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Możliwości poprawy efektywności oddziaływań w kierunku readaptacji społecznej w warunkach izolacji penitencjarnej
Possibilities of improving the efficiency of social readaptation measures in the conditions of penitentiary isolation
Kędzierski, Witold
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
oddziaływania penitencjarne
badania katamnestyczne
influence of penitentiary measures
catamnestic research
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie przyczyn dysfunkcjonalności resocjalizacji realizowanej w polskim systemie penitencjarnym, która nieskutecznie przygotowuje skazanych do społecznej readaptacji. Diagnozuje przyczyny nieskuteczności realizowanych indywidualnych programów oddziaływań oraz obniżenia poziomu porządku i dyscypliny wśród więźniów, co nie sprzyja kształtowaniu pozytywnej atmosfery wychowawczej w jednostkach penitencjarnych. Przedstawia również możliwości poprawy efektywności oddziaływań przez zmianę struktury organizacyjnej zakładów karnych oraz zmianę paradygmatu oddziaływań korekcyjnych.
The purpose of this article is to show the causes of disfunctionality of rehabilitation as conducted in the Polish penitentiary system, which proves to be inefficient in preparing inmates for social readaptation. It diagnoses the causes of lack of effectivity of individual influence programs and worsening of inmate conduct, which act against forming positive environment in penitentiary institutions. It also outlines the possibilities of improving the efficiency of social readaptation measures that are attainable through changing the organizational structure of penitentiary institutions and shifting the paradigm of the influence of correctional measures.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2018, 16; 49-64
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykonywanie środków oddziaływania penitencjarnego na przestrzeni lat
Execution of Penitentiary Measures Over the Years
Skrobotowicz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
zakład karny
kara pozbawienia wolności
środki oddziaływania penitencjarnego
penitentiary measures
Izolacja penitencjarna jest niewątpliwie anormalną sytuacją życiową dla osób jej doświadczających, powodując szereg doświadczeń traumatycznych i depresyjnych. Jej skutki są odczuwalne nie tylko dla samego skazanego, ale także dla jego rodziny i osób w najbliższym otoczeniu. Potrzeba porzucenia obecnego stylu życia ze wszystkimi tego konsekwencjami, a także separacja od bliskich, powoduje, że przetrzymywanie w warunkach jednostek penitencjarnych staje się szczególnie bolesną dolegliwością dla skazanych. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie zakresu stosowania środków oddziaływania penitencjarnego na skazanych na przestrzeni ostatnich czternastu lat (2005-2018) w zestawieniu z ogólną liczbą skazanych i ukaranych. Na łamach kolejnych stron tekstu zostaną omówione poszczególne dane statystyczne publikowane w ramach corocznych raportów Służby Więziennej, co pozwoli na wskazanie zarówno działających, jak i niedziałających mechanizmów odpowiedzialnych za oddziaływanie na skazanych.
Penitentiary isolation is undoubtedly an abnormal life situation for people experiencing it and causes a number of traumatizing and depressing factors. Its effects are felt not only for the convict himself, but also for his family and people in the immediate environment. The need to abandon the current lifestyle with all its consequences, as well as separation from loved ones, all of them cause that detention in the conditions of penitentiary units becomes a particularly painful ailment for convicts. The purpose of the article is to present the scope of penitentiary measures on convicts in the last fourteen years (2005-2018) in comparison with the total number of convicts. On the following pages of the text I will discuss the individual statistical data published as a part of the annual reports of the Prison Service, which will allow for indicating both working and non-working mechanisms responsible for the reintegration of the prisoners.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2020, 30, 1; 131-152
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Więzienia dla nieletnich w opinii menedżerów więziennictwa
Opinions of Prison Managers on Juvenile Prisons
Stępniak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość nieletnich
polityka kryminalna
system penitencjarny
juvenile prisons
policy of combating criminality by penal measures
penitentiary system
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 431-443
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosowanie środków specjalnych – nadzoru ochronnego i ośrodka przystosowania społecznego – wobec recydywistów skazanych w warunkach art. 60 k.k.
Employment of special measures (protective supervision and social readaptation centre) towards recidivists coming under art. 60 of the Penal Code
Rzeplińska, Irena
Szamota, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
środki specjalne
nadzór ochronny
przystosowanie społeczne
sąd penitencjarny
zwolnienie warunkowe
pozbawienie wolności
special measures
protective supervision
social adaptation
penitentiary court
deprivation of liberty
The Penal Code of 1969 introduced in Chapter VIII a complex of regulations defining the criminal liability tfor offences committed in the conditions of special recidivism. Two categories of special recidivism were introduced: basic recidivism (Art. 60 § 1 of the Penal Code) and multiple recidivism (Art. 60 § 2 of the Penal Code). To assume the first category, the following criteria are required: 1) commission of an intentional offence similar to the previous one, 2) execution of at least 6 months of imprisonment, 3) commission of a new offence within 5 years after discharge from prison. To impute the offender the commission of an offence coming under the second category of recidivism, the following conditions are necessary: 1) conviction for at least the fourth time, in this twice under the conditions of basic special recidivism, 2) repeated commision of an intentional offence to profit financially or of hooligan character, 3) total imprisonment of at least one year, 4) commission of a new offence within 5 years after the last imprisonment. For each of those two categories of recidivism, the principles of aggravated criminal liability are fixed by the Code, and they refer to less - serious - offences only. Towards persons coming under Art. 60 § 1 and 2, imprisonment within the raised limits is adjudicated. Towards such persons, absolute suppression of suspension of the execution of penalty was formulated. The strictness of these regulations is partly diminished by Art. 61 of the Penal Code, which created the possibility to depart from the aggravation of penalty as expressed in Art. 60, in "particularly justified cases, when even the lowest penalty inflicted on the basis of Art. 60 § 1 and 2 of the Penal Code, would be incommensurably severe". The Code fights special recidivism also by providing special measures against special recidivists coming under Art. 69 § 1 and 2: protective supervision (called "supervision" further on) and social readaptation centre (called "centre" further on). The first of them - supervision - is a non isolating measure, consisting in the control of behavior of the supervised person in the conditions of liberty. It is adjudicated for a period of 3 to 5 years (Art. 63 § 1 of the Penal Code). The second measure - centre - is of isolating character. The duration of stay in the centre is not appointed beforehand in the sentence: it is at least 2 years, at most 5 years long. After 2 years, the recidivist may be discharged by the execution of penalty court if there are good reasons to presume that he will not commit any offence after discharge (Art. 65 of the Penal Code). Special measures are executed after the sentence has been served.             The principles of application of the special measures differ as regards both categories of recidivists: those coming under Art. 60 § 1 of the Penal Code (called "common recidivists" further on) and those coming under Art. 60 § 2 (called further "multiple recidivists"). The organs authorized to adjudge these measures are the criminal and execution of penalty courts. Their decision as to adjudgement of them may be taken at various stages of legal and executive proceedings: in the sentence (criminal court), in the latter part of imprisonment (execution of penalty court), and during the supervision (execution of penalty court).             The principles of application of the special measures by the court which is to pass judgement in the case are stated in Art. 62 of the Penal Code. According to § 1, the application of supervision is optional towards the offenders coming under Art. 60 § 1. The court is here at liberty to decide as to the possible measures, as no premises to adjudge supervision are specified by the regulation. As to the recidivists coming under Art. 60 § 2, the adjudgement of one of the two special measures is obligatory, that of supervision as a rule. The adjudgement of the centre takes place only if the court recognizes supervision insufficient to prevent recidivism (Art. 62 § 2 of the Penal Code).             The second instance when decisions are taken as to the application of the special measures is the close of imprisonment of the recidivists. The rulings of the execution of penalty taken at this stage of the proceedings modify those taken previously - that is, in the sentence - as regards the application of the special measures.  In the case of common recidivists, these modifications may consist in adjudgement of supervision if it was not adjudicated in the sentence (Art. 91 of the Code of Execution of Penalties), or - if the recidivist is released on probation - in the specific conditional simulation of the supervision adjudicated in the sentence (Art. 98 § 1 of the Penal Code). If the release on probation is not cancelled by the court, the adjudgement of supervision loses effect (Art. 98 § 2 of the Penal Code). In the case of multiple recidivists, the modifications which may take place in the latter part of imprisonment as regards the adjudication of the special measures always consist in substitution of a strict measure by a milder one: the penitentiary court may replace the adjudgement of the centre with supervision (Art. 103 of the Code of Execution of Penalties) or release multiple recidivists on probation.             The third closing stage of proceedings when the decisions on application of special measures are taken is the execution of supervision. In this stage, the position of recidivists coming under Art. 60 § 1 and 2 of the Penal Code is identical: they can both be sent to the centre in consequence of failure of the supervision (Art. 64 of the Penal Code). Thus the adjudgement of the centre in consequence of failure of supervision serves here as a measure to discipline the execution of supervision. The present study was based on the data from criminal records of the Criminal Register and the Central Files of Convicted and Temporarily Arrested Persons. The material from these records enables one to notice the differences, as regards the data they include, between the groups of recidivists distinguished in respect of the special measure adjudicated towards them, and thus, to define initially the criteria for application of these measures. As a conclusion, an attempt was made to define the general range of adjudgement of the special measures towards recidivists regardless of the stage of proceedings in which it took place.             The research was of cross-sectional character. The examined population consisted of recidivists (coming under Art. 60) from the entire country and selected to 3 random samples: the first sample included all recidivists whose sentences had become valid within the period from March 1 till April 30, 1979 (1181 persons), the second sample included all recidivists discharged from prison within the period from February 1 till March 31, 1979 (874 persons), and the third one - all recidivists whose supervision had been completed within the period from April 1 till May 31, 1979 (544 persons). There were the total of 2599 cases, from which 72 cases had been excluded because of the lack of complete data in the Criminal Register. The final populations of the separate samples were thus as follows: I - 1146 persons, II - 869 persons, III - 512 persons (the total of 2 527 persons).             The collected material was then analysed, that is, the groups of persons were compared, distinguished on the grounds of the type of the special measure adjudicated towards them, for instance the group of multiple recidivists towards whom supervision had been adjudicated was compared with the group sent to the centre. The above comparisons were made for each sample separately, and within the sample - separately as regards the common and multiple recidivists. The method of representing the results reflects , the analysis scheme: each sample has been represented in a separate part of the present paper. The study is summed un by an attempt to estimate the general range of adjudgement of the special measures towards recidivists. The results of the estimation indicate that the application of the special measures towards recidivists is of a very broad range. As many an approximately a half of the common recidivists had been subjected to supervision; failure occurred as regards 40 per cent of the supervised persons, which makes about 1/5 of all common recidivists, and these persons came under the regulation providing the adjudgement of the centre in consequence of the failure of supervision. In 40 per cent of the cases the cause of the unsuccessful termination of supervision was the non-compliance with orders and duties by the supervised person, and in 60 per cent - commission of a new offence.             As regards multiple recidivists, there were as few as 14 per cent of them towards whom no special measure whatever had been adjudicated, owing to adjudgements of the execution of penalty courts. Approximately 27 per cent of the multiple recidivists had been sent to the centre immediately from prison, while approximately 59 per cent had been subjected to supervision. In over a half of these cases supervision was unsuccessful, which makes about 1/3 of the multiple recidivists. The cause of the unsuccessful termination of supervision was in 2/3 of the cases commission of a new offence, and in 1/3 of the cases non-compliance with orders and duties.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 151-190
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Środki zabezpieczające dla sprawców przestępstw popełnionych w związku z uzależnieniem w świetle ustawy z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks karny oraz niektórych innych ustaw – „noweli lutowej”
Maciej, Tygielski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
penal law
penitentiary law
preventive measures
medicalisation of law
connection between crime and addiction
compulsory detoxification treatment
imprisonment for an indefinite period
prawo karne
prawo penitencjarne
środki zabezpieczające
medykalizacja prawa
związek czynu z uzależnieniem
przymusowe leczenie odwykowe
pozbawienie wolności na czas nieoznaczony
This article is focused on the actual position of security measures applicable to addicted offenders in the criminal justice system as well as in the Polish penal debate. The most important problems that occurred in this context were: intersection of medical and juridical authorities in administration of justice (with domination of the experts appointed by the court), protection of the inmates rights and the possibilities of reduction of the isolation penalties and introducing forms of penal reaction that are adapted to specific criminal etiology. Reflections regarding the amendment that took effect on the 1 of July 2015 were conducted in the fields of law-abidingness, efficiency and effectiveness of the preventive measures. The obtained results allow to appraise positively such specific solutions in general, but also show their limits, organizational difficulties and potential threats.
Studia Iuridica; 2018, 78; 474-496
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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