Republice Federalnej
pojęcie zabytkowych organów
zasady inwentaryzacji organów
Ochrona Zabytków; 1966, 3; 74-76
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Viollet-le-Duc, architekt-konserwator i jego związki z Polską
Jakimowicz, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Eugèn Viollet-le-Duc
wystawa „Viollet-le-Duc 1814—1879”
kościół La Madeleine
pojęcie restauracji zabytków
zamek w Gołuchowie
Les problèmes de la conservation s ’imposant de plus en plus après la seconde guerre mondiale, le développement des connaissances théoriques de l’histoire de l’art et l ’épanouissement de l’architecture contemporaine ont attiré l’attention des historiens d ’art et d’architecture sur Viollet-le-Duc — créateur des bases scientifiques dans le domaine de la restauration des monuments historiques et de l’archéologie moderne et précurseur du constructionisme. L’exposition „Viollet-le-Duc 1814—1879” organisée à Paris au printemps de 1965 par la Direction de l ’Architecture constitue le point de départ à la future étude critique sur l’oeuvre de Viollet-le-Duc. L’auteur du scénario et du catalogue de cette exposition est Pierre-Marie Auzas, inspecteur principal des Monuments historiques en France. L’exposition se base principalement sur les riches archives de la famille de Viollet-le-Duc (Fonds Viollet-le-Duc pour la première fois mis à la portée des chercheurs et élaborés dans leur ensemble. L’exposition fournit une documentation complète de multiples activités de Viollet-le-Duc. Voilà leurs aspects principaux: les grandes restaurations, son activité de constructeur et de décorateur, d’écrivain et de pédagogue, le rôle qu’il a joué auprès de la Cour Impériale et du Conseil municipal, influence de son oeuvre sur l ’architecture de divers pays de l’Europe et des Etats-Unis. Chacun de ces problèmes a une documentation sous forme de dessins originaux, de projets, d’inventaires de plans de réalisation, de registres des travaux de construction, de notices historiques, de correspondance et d’objets- souvenirs. Le catalogue dont s ’accompagne l’exposition constitue en même temps la chronique de la vie et de l’oeuvre de Viollet-le Duc. Pour nous le plus essentiel c’est l’aspect qui illustre son travail de conservateur. La doctrine communément connue de Viollet-le-Duc formulée dans l’article „La Restauration” dans le „Dictionnaire Raisonné de l’Architecture” relève d’une pratique de plus de vingt années de son travail assidu, d’architecte des monuments historiques, d ’archéologue, de constructeur et de théoricien. Les mêmes expériences lui ont permis de créer la théorie de ,,1’architecture raisonnée” et le „rationnalisme médiéval” et d ’elaborer les méthodes de l’analyse dans le domaine de l’architecture qui justifient pleinement le nom qui lui fut octroyé de „père de l’archéologie moderne”. La plus intéressante réalisation de l’exposition du point de vue des conservateurs semble être l’atelier de travail de Viollet-le-Duc. Ces méthodes sont proches, malgré différences des moyens de celles de l’atelier de conservation contemporain. L’exposition permet d’apporter une correcte aux opinions qui existaient jusqu’à ce jour sur les rejaillissements de l’art de Viollet-le-Duc en Pologne. Les documents français ne confirment point la tradition polonaise peu claire du voyage de Viollet-le- -Duc à Cracovie et à Gołuchów en 1875. Il s ’avéra que ce voyage a été effectué par le disciple et en même temps le gendre du célèbre architecte Maurice- Auguste Ouradou. Néanmoins, on peut lier quelques réalisations en Pologne à l’activité de Viollet- -le-Duc. Elles furent effectuées grâce au mécénat du prince Vladislas Czartoryski et de sa soeur la comtesse Isabelle Działyńska. Ce sont notamment: en 1860 — le projet de l’école polonaise, Bd Montparnasse, à Paris. Aux environs de 1870, les projets de la restauration du château de Gołuchów —· malheureusement disparus. Leur existence et le fait qu’ils ont été l’oeuvre de Viollet-le-Duc, est confirmé par les archives de 1871/74 (lettre de Działyński). En 1876 — projet du maître-autel néoroman dans la crypte St. Léonard dans la cathédrale de Wawel à Craoovie. Viollet-le-Duc donne des consultations sur les problèmes de la restauration du château de Gołuchów et de la transformation du Collège des Piaristes en Musée Czartoryski à Cracovie. Les projets pour les deux bâtiments précités ont été exécutés par Maurice Ouradou. Le château Renaissance de Gołuchów a été restauré entre 1875 et 1885 dans le sty le François Ier. Le Musée Czartoryski pris la forme du néo-gothique français (1875—84). Ces deux réalisations n’avaient aucun rapport avec l’architecture polonaise et n’ont aucun ascendant sur la conservation des monuments en Pologne ni même sur l’architecture polonaise de la fin du XIXe siècle. Par contre, le problème s’impose de l’influençe de la doctrine de Viollet-le-Duc sur la restauration des monuments historiques en Pologne. La restauration des monuments historiques depuis la 3ème décennie du XIXe siècle est devenu un problème aussi lancinant en Pologne (surtout à Cracovie) qu’en France. Toutefois, il lui manquait la base scientifique et les architectes de monuments historiques en Pologne ont longtemps procédé dans l’esprit d’un patriotisme empreint de romantisme. Néanmoins, dès la moitié du XIXe siècle, se précise à Cracovie la notion de la différence entre la restauration et la conservation des monuments historiques tout en estimant hautement cette dernière. Le „Dictionnaire de l’Architecture” était aussi très connu des architectes polonais. Néanmoins, ce n ’est qu’en 1881 qu’il est possible d ’observer une influence directe de l’idée présentée dans l’article „La Restauration” et ceci dans le programme formulé par W. Luszczkiewicz de la reconstruction de la Cathédrale du Wawel à Cracovie. Les directives de Viollet- le-Duc sont complétées par Luszczkiewicz par le postuilat de lui garder une „ambiance poétique”. De quelque façon que nous jugions dans la perspective du siècle écoulé, la doctrine de Viollet-le- -Duc il faut toujours convenir que son importance consiste non seulement au fait qu’elle fut la première théorie scientifique concernant la restauration des monuments historiques. Une acquisition durable et toujours actuelle de Viollet-le-Duc est le fait d’avoir exigé la compétence et la probité de l’atelier de conservation. Il fut le premier à formuler cette motion et à la réaliser avec conséquence dans sa pratique.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1966, 3; 3-12
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z rozważań nad miejscem konserwacji zabytków wśród innych dyscyplin
Ślesiński, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
miejsce konserwacji zabytków
pojęcie konserwacji zabytków
metody konserwatorskie
konserwator zabytków
The question as to the place the modern knowledge of cultural property conservation occupies among the other knowledges cannot be simply answered by m e ans o f knowledge classification prepared by UNESCO nor by that of National Sciences Foundation, USA or classification used by the USSR Central Statistics Office. Through the highlighting of evolution the concept of cultural property conservation itse lf has underwent in course of time, the motives and incentives tending the people to undertake conservation, the tasks and demands, methods and means applied as well as the professional and ethical requirements and those connected with the conservator’s training level the author makes an attempt to define specific features of the conservation itself. He comes to conclusion that it cannot be considered as an entirely humanistic field of knowledge though it deals with products of the man’s mind and culture neither as art, 'though some creative elements are apparently present in it, nor as a typica lly technical discipline even at the cost of its considerable shares of experience, observation and so on. From the author’s considerations a final conclusion could be drawn that conservation of cultural property in its actual state represents one o f practical knowledges c losely related to several other disciplines but under no condition aligning with them.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1970, 3; 161-166
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury i o muzeach dojrzała do nowelizacji : artykuł dyskusyjny
Sieroszewski, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ustawa o opiece nad zabytkami
nowelizacja ustawy
ochrona dóbr kultury
pomnik historii
uprawnienia WKZ
pojęcie zabytku
Analysing the Act of February 15, 1962 covering the problems of cultural property protection and museums in view of experiences gathered during nine years elapsed from the date of its coming into force the author expresses an opinion that, considering the problem from a general viewpoint, though it has satisfactorily wiithstood the test of practical application and considerably contributed to stabilization and to making the protection of cultural property in this country more efficient some of its detailed provisions, no doubt, require corrections and amendments. Remarks made by the author to particular articles of the Act in question are listed below. Above all the article 4 seems to him to be inconsistent and even conflicting with some others elsewhere in the text (e.g. articles 18 and 4*1). He also advances c ritical opinions as to the definition of „an evident historical monument” considering it as being not precise enough and thus causing misunderstandings and controversial interpretations. Furthermore, commenting the article 6 concerning the „monuments of history”, the author suggests the abolition of their compulsory inscription in the International Register of Cultural Property under Special Care in accordance with provisions of the Hague Convention of 1954 since the stipulations accompanying this particular provision practically make it impossible ,at all to declare a monument as „a monument of history”. The author also suggests the need to define more precisely in the Act itself or in regulations issued on its basis by the Minister of Culture and Art the responsibilities of historical monument conservators at the district and town levels (article 8) and, in addition, to include to th e Act provisions with respect to voivodship offices of historical monument documentation which, although already put into being, have not up to now been provided with ,an unquestionably legal basis for the ir activities (proposed article 8 a). It also seems to the author to be necessary to call a new advisory body assisting the Minister of Culture and Art able to replace the freshly abolished Council of Culture and Art (article 10). To protect the sites of archaeological interest the author proposes to include them provisionally to the Register of Historical Monuments. On completion of excavations and examination of cultural s tra ta and with the relics found transferred to a respective museum such a reg istration should automatically be cancelled (article 1/6). Other proposals regard the augmenting the au th o rities of conservators to enable them to make examinations of alleged cultural property at any place it can be found which th e procedure has been made difficult according to existing provisions requiring from conservator to agree previously this examination with the owner of cu ltu ral property (article 18). At the isame time, however, th e author declares himself for confining the number of cases and reducing the time of temporary requisition of cultural property endangered by destruction, damage or illicit exportation. This temporary requisition could, for instance, last three years and a fte r th a t period the cultural property should be alienated or returned to its owner or user (article 37). With regard to collections (article 55 and the next ones) the author proposes to reserve to the Minister of Culture and Art the right tp define precisely what requirements should be fulfilled by a collection th a t it could be considered as one in accordance with provisions of the Act, and also how it can be augmented and managed by the owner. In addition to 'the above, the author puts forward a number of proposals aimed a t harmonizing the Act’s provisions with Other acts published a fte r its coming into force and particularly with an uniform te x t of th e Building Repair and Reconstruction Act in its version from il968 (article 32), the Code of Civil Laws from 1964: (article 24) and the Code of Criminal Laws from 1969 (articles 73—> 79) and also at enabling to adapt to provisions of the Convention of 1969 referring to measures that should be undertaken to prevent the illicite imports, exports and tran sfe rs of cultural property (new articles 76 a, b, and c).
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 3; 163-172
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja podkultury przemocy a wyjaśnianie przestępczości agresywnej
The subculture of violence thesis and explaining violent criminal behavior
Krajewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość agresywna
pojęcie kulturowe
brutalny przestępca
zachowanie jednostek
aggressive crime
concept cultural
violent criminal
individuals behavior
This article dears with some problems related to application of Wolfgang’s and Ferracuti's subculture of violence theory explanation of violent criminal behaviour. Wolfgang and Ferracuti adopted in their concept cultural  approach to explanation of crime in general, and violent crime in  particular. Doing so, they rejected openly usefulness in this particular area of Merton’s anomie theory. They adopted so-called normative theory of culture, when means that they understand under the term culture a normative system consisting of values, norms and behavioral patterns, which exert pressure over individuals being under their influence, what results in uniformity of human behaviour. Application of this concept in criminology means that there may exist specific normative systems containing such values and norms which may lead individuals influenced by them to criminal behaviour. In other words it means, that when we observe within certain social group high criminality rates, higher than the average ones in a given society we may explain  them in terms of  the specific features of the culture of this group. This way of thinking is not totally new in American criminological literature. The best example of it constitutes W.B. Miller’s concept of flower-class culture as a generating milieu of gang delinquency. Wolfgang and Ferracuti claim that disproportionately high rates of violent crimes among and members of American lower-class (especially members of ethnic minorities) result from specific subculture existing within this social group, which they call subculture of violence. This subculture is the specific normative system which is characterized by tolerance and permissiveness which respect to the use of violence in interpersonal relations. The use of violence is  perceived by members of such subculture as something normal and natural, they do not consider it as either illegal or immoral. On the contrary, violent people showing physical prowess and readiness of high enjoy many social rewards, high social status and prestige. People who do not conform to the requirements of such subculture face many troubles within their groups, including even possible ostracism.             Wolfgang's and Ferracuti's concept contains evidently two separate layers. The first one, sociological, deals with subculture of violence as a social phenomenon and the problems related to the existence, functioning and transmission of violence related norms and values within society. The concept of subculture itself plays here a key role. The second one, psychological, deals with psychological consequences for the individuals of being under influence of such subcultural ethos. The main concern here are changes in attitudes and ways of perceiving environment resulting from the adoption of subcultural values, which one observes among violent people. These two layers are connected by very important thesis that aggression and violence constitute learned behaviour deeply internalised in the personalities of individuals. As it was said before subculture of violence thesis was conceived by Wolfgang and Ferracuti primarily to explain excessively high rates of violent crime among members of American lower class. But they point out as well to other examples of such subcultures as for example barbaricino code in Sardinia, customary vendetta in Albanova district in Italy, Colombian violencia or ,,criminal tribes'' in India. All  this means that they treat their concept as a broader integrated criminological theory of violent criminal behaviour not limited to specific American context.      One can point out to many attempts in the USA at empirical verification of the violent subculture thesis. First of all it is necessary to mention researches done by S. Ball-Rokeach and H. Erlanger. They attempted to verify Wolfgang's and Ferracuti's claims that there must exist significant differences in value systems and attitudes towards the use of violence between violent and non-violent persons, and that people who engage very often in violent incidents enjoy within their communities many social rewards including high status and prestige. The subculture of violence thesis was also used to explain a well-known in the American literature phenomenon of excessively high rates of violent crimes, especially homicides in the southern states. Among attempts at cultural explanations of this phenomenon one can point out first of all to contributions by Hackney, Gastill and Erlanger as well. All mentioned above researches hardly brought conclusive results. They involve many methodological shortcomings' and generally speaking seem to be too simply conceived, using too crude tools to pretend to be real tests of the subculture of violence thesis. This concept still awaits real, comprehensive attempt at empirical verification.             When evaluating Wolfgang's and Ferracuti's concept from the theoretical point of view one has to start from the proposition which seems - as it was said before-to constitute the core of the entire concept: aggression and violence constitute learned behaviour. At this moment it is easy to observe similarity with E. D. Sutherland's differential association theory. Sutherland was speaking about conflict between criminal and non-criminal cultures. Existence of this conflict made it possible for an individual to have contacts with patterns of both criminal and law-abiding behaviour.  Prevalence of one of them in the immediate environment of the individual decided about its future behavior. Very similarly Wolfgang and Ferracuti speak about the conflict between dominant culture (which they call non-violent culture) and subculture (which they call subculture of violence). This conflict makes possible differential association in the Sutherland’s meaning of the term. There is however one important difference. Sutherland, as it is well know, was strongly influenced in his thinking by G. H. Mead’s symbolic interactionism and sociology of Ch. H. Cooley, what resulted in particular attention paid to the primary social groups  and direct interaction. For Sutherland the process of learning criminal behaviour could take place only by means of direct interaction within primary social groups. It is not easy to interpret Wolfgang’s and Ferracuti’s theory with respect to this problem, as they are not very explicit within the subculture. It makes it necessary to  carry out a more detailed analysis of what they understand under the term subculture. They say on the one hand that the concept of subculture is strictly connected with the concept of social group. It seems however that this last concept they understand very broadly, when they say that individuals  sharing certain values, norms and behavioral patterns constitute social  groups. This means that under the term subculture they understand just individuals sharing particular norms and values, at least partly distinct from those existing in the dominant culture. This means as well that such sharing of values does not require direct interaction between individuals. It leads finally to a very important statement that subculture may exist widely dispersed spatially. It is necessary to underline that such understanding of the term subculture is not totally alien even to the contemporary adherents  of symbolic interactionism. An article by A. Fine and S. Kleinman constitutes clear example. The essence of this approach is an attempt to avoid ,,reification’’-as above authors call it-of the concept of subculture, what means equaling it with certain social structure, in other words social group. It seems however that one should not press this point of view to the extreme. Interpretation of the meaning of the term culture in terms of individuals behaviour is quite popular in social anthropology, to mention only R. Linton. But it may lead also to certain consequences absurd from sociological and behaviour point of view. It may mean that if somebody behaves in a certain way, he adheres to certain norms and values of which his behaviour is a result. If not, it means that he  does not adhere to them. In fact, it is a great simplification from the point of view of the mechanisms of human behaviour. In such a situation the concept of subculture lacks clear empirical meaning and loses its explaining potential. It seem  that Wolgang's and Ferracuti's stance results from a very individualistic approach paying attention only to the relation culture-individual, while neglecting a very important one: culture-social group.  Very helpful in solving presented above problems may be more detailed analysis of the psychological mechanisms of learning. What is interesting is that Wolfgang and Ferracuti do not go into details with respect to this, and mention only eventual usefulness of either Eysenck's or Bandura’s concepts. This lust one seems to be particularly suitable for the purposes of interpreting subculture of violence concept. Bandura's concepts of observational learning, as well as clear distinction between learning and performance, and analysis of the process of learning from three separate points of view, i.e. acquisition mechanisms instigation mechanism and maintenance mechanisms may be here particularly useful. It means that subculture of violence supplies to individual patterns of violence and aggression which are observed, memorized and in this way learned. It is also obvious that these patterns are not supplied by abstract subculture itself, but by behaviour of other individuals in the immediate environment. It is clear however that there are no people who behave constantly violently, what Wolfgang and Ferracuti admit, but do not elaborate on it. Learned violent patterns may result in violent behaviour only sometimes, when they meet necessary instigating stimuli. They may become more consistent and durable behavioral patterns only when necessary maintaining mechanisms come into being. It is obvious that subculture of violence may, serve as the supplier of both instigating and maintaining mechanisms. Especially these last may be very important. Bandura provides a very important distinction between internal and external control of human behaviour .Internal control means rewards, reinforcements coming from the individual's self. Here internalized values and norms come into action and play on important role. Behaviour, being in accordance with them brings satisfaction to the individual. This aspect of maintaining mechanisms constiutes main subject for Wolfgang and Ferracuti. But there is another one: external control, reinforcements, rewards coming from social environment, from social groups. Wolfgang and Ferracuti pay less attention or almost none to this aspect, because to analyse it one has to connect the meaning of the term subculture with the term social group, what they refuse to do. External control can not be an attribute of subculture itself. It is the function of groups. When one recognizes that subcultural system may be analysed only as a normative system of given- social groups, the possible influence of it becomes much broader. In such an interpretation subcultural influence is not limited only to mechanisms of internal control. Individuals may behave violently because they receive many external rewards for such behaviour. Because of this violent behaviour does not have necessarily to bring special satisfaction to the individual. Such behaviour may result from well known in social psychology mechanisms of group pressure and conformity with group standards.    In sum, it seems to be very profitable to use Bandura’s social learning theory to interpret and to broaden Wolfgang's and Ferracuti’s subculture of violence thesis. It is necesary of course to modify their use of the term subculture and connect it strictly with social structures and groups. In such a situation subcultural influence from the psychological point of view may not be limited to the mechanisms of internal control but extended to the external control by social groups, -what makes possible application of the theory as a theory of violent behaviour in general.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 7-42
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Concept Approximations Based on Rough Sets and Similarity Measures
Saquer, J.
Deogun, J. S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
mierzenie podobieństwa
pojęcie aproksymacji
formal concept analysis
similarity measures
rough sets
concept approximation
The formal concept analysis gives a mathematical definition of a formal concept. However, in many real-life applications, the problem under investigation cannot be described by formal concepts. Such concepts are called the non-definable concepts (Saquer and Deogun, 2000b). The process of finding formal concepts that best describe non-definable concepts is called the concept approximation. In this paper, we present two different approaches to the concept approximation. The first approach is based on rough set theory while the other is based on a similarity measure. We present algorithms for the two approaches.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2001, 11, 3; 655-674
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pojęcie dziedzictwa kulturowego i jego znaczenie dla działań polskiej administracji publicznej wobec integracji europekskiej
The Concept of Cultural Heritage and Its Significance for Polish Public Administration in View of European Integration
Dobosz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Pojęcie dziedzictwa kulturowego
dziedzictwo kulturowe
dziedzictwo kulturalne
dziedzictwo narodowe
ochrona dóbr kultury
aspekt prawny ochrony dóbr kultury / dziedzictwa kulturalnego
ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego w Unii Europejskiej
„Wspólne dziedzictwo kulturowe"
system prawny Rady Europy
Europejska konwencja kulturalna
Europejska konwencja o ochronie dziedzictwa archeologicznego
Konwencja o ochronie dziedzictwa architektonicznego
traktat między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a Republiką Federalną Niemiec
traktat o dobrym sąsiedztwie i przyjaznej współpracy
prawodawstwo UNESCO
Konwencja w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego
Konferencja Generalna Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych dla Wychowania, Nauki i Kultury
Komitet Dziedzictwa Światowego
In his reflections on international and European legal norms referring to the protection of cultural heritage in Poland the author presented select international bilateral conventions (involving the Republic of Poland and West Germany) as well as international European Council conventions which unfortunately do not encompass Poland; they include the Convention about the protection of architectural heritage (1985) which Poland did not ratify. European Community legislation is discussed against the background of the Treaty on the establishment of the European Community and the “Association Convention” embracing Poland and the European Community together with its member states. The proposed analysis pertains to UNESCO legislation whose norms are binding for Poland upon the basis of signed and ratified international conventions. The author outlined the backdrop of constitutional expressions pertaining to the protection of cultural heritage, and examined the relations between the concepts of “national” and “European (joint) cultural heritage” .
Ochrona Zabytków; 2002, 2; 121-141
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chlebowicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytków
pojęcie zabytku
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury
Despite the fact that the legal aspects of the protection of historical monuments comprise a separate and interesting domain, they remain on the peripheries of Polish legal sciences. The presented sketch deals with assorted problems of the protection of historical monuments perceived from the perspective of penal law. Apparently, the implementation of the statute of 23 July 2003 on the protection of, and care for historical monuments constitutes a convenient pretext for a survey of penal law institutions. The “new” statute appears to be better than its predecessor, i. e. the statute on the protection of cultural property; the same holds true for its penal elements, and the clarity of legal language deserves particular attention. The copious article 3 of the statute, which contains as many as 15 legal definitions, should considerably facilitate the application of the regulations of this normative act which, after al,l is a basic source of the rights and duties of the owners of historical monuments. An indubitable novelty is article 108 of the statute which re-introduces the misdemeanour of destroying or damaging a historical monument. It should be kept in mind that up to now the conservation services applied a legal foundation composed of article 288 paragraph 1 of the penal code, in connection with article 294 paragraph 3 of the penal code. The mentioned foundation of the charge produced numerous problems associated with its interpretation. After all, not every historical monument constitutes property of particular significance for culture. Moreover, penal cases concerning historical monuments are rather rarely encountered. The described construction was successfully applied in cases of the devastation of archaeological sites in the voivodeship of Warmia- Mazuria. A penal-legal analysis of the protection of cultural property should draw attention to the statutory symptoms of misdemeanours which occur in great numbers in the penal regulations of the statute. Taking into consideration the subjective criteria, the misdeeds are divided into two groups : the first encompasses regulations concerning everyone, and thus each person may become a subject of the misdemeanour, while the second deals only with the owners of historical objects. Essential significance is ascribed to the norms expressed in article 109 of the statute penalising the behaviour of the owner who has ignored securing the object. Finally, it is also worth indicating the executive regulations which define the manner of protecting the historical object. The sociological premise of the effectiveness of the regulations is the legal awareness of the addressees of the norms. Unfortunately, the level of the legal culture of Polish society is far from desired. This question remains particularly topical within the realm of the protection of national heritage.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2003, 3-4; 122-126
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O rozumieniu w aspekcie semiotyczno-epistemologicznym
On Understanding in the Semiotic-Epistemological Aspect
Żegleń, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
system poznawczy
cognitive system
The paper sought to point at the epistemological aspect of understanding. It departs from the semiotic analysis of understanding, submitted with regard to words, statements, and texts. Some problems connected with the semiotic analysis are pinpointed here. They cannot be solved on the semiotic level. The considerations are crowned with some remarks on understanding as a property of the cognitive equipment of the knowing system. This property is examined not only in philosophical epistemology but in the epistemology developed in the contemporary context of cognitive sciences.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2004, 52, 2; 467-484
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konstytucyjnoprawne pojęcie wywłaszczenia
Verfassungsrechtlicher Begriff der Enteignung
Parchomiuk, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Konstytucja polska
gwarancja własności
wywłaszczenie klasyczne i szerokie pojęcie wywłaszczenia
odszkodowanie wywłaszczeniowe
Polish constitution
guarantee of property
classical and broad concept of expropriation damages
Die polnische Verfassung von 1997 bestimmt in Art. 21 Abs. 2 nur die Voraussetzungen der Enteignung, es gibt aber in Verfassungsvorschriften keine Legaldefinition der Enteignung. In der historischen Entwicklung sind zwei Konzeptionen des Enteignungsbegriffes entstanden: Der sog. klassische, engere und spätere – breite. Der klassische Enteignungsbegriff unterscheidet sich von der späteren Konzeption in zwei Elementen: Erstens – nach der klassischen Auffassung konnte Enteignungsobjekt nur das Eigentum oder ein anderes dingliches Recht an einem Grundstück sein, zweitens – zum Enteignungswesen gehört die Übertragung des enteigneten Gegenstandes auf den Staat oder ein anderes öffentliches Rechtssubjekt. An die klassische Konzeption knüpft auch der Enteignungsbegriff in Art. 112 Abs. 2 des Gesetzes über die Gründstückswirtschaft an, die ein Grundakt der einfachen Gesetzgebung in diesem Gebiet ist. Der verfassungsrechtliche Enteignungsbegriff soll aber weiter verstanden werden, als die Bedeutung, die diesem Begriff das Gesetz über die Gründstückswirtschaft gibt. Dieser weiten Konzeption gemäß ist der Begriff der Enteignung im Sinne des Art. 21 Abs. 2 der polnischen Verfassung durch folgende Merkmale gekennzeichnet: (1) Die Enteignung wird in Form eines individuellen Verwaltungsaktes vollzogen; eventuell darf man als Enteignung im verfassungsrechtlichen Sinne auch Fälle der sog. faktischen Enteignung betrachten, also der hoheitlich faktischen Eingriffe, die dieselben Folgen wie eine „formelle” Enteignung haben; im Fall eines generellen und abstrakten Akt der Eigentumsentzug – die polnische Verfassung kennt keinen Begriff der „Legalenteignung” – deshalb soll die Basis für den Schutz des Beeinträchtigten (auch in der Frage der Entschädigung) nicht der Artikel 21 Abs. 2 der Verfassung sein, sondern andere Verfassungsnormen und Grundsätze wie das Sozialgerechtigkeitsprinzip, der Gleichheitssatz, der Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit oder der Grundsatz des Schutzes der erworbenen Rechte. (2) Die Enteignung betrifft in ihrem sachlichen und personellen Bereich Eingriffe in alle vermögenswerte Rechte aller Rechsubjekte, unabhängig vom Charakter dieses Rechtes (öffentliches oder privates), als auch vom Charakter des Rechtssubjektes. (3) Die Enteignung ist nur aufgrund einer gesetzlichen Ermächtigung zulässig, die das Verfahren und den Bereich des Eingriffes bestimmt. (4) Die Enteignung ist ein Eingriff, der zur Entziehung des Rechtes oder zur Beeinträchtigung von seinem Wesen führt; die Beeinträchtigung des Rechtswesens bedeutet die Einführung von solchen Beschränkungen, die die grundlegenden Befugnissen betreffen, aus welchen die Inhalte des Rechtes besteht und damit die Funktion des Rechtes beeinträchtigen, die dieses Recht in der Rechtsordnung erfüllt. Diese Einschränkung des Enteignungsbegriffes ist nötig, um die Grenzen festzulegen, zwischen Enteignung einerseits, mit der immanent ein Entschädigungspflicht verbunden ist, und sonstigen Beschränkungen des Eigentums (im weiterem Sinne) andererseits, die nicht immer solcher Entschädigung anfordern. (5) Die Enteignung muss dem Allgemeinwohl dienen. (6) Die Enteignung ist nur gegen eine gerechte Entschädigung zulässig, d.h. nur gegen eine dem Marktwert des Rechtes entsprechende Entschädigung; nur im Fall einer Beschränkung (nicht Entziehung) des Rechtes soll die Entschädigung zur Minderung des Rechtwertes verhältnismäßig sein; Gerechtigkeit der Entschädigung ist nicht nur ein Problem der ökonomischen Äquivalenz, sondern wird auch mit den Anforderungen im Bereich der Modalitäten der Berechnung und Auszahlung der Entschädigung verbunden. Art und Weise, in der die Entschädigung berechnet und ausgezählt wird, darf nicht die Rechte der Betroffenen beeinträchtigen; andererseits aber bedeutet Gerechtigkeit der Entschädigung zugleich, dass öffentliches und privates Interesse ausgewogen werden müssen; in manchen Fällen wird also gerade die nicht volle (nicht voll äquivalente) Entschädigung gerecht sein.
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2005, 1, 1; 75-108
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie się pojęcia zabójstwa w polskim i rosyjskim prawie karnym. Wybrane aspekty
Determination of the legal notion of homicide in both Polish and Russian criminal law. Selected aspects
Okulski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prawne pojęcie zabójstwa
typy zabójstwa
polskie prawo karne
rosyjskie prawo karne
legal notion of homicide
types of homicide
Polish criminal law
Russian criminal law
The key to the statutory characteristics of homicide in both Polish and Russian criminal law lies in the establishing of the semantic domain of this specific legal notion, which, docketed in Polish and Russian legal order, is a thought model reproducing illegal acts committed intentionally resulting in homicide. However, the explicit legal notion of this crime came into only in the 20th century ultimately excluding the possibility of either ‘registering’ accidental manslaughter or suicide, penalized for centuries, into its scope. Although a ransom, a drastic social therapy in the form of a bloody retaliation or ius talionis constitute now only a historical evolution marks of the right to punish for the crime of murder, the essence of penalty as a reprisal for the crime committed has been intact. The description of homicide only in strict legal terms yielding to normative force and dogmatic conversion can not be completed. The way to its right comprehension lies in rejecting the dominant in Polish and Russian criminal law notion of variegating of the scope of the legal protection of life of individuals for human development stage.  
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2008, 4, 1; 117-138
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autour du concept et du terme de mariage / małżeństwo : énoncés définitoires français et polonais dans le discours théologique
Wokół pojęcia i terminu mariage / małżeństwo: wypowiedzenia definicyjne francuskie i polskie w dyskursie teologicznym
Mazurkiewicz, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wypowiedzenie definicyjne
definitional enunciation
Celem artykułu jest porównawcza analiza składniowo-semantyczna dwóch typów wypowiedzeń definicyjnych: pośrednich (gdzie akt definiowania odbywa się w sposób implicytny) i bezpośrednich (literalne wypowiedzenia aktu definicyjnego) z terminem mariage dla języka francuskiego i małżeństwo dla języka polskiego. Wpisuje się on jednocześnie w debatę między definicjami rzeczy, których celem jest opisywanie zależności między terminem a pojęciem, a definicjami słów, które nie mają odniesienia pozajęzykowego. Wypowiedzenia te mieszczą się w dyskursie teologicznym na przykładzie Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego. Z jednej strony artykuł ujawnia konceptualizację rzeczywistości identyczną dla obu wspólnot językowych, wynikającą z jednolitego nauczania Kościoła, wyrażonego w dyskursie Katechizmu. Z drugiej strony przedstawia konceptualizację rzeczywistości odrębną dla systemu języka francuskiego i systemu języka polskiego na podstawie analizy morfologicznej terminów mariage/ małżeństwo. Każda definicja jest przedstawiona w obu językach, aby wykazać podobieństwa i różnice w wyrażaniu tego samego obiektu rzeczywistości jakim jest małżeństwo.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2009, 57, 5; 163-175
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ku wspólnocie posttradycyjnej. Axel Honneth jako krytyk komunitariańskiej filozofii politycznej
Towards post-traditional community. Axel Honneth as critic of communitarian philosophy of politics
Modrzyk, Ariel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
post-traditional community
conception of the individual
minority groups
wspólnota postradycyjna
pojęcie jednostki
Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe założenia filozofii komunitariańskiej i wskazuje na sprzeczności w niej występujące. Pozytywną alternatywą względem refleksji komunitarian ma być koncepcja wspólnoty post – tradycyjnej Axela Honnetha.
This paper addresses basic assumptions of communitarian philosophy and it points out contradictions in communitarian reflection. Article concludes that conception of Axel Honneth’s post-traditional community is positive alternative for communitarian idea of community.
Praktyka Teoretyczna; 2010, 1; 27-40
Pojawia się w:
Praktyka Teoretyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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