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Wydawanie odpisów aktów stanu cywilnego i zaświadczeń z ksiąg stanu cywilnego. Uwagi de lege lata i de lege ferenda
Issuance of Copies of Vital Records and Certificates Based on Personal status records. De Lege Lata and De Lege Ferenda Remarks
Kasprzyk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
rejestracja stanu cywilnego
wydawanie odpisów aktów stanu cywilnego
interes prawny
interes społeczny
urze˛du stanu cywilnego
stanu cywilnego
księgi stanu cywilnego
urzędy stanu cywilnego
ograniczonej jawności ksiąg i aktów stanu cywilnego
registration of personal status
issuance of copies of vital records
personal status records
legal interest
social interest
Register Office
principle of limited access to the records and certificates of personal status
certificates of personal status
The first procedure of registration of personal status is done in the form of a certificate of personal status, which from the legal point of view can function as a full or abridged copy. The system of registration with the Office is founded on several principles, including the one of limited access to the files and certificates of personal status. Limited access to the information contained in the files is due to the adoption of this principle. Limited access to vital records on the one hand duly guarantees access to data only for subjects who are specified in Law on Vital Records. Additionally, Art. 83, par. 2 imposes a requirement that the party applying for a copy of a legal status certificate demonstrate a legal interest, which on the other hand rules out unauthorised subjects from retrieving information from vital records. The article focuses on the issuance of copies of vital records and certificates based on entries made into records of personal status, or lack thereof. Art. 83, par. 1-2 of the law of 29 September 1986 is crucial. This is Law on Vital Records (the uniform text published in Journal of Laws 2004, no. 161, item 1688), which specifies subjects that are entitled to receive copies and certificates based on vital records. Article 83 of Law on Vital Records is key for the discussed issue. It divides the subjects that are entitled to receive a copy or certificate into those who do not need to demonstrate a legal interest and those who are not obliged to do so. The persons enumerated in Art. 83, par. 1 of Law on Vital Records are not obliged to justify the reasons for their application. The very fact of being enumerated in the article is sufficient to give those persons an entitlement to obtain a copy or certificate. The norm found in Art. 83, par. 2 also provides legal basis for giving other persons an entitlement to obtain a copy or certificate as it uses a somewhat indefinite expression that states that the applicant demonstrate a legal interest in receiving a copy or certificate. The bodies that use this provision should independently determine whether the applying party can demonstrate its legal interest in the above. With relation to Art. 83, par. 2, no attempt to define legal interest in obtaining information from Vital Records has been made. While interpreting this provision, one can make use of rich judicature and literature concerning the above term on the basis of Article 28 of Code of Administrative Procedure. It must be emphasised that here one deals with legal interest in obtaining a copy of a certificate of personal status with due regard for basic rules governing the registration of personal status.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2008, 18, 2; 319-347
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Capacity and the Quality of Heir. Possible Interaction with Preliminary Questions
Bariatti, Stefania
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
private international law
EU Succession Regulation
capacity of heir
legal capacity
preliminary questions
personal status
family relationships
The article contains an overview of the rules relating to the scope of application of the EU private international law regulations. It addresses the treatment of the relevant preliminary questions, with special reference to the Succession Regulation. The issues are discussed in three steps. The first is connected with the way of interpreting the notions and concepts, such as marriage, adoption, legal capacity etc., where such matters as personal status, legal capacity or family relationship may come to the foreground as a preliminary question. The second is dealing with the law applicable to the preliminary question. The author compares pros and cons of the “independent reference” (lex fori) and the “dependent reference” (lex causae) solutions, considering the latter as less effective, producing more negative consequences. The third step embraces questions relating to the jurisdiction with respect to preliminary question.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2020, 26; 57-70
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On What Is Personally Appealing on Conceptual Relativism
O tym, co jest osobiście atrakcyjne w relatywizmie pojęciowym
Dancák, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
conceptual relativism
the gap
epistemological status
ontological status
personal appeal
Conceptual relativism is not an attractive position. Surely, it has its ups and downs, but the ups are rarely mentioned. This article has no ambition to provide a resolute groundbreaking argument in favour of the conceptual realism. It only aims to reconstruct the very basis of the given position from the defendant’s point of view, while giving a bit of a personal (or existential if you will) touch to the whole topic.The personal element in question resides in the fact that there are incommensurable percepts, experiences, even worlds which all “feel” equally real to the subjects. This is something to what realism does not seem to be able to do justice without diminishing the ontological status of the “wrong” opinions, beliefs, etc., but this does not seem to go well with how we experience our “imperfect” realities. Conceptual relativists, however, are free from strictly distinguishing between correct and incorrect views on reality and, thus, they are able, if nothing else, to retain and appreciate the reality of our subjective worlds.
Relatywizm pojęciowy nie jest atrakcyjnym stanowiskiem. Z pewnością ma swoje wzloty i upadki, ale wzloty są rzadko wspominane. Niniejszy artykuł nie ma ambicji dostarczenia zdecydowanego, przełomowego argumentu na rzecz realizmu pojęciowego. Jego celem jest jedynie zrekonstruowanie podstaw danego stanowiska z punktu widzenia oskarżonego, przy jednoczesnym nadaniu całemu tematowi nieco osobistego (lub egzystencjalnego, jeśli wolisz) akcentu. Element osobisty, o którym mowa, polega na tym, że istnieją niewspółmierne percepcje, doświadczenia, a nawet światy, które wszystkie "czują się" równie realne dla podmiotów. Jest to coś, czemu realizm nie wydaje się być w stanie oddać sprawiedliwości bez umniejszania ontologicznego statusu "błędnych" opinii, przekonań itp., ale nie wydaje się to dobrze współgrać z tym, jak doświadczamy naszej "niedoskonałej" rzeczywistości. Relatywiści pojęciowi są jednak wolni od ścisłego rozróżniania między poprawnymi i niepoprawnymi poglądami na rzeczywistość, a tym samym są w stanie, jeśli nie nic innego, zachować i docenić rzeczywistość naszych subiektywnych światów.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2023, 9, 1; 1-15
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sense of generalised self-efficacy and body mass index, diet health quality and pro-health behaviours of nursing students and active professional nurses
Gacek, Maria
Kosiba, Grażyna
Wojtowicz, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
nutritional status
personal resources
professional status
selected aspects of lifestyle
Background Personal resources are one of the determinants of lifestyle and health. The aim of the research was to analyze the relationship between sense of generalized self-efficacy, and body mass index (BMI), diet health quality and health behaviors of female nursing students and active professional nurses. The analyzed variables in the group of students and nurses were also compared. Material and Methods The study was conducted among a group of 269 women (174 students and 95 nurses working at hospitals), using: the Beliefs and Eating Habits Questionnaire (KomPAN), Juczyński’s Health Behavior Inventory (HBI) and the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). The BMI was assessed on the basis of anthropometric measurements. Statistical calculations were performed using analysis of variance, the Student’s t-test, multivariable regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation as well as moderation analysis, with the adopted level of statistical significance at α = 0.05. Results Professionally active nurses achieved higher BMI levels (25.95 vs. 22.31 kg/m2, p < 0.001) and a higher non-healthy diet index – nHDI-14 (17.04 vs. 15.00, p = 0.038) than students. It was shown that with the increase in generalized self-efficacy (GSE), diet health quality and the level of positive mental attitude, proper eating habits and the overall index of health behaviors increased. The BMI increased with the rise in the non-healthy diet index and with the decline in health behaviors (individual categories and the overall index). It was not found that the group (students vs. working nurses) was a moderator of the relationships between health behaviors and indicators of diet health quality with GSE of the studied nurses (p > 0.05). Conclusions Nurses with a higher sense of self-efficacy declared a higher diet health quality and healthier behaviors, and their BMI was related to diet quality and health behaviors.
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety; 2023, 74, 4; 251-261
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Factors influencing disabled people’s professional activity: personal characteristics
Brzezińska, Anna Izabela
Kaczan, Radosław
Piotrowski, Konrad
Rycielski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
personal competencies
professional status
quality of life
The following article is the third publication presenting the results of a study concerning the professional activity of handicapped people (see: „Nauka” 1/2008 and „Nauka” 2/2008). The purpose of this part of the research was to determine whether there is a relationship between professional status, life satisfaction, and various personal competencies among handicapped people. Apart from this, we also wanted to establish what conditions personal competencies by focusing on social-demographic factors and disability characteristics. The tested competencies were isolated from the administered questionnaire using a factor analysis. Seven factors were found: locus of control, level of aspiration, potential for development, effort invested in development, impulsiveness, stamina, and mood. Analysis of the results leads to the following conclusions: (1) personal competencies are significantly related to professional activity for handicapped people, as is level of life satisfaction, (2) personal competencies are related to external factors shaping the development of handicapped people, such as: dwelling, gender, level of disability, and type of disability.
Nauka; 2008, 3
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czym (a może kim?) jest osoba zmarła i o konieczności prawnego uregulowania statusu prawnego osób zmarłych – propozycja regulacji de lege ferenda
What (or Maybe Who?) Is a Deceased Person and the Need to Legally Regulate the Legal Status of Deceased Persons – a Proposal for de lege ferenda Regulation
Najman, Michał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
osoba zmarła
status prawny
prawo osobowe
deceased person
legal status
personal law
Status prawny osób zmarłych nie jest uregulowany w praktycznie z żadnym z państw demokratycznych na żadnym z zamieszkałych kontynentów. W doktrynie wciąż trwają spory o to, czy zwłoki ludzkie są rzeczą, jak również o dopuszczalność zniesławienia osoby nieżyjącej. Co więcej, w obrocie prawnym nie istnieje prawna definicja osoby zmarłej, a jedynie zwłok ludzkich oraz szczątków ludzkich. W polskiej ustawie karnej kryminalizowane jest znieważenie zwłok, prochów, grobu lub innego miejsca spoczynku zmarłego, jak również ich ograbienie, jednak niedopuszczalne jest karalne pomówienie (zniesławienie) osoby zmarłej, co jednak nie wynika z wykładni językowej przepisu z art. 212 k.k., lecz przyjętej w judykaturze linii orzeczniczej opowiadającej się za wykładnią teleologiczną danej regulacji. Brak regulacji stwarza liczne problemy interpretacyjne w doktrynie, dla określenia przedmiotu ochrony przestępstwa ograbienia zwłok czy grobu. W prawie, a w szczególności w prawie karnym, niedopuszczalne jest uzasadnianie kryminalizacji pewnych zachowań tradycją czy powszechnym ich potępieniem bez legislacyjnego dookreślenia elementów struktury przestępstwa. Dlatego potrzebę uregulowania statusu prawnego osób zmarłych przyjąć należy za konieczną przy obecnym stanie prawnym. Artykuł ma charakter interdyscyplinarny z pogranicza filozofii i prawa. Składa się on z trzech części. W pierwszej podane analizie zostały koncepcje pojmowania osoby zmarłej. Druga część stanowi przegląd literatury traktujący o możliwości przypisania praw (podmiotowych) osobom zmarłym. Ostatni fragment artykułu to propozycja autora de lege ferenda odnośnie do sposobu uregulowania sytuacji prawnej osoby zmarłej w polskim systemie prawa.
The legal status of deceased people is not regulated in virtually any of the democratic countries on any of the inhabited continents. There are still disputes in the doctrine about whether human corpse is a thing, as well as about the admissibility of defamation of deceased persons. Moreover, in legal circulation there is no legal definition of a deceased person, but only human corpses and human remains. The Polish criminal law criminalizes insulting the corpse, ashes, the grave or other resting place of the deceased, as well as looting it, however, no punitive libel (defamation) of the deceased person is allowed, which, however, does not result from the interpretation of the provisions of art. 212 of the Criminal Code, but adopted in the jurisprudence of the case-law line advocating the teleological interpretation of a given regulation. The lack of regulation creates numerous interpretation problems in the doctrine, including to determine the subject of protection of the crime of looting a corpse or a grave. In law, and in particular in criminal law, it is unacceptable to justify the criminalization of certain behaviors by tradition or their universal condemnation without legislative specification of the elements of the structure of the offense. Therefore, the need to regulate the legal status of deceased persons should be considered necessary under the current legal status The article has interdisciplinary character on the border between philosophy and law. It consists of three parts. In the first one, the concepts of apprehending the deceased were analyzed. The second part is a review of the literature dealing with the possibility of assigning (subjective) rights to deceased persons. The last part of the article is the author’s proposal de lege ferenda regarding the way of regulating the legal situation of a deceased person in the Polish legal system.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2020, 30, 3; 119-135
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Factors influencing disabled people’s professional activity: personal and social capital
Brzezińska, Anna Izabela
Kaczan, Radosław
Piotrowski, Konrad
Rycielski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
handicapped persons
personal capital
social capital
vocational status
life satisfaction
The following article is the second in a series (see „Nauka” 1/2008) presenting the results concerning the relationship between personal and social capital and level of life satisfaction among disabled people engaged in various professions. Personal capital is constructed on the basis of early socialization experiences within the family such as: number of responsibilities set by parents, degree of freedom, independent decision making, and parent-child relations. Social capital includes: respondent’s level of education (measured by years of studies), parent’s education, number of acquaintances, number of disabled people among acquaintances, family’s reaction to respondent’s needs and problems, and respondent’s perception of family support. Personal capital is an important predictor of life satisfaction among three subject groups – those engaged in employment activities (employed, formerly employed and searching for work, presently unemployed and not searching for work). Family support was isolated as an important predictor of life satisfaction among all five groups designated by professional status.
Nauka; 2008, 2
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czekajewska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
personal identity
status of the person
human being
German philosophy
Deliberations of German utilitarians about the personal sameness are based on the Anglo-Saxon concept. Views John Locke until today are performing the important part in the forming of contemporary German bioethics. This philosopher as one of the most important representatives of the British empiricism kept dissertations about the mind of the man. He proved that the personal identity wasn't dependent on financial substance, but only the criterion of the continuity and the cohesion of the memory that is the self-awareness is deciding on the humanity. Currently discussions about the status of the person are very popular. Kipke Roland, Dieter Birnbacher, Norbert Hurster, Helga Kuse and Klaus Steigleder are backing the concept up J. Locke and humanities agree with the statement that fixing one's attention on biological properties of a human being cannot to be an indisputable foundation. In this article I present not only the thought of German utilitarians, but also pay attention to the views that have been borrowed from the Anglo-Saxon philosophers. In conclusion, the present implications for learning arising from such understanding of humanity.
Colloquium; 2016, 8, 4; 5-18
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola statusu tożsamości osobowej w procesie wyboru kariery zawodowej
The role of the status of personal identity in the process of choice of job career
Rostowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
status of teenager's
personal identity
strategy of choice of job career
occupational counseling
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica; 1998, 02; 29-43
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obowiązek udzielenia pomocy lekarskiej a prawo pracownika do powstrzymania się od wykonywania pracy w warunkach nieodpowiadających przepisom bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz braku środków ochrony osobistej – dylematy w trakcie pandemii COVID-19
The obligation to provide medical assistance, and the employee’s right to refrain from performing work in conditions not complying with occupational health and safety regulations and lacking personal protective equipment – dilemmas during the COVID-19 epidemic
Karkowska, Dorota
Krajewski, Romuald
Karkowski, Tomasz A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
odmowa leczenia
status zatrudnienia
środki ochrony osobistej
refusal of treatment
employment status
personal protective equipment
WstępWraz z pojawieniem się w Polsce nadzwyczajnej sytuacji związanej ze stanem pandemii COVID-19 w debacie publicznej powróciło pytanie, czy w warunkach naruszających bezpieczeństwo i higienę pracy oraz przy braku środków ochrony osobistej personel medyczny ma prawo powstrzymać się od wykonywania pracy. Główny Inspektor Pracy jednoznacznie wskazał, że powstrzymanie się od pracy nie dotyczy pracownika, którego obowiązkiem pracowniczym jest ratowanie ludzkiego życia lub mienia. Celem tego artykułu była analiza przesłanek art. 210 Kodeksu pracy w kontekście przepisów prawa medycznego i zasad etyki zawodowej, a także dostarczenie doktrynie bodźca do badań nad niełatwym kompleksem problemów.Materiał i metodyWykorzystano metodę analizy obowiązujących przepisów prawa pracy i prawa medycznego. Przeanalizowano orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego i poglądy doktryny.WynikiPracowniczym obowiązkiem lekarza i pielęgniarki jest zawsze obowiązek „ratowania” i „w zakresie” tego obowiązku personel medyczny, w odróżnieniu od „ogółu zatrudnionych”, nie ma odnośnego prawa powstrzymania się od wykonywania pracy w kontekście zasad wykonywania zawodu lekarza przewidujących wyjątek, tj. niepodjęcie lub odstąpienie przez lekarza od leczenia pacjenta z ważnych powodów, gdy nie zachodzi przypadek niecierpiący zwłoki.WnioskiPunkt wyjścia stanowi więc rozróżnienie przepisów Kodeksu pracy o charakterze generalnym legis generalis i przepisów ustawy o zawodzie lekarza i lekarza dentysty jako przepisów szczególnych legis specialis. Zatrudniony lekarz nie może godzić się na wykonywanie zawodu w warunkach narażających pacjentów na szkody. Zaprzestanie pracy przez lekarza podlega ograniczeniom.
BackgroundWith the emergence of an extraordinary situation in Poland related to the state of the COVID-19 epidemic, the question returned in the public debate whether in conditions that violate occupational health and safety, lack personal protective equipment the medical staff has the right to refrain from performing work. The National Labor Inspector clearly indicated that refraining from work does not apply to an employee whose employee’s duty is to save lives or property. The aim of the article is to analyze the premises of art. 210 of the Labor Code in the context of medical law and professional ethics and to provide the doctrine with an incentive to research on the difficult issue.Material and MethodsIt uses the method of analyzing the current provisions of labor law and medical law. The jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and the views of the doctrine were analyzed.ResultsThe employee duty of a doctor and a nurse is always the obligation to “rescue” and “within” this obligation, medical personnel, unlike “all employees,” do not have the relevant right to refrain. In the context of the rules of practicing the medical profession providing for an exception, i.e., the doctor’s failure to take or withdraw from treatment of a patient for important reasons, in a situation where there is no urgent case.ConclusionsThe starting point is, therefore, the distinction between the provisions of the Labor Code of a general character legis generalis and the provisions of the Act on the profession of doctor and dentist as specific provisions legis specialis. An employed doctor cannot agree to practice in conditions that expose patients to harm. Refraining from work by a doctor as an employee by referring is subject to limitations.
Medycyna Pracy; 2021, 72, 6; 661-669
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przegląd orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego – Izba Cywilna
Review of the case law of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland – Civil Chamber
Strus-Wołos, Monika
Data publikacji:
Fundacja im. Aliny i Leszka Allerhandów
Sąd Najwyższy – Izba Cywilna
więź rodzinna jako dobro osobiste
status małżonka dłużnika osobistego
obowiązkowe ubezpieczenie OC posiadaczy pojazdów mechanicznych
Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland – Civil Chamber
family ties as a personality right
status of the personal debtor’s spouse
compulsory third party liability insurance of motor vehicle owners
In the review of the civil law jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, Monika Strus-Wołos examines the Resolution by the Supreme Court sitting in the bench of seven judges of the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber in a case concerning family ties as a personality right in the event of serious bodily injury. Moreover, the Author analyses the decisions regarding the status of the personal debtor’s spouse, inadmissibility of stipulating a contractual penalty for obligations of a monetary nature or the cost of a private opinion of an expert in cases under compulsory third party liability insurance of motor vehicle owners.
Głos Prawa. Przegląd Prawniczy Allerhanda; 2019, 2, 2(4); 353-359
Pojawia się w:
Głos Prawa. Przegląd Prawniczy Allerhanda
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne aspekty wymiany danych w związku z informatyzacją Urzędów Stanu Cywilnego
Legal Aspects of Data Exchange in Connection with the Computerization of Register Offices
Kasprzyk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
rejestracja stanu cywilnego
informatyzacja USC
ochrona danych
Mie˛dzynarodowa Komisja Stanu Cywilnego
transfer danych
projekt pl.ID – polska ID karta
księgi stanu cywilnego
registration of civil status
computerization of register offices
personal data
International Commission on Civil Status
data transfer
books of civil status
project pl.ID – Polish ID card
The idea of open borders, social and economic integration, as well as democratic processes will contribute to a greater mobility of the European citizens. Ease and freedom of movement, possibility of taking up employment abroad and therefore developing social links all systematically increase the frequency of events of international character which affect the marital state of persons. This trend has been observed in Poland for a long period of time, hence there often arise questions what to do for the citizens to be able to solve their family problems in register offices of their own accord and without unnecessary burden of bureaucracy despite apparent legal conflicts. Certainly, international operations concerning registrations with register offices at all levels must be unified, ranging from international bodies, such as the International Commission on Civil Status, to local registrars is particular countries. With a view to using IT and other new technologies efficiently, we are faced with new challenges in terms of standardization and harmonization of deeds and documents, electronic information exchange and its protection. In 2004, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration came up with the project called “Restructuring and integration of the national registers PESEL2”. Since the Ministry evaluated the computerization of register offices as unsatisfactory and slow, the construction of the Central Registry of Civil Status was postponed for the years 2009-2010 and is to be realized as part of “pl.ID – Polish ID card” project. This will allow for an introduction of the electronic identity card which will enable the holder to verify his/her identity in the IT systems of public administration. The Central Registry of Civil Status is scheduled to start at the beginning of 2011, and restructuring and integration of the existing register offices will take place. The goal of the project “pl.ID – Polish ID card” is, among others, to restructure the existing registers (PESEL – Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population, OEW – National Registry of Issued and Lost IDs), the creation of new ones (CROASC – Central Registry of Copies of Personal Status Certificates) and their integration.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2010, 20, 1; 223-240
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal position of the executive body in a commune in Poland and in France: In search for a normative pattern
Pozycja prawna organu wykonawczego w gminie w Polsce i we Francji. W poszukiwaniu wzorca normatywnego
Augustyniak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
personal and functional relationships among authorities of a commune
the legal status of an executive body
own and assigned tasks
normative patterns
a monocratic and collegial body
competences executed on behalf of a community
own competences
delegated competences and competences exercised on behalf of the state
relacje personalne i funkcjonalne między organami gminy
status prawny organu wykonawczego
zadania własne i zlecone, wzorzec normatywny
organ monokratyczny i kolegialny
kompetencje wykonywane w imieniu wspólnoty
kompetencje własne
oddelegowane i wykonywane w imieniu państwa
The article presents the legal status of an executive body in a commune in the Polish and French legal orders, including selected issues related to the systemic position of this body in a comparative perspective. The tasks and competences of a maire/vogt (mayor, president of a city) were presented and grouped into own tasks, delegated ones and the ones fulfilled on behalf of the state. All presented problems of research enabled conclusions and postulates de lege ferenda in respect to shaping of a legal position of a monocratic executive body in a commune in the Polish legal order. The considerations presented in this article should lead to a discussion of a model, pattern of an executive body in the contemporary territorial self-government, which should take account of current needs of inhabitants of a local community and ensure effective execution of tasks in commune self-government.
Artykuł przedstawia pozycję prawną organu wykonawczego w gminie w polskim i francuskim porządku prawnym, w tym wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące pozycji ustrojowej tego organu w perspektywie porównawczej. Zaprezentowano zadania i kompetencje mera/wójta (burmistrza, prezydenta miasta) – z podziałem na własne, oddelegowane oraz te wykonywane w imieniu państwa. Całość przedstawionej problematyki badawczej pozwoliła na wysunięcie wniosków oraz postulatów de lege ferenda w zakresie kształtowania pozycji prawnej monokratycznego organu wykonawczego w gminie w polskim porządku prawnym. Rozważania prowadzone w artykule powinny przyczynić się do dyskusji na temat modelu, wzorca organu wykonawczego we współczesnym samorządzie terytorialnym, który będzie uwzględniać aktualne potrzeby mieszkańców wspólnoty lokalnej i zapewniać efektywne wykonywanie zadań w samorządzie gminnym.
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały; 2017, 2 (21); 245-260
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Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały
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Biblioteka Nauki
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