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Próby modernizacji pozycji i funkcjonowania parlamentów w warunkach kryzysowych
Osiński, Joachim
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The 2007+ financial crisis, which also had an impact on real economy, paradoxically resulted in an increase of states’ activity in economy and in the growth of expectations of citizens towards states. The crisis makes them see the state as the only institution able to guarantee financial and social safety as well as orderly development of global economy in future. The article tries to answer the following question: is the state able to secure that feeling of safety and society’s ability to develop, and will the incoming crises influence the modification of horizontal and vertical extent of functions of the modern state? The question whether modern states modernize or not, disregarding economic, social, cultural and military crises, is also a subject of preliminary analysis. The 2007+ economic crisis caused an increase in state activities in fields both related to economic problems and providing social and financial safety for citizens. The modernization of state institutions (the state considered as ontological being, i.e. is not identified with any present day state) is not related to crises. The internal institutions of state, as parliaments and executive are also modernized to a certain extent. The analyses of Scandinavian, US and Canadian parliaments included in the article prove that the parliaments use the legislative possibilities and increase the scope of control activities performed during crisis. Occasionally this leads to constitution infringement (US Congress). On other occasions special parliamentary commissions and direct democracy institutions are used (Iceland). During a crisis a phenomenon of „financial world imperialism” emerges. It is something more than financialization of real economy (industrial, services and agriculture). It is a trend leading to the  subordination of all the other spheres of activity of states and societies, including politics, law and culture. It is observed in contemporary highly developed societies as well as in some countries of „peripheral capitalism”. This trend is visible when democracy is used, including parliamentary procedures and decision-making processes in executive, to advance special interests of the financial world, its continuity and its profits.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 43-72
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktury terytorialne państwa – w poszukiwaniu optymalnych rozwiązań
Sakowicz, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article presents changes in the territorial structure, especially in the local governments, that have taken place in selected countries of European Union in the last 20 years. Changes on the local level and adjustments on the regional level as experienced by unitary states (Scandinavian and Baltic states), federal states (Belgium), states with regional autonomy (Spain) and states that underwent devolution (United Kingdom) are presented. The territorial organization of European Union member states reflects differences in governing and managing structures adjusted to the characteristics of each state. The undertaken reforms relate on the one hand to political, economic and civilizational conditions, and on the other hand to brand new approach to fulfillment of the tasks of public administration (both governmental and self governmental) that would be the most effective, efficient and satisfying the needs of citizens. In many countries, particularly Scandinavian, reforms have been implemented aiming at decreasing of the number of communes.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 129-152
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Państwo we współczesnej gospodarce światowej – wybrane zagadnienia
Zawiślińska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The 2007+ financial crisis and the depression in real sphere of many economies important for the world economy has led to many initiatives directed against the negative effects of the crisis. The state and its institutions played the most important role in anti-crisis actions. At the beginning states concentrated on fiscal and monetary policy measures aiming to help national economic subjects. In other words, the challenges of early 21st century changed common opinion on the position and the importance of the modern state. Quickly, however, it has become clear that such help is not sufficient. The advanced level of international cooperation and interdependence between micro- and macroeconomic subjects have led to the situation in which single states could not take effective action against crisis phenomena that were not only initiated in their economies but also imported. In such conditions we can observe the emergence of new international initiatives such as G20, Financial Stability Council, the new European Financial Supervision System or European instruments for financial stability, including the fiscal pact, which was preliminary agreed on during the December summit of the European Council. All those actions are, unfortunately, designed as short-term and emergency measures. They do not aim for longer time frame. There is no debate on doctrinal foundations of the contemporary global economy. The actions described in this text also fi t into that pattern, as they are only an attempt at addressing the problems and not an initiative which has pre-dated the contemporary crisis phenomena.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 99-127
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Kapitalizm czy kapitalizmy? Anatomia i ewolucja formacji” – sprawozdanie z konferencji Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Pachocka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 271-280
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Przemiany społeczno-gospodarcze we współczesnym świecie – tendencje, wyzwania, perspektywy” – Sprawozdanie z IV Konferencji Doktorantów Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Szkoły Głównej Handlowej „Młodzi KES”
Misiuna, Jan
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 281-284
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Studium przypadku jako metoda nauczania etyki biznesu
Szulczewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The Harvard Business School introduced the practice of teaching business ethics through case study. This article presents the characteristics of teaching business ethics through case study. First we answered the question: how to build a case study? Then we showed how moral problems are solved through a case study. Next we showed the types of case study (teaching goal, kind of moral issues, the role of ethics and problems of this method of teaching). Then we answered the question how to use the methods of philosophy for the analysis of case study. We have considered the problem of the moral level of the students who solved the case study. Turning to practical matters provides instructions for building a case study. Finally, we showed that solving the case study not only provides a valuable method of teaching ethics in the business, but is valuable for professional ethics.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 181-203
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modyfikacje systemów gwarantowania depozytów bankowych w konsekwencji globalnego kryzysu finansowego
Gospodarowicz, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article attempts to review the changes in the deposit guarantee systemresulting from the global financial crisis. There were two stages of regulatorychanges. One in the initial years of the crisis (2008-2009) when the changes werereactive in nature and focused in particular on raising the guarantee limits andrelief operations. As can be seen from the example of regulatory action in theEuropean Union, the present stage of changes in the deposit guarantee system ischaracterized by a systemic approach which attempts to position anew depositguarantees in the context of the financial safety net, particularly against thedevelopment of resolution procedures.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2015, 3, 1; 243-258
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie i finansowanie europejskiej polityki rynku pracy w czasach światowego kryzysu gospodarczego
Grynia, Alina
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Labour market policy is considered an element of state intervention in market mechanisms as consequence of negative labour market phenomena. Downturn on labour market caused by global economic crisis has led to increase in the number of tasks of LMP aimed at protection of existing jobs, providing social benefits to the unemployed and facilitating job search. Basic instruments of active and passive LMP are presented in the text as well as conditions and effectiveness of their application, and financing in the EU member states during economic crisis. The analysis performed showed that the LMP introduced in different states differed greatly depending on the chosen LMP model. It can be stated that expenses for active and passive instrument increased in all member states during crisis. However, the level of changes differed among the states. The largest increase has been noted among old member states. The largest share of the expenses for LMP was spent on passive LMP. During economic downturn the number of beneficiaries of passive LMP increased. The effectiveness of the instruments used is evaluated differently among the member states. Reliable analysis of LMP effectiveness during crisis requires more time and preparation of unified research methodology.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 205-224
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka oparta na klastrach jako czynnik stymulujący innowacyjność gospodarki Unii Europejskiej
Wicher-Baluta, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Clusters in the European Union policies are significant tool in boosting competitiveness and innovation of enterprises and regions. One of the most important documents in the European Union policy on clusters has been issued in 2008. Therefore, we can observe the emergence of a new kind of policy – cluster based policy. The goal of this article is to show that policy oriented on the clusters is aimed at developing a strategy for rising the competitiveness of regions and enterprises. One can risk the thesis that the concept of clustering is the answer to the question about a new way of generating competitiveness which takes into account a wide range of factors. The issue of clusters is associated with occurrence of a number of benefits for both participants in the cluster and as well as the whole economy. The author identifies and defines them as a benefit at the micro and macro level.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 253-268
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojciech Nowiak, Nordycki model welfare state w realiach XXI wieku: dylematy wyboru i ewolucja systemu w społeczeństwie dobrobytu – wnioski praktyczne. WYD. NAUKOWE WNPID UAM, POZNAŃ 2011, S. 430
Osiński, Joachim
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 307-317
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytucjonalizacja powiązań między Unią Europejską i państwami trzecimi a spójność
Żukrowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Institutionalization of contacts between EU member stats and third countries influences structural changes in cooperating states, such as convergence of less developed economies to the level of the more developed ones and increase of efficiency of developed economies. All in all the overall level of welfare increases. The following paper defines cohesion and institutionalization and explains how those two processes are interlinked and what is their effect on economic growth dynamics and on diminishing of growth gap. Attention is drawn to the dynamic character of contacts between EU and it’s neighbors which translates into access to the EU market. Convergence is not limited to transfer of funds, materiel, expertise and know-how. EU acts also as a manager and controller of those processes. However the scope and dynamics of changes are limited in accordance with the political will of third parties. The process of convergence is beneficiary to all sides as their economies expand.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2; 109-130
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka Indii w warunkach światowego kryzysu gospodarczego. Perspektywy na przyszłość
Modrzejewska-Leśniewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The world economy is in serious crisis for a few years now. First signs of the  crisis were noticed in 2006 when the real estate market slump begun, followed  by crisis in banking, car manufacturing and other sectors. Some states suffered  from recession or economic slow down and the unemployment rates have gone  up. Although the crisis was global, it affected different countries in different ways.  To be in crisis meant something else for the United States, Japan or EU member  states. In this context, much attention was drawn to the fast growing economies  as China or India, whose economy grew in last 10 years by up to 9% annually  and suffered comparatively little due to the crisis. What were the mechanisms the  protected India’s economy from the crisis? Several factors were responsible for  that, including active state policy, anti-crisis packages, investments on internal  and foreign markets, and huge internal market.0
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2; 181-194
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przepisy podatkowe mające na celu poprawę płynności finansowej przedsiębiorców
Werner, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The text contains basic information on business taxes in context of changes introduced on January 1, 2013 regarding the necessity to correct the costs in situation when the dues were not payed on time or when the date due is longer then the period regulated by law. The changes influence economic activity because they deprive the taxpayer of the right to consider expense as tax deductible in case when during certain period he had not payed the contractor. The reason for the change was increasing liquidity of transactions between enterprises through penalizing overdue payments. However, aside of the tax code the matter is also regulated by the transaction payment regulation act. The dualism of regulation, due to its fiscal effect (the beneficiary of new regulation is the treasury) causes the author to doubt the rationality of the new legislation.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 73-95
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka aksjologiczna jako uwarunkowanie procesów prawodawstwa gospodarczego oraz jego limitacji. Zagadnienia filozoficzno-prawne
Kociołek-Pęksa, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The dissertation substantiates the possibility of applying the idea of law as a tool for defining the limits of legal interference in an economic system. Adopting the concept of law based on the Economical Analysis of Law it advocates the belief that the implementation of the idea of law consisting of three values – advisability, justice and legal safety – is the most optimal and effective instrument in determining the limits of legal regulations with regard to a liberal market economy. One can conclude then, that the idea of law can very well be described as a general cultural axiological system, especially with regard to the economic and legal culture. It is a system of values that determines the processes of internalization and institutionalization of norms and above all legal and moral ones. The law is a factor that determines and organizes the social life and it determines for the same reason the art and limits of economic activities. It cannot therefore be enacted in isolation from economic and axiological questions. As Gustav Radbruch observes, the law, as well positive as the natural law is a cultural phenomenon and can be looked into only in connection with values and always with reference to them. The positive law must embody and implement the idea of law. And although it is indisputable that no ideal legal or economic system can be completely fulfilled, the striving toward those ideals is an obligation for any society. Resigning and giving up the ideal does not simply mean the preservation of the status quo, but it results in regression and in repeating of former dysfunctions and/or other negative solutions.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 37-72
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działania Banku Centralnego Norwegii w czasie kryzysu gospodarczego 2007+
Twarowski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The period of global economic crisis starting from 2008 is a great challenge for public institutions responsible for macroeconomic management. Although Norway is a country that has not been significantly affected by the crisis, the pace and scale of countercyclical actions were a major challenge for Norwegian institutions. The activities of the Norwegian central bank included interest rate policy, liquidity management on the interbank market and supervision of the oil fund. The policy of interest rates had a huge importance in 2008 when the bank made a few decisions under conditions of high uncertainty and unprecedented scale. The initial phase of the crisis was also crucial in terms of liquidity and policy of enhancing stability of Norwegian banks. Due to high fluctuations of prices on stock, bond and real estate markets it was also extremely difficult to manage the oil fund portfolio. Nevertheless, through effective policy the Bank of Norway has contributed to minimizing the crisis’ costs.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 181-202
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymiar społeczny korporacji finansowych w systemie kapitalistycznym
Pniewska, Katarzyna Marta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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In capitalism the capital plays superior role. Financial markets and financial corporations have a special and fundamental place in it due to their importance for market economy and economic growth. For a long time the pathologies of capitalism like degradation of environment, increasing gulf between rich and poor, social exclusion and global disequilibrium that capitalism is responsible for were ignored. The explanation was that the market will solve all the problems. Unfortunately, the market isn’t perfect. A good example of market imperfections is the use of excess capital for speculation. Therefore it is necessary to redefine the role of financial corporation so it includes social matters.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 167-180
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autostrady na Euro 2012
Kaliński, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The decision to organize Euro 2012 in Poland was a challenge in the sphere of construction of economic infrastructure. Particular emphasis was put on construction and modernization of road network. The highway construction program that begun in 2006 was sped up and its priorities were slightly changed. However, when the Euro 2012 approached financial, environmental and construction problems were noticed. Many contracts were not realistic which caused arguments between the authorities and the building contractors. As a result the important and prestigious highway between Łódź and Warsaw was conditionally operational two days before the fi rst match. In spite of addition of 500 km of roads between 2011–2012 the highway construction program was not finished according to the plans. There were 423 km of A1 highway (Gdansk–border with Czech Republic) planned but 315 km were not build on time. Situation was similar on the A4 highway (German border–Ukrainian border) were instead of 297 km of roads only 74 km were finished. The only fragments that were finished as planned were 197 km on the A2 highway (German border–Warsaw) and 22,4 km of the A8 highway (Wrocław beltway).
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 139-163
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ubóstwo i wykluczenie społeczne dzieci w Hiszpanii
Romiszewska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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For many years Spain has been one of the EU countries with the highest child poverty risk rates. Since the beginning of 1990s child monetary poverty rate has remained at the level of 24–25 per cent, thus being higher than for the overall population. Although Spain recorded high economic growth in years 2002–2007, the lack of changes in social policy towards children and families prevented any improvements in the situation. The ongoing economic crisis has worsened the poverty indicators for children comparing to other age groups and has progressed the process of deterioration of the situation of families with children, especially single-parent families. This article aims to present the ways of measuring the child poverty and social exclusion in Spain, taking into account methodological problems and complexity, and showing the need for multidimensional approach. Features characteristic of child poverty and social exclusion in Spain in comparison with other EU countries i.e. high chronic poverty as well as recurrent and long-term transitory poverty are highlighted. Special attention was paid to children from immigrant background, who were found to be more vulnerable.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 285-303
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Kryzys, niepewność i niestabilność we współczesnej Europie” – sprawozdanie z Konferencji Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Pachocka, Marta
Romiszewska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 4; 199-208
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lokalne instytucje pomocy społecznej w procesie aktywizacji społeczno-zawodowej bezrobotnych kobiet
Książkiewicz, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Contemporary theories of politics, and social assistance – stress that the effectiveness of social programs in the field of community work with groups at risk of marginalization processes is determined by quality of service provided in this area at the level of local institutions. The financial crisis of the welfare state – has highlighted the weakness of the central management of social programs, at the level of individual regions, and thus the need for a new approach to the problems of the excluded. Long-term unemployment, disability, many children and sex are those factors that promote the processes of exclusion – in Poland, a group particularly at risk are women who live outside large cities. The analysis shows that the appropriate support by local aid institutions – raises the prospect of becoming independent women still excluded from the labor market. However, in order to be successful, must be complied with certain conditions into account the local conditions of socio-economic potential. A chance for the preparation of programs targeted to a specific group, including its characteristics and needs – are carried out from 2008 projects under the Human Capital Operational Programme, funded by the European Union. In this elaboration I present the experience of three municipalities voivodeship with the implementation of programs for the group of unemployed women.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 3; 73-91
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki ryzyka w polityce międzynarodowej współczesnych Chin
Kozłowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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China’s Power seems to be beyond discussion. People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the fourth biggest state in the world and its population accounts for one sixth of the human race. The Middle Kingdom’s economy is booming, its international status rises, its middle class is growing. All these features prove that PRC has a great political and economic potential. However, the future of China is not yet certain. Political elites of the state will have to face a series of challenges, concerning demography, coexistence of communist state with market economy, rising competition on energy markets, etc. Identifying these potential threats for PRC’s future development is crucial both for the Middle Kingdom in regards to its internal and international politics, and for foreign Powers in regards to their future agenda concerning relations with China.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 3; 9-23
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka piątej i szóstej generacji przywódców chińskich. Kontynuacja czy zmiany systemowe?
Kostrzewa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The author analyzes the problem with the vision of Chinese domestic and foreign policy after the 2012 power transfer to the fifth generation of its leaders. It also discusses appointing the sixth generation of leaders, who are to take over in 2022. In the conclusions and key findings, the author highlights that, at present, there is no threat for the process of power transfer to come out from under the control of the CPC, and not to complete in accordance with its mechanism. One should not expect, however, the liberalization of politics and the state system in China. Larger confidence, higher assertiveness and the rise of global ambitions, along with readiness for the change of global norms and institutions will characterize the foreign policy of the new Chinese central authorities. The author assesses that some threat to the continuation of the undertaken reforms can constitute the renaissance of Maoism that can now be seen in China, and which is supported by some politicians. However, its potential is not dangerous enough to change the course of the modernization process in China. There exists an overall consensus among the fifth and sixth generation of leaders in relation to the national goals and strategy of China. The designation of someone from Inner Mongolia by Hu Jintao to become a sixth generation leader will confirm long running concerns of state leadership over domestic separatism, and the threat to the system it brings.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 77-112
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Możliwości kształtowania postaw zdrowotnych dzieci i młodzieży w Polsce
Czerw, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Lifestyle, environment, genetics and usage of health care are the classical health determinants. Each of these factors influences personal health to certain degree. Lifestyle has the biggest impact (50–52%), followed by environment (18–20%), genes (15–20%) and finally usage of health care (10–15%). Acknowledgement of negative health behaviours as key reason for diseases of modern civilization formed the basis for many preventive actions. Implementation of preventive health programs is aimed at shaping healthy lifestyle and healthy behaviours in society. The objective of this article is to present links between social marketing and possibilities to influence healthy behaviours of kids and youth. Necessity for holistic approach to health and examples of healthy behaviours of kids and young people in Poland are discussed.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 147-157
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niestabilność zatrudnienia a zachowania matrymonialne na obszarach miejskich i wiejskich w Polsce w ostatniej dekadzie
Podogrodzka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article is devoted to the analysis of marriage by regions according to the rate of marriage and the pattern of marriage. The goal is to find similar regions. One of many determinants of diversity between the regions in marriage patterns is the situation on labour market. Using a linear regression model we can observe together these regional processes and describe main characteristics of unemployment and employment which substantially contribute to regional diversification of marriage.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 129-145
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System finansowania programów operacyjnych w Polsce – implikacje dla stanu finansów publicznych
Kłos, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article is devoted to the issue of financing of operational programs implemented in Poland in the European Union’s financial perspectives 2000–2006 and 2007–2013. Polish membership in the European Union gives the opportunity to obtain additional funds but the possibility of absorption involves costs which Poland has to bear. The author attempts to assess the way in which Poland’s adopted systems for operational programs implemented with the participation of EU structural funds influenced the state of the public finances. System solutions used in Poland have implications for two key measures of the state of public fi nances such that is public debt and budget deficit.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 47-76
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem długu publicznego w państwach Unii Gospodarczej i Walutowej
Zawiślińska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Public debt and the increasing indebtedness of states is not a new phenomenon even in the context of bankruptcy of state. In the past we have already experienced internal and external state insolvency. What causes today’s increase in preoccupation with external bankruptcy, except for global dimension of debt, is a change in its structure. An increasing number of states uses foreign debt to finance budget and trade imbalances. This tendency is observed among developing as well as developed states, including Economic and Monetary Union member states. The increase in external debt is in large part caused by privet debt which in certain circumstances is transferred to state. The level of total external debt of many Euro Zone member states in relation to GDP is much higher than the level of public debt. These are the reasons that justify the fear for the future of Euro Zone after bankruptcy of some of the member states. What increases the level of fear is the fact that the actions undertaken by European Union and EMU do not cause expected results and therefore cannot be judged positively. Paradoxically, some of them have only political and PR dimensions. Politicians may brag about their resolve to defend the once adopted solutions and markets may remain in their illusion that the present situation is only temporary. How long will it last? Last actions seem to be just a game designed to gain some more time to prepare different solutions such as fundamental and subjective restructuring of Euro Zone and – who knows? – maybe even of the European integration as such. The words of European Central Bank president Mario Draghi (August 2, 2012) stressing the fact that there’s no turning back from the Euro and that he is going to defend the common currency need to be understood in that context. The belief in the solidarity of states and optimistic outlook for the future should not result in such dramatic and desperate words.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 11-46
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dochody uzupełniające w budżetach gmin w świetle aktywnego poszukiwania renty
Dworakowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Communes are units of territorial self-government responsible for carrying out the most public services, for which purpose they need to seek sufficient funds. The income of communal self-governments consists in: own income, general subsidies and targeted grants from the state treasury. Supplementary income of communal budgets includes funds other than own income. Communal budgets are tied to the central budget by transfer of funds through general subsidies and targeted grants. The substantial share of supplementary income within the total income structure makes communes dependent on the state. The need for self-governments to obtain other sources of income opens up a rent-seeking possibility for communes. These territorial units of self-government become interest groups striving to achieve the best possible conditions for their own functioning. The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether communal self-governments engage in rent-seeking as regards supplementary income. The paper describes the specificity of supplementary income in Polish communal budgets, their functioning including appropriate legal regulations, and their application in practice. General subsidies and targeted grants from the state treasury are also characterized. The paper also analyses the relative shares of the two types of supplementary income in the communal budget structure and presents the resulting conclusions. The structure of the paper and the analysis contained herein have mandated the conclusion that communal self-governments engage in rent-seeking as regards supplementary income.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 211-233
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współpraca w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego – Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego
Śmigerska-Belczak, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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In 2011 the Baltic Sea region was marking the 20th anniversary of the Baltic countries regaining their independence and the resumption of diplomatic relations with them. This region with the riches of experiences is the region where the currently established methods and practices of cooperation are a source of knowledge and experience for a peaceful striving after stabilization and welfare. The changes that took place 20 years ago have brought development of different forms of cooperation and a lot of regional international organizations were established. The governmental international organization is the Council of the Baltic Sea State, a regional political forum, whose stated aims are to coordinate the cooperation between the partners and to achieve sustainable growth of the region. The Prime Ministers have established a number of the valuable initiatives, such as Baltic21, which was a regional counterpart to the UN Agenda21, the Strategy for the Baltic Sea region or the Northern Dimension Partnership for Health and Social well-being. Also the groups of experts were appointed in order to advance work in the respective areas. Many of these aspects are connected with sustainable development, which nowadays is considered as one of the biggest challenges. The Baltic Sea region is also important for the European Union due to its strategic neighborhood.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 175-198
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Projekty modernizacyjne zmian pozycji państw narodowych w Unii Europejskiej
Pisarska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article undertakes the difficult task of  assessing the impact of the European intention on the shift of position of national states in the world system. The author argues that the main political and economic motivation to be a part of this process is the strengthening of member states, not weakening them. She also demonstrates that the EU multi-level decision-making process guarantees a critical role for member states, at the same time allowing for activities that would not be possible if these states chose to act alone. Finally, the article stresses that the current direction in which the EU is heading does not indicate a possibility of a supranational federal European state emerging in the near future. The most probable outcome of the processes will be rather a hybrid model, with member states still at the heart of the decision-making process.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 153-172
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadnienie mocarstwowości Francji w dobie V Republiki (do 2007 roku)
Pachocka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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During World War II and the postwar years, France’s international position has been weakened. The seizure of power by Charles de Gaulle in 1958 contributed to a stabilization of the political situation in the country and to a redefinition of French foreign policy. The article analyzes the international position of France from the end of World War II until 2007, when Nicolas Sarkozy won the presidential election. Thus, the article covers the period of the existence of two French republics: the Fourth Republic in the years 1946–1958 and the Fifth Republic, which remains Hexagone’s contemporary political system since 1958. The article consists of three parts. In the first part the external and internal conditions of the birth of the Fifth Republic are presented, with particular emphasis on the role of its creator – Ch. de Gaulle. The second part discusses the importance of France in Europe aft er 1945, emphasizing its contribution to the process of European integration and to the development of relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the USSR/Russian Federation and the Mediterranean countries. Then, the third part of my article stresses the position of France in the system of international relations after World War II, analyzing it on the example of Franco-American and Franco-NATO relations, the French policy towards the Arab and African countries, and finally, on the example of the Republic’s multilateral diplomacy. I conclude that in the examined period 1945–2007 France is an example of the former global superpower, which builds and strengthens its international position as a regional power with global interests.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 233-284
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rosjanie – między narodowością a tożsamością
Głąb, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article concerns the ethnic structure of the Russian Federation and the problems of national identity in the multiethnic state. A few distinct regions were identified based on ethnic, linguistic and religious components. They show that despite the Russian numerical superiority and the dominant role of Russian language and Russian culture, the Federation is a diverse state. Ethnocultural mosaics are situated throughout the state and it because of that any aspiration for larger autonomy or local separatism could destroy the Federation from the inside. A source for such aspirations may result from, for example, strong ethnic identity, which is especially important because of its naturalness, resulting from life and acting within constituent entities that were formed on the ethnic basis. The strength of ethnic identity resides in its stability, which played a significant role during the transformation period. On the other hand, the strong ethnic component in Russia is opposed to a weak civil identity, whose character is more formal. This second approach may be undermined by the results of public opinion polls. They show quite a strong and parallel identity with three groups: citizens at large, members of the same ethnic group and local community. In fact, it is difficult to precisely describe the dominant identity of the Russians. It is based on a peculiar dualism – ethnicity and citizenship.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 199-231
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Różnice i modyfikacje sposobu elekcji prezydenta w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowej, Wschodniej i Południowej
Pytlik, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The institution of president as a head of state has been a permanent feature in the countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe for more than twenty years. This fact does not mean that the institution of a head of state has become static and non-evolving. On the contrary, it has changed substantially. These changes are particularly visible in countries that have gone through system change. During the restitution of presidency the expectation of the society and the political class towards the head of state varied and were accompanied by serious political and law problems. One of most important of them was the method of presidential election. Most of the states analyzed have decided to introduce direct presidential elections to stress the democratic nature of that institution. That decision was coherent with the expectations of the societies. The other method of presidential elections, that is indirect elections, was introduced in the Czech Republic and Hungary, and from the beginning it has been considered satisfying, particularly by the politicians. What is more important, particularly in all the analyzed countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe which introduced indirect presidential elections, that method is still evolving. The aim of that evolution is enhancement of the method, and enhancement accompanies the process of evolution and modernization of the institution of head of state.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 73-97
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ponowoczesność: państwo w ujęciu postnowoczesnym (kilka zagadnień szczegółowych)
Oniszczuk, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Evaluation of the present human attitude towards world and society seems to be similar to the fears caused by the destruction of earlier visions of permanent and meaningful world that have taken place during Enlightenment. The visions of real dangers are accompanied by reflections on conditions of survival. At the same time the hope put on the ideology of self-regulating neoliberal market is fading and is being treated as a sort of masquerade. New thinking, „post-postmodern”, takes on the question how it should be so the World is preserved. And so emerges the awareness of the necessity of projects which will propose a future more stable compared to the postmodern model of maximum, cheap, accidental and current consumption, bureaucratic practice of neo-competition and a postpolitcs of small contemporary reactions manipulated by media hype. Post-postmodernity emerges today as minimalistic idea about fixing the most important faults of today according to the convention and ethics navigating according to the reason that is rooted in science.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 1; 11-41
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od funkcjonalnego mieszkania ku zrównoważonej przestrzeni zamieszkiwania – rola infrastruktury osadniczej
Cesarski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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This study is focused on the importance of housing and other settlement infrastructure for the sustainable development of the inhabited areas and the whole living space on the Earth’s surface. Development of the settlement infrastructure, based in technical and constructional terms on flat, may serve well the sustainable development of these spaces. Application of the method signaled in this study for the transformation of economic activities in order to approximate them, through the concept of settlement infrastructure, to the chief social values of sustainable development of living space, including inhabited space, requires a real shift in the paradigm of economic growth to the paradigm of sustainable development
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 125-149
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój zrównoważony i jego nowe wyzwania
Jeżowski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Diverse perception of natural capital and sustainability in opposite approaches of environmental economics and ecological economics has impact on understanding and defining of sustainable development. Ecological economics approach based on strong and very strong sustainability is too ambitious for contemporary generation, although environmental economics approach based on weak sustainability is more realistic, but insufficient. Weaknesses of mainstream economics gave heterodoxy broad field for redefinition of sustainable development and for new synthesis for this socio-economic category. Demographic changes, duplication of Western consumption patterns in emerging economies and intensive pressure of global production and consumption on environment are the reasons why new agreements at international level on climate, energy, food security, access to clean water and protection other natural resources are needed. Effective coordination of actions and application of good governance standards taking into account such matters as human existential problems and needs, equity, access to information, social participation as well as indicators for sustainable development and green economy are also necessary,
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 99-124
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozoficzno-historyczne zaplecze etyki biznesu
Więckowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The text describes different philosophical concepts and historically important cultural phenomena that should be considered while rethinking ethical side of business. Broad range of both philosophical (such as the search for the foundations of morality, social contract) and social subjects (such as history of centralized state, individualism) is presented to help the reflections. The background for analysis is the history of culture, especially of primary collective society; contrasted with it is individualism of classical Athens with corresponding reaction of philosophers; development of state and Christianity in Roman Empire; organismic medieval state; Renaissance, reformation and the birth of capitalism; the Enlightenment breakthrough and English capitalism; liberalism and Darwinism of the 19th century; the catastrophe of European culture and success of America of the 20th century.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 151-179
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Narodowy system innowacyjności jako filar gospodarki opartej na wiedzy
Zorska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Growth of the knowledge-based economy has been influenced by economic and technological processes in the contemporary world, particularly globalization and information revolution. Research and development activities, knowledge, new technologies and innovations have assumed a crucial significance at all levels of economic activity and for that reason are supported by government policies. According to a World Bank concept growth of the knowledge-based economy can be stimulated by four groups of determinants – or so-called pillars – including: economic and institutional system of a given country, education and training, information infrastructure and national innovation system. Activity of the innovation system promotes creation and diffusion of new knowledge and its application as innovations by national enterprises in co-operation with universities, research centers and public institutions. The activities of all entities can be stimulated by government innovation policies. The problems of national innovativeness are discussed from theoretical and empirical viewpoints, focusing on experience of Finland which is one of the leading countries in world’s rankings of knowledge economy and national innovation systems. The final conclusion underlines the fact that cross-border linkages of innovation systems within enterprises and countries can generate some threats to a national economy during global economic crisis. 
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 27-56
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Innowacyjność gospodarki w wymiarze współczesnym i w ujęciu historycznym
Drabińska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The paper presents theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge and high technology-based economy. Those aspects relate to economy of innovation, theory of technological gaps, dilemmas of macroeconomic policy based on convergence and absorption processes as well as empirical analysis of those problems. Innovation potential of Poland in international context, the problems of absorption and financial and technological gaps are discussed, quoting the data from the 2010 report on innovativeness of Polish economy. Barriers to innovation for Polish enterprises and the importance of Warsaw in creating the knowledge sector of Polish economy in the context of other Central and Eastern European capitals are also analyzed.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 9-25
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determinanty zmian deficytu budżetu państwa i długu publicznego w krajach Unii Europejskiej w 2010 roku
Malinowski, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article contains an analysis of the budget deficit variability and public debt variation in the EU in 2010. Comparing the scale and economic determinants of changes in the state budget deficit and public debt in 2010 in the Central and Eastern European EU member states and in other EU countries we reach the following conclusions: 1) The average scale of the improvement of the economic result of the state budget as % of GDP was higher in the Central and Eastern Europe countries comparing to other EU member states. In the first group of countries, economic results improved on average by 1.1 percentage points, and in the other by 0.75 percentage points. 2) In most Central and Eastern European countries, as well as in most other EU countries the decline in budgetary expenditure, expressed in% of GDP was the only or major determinant of the reduction of the economic deficit of the state budget as % of GDP. Reduction of public spending in GDP was in turn the result of reducing the fiscal growth of nominal spending. In the Central and Eastern European countries in 2010, the nominal budget spending, decreased on average by 0.4%, while in 2009 increased on average by 16.1%. 3) In the rest of the EU average increase in public debt as % of GDP was higher than the average increase in public debt in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. For the rest of the EU member states, public debt at the end of 2010 as % of GDP was by 4.65 percentage points higher than at the end of 2009, and for the Central and Eastern European countries by 4.14 percentage points higher. At the end of 2010 Central and Eastern European countries had significantly lower average level of public debt as % of GDP in comparison with other EU members states (38.9% of GDP and 74.8% of GDP). In most other EU countries there is virtually no limit for increasing the public debt, therefore there is no limit for a high budget deficit. Among Central and Eastern European EU member states only Hungary are in similar situation while Poland is close by. Therefore, most other EU countries and some countries of Central and Eastern Europe must immediately substantially reduce the scale of the economic deficit of the state budget. Countries where public debt is relatively low should not delay further restrictions of the state budget deficit as later on they will have to make this reduction under pressure of time. Above else, high economic deficit negatively impacts the economy, including economic growth. If EU member states fail to implement quickly the low economic state budget defi cit policy, they will plunge into economic recession that will last for many years.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 77-97
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja modeli lobbingu – wpływ gospodarki opartej na informacjach i wiedzy
Molęda-Zdziech, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The text analyzes institutionalization of lobbying and its ties with democracy, and compares models of lobbying (pluralistic – model typical for the USA, UK, neo-corporativistic – model typical for Western Europe and Poland and the EU model). Then, lobbying is showed in the context of changes caused by the development of knowledge and information-based economy, particularly wikinomy – economy based on cooperation. The development of new technologies and the rules of global cooperation, which are the key elements of this economy, influence the creation of new lobbying strategies. This is the cause of evolution of contemporary models of lobbying in the direction of grassroots lobbying which can take different forms: from mass protests to network and internet actions. This is now called cyberlobbying and can be applied to different forms of lobbying: political, economic and social.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 2; 57-76
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie sektora bankowego w finansowaniu polskiego zadłużenia publicznego wobec zmian na europejskich rynkach finansowych
Waszkiewicz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The aim of this article is to present the problem of rising amount of public debt, which forces general governments to issue treasury bills and bonds on debt market in order to cover huge expenditures. This process enables balancing budget, however, it requires a wide base of investors (banks, non-banking institution and individuals) willing to create demand for public papers. Actions of debt investors are correlated with business cycle what was clearly shown by the last crisis. For this reason, it seems vital to determine present (2006–2010) and future volume of banks’ demand, especially in the aftermath of implementing new regulations (Basel III). First part of this work described correlation between economic cycle and investors’ interest in debt service market in the context of Ministry of Finance recommendations. Second part presents mechanisms used to estimate and control risks on European financial markets. What is additionally interesting and complicated is the fact that some of new regulations can have effect on behavior of banks on debt market and their interest in public papers.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2012, 4; 235-251
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jednolitość prawa Unii Europejskiej a jego wielojęzyczność. Przypadek języka hiszpańskiego
Zerka, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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All versions of EU legal documents in all official EU languages are considered identical and authentic. From the theoretical point of view this may lead to interpretational arguments as each language has different grammar, word order, pragmatic and vocabulary. Potentially the greatest problems when comparing a document in two different languages may be caused by modal verbs (as have to, want, must etc.) which in different languages have different, overlapping meanings. However, as the analysis of English and Spanish versions of the services directive of the EU proves, the translation practice of EU aims at eliminating potential discrepancies in interpretation. The increase in regularity in different linguistic versions of the same EU documents is helped by three factors. First, legal parlance is much more systematic and meanings are more standardized than in common language. Second, most European legal systems share common legal tradition. Third, EU managed to create a sort of „new speak” based on many neologisms characteristic of EU institutions which are introduced at the same time into legal systems of all member-states. On the margin of the technical question, how to deal with potential discrepancies between different linguistic versions of EU law, there is also a political question: should we really consider all versions as equally identical? The papers tries to answer that question on a case study of Spanish as one of national languages of EU.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2; 59-76
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unia Europejska jako podmiot w procesie instytucjonalizacji stosunków międzynarodowych
Stryjek, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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European Union is principal example of the so-called fourth current of institutionalization of international relations. What makes it special in the context of other state-like communities is the level of integration and what follows the level of institutionalization of intra-communal relations. There are two levels of institutionalization of intentional relations in integration organizations. On the first level international relations are institutionalized within the community of states. The second level concentrates on institutionalization of relations between the community and other subjects of international relations. The European Union is an example of organization that is advanced on both levels of institutionalization. This paper analyzes institutionalization of international relations between EU and developed states (Australia and New Zealand) and Mercosur – another integrational organization. Recommencement of negotiation between EU and Mercosur on a treaty of association, as well as commencement of negotiations between EU and Australia on the conditions of a Framework Agreement, have taken place at the moment when it was certain that world economy has to cope with the effects of a serious recession. Those actions, although they may seem irrational, are thoroughly rational as they increase the chances of reaching a compromise. Crisis helps to concentrate on the core problems and states (or organizations of states) are more willing in that distinctions to reach an agreement, provided that the balance tilts in their favor (even if the results of negotiations are very diff erent from what was assumed at the beginning).
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2; 31-57
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Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość europejska jako problem historii i współczesności
Siewierski, Jacenty
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Christianity, filtered through the heritage of Enlightenment, is a founding stone of European identity. Western Christianity is of particular importance here, as only in the region it dominated we can speak of Enlightenment and periods that precede it, that is Renaissance and Reformation. European Union is primarily constituted by countries that are culturally related to Western (Latin) Christianity. Enlightenment (secular rationalism) as such was not sufficient for creation of European identity. The paper describes the evolution of European identity closely linked with Christianity, that was later on left for rationalism and national identities. I try to prove that the identity of Europeans is historically closely linked to the diversity of nations that constitute Europe and that a national identity serves to underline European Community rather than deny it. Existing European identity has its roots in common history, contrary to popular believes that Europeans identify only with their nations. The paper also explains why new European identity needs to be constructed in relation to common European past and not in relation to the future of Europe.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miejsce ChRL w międzynarodowej polityce energetycznej
Kozłowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Rapid growth of China’s demand for fuels, especially oil, caused by dynamic  economic growth of the PRC, is one of the sources of fundamental changes in  international energy policy and in international relations as such. The rate of  growth of China’s demand for fuels combined with similar trends in other developing  countries will influence the level of global prices of these fuels. It can also  become the source of political crisis’ in international race to secure access to them.  A question arises: what are the possible consequences of Chinese energy policy  for international environment, particularly in the oil sector? Analysis of China’s  energy profi le and the directions of expansion caused by it, leads to a conclusion  that PRC does not express tendencies to participate in conflicts. The possibilities of  conflicts are more likely to arise due to actions of China’s potential enemies among  developed countries that may perceive the growth of PRC international standing as  a danger to their own position or to position of other developing states whose  demand for fuels increases as fast as China’s.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2; 165-180
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytucjonalizacja zewnętrzna Unii Europejskiej na przykładzie Afryki Subsaharyjskiej
Zajaczkowski, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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Institutionalization of relations with Sub-Saharan Africa states is one of  approaches used to include those states in main currents of world economy.  The African states will benefit because new markets for their exports will open  which will increase the speed of reform of their political systems and economies.  EU will benefi t because better overall situation of the African states will help in  development of stable multilateral relations. In this paper I analyze the EU –  Sub-Saharan states relations as an example of institutionalization understood as  development of legal and institutional solutions that shape international relations.  In this context institutionalization is an instrument that enhances systematic  change which in turn leads to transformation of particular states and regions.  In the paper I try to answer the question: is the declared level of integration of  different instruments of EU foreign policy identical with the reality vis-a-vis the  states of Africa.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2; 131-163
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan umów Unii Europejskiej z otoczeniem międzynarodowym (przykład WNP, państw Afryki i Azji)
Żukrowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The paper analyzes solutions used in the process of institutionalization of relations between UE, CIS member states and the states of Asia and Africa. It also analyzes influence of institutionalization of economic cooperation, particularly export and import, on the position of states involved. Different solutions, such as GSTP for least developed countries, are used. Attention is drawn to the asymmetry in trade relations with the less developed countries, which are given preferential access to EU markets. Those solutions are additionally strengthened by financial instruments. It seems that the results of these actions are positive: GNP increase of African states is higher than the GNP increase of EU-27, especially after 2009. The importance of European Commission and EBC is underlined as an important factor that stimulates growth in those countries. Similar cooperation but on different level is also observed in regard to other continents. The cooperation between Asia, Africa and CIS countries is not limited to transfer of funds. It also includes internationalization of contacts and liberalization of trade, services and capital flow as well as cooperation in research and support of economic transformation. The solutions applied are different for each country, however they are based on the same principles.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 2; 77-107
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kodeks Hammurabiego widziany oczami ekonomisty
Sztaba, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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What comes to mind when thinking about the Code of Hammurabi is the famous phrase: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. It is an example of cruel punishment. However the Code, a collection of royal sentences which dates back to 19th century B.C., contains surprisingly modern regulations. First of all, the law was accessible to all. The Code had been inscribed in stone columns which were placed in temples. Modern courts of law try to block the publication of their sentences. This problem is solved with different efficiency depending of the country. Second, Hammurabi wanted his law to be permanent. He cursed his successors who would like to change his Code. In present day Poland the VAT law had been changed over 40 times in 2011 and 2012 alone. Third, the sentences in the Code were straightforward. This made faith in authorities and trust between people possible. Today, if one kills a man, one can e sentenced to life imprisonment or to probation. That situation destroys faith in justice. Fourth, the foundations of Hammurabi’s law were values. He wanted to protect the vulnerable and to get rid of the bad. Present day law is not aimed at preserving values. It is just a law. Th is short review of Hammurabi’s achievement from the perspective of modern law makes one miss the 4000 years old law.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 97-117
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przystąpienie Unii Europejskiej do Europejskiej Konwencji o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności
Gajda, Anastazja
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The aim of this text is to analyze the regulations adopted in the Lisbon Treaty regarding the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. The Treaty made the accession obligatory. Shortly after the Treaty was ratified the EU opened the negotiations with the Council of Europe on accession treaty. The project of accession treaty was drafted in July 2011 and was the starting point for next round of negotiations. This text lists the legal basis for the EU accession to the Convention. Detailed problems were presented in the formal aspect (form, scope and procedure of accession), institutional aspect (the question of EU representation in the Convention bodies) and material aspect (the question of EU liabilities resulting from the Convention in the context of its work).
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 11-35
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bohater reklamowy, czyli jak budować wiarygodność w reklamie
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
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The article is the result of the review of the literature concerning advertising, persuasion, social influence, etc. A hero is someone reliable that can be trusted and/or who has knowledge on the subject. In conclusion the text presents methods in which that kind of character is used in advertisements. An average consumer who knows the product from his personal experience is more oft en a main character of an ad than a professional who is highly knowledgeable because of his training and work. Ads usually present an emotional woman as an average consumer and rational man as an expert with knowledge and experience backed with affiliation with scientific institutions and association.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2013, 1; 119-137
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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