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Pierwsze miesiące działalności sądów pokoju w Apelacji Poznańskiej w 1920 roku w świetle akt Sądu Apelacyjnego w Poznaniu
The first months of the activities of the courts of peace in the Court of Appeal in the Poznan circuit in the light of the court files from the Court of Appeal in Poznan
Paciorkowski, Szymon Paciorkowski
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
courts of peace
justices of peace
Polish Second Republic
Court of Appeal in Poznan
The aim of the paper is to present the activities of the courts of peace in the Court of Appeal in the Poznan circuit in the Polish Second Republic in the first months of their existence in 1920. The courts of peace were established in the former Prussian partition by the Polish authorities because of the shortage of Polish legal professionals. Justices of the peace were appointed from the local citizenry and most of them had no formal legal education. The article, which is primarily based on the study of court files from the Court of Appeal in Poznan, deals with selected problems concerning the implementation of the courts of peace, like issues connected with the appointment of new justices and the financial compensation for their activities at court.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2015, 5; 9-22
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wolność w prawdzie jako jeden z filarów pokoju. Rozważania w kontekście nauczania Jana XXIII, Pawła VI, Jana Pawła II
Freedom in truth as one of the pillars of peace. Deliberations in the context ot the teachings of John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II
Radziszewska-Szczepanik, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
pillars of peace
Fifty years after Pope John XXIII issued his Pacem in Terris (11.04.1963), the question of peace remains as relevant as ever. Despite the changed historical, political, geographic and social contexts of contemporary conflicts and tensions, true peace is still rather a wish than reality. The present article covers the following issues: – Objections typically raised in discussions on the problem of peace (the topic has been exhausted to a point of becoming a banality; it is an unattainable ideal, a utopian concept ignoring the ‘confrontational nature’ of the human being) and the overcoming of these objections; – The essence of peace (respect for inviolable human rights) and its pillars (truth, justice, love, freedom); – Freedom as dependence on oneself (‘self-determination’); the necessary relationship between freedom and truth; false forms of freedom and their consequences. The analyses undertaken in the article lead to the following conclusion: it is only ‘freedom in truth’ that deserves the name of authentic freedom and olny when understood this way can freedom constitute a strong pillar of peace. In isolation from the truth about the human being, freedom degenerates – in an individual’s life it evolves into lawlessness and in the political life it takes the form of violence employed by those more powerful.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 429-443
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pocałunek pokoju w liturgii eucharystycznej i jego symbolika
The kiss of peace in the Eucharistic liturgy and its symbolism
Lijka, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
pocałunek pokoju
znak pokoju
Msza Święta
kiss of peace
sign of peace
Holy Mass
Pisma wczesnochrześcijańskich Ojców Kościoła mówią o przekazywaniu pocałunku pokoju, który stanowił element liturgii eucharystycznej. Taka praktyka była w Rzymie za czasów św. Justyna w połowie II wieku. Na początku III wieku pocałunek następował bezpo-średnio po modlitwie kończącej liturgię słowa. Na Wschodzie i Zachodzie kobiety na zgro-madzeniach były oddzielone od mężczyzn i pocałunek pokoju przekazywali mężczyźni męż-czyznom a kobiety kobietom. Papież Innocenty I nalegał w 416 r., aby pocałunek pokoju był przekazywany po Modlitwie eucharystycznej. Święty Augustyn powiada, że po Modlitwie Pańskiej chrześcijanie obejmują się i przekazują sobie święty pocałunek. Nazywa go znakiem pokoju, który polegał na całowaniu w usta. Taki pocałunek w usta był przekazywany podczas liturgii jeszcze przez wiele następnych wieków. Za czasów Grzegorza Wielkiego uchodził on za naturalne przygotowanie się do przyjęcia Komunii. W X wieku znak ten stał się gestem podkreślającym hierarchiczność zgromadzonych wiernych. Biskup przekazywał go najpierw duchownym wedle godności, a następnie ludowi. Był to symbol jedności, pojednania, pokoju, miłości, jak również hierarchicznej władzy i precedencji. Około XIII wieku zaczęto stopniowo wprowadzać przyrządy pokoju, tzw. osculatoria. Były to małe zdobione tabliczki z metalu, kamienia, kości słoniowej lub z drewna, które przynosił do ołtarza celebrans, by je ucałować i przekazać do ucałowania zgromadzonym na liturgii. W Mszale potrydenckim znak pokoju był przewidziany w Mszach uroczystych i był wymieniany między duchownymi. Celebrans kładł ręce na ramiona diakona i przybliżał lewy policzek do lewego policzka diakona. W tym czasie wypowiadał formułę: Pax tecum, a dia-kon odpowiadał: Et cum spiritu tuo. Diakon przekazywał pokój subdiakonowi, a ten duchow-nym obecnym w prezbiterium. Według Mszału rzymskiego z1970 roku znak pokoju można przekazywać podczas każ-dej Mszy. Jest przekazywany między wszystkimi obecnymi na liturgii, ale jego gest nie był określony. W trzecim wydaniu tego Mszału z 2002 r. na słowa celebransa: Pokój Pański niech zawsze będzie z tobą odpowiada się: Amen. Przez ten gest wierni wyrażają sobie nawzajem eklezjalną komunię i wzajemną miłość.
The writings of the early church fathers speak of the kiss of peace, which was already in the 2nd century part of the Eucharistic liturgy. It was a practice in Rome at the time of Justin Martyr. At the beginning of the 3rd century the kiss occurred immediately after the prayers that concluded the Liturgy of the Word. Both in the East and the West women and men were separated in the assemblies of the faithful, and the kiss of peace was given only by men to men and by women to women. Pope Innocent I insisted in 416 that the kiss of peace should take place after the Eucha-ristic prayer. St. Augustine speaks that after the Lord’s Prayer the Christians embrace one another with the holy kiss. This is a sign of peace, “when your lips draw near to those of your brother”. The kiss of peace in the Christian liturgy was exchanged for several centuries mouth-to-mouth. By the time of Gregory the Great, this gesture was being seen as a natural preparation for Communion. By the 10th century the kiss of peace has assumed a hierarchical position in the liturgy. It began with the bishop and descended through the ranks of the clergy to laity in the congregation. It was a symbol of unity, reconciliation, peace, love and also a symbol of hierarchical power and precedence. About the thirteenth century the use of the instrumentum pacis, or osculatorium, was gradually introduced. This was a little plaque of metal, stone, ivory or wood, generally deco-rated, which was first brought to the altar for the celebrant to kiss and then taken to each member of the congregation. In the Tridentine Mass form of the Roman Rite, the sign of peace was given at Solemn Masses alone and was exchanged only among the clergy. The celebrant, placing his hands upon the arms of the deacon, presented his left cheek to the deacon’s left cheek. At the same time he pronounced the words Pax tecum; to which the deacon replied, Et cum spiritu tuo. The deacon then conveyd the salute to the subdeacon, who give the sign to any other members of the clergy present in choir dress.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2015, XII/12; 189-205
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The right to peace in the most recent documents of the Catholic Magisterium
Chirico, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
human rights
culture of peace
The close coincidence between the 50 years of the Council and the 50 years of the Encyclical “Pacem in Terris” by John XXIII is significantly representative of the particular kind of journey undertaken by the Catholic Church, which insists on the very topic of peace. With its reflections and its concrete work on this crucial issue of human history and contemporary history in particular, the Church stands as one of the most active subjects of the scenario of today’s world engaged in the construction of theoretical and practical scenarios of peaceful coexistence among peoples. This is particularly evident considering the topics which the last two Popes Benedict XVI and Francis cared and taught about. Particularly, the central idea of the first message of Pope Francis for the International Day of Peace (January 1st 2014) talks about the brotherhood that, as the essential dimension of man as rational being, is an essential dimension for the building of a just society and of a solid and long lasting peace. This observation leads to the contemporary and delicate matter of the relationships between North and South, to the raising occurrence of immigration, to the problem of the relationship and balance between cultures and different worlds. As in this field, and more widely in the one of the acceptance and solidarity, the work of the Church seems particularly intense, and the Pope’s judgment is of a great importance. According to the Pope, the relational difficulties of men in a time of multiculturalism are born of a cultural matter and of a particular vision of the reality. The new ideologies – according to Francis – characterized by widespread individualism, egocentrism and materialistic consumerism, weaken the social bounds. Francis considers the principle of brotherhood (that is the evangelical concept quite different from the most generic concept of solidarity) as a concrete articulation of the opportunity to build peaceful human relationships. The brotherhood is a condition for concrete and political human works to reach the social justice, to defeat poverty, to set economical systems based on new economical models and lifestyles, to check fears and wars, to defeat corruption and crime, to help preserving the natural resources. The way of peace today – according to Pope Francis’ specific interpretation – is bound to the development of links of brotherly relations, mutuality and forgiveness: these concepts are not really moralistic but they are set out according to a precise way of growth of the contemporary society. This vision of dignity of man as a condition of harmonic social development, based on mutuality and global peace, comprises an in-depth analysis of the topics of social doctrine already confronted by Benedict XVI, whose reflections on the topic of peace among men and Countries, have been widely dealt with. Pope Ratzinger’s approach cares about the human being with his vital – material and spiritual – needs thus explaining his particular persistence on economical and social topics linked to today’s economical and financial crisis, as it appears clear in the message for the International Day of Peace of the year 2013. The economical growth cannot be pursued by penalizing “the social functions of the State and the webs of solidarity of civil society”, thus violating the social rights and duties, in particular the right to work. For the peace operators a high, even political, profile, is expected: to act for the affirmation of a “new model of development and economy”, that is, of a model of good global governance, bound to the binomial State of right/social State, the two faces of the same coin called humanly sustainable statehood. Thus, Pope Benedict makes his own a fundamental principle of the current international Law of human rights, the principle of interdependency and indivisibility of all person right’s, which means that the right to work, the right to feed, the right to assistance in case of necessity, the right to health, the right to education, are as fundamental as the right to freedom of association. This principle has its root in the ontological, material and spiritual truth of human being. This is the field of humanism that, according to Benedict XVI, must be “a humanism open to the transcendence”, marked by “the ethic of communion and partake” and respectful of “the unavoidable natural moral law written by God in the conscience of each and every man”. The Pope states that the first education to peace is within family, that the article 16th of the Universal Declaration defines as “the fundamental and natural core of society that has the right to be protected from the society and the State”.On the same educational field the Pope assigns a special task to “the cultural, scholastic and academic institutions” to make them undertake, besides the formation of “new generations of leaders”, “the renewal of public, national and international institutions” too. In the multi-thematic vision of Benedict XVI the considerations on freedom of religion have great relevance, which the Pope means as dual freedom: freedom from (for example, from constriction about the choosing of its own religion) and freedom to (witness, teach, etc.). Strictly linked to this passage is the affirmation that “an important cooperation to peace is that judiciary and the administration of justice recognize the right to use the principle of freedom of conscience towards the laws and governmental measures that threaten the human dignity, as abortion and euthanasia”. The widest theological interpretation of the history proposed by Pope Ratzinger gives an overall view to world and time, so that it can set contemporary culture free, mostly the Catholic one, from non-Christian lines of interpretation that have been dominant in the 20th century. Objectives The study has the purpose to go deep through the conceptual and cooperative contribution of the most recent teaching of Catholic Church about human rights, peace, peaceful interstate and intercultural relationships. The research underlines the contribution that the papal Magisterium has given to the building of a more aware sensibility, among peoples and the people in charge of the States, towards the concrete topics linked to the theme of peace. Methods The method pursued in the course of the study is about a systematic illustration of the sources, giving ample space to original the texts. The interpretation of papal documents always considers the published critical literature. The topics carried out are developed for thematic units, to give a better expositive and interpretative clarity.
Journal of Modern Science; 2016, 28, 1; 27-46
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spokój wewnętrzny – wyznacznik bezpieczeństwa zbiorowego
Żywczok, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
This thesis is a result of a careful thought on what peace is and what its essential features, aims and necessary conditions are. I have proposed a notion that inner peace of individuals making up a given community (especially of leadership elites) is conducive to collective safety, while significant disturbance of the inner peace of a certain group of individuals results in a global unrest, often on an international scale. In an attempt to approach the subject in a comprehensive manner I justified that inner peace of individuals leads to global inner and outer peace. I also conducted lexical analyses aimed at identifying identical, synonymous and antonymous terms with the word, „peace”. I indicated the main reasons for war and the conditions for keeping peace, emphasizing the significance of pedagogics in the prophylaxis of war and in the spreading of the culture of peace. I also proposed a classification of philosophical and pedagogical attitudes of intellectuals devoting their efforts to the concept of peace throughout the history of humankind and in the world of today. I presented argumentation confirming the assumption that the culture of peace results from a certain upbringing process based on a democratic existence of parents with their child. My praxeological propositions include the educational and prophylactic function of biographies of individuals commonly recognized as promoters of peace. I also provided an outline of the upbringing programs aimed at children and the youth, and serving the role of strengthening peace and public safety.
Colloquium; 2012, 4, 4; 171-188
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Urgency for Peace in Teachings of John Paul II
Lewandowski, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
peaceful societies
culture of war
culture of peace
Peace has always been a topic of great importance. Its presence is desired by all nations and societies. It brings the world together in unity. John Paul II considered peace to be an integral part in creation of an independent and healthy society. Papal encyclicals and messages, intended to present the response of the teaching Church to problems that arise from time to time, often dwell on the principles that advocate peace. Since freedom and peace are in many cases a privilege for many nations, the mentioned pope commits himself to speak about the cruelty and evilness of wars and national conflicts. Pope John Paul II denounces intolerance as denial of freedom for many people, and consequently a great threat to peace. The pope teaches that peace has its roots in the family. Yet, in many societies, the family is deprived of the utmost importance that it certainly deserves. Without the adequate means for a decent livelihood, families can experience hardship in committing themselves to promote solidarity and a proper social fabric worthy of human dignity. For John Paul II, a nation’s freedom and peace are safeguarded and promoted through particular attention and a much-devoted effort by strong and healthy families.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2014, 4, 1
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drobna przestępczość w okupowanej Łodzi do 1917 roku w świetle praktyki sądowej i doniesień prasy
Minor criminality in Łódź under occupation till 1917 in light of the judiciary praxis and press releases
Machut-Kowalczyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Imperial-German Courts of Peace
„Polish” courts of peace
courts of peace
occupation judiciary
cesarsko-niemieckie sądy pokoju
„polskie” sądy pokoju
sądy pokoju
sądownictwo okupacyjne
Under German occupation during World War I the civil authorities in Łódź were trying to keep the order in town. The recognition-reconciliation commissions by CKMO (pol. Centralny Komitet Milicji Obywatelskiej) in Łódź were firstly used to deal with the minor crimes. There is a scant archival material and some press releases concerning their activity. The majority of the documented cases dealt with crimes against property. After the occupational courts’ organisation was introduced dealing with the minor crimes was given to the Imperial German Courts of Peace in Łódź. The information about their activity can be found in local press releases and in archival materials in State Archive in Łódź. Most of cases concerned the acts against property, honor and public interest. Among the last type of cases we can find bribery, forgery, violation of customs regulation, currency and commerce regulation.
W Łodzi pod niemiecką okupacją w czasie I wojny światowej organy obywatelskie starały się utrzymać porządek w mieście. Do walki z drobną przestępczością początkowo stanęły komisje rozpoznawczo-pojednawcze, działające przy Centralnym Komitecie Milicji Obywatelskiej w Łodzi. Z ich działalności zachował się szczątkowy materiał archiwalny i doniesienia opublikowane w lokalnej prasie. Większość udokumentowanych spraw dotyczyła czynów skierowanych przeciwko mieniu. Po przejęciu wymiaru sprawiedliwości przez Niemców, walkę z drobną przestępczością kontynuowały cesarsko-niemieckie sądy pokoju w Łodzi. O ich funkcjonowaniu dowiadujemy się zarówno z lokalnej prasy, jak i z zachowanych w Archiwum Państwowym w Łodzi materiałów archiwalnych. Zdecydowana większość spraw toczyła się wówczas o czyny przeciwko mieniu, czci i interesowi publicznemu. W tym ostatnim przypadku natrafiamy na sprawy o łapownictwo, fałszerstwa, naruszenia przepisów celnych, walutowych i handlowych.
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego; 2019, 22; 167-183
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Platonic Concept of Peace as a Fundamental Human Right
Ianne, Mino
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
human rights
concept of peace
civil war
Plato is the first philosopher who speaks about the genesis of dialectic between civil war and outside war. The war among States may be considered a righteous war when an outside enemy threats the freedom of the polis, as freedom – from Plato’s point of view and the whole classical Greek culture point of view – is the fundamental human right that makes a man a citizen and not a slave. From Plato’s point of view this objective can be achieved by means of the education promoted by the State that helps the citizens to realize his essence as man. The State, therefore, realizes the natural order among citizens thus educated, that may only consist in a proportional equality of all citizens for their friendship and thus for peace. The polis becomes a unity and a real political community only thanks to the peace granted by that friendship.
Journal of Modern Science; 2016, 28, 1; 155-166
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Symphonic Schlag organ in the Church of Peace in Świdnica. Musical phenomenon
Bator, Zuzanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Diecezjalny Instytut Muzyki Kościelnej. Katedra Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Church of Peace in Świdnica
Schlag & Söhne
organ concerts
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music; 2020, 3; 176-178
Pojawia się w:
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany organizacji sądów pokoju w Łodzi pod niemiecką okupacją w czasie I wojny światowej
The changes in organisation of courts of peace in Łódź under German occupation during World War I
Machut-Kowalczyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Imperial-German Courts of Peace
“Polish” courts of peace
courts of peace
occupation judiciary
citizens’ courts
court language
Cesarsko-Niemieckie Sądy Pokoju w Łodzi
„polskie” sądy pokoju
język sądowy
sąd pokoju
sądownictwo okupacyjne
sądy obywatelskie
After Łódź was released from the Russian’s administration the courts of peace were replaced by the policemen’s courts. The next step, was organisation of the recognition reconciliation commissions. On the 1st of April 1915 the occupational courts’ organisation was introduced and due to this change the competences of the courts of peace were given to the Imperial German Courts of Peace. The archival acts and press noticed the moment of overtaking the courts by the occupational authorities. The judges of peace became Germans and the official language in courts was German. Imperial German courts of peace were replaced in the end of 1916 year by “Polish” courts of peace. The judges were Poles and the official language was Polish. However the higher instances were still under German’s control. It wasn’t until the 1st of September 1917 when the Regal Polish Courts were introduced. This commenced the one hundred years history of Polish courts in Łódź.
Po opuszczeniu Łodzi przez władze rosyjskie organem, który zastąpił sądy pokoju, były sądy milicyjne. Następnym krokiem było zorganizowanie komisji rozpoznawczo-pojednawczych. Po wprowadzaniu okupacyjnej organizacji sądowej (1 kwietnia 1915 r.) kompetencje dawnych sądów pokoju powierzone zostały Cesarsko-Niemieckim Sądom Pokoju w Łodzi. Akta archiwalne i prasa dokumentują moment przejęcia sądownictwa przez organy okupacyjne. Sędziami pokoju zostali Niemcy. Językiem sądowym był język niemiecki. Cesarsko-Niemieckie Sądy Pokoju zastąpione zostały pod koniec 1916 r. przez „polskie” sądy pokoju. Sędziami pokoju byli Polacy, a rozprawy toczyły się w języku polskim. Nadal jednak wyższe instancje pozostawały w rękach niemieckich. Dopiero wprowadzenie sądów królewsko-polskich 1 września 1917 r. rozpoczęło stuletnie już dzieje polskiego sądownictwa w Łodzi.
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego; 2018, 21; 139-155
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymogi ustawowe i postulaty wobec kwalifikacji sędziów pokoju w świetle doniesień praktyki, wyrażanych opinii i dyskusji toczącej się na łamach czasopism w XIX w.
Legal requirements and claims concerning qualification of justices of peace in the light of practice, expressed opinions, and discussion in 19th-century press
Machut-Kowalczyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
justice of peace
education of justices of peace
qualifications or justices of peace
arbitrary proceedings
abuse by civil servants in the Kingdom of Poland
sędzia pokoju
wykształcenie sędziów pokoju
kwalifikacje sędziów pokoju
postępowanie pojednawcze
nadużycia urzędników w Królestwie Polskim
The office of the justice of peace was introduced into the Polish court system together with the French law. Legal education was not required from the candidates. Attention was paid to age, experience, authority and social trust, and to wealth. The first justices of peace seem to have met the criteria. They were wealthy people at an appropriate age, with experience in public functions, sometimes even in the court. In the period of the Kingdom of Poland, the number of people ready to play these functions was drastically diminishing. It only increased late in the 19th century, when the authorities nominated to these posts mostly people of Russian nationality. These were in many cases, people who had no appropriate education, experience in holding functions in the judiciary, and unfamiliar with the social relations customary in the place where they held their office. Such a status quo resulted in a drop of trust to the judiciary, the more so as practical cases of incompetence and ignorance of duties by the justices of peace are known. Moreover, instead of opinions about their just and prudent actions, we read about playing cards, participation in hunts, etc. An array of claims concerning education, manner of appointment, and supervision over justices of peace are present in 19th-century legal magazines. The authors frequently quote statistical data concerning the education of people holding these functions.
Urząd sędziego pokoju został wprowadzony do naszego systemu sądowego wraz z prawodawstwem francuskim. Nie obowiązywał wymóg wykształcenia prawniczego dla kandydatów. Uwagę zwracano na wiek, doświadczenie, autorytet i zaufanie społeczne, czy też posiadanie majątku. Pierwsi sędziowie pokoju zdają się spełniać te kryteria. Były to osoby majętne, w odpowiednim wieku, mające doświadczenie urzędnicze, a czasem nawet sądowe. W okresie Królestwa Polskiego drastycznie ubywało osób gotowych pełniących te funkcje. Liczba ta wzrasta dopiero pod koniec XIX w. Wówczas na te stanowiska władze powoływały głównie osoby narodowości rosyjskiej. Byli to ludzie bardzo często nieposiadający odpowiedniego wykształcenia, doświadczenia w piastowaniu funkcji w wymiarze sprawiedliwości, nieznający stosunków społecznych panujących w miejscu swojego urzędowania. Taki stan rzeczy powoduje spadek zaufania do wymiaru sprawiedliwości tym bardziej, że praktyka zna przykłady niekompetencji, ignorowania obowiązków przez sędziów pokoju. Co więcej zamiast opinii o ich sprawiedliwych, mądrych działaniach, poczytać można o graniu w karty, uczestniczeniu w polowaniach, itd. W XIX w. na łamach czasopism prawniczych pojawiają się postulaty dotyczące wykształcenia, sposobu wyboru i nadzoru nad sędziami pokoju. Autorzy często przytaczają dane statystyczne dotyczące wykształcenia osób pełniących te funkcje
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego; 2015, 18; 73-89
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znak pokoju w ramach obrzędów przygotowujących do komunii świętej
Sosnowski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
pocałunek pokoju
znak pokoju
przygotowanie do komunii
ryt rzymski
the kiss of peace
the sign of peace
preparation for communion
roman rite
The custom of offering the kiss of peace during the Eucharist goes back to the times of the apostles. Most often it is offered at the beginning of the Eucharistic liturgy. However, in the Roman Rite (from about the end of the 4th century) it is included in the rites of preparation for receiving Holy Communion. The sign that originally expressed the brotherhood among the participants of the assembly, over the centuries, has become a sign of paying homage to those who, for various reasons, are privileged. In addition, closeness to Holy Communion did not support the sign that caused „distraction” – a dispersion of attention focused on the presence of Christ in the Eucharistic signs. Therefore, despite attempts to cultivate the tradition of this sign, it disappeared in the Roman liturgy. The liturgical renewal after the Second Vatican Council restores this rite, but in a new form. The purpose of the prayer is changed: from the personal preparation of the celebrant for communion, it becomes prayer for peace; the kiss of peace is replaced with the „sign of peace”. The pastoral challenge is to care for the sign of peace, so that the participants of the assembly would not refuse this gesture, perceiving it as an obstacle to focus just before the personal reception of the Eucharistic Christ. On the other hand, it is important not to use the sign of peace as an occasion to express only human attitudes (brotherhood, reconciliation, kindness), forgetting that peace is a gift of the Risen One. It should be emphasized that this purely human gesture is an „opportunity” for the sharing of Christ’s gift through which He Himself prepares us for sacramental communion with Himself through the gift of peace.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2021, 30, 2; 39-56
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
National crisis and the challenge of education
Shapiro, Svi
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
crisis of education
pedagogy of peace
education in the United States
The main objective of this article is showing that in USA is a crisis of meaning and values – one that leads to a debasement of human relationships, accelerating materialism and greed, and misplaced fixation on celebrity and glamour. In this context there is a compelling need to articulate a new bottom line for education – one that offers a different vision for educating our children that directly and cogently speaks to human purpose and meaning in the world that that they will inherit. In this article I try to describe that new vision of education - the pedagogy of peace.
Journal of Gender and Power; 2014, 2; 11-28
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Gender and Power
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizerunek XVII-wiecznej kopalni w Kościele Pokoju w Świdnicy
Image of a 17th century mine in the Church of Peace in Świdnica (Poland)
Battek, M. J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii. Instytut Górnictwa
ikonografia górnicza
Kościół Pokoju
mining iconography
Church of Peace
W Kościele Pokoju w Świdnicy, wśród obrazów i tekstów typowo religijnych, znajduje się obraz kopalni z górnikami przy pracy. Podjęto próbę zinterpretowania tego znaleziska zarówno pod względem historii techniki górniczej, jak i tekstów biblijnych, z którymi może być związany.
In the Church of Peace in Świdnica, amongst many religious pictures and texts, there is an image of a mine and its miners at work. An attempt to interpret this finding has been made both in terms of the history of mining technology, as well as, possibly related, biblical texts. A realistic cross-section of a mine is shown in the picture. Two miners are working in the underground section of the mine with two others operating a windlass on the surface; one other miner is washing the excavated ore in the water from a spring. Evidently the picture has biblical roots – it is an illustration for the excerpt from the Book of Job, 28, 1–11. Chapter 28 bears the title of A Poem to Wisdom where, following the description of a mine and ore findings a question is posed: But where shall wisdom be found? The end of the chapter reveals the answer: Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.
Hereditas Minariorum; 2015, 2; 145-149
Pojawia się w:
Hereditas Minariorum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Józef Rotblat – polski współtwórca bomby atomowej i laureat Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla
Józef Rotblat – a polish copcreator of an atomic bomb and a Peace Nobel Prize laureate
Znajdek, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polski Uniwersytet na Obczyźnie w Londynie
Józef Rotblat
co-creator of an atomic bomb
Pugwash peace movement
the laureate of Peace Nobel Prize
The article describes the life of Józef Rotblat (1908–2005) – a Polish Nobel Prize laure ate who was of Jewish origin and had a British passport. He spent his childhood andadolescence in Warsaw, where he became a Master of Physics and later a PhD at Warsaw University. He was awarded a scholarship in London where he became a student, and later a colleague, of a world famous English Nobel laureate and physicist – James Chadwick. He was engaged in „Manhattan Project”, i.e. an American project of constructing an atomic bomb. He withdrew from it in 1944 when he realised what was the real intended use for the weapon. He received British citizenship in 1946. Year 1957 was a breaking point in his biography, since that year he, together with a famous English philosopher – Bertrand Russel, created a peace movement called Pugwash whose followers were scientists aiming at the liquidation of mass destruction weapons. In 1995, 50 years aer Americans dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, Józef Rotblat, together with the whole Pugwash movement, was awarded a Peace Nobel Prize. In 1998 he received British Knighthood.
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO; 2019; 197-206
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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